Map of bazhan scho pisati. All about the bazhan card

Mrii є for all, but the stench is far from the skin. Most of the time, guessing about their unsettled bazhannyah, mi trohi sumuєmo, sprymayuchi, however, the fact has licked hope as it was by itself zoosuly. "It's not a porobish, the whole thing is all the world, and the stench is rare from someone," - this is how people who are not judged by their plan to get involved in reality. Moreover, the world doesn’t take a dignity, but it’s good to go.

How to help the world become reality

Є Revision of the methods that are intended to help improve the health. One of them is a pole in the cross-section of his bazhan. The way is even simpler and absolutely fantastic at first glance. It is efficient, easy to change, how bazannya zd_snyatsya to write pictures from magazines on the shmatok whatman. Protest, with the help of the work, in which people have already got up to perekonatisya, as they were killing such pictures. Only the nobility is required, yak correctly fold the card bazhan.

The stars came to us

The tradition of folding kart bazhan came from feng shui, about the interplay of elements, widely distributed in China. The essence of the flow of the polarity lies in the fact that the entire life of the world, in which a person lives, extends into singing zones. Є zone of wealth, glory, whore and cohannia, family, health. Є also a zone for children, wisdom and knowledge, kar'єri and high prices.

To get involved, you can activate the required dishes by placing singing objects in them. The zone, which has become active, additional assistance in the zd_jsnenny conceived. I navpaki, inactive areas contribute to the sphere of human activity, for the stench they see. In order to bring harmony into your life, you need to give the energy the power to change. The bazhan card in feng shui will help you in tsomu.

What to see

Before tim yak zrobiti card bazhan, it is necessary to see the qim by the bazhan themselves. Virishiti, you yourself want to be present in life. And for all the need for all the deprivation of thought.

To see if you wanted to back your life through the rik, through five rockies. Chim bi vi wanted to be engaged, kim bachit yourself. See your house, family, robot. Don't let you have a laugh at the need to fantasize. Reading the visualization of your bazhan is absolutely necessary for your health.

Reveal everything to the details. Pamper in your house, in which you will live, a number of rooms, and your inner health. Wrap the picture in your brain as much as possible and barvy.

Yakshho mriya is a lot of money, poke through the emergency gatherings, see your new plantation, and that, as you can easily cope with your service obligations. If you are self-sufficient and you do not have these, then you will see your own maybut companion or a companion. If you already have it, then sprinkle your thoughts on your life. Be singled out, so soon you will reject all those who so diligently painted in uyavi.

Start up until the end of the carte bazhan

If you have already noticed everyone, you want your mother in the future, now it's time to get busy with your world. Before you create a map of the bazhan, then you learn it, and everything that you illustrate is early enough to come. To that end, the images are drawn to those only those that your mother wants you to do.

Before tim yak, fold the bazhan card correctly, and then put your thoughts and feel in order. Get started until the robot is in a good mood. If you are not in love, if you are tormented, then it’s more beautiful to tell the right for a little while. Pracyuvati will only fold the card of bazhan in a positive mood. The rules do not fail. You are guilty to add to your card all the most beautiful and positive, victorious power of thought for the whole. At the presentations of the images, you can marvel at the butt of the picture bazhan.

Sitka Bagua

The bazhan card in Feng Shui is based on the Bagua net. Uninvolved in the name of the tamnichіst, tse all just a table of nine semesters. The skin is in the middle of becoming a singing life aspect.

zone of wealth

(Pivdenny skhid)

Zone of glory and special people

Zone of love and whore

(Pivdenny zad)

zone of sіm'ї

health zone

Children and creativity zone

Zone of wisdom and knowledge

(Північний шід)

Zone of growth

Zone of heavenly pomichniks and high roads

(Pivnіchny zhіd)

Map of bazhan: instructions on the siren

To fold the picture, you will need an arkush paper. The format can be, whatever, for greater efficiency, more beautifully take an arkush of a white paper in A4 format. In addition, you will need beautiful pictures, as you will be looking for your happy life. You can check out magazines or bookmark them on the Internet.

The yak can be seen from the guided sight of the Bagua net, in the center of your picture there is a health zone. She needs to paste her photo. So see that all the images on the card are brought up to you.

Photographs should be chosen, as they will be applied to the most happy period of life. In the ideals on the new guilt, the images are cheerful, smiling, in the wobbly chosen. If there is no such image, stick it on, de you see the best game. Golovne, you should see it on the photo.

If you aren’t vlashtovuє those, if you see at once, if you want, for example, to get thin, then know the image of people in everything ideally, on your thought, quietly, and paste in the substitute of your individual. All pictures are from the obov'yazkovo signature.

