Yak to clear the guilt from the guilt, which is more beautiful, and why do you appear on the face? You see it on the face of the face: the treatment of acne and the vughri with the medicines, the vug on the face.

As soon as the shkіra was smooth and uncontrollably clean - and today there are red humps on them ... Know the situation? Singingly. That solution, I would like to do it, vidomo - emboss! Ale do not sleep until the mirror ...

Yak see and see and fight with them- food is not so simple as to be built. Whether a dermatologist has guessed more than a dozen vipadkiv, if as a result of self-care or non-professional medical assistance, not a very long time, they were transformed into a problem of ailment with unacceptable legacies.

In general, look around the site to sort out the problem in order: for reasons, show up to the main steps before the treatment and prevention, or for individual diagnostics and therapy, all the same, please do it to a qualified specialist.

De і yak z'yavlyayutsya, what kind of stinks are coming?

It’s time to close the chateau and in it є access to the fortune - to pretend to be in the ugri. The stench viglyadayut yak black dots, otocheni fired shkiroi. In case of more clogging pores, such as in containers, repair the multiplication of bacteria, so that the ignition process and suppuration are triggered. If a wall of a hair follicle bursts under a grip of pus, a "classic" prisch will appear on the wall.

Most often, there are in the scenes of the growth of great oily glands - on the faces (forehead, viscera, cheeks, nis, pidboriddya), before the hairs on the head, on the neck, breasts, shoulders, the upper part of the back. Riznomanittya types of prischiv called to the end of the decile of the classifications: by the severity of the manifestations on the wicked curvature, behind the step of fieryness, the most important reason for the appearance, etc.

"Theory of species": prisch, vughri, acne

At the highest visitor, all our attendants are referred to one of two types:

  • igniter- immediately throw themselves in the eyes for the rakhunok of their own razmіrіv; the school is about to groan and chervonin, the edge of her to become aware of the gnarly vmist; make you feel more uncomfortable to experience more discomfort.
  • without ignition process- Practically non-contrasting with a shkiroyu, viglyadayut yak small humps or points of a pink color. Allow to finish on negligence, or through the wrong glance, enter in them an infection, as the stench instantly goes to the first category from the use of tricky inheritances.

They call themselves without the ignition process comedones... Winikayut, if the ducts of the sebaceous lobes or the hair follicles are clogged with corks from the thickened lard and fatty cells. buzz:

  • vidkriti- see yak black or brown points. This is the result of a blockage of pores from the top, bіlya surface of the shkіri. A sprinkle of lard stuck to a lot of prosoroya or biloi masi, like in an hour, before oxidizing, a sprinkling of zhovtuvats, and then a characteristic black color. The size of such a prism is 1-2 mm, the color can be small - from light-colored to brown or dark gray, ale in the center there will be a black point. For lіkuvannya to finish the regular home ako cosmetologichesky look. Comedones do not cause a lot of trouble, as long as they do not indulge in infection and ignite the process.
  • close- you may see a lot of humpbacks or points. Often they call them Milium or wen (the left is not correct, the splinters are wen). It is detected when the lower part of the poros is blocked from the inner side. For their budova they are similar to thrombi, as they do not daunt the opportunity to go to the surface with a natural path. The size of a closed comedone can reach 2-3 mm, with a lot of odor it is uncomfortable calls and only for a dot. Most often it is molded on the forehead, cheeks, willows, pidboriddі, while not causing physical discomfort. Undetected to fortune-telling without innocence, milium to finish off not without safety - the stinks of the grasping are united with the suspicious fiery pricks, they form a great fledgling empty, like step-by-step to get the pus. Try to see them in your home minds, beckon to produce before the infection is brought, to that it is more beautiful to entrust the task of a professional cosmetologist.

I want to go to:

  • Papules (chervonі prischі)- develop in case of infection in comedones. Reach the size of 0.1 to 1 cm, see the red or horny pouches looking over the surface of the shkiri, the white head is dumb. If a papule is formed on the microscopy of a comedone, then a dark cork can often be discolored. The superficial papules are of a small size, as a rule, they do not overshadow the last vestiges of the scars, or perhaps the darkest of the beach.
  • Pustules (gnіynі prischі)- illuminate with a size of 0.1 to 1 cm with a large space and a white head, otochened with a fired head. It is formed from papules, but it can be winicatized and independent. Behind the shape they are cone-like, flat or spherical. The number of pustules can be varied from white to green or green, but the remaining ones mean the appearance of a second infection, as a result of a safe treatment from a qualified dermatologist. Not safe kind of prischіv - at the moment of a grievous inflamed abo self-styled vyavlyuvannya great ymovіrnіst penetration of the infected into the roof.
Photo 5 - chervoni prischi (daddies) on schots:

Photo 6-9 - Rizni views of the firing devices on the faces:

  • woozli- glib papules of a bright-red, bluish or crimson colora with a size of 1 to 3 cm, may grow over all the glibs of the skin. Sickness navpomatski і in the camp of calmness, when you get tired of playing with pigments, atrophic or keloidnі cicatrices of a significant size.
  • brush- good education, memorized by the new ones. When decilkoh cysts appear, one by one, they tend to be angry, they form a lance, z'ednan fistulas (vuzky canal in tissue). It is important to be addicted to new love and to be on the spot.

Classification of ailments for the importance of manifestations

Dermatologists see 4 stages (stages) of acne, the skin has its own symptoms:

I Nilegsha, with a mild interruption to the ugrovian visage, can be played in any occasion, from age-old to mature. It is characterized by the appearance of a few, in the middle 5-6, with a closed type of abo comedones, without signs of an active ignition process (it is allowed to show the appearance of single gnijniks), most often in the case of disguise. Zvychay vistachє non-trivial independent lіkuvannya, but the problem has become practically unnoticed.
II In some places (~ 10-11) I will appear in the midst of young types - black dots, comedones, red vugri, gnarniki - in the area of ​​appearance, shoulders, upper part of the back. It is also typical for women to live in any kind of life before the hour of critical days. Home independent treatment is possible, albeit after 2-3 years of serious results, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist, in order to avoid the situation with the great age of growth into the onset of steps, and on the skirts you might be too busy.
III The form of the ailment is important. Characterized by the statements of many (up to 40) great inclinations of the older types in the present with strong flames and suppurations. The main part of the growth is a person, the hairy part of the head, shoulders, back, with a wide area of ​​treatment, it constantly expands through the uncontrolled expansion of the ailment. On the whole stage, the symptoms of post-acne are repaired, pigmented or congested. With an important form of vugrovoy visipka, it is categorically fenced off independently, lіkuvatisya, especially - to see gnіyniki! It is practical to produce additional diseases to the widening and destruction of ailments, and also appear unnecessary slowing down - to recover the infection of infected blood. All therapeutic procedures are guilty of selection and control and approval by a dermatologist or a cosmetologist.
IV Nyseryoznіsha and folding in lіkuvannі. Absolutely the entire skin of the surface of the surrounding part of the body - the back, shoulders, breasts, revealing itself - becomes the zone of defeat. When you reach the majestic roses, bleed, you can get paint, vuzli. Gnijniki break through at the most pressing and contact with odd, postal bliss. Such a form of vugrovoy visipka will get involved in serious ailments, we will threaten the health, the outgoing vigilance and the moral frame of the people, won’t be a tricky addiction from a qualified dermatologist.

Medical classification of prischiv

In clinical medicine, it is accepted to distribute and structure on the basis of the reasons for their appearance:

  • Kids- z'yavlyayutsya in newborns through the hormonal infusion of the mother's organism for the duration of the hour of intrauterine development. Most often, comedones, roseta on the nose, forehead, cheeks. Through a circle of ideas, people pass independently. And the axis of the appearance of the same prischіv in children in the older age is also the reason for the beating up to a dermatologist.
  • Pidlіtkovі abo yunatskiі When in the middle of the world, you will earn more than half of the boys and girls (often stopped through the peculiarities of robotic oily hairs) during the state maturity. The stench is found mainly on the guise, back and shoulders. The vicious wickedness of the vyroblennya and yakisny warehouse of greasy lard, as it grows thick and viscous, strong until the pyr is clogged. Until the moment of the end of the "transitional period", you must walk by yourself, and you must follow the simple rules of your home. Even though it’s 18-20 rocky, you still don’t go through - you can get more serious treatment from a dermatologist or a cosmetologist.
Photo 10.11 - children on the face and on the forehead:

  • old age- z'yavlyayutsya approximately in 5% of the maturity population over 20 years. Tse mozhut buti:
    • pizni vugri, I didn’t go through the period of the statutory review; Inversion is a chronic form of acne with frequent relapses, characterized by a firing process in apocryonic sweat zones, rostered in the middle of the groin, groin zones, near the areoles;
    • "Vugri bodybіlder"- tying with the use of steroids and new specialty preparations, which inject athletes into the hormonal background; kulyasti (piles, conglobates) vugri - angry comedones around the form of kulyasti shilnyh infiltrates of blue-crimson colora, reminiscent of pus.
    • exogenous vugri To wikklican with shkidlivy inviting influxes - sniffing, taking in all the middle, getting to the school of quiet toxic words - for example, wrongly chosen or wrongly stuck with cosmetics, beaten inappropriately. When you come across a bit of a trivial transfer to a hot climate, if you are oily, you’ll fix a bigger secret for trouble and trouble, or a manifestation of an allergic reaction to active sleepiness.
    • Whenever there are some mechanical injections, Zokrema through the little ring, constantly rubbing or stroking the pendants of the shkiri, through the piece of blockage of the pir (gipsova bandage, shitty odeag, constantly rubbing about the shkir of third-party objects).

