Hto carrying out the ceremony with rods for conception. The serpent for conception and the people of the child

Wearing a child with your heart is the greatest happiness for a skin woman. However, according to statistics, more than 10% of girlfriends are confronted with a problem without an unclear genesis. Virishiti problems with conceptions can be achieved with the help of additional magic. A snake for the journey of additional help to conception, wine and people in the lines of a healthy baby.

Vedic rituals on the basis of communication are based on the singing rules and the last day. The decision to become daddy will think it over and do it well. Before the visits of magical rituals and readings of the rivets of friends, they should go down to the church and ask for God's blessing and help.

Reading magic spells is necessary on its own, or in the presence of a person. They were guilty of being pure and pure, the camp was of peace and tranquility. The shortest hour for carrying out the ceremony for conception is the period of the growing month. When there are many more children there will be rituals, viconan on the first day of the menstrual cycle.

Video "Work hardening"

At the end of the video, it will be raised, as for the help of the church candles and mirror to carry out the Vedic rite of conception of the child.

May inheritance

Faced with the problem of trouble-freeness, couples will not be able to deal with emotions, experiences and difficulties. Unfortunately, one of the most common reasons for separation is the presence of children in the family.

Bazhannya sooner to start and people in the lines of a healthy child will become an obtrusive idea. Bazhayuchi to reach the set, it is a lot of women to turn around for help to the magicians. As a matter of fact, it’s possible to bring a bit of magic to the mother of negative inheritance. Ominous rituals negatively mean on the psyche of people. The visibility of the result should be brought to psychomotional changes and addictions to the teeth.

The work hardening is guilty to bear in one's own strength and wider well-being. You cannot ask for help or give a child from a befriended man. Bazhannya naroditi ditinu maє buti obopilnim. If one partner imposes on his own money and thoughts, there is confusion and trade, which can lead to a bet being raised. Then, thinking about the victorious rituals of magical rituals for the quickness of the visit, it is necessary to take the thought of the cholovik / lad.

Simple rituals and prayers

Magic rivet on the conception of a child, preserving the fetus by stretching out all the vaginosities and safely growing in the term, they are technically light and foldable. Most of the rituals can be performed in the home minds. In the quality of additional attributes, like playing the role of amulets, storing the dzherenna or blessed water in the church, a mirror, a smoking egg, a thread, or a cord, a hoop and so on.

There, it is de necessary that God’s mercy, for the intercession of the Most Pure Divine Mary and the great saints, is recommended for women to put a candle and pray for the holy image in the church. It is necessary to turn to the saints because I have built in myself and God's grace.

A little bit of technically simple, a little less than two rituals and prayers for quick vagina is easy to see.

Before bedtime

A snake before bedtime relaxed organism and conceived. It is necessary for the denunciations to be shown, then, by clicking the hollows on the stomach, 5 times to read the incantation:

“The horse has a horse, the cow has calves, the vivtsi has lambs, and I have no children. Yak mіsyats growth-growth, so don't bother us from today, if there will be little child for me. God bless. Amin ".

For a new month

Bila magic brings a young month to the birth of all living things in light. To that, the month of magical rituals, carried out on the birth of a month, may give special power and energy. At nich, on the growing month, the divine stands in front of the mirror and read the words of the vedovskie obmovi:

“A young misyat, well-known nouns, garne misce, I am yours! Yak you are born, so I would give birth to a child without a bar!

For 7 days, the magic rite was repeated. If you ruin the lance of consistency, conjuration will not bring the desired result. Varto means that the first day of reading a snake on a visit for a young month is falling on Friday.

With water

Prayers and prayers for the journey to the Mother of God are invoked by the great miracles. So, a simple work hardening on the water with a quick conception of a ditini. A woman, a yak bazhaє, carry a child with her heart, take a bottle of water in her hands and promote a magic spell:

“Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos! Itself is angry, dumb - so the feasible went: blue, like a falcon, and a little girl, like a lastivka! ".

Upon completion of the recitation of the prayers, drink the conspiracies of water. Drink is needed without time, well, some water spilled on the chest and live.

Z vuzliki

Nypotuzhnіsh vedovskіm rite of passage for the conception of a child to vvazhava on 40 vuzlikіv. Since the month's calendar, in the first month of the month it is necessary to tie the month to the chervony bavovnya or llyanoy nittsi vuzlik and read the spell:

“Vuzlik to vuzlik bailiff mitsno-mitsno. Vuzliki tied up - in the mother of the fruit to conceive. Міцні and і chervonі vuzliks, people of Romania and a true child. Tie up - DO NOT tie up! God bless, Mother of God Divo, help me! Amin ".

Repeating the ritual is required for 40 days, it is not possible to re-privatize the lance of the ceremony. A red thread is recommended to be seen from outside the eyes, so as not to bad luck in such an important ritual. If 40 vuzliks appear on the thread, the Vedic rite of completion. The number 40 is sacred. Oscillations of travel are 40 times, then the universities on nittsi are equal to 40.