Yak correctly select and record the image

Pictures are guilty of your real bazhannya. To that, select only those on which the bazhan is depicted. Why is it so important? That, for everything, that you put your bazhan on your card, you have the power to get overwhelmed. Svidchennya tsyogo - already folded by a great number of people the card of bazhan. They are prompted to talk about those who show everything on them with 100% vitality.

In such a rank, in the health zone, they are guilty in their most beautiful form. Pidpisuvati pictures slid so, nemov bazhanes are still there. Write "I can see perfectly, my vaga (bazhanu number of kilograms)".

Near the zone, which was blamed for wealth, you should draw a pile of penny banknotes, a luxurious mansion or a well-ordered apartment, a car about yaku vi mrieta. Moreover, all the prices can be raised overnight. The signatures of those responsible are as follows: "My Budink / Apartment", "My Car", "My Rahunok to the Bank".

In the zone, where you are prompted for a successful career, you can imagine yourself sitting in a quiet office. The order will need to be taken into account the photo of the organization, in every case they wanted to practice. Write down the name of the company, its own position and regulations. Do not forget to add the size of the salary.

The zone of family is guilty of revenge of photos of happy people. Tse can be your family in the shortest moment. How robiti, how much do you still have such? Paste the image of this, about yaku vi mrieta. Don't forget to insert your photo here. Sign up for the "Tse I and My Family" kshtalt.

The zone, which is considered to be a shlyub, is guilty of avenging the image of a happy friend. If you see problems with your partners with a partner, then you can help me with a photo of one person about one person. Good, if there will be pasted images of you and your partner. The guilty signatures are roughly as follows: "I have a loving person who is talking about me and our children." Abo: "I have a turbo-jet and a Lyublyacha squad."

Having learned that you have correctly folded the map of the bazhan, and you will be ready for the process of preparing it, you will be able to easily switch to whether it’s intelligence. Well, well, I’m guilty. Pratsyuє is most beautifully folded in the moment of the most attractive emoji pod'emakarta bazhan. Otzivulyudes, who put such pictures, to say about tse.

On a shche varto, uvagu

Knowing, if you correctly fold the map of bazhan, follow the memory of those who, on all sides of the world, appear to be guilty like that, like the stench of rosy in reality. To change the slide, speed up the compass. Place your map directly on the style sheet and use the compass to change over to make sure everything is applied correctly.

The skin from the images of the images is guilty of the most accurate representation of your innermost fame. At the same time, they are also guilty of being present at the illustrations. If you see about a new luxurious car, then the picture is to blame for the image not just of a car, which looks like you, but of you in the whole car. For credibility to know the image of the car with water, and to replace the individual, paste in your photo.

Fry bazhan over the potato, show that your bazhan has already arrived, and everything you want has already been taken away. For example, if you are thinking about those five five children born to you, then paste a photo from the images of seven with five children. All photographs are guilty of being signed in a positive key. Nicholas, do not pick on phrases that are negative and negative emotions.

An hour after the sale, the map of Bazhan was ready. Instructions, how to get to her, in the details found in the details of all those goodness that you take away, speeding up such a virob. However, vіdomі maestri feng shui do not please use pseudo-cards.

Zokrema, Natalya Pravdina, vidomy meister of feng shui, yaka brought knowledge about the old Chinese mystery to Russia, not to cheer up with hand-crafted cards, there are no souls in them. The card of bazhan, according to the truth, is guilty, but it is broken by the master's hand. Tilki in tsyu vipad vona buda pratsyuvati.

Well, here є only a small turnover. You can get a whole lot of the bazhan card for the family. Let’s admit that you have є little children, and you bazhaєte buti him a happy maybut. To create a card of bazhan for a skin child. To depict on a skin card what you want to skin your children. Show me what you want to know. The card bazhan, with its own hands, is broken, will bring happiness to the little ones.

In exactly the same way, you yourself can create a bazhan card for your own person or a squad. To build up if the stench is not to be lost in the possibility of changing your life by such a rank in a beautiful way, in general, to help you. Adzhe, yak seeming, kindly fondness from a pure heart to close people are eager to become.

Bazhan card: if it is more beautiful than robiti і de rozmіshchuvati

Zrostayucha Misyats є the finest hour for the opening of the kart bazhan. You can also take part in the preparation for the next month. Mysyats in astrology includes growth and new possibilities. Do not repair the preparation of a picture, if Misyats ubuvaє. In the whole vipad all your worlds have not been judged to be frowned upon. Also, do not go for days of sleepy and millennial darkness.

