Infections are transmitted by article path: їх views and methods of treatment

See articles of infection

There are 20 main types of articles of infectious diseases, and all the stench is a risik for health. Even more often ailments do not get sick of infections, so as some ailments may cause an incubation period, before the hour any symptoms do not appear. Such a camp should be produced before the transition of the cob stage of the ailment to the chronic one.

All infections can be divided into three types, depending on the type of the child:

  • Ailments, microbial infections - syphilis, gonorrhea, soft chancre, inguinal lymphogranulomatosis.
  • Ailments, provoked by the simplest protozoan species of microorganisms, are the most widespread from such є trichomoniasis.
  • Viruses urazhennya - IL, hepatitis, herpes, cytomegalia.
Skin ailments are characterized by their own symptoms and methods of infection:

In one way, one should try to fight against the decilcom by types of pupils. Such a situation is typical for people who are not reckless in their intimate calls, who suffer from a staleness of drugs and alcohol. The prevalence of effective contraceptives and weak immunity of the infection.

In this video, the doctor-venereologist reports on the types of infections, like the stink of hostile organisms, like symptoms and how effectively they deal with them.

The first goal is the most common infections, which are provoked by small pathogenic microorganisms. In the case of the skin, it is necessary to have an individual approach to treatment and treatment, which is effective for a particular student.

cause infection

The reason for the development of infectious diseases is penetration into the organism of ailing viruses, bacteria, the most simple single-line organisms, fungi.

Main changes of mind:

  • The visibility of the winter prototypes.
  • Vypadkovі sexual intercourse with unknowable partners.
  • Lack of specialty gigin.
  • Donation and transfusion of blood in case of serious problems, operations, transplantation.
  • The duration of the hourly infection before conception and during vaginosis.
However, officials should be aware of them, as they receive information. І, first for everything, tse weakening due to external reasons immunity. Alcohol malignancy, unbalanced consumption, poor self-reliance, mineral spores and microelements, continuous stress situations, physiological reversal of the system can lead to the failure of the pathologist.

Statements of infection can lead not only to nasty self-esteem, but to grave inheritances - without a lethal result.


To establish an accurate diagnosis, laboratory analyzes and medical records are required. But be it a visit to the doctor to repair the anamnesis and take a look at the patient. The year-old style of the specimens of the testicles, but the bacterial sowing and the pre-smear smear is clearly insufficient, but you must take a valid result.

Diagnostics of the choloviks is carried out using the following methods:

  • Polymerase lantsyugovaya reaction (PLR) - a highly informative way of providing, but it is possible to identify the type of originator according to its DNA in the biomaterial with the secretion of anterior mucosa, urethra, sperm and blood. The same method allows the use of an antibiotic before the virus is given. For the patient's care, take the material from the urethral canal.
  • Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (IFA) is a method that, in addition to analyzing blood, can be used to determine antibodies to specific infectious organisms.
  • Immunofluorescence - laboratory monitoring of blood, which gives maximum information about the strength of the human body, autoimmune disorders, endocrine systems, pathologies of hematopoiesis.
For the maintenance of women, including PLR and bacteriological sowing, the following is carried out:
  • serological analysis of blood for the development of antigens;
  • histological treatment of tissue of the uterine emptying and cervical canal;
  • clinical analysis of blood for hemoglobin, the level of erythrocytes and leukocytes.
These methods are the main ones, and if necessary, it is necessary to fix the diagnostic procedures. Podlіdzhennya allow you to accept adequately, more complexly.

complex lykuvannya

The treatment of infectious diseases is individual for skin ailments and is complex. The child should be placed on the screen in a venereologic installation until the end of the day. The course is assigned to both the patient and the partner.

Therapy of state-of-the-art infections in men and women of transmission of sexual intimidation and consumption to a complex of drugs:
  • antibacterial drugs in the form of tablets and in the form of tablets;
  • analgesics and antispasmodics in case of ailing sechovipuscan, cephalic, muscular, transverse pain;
  • prototypal zasoby for the nobility of rags, teasing, hyperemia of shkiri mucous membranes;
  • if necessary - anti-fungal medication;
  • vitamins and immunomodulators for immunity training;
  • lines for the most recent consumption of ointments, creams from visipiv and virazok.
The most effective in relation to pathogenic bacteria and viruses in antibiotics groups:
  • Penicilin - Ampicilin, Amoxicilin.
  • Nitroimidazole - Trichopolum, Metronidazole.
  • Aminoglikozidiv - Neomycin, Spectinomycin.
  • Macrolidiv - Clarithromicin, erithromicin.
  • Fluorohinoloniv - ofloxacin.
  • Tetracycline - Doxycycline, Tetracycline.
Likas are selected personally, some may be subject to an allergic reaction. Antibiotics can take no more than 2-7 days after a doctor's request. More reports about antibiotics, which are stagnant in the fight against statutory infections -.

Okremo varto tell about the disease of papilomavirus infections. It may be impossible to drown out the manifestation of the predominantly ill health. More details about tse.

In addition, in case of infections, it is recognized that rectal / vaginal suppositories are used in a complex with other diseases, which can help to avoid ignition processes, reduce pain and build up. To them are admitted:

  • anti-microbial candles Betadine
  • with trichomoniasis, the effective antibacterial drug Metronidazole;
  • Pimafutsin - vaginal suppositories for women of anti-fungal activity, has been shown to be highly effective.
For immunostimulating during the hour of therapy, such drugs as Cycloferon, Genferon are used. For females, syringes are used, and for choloviks - baths with a range of manganese, chlorhexidine.

In this video, the doctor-venereologist will report on the treatment of infections. Yak preparations are more beautiful, since it is correct to vibudovuvat the lykuvannya system.

With important stuns, it is shown stationary visualization from a permanent glance. At the early stages of sickness, patients can be taken at home for a request, depending on the regimen of taking the necessary drugs, and sometimes they are in a bedtime regimen.

prophylactic come in

I met the improvement of the information, followed by the start of the offensive rules:
  • victorious condoms and anti-foraging in women;
  • Periodic examination by a gynecologist and urologist;
  • if necessary - vaccination;
  • dotrimannya іgієni;
  • anti-septic breakdowns at the age of infection for a prolonged period of time after the statutory act;
  • Freely lіkuvannya of infectious diseases.
For women to get infected, it is possible to vikoristovuvati the introduction of a vaccine or to Pharmatex cream, which is also a contraceptive. It is possible to introduce Geksikon suppositories into p_khva, chlohexidine.

For contact, like a woman, so a person can cut the girth and body organically with a miramistin.

Unfortunately, it’s a pity that it’s unfortunate that you will not be able to protect yourself from infection, and you can only reduce the risk of infection. In addition, if you want to lead an active way of life, improve your immunity, take monogamy in your hundred-day money, such problems, as the status of infection, can be completely unique.