Dissonance – what is it? The theory of cognitive dissonance, as well as the manifestation of dissonance in music and emotions. Russian language and literature Dissonance in literature

- (new lat. dissonantia, in particular dis, i sonare sound). The sound is inharmonious and unacceptable to the ear. Dictionary of foreign words that have reached the Russian language warehouse. Chudinov A.M., 1910. DISSONANCE [fr. dissonance Dictionary of foreign words of Russian language

dissonance- a, m. dissonance f. 1. Music has a loss of harmony, sweetness, and the simultaneous sounding of two or more dissonant tones (anti-consonance). BAS 2. Dissonance, unacceptable for the ear, which is perceived in the relationship between numbers. Historical Dictionary of Russian Galicisms

Dissonance- Div. Rhyme. Literary encyclopedia. about 11 t.; M: publication of the Communist Academy, Radyansk Encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V. M. Friche, A. V. Lunacharsky. 1929 1939 … Literary encyclopedia

dissonance- Div... Glossary of synonyms

DISSONANCE- (French dissonance in Latvian dissono I sound discordantly), 1) in music there is a continuous, intense sound of different tones at the same time. Dissonance is opposite to consonance. Dissonance is brought about by great and small seconds and sevenths, increases and changes... Great Encyclopedic Dictionary

DISSONANCE- DISSONANCE, dissonance, man. (Lat. dissonantia dissonance). 1. Inharmonious combination of musical sounds (music). 2. switch The phenomenon that causes discord in this world sharply differs from everything else that is incompatible with the order (book). Yogo... Tlumachny Dictionary of Ushakov

DISSONANCE- DISSONANCE, ah, man. 1. Inharmonious combination of musical sounds, indistinct sounding of tones; prototype consonance (special). D. u hori. 2. switch Those who cause discord enter into supernaturalness; inconvenience, inconvenience. Enter d. in... Tlumachny Dictionary of Ozhegov

DISSONANCE- Chol., French. the sadness of the muses. sounds; discord, discord, discord, discord, misfortune, discord, war, prototype. spivvvuchchaya, year, year. Dahl's Tlumachny Dictionary. V.I. Dahl. 1863 1866 … Dahl's Tlumachny Dictionary

DISSONANCE- (Lat. Dissonus discordant, discordant) dissonance, discord, discord. Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. 2010… Philosophical Encyclopedia

Dissonance- the combination of two or more sounds, which is not satisfying, feels unmusical, due to the fact that their vibrations and oscillations are rarely avoided. D. promotes the transition of so-called permission into consonance. When double-voiced.

Dissonance- (Physical explanation). D.’s explanation, following Helmholtz, comes down to the appearance of sound tremors or beats (battements, Stosse, Schwebungen), which echo the simultaneous sounds of two tones, which differ little from each other in pitch. What is the value of sound... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron


  • Dissonance, Artem Trakhanov, Oleksiy Zamsky, Uryuryuk. In distant alternative worlds, there are unexpected and barbarous stories: people are trying to conquer the Moon, a wicked witch is stealing golden hedgehogs, and funny children are fighting for a cup of tea. Before…

Hello, fellow readers of the blog site. The word “dissonance” is often used in everyday life.

This can also be learned from students of music, literature, science and psychology.

What does this term mean and why is it so popular among people of various professions?

Dissonance is the essence of harmony

The French word dissonance resembles the Latin dissonantia and literally means insomnia, sadness, the essence of harmony

In current Russian language, “dissonance” is experienced in two meanings:

The underlying words are consonance, grace, spivvvvuchcha, unison.

Dissonance in music

The term “dissonance” is directly related to music.

In common sense, the word “vin” means the tension of the sound, which is created as a result of the combination of two or more sounds.

Everyone who has mastered musical literacy is well aware of the intervals that are dissonant - seconds, tritons and sevenths. Their sounds cannot be heard one by one and are heard by the ear, screaming inappropriately.

The creation of dissonance among the musicians is not ambiguous. Lots of composers navmisne vikoristovuyut in their creations there is an inconvenient combination of sounds as a method of imparting a special poignancy to their creations.

Almost a chord that can be dissonant is possible in many musical compositions. The artists of the era of modernism and modern rock groups are especially rich in them. Among the famous composers who emphasized the principle of dissonance are Prokofiev, Stravinsky, Wagner.

