A drug for transferring. Tablets for transferring early vaginosis - on which term can you accept? list of drugs

Vagitnist є by the most radiant and wonderful living period for a woman. However, not for skin. At the age of conception, a child is not encouraged and a snake representative of a weak stati in the life of extraordinary visits. Have a look at the statistics for those, like є pills against the vaginosity of the unprotected act. You see that in some way you can use such preparations and you can use them regularly. Also, ask about those, as the price of such drugs and their name will be specified.

Trochi of anatomy: how to see conception

For a cob to learn, in a way to get a conception, as a result of which a child can appear. In the middle, once a month, the average woman sees hormonal overdrive in her body. The metabolism of estrogen changes to progesterone, and ovum from the follicle. If at all the moment there is a state of contact, then there may come a visit. It can also be conceived that the sperm was consumed by the woman for a few days before the follicle was ripped.

Immediately after ovulation due to progesterone, endometrial preparation is active. The ball is flattering and the old one is more fluffy. In this way, the organism is ready to accept the zaplidnen zhynochu gamete. As soon as conception comes, then the fruit's egg, stretching out for a few days, descends to the organ on the fallopian tube. Having settled in the matt, the embryo hopefully creep into the ball of endometriya. Itself here will be developed in the coming months in order to preserve the vaginosity.

How can you interrupt the conception?

In the Danish hour, there are no ways to zupiniti development of the embryo. Varto, it means that I don’t take care of myself in any way more beautifully. In the first place, you can earn serious health problems.

One of the most popular ways to change vaginosity is to create a vacuum or vacuum aspiration. For an hour, you will be able to see the fruit egg and part of the endometrium from the uterus. Such management is carried out in terms of up to 12 years of development of the embryo.

It is also possible with medication. During the whole period of obsolescence of the brain, the period of menstruation is not more than forty days. In order to take drugs from a woman, she trades endometries with a fertile egg and menstruation is repaired.

Also there are special methods of contraception. The whole vipad will take it through a few years of writing an unprotected statuary act. As a result of the preparation of the woman, the woman has to recover from excessive hormones and menstrual bleeding.

Extra methods of contraception

If you want to interrupt the vagina until the egg is buried on the uterus. Tablets against the vaginosity of the unprotected act may be used and the way of implantation. Remember, it is not possible to vikoristovuvati the tribute of the line in the capacity of permanent observance of the non-desired conception. Zastosovuvatisya pills against vaginosti for an unprotected act of guilt only in extremes. In addition, you can correct your serious health problems. It is easy to find preparations for the rapid transformation of the development of a fertile egg.

The drug "Postinor"

Daniy is ready to take revenge on a synthetic progestin. The male component is infused onto the peristalsis of the uterine tubes and the endometrium. On the other hand, under the name levonorgestrel, the fallopian tubes change their decay and increase the activity of the fallopian tubes. As a result of the fruit, the egg is earlier, below the emptying of the uterus. As soon as the set of gametes descended into the second organ, then the levonorgestrel was replaced by the endometrium. Eggplant is simply not in the snake to stick to such empty space.

Tablets "Postinor" are taken in two skin capsules for 12 years. The very same term is used in the description of the speech. Persha pigulka is guilty of butti vipita, not for a while, not after 16 years of taking a steam bath. The course of implantation is to become three dobies. With this stretch, the woman will have menstrual bleeding. Only todi to ekstrina contraception is successful.

Tablets "Postinor", the price for which to become approximately 250 rubles, can be added to any pharmacy fancy. Of course, there are only two capsules in one package. Tse means that you will need 6 packs for the course. On the "Postinor" tablets, the price in the whole range increases and becomes close to 1,500 rubles.

The drug "Eskapel"

These tablets are also used in the name of levonorgestrel. However, there is a call to the desho іnsha. It is necessary to take one tablet by pulling out the letter of the statute. We had to repeat the procedure two times after 24 years.

The price for Eskapel tablets is in the range from 250 to 300 rubles. One capsule has been transferred to pachtsi. This means that for the next course you will need three packs of Eskapel tablets. The price in the whole range becomes approximately 1000 rubles. It is obvious that the price of a drug is cheaper than the drug "Postinor".

The drug "Escinor F"

Daniy has the same effect as Eskapel tablets. When the drug is taken, it is necessary to repair the endometrium and decrease the activity of the fallopian tubes.

Varto means that the lykarskiy is popular among men, but there are two analogues. However, it would be better not to talk about those that are not so effective for the drug.

Preparations for revenge mifetpriston

Tablets against vaginosity from an unprotected act can be used by mother and child. Prior to such drugs, there are the following: "Mifegin", "Zhenale", "Mіropriston" and іnshі. Of course, it’s important that it’s a matter of the most frequent use of such drugs for the child to change the endometrium and the speed of the body. For such a flow of information, the endometrium and the output of the egg from the animal's body are taken into account.

On the basis of drugs, levonorgestrel should be replaced, tablets with mifepristone should be interrupted when menstruation is stopped. With such a rank, the woman has an hour to take the correct decision. Danі protizaplіdnі tablets for the statutory act are taken one-time. With a whole lot of varto, in the forefront, try to correct the drug on a suitable basis. If the drug is not accepted by stretching the first three days when spermatozoa is consumed in the woman's room, then the patients will need to additionally block the viral progesterone.

Dani kosti, revenge mifepristone, may cost more money, less medication in front of it. So, one package can cost you a sum of 1500 to 3000 rubles.

An alternative method of extravagant transplantation of egg production

Krim pererakhovanih vische, іsnuyut preparations (contraceptives) for the prescription of an unreasonable conception of the statute act. To them, the most sensitive ones are admitted However, physicians strongly do not recommend vicaristovuvati any other way through any possible side effects and acceleration. Prior to such use, such preparations are introduced: prototypical tablets "Yarina", "Logest", "Novinet" and іnshi.

Vikoristovuvati is required only after a respectful reading of the instructions. Here you will be familiar with the knowledge of mathematics. It is necessary to develop a number of hormones, as amends in one pill. As a result of counting, it is necessary to drink capsules in one dose to reach the required dose (yak in “Postinor” tablets and analogs). In the middle of the day, two to five capsules are required. It is necessary to drink it for 12 years with a stretch of three dib.

What are some effective tablets of vaginosity?

Varto mean that the drugs that digest the development of the embryo at the earliest terms, may be more effective. It is even more abundant to lie down from the fact that at any hour the liquor was taken. So, if you follow the instructions and drink the first dose at once, then the effectiveness of the drug in the warehouse is more than 90 weights. At that vipadku, if you would like to write the statute, then it will be effective for 70-80 vids. As soon as the damages of the onset of the speech, or if they have strongly converged with the implantation of the first dose, then the number of successful results in the warehouse is from 50 to 70 vids.

Varto nagadati, as if the drug was not taken too far in the earliest terms, then the doctors strongly recommend the revitalization of the drug. Everything on the right is that the given preparations are injected not only on the female organism. Recognition, before entering the storehouse of pills, is marked with a jaw at the bench of the fruit egg. If you want to lose the maybut numbness, then be prepared before the child is born with ailment, if the mother is sick.

and prices

For this purpose, there was no need to know about the need for vicorian drugs for extreme contraception, it is necessary to get some information about ways to get rid of it. If you have a permanent partner, then you should take the prototype pills. The price for such drugs can be reasonable and range from 200 to 2000 rubles.

Absolutely all the benefits, which protect from vaginosity, are used in combination of oral contraceptives and min-drank. Stop taking a small dose of hormones and not all women have ovulation block. However, varto means that these are the only pills that are allowed to be taken during the period of breastfeeding. Before the preparations in the min-drank group, the following steps should be taken:

  • pills "Charosetta" (cost about 800 rubles);
  • the drug "Laktinet ®" (the price is close to 600 rubles);
  • Pigulki "Orgametril" (part in 1000 rubles) and a lot of them.