The most beautiful place for developing a picture of bazhan is a zone for children and creativity. As a matter of fact, up to the sieve Bagua, there is a part of your apartment or a small house. Hang up the map of your happy maybut there, the devil will not be available to outsiders. Only those close friends come to the booth before you, all the same is not necessary for the nobility about your supporters.

Mabut, the most beautiful place for the development of the master of the opened picture will be a bedroom. Zrozumilo, as there is no access to strangers. More often, as soon as you can back up your card as often as possible. Prokadyuchis vrance, obov'yazkovo marvel at her. Those are the same robots who go to sleep.

Maystri feng shui vvazhayut, which is put up to the picture bazhan slid yak to the living. This is not a quick time to sleep. As long as you don’t come to see a good bunch before the picture, then you can see it and see it and see it. Mozhlivo, all vischevikladena viglyadaє zanadto kazkovo. Along with your pragnet, create a kazku, create your own world of reality.

If people who are close to the negative are put up to your creativity, then, mabut, the best way to go will not assign them to your plan. Just give your card there, you can't beat it. At the same time, take out of the calm moment, take a look, reveal your new happy life, as soon as we are nastane.

Having finished your card of bazhan, you can respectfully marvel at her, evaluate your personal work. Wrap up your respect for the zagalny mood of the picture. You are guilty of viprominuvati only joy and viklicati viklyuly positive emotions. Attach a picture of a bazhan you can marvel at the performances in the statti photo.

If you are hi bazhannya

The price of food is to think about it, which is how you invoke your world into reality behind an additional picture. There are no exact terms. Also, all people are different and not alike. Chiyis mriya vikonuyutsya easily and quickly. And someone needs to go through a difficult thorny path in order to get rid of the bazhan.

One thing is clear - all the worlds start early. Behind the guardians of Feng Shui post-divers, everything is indicated in the card to be realized in a stretch of 2-5 years. Moreover, the deyakі bazhannya mending here is already in the nearest month. As soon as it is marked on your card, it’s already gone, don’t go to Wikidaty. Obov'yazkovo daughter of all your bazhan. And you, too, have already gone, to change it on the new one.

It is necessary to note that the bazhan card has more than once become the subject of the last few days. On the dummy, we closed the world on the porch, we let ourselves be forced to send mail for the realization. Besides, the ludin, who will be happy, will become more comfortable for everything that is not difficult. As soon as you go to your own success with the path of joy and love, then everything, to what you are pragmatic, will come to life.

Get involved in our thoughts and the world of material and early and quickly become involved in life. Feng Shui has a lot of methods, which add to the victoriousness of the peculiarity of the svitobudov and covet the bazhan. One of such techniques is the bazhan card, which you can use to make your skin.

The feng shui bazhan's visualization card is straightforwardly Chinese, which allows you to polish the development of your life. Stavlyaci are planning and visualizing them, it is possible to cope with the bazhany in a longer term.

Schematic map of bazhan

The map is stored in nine sectors, leathery symbols representing an important life aspect: family, knowledge, wealth, etc. In the Internet, you can know a lot of services, which can be used to memorize a map of belongings in online mode. Electronic photographs will be less effective in some situations when you play with your hand. It is more beautiful to rob the card on its own, in the end of the day, but not so neatly.

Yak pratsyuє card bazhan?

The sense of a similar picture of belongings can be explained not only from the point of view of Feng Shui, but also from the psychological point of view. Bagato, right in the direction of "time management" and "purposefulness", is on the importance of visualizing your plans.

Why is the card so effective? In the first place, you will help us to sort out our worlds, presenting them on the canvas near the pictures and signatures. For example, the words "I have a Volswagen Golf of the blue coloru" supervised car photo. Abo “I’ll go to London” is a sign of the monuments of the capital of England.

If a card is robbed, then it will be laid out in different sectors to balance your life. Feel the instability in financial terms, in the world about material prosperity, and at the same time pay respect to the other sides of life. There are nine sections in the card, which allow you to memorize a clearing.

expert thought

Miller Dmitro

Meister Feng Shui

Set before you the goal, you will be able to give options for the show and the show. As the goal is dumb, it means that you cannot realize the old world. Yak inheritance, I will not progress if you run out of it at the same time.

I, nareshti, is set on the porch of the visualization at the viglyadi goals, so you can lay energy flows to the necessary situations and to people who can lead you to the bazhany.

Instructions for securing sectors

Prepare a great Whatman paper, divide it into nine identical zones. If you want to make a trial version for the nearest hour, you can choose an extra A4 sheet. Pictures are available from newspapers, magazines or posters. And also prepare your own photographic materials, glue, olivtsi, color pens or markers, linen, sachets, stones, crystals and embellishments.