In literature, dissonance is not precise, in which the post-percussive voices are avoided and the percussion is not avoided.

The dissonance of Rome is evident in ancient Russian poetry (“The Lay of Igor’s Campaign”) and folk songs. Volodymyr’s creativity has created a song of its own Mayakovsky, Igor Severyanin, Oleksandr Blok

This form of improvement has not gained great popularity and in modern times it is rarely used. The butt of a dissonant rimi: mushroom-hornbeam-truna-rude (V. Mayakovsky “Garne put to the horses”).

Dissonance in architecture, painting, design

In the creative mystique and architecture, dissonance is the inconvenience of the elements of artistic composition behind color, size, scale, shape.

The authors use this technique consciously, in order to strengthen hostility in the eyes of the recipient and to emphasize respect in detail. The principle of dissonance was even more popular in Baroque architecture. Nowadays, it has also not lost its relevance, although at times it manages ambiguously.

In painting, the principle of inconvenience has come into its own. It seems that Vincent Van Gogh loved to put tragic elements in his paintings. color dissonance. Let’s paint the canvas “Night Cafe” with the example of this approach.

In creating this masterpiece, the artist uses sharpened, uncanny contours, short perspective lines, intense contrasting colors, and darkened shadows. All this is directed towards those in order to evoke anxiety, tension, self-importance from the viewer.

Dissonance is even more popular among modern people designers and fashion designers.

In their decors and couture selections there is a stench of vicory lamans, torn shapes, materials that cannot be eaten. In recent years, this stylistic device is especially in demand.

Dissonance in psychology

Mental discomfort, screaming from super-sensitive people, having lost the name from psychology. In a situation that does not require an immediate solution, it is possible to reach the current level and becomes the cause of discord between people.

Dissonance can appear between children and fathers, between men and women, between individuals and society. Particular sadness arises in fits when people are in Volodya, and his light gaze is superb to the segal looks.

Such an individual (?) creates disharmony in everyday situations, swells the knowledge of others with an insignificant manner of behavior, loud statements, atypical reactions to those that occur.

Skin episodes of psychological dissonance require a respectful approach. With timely permission, it allows you to save the containers and use them for a new and growing purpose.

Brief summary

In French, the word dissonance can be used in different contexts, but may also mean discord and disharmony.

The principle of dissonance allows you to achieve a special sense of humor, to emphasize respect on the most important moments, to marvel at the immediate glance at speeches and events that have already become significant.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog site

You may be in trouble

Cognitive dissonance and how to explain it in simple words A pattern is a repeating pattern that can appear in various spheres of life What does this mean and what does it mean in youth slang Assimilation means replacing one thing with another What kind of interpretation and what kind of speech can be interpreted Aliteration is the art of repetition of sounds Asonance - the number of voices What is mainstream in simple words Epiphora - this is repeated with a special place Gradation in literature and other areas - what is it in practice Authentic - something that means authenticity What do you mean?


dison A ns

1) Disruption of harmony, sweetness, simultaneous sounding of two or more dissonant tones (in music) (anti-consonance).

2) transfer Those who don’t agree, speak loudly, cause discord, destroying harmony.

Efremova. Tlumachny dictionary of Efremova. 2012

Marvel at the darkness, synonyms, meanings of words and what is DISSONANCE in the Russian language in dictionaries, encyclopedias and guides:

  • DISSONANCE in the Dictionary of Musical Terms:
    (French dissonance, from Latvian dissono - I sound discordantly) - a sound that screams out a feeling of inconvenience and increased frustration...
  • DISSONANCE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    - a feeling of dissatisfaction, a disappointed buyer in the product, dissatisfaction with its active ingredients, because the stench does not agree with our customers...
  • DISSONANCE from the Literary Encyclopedia:
  • DISSONANCE from the Great Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (French dissonance in Latvian dissono - sound discordant), 1) the music has a continuous, intense, simultaneous sound of different tones. Dissonance is opposite to consonance. ...
  • DISSONANCE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Dissonance (physical explanation). - Explanation D., after Helmholtz, is reduced to the appearance of sound three-tones or beats (battements, Stosse, Schwebungen), which echo the one-hour soundings of two ...
    [French dissonance, in Latin dissonans disagreement, discordant] 1) disruption of the sound of two or more dissonant tones; 2) daily activity...
  • DISSONANCE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a, m. 1. pl. no, music Adding sounds that scream in case of inconvenience; those with diaphonia; prototype consonance.||Wed. DISHARMONY, CACOPHONY…
  • DISSONANCE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -A, m. 1. Inharmonious combination of musical sounds, indistinguishable sounding of tones; prototype consonance (special). D. u hori. 2. switch Those who...
  • DISSONANCE from the Great Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    DISSONANCE (French dissonance, from Lat. dissono - I sound discordantly), in music it is continuous, tense at the same time. sound different tones. D. protilage...
  • DISSONANCE in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? The combination of two or more sounds does not satisfy, does not calm the musical sense, due to the fact that their vibrations and oscillations are rare...
  • DISSONANCE in the Newly Accentuated Paradigm like Zaliznyak:
    Dison"ns, Dison"ns, Dison"ns, Dison"nsiv, Dison"ns, Dison"ns, Dison"ns, Dison"ns, Dison"nsom, Dison"nsami, Dison"nse, ...
  • DISSONANCE in the Popular Tlumach-Encyclopedic Dictionary of Russian:
    -a, M. 1) special. The addition of sounds that scream out of discomfort, loss of sweetness. We loved this dissonance, this rhubarb, this ringing, this...
  • DISSONANCE In the Dictionary for guessing and folding scanwords:
    Inaccuracy, less often...
  • DISSONANCE in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    (fr dissonance lat. disso-nans to sound silently) 1) music. the addition of sounds that scream as a result of inconvenience (or lack of comfort); prototype consonance; 2) ...
  • DISSONANCE from the Dictionary of Foreign Viruses:
    [fr dissonance 1. music. the addition of sounds that scream as a result of inconvenience (or lack of comfort); prototype consonance; 2. the presence of harmony in someone; uncertainty, ...
  • DISSONANCE in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
  • DISSONANCE from the dictionary of Russian synonyms:
    diaphony, cacophony, dissonance, dissonance, inconvenience, dissonance, inconsistency, discord, …
  • DISSONANCE in the New Tlumach-word-verbal dictionary of Efremova:
    m. 1) Disruption of harmony, sweetness, simultaneous sounding of two or more dissonant tones (in music) (prototype: Consonance). 2) transfer Those who...
  • DISSONANCE from Lopatin's Dictionary of Russian Language:
    dissonance, ...
  • DISSONANCE from the Complete Russian Spelling Dictionary:
  • DISSONANCE in the Spelling Dictionary:
    dissonance, ...
  • DISSONANCE in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of Russian:
    Spec non-harmonious combination of musical sounds, indistinguishable sound of tones from the consonance of D. in the choir. the dissonance that causes discord enters into the conversation.
  • DISSONANCE in Dahl's Dictionary:
    man. , French the sadness of the muses. sounds; discord, discord, discord, discord, misfortune, discord, war, prototype. spivzvuchcha, zgoda, ...
  • DISSONANCE in the Suchasny Tlumach Dictionary, Wikipedia:
    (French dissonance, Latvian dissono - I sound discordantly), 1) the music has a continuous, intense, simultaneous sound of different tones. Dissonance is opposite to consonance. ...

DISSON'ANS, dissonance, man. (In Lat. dissonantia - different voices). 1. Inharmonious combination of musical sounds (music). 2. switch The phenomenon that causes discord among us sharply contrasts with everything else that is supernatural to the order (book). Tlumachny Dictionary of Ushakov