If the little boy turns up at the light, a red thread with the vuzliks next to take over in a quiet place. Now there is a thread with vuzlikami bude vikonuvati function of the child's amulet.

With holy water

Deceiving the sanctified in the church with water is one of the most important rituals on the shvidka of conception. Consecrate the water on Friday, if the month will be spent at the phase of growth. Do not forget to read the daily prayers for the Icon of the Savior of our Jesus Christ and the Most Pure Divine Mary.

The optimal period for visiting the ritual is the hour interval between 22 and 23 years of the evening. Take off a clean shirt or a T-shirt, open the curtains and prints, open the window and stand with your feet in the preparations before the pelvis. Sprinkle the holy water on the top with a thin flower, repeat the words conjured from without:

"Water dripped, that holy is pure,
That kovzala missed
So і difficult and unprecedented,
Z me, rabbi of God (im'ya),
Skati, snake,
So in the waters of the holy there is a line.
A clear moon in the sky,
And the servant of God (im'ya) child is conceived,
Help, Jesus Christ,
So the Mother of God!
In the name of the Father and Sina and the Holy Spirit. Amin ".

After completing the procedure of deceiving the body with holy water, three were baptized and read the prayer "Our Father". It is recommended to use holy water in the garden before the fruit tree. Beastly respect, you can't play spati in your room, if the ritual is being carried out.

іnshі rituals

Described are the most magical rituals that are the most powerful for diagnosing problems due to conception. However, it is not mensh with two snakes to visit є chaklunski rituals with a hoop or a mirror.

With a mirror

Mirror hardening and a young month will help you to solve problems with no problems in the flowing month. It will start at the next hour, it will be necessary to check out, if a month appears in heaven. Before the day of the Victory of the Chaklun ritual, buy 5 wax candles in the church shop. Yak only a young month will appear in the sky, bring it into the room and put a great mirror in front of the big mirror. Install the mirror in such a rank, so that a young man is brought back to the new one. Light the candles and put them around the mirror, forming a closed ring.

Know how to live, lay your hands on the living and respectfully wonder about your image in the mirror. Vizualization increases the chances for success and increases the strength of the ceremony. Imagining yourself with a round belly, say a magic spell:

“A young, new, bridegroom, dear, beloved, dear to you, that only I am yours. Thou this year was born, and I, the servant of God (to call my own name), will give birth to a child. For joy, for glory. Let it be so. Amin ".

The white magic has a description and options for a spell on the vagina in front of the mirror. It is necessary to read the text that penetrates into the soul and yes to see it:

“Yak, a small month was born, so it’s for me (ime) having dressed myself. Misyats will arrive, and the child is in the womb of growths. Amin ".

“Lord God! If you give people a month and a dream, light gloom and parts of the light, the sky is clearer and the mother Earth, so give me, God's servant (im'ya), to carry the child of the people. Yak in heaven is a young nation, so bi and in the womb of his child was born. In the name of the Father and Sina and the Holy Spirit. Amin ".

With a hoop

The hoop yak is a symbol of vitality, happiness and boundless love for the prey and additional help to fit in with the difficult life of life.

The hoop of the vicorist in the bilo magic for carrying out the Vedic rituals on the shvidka of the conception of the child.

“There is a great people, all kind people, all important birds. Yak on a light image to roll around a ring, so if the little one in that little one, will be the first thing to the little one. The people of the kidnapped vіku are astonished by the wise ones, the muzhiks speak in rude voices. Babi with old hands lives God's rabbi (his own im'ya) will be stroked, the girl will be able to grow hair. And the little bigats will be around her, they will be big and not stupid. God's servant (his own im'ya) checks his little one, checks and bude checks. Gotu yomu vish_vnuyu koliska, spin yomu sv_tlu shirt, chervon shirt. Yak in a dark teeming circle to lie, so there will be little life in the womb. My words are mіtsni, firm, in vіchnі vіchnі not ruinous. I shove the key into black water, lock the lock on my breasts. Come on like this i will! Amin ".

You can put the ring on your finger, while the love spell is not ready for conception. The hoop needs to be wrapped in a clean little nosepiece and worn in the chest, which is closer to the heart.

To save your vagina

In case of a threat of overturned vaginosity, it is necessary to read such magical incantations and prayers for safety, further away is the inner uterine development and the free folk of the child:

Step up for my life, for my child,
Save, save and defend me.
In the name of the Father and Sina and the Holy Spirit. Amin ".

“Only to grow fruit by the power of the Lord's good, and I ask the Lord, do not skasuvati the miracle of the new people to the lack of a miracle of the new people, and they were able to grow the wine until term, the child of my bazhan. Do not let the Lord, from all the unfavorable influences and not give me unsafe nobles, so that the correct distribution of the forces of life and development will not be created and destroyed, for the Lord's hand can help me in my needy term, to show me in my heart. Amin ".