The skin area will show the sides of the light and the spheres of life. The sectors in the bazhan map spiral onto the bagua net. The skin area can be overfilled with a large color, or it is possible to overlay a sheet without a background.

More important is the meaning in the memorized picture of the last. Decorate the central sector with a handful, and then collapse behind the year's strilkoy, move on to love, creativity, etc.


Informative for your health and specialness, so stick your photo here. Bazhano, you see in the photo you will see the smiles and the positive emotions. No photo glue is required; You can create a collage of decal memorial photographs, like guessing about radio stories in your life.

And also you can take your photo with the signs of all the athletes or actors. For example, glue the person on the figure of a girl with ideal forms and write “I have less string of legs and pumping pres, so I regularly visit the fitness club”. Refine the photo with positive slogans, such as "I am happy" or "My world has become effective." Decorate the area with blisks, bows, little ones and everything to bring you satisfaction. To show imagination and to show what is common in life.

glory sector

The upper central zone is infused into your world about self-realization and glory. You can want to know and love about it: go for the famous and win an Oscar, write a successful book, show business. You can, your thoughts about fame are not so global, and you just see yourself on robots, become the authority of your friends and family.

Promote to the glory sector everything that can be seen to success: images of people you see, cities, cups, medals and symbols of glory. You can now glue your "head" to a picture with a successful people.

love sector

A part of the picture is for love, for love, for love, for love. As long as you have a man or a kokhaniy, here you can take your home photograph and write off the signatures on the screen "We are happy to be at once" or "I am loved." As soon as you see it, glue the photo of the ideal wedding dress or paint it independently, as well as the dress coat. Give іnsh_ attributes to the hobbyist: an image of a kid, a photo of an ideal name, a heart, etc.

If you are with a partner, you see a difficult period at each other, give an example of the phrase “We love one one and want to be at once” or “We are comfortable with one and one”. Are your fathers happy at once? Todi development of the knowledge.

wealth sector

The zone is infused into your prosperity, material well-being and prosperity. Distribute images and texts of everything that will be shown to your world from the drive. Feng Shui especially attracts the wealth of common talismani and symbols. You can glue a coin here, a photo of a gamant, which is bursting with pennies.

You see about the house, or about the machines, the images are guilty of being in the same sector. Try to see the windows of the world, to see the picture. Glue your photo "on the water" of the car-world, to complete the signatures. If you want a big salary, write. Inakse "high" may not be intelligent, but for you it means "finish" and "bagato".

Bring fewer abstract virases, more concretize. Do not write "I want a big salary." Slide to say: "I have a salary of 100 thousand rubles." Inakshe risikute all life only you want, albeit so and do not deny it. Add the terms of the tsikh tsіley, shob encircle yourself in the hour.

Sector of creativity and children

The zone is prompted for your self-realization, it is not respectful, what rank you see is through seven or more creativity. You have been thinking about children for a long time, growing up in the photographic sector of vigil girls, happy couples with children, they are not so miserable. Give the signatures "I am a happy mother", "I have less health and a clever synonym", "But it’s vagitnoyu - it’s the best time for life."

As you mark it є mastering hobbies, creative development, glue in the central zone on the map that which will characterize your interests: handcuffs, microphone, sports attachment, etc.

sector of knowledge

Injection to your intelligence and wisdom is not a sector of knowledge. Win to give you the strength to strive for success and do not fall for what has been reached, get comfortable and become smart. In a given region, glue and write those that you are a turbine on this stage of life. It is possible to come to the present of life, a successful introduction to the new foundation, mastering that, for a long time you have been thinking, but still have been put in.

sector kar'єri

The name of the sector speaks for itself - guilty of success in professional fields and passing through the attendance meetings. Regardless of your plans for the closest risk, you can encourage you to occupy a large place, go to the first company or see the right.

Attach images of people from your profession, logos, attributes of a robot that you want to see. As soon as you get involved in a viable business, paint your maybutniy office / store / viddil, graphs of successful sales, favored clients, etc. D.

sector of the family

At your house, harmony panuvali, interplay of love, come to respect for the zone. Vona can also help you to make good fortune with your relatives, as they do not live with you, but befriend your friends. They were trying to work on the inner aspect of life, success and achievement, even more importantly, while the same ones were constantly in the world and harmony.

If you have a problem with the kimos from the members of the family, take into account those photographs. You can add a picture of the great happy homeland, the booth. Formulate your bazhannya, for example: "All saints are taking care of us in the great native land" or "For my sister, beloved friends, for all the naypotaєmnishim."