The range of combined oral contraceptives is cheap. Such preparations will increase the blocking of the robotic cells, preventing ovulation. Dіyucha pills thickening cervical slime, not allowing spermatozoa to penetrate into the empty uterus and see there. The hormonal preparations are injected onto the endometrium, re-transforming it so that the clotted cell could not adhere to the wall of the uterus. All oral contraceptives are monophasic, biphasic and triphasic.

Before monophasic, these are the following:

  • tablets "Regulon" (part of 300 rubles);
  • pigulki "Zhanin" (about 800 rubles);
  • prototype tablets "35 Diani" (price per 1000 rubles) and іnshі.

Up to two-phase prescriptions for zapobіgannya tablets "Regvidon" (which cost 200 rubles) and іnshі drugs are supplied.

Before triphasic anti-climbers go to the offensive:

  • pigulki "Tri-Regol" (cost 200 rubles);
  • capsules "Tri-Merci" (price per 400 rubles).

It is also important for contraception that you can grow up for the change of hormonal words. So, tablets are microdose and low dose. There is also a group of high-dose drugs.

Before microdose, take the offensive:

  • "Novinet" tablets (worth 500 rubles);
  • the drug "Logest" (the price is about 900 rubles);
  • pigulki "Jess" (partiality between 1000) and іnshі.

Low dose rates:

  • prototype tablets "Yarina" (price per 700 rubles);
  • the drug "Diani 35" (part in 1000 rubles);
  • for "Zhanin" (stand between 1000 rubles) and іnshi.

Such drugs are often recognized by women as women, for women about 30 years old.

Highly dosed drugs can be called:

  • tablets "Trikvilar" (the price is about 500 rubles);
  • the drug "Non-ovlon" (the price is about 700 rubles) and so far.

Tablets of the form of vaginosity - the ability to eliminate unplanned vaginosti. Let's see what kind of pills of vaginosity you can use to help you take the stench and take it right.

There are situations, if for quiet reasons, women will be brought to interrupt the visit. Thus, the visit may be unscheduled or against serious acceleration, as it may clutter up the life and health of the mother. Tablets of vaginosti - the ability to adapt to abortion and to carry out the revision of vaginosti by medication.

The first pills from the vaginosity of boules of wine from France in the end of the last century. All medications, which digest the vagina, may have the synthetic drug mifepristone at their base. Denmark is a drug that blocks the function of the female hormone progesterone. Progesterone appears to be normal and successful against the baby. On the current day, pills that digest the vagina, vipuskayut a lot of virobniks. Once in the warehouse of tablets, mifepristone is recorded as mifegin, pencrofton or mifolian.

Tablets of vaginosity should be taken in early terms. Up to approximately 40 days from the moment the menstrual cycle is closed. It is not possible to take such drugs independently. Only the gynecologist gave a dose of pills to take the vagina, to take a second look at the woman.

Earlier, only an abortion, it was not a surgical procedure to be involved in a single solution of the unnecessary vaginosity. And if abortion carries in its own serious threat to life, health of a woman, and it is possible to amuse the energy of mothers of children. Tablets are of the type of vaginosity; the possibility of speed is a high rate of mortality and illness per hour of abortion. Most popular pills for vaginosity: Mifolian, Postinor, Mifegin, Mifeprison, Penkrafton and others.

Tablets for vaginosti

Tablets for the interception of vaginosity are hormonal steroids, as they viklikayut the bend of the embryo. It should be noted that there are drugs in the tablets that increase the sensitivity of the uterus to such a hormone as oxytocin. Through the chain of the uterus, it is possible to speed up, through the chain, it is possible to get out of the trade and from the empty of the uterus.

The procedure for taking pills for vaginality transfer, so that medical abortion is carried out in the following stages:

  1. Before taking medications for vaginality, the woman is guilty to undergo an additional examination by a gynecologist. An external gynecological examination and the provision of analyzes give the woman the possibility of diagnosing an abortion before a medical abortion. For cich purposes to carry out ultrasound dosage, as the starting point of the exact term of vaginosity. If the results of the analyzes are in the norm, then the gynecologist gives a prescription for pills of vaginosity, know the instructions for the drug intake. Likewise, the woman signed the paperwork, as she turns around the year for the procedure and confirms those who are aware of the nuances and information about abortion medication.
  2. Tablets from vaginosti are taken all the way. When I took the drug, for 2-4 years the woman was guilty of being guilty of being seen by the gynecologist and when she was allowed to drink at home. If necessary, the woman will take a prescription for a prototype drug. After a few days of taking the pill, the woman will have to fix the meal of the fruit egg. The process of supravodzhutsya vividly bleeding, as can be trivial up to two times.
  3. After 2-3 days, the gynecologist will examine the woman. The procedure for reconverting the vaginosity went through normally. As soon as I don’t remember, the gynecologist will recognize the surgical involvement.

Do you add pills as a vagina?

Do you add pills as a vagina? So, in addition, it is necessary to take it on the early terms of vaginosity and to look around at the gynecologist and disregard the drug's permission for taking a given drug. Let's take a look at the pills in terms of vaginosti in terms of abortion.

  • When carrying out medical abortion, it is not necessary to go to the hospital.
  • The procedure for the transfer of vaginosity, so that the fruit egg is not consumed due to the sinus menstruation.
  • When taking tablets from vaginosti during the day, the possibility of infection with VIL.
  • With medical abortion, it is not necessary to undergo anesthesia and surgery.
  • The tablets will be taken as a form of secondary development.

Ale, do not marvel at the price of pills in the form of vaginosity, do not forget about it, you can take it only with the permission of the gynecologist. Self-administration of pills can cause a threat to the life of a woman. Also, before taking the drug, it is necessary to carry out a check on the appearance of post-vaginal vaginosity.

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The name of the tablets for vaginosis

If you want to have an abortion, you need to know all the nuances of this procedure. Likewise, we will not get to know about the drugs, so that I’ll know the names of the pills for vaginosis. Is the most popular and superior drugs.

  • Postinor is a drug that can be used for extreme contraception. As a rule, the drug is vicious in quiet drops, if the act is not taken away. At your own warehouse, the drug should be taken to levonorgestra. These pills do not give 100% of the result of vaginosis, but only 80-85%. To take a pill, the drug must be taken immediately after an unprotected statutory act, but not before 74 years. And the axis of the friend will take a pill in 12 years. If you want to go through a gynecologist, you need to go through a thorough examination.
  • Myfegin is a French tablet of vaginosity. The effectiveness of the drug is close to 100%. For a shorter number of tablets, it is necessary to take in the same form, as the term of vaginosity, does not change 6 types.
  • Pencrofton - pills for vaginosis in early terms, as well as a drug for extreme contraception. The tablets should be taken in their own warehouse with mifepristone. The Danish preparation can be taken by all women, it can be used by women who have a persistent vagina. Tablets do not viklikayut second without.
  • Mifepristone - tablets, which are placed in their warehouse at the same time, not hormonal. The male component of the tablets is used for the production of fruit eggs, even though the term of vaginosity does not change the number of conditions.
  • Myfolian is an effective drug for vaginosis. Besides, tsі tablets, in gynecological practice, they are used to accelerate the process of natural conditions.
  • Mifeprex is a drug with high efficiency and good tolerance. Allows you to interrupt your stay for up to 42 days. Beastly respect for taking this drug from a woman who can be bloody for a long time.

Postinor for a change of vaginosti

The postinor for the adaptation of vaginosity is a tse drug, which is based on the experimental dosage of the dialectical speech. The speech itself allows for the vagueness. If the pills are taken immediately after an unprotected statutory act, there is an increased chance of a successful acquisition of vaginosity.