The text of the amulet is still not necessary for the child to promote over the holy water. Conspiracies to drink water for the rank motion in the middle, Friday and Saturday:

“On the ocean-sea є islands,
On the island, there is one hundred percent of the middle.
I will try to do it to the best of the world,
All the words of dashing, obscenities of filth.
Tsur, not me, God's servant (im'ya),
I cannot bear fruit.
Go, all obitsyanka, on dead water,
To the ocean-sea, to the dashing island,
Until the middle stop.
In the name of the Father and Sina and the Holy Spirit. Amin ".

It's a lot of women to be afraid of vicarious magic spells for the conception of a child, for a wife and for a people. I think that the involvement of magic can be negatively reflected on the physiological or psychological state of being unimportant. Podіbnі vyslovlyuvannya pomilkovі, oskіlki the basis of energetic incantations put the prayers up to the powers and saints of the saints.

Carry a baby under your own heart - there is a great city for a skin woman, protector, not skin is given to the intelligence of the joy of motherhood and to be responsible for the first of his fathers. In general, vipadku varto pam'yatati - do not depend on the physiology to serve as a reason for the lack of conception. Often, the reason can be criticized in the addiction and mischief, human nonsense - to help in a whole lot of zmov, schob zavagitniti. You can read it yourself in your home mind, so you can't smell the stench of special preparation.

Yak din tsya magic? Both of them are the people of the world and the practicing magicians - these are the kind of helpers who help them to do it in a special way, in the absence of a biofield around a woman. The head is on the positive side - only it smells like that to make you feel friendly and to help you get started. Conduct the ritual ritual kostu on samotі - the most beautiful day for the whole fakhіvtsі call four, vechіrnі years. Remember - the presence of outside people, for example, an unacceptable attitude not to allow the achievement of the good result in the viglyad of good vaginosity.

A snake on a hoop

A snake for a visit to your hoop is a ritual of simple and divine, during which you can do it without any preparation. Varto read the offensive to the serpent over the Vlasny k_lets:

“The great people, all the good people, are all so important birds - the beasts, when they got into the crowd. Yak on the light, the image that wanders round the ring - so be in that circle the first time of my life. People of the kidnapped vіku - we are wise with the eye of a child, wondering, mothers - with a rude voice that speak, girls - hair scratching, the first source of my grief is not nobility. If you lie in a chisinau, so in the womb of my child's life, you will be, according to the word of the word. "

It’s easy to burn the ringlet in a clean nasal hustle and wear it in the chisel, as close to the body as possible - for example, the chest.

Zmova for 40 vuzlikiv - even stronger

Gave you performances a strong revolt for conception to be carried out on a red string of natural fibers - a lion or a bavovna. To spend yogo in Persha, to do the month of the past month of the Month calendar - in the first place in the first place to start the first university and at the same time promote:

“Vuzlik ty to vuzlik - chіpyєshsya mіtsno-mіtsno. I started a vuzlik, so in the mother of children I conceive - the smell and the chervony, as the Rumians and the great my child. Vuzlik that zazvyazati - no one yogo can not. Bless the Mother of God for the good on the right. "

Writing a thread of varto to seize in the secret place is not varto, they knew about your ritual. So tie a zranka around the university, for 40 days - don't miss the hot day, Dov'yazati until the required number of universities on the nittsi. I want to keep a thread in a calm place and check the tension - it will be such a talisman and amulet, even if you can conceive a baby and lie down on a bed. If it’s born safely, bury the thread with a young tree, or just burn it.

A serpent for the birth of a month

You can take a child to the nation for a young month - you can spend it in the evening, if you can see a young month in the clear sky. To deliver a clear message and to speak the words, beastly to a certain level.

"Lord God, the Holy Mother of God Diva Marya - as you conceived in her womb immaculate Christ, help me as the earth to fertility and people, to be for glory, for me for joy."

You can drink the ritual itself with honey - just put a simple bowl on the front door so that light falls on it for a month, and add some honey to it. If the sweet honey lies in it, you can easily say the offensive words:

"Chim tsei honey for you tastier - objects and my child is healthier."

It is also possible to take on the wake of the great Bulgarian woman Vanga - to spend it in the middle from 1 to 2 months of the bitch on the monthly calendar. To go to the door, or to the extreme balcony, to marvel at the sky, at the face of a young man, and at the same time, stroke your belly, for the year-old arrow, with a voice:

“Our Lord, as you have sanctified us with a sleepy light, given us a month, with lower glares and yaskravim glimmers - give the servant of God ... im'ya ... a child. Yak conceived ninth young month - so I will conceive in my womb. "

To carry out such an awkward ritual of skin growth for a month after the monthly calendar is to show the practice even in the best time of the year.

It was far away that one snake on the bright spot was to see it off on Friday. Ale on the very cob, in front of the cim varto, open the temple and pray to the icon of Christ and the Mother of God, place candles and collect the consecrated waters in the temples. Celebrate the day and carry out the ritual between 11 and 12 years of the evening, more precisely the same night.