High-price sector and pomichnikiv

The zone is visible at once for two aspects of life. Let's take a look at everything: if you have been in the country for a long time, look at the resort, often vibrate from the place, remember the sector with new photos and phrases. For example: "Skin wicked shashliks in a fox" or "A lot of people see all the family in Greece."

In the capacity of others, as they are built into the health of your bazhan, there may be people, companies, organizations. Do you want to admit it to the right, ale no sponsors? Place the logos and organizations to sponsor you. Mriєte about those who find themselves with ailments? Photo lykaren abo banks - help you.

Yak activuvati card bazhan?

Know from the practice of Feng Shui to know how to understand the symbols and talismani, which will help people to activate a friendly area in the apartment, or, in our style, a map of belongings.

The card is the most beautiful for the growing month, as well as for the Chinese New Rock. More beautifully, do not start before the preparation for the hour of darkening of the sun for a month. Let us start the mechanism for the broken picture of you, you can be attached to the center of a simple bazhannya: a photo of your favorite malt, or a couple of quotes. At once, the visitor of the bazhannya - z'yzhte kilka tsukerok, for example. With such a rank, first your bazhannya will come, and you will be on the way until all your plans come.

De slid put a card bazhan?

Know for your picture mice, de von it will be a skinny day for you to eat in your eyes. For example, you can hang on to the work table, on the refrigerator or on the doors of the shafi. Use your card only with a positive attitude on a good day.

At a great hour, engage in visualization, shape the images and think over the ways to achieve the goals. Wonder at the folded card, you will read energetically on it and start the mechanism of realizing the plans.

Would you like to bring your world into life for the help of the picture?

Accessible to ask for a bazhan - put a card bazhan. Head - clearly declare what you want to get into your life.

To prepare a simple one, I will add you to know: tsupky papyr, knives, your own photograph, on your own you should be more suitable (bazhano vikoristovuvati are not old photos and only those who are happy to be happy with the magazine pictures), Viber in the magazines of the latest images, as you will be able to view your photos. You can buy a car, an apartment, a busy person, a place for a job, a robot, a business, etc. Rely on іntuіtsії, select only those images that will bring you to the heart.

When you choose, take care of your own bazhany, and not be-kim imposed on you. Viconannya of his most famous bazhan will make you happy in a fair way.

Select the most positive and positive pictures, so that you can see the light of the day. Negative scenes and hang-ups of the Farbi cannot be victorious in the map of the bazhan.

If you can imagine your world as a master hand, do not mischief zusil. Such a card will give fruit to shvidsha. If you are friends with such graphic editors, like Photoshop, you can open a map of your bazhan on computers. You will be waiting in front of your eyes on the work table.

It is important to update to the picture of the affirmation (short positively firm, phrase, like, with frequent repetition of the setting for the drive). Think of it yourself and distribute it on the map just like you read it. For example: "With skin slime, I flock closer to my mark."

Bazhan card in Feng Shui: scheme

The bazhan card according to Feng Shui, the scheme as it will be described below, is even more significant and will help you to reach your mark. Golovne, dotrimuvatisya tsієї schemes. Pictures of slid roztashovuvati in singing order. Zorієntuvatisya more help. The leather sector has been adapted to the singing side of life. At the center, attach your photo. Tse sector of health. In the upper livy cod, there are those that are tied with material bosses. Tse. Upper right kut - the sector, which promises for love and love. Here, shake the image of the bazhany vidnosin. As soon as you know the glory or the popularity, over your photograph you should be able to discern those who you associate with the many disciples. For your photos, you are guilty of being your world, tied with a car. Check out for a long time, about how the robot itself and how you plan to achieve the result. In total, the bazhan card in Feng Shui lasts 9 sectors, the knowledge sector in yak is located in the lower left codend. Give me knowledge, like bazhaєte pribati. You can, tse will be a red diploma, as you study at the university. The right bottom kut is remembered with photographs of the mice, as they are displayed. Tse sector of the rise. Two sides of your photo on one side of the sector of Sem'y (zliv) and Children, Creativity (right-handed). Give an image of the ideal in your smart family and all those that are tied to children. If the card is ready, you can start before the offensive point of engagement.