Postinor to take revenge in his warehouse the synthetic hormone levonorgestrel, which is an analogue of zhovtoy til. Tsei hormone to enter the warehouse of practically all drugs, which may be the status of a contraceptive. Oskіlki postinor tse drug for zapobіgannya vagіtnostі, then digestive hormone takes place in the new in the highest number. But only in extra drops is guilty of taking pills.

The Danish drug must be taken with a stretch of three dib, so that 72 years have passed since an unprotected statute act. Another tablet must be taken in 12 years after the first one. Tobto the woman is guilty of taking two postinor tablets. Another pill, the drug, is liable to catch, especially if the first time the woman has taken a bother and bloat. But don't forget about those that the drug is not є with regular contraception and is guilty of vikoristovuvati only in extravagances.

Mifepristone for vaginosis

Mifepristone for vaginosis is an effective drug, the main one for blocking progesterone. Progesterone is a hormone that is susceptible to normal vaginosis. The drug lowers the level of progesterone in the body and circulation of the mucous membrane of the uterus. Zavdyaki tsomu, uterine mucous membranes are relaxed, which can be the cause of bleeding. If you take the drug, after 6-8 years you may experience bleeding, if you will be aware of the fact that your vagina is interrupted.

There is no strict time frame for the implantation of Mifepriston. To the other a pill, the woman can take a pill in 12-72 years after receiving the first one, if she takes the form of an unprotected statute, for up to six days, up to 42 days. Nursing staff, medication, vaginosis can be controlled. It allows you to comfortably and efficiently interrupt your stay at an early term.

Escapel from vaginosti

Eskapel of vaginosti - tse for extreme contraception. The drug should be taken in the same way, even if the anti-fever was not used, or it was ineffective, and the vagina nevertheless came. The main active drug is levonorgestrel. Tsya rechovina zapobіgє the process of delaying ovum. As soon as the delay is in progress, then the preparation of the drug is released.

The efficiency of Eskapel becomes 84%. Before the woman took the drug, it’s just because she didn’t need it. It is more correct to consume the drug not to destroy the negative influx on the body, on the process of laryngeal blood or metabolism. Eskapel is called the “72 Years of Pislya” emergency contraceptive preparation. Taking the drug as soon as possible, I looked around at the gynecologist. Eskapel cannot be stored in the period of lactation. So as with breast milk, in the body of the child they consume 0.1% of levonorgestrel speech.

Tablets for women from vaginosti

Tablets are female from vaginosti - tse antihistaminny drug for internal administration. The drug is based on the drug mifepristone. Daniy is a drug that can be used synthetically for progesterone blocking. When taking pills from a vagina, a fetus egg is traded, as well as endometrial, to facilitate the process of ovulation. As a result, the implantation of a retarded cell does not occur in the female organism.

The drug is dispensed in the form of round tablets, such as zhovtiy kolіr with greenish vіdtіnkom. Zhenale was victorious for an extreme contraception, for an unprotected statutory act, lasting 72 years. Ale Zhenale has a number of counter-indications, which can negatively affect vital functions and systems of organism. So, pills of vaginosity can cause blood loss from pichvi, becoming the cause of pathologies of the uterine appendages, and severe pain in the lower abdomen. There is also a great deal of dislocation of the intestinal tract, diarrhea and vomiting. If you are susceptible to certain symptoms, it is innocent to go to the gynecologist for help.

Vaginal tablets from vaginosti

Vaginal tablets of vaginosity are a non-baking drug that will successfully get delayed. Vaginal tablets may be stored in their warehouse - Nanoxynalon is active. The main reason for the drug is that the contraceptive penetrates into the blood and reduces the activity of spermatozoa. The effectiveness of vaginal tablets becomes 75-80%.

Perevaga tablets in the fact that the stench is safe for the female organism. Vaginal preparations practically do not have any side effects. Well, the preparations can be taken in any period of the menstrual cycle and I will become women. Vaginal tablets can be used with other contraceptive drugs and lasts for an hour.

Most popular vaginal tablets:

  • Benatex
  • Pharmatex
  • Ginacotex
  • Traceptin

Vibir of vaginal tablets from vaginosti to accumulate in the form of a skin woman, especially to an organism and a way of oberigannya. It’s not easy to forget, non-hormonal drugs, which will increase the vagina, more efficiently in combination with other contraceptives.

Chinese tablets for vaginosis

Chinese tablets for the transfer of vaginosity may be stored in their own warehouses, which can be found in other anti-aging preparations and preparations of extreme contraception. Along with the use of Chinese pills to interfere with the vaginosity of the drug, it is not fast and safe, as it can be the cause of the death of a woman.

Acceptance of Chinese pills for vaginality can only be considered a drug or a quick look around. Another rule for the adoption of Chinese drugs - the price has been transferred to the Russian translation of the instruction. So, it is not easy to get drops, if Chinese drugs are put in their warehouse, they do not correspond to the meanings of the virus.

As soon as you take Chinese pills because of vaginosity, you have such symptoms as a fever, boredom, or blues, then it’s safe to go to the gynecologist, because it’s a threat to life.

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Yak take pills of vaginosti?

As soon as you are in the mood for an abortion, then they humorously trick you, like take pills of vaginosity. Take pills for vaginosis in two stages.

  • The first treatment with the preparation Wiklik Kisneve is the amniotic fluid hunger. Tobto embryon, which is three-five types, in the world in the form of unstable food and sourness.
  • Another intake of pills is in the form of vaginosity of the uterus, it is possible to speed up, as soon as it is boring and in some painful conditions. As a result, the dead embryo is released from the uterus. The Danish stage can be supervised with blood visions, as menstruation and triviality can be made up to two years.

Tablets of vaginosity can be taken in the first days after the menstrual cycle is adjusted. It is not possible to go to the gynecologist for a checkup, to confirm that the woman has no evidence for a medical abortion, and the term of her vaginosity allows her to take the drug.

You can take pills of vaginosity in an outpatient abnormal inpatient clinic. As long as the medication is not taken into the clinic, the gynecologist spasters behind the woman's camp, stretching for 2-4 years. Tse allows for faster abortion at an early stage.

After 10-15 days, after taking the drug, the woman undergoes a routine check-up at the gynecologist. The gynecologist to carry out bimanual diagnostics, ultrasound diagnostics. Tse permits z'yasuvati, as a result of an abortion, in times of abortion, a lykar signifies a surgical cleaning.

Early treatment of vaginosity with pills

Early interception of vaginosity with tablets whole is possible. Tim is bigger, this kind of abortion is the safest. The lack of success in this method is practically dumb. However, it’s just that the pills are of a vaginosity only in the same range, as there are more than six types of vaginosity. Through those who are not all women, they go for advice to a gynecologist and carry out a medical abortion as quickly as possible, to go into more traumatizing and unsafe operations.

Earlier, vaginosis pills are given a practically 100% result. Ale, before taking the drug, it is necessary to go through a gynecologist's treatment. For this purpose, it is possible to eliminate the risk of pregnancy and to correct the dosage on the intake of tablets from the vagina. After receiving the medication, after 10-15 days, it is also necessary to consult a gynecologist. The doctor is guilty of reconsidering whether he had an abortion if there is a need for a surgical procedure, in case of surviving new visits.

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Extrina tablet from vaginosti

An extra tablet is taken from vaginosity immediately after an unprotected statutory act. Є drugs that need to be taken after 24 years and 72 years after the end of the day. More effective tablets are used, since they are protected from vaginosity for 24 hours. Extrina tablet will keep your vaginosity up to date. Tobto, you can vikoristovuvatsya yak for extra help. Ale ekstrina the pill cannot be used because it has already been consumed by the vaginosity, since the ekstrina of contraception is effective.

Mechanism of developing pills from vaginosity to lie down during the stage of the menstrual cycle. Let's take a look at the pills of the emergency contraception:

  • Extrina tablet as a vaginosis will take into account the dosage of ovum and transfer from ovaries.
  • Active chemistry in pills will help you to delay egg production as it leaves the egg.
  • Pigulka pereshkodzhaє attached ovum, as it is already covered by the endometrium.