For the first time, stretch the space, a white shirt and open the window, or go to the balcony, let your curls go, put a basin of water on the floor, stand in it with bare feet. Take some water and water yourself, having promoted at the same time:

“As the water and the holidays are so clean, it was slipping away from me - so for all the unclean things and go to sleep. In heaven there is a month of young growth - and that servant of God ... im'ya ... in the womb of a child of the year is conceived. Christ and the Theotokos help me - herald a child. "

After wiping dry and crossing yourself three times, read the styles once the Orthodox prayer "Our Father" go to sleep. And the axis of the water itself is varto vitality beyond the border of the booth - bazhano under the root of the tree.

Zmova on bannu voditsu

For a long time ago, the bathhouse was associated with us, we clean it, and we began to have children in Russia. To carry out the ritual on the shvidka of conception of varto, prepare a scoop and coryto in advance, and a linen shirt.

At the most laznas, the woman kicked into the cerebral and poured water over herself, and when she did, she wasted the words of the offensive serpent:

“As the water is hard for me to run down, so all the niggles for me move - I water them with my feet, I bring them with my hands. As a young man is a growth, so as a servant of God ... ... a child is conceived. Our Creator - help me, the Mother of God - autumn. "

The trees were vitrified dry and the tree was watered with water, or even bushes.

Zmova with a middle cross

You can read the message for success and information in your home minds and for the average natural cross - the Orthodox rite has long since been chanted in Russia and respected successful people in important and desperate problems. For the second carrying out of the varto from the very wound in the glechik, type in the water from the bottom of the column, and by the way there is a natural middle cross. Putting yogo on the door and shedding a wound to the offensive - with the first turns of the sun, shake his head with a bunch and leave him from the vessel, read the Orthodox prayer "Our Father".

"Get lost in my bachelor's ailment - so it’s not bachelor’s dark in the hole, so don’t turn around to the servant of God ... im'ya ..., perish and go."

If you want to cross-baptize three things and dip them with water from a glechik, and the surplus - vipiti throughout the day. It seems like a lot of couples, as it is not a long hour of children - the male ritual serpent will help him to conceive a child.

Ritual with a rag lyalka

The ritual with the so-called lyalkoyu - motanka for vagіtnіst - tse rite, similar to the ancient magic of Voodoo, prote, widespread stagnation in the vastness of Bagatioh lands, and not just a hot continent. The woman was thinking about the baby - she herself was robbing with a ganchirka lyalka, with whom you can vikoristovuvati navi old odyag, ale її not rіzati, but tore with your hands.

At the very process of the stem of the lyalka, with an important mind, those who did not sew, but rather wore it, and the person herself became faceless in a general order. At the dermal hand of a lyalka - they put a grain yak, a symbol of maybutnіkh children, with a whole lot of yak they put a yak at a vagіtnoi, with a swollen belly. If your lyalka is ready, they read over your head whether they were like snakes to conceive a baby, and they were scared away on the mountains, far from the outside eye. The head mind - the very process of the establishment of the lyalka and the reading of the serpent is not guilty of the Bachiti not one person, but if the person will be the person and the more nobility, such an oberig is de fi ned.

Ritual for katannya chicken egg

How were our ancestors robbed before, how could a woman not be able to conceive for the last hour? The stench vikochuvali tse yak psuvannya or prit - for an additional egg. To carry out this magical ritual varto zdalegіd pidgotuvati svіzhe, dove smoked an egg, yak svіzhe svіzhe vono, tim more beautifully. Letting the woman sit down with a special person before the iconostasis and give it to the burned wax candle from the temple in her hands - the man with the egg stands behind his back and does not lift the egg, fix the roll, crumble at the toes of the head. When carrying out such manipulations, the following words are pronounced:

“I’m swinging an egg on the floor — so be it, I’ll wiggle a little bit of ailment. De vono by til vіyde - so bіl everything is in the egg before. Yak the Lord is the servant of God ... im'ya ... zberigag - so many ailments from her, new life to the heart of God, and all sorrows - speak it out. "

Such a viciousness is the most beautiful to carry out kilka raziv - the egg was not smashed, but whole was buried here under a tree... As a rule, it was enough to carry out 3-4 such sessions and the woman could safely conceive a child.

The birth of a new life is itself a miracle and lies in a great number of factors. There is a lot of reason for the question of conception to lie on life. Vaga, race, level of physical activity, the appearance of high-pitched calls - all of the value in the planning of vaginosity. In order to develop a healthy baby, it’s possible to look at the way of life. For an hour, it’s not enough. Todi women can go to the aid of folk prikmet, rituals and rituals.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Baba Nina's path:"A penny will go overboard, like a pillow to lay down ..." Read the lecture >>

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      planning of vaginosti

      If medicine is powerless, seeming to the knowledge of our ancestors, as they transformed into miracles of folk primes, it can be transmitted from generation to generation and help to help the angry women themselves.