Folding the picture is your application to Vsesvita. Ale, you wondered, it is necessary, that the images of your bazhan came to life in your head. It is necessary to find out that your zealous bazhannya is already zabuli. Know the hour and the moment, de nichto you will not get it. Root out handily and fix the visuals. If your world is a new car, then you will see yourself in a quiet, shkirny salon, see if you are sitting for a kermo, as you are radio emotsii when you see it. Determine everything to the point: color, size, sounds, your vision. May be, have you been thinking for a long time about the happy kohannya and shukayte of the leading applicant? To find out what kind of person you need, what kind of person you need, what kind of character you want to develop. Feel the blizzards in your belly! Vizualizuyut permanently in vilny khvilini, until the bazhan does not become real. Ale do not trim your heads in your head for the whole hour. Take them to Vsesvit, you know how to deliver them to you. Вірте. Correctly, the feng shui rules are to get you close to me. From the practice of Feng Shui - the card bazhan will be more beautiful, as it will work for the growing month, this is the ideal hour for prompting plans and making bazhan.

Yak is more beautiful than a bazhan card?

For the philosophy of Feng Shui, everything that I will pour into us - especially the moment of rooting out quiet speeches. In addition, when you shake your card, lay it down without a second, because soon it will be almost impossible for you. An ideal option would be to hang out in the bedroom so that you send the card to the ochim before awakening. In such a rank, your bazhanya will be constantly podzhivlyuvatisya energy of your bazhannya. It is also pleasantly roasting in the zone of wealth. Remember, importantly, that the card was only given by your kindly.

Take the bazhan card in Feng Shui from outside the eyes. Those are the very same picture, opened on the computer. The skin of a lyudin will open up a vile vibration. Negative vibrations can negatively affect your thoughts. Tse can be buti be-like fries or hospitality. Don't hate to experience the result itself and to fortune, as they have reached it.

Your bazhannya raptom was changing?

Do not boast. Everything changes, everything flows. As soon as it has lost its significance for you, it became unnecessary for you have looked at your bazhanya once and for all, just replace the old with a new one. For those that are relevant for the current day. Yak and in any right, it is important not to be evil. Ymovirno, your bazhanya was already on the way to you. If you will be the whole hour of the yogh zmіnyuvati (guess the kazka about the ribak and the ribka), you can, if you don’t finish the check. Do not sleep with the card. Nipershy croc nazustrich mriy - everything is grounded.

Often buvaє, otrimuyuchi bazhanes, lyudin accepts yak well, zabuvayuchi about those who Vsesvit helped him. I stopped seeing the joy of seeing the bazhan. Do not repeat other people's pardons. As soon as the bazhans went to Vsesvita, guess about those who need to go. Rob the whole thing, with all my heart. Todi you otrimaєte even more, less ochіkuvali.

A card of happiness according to Feng Shui, a whip-hand is prepared - an important croc in the direction of realizing the goals and bazhan. Viconati taku card with your own hands can be skinny. For all, it will be necessary to know more about the great arch of the paper (whatman is possible) and subdivision of it into 9 sectors according to the Bagua scheme.

At the central part of the sheet, de zvychay on Bagua, the health sector grows, you need to stick your photo. On the new, the Lord Karti Bazhan is guilty of being healthy and living. The zone, which can be spread above the photograph, is a symbol of glory and success. At these slides of the development of the picture from the images of life, on which success can be read. At the bottom, there is a photograph of the growing sector of the caregiving sector and all the food that is tied with the robot and the professions. Here you can help the image of the best gimmicky robot. The zone of wealth (liviy kut vgori) of crops'yazuє to place there all the talismani Groshi and Prosperity.

At the bottom of the left codend there is a zone of wisdom and knowledge, a classic symbol of such an image or a statue of a snake. Zliva in the center is a zone of family and houses, where you can see a photo or a picture of the happy members of the family, who are taken at once. The love sector on the diagram occupying the place in the upper right corner, a symbol of how often the guys in the image are played: swans, pigeons, pillows, candles, etc. Right before the love sector - the zone of the creative and the child, where it is necessary to display pictures from the images of children and everything that is tied to them: a toy, books, a child's dress, etc., as well as objects that are seen before children. All photographs and pictures are guilty of being hostile to their luster, optimism, and positive energy.

The card of Happiness is guilty of being bungled in the robot over its goals of the day. For a whole lot of chilin (for example, before going to bed) it is necessary to wonder at it and imagine that everything is in pictures, - in your life. At the same time, it is important to see the positive and light emotions.

Feng Shui card of success and good luck: how to fold it right?

What is the bazhan card? To achieve a simple, ale the best way to get good luck in your life. The bazhan's card is not hungry for anything above-natural: for all it is necessary to deprive them of magazines, posters and their photographs. Taku, de at the moment of zyomka the bull is happy to laugh at the faces. If you can more specifically formulate your account and look out for magazines for them the most suitable image.