Beastly respect, when taking an oral pill as a vagina, there may be few changes in the menstrual cycle. Millions can be seen earlier or more, but small or even more vivid and sickly. Likewise, if a woman has taken a drug, she may have a vision, smear it, and trivially before the onset of menstruation.

  • The female bully is giggled.
  • The effectiveness of the tablet for the duration of the 24-year-old is increased because of the fact that an hour has passed since the unprotected statutory act. So, for sure, if the tablet has been taken for 24 years, then the efficiency will be 95%. If the vagina has come, then taking the pill is not effective and does not affect the fetus.

    Do not be astonished at the effectiveness of the tablet for 24 years of vaginosity, the drug can suffer a number of side effects. Let's see in more detail:

    • Bile in the stomach, nudota, diarrhea, blues
    • Adjusted in volume and head bill
    • Irregular menstrual cycle and vaginal growth

    Pigulka from vaginosti 72 years

    The tablets are of 72-year-old vagineness of the "emergency" concentration, which allows you to add extra vaginosity. Effectively diy tablets can be used in the same way as the act was not used for 72 years or so. Taking the drug in the whole period allows the process of conception.

    Pills of vaginnost for 72 years add to this problem, if there was no abduction of statutory acts, but they didn’t help them. Tablets can be taken not often as often as a month, as the stench is hormonal. The effectiveness of tablets is 72 trochas lower, lower than the drug is 24 years old. Among all tablets of vaginosity, you can see two of the most popular drugs: Postinor Duo and Escapelle. If you take the tablets, you can drink the vagina more quickly.

    Strong ryuchy beat in the lower abdomen, as it appears after 3-5 months after taking the pills. If you have some symptoms, then there is a sign that the membrane is in the fallopian tubes, then there is a vaginal vagina.

    • Bil in the breasts, її swelling.
    • The dikhannya is not complicated, the dull look.
    • Bil and hot spots on the bottom, allergic hanging on the legs.

    As long as you have one of the symptoms of gastrointestinal symptoms, it is safe to go to the gynecologist.

    Diya of tablets "72 years of play" Diya of tablets "72 years of play" is divided into two stages. If the woman has not yet ovulated with the drug taken, then the pills will hope for the onset of ovulation. Not fallen asleep, for tablets "72 years old," accelerated passage of spermatozoa through the uterine tubes. As soon as the delay comes, so that the woman is in charge, then the tablets will be taken from the conception of the egg.

    You can take the tablets only by looking at the gynecologist. Ale not varto vikoristovuvati daniy the drug is often used. So, as the basis of the tablets is a series of potent hormones, which can be vicious without any side effects.

    The price of pills for vaginosis

    To a skin woman, she decided to take a medical abortion to find the price of pills for vaginosis. Let's take a look at the most popular drugs in terms of vagineness and partiality.

    • Mifepristone - tablets, in a package of 200mg of diyuchoi speech, the rate is 700-900 hryvnias.
    • Ginepriston - tablets, in a package of 10 mg of diyuchoy speech, part of 50 hryvnia.
    • Mifolian - Chinese tablets, in a package of 200 mg of diyuchy speech, part 250-300 hryvnia.
    • Zhenale - tablets, in a package of 10 mg of diyuchoy speech, a parity of 70-100 hryvnias.
    • Pencrofton - in a pack of three tablets, 200 mg of diyuchoy speech, a part of 100 hryvnia.
    • Mifegin - French tablets, in a package of 200 mg of diyuchy speech, the part for the preparation is 700-800 hryvnias.

    Beastly respect, the price of pills for the treatment of vaginosity can be derived from the name given, but it does not matter. Before buying and taking pills of vaginosity, consult a gynecologist.

    Tablets for medical abortion are indicated for the transfer of vaginosity in early terms up to 12 months per day of the last menstrual period. Less than an hour has passed since the moment of conception, the more easy it is to undergo a medical abortion, and the procedure is less necessary.

    Medical abortion ALL INCLUSIVE - 3300 rubles.

    What about medical abortion? Yak to lower riziki?

    Medical treatment of vaginosis is a single piece abortion without surgical involvement. In this vypadku vykoristovyu lіkarskі preparations, which tighten the life of the embryo and wiggle the fruit egg.

    Tablets are dispensed from a small warehouse of practical speech and an economic principle of action on organism. It’s impossible to pick it up on its own - the doctor’s gynecologist should try. The doctor is interested in the term of vaginosity, in the case of patients, in the number of previous vaginities, in the history of symptoms, contraindications, etc.

    Nabazuyuchis on abortion, navit not dressing with surgical entrances, the woman is guilty of the mischief, the intake of pills, the wicked day, and the very same way to get medical abortion is stress for the body. Alle at vipadku with correctly chosen lykarsky zasob, there will be no great problems for health. One way to reduce risky is to turn to a good doctor and follow the orders.

    See pills for medical abortion

    It’s always a matter of vagueness to find out about medications to provoke a piece of wickedness. Smell be divided into three groups:

    1. Zastosovuvani in the crossing of two dibs for the unprotected statute(Postinor, Eskapel). The effectiveness of the drug becomes 95%, as long as it takes 24 years for sexual intercourse. The drug is stopped for a day after 72 years (3 days), so the drug is indicated for an extravagant change in vaginosity.
    2. Preparations for the adaptation of vaginosity in early terms(Up to 42 days from the day of the last menstruation). The stench can be vicious as if you had to use an extreme contraception, and for a change in the already obvious vaginosity (Mifegin, Mifolian, Zhenale). The best option is the safest and gives the maximum guarantee for the transfer.
    3. Antiprogestagen drugs for medical abortion from 42 to 62 days from the day of the last menstruation (Mifepristone, Misoprostol, Pencrofton). Russian drugs do not need medical abortion after 42 days of vaginosity, as it takes the procedure to give a great body to the body, and patients also need to take a large dose of symptoms. There is a huge decrease in the efficiency of the change. Tse is tied together with that attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus.

    Medicines that wicked day, revenge antiprogestogen, so block viroblast of female hormones of progestogens. The drugs are not sold in pharmacies and only in the minds of the hospital, the gynecologist can control the diagnosis of the embryo. ... A woman has a higher term for her vagina, and a woman has a lower term for an abortion. The efficiency decreases by 7 levels to 93%, by 8 levels - to 88%.

    Medication for changing vaginosti for European worlds is permissible up to 12 times. Alle and there, on the term of 6 months, only in medical installations at the time of severe bleeding, vicious endometrial tests are carried out. Tom for food: "What is the term for abortion with pills?"

    What are the drugs for vaginosity?

    The basic principle of drug therapy for the interruption of the vaginosity of the stimulation against the change in the hormonal background, which dominates the period of vaginosity. For some reason, the embryo trades in and out of the womb. Indications of the preparation are based on active speech, which is due to the delayed ovum.

    The drugs available for use are divided into two groups:

    1. Antagonism (anti) progesterone(Mifegin, Mifepristone, Zhenale). Progesterone is a steroidal (physiologically active, painstakingly and reactively active) hormone, which is violated by women’s cells in the great number of hours of vaginosity. Winning the preparation of the body before conception: robbing the endometrium with more muscle, weakening the muscles of the uterus, lowering immunity, the female organism has not rejected the ovum. Antagonists of progesterone are piecemeal and natural: synthetic - progestin (progestogen), natural - progesterone.
    2. prostaglandini(Misoprostol, Dinoprost). tse physiological active speeches to stimulate process of vіdtorgnennya embryon. Stench inject on the smooth muscles of the uterus, provoking її fast. Wickedness for transferring the vagina on terms from 16 to 23 days.

    Characteristics of drugs for abortion

    Name of Lika

    active ingredient


    yak injected


    Mirena, Norplant, Mikrolut

    750 mcg levonorgestrel

    Changing the structure of the endometrium, pereshkojaє attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus

    Virobnik, price

    Gedeon Richter (Ugorshchina), price 305-375 rubles.