I see more than a few additional types of appearances, such as in this world, to be referred to the classifieds of the classification:

  • hormonal- wiklican for the change in the balance of hormones in the body. There can be problems and premenstrual problems in females, vugri through diseases in robotic endocrine diseases, as well as "side effects" from a trivial intake of medical drugs.
  • stress- there are traces of nervous tension, which negatively infuse into immunity and hormonal levels (before the speech, it’s the same to explain the “phenomenon” when you see the first time or the first important visit).
  • On the background of lowered immunity, Scho vinikayut, for example, through deyakikh zhvoryuvan intestines.
  • On tlі hyperkeratosis, Yaky supervodzhutsya to the horny ball of the shkіrnogo pokryv, yogo replenishment slags and bacteria.
  • From the overworldly city of shkiri... As a result of superfluous hygiene and improved protection of antibacterial hygienic diseases, the school becomes overwhelmingly dry, and the oily ball is wobbling, causing infectious access to pores.

lіkuvannya prischіv

The main rule is that doctors and cosmetologists do not innocently think about it, in any case they do not see it on their own! As a result of such home self-care, there may be many inherited inheritances - from the widening of the ugly visage and secondary information of blood to the appearance of scars and pigment beaches. Vugrovaya ailment therapy is a complex process, which includes a spike of stages:

Photo 14-16 - Shkira of exposure before and after successful treatment of acne:

  • Prevention of the adoption of new comedones, in the way of entering the child to keep an eye on the problematic school, to improve the health of the body - normalization of health, admission to immunity, assessment of the flow to the body, to the health of the body.
  • Vidalennya has already established comedones for an additional preparation from comedolytic storage - mainly vicious azoic acid, benzoyl peroxide, adapalene, tretinoin, tazarotene, etc.
  • Decrease in the amount of fat secretion (it is necessary to change up to 30% in food) for the preparation of medications in groups of retinoids and hormones.
  • Determination of keratinous clitins from the surface of the skin behind additional pylingiv on the basis of retinoids, salicylic or glycolic acids.
  • Cleaning an individual with ultrasound and with the lowest traumatic apparatus methods is an alternative to the chemical salon cleaning.
  • Likuvannya ignition processes external and internal antibacterial drugs.
  • Cosmetology of the inheritance of ailments of ailments - diseases of dermabrasion, laser treatment, cryotherapy, mesotherapy, ozone therapy, etc. (Div. Also article "")
  • If necessary, parallel normalization of robotic systems to the body is carried out - the treatment of chronic systemic, gynecological, endocrine, slunk-intestinal problems.

Prevention poyaviv vugriv

You will be able to get a chance to appear and relapse, if you are urged to complete a few awkward rules:

  • Cleansing shkіri vrantsі in the evenings with mild water-fouling zasob, specially selected tonic, which instantly and pervolzhuyut shkіra.
  • Obov'yazkove chevechіrnє zenyattya make-up, especially when in new vicoristyuyutsya solid tonal creams or powdery powder.
  • The temperature of the water for imprinting is guilty of being peacefully comfortable - cool or warm.
  • Regularly, depending on the type of school, it is necessary to regularly check the examination - to see the keratin of the epidermis. For a wide variety of scrubs (mechanical peeling) and chemical peeling (based on tretinoin, salicylic or glycolic acids). It is not recommended to immediately vikoristovuvati insult vidi eksfoliantiv. It is important to choose a chemical piling, so as a scrub can make a healthier shkodi.
  • It is necessary to provide and adequate antioxidants from home guessing, according to the type.
  • Name of antibacterial agents, for example, based on benzene peroxide.
  • Regularly victorious treatment of sunscreens, especially for exfoliating procedures, for example, mattifying tonal base with sonic filters.
  • Regular change of clothes, post_lizni and rushniks for exposing - for the possibility of possible contact between bacteria and shkіroy.

Internal conditions, which are mostly found in children and women’s statuses, cause not only psychological, but physical discomfort - as a rule, hanging pain.

Why is it that you see it in the middle?

How can you find ways to deal with minor defects?

  • All information on the site is aware of the nature and is NOT critical to the day!
  • Provide an EXACT DIAGNOSIS you can only LIKAR!
  • We ask you not to engage in self-abuse, but sign up before fakhivtsya!
  • I wish you health and your loved ones!

What kind of work is there for prevention?

Scho tse

Internal prischi (іnakshe furunculi) represent a vizrіvayuchі pіd shkіroyu narivi.

Firing elements are even sicker, they look not aesthetically pleasing, it is important to get used to it.

Because of furunculosis (such a term means sickness in medicine), people mostly suffer from a problematic, scholastic to fiery and teasing, shkіroy.

Characteristics of the peculiarities of such tendencies:

  • pochervonіnnya shkіri in mісtsі zapalennya;
  • roztashuvannya in glibok balls shkіri;
  • trivial hour of maturing (up to decilkokh tizhniv).

who are

The appearance of internal prisms is tied to the wrecked robots of sebaceous vines.


  1. blockage of vivid ducts with shkirny fat;
  2. ignited, provoked by blockage;
  3. the strengthening of ignition processes, accumulation of bacterial pathogenic flora;
  4. appearing on the shkіrі of the great vuzlikovy abo pineal illumination.

Furunculi on tli can signal about problems in the middle of the body and often form on tlі:

  • endocrine discomforts, including pathology of thyroid disease (as a rule, they appear on pidboriddi);
  • ailment of the herbal tract;
  • chronic problems, nervous disorders, stress;
  • overexposure to hormonal levels;
  • porushen obm_nu rechovin;
  • avitaminoza;
  • wrong food;
  • shk_dlivyh call;
  • hypothermia;
  • nedotrimannya gіgієni;
  • the wrong look behind the shkіroyu.

In any case, it’s as if zyasuvati cause furunculosis for power depriving fakhivtsyam - dermatologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist. With a gradual, systematic coverage of narratives, it is necessary to turn up to a lykar.

How to enter before the groupi riziku

If you show your inner wishes in the main, you should:

  • pіdlіtki (unimportantly yunaki);
  • children, like vicorist cosmetics based on lanolin (such a good mask, even more clog the pore, provoking the appearance of the first cosmetic defects);
  • people with declining schism;
  • patients who are on a trivial course treatment with hormonal drugs, or by means of other means, to avenge salt lithium;
  • choloviks and women, whose professional activity is to pass in the minds of a lot of difficulty, because it is tied with naphtha, mastiffs and other awkward cheeky fellows.


how are you going

If you can divide it into a number of types:

not burned- clogged ducts of hair follicles (no larger than 1-2 mm in size);

  • bіlі points (vivіdnі ducts sounding and filled with grease);
  • vuzliki, for example, black core (pores are clogged with horny masses);

ignited- change in size to larger sizes (from 2-3 mm to 1 cm);

  • noncavity;
  • with water or gnome.

localization mission

The inner ones can be found in the very young things, often they are at odds:

  • forehead (especially dilyanka above the eyebrows);
  • підбіддя;
  • shkіru over the upper lip;
  • the area under the breasts or under the groin.

In small forms of furuncles, it is ripe in the middle of the mouth, on the intimate mice (for example, on the great mouth of a woman, or in the pubic area).

On the table

Naynepryamnіshim є prischі in otsі.

Navit a small igniting process on the turns or close to the wicklikє a strong fire. And through the adjustment of the sensitivity of the school and the important access, the liking will be accelerated.

The reasons for the appearance of the internal prism from the upper poviku are the same, as in the others.

When a furuncle appears, it is necessary to complete a natural burn, however, when the pain turns, it turns to a lick.

Often, all the middle eyes are wandering with barley - bacterial inflammations of the hair follicle of the whole life, which are superbly susceptible to harshness, ailments and a lot of capital.

In that, and in the first place it is necessary:

  • pry the eye;
  • zakopuvati ochnі drops with antibiotics (course of treatment - 5 days) or vikoristovuvati ointment for the eyes (tetracycline ointment is full-time).

on vusi

Photo: localization behind the shell

Even more rarely, it can be formulated in the urge of the vuha, all the way around, for the vuh.

As a rule, boils in tsikh m_styah ripen even more.

If the discomfort and severe pains are not wounded, then you can finish rolling, if you go through it yourself.

In the best way, in the most beautiful way, the consultations of the fahivtsia.

signs of furunculosis

Seeing the stages of boil development, skin conditions are characterized by their own symptoms.

  • On an interconnection dilyantsi shkiri vinikak sverbіzh, which is a couple of days. The price is hot.

  • At the cob stage, the development of the vine is a hard red hump on the shkiri, sore with dots. For 2-3 days, the hump will grow in size, near the burning place there will be a bulge, and it will become more intensive.
  • On the 4th-5th day, when a cob of twigs is in the center of the hump, there is a billy dilyanka - a gn_inik, which through a few days spontaneously grows.

Pid furunculosis grows instantly deciduous furuncles at the younger stages of development.

You can get sick of it:

  • temperature adjustments up to 39 ° С and food;
  • strong weakness;
  • headaches.

Video: "Why can't you emboss a prish"


  • stick up to the shkіri only with clean hands;
  • sprinkle the ignition element with an antiseptic rozchin (alcohol, chlorhexidine, peroxide);
  • to finish the natural rosmoktuvannya prischa or vikoristovuvati special lykarski zasobi to accelerate the release of pus.

In a drug-induced treatment of furunculosis, the disease becomes vicious.

Good efficiency is characterized by іkhtіolovaya і Vishnevsky's ointment, Levomekol.

