Attack the brain of the people

Brain, sagittal growth.
1 - callous tilo (corpus callosum); 2 - star (fornix); 3 - thalamus (thalamus); 4 - dah middle moss (tectum mesencephali); 5 - water supply to the middle brain (aque-ductus mesencephali); 6 - small brain (pedunculus cerebri); 7- IV duck (ventriculus quartus); 8 - міст (pons); 9 - cerebellum; 10 - dovgastia moss (medulla oblongata); 11 - nipple-like tilo (corpus mamillare); 12 - hypophysis; 13 - chiasma opticum. Pivkulya great mozka: a - tim'yana part (lobus parietalis); 6 - lobus occipitalis; c - skroneva part (lobus temporalis); d - lobova part (lobus frontalis).

There are 3,4,5,6,8,10,11,12 connections from the periphery behind the cranial nerve support, similar to the segmental apparatus of the spinal cord itself, and to be united under the name of the cerebral stovbur.
On the whole protrusion of the cerebral stovbur, the retrofitting of the specific neurons formations... The stench may be a little reddened dendrites and strong reddened in the small axon strands. Reticular formation of a healthy functional level of activity of measles cells in the brain.

Pivkulya great brain, liva, Upper-lateral to the surface.
I - lobova part (lobus frontalis); II - tim'yana part (lobus parietalis); III - part of the pot (lobus occipitalis); IV - skroneva part (lobus temporalis); 1 - upper frontal zivin (gyrus frontalis superior); 2 - middle lobov zvivin (gyrus frontalis medius); 3 - lower forehead zivin (gyrus frontalis inferior); 4 - precentral zivina (gyrus precentralis); 5 - central boron (sulcus centralis); 6 - postcentral zivina (gyrus postcentralis); 7 - supra-marginal zvivina (gyrus supramarginalis); 8 - upper tim'yan part (lobulus parietalis superior); 9 - kutova zvivina (gyrus angularis); 10 - lower skronev zvivin (gyrus temporalis inferior); 11-middle skronev zvivin (gyrus temporalis medius); 12 - upper skronev zvivin (gyrus temporalis superior); 13 - lateral beard (sulcus lateralis).

At the rear ends of the middle frontal area, the center of the leaf (the rosy analyzer of the writing move) and the center of the single turn of the head and eyes in one direction.
The motor center of the movi is localized at the rear sides of the lower frontal area "Broca's Zone"). Tsei center, yak and іnshі movnі centri (hearsay analyzer of usny movlennya and іn.), Mayuchi double-sided bookmarking in embryogenesis, it grows only from one side: right-handed people are evil, and left-handed people are on the right.

At the back of the upper skinny zvivina (right-handed people are livoruchs) there is a movi auditory analyzer (the sensory center of movi, "Vernike Zone"). In the middle of the upper skin, the nucleus of the auditory analyzer is rosted on the surface, beastly to the point.

(For: Lipchenko V.Ya., Samusev R.P.