    100 mcg mfepristone

    Stuck for an extreme contraception up to 3 dB, not changing the hormonal background

    Virobnik, price

    Izvarine Pharma. Russia. Price: 250-310 rubles.


    Mifepristone, Zhenale, Agesta

    200 mg mifepristone

    Stimulation until the next weekend

    Virobnik, price

    VAT "Pharmsynthez" Russia. From 1500 rub.

    Mifolian, Mifeprex

    200 mg mifepristone

    Blocking diy hormone progesterone

    Virobnik, price

    EXELGYN Lab., France. From RUB 3000



    200 mg misoprostol і 200 mg gіpromelosi

    Vikoristovuyutsya mentally with mifepristone to reduce vaginosity up to 56 days

    Virobnik, price

    Beijing Zizu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., China. From 2000 rub.



    200 mg misoprostol

    Increase the tone of the uterus and produce up to fast smooth mucus

    Virobnik, price

    Pfizer, Belgium. From 1900 rub.



    50 mg mifepristone

    Blocking diyu progesterone on pivnі receptors

    Virobnik, price

    Nizhpharm, Russia. From 6289 rub.

    10 mg mifepristone

    Vikoristovutsya yak method of contraception postcoital

    Virobnik, price

    Mordovia. From RUB 163


    Pencrofton, Mifepristone

    200 mg mifepristone

    Participation in the trade union for the term up to 42 days from the day of the last menstruation

    Virobnik, price




    200 mg mifepristone

    Blokuє diyu progesterone, digest the vagіtnіst up to 42 days

    Virobnik, price


    Enzaprost-F, ін'єкція

    Dinoprost, Prostin F2 Alpha

    5 ml prostaglandin dinoprost trometamina

    Retrieval of vaginosti on a different term 16-20 days

    Virobnik, price

    SANOFI-AVENTIS, Ugorshchina. From 3500 rub.

    Prostin F2 Alpha


    5 ml prostaglandin dinoprost trometamin

    Viklikak uterine fast, expanding the uterus, pushing the vise

    Virobnik, price

    Pfizer, Belgium. From 2000 rub.

    Yakі zoby for medical abortion vikoristovyu in Russia and the regions of the SND

    A number of drugs are available, which are officially permitted in Russia and the Sumy Lands.


    Postinor -zasib the extreme contraception number 1 on the victim's space. On the territory of SND permits, the drug is distributed by the Ugrian company Richter Gedeon.

    It’s even stronger than that, as there are no vicious defectives. Vono immediately flows into the menstrual cycle and into the structure of the uterus. The postinor does not frighten the direct abortive act, but if he does not allow the very vaginosity of an unprotected statutory act, then accept it, not after 2 do it, and it is not safe to conceive.

    yak accept... Accept Postinor as follows: it is stored in two tablets, the skin should be replaced with 750 mcg of levonorgestrel (synthetic progestogen, galvanic vyroleniya of state hormones with hypophysis). The first pill is guilty of butti vipita on the onset of the wound during the stormy night, maximum - on the evening of the third day (as long as there are no more state of the cells and the embryo has not matured). After 12 years, it will be necessary to take a pill to a friend, an intimate in Postinor's reception.

    Postinor's principle... Synthetic progestogen for the dosage of follicles, which replaces the monthly cycle. There is also a thick cervical mucus, which interferes with the penetration of the sperm into the empty uterus. The structure of the endometrium changes, the wine grows more fluffy and so it does not give the possibility of the delayed ovum to adhere to the uterine wall.

    Neighborhoods and shortcomings

    • plus... Unimportant to a great risik for a woman's health, Postinor has an important positive aspect. If all the same, the vagina became (through the wrong intake of pills, the blotting of the drug, another statute of the act of implanting Postinor for the first time), then the negative poured into the development of the embryo did not break the tablet, on the basis of the preparation for the first time
    • Minusi.Postinor maє masu contraindication. This method is only suitable for healthy women with a regular menstrual cycle. At the connection with the time, the drug will drive the function of the testicles, it can be caused by the dysfunction or the setting of the brush. It is barred to accept the Postinor more than once per cycle, and it is possible to get rid of it.

    Prototype... The drug is contraindicated for women who suffer from uterine bleeding, epilepsy, heart ailments and swollen breasts.

    Important!Postinor is a medication for an extravagant attacker, so he can be quicker only in an unhappy situation. After 3 hours of taking a pill, it is necessary , Schab upevnitsya in the fact that the vag_tn_st is not seen. If the results are too high, it is necessary to increase .


    Eskapel for the principle is similar to Postinor. Actively speaking in a whole drug is levonorgestrel, an analogue of the state hormone progesterone, which drives ovulation. The cervical mucus is thick and thick, and the endometrium is more fluffy. The efficiency of Eskapel becomes 97%, as it takes 72 years for the statute to take it.

    In the case of drug intake, the decrease is lower than indicated in the instructions (72-90 years), the effectiveness of the anti-aging effect will decrease to 84%.

    yak accept... Eskapel was stored in one tablet, a friend had to take only once, as soon as the first received blues, or even one more act.

    Plus, minus and contraindications, like at the postinor.

    Important!І Postinor, і Eskapel are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The stench is not abortive, so that you can't interrupt your vagina. Їх zavdannya - do not allow the clotted ovum from the internal surface of the uterus. As soon as the implantation has already become, the preparations are ineffective.


    Agesta is also a drug for extreme contraception of the Russian virus. The drug is to take 100 mcg of myfepristone. The efficiency of the statutory act (zgvaltuvannya) becomes 99% for 3 days.

    Agesta galmuє maturation of ovum, as well as a change in the structure of the mucous surface of the uterus, which cannot be implanted.

    Neighborhoods and shortcomings.

    • plus... The drug is to avenge the dose of the steroid antigestagen, which has no serious side effects. Menstruation is infused in the same month.
    • minusi... For a short time it is possible to respect the inaccessibility of the drug, which is why it is sold mainly in the capital.


    The drug Zhenale Russian virobnitstva (TOV Izvari-Pharma) can also take 100 mcg of myfepristone, and it can be analogous to the organism of a woman. Vin does not allow the growth of fruit eggs in the endometries.

    Accept the yak.Zhenale is effective by holding out three dibs for the statutory act. Take 1 tablet (10 mg).

    plus... The drug is a non-hormonal prodigy, which does not stop the monthly cycle. The managers of the whole do not win secondly without a reason, and it is possible to get rid of an incomplete one at a time.

    minusi... The effectiveness of the tablets is stored in the form of oil. With normal vase, the effectiveness of the tablets is 99%. Among the others - 65%, while the others - 33%. Improving the finish will not change the result.

    Prototype shown.Important ailments (nirkova, pechinkova deficiency, anemia, heart pathology), when taking hormones and medications to reduce the laryngeal discharge (artofen, heparin, aspirin, diclofenac, anticoagulability), lack of tolerance

    Important!Alcohol neutralizu diyu Zhenale. As soon as menstruation was not rested for a stretch of 10 days after receiving a visit, it is necessary .

    What is more beautiful: postinor, is she married or Eskapel?

    To be able to take on the food chain, you need to take a few moments.

    • Postinor і Eskapel to take revenge on hormones, for that іkh efficiency in women and women.
    • Zhenale dіє dovshe, nіzh postinor і Eskapel. Zhenale is effective and on the third day of unprotected sex. Postinor abo Eskapel to help only in Persha dobu.
    • When I receive a postinor and Eskapel, I often find myself catching up on critical days and uterine bleeding.
    • Hormonal development .

    In all cases, even if a drug is taken, it is difficult to get it, it is necessary to go to the gynecologist, to go through the treatment for the visit and, in times of consumption,, Do not tighten the term.