Photo: likuvannya vugrovoy visipu ichthyol mazzyu

The grease is applied to the ignition element at the viglyadі to the compressor, or to be applied until again.

The active components of the preparation can be used as an anti-firing device, soaked in water and pus called out.

Modern technologies

In the arsenals of cosmetology there are a number of special procedures, which help you to fight with prizes.

Moreover, the correct selection of methods does not only cleanse the skin of cosmetic defects, but also assimilate the causes of ignition processes in the skin.

  • Mechanical cleaning. The procedure is not very popular, it is also available at a price. The fault is carried out only by cosmetologists, for the rapid dosage of the condition and the readiness to be seen, in the form of a viscous scar shaped like a scar.

  • Ozone therapy. Injection of ozone (a three-atom molecule acidic) to the shkіra brings in pathogenic flora, assimilates napryak, pockvonіnnya and fumes, more visibility. It activates the synthesis of collagen, turning the frame of the shkiri and changing the setting of scars, cicatrices, and pigment beaches, as they become overwhelmed when it comes. After 3-6 years, after the procedure, the furuncle is seen, and everything that is in the middle is called.
  • ELOS technology. The inflow of light pulses on the igniting element of the blakite colora accelerates the regeneration of the cells, the sound of pores, the blockage of the sebaceous ducts, and the worm is absorbed. The procedure will paint the back cascade of shkiri and release not only from furuncles, but from those who have lost their internal problems.

Yak get used to the help of the people

As long as you are alone on the face, you can deal with the problem without the help of professionals.

At home minds, you can help from the boil:

  • compress with a salt solution or acetylsalicylic acid (without a boil);
  • add iodine (if on the lower lip of the middle of the company it is not possible to vivodit, it is possible to burn the slime or provoke an extended infection on the entire mouth when empty);

Photo: divy sposib - attaching the visipan with iodine

  • wiping shkіri self-prepared lotions;
  • antiapalny masks;
  • lotions with herbs and infusions;
  • baths with sea water (with boils on tilі).


  • Salt roschin. Dilute a pinch of salt in 2 tablespoons of water. A wad of cotton pad, circulating behind the size of the boil, soaking in a concentrated pink. Doklasti to prischі, cover with plaster, fill in nіch.
  • Compress with acetylsalicylic acid. Aspirin can be rotated against the fiery diy, with boils it stagnates muscularly. It is necessary to fine-tune the tablets into powder, add boiled water at room temperature, and add a gash-like mass. I am ready to apply the sum on the ignition elements, pick it up after 10-15 quilins (if you are allergic to aspirin, compress it!).
  • Herbal lotion. Zmіshati rіvnі kіlkostі chamomile, purity, crimson, calendula and sprinkles (herbs can be bought in any pharmacy). Fill the table spoon with a sprinkler with a bottle of sprinkle, insist, process. Otrimanu ridin vikoristovuvati for imprinting.
  • Lemon lotion. Juice of ½ lemon, dilute with a glass of water, wipe the shkіchі dvіchі for a day.
  • Cartopian mask. Adjustments on a grated potato (medium-sized bulb) are taken from the front, beaten into a glass of egg. Add a teaspoon of oatmeal and oil to the knife tip. Vitrimating the mask on the guise of 20 chilin, snake the room temperature with water.

Photo: making a mask from white clay

  • Mask with white clay. Take 3 teaspoons of clay with a teaspoon of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of calendula tincture. Trimati on the guise 15 chilin.
  • Lotions with a zvuroboyu. Pour a tablespoon of dry herb with a bottle of sprinkle, pour 10 quilins into a water bath, cool down and process. Vikoristovuvati yak lotion for accelerating the dosage of nariv.
  • View of birch brunoks. Pour the syruin with sprinkles (a bottle on a table spoon), 15 chilines prokip'yatiti on a water bath, cool and process. You can vikoristovuvati for lotions, compressions, vmivannya.


It is not burned, for the black ones should pass independently, and for health it is not safe - do not leave traces (cicatrices, pigment beaches), do not provoke other ailments.

It is impossible to tell about ignited elements with a sack of pus.

Photo: furuncle on the face is not safe with serious accelerated

  1. Especially not safe boils, roztashovani on the face. The penetration into the brain can cause meningitis, encephalitis, and acceleration.
  2. With a strong ignition, there can be a sprinkle of fiery elements of the hand, as they get angry and mold a carbuncle. The process of supravodzhutsya severe pain і bulging, high temperature.
  3. If an infection gets into the roof, it can lead to sepsis - contamination of the blood.


In the basis of the prevention of furunculosis lie the reasons for the victories that I will appear.

Photo: taking into account the rules of special hygiene to be in the basis of the prevention of installation on the screen of ignition elements

  • vidmova from a shkidlivyh chime;
  • korekts_ya of grub races (inclusion from the menu of gostrich, licorice, smoked and fatty grasses to normalization of alcoholic fat);
  • strolls on a fresh meal (paint the lively life of klitin shkiri);
  • change of immunity (often prischі appear on the smallest weakening);
  • lіkuvannya chronic illnesses;
  • interchange of physical and emotional navantages;
  • dotrimannya gіgіnni і literate look behind the shkіroy.

Food and drink

It’s all around the place

The warehouse is designed for this kind.

  • Non-sleeping elements can have a lot of fat or keratinized particles.
  • Firing boils to avenge water anyway (sum of serous genus, dead bacteria and products of life, cytin of the immune system).

Chi can be seen

  • the appearance of scars and cicatrices;
  • improvement of fire and improvement;
  • further expansion of the infection in shkiri, the formulation of those prischiv;
  • zagostrennya furunculosis, development of numerous furuncles, penetration of infection into the middle of the body.

Especially the prikhovani, who are not ripe, are especially prone to pricks - the red-faced sickly chicks on the shkiri. Make it more beautiful with a corrector and finish it off, while you pass it on your own.

Photo: persh, nіzh vidaviti prisch

Ale, if you have hidden yourself, but you don't want to do it, then when you see it, you see the singing lower entry into the safety:

  1. reliably vimiti hands;
  2. when you are on your face - you are immersed in warm water (the shkіra is pummeled, and it’s time to cry out, so that the process of vyvlyuvannya is lodged);
  3. sterilize the head with alcohol, or over half;
  4. with a sterile head, pierce the top of the head (it is not necessary to insert a head on top of it);
  5. instead of seeing it with a sterile servetka, gently press down on the shell navkolo (do not emboss with nigtyami!);
  6. complete the procedure, as only from the wound there was a hole in the blood;
  7. sprinkle the mice with an antiseptic.

Every now and then, you can try to wiggle in the minds of your home. Ale will be wiser to go to the dermatologist.

It is not just a cosmetic defect. The most important manifestation of singular problems in the middle of the body.

Pidsumok - a clean, healthy shkira without ugly inheritances from viglyadi scars and without unsatisfactory acceleration.

Video: "Yak will be shaken by the prischiv"

Not all prischі are the same to look at an unprofessional look.

And even more fakhіvtsі and are ready to develop a bit of growing visipans.

In order for a small problem not to grow into more significant problems, it is necessary to immediately grow into one of the species' accessories.

  • All information on the site is aware of the nature and is NOT critical to the day!
  • Provide an EXACT DIAGNOSIS you can only LIKAR!
  • We ask you not to engage in self-abuse, but sign up before fakhivtsya!
  • I wish you health and your loved ones!

As a result, there is a vibration of liquid injections and their efficiency.

You will try to hunt for all vidi visipans, as you can appear on the guise of til, with a short characteristic.

who are

More often than not, they have come to see them.

Tse mozhut buti:

  • reducing hormonal levels- in vіtsі, in period, when taking drugs;
  • poisoning organs etching- if there is a breakdown in the recycling system and the development of a child, it can be quickly brought into the cage;
  • wrong- deyakі zdatnі pіdvischuvati ymіvіrnіst approval of visipan;
  • lack of hygiene shkіrnykh pokrivіv;
  • infusion of factors in the midst- pouring into the skіra straight sleepy exchanges, cold, wind;
  • infusion of chemistry- particles of chimney-by-side chemistry can be consumed on unprotected shkіra, wickedly strong teasing;
  • vikoristannya of nasty cosmetics- such koshti to hammer pori, prikryuyuchi prischiv;
  • Infectious diseases- often cause itching and prickling;
  • stress- to destroy the hormonal background, to produce visipan to the strength.

Also, all the processes of our life are interconnected without interruption or in advance.

And that means that in one of the systems, you can bring it to the end bag until you set it up on the screen. To that, be-like visipannya vimagayut retalnoy diagnostics and the establishment of the cause. Without a lot of lіkuvannya I will not be effective.

how to mold

If there is a blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous lobes.

For a whole sufficiency of one of the factors - oversized production of fatty lard, or trustworthy production of fatty skin cells. In the norm of fatty lard, there are styles, and the upper ball of the skin is allowed to grow, and the natural growth of the natural factors is created.

There are plenty of two-wheelers per day to cleanse the skins.

Ale, as soon as the children come to the epidermis, they do not leave the upper ball of the shkiri at once, the stench smells of the cracking, the breasts, which are wandering with the fatty lard and make the traffic jams in the pores of the shkiri.

Photo: fatness of shkiri provocative has been adjusted for acne

It can be seen in case of overwhelming activity of sebaceous lobes.

The surplus of fat itself will attract to itself the growth of complications, if I want to saw bits and pieces from the last middle ground.

  • As a result, the duct will become increasingly clogged.
  • In the closed space, filled with fat, the bacteria are being repaired.
  • Tse serve as the cause of the ignition process.
  • Fighting the body with him is supervised by pus.
  • The sebaceous duct grows in size, ale є the moment, if it is re-matched and called.
  • At the end of the day, there is an open wound, the yak is sick to the point of infarction.
  • As soon as you don't see it, you just drag it out, the shkіrny pokriv step-by-step change.