      Narodnі primeti

      Someone is skeptical to wonder at the turn, and to look at it without care. Without hesitation, 90% of success in the desired right is the price of confidence in yourself. Todi, be-like a miracle will become mozhlivim. Tom will be familiar with the offensive national prikmet, and not a bar to start:

      • Supplement stones and minerals

        Competently select stones to roam the beneficial infusion on their masters. The stench is to bring good luck, to soothe, to seize, and also to help when trying to get involved.

        You can vibrate agate for help. It is not important, in a kind of jewelry virobi vin buda: a pendant, a ring, a bracelet. The woman is guilty of vibrating embellishments, primed on her internal views. Wearing a yogo is quite comfortable.

        Perly can come to help every day. The woman, the yaka, took a pleasant surprise from the viglyad virobi from the pearls, she could get ready to motherhood. Wono nastane in the near maybutny.

        Varto is astonished to the stone, as the zhіntsі go for the sign of the zodiac. It’s insane, the mother will be a beneficent infusion on her own hair. You need to carry this stone with you.

        Correctly picking the roslini

        The vibe of the room representatives of the flora can be inserted on the success in the attempts of the arrival. Є apartments, which remind the house with good luck and well-being, attract new life, and є і such, which will make everyone happy. To that, we will seriously set up to the choice of home quotes, having learned more information about these events.

        Naybilsh popular pomichnik - tse fikus. Tsia roslina clay about itself is negative energy. Seemingly a lifeless story about how you conceived the gentleman's day, come to the new ficus. Bazhano the landlord with cinnamon dewdrops put in the bedrooms not far from the lodge.

        Є Even worse than tsіkavі kіty - "zhіnoche Happiness" і "cholovіche Happiness". Name speak for yourself. Rispovidayut, how the stench quickly screwed the new life into the booths, do not know. Another power of tsikh roslin polyagaє is in how to paint the stench for each other in the family. Golovne - tse regularly look for quotes, love and turbot.

        It was unsuccessful to go to the booth, and suddenly the flowers of the room grew - a welcoming sign. I’m talking about those who will soon see a radio message about the change.

        miracle mystsya

        A lot of steam turns to a little expensive lіkuvannya, vitrahayutsya for a whole hour, but the result isn’t. Often in the most beautiful way, the change of the situation is banal. A new mіsci and dichaєk in a new way.

        It’s not a gift of psychologists to gladden you more often to fill your comfort zone. Svіzhі enmity vіdkryvayut before people accursed earlier in life.


        A trip to the warmth of the Uzbek coast for an hour will replace the ineffectual love of life. There are a lot of steam, which is going to turn on for a day, to recover and to recharge, to turn around the same three times. Positive emotions for an hour of taking on a trip can also be incorporated into the building until a quick conception.

        As well as dumb any kind of power to vibrate at sea, in addition to the transformation of the bagatma by the "happy" method - visualization. There is a whole way to finish 10-15 quilins. Turn on the recording of the noise of the hvil, vlashtuvatsya zruchnishe and uyaviti, like the sea rocking on its own, and the heat, the water takes away all the negativity. Systematic engagement in visualization will help you achieve miraculous results in reaching your bazhan.

        Introduce "miscellaneous"

        Holy mіstsya, or "mіstsya sili" - the point, de intertwining energetic streams. Even before them, the prayers of the month are called. After spending time there, people can recharge, purify their energy and pray for the vikonannya of the most famous bazhannya. If it’s for the good of the rogue, then it’s all right.

        Such a "miracle of power" can be found on all continents. The stench is tied like a natural phenomenon, so it can be stuck there. Є ten popular mists, kudi steadily come to the pilgrimage of the bet, as darlings know happiness.