    Provide for a honey abortion on term up to 42 days

    , - medications for abortion. They have the same speech mifepristone, the principle of acting is the same. Vіdrіznya drugs:

    • Riznytsya in the price.Preparations stand in a reasonable way, as Mifegin is carried out by France, and Mifepristone in Russia or China.
    • movіrnіstіstі... It is important that Russian licenses for medical abortion are more often lost, women are more familiar with the French mifeguin, who pass the mitts and the points of control.
    • efficiency... Mifegin is generally more effective in early terms. Mifepristone is more suitable to stimulate generic activity. Yak abortive zasіb wіn maє more low efficiency.
    • Vicious Effects... The girls start dying, so Mifegin Volodya Mensh turns by side-by-side action.


    An analogue of mifegin Ginestril decreases the dose of active speech, which is why abortion is less effective. It’s better to be victorious for quiet patients, if it’s not possible to get abortion due to improper testing of emergency contraception, but the woman didn’t take a lot of hormonal benefits. In general, I recommend a lighter drug, Ginestrila, to complete the incineration of the delayed ovum. Ale yak self-abortive for Ginestril is not very effective.


    Take the drug Mifepristone Mifolian as well as antiprogesterone. It is necessary to be introduced to the new generation of medicines in relation to mifepristone, and there are fewer side effects. At the same hour, Mifolian Mensh is an effective abortion. Fakhіvtsyami іdmіchen, but in 5% of cases, in 5% of cases when a woman’s stays on the development of vagina, in 7% of cases she’s getting overwhelmed, but if she doesn’t go into it, but in 3% of cases she has a strong bleeding disorder.

    A great minus to the drug: in case of saving the vagina, if you have a negative infusion on the embryo, it will lead to an abortion.


    Pencrofton can also take revenge on a large dose of Myfepristone, and it’s vicious as a result of extreme contraception, as well as for reversing the same vaginosis. Likari often recommend to patients a drug for medical abortion, aleptic treatment of their lichen in medical facilities. In a new one, a hundred shortages - a viclik's fault, severe bleeding.

    Cytotec, Misoprostol

    Cytotec or Misoprostol are similar in their performance. Misoprostol is a placental hormone, and Cytotec is a uterine rate. Wiklikayut piece Wikiday, we ourselves are digesting the vagina. The preparation is recommended for the treatment of vaginosity at the term of up to 42 months, thus the preparation of uterine bleeding.

    Liks for the transfer of vaginosti for terms up to 62 days

    Medication for the treatment of vaginosity - - it is allowed up to 12 months or 74 days, but not for medical indications, the vaginism in medical facilities is not taken for 62 days from the day of the last menstruation. On the 12th day, the use of progesterone in a large amount is increased, so that all medicines for abortion based on progesterone blockers become ineffective. Until then, after 12 months, the formation of the placenta is completed, which will lead to the life of the fetus.

    Fixing for 7 days for medical abortion zasosovoyt specials on the basis of prostaglandins. The price of active speech, the main feature of which is the maintenance of vital important processes. So, in cholovik prostaglandins stimulate the decay of spermatozoa, in females they provoke the rate of the uterus in the process of flattening, in newborns, blockage of blood flow in the umbilical cord and widening of the artery. Marriage of prostaglandins accelerates labor, and excessive provocation of early pregnancy.

    Preparations for vaginosis interception on the basis of prostaglandins are viciously administered in medical facilities. The stench stimulates the swiftness of the uterus; The shyka of the uterus grows and grows, stimulating the fetus. Until such strong medicines are killed in special drops, like a woman but the analyzes showed ... Still, there is a lack of uterine bleeding and slowing down.


    The drug Enzaprost-F is an active language prostaglandin dinoprost, which is infused onto smooth muscles. Trivial rhythmic speedy drink bends and bends to the fetus. Yak abortive use of the drug is injected into a navkolopl_dniy michur. After one hour, introduce another dose to stimulate the uterine rapidly.

    Prostin F2 Alpha

    Similarly, the drug Prostin F2 Alpha is injected onto the body, and in the base of the wine I can actively use prostaglandin F2-alpha. Introduced into navkolopl_dniy michur for stimulation of fast smooth muscles. We are going to change the vaginosity at a term of 16-20 days.

    Likar respectfully spostering for the patient for 48 years. As a result, the fetus does not grow out, it is afraid of mechanically changing the vaginosity. The drug does not become stagnant in women with asthma, uterine myomy, pathology of the heart and blood.

    Why is it so popular on the basis of myfepriston?

    Preparations based on Mifepristone, Mifegin, Mifepristone, , Pencrofton, Myfolian, block the viral release of progesterone, female hormone, which can be seen at the moment when it reaches 12 days in a great number. Progesterone is responsible for the relaxation of smooth muscles, when the embryo is implanted into the empty uterus. Mifepristone is used to induce progesterone release and release of prostaglandins, which stimulate uterine growth. As a result, the cervix of the uterus opens up, and the rhythmic speed of the uterus vyshtovuyut embryo.

    Before the preparation of the drug is dispensed:

    • efficiency 98.6%;
    • no need for anesthesia, as with abortion, abo ;
    • viklyuchaetsya imovіrnіstnіnіnіnіy іnfektsії, establishment of adhesions of fallopian tubes and cicatrices;
    • the empty uterus is not injured;
    • abortion is healthy without secondary risk;
    • a woman has a lot of psychological trauma, like a surgical abortion;
    • with the right The same instructions do not cause bleeding or severe pain.

    How to get stuck in order to fix the vaginosti in an extreme order

    The drugs of extreme contraception are capable of increasing estrogen, so that the stench does not stimulate abortion, but does not allow the vaginosity itself. The active component of Postinor, levonogestrel, is the dose of follicles at the same time infused into the inner ball of the uterus with endometries. Winnie grows puffy, so that the zygote cannot be implanted at the time of the delay of egg production. Until then, there was a large gap and the ligation of the mucus of the cervical canal does not allow the spermatozoa to penetrate all the way. The efficacy of the drug lies in the form of fluidity of the drug.

    If the tablet will be accepted in 24 years after the statutory act, then the vagina will not be 95%. As soon as three days have passed, the efficiency is decreasing.

    The postinor will take two steps: the first time it is possible before the statutory act, and the friend a tablet after 12 years. Perevaga drugs in extreme contraception in the fact that the menstrual cycle is practically not changing, but it is even more important for young women. Tim is not the man, the stench is not guilty of stinking regularly, a maximum of 2 times a day.

    How to get stuck for medical abortion based on progesterone blockers

    Preparations based on mifepristone and misoprostol are stored in two stages: the first tablet is taken by the woman in the presence of a doctor. If you don’t see pain and bleeding, then you should go back to home. Another time to come to the gynecologist in 2 days to look around.

    As soon as the process of fetalization takes place, vaginally I give a pill to a friend, or maybe even the same drug. The abortion is to be completed in 2-3 days. In case of severe bleeding, the woman will turn into the same mortgage at any hour dobi. In 14 days I won’t know where to go. Likar on ultrasound scan will change at the fetus. As soon as the privacy was spared, women would like to propose a surgical abortion.

    De zrobiti medical abortion in St. Petersburg

    Honey transferring vaginosti is possible to stay in. Mi vikoristovuєmo only certified preparations. The part of the procedure is to enter the appointment of a gynecologist, ultrasound scan for determining the term of vaginosity and pills for abortion.

    The drugs, which are victorious on the weekends, have become victorious in medical practice quite recently. The name of the tablets for wikidnya vіdomo tіlki medics. The principle of diji pills for Wikidday is borderline simple. Weekend take 6-8 years to take another pill.

    This is a half folk and half medical way of relieving vaginosti - by taking a great dose of Vitamin S. When taking the first pill in larger women, vaginal bleeding of low intensity can be repaired - in some it is insignificant, in others it is more difficult to finish.