So it’s practical to see all the appearances on the face to be repaired from the clogged pir.

Video: "Who do I have to face"

See prischiv on the ignorant acquaintance

All the creepers on the faces and on the tiles can lie up to one of the coming types:

  • ignited;
  • not burned.


The stench is immediately remembered for the rakhunok of the red one from the shkiri on the spot.

Itself often falls into the spotlight, and when the onslaught, there is a sickness in the eyes. Discomfort can be felt without additional infusions.

Before the whole group, you should see the following:

  • - when you have a color without a big one. To walk over the surface of the shkiri at the sight of small humps. When the papule is pressed with a finger for an hour, then again, the papules are turned. Pislya daddies on the shkiri do not get overwhelmed, behind a vignette, perhaps, of the dark hour of the hour;
  • pustules- Mayut all the middle empty, filled with gnome. The name is shown at the viglyad of the big head in the center of the child. You can immediately win in a similar viglyad or pretend to be a daddy. Nebezpeka vidavlyuvannya tsogo pryznovidu prischiv - in extended infections or contaminated blood. Pislya pustules on the shkiri may not only be covered, but the first cicatrix;
  • woozli- type of pedagogical apparatuses. On the day, there are pustules, just roztasvani in large balls of shkiri. Kolir їkh can be dark worm-colored, burgundy, cyanotic. Stink in the camp of calm. Wuzli can be sized up to 3 cm in diameter. On іх місці often become atrophic and hypertrophіchnі, so as when empty, when I go out with pus to fill up a lot;
  • brush- the whole range of rosters near the universities. From a shkіroy stench, you can get rid of yourself as empty - fistulas. In general, the kista is most foldable for the liking, and at the moment it will always be overshadowed. It is not possible to find the establishment of keloid scars.


not burned

The connection from the visor of the ignition process itself, by itself, is not safe.

Alle the stench, you can serve as a point of reference for papules and pustules, and that can also be a good time to visit.

These are called comedones.

There is a stench of todi, if the duct of greasy clogs appears, there are blockages with small obstructions, changes with shkirny fat.

Do you have comedones?

There are two examples:

  • vidkriti. They call it in a way. Masa, scho closed the duct of the greasy zalozi, there was a bilya of the surface of the shkiri. Black color is a result of oxidation. The size of the comedone is small - up to 2 mm. It is possible to cope with the whole type of cymbal in home minds for an additional entrance with special cosmetic means. Without switching on the ignition process and lighting the pustules on its basis.
  • close. Winikayut, as the lower part of the shkirnoy pori from the inner side is hammered. Vyavlyayutsya on skіri yak small humps. Vm_st їkh cannot go to the surface by natural way. Ale in them, you can completely consume infection, as close to the spreading of problems, especially when you see it. Infection can be consumed in the middle and when you try to shake off a closed comedone when you see it. Tom, at the time of such an affirmation, it is not easy for papules and pustules to appear.

It is lighter in appearance, it seems to be hanging on the face, spiral in the photo and the name of the prish.

Tse will help you to make the right choice of cosmetic items for a good look at the shkіroy.

Classification of ailments for the importance of showing

For lіkuvannya vugrovogo visipu on the face of yak nіkoli important complex pіdhіd.

  • protisapalny- Baziron AS ,.
  • Likar can be considered as one drug, a little more, but a lot of them to share in some of the most important powers for fighting with prizes, as well as a combination.

    It is impossible to forget about the trouble of the shkiri, to find it too fat.

    Only creams for a whole lot of food on a water basis, not a fat or oil basis.


    Slid every day pіkluvatisya about your shkіra, schob zapobіgti vugrovy visip.

    Axis on the scho need to be brutalized:

      • cleansing and dissolving the shkiri is a very common procedure;
      • regularly, but not even more often (1 time per day), it is necessary to store piling for seeing the particles of epidermisu;
      • retail pidbir to look for decorative cosmetics, minimizatsiya vikorystannya and powder, especially when;
      • frequent change of post-morbidity and towels for exposing - the stench may be the dumplings of bacterial information;
    • a healthy way of living, an adequate hour for sleep and minimization of stressful situations.

    If you saw them, they came to your school, the advice of the fakhivtsa would help you to find out who stink and wrestled with them.

    To that, do not get mad at the cost of a lick, and even with a few people hanging out, a bigger problem can arise.

    Video: "Malisheva about lіkuvannya prishchіv the middle step"

    - a small hump behind the size without emptying. It appears from the upper ball of the shkiri in the times of the growth of the sebaceous hair follicle.

    vidkritiy comedon- purchase of lard and keratin pieces in the pores of the shkiri. They named their name black dots for farbuvannya in a dark color with an oxidized pigment of sour liquor.

    fired up

    The papula is a small hump of a red colora with a size of 5 mm or more. Often deliver ailing messages, tied and burned.

    A pustule is seen with a gnome in the middle, as a call can be seen as a top with a worm in the middle.

    Lykar-dermatologists often call these types of papulo-pustules. Appear on the scene of a burnt comedone, and if you get a wrong start, you will fall back (beams, cicatrices).

    Bulbashka (vesicle)

    Element visipu is empty, filled with serous or serous-hemorrhagic ridinoy.


    Winikak, if urazhenu dilyanka shkіri grows, I will want susіdnі fabrics. Tse is even more painful, leaving a scar on the skirts.


    Large element of vugrovy visip, folding for lіkuvannya. Colir - red-brown or bluish. Vseredinі zachoditsya grew up in the debts empty from the gnome.

    Reasons for the incidence of different types of prischiv

    Status of dosage, vaginism, menstrual cycle, intake of steroids, stress - just a few cobs of the list of hormonal changes in the body of people. For a childish, childish and youthful person, problems can lead to a fiery illness - seborrheic acne.

    Pislya 1991 rock nabula expanded Classification of Vugri Plevig and Kligman:

    • Have children (neonatal children).
    • Yunatske acne: comedonal, papulo-pustular, mechanical and in.
    • Acne in older people: tropical; pizni at women; postmenopausal; additional; bliskavichny with excess of androgens in choloviks.
    • Contact details: cosmetic; fat and resin, chloracne.

    Pislya 30 years of acne are called "piznim", which is why they appear on the back of internal organs or chromosomal damage. Provokuvati and contacts are found in case of mechanical problems, storage of liquids, oils and naphtha products.

    Do not tie for acne, you see it:

    gram-negative foliculitis with antibiotics and inflamed hair follicles.

    Piodermis - gniyno-ignited show the activity of microflori shkiri.

    Rosacea- tse zhvoryuvannya, for which characteristic chervony prischі with big heads and rosacea (pochvonіnnya shkіri). The exact reasons are not established, including the head factors of the brain damage and hormonal breakdown, the reaction of the endocrine system to the vision of small cells.

    Furuncle is a state of inflammation of the sebaceous hair follicle with adherent tissue through the activity of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. In the area of ​​the hair there is a great hump of red with a bulb of white pus, and when you start a scar.

    Yak to be molded when

    Acne, daddies and chubby may appear in children with illnesses. The nature of hanging on the other is even more important for the diagnosis of bark, chickens and other infections. A few of the main symptoms of acne are symptoms of acne - ailments of sebaceous infections and all types of diseases.

    Characteristic signs of a small ailment (acne) are enlarged pores, fat blisters, comedones and prischі. Symptoms are found in case of broken vision of dead cells and high activity of sebaceous diseases (oily seborrhea).

    Horny bits of epidermis, bits of brude clog the pores, make comedies in the eyes of big vughri and black specks. In the ducts of the sebaceous lobes and the canal of the hair follicle, propionobacterium acne is recirculated, continually lagging in the irregularities of the epidermis.

    If microbi is able to multiply, then provoke the heat. To repair the rush of blood to the whole store, the winery of the heart and the embryo of the fabric.

    This is how the development of the new visions on the face and the appearance of the obv'yazkovo vrakhovu vrakhovu vrakhovu vrachivu vrazhenoi delyanka shkiri. From widened pores, black specks from oxides and darkened with greasy fat, add extra keratolytic and sebum-regulating oils. For the reduction of antibiotics, retinoids and benzoyl peroxide.

    Yak lіkuvati rіznі vidischіv on faces

    The correct look behind the shkirny cover of the urahuvannya of this type є partly lіkuvannya і serve as a prophylaxis in ugrovy ailments. It is absolutely necessary to clean the specimen of comedones: once at the meeting in the salon and in the household mind. Every day to carry out the cleansing of shkіri from obrudnen, excess lard in the evening and in the evenings for additional lotions and gels. One or two times a day it is recommended to use scrubs, peels and masks as soon as possible.

    It is important to look at the principle behind the shkiroya, krym cleansing, - perishing and living (inodi їkh unite). Without a person, it is easy to curl up with little eyes, taking in the natural color. Shkіrniy pokriv old, we will spend the building before regeneration.