    1. 1. Alanya, Bazhan Gate (Turechchina). Tse mice roztashovane on the Uzbek coast of Alanya and is a great natural openings in the skeletons. The woman is guilty to go through the central gate, having made a decision to make a child.
    2. 2. Mount Ullu-Tau in Kabardino-Balkaria. The most important thing is one of the most energetically strong in the Caucasus. Yogo shche is called Mati-mountain (from the Karachay-Balkarian movi “Ullu” to change, yak is “mother”, and “Tau” is “mountain”). For a long time and until a whole day before her, helpless people flock to meditation and prayers. Ullu-Tau is famous for its miraculous effects of health and wellness. In most cases, we will help women to get help.
    3. 3. Lake Vagіtnіy zhіnki on the Langkawi Islands in Malaysia. Langkawi is a place of unconstrained nature and purity. There are many islands covered with greenery and jungle, with beautiful gardens. There, two large waterfalls can be poured. On the small island of Pulau Dayang Bunting there is a lake as it is described in legends. Let me tell you that the beautiful goddess has gone to marry a simple people, ale їkh persha, the child has died, and the grief-stricken mother praised the blue in the waters of a beautiful lake. Tim sanctified the yogo by herself. Then she turned to the sky. In a quiet feast, having bought up at the whole miraculous lake, the bezel-less women know the power of the people.
    4. 4. Sculpture of a lad a frantik in the Czech Republic. The community of the country is seen by many people. I have a legend, tied with a small statue of a little boy a frantik, like a trim in the hands of a ribu. It is necessary to touch the ribby itself, and once you have developed it, you can talk about yourself.
    5. 5. The female monastery in Murom (Russia). Here you come to the family bets, as you want to conceive a child. By legend, saint Fevronia and Petro lived in Murom, they loved one one and died in one day. From that hour, they vvazhayut, so that one, who fell to their relics with prayer, rejecting the vision of inactivity and knowing the joy of the family vognisch. Brushing the date for such prayers is 8 linden - the whole Orthodox day is zakhanikh. The very same bully canonized St. Peter and Fevronia. It is also recommended to bring with you from Murom the sanctified icons of the saints.
    6. 6. Monastir Kykkos on Kipri. The monasteries have a miraculous icon of the Mother of God. Lay out the bristles of St. Luke. Vvazhaєtsya, wіn writing її directly from the very Mother of God. Uninvolved in the number of people in the monastery, the relics could be spared. The infection was roasted near the royal gates. The part of the ikoni is covered with a cloth, on which there is a belt with stones (from without). Yogo nadyagayut women who want to improve.
    7. 7. Sacred little river Ganges (India). Indusi vіryat, so vona bring fruitfulness. Dovchata, for those who do not go to conceive a child, they are guilty of deceiving at the waters of the Ganges. The price can be killed in the offensive missions: Gomukh, Kanґotri, Allahabad, Benares, Calcutta. Not a gift about the fruitfulness of the Indus legends.
    8. 8. Scarab beetle in Karnatsi (Luxor, Egypt). The temple complex of Karnak is famous not for its nameless architecture. The walls of the temple are adorned with a majestic number of images of Mine - the ancient Egyptian god of roguishness. It will be worthwhile to acquire a talisman for the mighty dad and mother - the Scarab Beetle. In order to talk about the conception of a child, it is necessary to bypass these developments.
    9. 9. Basin of the monastery in Gondar (Ephesus). Near the capital of the Ethiopia of Addis Abebi, the city of Gondar has sprung up. There is a complex of ancient monasteries near the new one, in which the holy places of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church were preserved. There is also a swimming pool, having bought up in a woman to find a place without a plan. At Rizdvo childless children, they will additionally help to descend into the whole pool, tying them with motorcycle ties.
    10. 10. Church in Tsalebiko (Gretsia). There is a bagatom and is located in a place called Tsalebiko. Roztashovuyutsya on the tops of the mountains. There is a legend, that a woman, yaka is awful bezpliddyam, is guilty of the golim stones to propel from the past to the church veteran. By the closest hour, I will become a mother.

    Conduct a holy corystus

    Bagato folk prikmet tied to the saints of the New Rock and Rizdva. Now from 31 breast for 1 day - start a cob of a new period in the life of the skin people, if you plan to store it, you want to keep all the shit in the old way. Rizdvo is a great, sacredly holy, in which prayer there is neymovirnu power.

    As soon as the life of the child is still in Novyi Rotsi, it is still great, with the help of a different way: write your own account on a piece of paper, burn it down with a chime, and drank a drink at once with champagne.

    At Rizdvo є a special rite, which additional help to angering women. It is necessary in advance of the Sacred Saint, having risen on the threshold of the ruling colin, to drink the water. Before tim yak tse zrobiti, read a short snake:

    Mother Most Holy Theotokos!

    Itself to me is angry, but it is not,

    So, the feasible went,

    Sina chi daughter,

    I pray you help me.

    In the name of the Father, and Sina, and the Holy Spirit,

    Nini, for a while, for a week.

    Chervona thread and vagіtnіst

    Chervona thread on the wrist - vidomy and extensions in our hour oberig. I, obviously, win additional help to help women get involved. Bagato hto zgaduє, even though they tied a thread of a ruble, the blessings came to them.

    There are a lot of wisdoms at the vicarious amulet. Najvazhlivishe, after tying yogo close lyudin, bazhaє only good. Todi will come at the best hour.

    Become a child

    To become a maybutnoy child is a price, it is not enough to lie down as a father. What would not be appearing at the light - boy chi dvchinka - tse majesty Happiness. There are five daughters in the homeland, and everyone is checking the decline, the father from the mother is fixing the tim, like sinking into the podlog of the offensive child. On a tsei rakhunok there is a bezlich national prikmet.

    Old-time Ellen were virili, so the conception of the blue is more beautiful than the one on the right boat (the daughters are on the other). The Chinese pid the hour of the statute act to kick their heads at pivnich, if they want a boy. A little girl was born, the stench turns into a bik pivday.