    When I take another pill, the bleeding continues for three months. So it’s not so easy to be inspired by those, that you’ll instantly become a wikid day of one vipito "miraculous pigulka", like following the wave of a charming stick.

    Yaky buy me drugs, wiklikati canopy or wikiden. In the present hour, there are ways of wikiting the day in early terms for the additional help of new medications. For once there is a large amount of drug intake, there is a large amount of medication for the disease. I would like in this hour some preparations and analogs of Chinese tablets for Wikipedia to be illegally expanded through the Internet.

    Taking another pill may cause spastic pain, vaginal bleeding. It is not necessary to think about those who take a pill, or what an injection of zrobiti in order to provoke a weekend in the home minds. Victory day with a piece walk is possible with such preparations only for 49 days after conception. The intake of medications for the provocation of the weekend is tied with a great risik for the health of a woman.

    Yaki pills wikikayut wikiday?

    The price is not just a great mix of products that provoke Wikidday. Mimovilny wikidnі at the early stage of vagіnosti not є rіdkіstyu. If the woman immediately turned up for a medical aid, then the mimic Wikidday does not threaten her health.

    Early term pills are called Mifegin, Mifeprex, Mifolian.

    Ale one tablet, yak kostu about 200 rubles, revenge only 10 mg of mifepristone. In such a rank, pills for the transfer of vaginosity, as all the health benefits and counterparts in the pharmacy, will cost a minimum of 12,000 rubles. With a medical abortion in the clinic, the drug itself looks like a pill. And on the week of the day, you see the same pose as a clinker. Deyakі women vvazhayut, scho pills for wikliku monthly - and abortion.

    Pills wikikayut wikiden

    And for this purpose, a wikiden was put on, navpaki, the drug "antiprogesterone" was prescribed, as progesterone is necessary for the development of vaginosity. Medical abortion is carried out under the supervision of a gynecologist for an hour, if the woman is taking pharmacological preparations, so that she can take vaginal changes.

    By the end of the term, taking the tablets is becoming more effective. Pills for medical abortion have a lot of hormones. For the medication transfer of vaginosity, the drugs are stagnant, but not suitable for sales.

    Vikoristovuyut one-time dose of 600 mg (3 tablets). Likar is guilty of overturning, but the woman has a contraindication to the intake of pills for the treatment of vaginosity in early terms. When taking pills for 4-5 years, the woman is constantly being careful. Having thrown about 8:00, won vipila one-time 3 tablets of mifepristone, 200 mcg each. Until the evening, skargi appeared on the unbearable pains in the lower abdomen, and later on, there was a lot of bleeding.

    Medicinal preparations for vaginosis

    In case of vicious tablets for wickedness for more specific terms, with wikidings, there may be winners of acceleration. Give the pills for a weekday until the end of the day you will get it in the first three add it to the statutory contact.

    Podіbnі preparations, scho wikkidayut, provoke the onset of the millennial. With a handful of women she took a pill for the weekend to take revenge on mifepristone, and two or three days later she took another pill with misoprostol in the warehouse. From the beginning of the misoprostol, the uterus will speed up, and it will lead to a piece weekend. You can take the first pill for a woman's wicked day, however, the drug is guilty of the patient's dispensation, in some cases I need medical help.

    How can I take medication for vaginosis?

    It is not safe for vaginosity, because bleeding may be more severe. However, Daniy Likarskiy is not generally recognized for the medication of vaginality. Tse all deprived of extreme contraception. In one more superficial way, we will widen it with a help, often vikoristovuєtsya for the interchange of vaginosti, є Progesterone. The main reason for such a drug is that it is practical for all women to recognize their own self.

    Bagato women, who were tested on their own drugs, started to use them, so they got a good night stand before the hour of strong essences. However, it means that the drugs are not sold in pharmacies (navigate for a prescription). Problems with monthly boules are common. I noticed so well. Pregnancy 19 years. Vagitness is not wanted.

    Mimic Wikidday is the go-ahead to take the first time to take pills to change the vagina. When I take the first pills for vikidnya, it is even more common for vaginal bleeding to occur. The woman took a pill for Wikidin Myfegin, Yaka Wiklikak Zagibel Embrion. Persh nіzh viclikati wikyden on the early terms in the household with pills, it is necessary to honor all for and against.


    Methods for converting vaginosity
    Method to recap ...

    Bile vision and opinion of women: causes, norm, pathology, discomfort
    Reasons for being ...

    Likuvannya without folk methods
    Yak vilykuvati be ...

    Reconsideration of vaginosti on different terms, shown
    Ways to break ...

    Blood vision for sex
    A bloody look ...

    Yak viznachiti wikidin in home minds and scho robiti
    Yak visnichiti ...

    Do not depend on the availability of a pre-travel situation, or such a situation arises, that with special or medical indications it is necessary to interrupt the visit. There are few methods of abortion, skin care is taken out of the range of vaginosity and individual features of the body of a woman. One of the most harmless types of abortion, vicarious on the early terms, is the medication of the medication.

    For this type of peeling, tablets are stored in a warehouse where mifepristone and misoprostol can be stored, intended for a vaginal change up to 7-8 months. I take the pills, just as indicated by the drug, practically of the same thing: I’m taking a tablet from a woman, I’m taking mifepristone, and after 1-3 add a pill to a friend, I’m taking a revenge from misopristol.

    Mesopristol is infused on the fast muscles of the uterus, provoking spasms and as a legacy of a mimic day. The head of the department knows two main components to be able to get rid of it quickly and without care for vagueness;

    Tablets for medical abortion are recognized as a drug and vikoristoyutsya under his control, self-control is unacceptable, some of the price may be good for the health and life of the woman.

    It will stay an hour most often to get rid of the medication itself, because this kind of treatment is not a surgical intervention, but it does not get rid of the uterus.


    The popularity of this method of seeing a fruit egg is backed up by the advancing passes:

    • the duration of the surgical entitlement is reduced to the minimum of the risk of the second without planning;
    • medication is not infused into the stump of the mucous surface of the uterus;
    • minimal developmental development: injury to the mucous membrane, injury to the cervix of the uterus, development of ignition and infectious diseases;
    • this kind of cleaning is not in the state of the hospital;
    • update and revision information;
    • when pills are taken in the first 3 days after unprotected body contact, allowing the negative influx to the body to be eliminated;
    • post-procedural preparations can be vicoristically self-sufficient at home;
    • through a few days of living, the woman can turn to the rhythm of life;
    • can be carried out at the given birth to women;
    • non-malignant hepatitis and HIV infection;
    • according to the findings of medical abortion, it is possible to reduce the sinus menstruation.

    It is also very important, medication, not to see a fruit egg from a moral point of view, to get on with it easier and not in a trivial way.

    Abortion for pills

    For medical abortion, special pills are used, which are not available for sale. These drugs are aimed at speeding up the uterus and at the destruction of the ligament between the organ and the fetal egg, which provokes mimic day. Vibravshi, tablets zazvychay zastosovytsya with a number of antigestagens, before the warehouse of which to enter the speech allow you to strangle the viroblenya of gestagens.

    In most cases, Mifepristone, or analogs, are prescribed 3 tablets in doses of 600 mg, if you take the first tablet for 72 years.