    How to vibrate for treating acne with mild to moderate severity:

    effectName the drug or a cosmetic product
    Keratolytic (comedonic).
    Razchinennya black specks, replacement peeling.
    Sebostatic (regulation of robots of sebaceous vines)
    1. Zinerit's contribution to erithromycin and zinc
    2. Gel "Differin" with retinoids adapalene
    3. Gel "Klenzit S" with adapalene and clindamicin
    4. Series of cosmetics "Exfoliak"
    5. The line of the "Clerasil Ultra"
    6. Cream "Klinance K" ("Aven")
    7. Cream "Diakneal"
    disinfectant1.levocetinic alcohol, 5%
    2. Salicylic acid, 2-5%
    3. Bovtanki with sirkoyu,
    4. Resorcinol, 2%
    5. Camphoric alcohol, 5-10%
    Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.
    Depletion of bacteria in the pores and reduction of ignorance
    1. Erithromicin ointment
    2. Gel "Baziron AS" with benzoyl peroxyde
    3. Zasib "Zinerit"
    4. Gel "Skynoren"
    5. Gel "Dalatsin"

    Pozbutis in the presence of additional help in normalization of eating and sleep, physical activity, the fight against deposited waste in the intestines. Do not go through the ailment of a disease for nothing, for it will be done, the result will be washed in 1-3 months in a pleasant way. Come prophylactics and methods of cleaning up the people in such cases and black specks. Tse honey, egg whites, vyvsyanka, herbs, vikoristovuvani for masks.

    Danish material of changes in educational and knowledge-based purposes, not as a professional medical team, but as a scientific material, and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.

    In contact with

    Acne- an ignition process, such as a vine in the hair follicle and sebaceous zone. Tse naiposhirenіshe urazhennya shkіri. Yogo manifest in the development of the world of seeing on your skin. The problem is given, which is especially relevant for young people, since during the period of growing up the risk of acne is significantly growing.

    anatomy of the shkiri

    Shkira is the greatest organ of our body, the area of ​​which is 1.5-2 m І. Yogo function - to seize the organism of people from the most unfriendly officials. In addition, there are a number of important buildings on the vison:
    • thermoregulation tila
    • vivedennya shkidlivyh speeches
    • dikhannya
    • breaking the sweat and lard
    • accumulation of energy reserves (in the viglyadi of the pediatric fat pad)
    • sprinkling podraznikiv (dot, temperature, vice)
    Anatomically, the shkira is stored in three balls:
    1. Epidermis abo surface ball- representations of a flat bagat-ball epithelem. Qia chastina shkiri maє p'yat shariv. Stepwise cells from the lower ball move to the surface. Such a way will be borrowed from them for a short month. Clients have less water and less talk. To that, the upper ball becomes keratinized and becomes "dead". Yogo klіtini act with anger. This is the rank of deeds to replace the old klin shkiri on the new one.

    2. Vlasne shkira (dermis) or a glib ball. Wines are stored from fibrous fabrics.

      Derma is also divided into two balls.

      • top - papillary, Big schilny. There are blood-bearing capillaries, nerve fibers and can see the papillae, which are pressed into the epidermis, making thin furrows. There and then there is the opening of the greasy and sweaty vines. The secret of the snake skins.
      • sichasty the ball is to take revenge on the oily and sweats, as well as the hair follicles. New elastic fibers are interwoven, which are responsible for the springiness of the skin. There are also non-sketched fibers, the stench of hair and wicked "shkiru".

    3. Nutritional fatty tissue (hypodermis) become the bottom ball. Won’t get a lot of pukhke budova and take revenge on a large number of the resulting fabrics and purchase of fatty clitins. Its function is to capture all the temperature drops, absorb shocks and store lively speech.
    Shkira is one of the most important organs of the people. To that, yogo illnesses, such as acne, bring not only natural defects, but psychological discomfort. Ailments zavazhayut shkіri viconuvati її functions. At the same time, the life of all organisms is normal. That vugroviy visip is necessary for not least, not less ailments.

    Causes of Acne Diagnosis

    How can I get acne?

    1. Destruction in the robotic hormonal system.

      Hormones regulate the activity of all organisms, including the body. I pour on the vugr_v:

      • testosterone It is referred to the head hormones androgens, which are synthesized in the body loses and the heads, and the women. Increased testosterone production to rob the robot of sebaceous locks more intensively. Shkirne fat accumulate in vines. You should be friendly to the development of bacteria. In women, testosterone overload can be overwhelmed by hairiness, it is often found vugri, old age and coarse. There are drops, if the change in androgens does not change the norm, but changes in the organism of the patient become sensitive to testosterone. The increase in testosterone in women can be linked to dysfunction of women, polycystosis of women.

      • progesterone - to be applied to female hormones to gestagens. Vyroblyaєtsya at both articles by cells, cells and zalozami. Winning work on the female organism in the other half of the menstrual cycle. It is with him that the death of the shkiri is tied before the ear of menstruation. It is easy to destroy the hormone, it is easy to stretch, to increase the amount of fat, to get rid of the fat in the fat.
      At the age of 10-18 years, the endocrine system is becoming more and more mature. The hormones of the hypophysis are injected into the function of the state of the body and the synthesis of the state of the hormone. Often times, the process does not go smoothly. In the adult body in the whole period, testosterone is replenished. Win and wickedness is more common in acne in children.
    2. Imbalance of the autonomic nervous system.

      In normal people, a sympathetic and parasympathetic view of the autonomic nervous system is overwhelming in pryvnovazi. The smell regulates the robot of all organs of the people. One of them is moving for an hour over the one in the fallow because of the situation and the minds of the new middle. Violation of the balance and intensiveness of the robot of one of the wounds, leading to an increase in the tone of the vagal energy of the sebaceous lobes, as well as the hyperproduction of grease. The reason for the deterioration of the functioning of the nervous system can be attributed to: stress, lack of sleep, vtom, movement of physical growth, endocrine overwhelm to the body (for example, because of canopy).

    3. Hyperactivity of sebaceous vines.

      The norm has a secret of sebaceous loses (sebum) of bactericidal power. Winning shkiru from dryness, early aging, UV-viprominuvannya, frostbite and antioxidant. However, as the greasy licks work superficially actively, the grease does not rise up on the surface of the skins, but accumulates in the greasy bush. In general, think for the propagation of bacteria to become friendly. As a result of these microorganisms, they lived on the school and did not work on the shkodi, they are actively repaired. Oh, the power of the wiklikє I will appear in the corner of the vise.

    4. Zmіna to the warehouse of grease.

      With the added wiping of shkirny lard, the warehouse changes. The concentration of linoleic acid is changing. It should be done before the pH level breaks down and the reaction of the school becomes larger. As a result, the penetration of water into the hand of follicles is improved. The managers are set to work for the growth of microorganisms. Besides, the lard grows thick. Tse pereshkojaє yogo vivedennyu on the surface. As a result of what comedies are established.

    5. Stress and psychic nurturing.

      The stench is meaningful to the body. Strong nerves shake healthier immunity and hormonal changes, reduce the imbalance of the nervous system, and as a result of these disorders, acne appears.

    6. The decline of muscular immunity and activation of mentally pathogenic microorganisms.

      Myscevial ​​immune system of the shkiri will protect the system of immune cells. Naivazhlivіshі from them Langerhans' clitini. The stench activates the reaction of muscular immunity and the range of specific cells (epidermal macrophages, epithelial cells). On zhisnі sili shkіri nasty pour in:

      • uncontrolled sucking of cosmetics
      • overwhelming UV-optimization
      • stress
      • shkіdlivі calls
      • wrong food
      If the natural zahist is destroyed, then the diagnosis of acne is affected by the following bacteria: Propionibacterium acnes, Propionibacterium granulosum, Staphylococcus epidermidis, And also fungi and nursery mites.

    7. Spadkova smartness.

      As soon as the fathers have acne, then there is a great ymovirnist, but their children may be suffering from the whole problem. The type of shkіri pledges in humans is genetic. The following signs are transmitted in the decline from the batkiv:

      • for testosterone
      • special features of the muscular immunity of the school
      • the level of sensitivity of sebaceous locks to the infusion of statovih hormones
      • deterioration of the function of the upper balls of the epithelium
      • schism before the approval of defective sebaceous flesh
      • spinning the shkir lard with changing authorities (teasing shkir, even thicker)
      The diagnosis of swollen or conglobate vughri in choloviks can also be transmitted in decays and are linked to the Y chromosome.

    8. Destruction of the race.

      Boros and confectionery virobi revenge a lot of simple carbohydrates. It’s a good idea to bring about a great amount of insulin and insulin-like growth factors to the level of vitality. The link with the cym is increased by the level of the head hormone, which is more powerful than the viral fat of the fat. The result is a friendly mind for life of bacteria.

      There is a great number of fat in the race to produce before the stench of the great number is consumed in the shelter and then passed through the school. Sebum can not cope with sebum formation. Win accumulates and populates with bacteria.

    9. Ailments of the intestinal tract, endocrine villosities, statovi organs.

      Acne is often a symptom of internal ailments. So for nothing, poisoning systems and etching to create to the point where it will not start to start and stagnate. With a large number of toxins in the intestinal tract, there is a large number of toxins. Stink soak into the roof. And oskіlki shkіra vіkonu s function of vision, then the toxins, vіdіlyayuchis through the ridge curl, will wick acne.

      Vugri can be a symptom of such conditions and ailments:

      • teased bowel syndrome
      • Gostry i chronic gastritis
      • stones in the gum ducts
      Also acne vinnikє, yaksho nirki do not cope with toxins. The reason can be the following: sickness: nirkova lack, stones in nirkas, polyonephritis.

      Zahvoryuvannya statuvyh organs tightly knitted with vugrіv's windows. Possible cases: polycystosis of the ovaries, sclerocystosis of ovaries, postponed infections and gynecological operations, abortion. At the same time, the virobling of female hormones and the like, hanging on the face will be ruined.