    To conceive a sin, the people will be glad to adore it for a friend to a rushnitsa or a sokir. In the minds of our hour, there is a grashkova machine.

    Vvazhaєtsya, how to become a child pouring in the mood of the father in the moment of closeness. Yakshcho cholovik bazhak sina, yomu varto podbati about those, the woman took off for an hour of closeness, more satisfaction, lower wines.

    There is a small number of primes. The skin people have their own stench, based on the peculiarities of life, history, legends. Importantly vibrate those who are close in spirit, see. The woman is intuitively aware of what she can do to help.

    It is necessary to remember about those who know to know the power only in that kind of fall, as it is in them with the whole soul. Happen to come, if you are ready to accept.

New days and first days of new rock - very good!

The skin of a lyudin, rightly from the stati, vik that of the social camp on the last day of fate, but minus will start to help you to find the best signs, which will lead you to those, how to develop your life in the future.

It’s not for nothing that I’m so richly dedicated to the hour.

Know well on Noviy Rik, you can plan your maybut on the offensive Rik.

For example, if you want to bring a child to the next stage, you need to take action of the rituals and mark it on Noviy Rik, you will be welcome.

Request a couple for yourself on Noviy Rik, and soon you will have a child.

A woman, a yak bazhak zavagitnіti nebarom, just goiters are tied to try from the hands of vagіtnoї. You can buy a boutique from one bottle or a dish.

And for quietly, if you want to be smart, ask for a little weather and wait for you with a spoon.

It's wonderful, but in 99% of cases the effect is visible in a couple of months.

When you start in a new location, go to a child's store and buy a little. The new thing is guilty of occupying a place with a yalinka.

For example, there can be booties, a dance or a nipple.

It is easy to post-nagaduvannya about the child, if you will be deprived of the zmitsnyuvati bazhannya. According to the laws of the All-Union - ideas are being implemented.

It is familiar to the books of botany, the ficus of the negative energy.

Bagato zhіnok rozpovіdaє, well, because of that, as a ficus appeared in the booth, he didn’t know about the child’s Maybut.

A housekeeper with a magic tree grows in his bedroom at Noviy Rik.

Non-trivial direct contact with the same vipiraє tummy maybutnoїmami, spryє to the accelerated conception.

Take a picture at the New Year's Church.

Shvidko and the correct method is more helpful, but you can become a good healthier healthier for yourself.

Agate is a garnishing stone that can be victorious in jewelery robots.

Grow sob, adding jewelery virib with cim stone.

A woman should not wear a wrap, a pendant, a bracelet on her hands, etc. Smolder, yogo frankness.

When you choose, rejoice at the deprivation of your relish like and impatience.

Leave those who were honored more and stayed closer, slid kupuvati.

It’s possible to create a new life, it’s possible to create a new life in the missions overpowering with power.

What is it that you add to the visit? The relics of the Blessed Matrona, the Xenia of St. Petersburg, etc.

Bravely, those who will pray and bless you in your sacred world.

Buy pid Novy Rik Aquarem and Kilka Ribok, as the most plentiful. For example, guppi.

Correctly splits. Include harsh words from their vocabulary, as they do not embellish the young woman's motives, and attract only negative emotions.

Non-compliance and acceptance of a new-born gift at the sight of a thread of pearls, straight and smart way to motherhood.

Most couples go through the trivial road of the trip without food, and people go to the sea with hope, so that the sea gets better and the perfect mood to change the situation.

It’s not marvelous, but it’s effective work, and the turn is seen three times.

To that, think about the sea going up to the new saint.

A snake to visit is one of the most common in family magic. The conception of a child, the birth of a new life - is a great and foldable mystery, but it is not so easy to slip into a new one by forgiving incantations. In addition, for thousands of years of testing the magic of knowing snakes, as with the correct display, as well as the manifestation of you have enough magic health and absolutely perfect in your actions, you can bring the desired result.

Even more importantly, vibrate the rite, which is the best for you. For the whole it is necessary to respectfully read the letter and think about it. As a rule, the correct vibe of the ritual is also given by the woman.

It is important to remember, when in rituals there are serpents, whether they are ritual acts, then they will be obov'yazkovo vikonuvati. The stench of allowing zosereditsya during a magical action, and therefore, allowing magical words to reach me.

There are a lot of rituals, in which you can take a snake and visit, it is recommended to carry out barefoot on the ground, right, on the thought of professional magicians, allowing you to establish a strong connection with space.

Read a message on the visit is necessary as a matter of self, so that you do not allow foreign energies into the magical process. For the very reason, it was also planned to carry out the ritual to hide from the people. At the same time, it is necessary to achieve peace in the soul. Only a positive attitude when reading a serpent and making the rite successful. After the hour of the ritual, you are not guilty of being allowed to, so it will be necessary to get in touch with the communal equipment and get the housewives.