    For taking the drug, the woman is guilty of overbearing the visitor, who is to follow the camp and self-respect of the patient. When a woman's reaction is out of the way, she can return to home, when she is a patient, she can be left in the hospital. Mimic Wikidday is drawn to take the first pill, for which ultrasound control is required for the confirmation of the repeated delivery of the fruit egg from the empty uterus.

    list of drugs

    For medical abortion, you can use vicoristani pills:

    1. Mifegin is a French drug that is indicated for abortion at term of vaginosis up to 6 months. Brought to you without baking and effective work.
    2. Mifeprex is a Danish drug that is indicated for vaginal conditions up to 42 days. Prior to the reloading of these tablets, the efficiency and the good tolerance of the patients, with the minimum risk of development of the secondary effects, are accepted. When I take the first pill, blood-like vision appears in a few days.
    3. Mifepristone - stagnates at a term of up to 6 months. For a self-made weekend, it is necessary to take 3 tablets once a day, in order to receive the delivery of a fruit egg and how many a family day.
    4. Mytholian - not only for abortion in early terms of vaginosity, but for accelerating natural conditions. For the sake of sucking, I will break the contact between the uterus and the fertile egg, provoking its appearance.
    5. Pencrofton is a Daniyan drug that is vicarious in the form of extra contraception in case of unprotected statutory act. At the time of the vaginal pills, it is possible to carry out a mini abortion on a small term. The Danish drug is recognized to have given birth to women, although there is a minimal list of side effects and not a second round of failure.
    6. Postinor is a popular and effective method for extreme contraception. When conception is possible, the pills allow an abortion to be carried out at the stage of the delayed egg production, but not before 74 years. The head component of the drug is levonorgestrel. On the opinion of Danish experts, the drug is effective only in 85% of cases, and this is due to the fact that it was the fault of the yakomoga earlier than the unprotected statute act.

    Tablets for abortion are taken with a drug individually for the skin woman, in particular, the body and the situation. In short, there is such a change in the development of side effects, the growth of the development of bleeding in the case of deterioration of the throat of blood. Likewise, medication for the treatment of vaginosity is also common. Besides, in the absence of the term of vaginosity, medical abortion for each patient cannot be guaranteed 100%.

    Abortion pills

    Having got used to medication for vaginosis, why should women change their minds, how can they use pills for an abortion? All deposit from the virobnik and the region of purchase. Abortion pills can be known for such a price:

    • Mifepristone: 1000-2000 rubles;
    • Postinor: від 390 rubles;
    • Mifegin: from 2500 rubles;
    • Mifeprex: from 1200 rubles;
    • Myfolian: 1200-2500 rubles;
    • Pencrofton: from 900 rubles.

    In most cases, the drug is bought in the most medical center, in some cases there is a prescription and a woman can buy pills herself in a pharmacy.

    Abortion pills

    Whether an abortion, including medication, is carried out in the minds of a stationary, the patient's account is guilty of being overwhelmed by a visual fakhivtsya, in addition to helping to identify important inheritances. For carrying out medical abortion, a drug is a type of drug that does not need to be used in a healthy way. For the preparation of an additional fetal egg, the doctor is responsible for carrying out an additional ultrasound scan to prevent an abortion. If carried out at a distance, there are recommendations, as well as indications of medications necessary for the renewal of children's health. It is important to remember that it is not possible to self-identify this drug, the price is due to the development of the drug due to the peculiarities of the organism of the skin patient and the fast.

    Yaki piti pills for abortion?

    For a piece-by-piece change of the vaginosity of the car, it is indicative of the following:

    • antibacterial drugs - for the development of the ignition process and getting infected;
    • oral contraceptives for the improvement of reproductive functions and hormonal levels;
    • vitamins for the improvement of the immune system.

    Antibacterial therapy is indicated in case of any kind of interruption, including medication. Acceptance of antibiotics will give you a zest of animal organisms from the heat and infectious diseases, which can be unique. In most cases, strong antibacterial drugs are recognized, as they help to cleanse the organism from young people (Doxycycline, Metronidazole, Fluconazole). Doxycycline is indicated as a course of 5 to 7 days, 1 tablet 2 times a day. But Metronidazole will be able to reproduce the multiplication of infectious diseases, which have been consumed in the organism. To that, immediately after the abortion, the woman is guilty of drinking the drug three for a day, 2 tablets.

    On the fifth day of taking antibiotics, one-time guilty of taking Fluconazole, or any analogue, can also eliminate intestinal microflora damage, as the inheritance of thrush.

    In addition to antibacterial problems, there can be signs and signs of the new generation: Nistatin, Tsifran, which can be used for the offensive scheme: 2 tablets per day for 5 days.

    For antibacterial therapy, it is necessary to take drugs in order to recover the intestinal microflora, the yaka suffered from a forceful blow with drugs. For the whole, there are a lot of lacto-and-bifidobacteria, for example, capsules of Bifi-Pharm.

    COC or combined oral contraceptives are recognized as a medicine for several purposes: to prevent repeated vaginosity, for normalization of the menstrual cycle and hormonal background, as well as for prophylactic entry against possible accelerated periods. Regulon and Novinet should be placed before such preparations.

    It is important for the renewal of the body for an abortion by taking polyvitamins, which is to revenge antioxidants. For medicinal cleansing, it is recommended to undergo a course of vitamino-therapy with a term for 1-2 months, so that you can learn the power or turn to the rhythm of the rhythm.

    It is not often the case for medical abortion that there is a delay, the most often - trivial blood vision, but talk about the lack of endometrial ball. In such a category, there may be some signs of Oxytocin, which is directly associated with the growth of the uterus, which additionally helps the normal examination of the endometrium.

    All drugs are guilty of being recognized only by a doctor-gynecologist, some of them are self-sufficient, they can be attributed to a number of accelerated ones. Uniqueness the negative inheritance of a piece of vaginosity pills, as well as more precisely, taking into account all the recommendations of the fahivtsya.

    Abortion pills

    Women who have received an abortion after a vlast bazhannya, or through a medical show, important thoughts and messages are quiet, but also go through the price. Deyakikh tsіkavit, chi winnіkє bіl, how strong won, you can be quicker, and as self-esteem in the beginning of the abortion. At all times of the meal, there may be reports of women who underwent an abortion with pills:

    1. The other's trip is unplanned. Immediately, as soon as I knew, I went for a consultation before a paid doctor, they changed the ultrasound scan and set the term of vaginosity 4-5 times. Then they gave me a focus on the issue of analyzes. When the results came, I was given the drug mifepristone on the first day, and it was necessary to drink 3 tablets at once. Not girky to relish, a dozen hour later I got bored. Just an hour later, I went over to see the doctor, and then I was allowed to go home. Before the tsim, they gave recommendations and explained that less checks and in some cases it is necessary to turn for help. After 1.5, I got a picture of me to smear it, but after a couple of years they did it. Having felt the pains, they live, like in the presence of the millennials, and at once with blood I started to kill the clots. Just a couple of days later, there was a blistering vision, as they moved step by step into a blooming vision. For the renewal of the cycle, they appointed Regulon, which began to be accepted in 7 days, on the same day the vision was added. On the offensive wound, they carried out an ultrasound scan, everything was clean.
    2. Behind the camp of my health, for a trivial hour, it is impossible for the people of juvati, who happened to have an abortion. Vibrated the medication itself, which is the least of the side effects, and in the fake I am still going to the people of the child. I gave me a bottle of pills, I won’t give it to me in detail, I’m smut, but everything went smoothly, but the pain was stronger, and I got a drink of No-shp’s tablets. Morally, it was important to be respected, the car was not so calm, that the term was too small, the problems in general are not to blame.
    3. I was gladdened with medication intervening, term buv 5-6 types. I took the drug Mifepristone for more than a few years, and I sat there for a glance. A couple of days later, they gave me a couple of pills, and all of them immediately began to shelter with clots, all of them were suffering from wild pain. The vision didn’t stick to the next three, I was sent to the ultrasound scan, it didn’t appear, but I didn’t see the egg. I had a vacuum abortion at my child's bag, but I can't please anyone!
    4. I robbed an abortion for 2 months since my daughter was only 5 months old. Abortion is easy without acceleration, it is tolerable. Mysyats to that, I re-entered, and I knew that I was re-enticing in this way. I’ve never seen anything like that! I took a pill and I immediately felt a bit of bread, I saw myself even badly, I felt a bloody vision. Thank God, everything ended well, without speeding up, so I immediately thought of taking antibiotics.