      Ailments of endocrine vines They are responsible for hormonal balance and can be a cause of acne. There may be problems: hypophysis (hypopituitarism, prolactinoma), nadnirnikov (Andosteroma's pukhlina, which is overwhelmed by the secretion of human hormones).

      frankness in the history of chronic infections in organisms, such as caries teeth, sinusitis, also pogirshu stun shkiri. Microorganisms spread through the blood stream and penetrate into the organisms and fabrics, wicked away the fumes. Likewise, when the cich is ill, the zagalny and muscular immunity falls.

    10. Acceptance of drugs for drugs.

      It often happens for an hour or so for drinking with different drugs. Such acne are called medications:

      • Hormonal contraceptives: Ovral, Norlestrin, Lestrin, Norinil - can poruchuvati naturally fermenting female hormones estrogens.
      • Protiepileptics: Fenitoin, trimethadione - victories of the development of shkiri when vivedenny їkh through the shkira.
      • Anti-tuberculous science: Isoniazide, rifampicin, Etambutol - destroy the exchange of vitamins and the robot's liver.
      • antidepressant: Amineptin, methohexital, surital, pentotal are the signs of hormonal imbalance and allergy.
      • Steroid hormones: muscle corticosteroids, systemic corticosteroids, anabolic steroids, gestagenes - inject insulin and testosterone into the viroblast, as a result of which a large amount of fatty acids accumulates in the sebaceous vines.
      • antibiotics: Yunidoks, Solutab, Tetracycline, doxycycline - can lead to allergic reactions and dysbacteriosis.
      • vіtamіniB 1, B 2, B 6, B 12, D 2- Visip can be a manifestation of hypervitaminosis and allergy.

    11. Victory of inconsistent cosmetic items.

      Cream, powder, lotion, blush and tin - tsi vidi cosmetics can pogirshuvati stan shkiri. To that, the masking of acne wiklikє for the improvement of the visipan. Particularly not safe are the vazoi vazobi, which take in oil and glycerin in their warehouses. Make-up is called comedogenic, as it clogs the pore, provokes comedones, breaks down on the surface of the shkiri microplavka, schogodzhak dikhannyu. Whether it is a component in a person who can suffer acne, it’s not possible to get rid of an organism and to tease the skin. That comedogenic can be found on a water basis.

    12. Wrong cosmetic look.

      Yak nedotrimannya rules of special hygienia, so cleansing the overworld can cause acne. It’s tied together, so that the natural zhist and acid-water balance of the shkiri will be destroyed.

    13. Marriage Vitamin A and E.

      marriage vitamina A (retinol ) To lead to hyperkeratosis (increase and decrease of the upper ball of the epidermis). It also has a shortage of manifesting itself in peeling skin, early age, interruptions in the robotic sebaceous infections, the appearance of lumps, stretch marks and scars due to acne. Retinol will ensure normal functioning of the school and immune system, increasing the definition to microorganisms and accelerating the updating of the client's diet. Besides, tsei vіtamin take care of the fate of the viral hormones of life, which lead to the purity of the shkіri.
      An effective social worker of the school takes care of the interaction of the vitamins A and E ( tocopherol ). Remaining updated cell membranes, neutralizing radicals, scaling cells and producing them to old. also Vitamin E pleasantly pouring into the robot of state organs and their hormones.

    14. Drebnі traumas of shkіri.

      If the shkira is sick before the appearance of the ugri, then the microtraumas can destroy the country. It is not advisable for this to take time to convict with your hands, it is necessary to rub the shkiri on the phone or on the phone. Try to self-visualize should also be produced before the infection expands in the adjoining dilyanka shkiri. The most frequent process goes from nose to nose. It is especially not recommended to see the prish in the area of ​​the nasolabial tricot.

    Wiggle yak acne?

    Acne (vugri) - burning of sebaceous villosis. The stench may look like red prints. High schools often get sick and give people a lot of discomfort. Postupovo in the center of the storehouse lit up a gn_yny island.

    Naybils are often found on quiet dylyankas of shkiri, more than a few oily trees are depleted. Tse person, shia, chest and back. In people who are suffering from a high-pitched visage, beckon є show oily seborrhea. Shkira is old, bland, porous and comfy, with a great number of comedones and fiery elements.

    Why is acne diagnosed?

    Firing oily salmon, in general, it is a signal to the body about intoxication. Otruunnya can provoke destructive triggers: improper eating, drinking and vitamins, alcohol, decreased vagi. Sink through the bowels of the intestines, consume toxic metabolites in the shelter, which is negatively recognized in the camp of the school. Use the service and the polish of the name of the shkiri in addition to receiving the enterosorbent Enterosgel. The structures of the hydrophobic sponge are set up along the walls of the intestinal tract, without adhering and not getting covered on mucus, as they use powdered sorbents, the formula for which can be stored from other crystals. The gel sorbent is visibly displayed by the team, which picks up the most sensitive, the hype, the speeches, not the vitamins, the blocks, the brown bacteria. Taking the course of the drug Enterosgel will help you cleanse the body from toxins and turn the health of the eye.

    Sebaceous zloza ignites because of the clogging of the duct, which leads to shkirne fat. It’s the result of the fact that the keratinized epidermisu and the secret of the clotting have overcrowded the opening of the sebaceous-hair duct. Pretending to be a cork is a comedo. At the same time, a lot of fat is accumulated in the hall, and it is created with a friendly mind for the growth of bacteria. Organism attack pathogenic microorganisms by leukocytes. As a result, in the misery of greedy fat, it becomes gn_y. Tse kalamutna rіdina bіlo-zhovtoy koloru, which is stored from microorganisms, living and dead leukocytes, fat and enzymes.

    Often, as an element of acne is known, on that occasion a dark beach appears, a scar or a scar. It is so important for that to live a visit so that it is better to show acne and the correct treatment. If you want the process to take up to an hour, you need to bring the process to a new level of visibility.

    Do you have acne?

    All the elements of the ugrovy visipka can be divided into two forms:
    1. The form is ignited. There are elements, such as grazing before burning and suppuration:
      • extravagant- most of the young people. Call the stench to pass independently up to 18 rockets;
      • conglobates- great kulyasti elements. The stench is stifling until the end of the cycle is empty;
      • bliskavichny- z'yavlyayutsya shvidko і strongly suppurate. On їх місці a wound is often established, yaka nagaduє a twist. With a lot of self-esteem, it is significant to lose heart, to repair the toxicity of the body, to increase the temperature. Most often they take part in the age group of 13-17 years;
      • mechanical vugri- to find out as a result of mechanical action in the school. Often they float in mіstsyah, de odyag greetings or rubbing shkіrnі pokrivi.
    2. Non-inflammatory form - comedones (black points), clogging of the throat of the follicle with a diet and thickening with grease.

    Classification for vikova acquaintance

    Child acne. Okremo vid_lyayut acne of the new generation. Vono winikє are nemovlyat through the entry into the roof of the mother's hormones. Prischі may viglyad zakrytih comedones. When the rules of hygiene are met, the elements independently know through the chain of tizen. The stench does not fester and does not leave traces on the child's shkiri.

    Childish and youthful acne. Sponsor 90% of children 12-16 years old. Visipania є papules and pustules with gnіynim vіstom.

    Acne in grown-ups (pizni acne)
    An ear of vugrovaya visipka in an old age is not often used. The appearance of a great number of acne after 30 years may indicate a serious illness. To that, on the basis of education, we will grow up the need for more medical care. You can get familiar with the consultation of a dermatovenerologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, gynecologist (urologist).

    Acne in older adults can be associated with the intake of drugs, hormonal drugs and vitamin cocktails, and drugs in the robots of supra-nirkovye.

    Do you have acne steps?

    To determine the degree of severity of acne, it is necessary to apply a special line from the top to the bottom. Then we can spend the fire in the fire (і quickly turn, і quietly, de fired up only to repair). From the stage of gravity to lay down the vibration of the liking. That is more beautiful not to ignore the step.

    Assessment of the severity of acne:
    1st step (easy) - less than 10
    2nd step (middle) - 10-20
    3rd step (important) - 21-30
    4th step (even more important) - more than 30

    Likuvannya vugrovoi ailment

    lykuvannya acne- a trivial process, which includes in itself no lynch procedures. Find the best one with a dermatologist's consultation. Vibir methods are abundant in what to lay down among the reasons for the appearance of acne. Likewise, there may be a liking for fellow chronic ailments, which are the cause of the ugly visibility.

    The main stages of acne treatment are directed to those who are:

    • pereshkojati statement of comedones
    • clear clogged ducts
    • zupiniti breeding bacteria
    • change the vision of shkirny fat
    • vilikuvati zapalennya on shkіrі

    How can I find acne in the home mind?

    With the right look and competent selection of the skills, you can fit in with yourself independently. Especially the young ones are especially prone, the appearance of which is not tied with serious problems.

    Before Tim, how to start to lіkuvannya acne booth, it is necessary to clean up the guilt. For fatty skins, it is good to use gels and pins for implantation with antibacterial components. The stench is to move muscle immunity and normalize the robot's sebaceous vines. Їx pH is not guilty of overhanging 4.5. With such means, it is necessary to take a minimum of two times a day. Not varto vikoristovuvati for vvivannya is very toilet cute. It is necessary to dry the shkіra. For such a cleansing, you will be able to compensate for the shortage of problems, and put the secret in the hardened mode.

    Hot water is not the best option for a fatty skin. Naykrashche vmivatisya water room temperature. Wonderful shkira, increasing the tone and sound of the expansion of the pore.