Vibravshi friendly date Feng Shui, fix the robot on the card bazhan. It’s better to bring the necessary result beforehand, as soon as possible in pleasant days. More beautifully, select the days with the indicators of Success, Installation, Vidkrittya. Likewise, the day is On. Days Zakrittya and Saving vicarists are not recommended. Дні Ша same slіd viklyuchiti. Especially in the days of Sha Zatrimki, your bazhania did not sniff until they came. Obov'yazkovo varto vikreslity dnі ruynivnikіv - yak special, so millennial and іch. For a selection of the most upcoming dates, select the calendar for the selection of friendly dates.

On the next day, prepare and display images from magazines with cars, booths, interiors, designs, jewelery embellishments, figures of people, women, children. If there are some robots in the graphic editor Photoshop, then you can edit the picture and fold the collage in such a program. Victory all yourselves, as you can help me to get closer to you, to bring the very world to life.

Vikoristannya uyav vvazhatsya obovyazkovim. Having zastosuvavshi yogo, try to polish the picture of the bazhany with a single piece, so that you can get more details on the panel. For example, є mriya: practice at a company, earn a decent penny, travel with an extra-class car and live in a cottage in an elite area. Take a photo of the company, a photo of a specific car and a picture of a house, the design of which is the closest. Glue them up to the point on the diagram and in the center to attach your image.

The Feng Shui card bazhan is not guilty of revenge the image of aggression, which is used to exclude the filthy energy. The guilty parties only symbolize happiness in Feng Shui, joy and positive. It is not necessary for the pictures to be guilty of carrying images of any objects, on them there can be images and images. For example, if only from the bazhan є to know your half-way, then the photo should not be more beautiful.

Vikoristovuvati Feng Shui for making love can be done in a simple way. As far as the incoming picture is not known, the specific verbal phrases can become a substitute. To replace the gluing of the necessary photography in the relevant sector, to write in to go for the wicked and to open the essence of the phrase, albeit in the present, or perhaps in the last hour, as some of the grandparents have already seen. For example, "Oh, miracle, miracle! Wasted at 5 kilograms!" Visitors to the list of common slogans from advertisements are crazy.

Oskilki bazhannya є a part of the soul and stench individual for skin people, then the card of bazhanya for obtaining the Baggage of Feng Shui and happiness is stored personally for yourself. A card for two people will not bring any visible results. I do not recommend the headquarters for her help, as there was no love. In addition, the card may not be accepted and cleared out.

Do you know how to develop a success card?

Yaknaydaly from outsiders looked at the development of all the middle apartments, but they didn’t come across the food and drink. More beautifully put її in the bedroom. If you live in a quiet place, you can’t go, that you can lay your hands on the book’s shafu, for the police, or not beastly and not shy, but straight and pictures up the hill, because the blessed energy of the Tsi is guilty of repudiating without a long time.

Mісce pіd neї is vibrantly friendly. When prepared, a piece of people's svidomosty will be added to them. Apparently, it’s good for the maybut volodar, then it’s good for the picture. To that, that zone is a booth, which is most friendly to the number of the Gua ruler, and if for her it will be a friendly place. The ideal option is straightforward to the Success of Shen Qi. All friendly and unwelcoming directly can be seen from the special tables.

Do not forget about the inflow of the rich and the young. The card of Flying Zirok will serve as a helper in the right place. And the axis of sending the card of happiness to the sector of evil Zhovtoi P'yatirka is not a varto zovsim.

Yak correctly vikoristovuvati card bazhan in Feng Shui?

If you want to make a picture of the world, you can work with it. Moreover, the price is required regularly and every day. It is recommended to be astonished at her and viclikati in such a way that the world has already become a reality. You want to get it, Tim and Volodya. Recommend more performance with views and visualizations. For example, if you know a young man or a kohan for a ditch, then you need to send a robot to your mind and see it with a lot of joy, addiction, happiness, insight. Try just a few of them.

If spratsyuє card bazhan?

If you go through a few months, grab your card again. Take a look at your bazhanya and analyze them. You can, the deyaki of the world have simply lost their significance. If more than half of the goals have been reached, then it is possible to put a new one on a new card, transferring that image to the still unfinished bazhan.

Naybilsh often find out about food from tikh, hto bazhaє vygotoviti card bazhan in feng shui:

  1. Deyakі suttєvі vіdmіnnostі mіzh card bazhan і card vіzualizatsії є. The smell of polarity is that the card is played on the basis of the sectors, like the bullets will be seen. And on the visualization card, the pictures are displaced in a proper order, as they look more like. The head is mind with another option - hearing your heart.
  2. Yaksho bazhannya changed, how robit in a whole vipad? So buvaє, and to experience in such a situation is not warto. You can just remember the picture for a new one. But all the same, before sticking pictures on the very cob, make sure that your wealth is truly real.