  • dissonance – DISSONANCE, a, m. 1. Inharmonious unification of musical sounds, inseparable sounding of tones; prototype consonance (special). D. u hori. 2. switch Those who cause discord enter into super-eternity from sth.; inconvenience, inconvenience. Enter bud. at zagalnu rozmova. | add. dissonant, a, oe (up to 1 value). Tlumachny Dictionary of Ozhegov
  • Dissonance - The combination of two or more sounds does not satisfy or calm the musical sense, due to the fact that their vibrations or oscillations rarely come together. D. promotes the transition of the so-called permission to consonance. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  • dissonance - DISSONANCE; m. [French] dissonance] 1. Music. Inharmonious combination of sounds (anti-consonance). Orchestral Bud. Vloviti bud. at the sound of violins. 2. Those that resemble something, destroy harmony; discord, inconvenience. Tlumachny Dictionary of Kuznetsov
  • dissonance – -a, m. 1. music. Inharmonious combination of sounds; prototype consonance. 2. switch Discord, inconvenience, super-eternity from smth.; those who cause discord strongly do not agree with smb. Maliy academic dictionary
  • dissonance - days, number of synonyms: 15 diaphony 1 disharmony 18 cacophony 6 cat concert 9 dissonance 10 dissonance 6 inconvenience 26 dissonance 4 dissonance 35 days there is content 18 rubbing 39 disorder 2 Glossary of synonyms of Russian language
  • dissonance - dissonance I m. Disruption of harmony, sweetness, increase in sounds that scream discomfort; Diaphonia. || prototype consonance II m. The importance of harmony in the feeling, the uncertainty of the feeling; discord III... Tlumachny Dictionary of Efremova
  • Dissonance - I Dissonance (French dissonance, in Latvian dissono - I sound discordantly) in the virshuvanna, a type of Roman hymn, in which the voices are not avoided, for example: to the word - left - glory. Sound repeat... Great Radyanska Encyclopedia
  • dissonance - Dissonance, m. [Latin. dissonantia – dissonance]. 1. Inharmonious combination of musical sounds (music). 2. switch The phenomenon that causes discord in the scho-n. sharply differs from something else that is supernatural to the order (book). The Great Dictionary of Foreign Words
  • DISSONANCE - DISSONANCE (French dissonance, from Lat. dissono - I sound discordantly) - 1) in music, the continuous, intense sound of different tones is intense. Dissonance is opposite to consonance. Great encyclopedic dictionary
  • dissonance - Dissonance, dissonance, dissonance, dissonance, dissonance, dissonance, dissonance, dissonance, dissonance, dissonance, dissonance, dissonance Zaliznyak's grammatical dictionary
  • dissonance - DISSONANCE m. French. the lack of musicality. sounds; discord, discord, disunity, discord, misfortune, discord, vorozhnecha, antipol. spivvvuchchaya, year, year. Dahl's Tlumachny Dictionary
  • Dissonance on the basis of asonance is known in dictionaries under the same meanings. This term serves to name such a term in which the diversity of stressed voices is embellished by the consonance of the adverbial sounds, instead of the assonant voice, where the sound is based primarily on the escape of the stressed voices.

    Mayakovsky rimuvav “word-left-handed-glory”; “dula-dola-right”, which sounds like the pre-chewing and post-percussion sounds that are tamedly sung in the 20th century. The ancient Russian and folk poetry of the past did not have such strong respect, such as “komoni-osidlani” (in “The Tale of the Campaign of Igors”) or “little-nice” (in the folk song), they did not spend any nitrox on their belongings:

    Young girl, young girl,
    The head, the head is broken!
    Ruinivnytsia - a wear,
    Unravel the braid - svashenka,
    Spend some beauty - friend.

    In the folk poetry of Rome, it is based on dissonance, and is therefore woven into a series of assonances, aliteration and various combinations of consonant sounds, on which it appears and becomes plastically convex. This type of person is equal to anyone else. Rhyme is required! Only in order to eliminate the terminological confusion, called not dissonance, but dissonant rhyme, depriving the term “dissonance” of the sound little thing, woven from different-sounding percussive voices.
    The Russian language has six voices: a, o, i, y, y, e, and so on - a hundred thousand. The voices of the connected text call to unite one by one, swearing. If at the top of all the accents one voice dominates, they are seen to the ear as a stylistic effect of sound diversity, as asonance:

    Grass spreads across the meadows.
    What grass, what goosebumps!

    If the voices are not repeated at the top or parallel parts of the completed text, we have dissonance - one of the ways that enhance the expressiveness of emotional promotion:

    Persha kishenya - with peas,
    Another kishenya - from rodzinki,
    The third kishenya is made with beans.

    This lesson is clearly divided into parallel parts. Looking at the sound repetitions of one of them (kishenya, kishenya, kishenya) - another part is perceived as dissonance (with peas, rodzinki, beans).
    Just as consonance attracts and weaves together verbal images, then dissonance, however, strengthens them, reinforces the gradation:

    Give me a drink
    Russian Tsar,
    Drink me three drinks:
    Pershe pilo - lead bag,
    For another - a saber of horror,
    Third - until long.