    Necessary procedure є piling. This procedure is aimed at those who see the upper keratinous ball of the food. For all, you can get ready scrubs and prepare for peeling. Їх it is necessary to fix it not more than two times per day. For quietly, who will be able to make cosmetic preparations based on natural ingredients, you can propose a few recipes:

    1. Zmіshati in equal proportions kharchov soda, drіbny pomelo and drink for shanks and gel for the soul.
    2. Take an equal portion of melenoy cavi and other sea salt.
    3. Dry live bread of ground in a bowl and add a tablespoon of kefir.
    4. Distinction of aspirin tablets in small quantities of water.
    5. Take 2 tablespoons of green clay and 3 tablespoons of sour milk.
    Shkіru before cleansing needs to be prepared. Pislya vmivannya zamyuchiye zazoba person is roaring over the castrule with hot water. Apply a kind of warehouse for a scrub on the vologu. Rіvnomіrno raise the sums according to the guise and gently massage them with circular rucks. If you want it, you need to rinse it with cool water and apply a cream on it. Bepanten or Pantestin is perfect for cich tsіley.

    This procedure should be carried out at night. On the right, there is such a way to cleanse the trauma of the upper ball of the shkiri.

    Tom was sent a scrub and peeling. Shkіrі it is necessary to give a few years for renewal, and also to apply cosmetics. Systematic storage of such zasob_v will make sure to cleanse them, see comedones and usunennya bacteria. Shkira virivnyuєtsya, pori, other cicatrices and flickers of acne will melt less.

    Likuvannya acne natural ways to practice a lot of food Folk medicine has accumulated a great amount of information and additional help to effectively shake things up. The recipes for the most effective masks will be taught to you, as you can prepare at home. Systematic zasosuvannya tsikh zasobіv perfectly cleanses the shkіra, and soothes the burning. Until then, natural components are practically not subject to allergic reactions.

    Yak prepare a mask Yaky inflow inflate the components of the mask Yak mazati і sho mazati Any result is to blame but the print was applied through the sessions of the checkout to the effect
    Beers drіzhdzhі (1 tbsp. L.) Dodati 1 tbsp. l. milk, mix to the consistency of thick sour cream Vitamin B and N, zalizo, phosphorus, zinc, chromium, calium, selenium and magnesium infuse the shkira with red rhymes, polish blood circulation Apply with a thin ball on the cleaned shkіra of the denouncement To rob the shkіra smooth, calm, ignited. If you substitute milk with water and lemon juice, then the skin becomes more healthy and cleansed from bacteria
    Grate the apple on a drub, add 1 tbsp. l. yogurt, і 1 tsp. honey Cleansing і rozgladzhu shkіru, painting liveliness kіtin Otrimanu gruel remix and apply on a clean dry shkіra. After 20 chilins, snake with cold water Acid, scho to take revenge in apple juice, overshoot the multiplication of microorganisms, scho wiklikayut when. Shkira will become smooth and springy for the first session
    Alcohol tincture of calendula (1 tbsp. L.) Zm_shati with such a bit of boros. Dodati Trohi Vody Calendula zezarazhuє shkіru, driving in bacteria, yakі wiklikayut firing comedones Change all the components to the consistency of thick sour cream. I will put the mask off on the face. Zalishit for 10 min and take cold water The painting of the shimmer's mask will become lower and horny. It seems that the little thing will change and become less important. Repeat this procedure 3 times per day
    Beat the egg cake, add 1 tsp lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l. yagid sunitsi Change the fatness of the shkiri, the sound of the pori, the sign of the heat Otrimanu sum_sh to put on the prepared shkіra for 20 min. Writing a snake in cold water Apply regularly 2-3 times per day. After 10 days, the shkiri mill will rotate. Visipan will become smaller. Vidbіliti vernіanki i pіgmentnі pіgmentnі pіslya pіslya acne
    Grate half the pear, add 2 tsp lemon juice Sounds pori, absorbs a fat blisk, additional help to see the dead Otrimanu put the porridge on the denunciations for 10-15 minutes. We see it in circular rocks and hang in the cold water Robiti in 2 days. Shkira is old and new. The saline ducts are cleaned from the sebaceous plugs. Zapalennya vinikayut pіtno rіdshe. The effect of the last meal is 3-5 times
    The pulp of white or rye grapes (2 tsp) Fruit acids and cleanse the skin of keratinous clitin, warm it velvety and spring Rub it to a one-sided camp and apply it on the face. Vitrimati 15 min. і snake with cold water Shkira will become clean, so it will be cleaned and cleaned. For a stable effect, you need to rob the mask on the outskirts of the month
    Stiglі berries Kalini rozchaviti і vіdzhati sіk Roslinny antibiotics and phytoncids drive bacteria. Microelements to liven up the skin and normalize the number of oily lobes In the juice of kalini, wet the gauze servet and put it on the cleaned skin of the denouncement. Vitrimati 30 min. Sucked in warm water. Apply a revitalizing cream to the skin Visoka the effectiveness of the mask is explained by the abundant storage of Kalini juice. Winning a complex dietary program, knowing how to ignite the situation, changing the way it’s and giving it back
    Grate one middle carrot on a dash. Add a sprinkle of drops of lemon juice and olive oil To avenge a great number of Vitamin C and Provitamin A Really clean and dry the skin. Apply otrimanu porridge with a thin ball on all revealing. Cover the top with servetka. Zalishiti for 10-15 minutes. warm warm water without sweetness Improved balance and normalization of robotic oleaginous diseases. I allow and live in a shkіra. Robiti 2 times per day. Polishennya is available for 4-5 procedures
    Kharchova soda 4 tbsp. l. і small amount of water Soda breaks oil plugs, normalizes pH, cleans pores and sees dead cells Drink soda and a small amount of water to remove porridge. You can add 1 tsp of wheat boroshna. Zalishiti for 10 min. і snake The result is washed for the first time. The shkira is cleansed from comedones, it becomes smooth, the color is cleaned. Robiti regularly 1-2 times a day until the result is reached. Then 2-3 times a month to prevent repeated visipans
    Aspirin tablets, wild honey, olivka olia or liquid cream Acetylsalicylic acid is used for drying the ignition elements, more often cleaning up other ignition elements. Zapobіg expanded infection Roschaviti 2-4 tablets aspirin. Dodati a sprinkle drip drip, a porridge came out. Change from other components. Apply to the preparation shkіru and dati mastsi pіdsohnuti The balance of the school is being renewed, they are experiencing the beaches of the letter and the fat blisk. Zastosovuvati 1 time per day for 2-3 months
    Green clay 1 tbsp. l., honey 1 tsp, water 2 tbsp. l. We have a large warehouse, we have a prototype and a zaspookilivu diyu on the shkira Zmіshati all components to otrimannya odnorіdnogo masi. Apply the mask to the face and cover it before hanging. Snake with warm water Repeat the procedure no more than 2 times per day. The result is obvious even after the first procedure. The peeling is growing, the burning is burning, the pores are being cleaned and the pores are sounded, the process of regeneration of the clitin is accelerated, the fat blisk disappears
    Ogirok 3 tbsp. l., calendula alcohol tincture 1 tbsp. l, honey 1 tsp. Knowing zapalennya, tonizu, sounding pori, virivnyu kolіr denouncing Clean it up on a blender or on some other grater to transform it into a gruel. To add to the pulp of іnshі іngredієnti and apply to the preparation of the guise. Zalishiti for 15-20 min, then take it Instantaneous effect of updating and changing the heat of guarantees. The mask must be repeated every other day until acne recurs.
    Bila clay 1 tbsp, sour milk 1 tsp, egg bean Reducing the fatness of the shkiri, cleansing the pori, knowing the keratins of the epithelium, the virivnyu kolir of the name Shuffle all warehouses, so the one-row masa came out. Put the gruel on accusations and date. Warmly snake with warm water Writing the first procedure of the viglyad's shkira is more beautiful: the fiery structure changes, the structure of the shkiri changes. It is necessary to apply the mask not more than two times per week for three months. And in a fake one time a day
    scarlet leaf Speech, how to take revenge in the middle of the roslin, I’ll try to push forward and start using the effect, and also intensively rejuvenate the school. 2-3 leaves of scarlet detail and pour a bottle of cold water. In a year nast_y prokip'yatiti with a stretch of 2 chilines and procedures. Pislya cold aloe porridge to put on the face for 20 min The robiti mask is 2 times per day for 2 months. It’s necessary, in a month you can repeat the course of cosmetic procedures
    Stigli pomidori and lemon juice Likopin, how to take revenge in tomatoes, will help you to be able to appear when you come to see the beaches and get acne. Win active virobringing collagen and spriy rejuvenating shkiri Grate a few small stiglich tomatoes on other grater or fine-tune it in a blender. Before otrimanoi masi dodati a sprinkle of lemon juice and apply on the face for 15 min. Writing a snake with warm water Such masks can be robust in 1-2 days. The course of lіkuvannya to become 10-14 days. If necessary, the procedure can be continued

    First, proceed to the treatment of acne for the help of masks, it is necessary to conduct a test for allergy. For a ready-made warehouse, apply masks to a small wrist shkiri for 20 chilins. If for a whole hour you didn’t know what was wrong, and who didn’t see them, you can choose to wear a mask for revealing shkiri.