If the rite is carried out in a country, then it is necessary to take in the new maximum number of living rooms. Tse allow napovniti space with positive energetics. Besides the symbol of the earth, the goddess of love, and, of course, the earth in the small mountaineers will bring you closer to the earth.

It is necessary to wash the magic words in a non-voice, a little more clearly, the phrase is spoken to the skin. It is not possible to read on the vagina of reading from a sheet, the words of guilt come from the soul, but it is not possible to hesitate with it. It is allowed to have a sense of power and with powerful words, ale phrases, if you are guilty, are short, ale. For an hour to read the curse, it is necessary to use only the best results on the basis of the results.

Snake a strong infusion on the svidom_st people and nadayut vodnen_tom in the power forces. Deyaki s spell, inverted by the hour, is represented below.

Found rituals are carried out in the cob period of the month's growth, but at the same time it is allowed to read the serpents in the first month of the month.

Rite of passage for a young month

One of the most powerful snares for staying is a snake for a young month, that is, at night from the first month of the month to the next day.

Have a young man wonder at a young month and repeat these words in three words:

“The clear misyats! Help me my bіl vgamuvati,
to the people who seek the might of the womb!
There will be a month from the night of growth, and life will be from the day of virostat.
I will be a month old, I will be round.
Yak povny month, I will be a child povna.
We will be a child, as the month is clear, as the month is beautiful.
As a new month it is not undeniable to be born, so my child will be born. "

At the same time, with the maximum misery and addiction to take care of the cohannes with their cholovik, for cohanim mind not to think about your maybutny child.

On a friend's ski

If you want to travel, you will be able to ride on a friend's ski. For the duration of the day, know all about yourself and play in the bed.

Close your eyes and stroke your belly, say:

“A cow has calves, a horse has a horse,
Vivtsi has lambs, kittens have kittens, and I have lads.
Bless me the holy bed, I didn't go empty,
what a boolean me, who to see, what a boo me to welcome,
what about whom to have fun about, to whom in the elder to sit up. "

Repeat the whole rite of passage in your days, if you are encouraged to succeed in conception.

With wheat grain

A snake for a visit with a grain of wheat is good for a quiet, hto vlastny city or a dacha dilyanka. Sheds are great and beautiful wheat grain.

“A grain of spikelet sprouts, a child in the bosom of a child leaves.
The yak will get the wheat in the fall, so I will have a child ”.

To plant the conspiracy grain in the ground and make sure you don't look as much as you can and think about it for growing. What is more beautiful than an ear of corn is more beautiful, than you have more hope and a happy people.

Beaten up to the Vodi

Yet another ancient snake for the vagina of the dressings from the animals to the life of life. At the day of the summer dream come to the bank of a small river or a lake with the purest water possible. I will grow up and go out into the water behind the breasts.

Stand by the water and imitate the offensive to the zmov:

“Take water, cleanse and take care!
I needed fruitfulness,
give a beautiful one to a healthy child! ".

Slyly to sink into the water with your head. Virinuvshi, I know to repeat the serpent and deceit. Zagalom maє buti sem repetition.

The reason is that the ceremony may not be spratsyuvati

It’s a pity, don’t expect to find the best magic snakes and guarantee successful conception. I is tied to a number of reasons for different reasons. First for everything, it is important to follow the recommendations of a particular ritual, without a ritual, it will NOT be divine.

It’s necessary, before you can do a magic action, you’re right to conceive, you’re going to have a doctor. Moreover, the obedience is guilty to pass the offense of the cholovik. And if there is a chance to see whether it is a vision, then you need to get around to see them. I want some obvious problems with reproductive function, often linked to problems on the energy level. For example, problems with children can be tied with children or we will give birth to curses. In such a way, the problem will need to be learned by magic skills, as it is possible to proponate only a professional magician.

It is also a sign of the nobility, who will be welcomed to visit the family only in the same way, if you are expected to conceive a child from your friend. Particularly strong are guilty of being in charge of a woman.

For the success of a magical rite, faith in magic and in a positive result is even more important. With the most summaries in the soul, from the magical action, it will be seen, in the new there will be no sense. A wake up call will be effective only on the basis of mutual and generous love partners.

Krym usyogo, as it does not sound wonderful, the reason for the ineffectiveness of the magical rite, which is straightforward to conception, may be the lack of satisfaction. As soon as you put yourself up to people who are impressed, but the people of the child need only to improve their minds and to advance the income, then some magic snake will not help you. Importantly, it has come to realize that a little one in any minds cannot be a thug.

If a woman, yak bazhaє people, a child, reads to the vagina, then the magic words are screwed up to her very special energy. Such a friendly atmosphere will take a day or so, and there will be a liking for problem areas to the body. In addition to that magic words, to attract in the life of the fathers, as in the whole family they were tied with the children of the people.

Slide yourself into a lot of patience for the rite and the trocha of kidney, and even the time for the visit of the nicholas is not very blisky. І, madly, when the ritual is carried out, it is necessary to actively engage in love, to give the power to give birth to a new life.