    The folk song “Pop of Emelya” has different sleighs with different characters and different percussive voices:

    On the first sleigh otamani themselves,
    In other sleighs they osavuli themselves,
    And in the fourth sleigh the robbers themselves,
    And in the fifth sleigh the Shahra themselves,
    And in six sleighs that Grishka and Marinka,
    And in the seven sleighs there is Emelya himself.

    Here the percussive voices become the calling cards of the characters. It seems that Emelya’s butt didn’t hurt. Well, you might think so at first glance. The name of the main character has a subtle touch on his spiritual light, although it is already clear that Emel’s father is not an otaman, not an assailant, but a robber and a shakhrai. The remaining sound link is vinik as a viraz of semantic links. The similarity between the robbers and the shahrays is reinforced by a sound analogy, which has become noticeable due to the dissonance in the parallel places to the text. In our own way, the dissonance itself, having appeared on the floor, will virulently dissipate the sound repetitions for a long time. This kind of sound is already familiar to folklore. It’s not for nothing that the author’s verses are different, but dissonance is interspersed in the parallel parts of the text, like folk poetics. Thematically, a similar dissonance can be heard in the first stanza of Marina Tsvetaeva’s poem:

    Vibatch me, my grief!
    Vibatch me, my rivers!
    Vibatch me, my fields!
    Vibatch me, my herbs!
    Mati is a cross for a soldier,
    Mother said goodbye to her son forever.
    I remember this hunched house again:
    “Vibach me, my rivers!”

    The Versh Vel sounds like a wide, wide song. Khlebnikova:

    When horses die, they die,
    When the grasses die, they dry up,
    When the sun dies, the stench goes away.
    When people die, they sing songs.

    I. Annensky masterfully reaches the intonation of a childish, naive hoarding at the top of “Dry Oseledets”:

    Why did you empty the white wall - empty, empty, empty?
    Why didn’t they go white - high, high, high?
    Lying there close to the sedge - dry, dry, dry...
    Come here, master, and your hands are brudni, brudni, brudni.
    He brought his hammer and like an awl, like an awl, like an awl...

    There is a dissonance in the top row to serve as a strengthened grammatically homogeneous understand:

    I am yours - I have exchanged the vicious trust of Circe,
    Luxurious banquets, fun, treats...

    Pushkin’s other verse has a different look: “Immodest banquets, turbots, favors.” It seems that assonance is to blame for the “troubles”: that the drums “pro” behind the sound inertia cried out to the heels. It’s clear that “turbo” was replaced by “fun” not for the sound, but for the sense. Ale yak pіdumku garna zustrich assonance with dissonance!

    Pushkin’s second verse (“Yur’evu”) begins and ends with dissonance:

    Hello, dashing people
    Kohannya, free that wine!
    Hello, youth and happiness,
    A glass cup and a brothel.

    Dissonance will increase the severity of the repetition of similar people to understand that in an emotional way. Bunin Versh begins with strong praise:

    And flowers, and jmeli, and grass, and ears,
    It’s dark and it’s midday.

    In the stanza, the dissonance is seen with particular clarity, as it is framed by the consonances of judicial leaders, such as, for example, in Tyutchev:

    Oh, how poignant and wild,
    How hateful they are to me
    This noise, rumbling, screaming, screaming
    Young half-blushing day.

    How harmoniously Tyutchev paints the discord of his poetic spirit about those who value self-destruction! So, in contrast to the rather incongruous phenomenon associated with the word “dissonance”, it is also responsible for the virtuosity of poetic language.

    Other terms on the site

    Vers libre is any text that is completely similar to the poem. Nowadays, we know that the meaning of free verse is not the same, but we are more precise. The most precise (true, extremely long) meaning of free verse can be deprived of the reinterpretation of all authorities in the vertex under the minus sign. Through this, bring the free verse to the top of the milk.

    Metaphor l in a wide sense - whether the word is expressed, live in a figurative meaning: a year to run, an hour to fly, a test of conscience or their awakening, etc. , of course, in a system of poetic texts, other semantic shades arise.