Having won and placed a card of happiness in Feng Shui in the need of a place, through the test you can see that a great part of the bazhan has begun to be sent, as if the boules were folded up to the reality, but they didn’t know it. I make a map, it’s necessary to start thinking about reality, which doesn’t aim at the riches of the whole world at once. Having removed the first results, it is possible to open the offensive map by spiraling on the larger pins.

I know everyone about those who often materialize with an enigmatic rank for us. Varto only to convey to Vsesvita a visualized bazhannya, as a pod in life to shy like that, as a result, take a happy result with zbigami. To realize that it’s going to be, that we’ll go out of science, and with the Chinese wisdom, that we’ll know how to help us in the future.

Good luck to life

The map is based on the projection of the set goals, the visual programs of the house and the cob to start for success. Be a charm for yourself, and let the energy of luck into your booths.

With the tools for unscrewing the wheel of Fortune, you will become knives, a special photograph in the happy period of life, and beautiful pictures from magazines, like spinning bazhannya.

Show the latest updates, return to the feng shui calendar, vibrate the date with the success indicator, unique days, meaning yak
Delight, Zakrittya, Ruynuvannya and also the days of Sha. The position of the month on the sky is also important, and the interest for the robot is the period.

Warehouse mo kolage bazhan in feng shui

The process of attaching pictures can be understood in two ways:

on whatman- the visualization of the photographs and the opening of the photographs are made out with color markers with the kind of motives and attached pictures. Do not forget about the power of the word, as you do not rely on the accuracy of the image. All write on the collages of the bazhan in Feng Shui guilty of being fixed in the present hour.

On a computer- Editing pictures of smilivikh bazhan photos by the editor are saved in the computer.

Robot with Bagua sieve

Regardless of the fact that you can change your card in Feng Shui, take a look around or change it on the working table of the computer, є the rules for the exact distribution of the collage of the bazhan in the left side of the light. For the whole іsnu, in the form of an eight-turner, it is possible to correctly develop the necessary sector і th position for the distribution of images and symbols.

There is a health zone near the center of the eight-runner, which needs to be repaired. Attach your positive photo to the zone. Describe pictures, unique particles of "not" and write in a positive form, short phrases, for example, "I am healthy" or "I am young." Suttuve means the correctness of the vikoristannya of the word, to that between virases "I am thin" and "I am a string" є is a prototype, and when a picture of a bazhan in Feng Shui is folded, it is necessary for a vrahovuvati.

Below, under the sign, grow apart. Indulge your talents with the mighty laboring beasts, and consolidate the images of success in robots. To clarify for yourself the directness of the company and to see yourself for a loan. You can attach a red image and write - "I am the leader of the company N" or go to a good success, having written down the nuances in detail and show the salary in figures.

Above your photograph, you will be able to display your screensavers of a certain character. To find out which bi wanted to become famous and in which field you want to reach popularity.

Liviy kut eight-kutnik - and prosperity. Give free rein to a penny fantasy, and embrace yourself with a golden board of material prosperity. Go to the image of penny signs, symbols of wealth, like a car, booths, diamanti and pre-river bude is close to the phrase "On my bank rakhunku 1,000,000 rubles." Do not beat yourself up in your fantasies, and even lay down a bazhan card in Feng Shui.

Evil below - shou promises for success in education. To decorate the sector with pictures with books, the rank of happy people, like having finished the finalization of the diploma about the education of education, if it is a great idea for you.

Rosetting between zones of wisdom and goodness. Photographs of the motherland with children and happy faces will be prehistoric. Imagine in kolazh a vigorous look at the harmony of the members of your family.

The right upper kut can use the stick of love, the addiction of the two, the intertwining of the woman's and the cholovy's hands, become symbolic for the chutta's successes. The photograph of the beloved one will also be ready for the future and will be ready for the development of the name.

For the development of the sector of creativity and children, which can be activated for your investigation, in the absence of that, which rank you want to reach self-expression. Do not forget to add Feng Shui to your card account as you check out the children and close them in the future with the little ones you pick.

Lovers of high roads and suitable for the check-sector in the lower right codend of the Bagua net. Beautiful photographs of the world and the land will accept the visit and the hostility.

Now I have lost my estimation to the Viconan robot, to know the place for the picture of the bazhan in Feng Shui, and to open the doors we will accept the signs.

Yak pratsyuvati with collage bazhan

You have illustrated their bazhannya to Vsesvita and will inevitably attract them to life. For a cob, it is necessary to hang the map in a modest place, in which your glance will be caught, and there will be no skeptics.