    Ointment for acne treatment

    Masi comes from a lykarsky zasob. The stench has been stagnant for a long time і there are a number of non-perevag:
    • in the basis of ointments lie the words, as they infuse more strongly into the zbudniki
    • ointments penetrate into the globules of the shkiri
    • Mayut trivial diyu.
    Name of the ointment ointment components Yak mazati and what from neї chekati
    Zinerit ointment antibiotic erithromicin

    zinc acetate

    Driving the injection on bacteria, as they wipe out the burning of sebaceous infections and the appearance of acne
    Pereskodzhaє pristosuvannyu bacteria to antibiotics, reducing fumes and pochvonіnnya. підсушу прищі
    Apply on a clean skin 2 times a day. The result is an old period of 10 days. The additional course is to become 10 credits. Tse guarantor on the basis of soundness
    Sirchana ointment sirka We renew our clients' services and if they can afford it, they will grow new ones. Shvidko zagoyuє surface of the ears of shkiri, pom'yakshu її, seeing around the particles of the epitheliu The course is 7-10 days. For an hour, a vilikuvati vugrovy visip is poured into it. Apply to a cleaned skin before going to bed once a day. Preceding scars and scars after prischiv
    syntomycin ointment antibiotic synthomycin

    Castor oil

    Dezinfikuyut shkiru, zupinyak growth and breeding of bacteria
    Usuvaє plami post-acne
    Clean up the skin from the make-up and the mess. Apply liniment with a thin ball. The effect is to last for 2-4 days
    Zinkova ointment zinc Підсушу, дінфікуу, Ліку zapalennya Small acne disappear in a few years. When systematically applied to a clean skin, the ointment is significant to reduce the amount of visibility and to increase the amount of acne.

    Cream for acne treatment

    The cream for the elimination of vugriv is an admittedly new method of treatment. The stench is released by pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies. Creams and gels are readily absorbed and do not leave traces on skirts. Їх it is possible to vikoristovuvaty day and put makeup on top of them.
    Name of the cream cream components Yaky infusion of nadaє skin s components Yak mazati and chogo ochikuvati
    Baziron cream Benzoyl water peroxide Antimicrobial activity of Propionibacterium Acnes and Staphylococcus Epidermidis. When the preparation is used, it grows rich in sour tissue, gallows in the secret in oily locks Shkira pom'yakshuєtsya, volozhutsya, old ryvnoy, smooth, to know how
    Skіnoren cream i gel azelaic acid Rechovina, which is very strong anti-microbial action. Pereskodzhaє propagation of Propionibacterium Acnes bacteria and the establishment of fatty acids in epidermis To clean the specimen, see the smuzhku cream or a gel with a size of 2.5 cm. On the cleaned face, apply the cream and rub it lightly. Vikoristovuvati 2 times for doba. Usuvah povervoninnya and after the appearance of igniting and not igniting forms of acne
    Klenzit cream Dapalen Lykarska speech, lost retinoid. Volodya's protispal and comedonic activity. Change the intensity of the ignition process. Pereskodzhaє clogging of the hairs of the sebaceous hair follicles Apply point only on the skin, de є acne. Vikoristovutsya for the increase of suppression of prischіv and їх підсушування. Chi do not rub and do not put on the entire surface of the shkiri
    Differin cream i gel Retinoid (analogue to Vitamin A) Zmenshu ignition processes in gliboky shkіrny balls. The spritz the great flow of lard from zalozi. Changes in the number of bacteria in oily lobes The minimum course of treatment is to become 3 types. The cream is applied with a thin ball (not rubbed in) onto problem dilenks once a day before going to bed. In front, it is necessary to clean and hang up
    Quotlan cream triethylene glycol


    Cetylpyridinium chloride monohydrate

    Znezarazhu shkіru and svoryu bar'єr for bacteria
    Bacteria, viruses and fungi

    I will accelerate the processes of ignition and regeneration

    Apply with fingertips on dalyanki with flames. The result of the treatment is visible through the day. Shkira is clean, burned, scars, acne
    Klerasil ultra - cream of shvidkoy diї 2% salicylic acid Glyboko penetrates into the pores and seemingly dead cells, and also helps to remove the causes and inflammation of acne Clear the skin. Apply a small amount to the elements of the ugrovy visipka. Vikoristovuvati in the evenings. I changed my acne after 4 years. Bazhano combinuvati with gel for implantation with abo lotion
    Klindovit antibiotic clindamycin Accumulate in comedones and pereshkojaє multiply microorganisms Stretching 10 days, I will increase the time to relieve them. Also an effective visipan
    Cream from prischiv "Chista shkira" Garn'or Salicylic acid

    regenerating complex

    I’ll be quick when I’m coming up with a new visipan
    I will paint the zalny camp of the shkiri, I will accelerate the zagannya
    The effect is to appear after 24 years. Outside of the reduction in acne, there are 2 types of problems. I will ensure a healthy callous viglyad shkiri, volodya matuyuchim efect, assimilating a fat blisk in the T-type zone and if there is acne
    Cream-gel for problematic skin anti-acne "Before and after"
    Complex of green tea extracts, calendula, calendula, chamomile, arnica Antimicrobial action is poured into mutually modal and mutually adaptable components. Volodya is a strong defect. Driven by secretion of sebaceous vines Zastosovuvati 2 times a day. Apply on a clean dry shkіra. The triviality of the course is individual, become 2-6 times

    With vicorian creams, ointments and gels, care must be taken. It is not recommended to apply a large amount of paint on the sheet. It is also not possible to combine drugs from other brands - you can lead to the appearance of an allergy. It is not easy to get a good result - the process of treating acne takes a trivial hour and more time.

    How can I find acne on small children? (Video)

    Vughri inodi appear on the other dilyankas of tila. The reasons for this disagreeable manifestation can be without merit. Bazhano consult a dermatologist for a drive. Taking care of yourself independently can be deprived of that, if you sing it, but if you do not have a lot of infectious disease and ailments are transmitted by a state gentry. In such a situation, it is necessary to have a special idea and registration of special events.

    Yak lіkuvati prischі on statuvyh organs?

    scho vikoristovuvati Yak zastosovuvati?
    Citeal Cold skin and mucous membranes Tse antiseptic foaming roschin. It is necessary to dilute it with water 1: 5 or 1: 3 and vikoristovuvati for guidance. For the procedure, rinse the items with organic water There are microorganisms, such as victories of information on sebaceous diseases and hair follicles
    Diani-35 Usuvaє hormonal imbalance in women. Є antiaplastic drug Take one tablet once a day. Drink according to the scheme. Normalization of hormonal background. Regulation of viroblension of statovih hormones
    Vіdvari chamomile abo calendula Soothe the school, disinfect, know the fire Vikoristovuyut for mitt of state organs twice a day Polegshennya is infused for 2-3 days. With regular acne, pass through 10-14 days

    Yak lіkuvati prishchі on the forehead?

    scho vikoristovuvati What effect is nada zasib? Yak zastosovuvati? What kind of effect and if it’s possible?
    Lemon juice Volodya with gritty powers, disinformation, sound of pori Look like lemon juice, soak a cotton swab in a new one and wipe the shkira vrance in the evening Shkira viglyadaє smooth, there are scars of acne. Try not to go into the middle stage, but to get wet
    Bovtanka for an individual Zmenshu fatness of shkiri, zenzazrazhuє, scaling pori Bovtanka get ready in a pharmacy for a recipe for a liquor. Її apply with a cotton swab on a cleaned skin The shkira in the area of ​​chola is cleaned out of the visipan, when it is opened and cleaned. For the most lucrative efect, wipe the entire oval of the denomination. Pomitne polіpshennya is infused for 3-5 days
    Klenzit s I reduce the secretion of sebaceous locks, which will cause new acne to appear A small amount of gel to apply on problem dilyanka Vіdmіnno fight і from ignited and not ignited forms of acne. Visipania will change even after dob and get to know in 7-10 days

    Yak lіkuvati prishchі on pіdborіddі?

    scho vikoristovuvati What effect is nada zasib? Yak zastosovuvati? What kind of effect and if it’s possible?
    Dalacin gel Acne and overgrowth of bacteria Apply to the shkіra of accusations 2 times per day (in the evening) The course of treatment from 6 months to 6 months (for important forms)
    Curiozin I get acne without a trace. Rob the shkira mensh fat Vikoristovuvati in the evenings. Apply on a clean sheet Not a wicked quicker and a quicker response to a shyness. The fire takes place in 2-3 days. There is no trace of acne on the spot

    Yak lіkuvati on faces?

    Who is vikoristovuvati? What effect is nada zasib? Yak zastosovuvati? What kind of effect and if it’s possible?
    Streptocide ointment Driving pathogenic microflora Apply ointment on acne and a small dilenka about a minute. Repeat 2 times a day, holding out two times Outside of acne known through a few days
    With disinfectant and antiseptic effect. As soon as I come, I will appear new fireworks Use a cotton swab to apply it to the dish 2-3 times a day. The course is to become 10-20 days Through a few days more and more I come to know the wickedness and the burning of the dilyanki

    Yak lіkuvati prishchі on the back?

    scho vikoristovuvati What effect is nada zasib? Yak zastosovuvati? What kind of effect and if it’s possible?
    Alcohol content of salicylic acid Pidsushu prischі, learned by plumes, after the appearance of scars. I have a strong anti-firing action Precisely apply on acne twice and doba Polegshennya is already in the first year of writing. Visipu elements disappear without trace for 2-4 days
    Dіgtyarne cute Pidssushu shkiru, seeing dead cells, forgiving other injuries Spiniti and namiliti shkіru, be kind with water. If necessary, you can speed up with a moisturizing cream Acne on the back gradually pass. With regular collection, the shkira will become clean for 5-7 days

    Yak lіkuvati on your feet?

    scho vikoristovuvati What effect is nada zasib? Yak zastosovuvati? What kind of effect and if it’s possible?
    addicted to iodine Antiseptic, according to the disinfection of the skin. When you get rid of acne and maladies 2 times a day you can burn the dilyanka with a cotton stick Already after 24 years, acne can change in size and it’s not a bar to get to know
    Bodyaga Forte gel Biologically active components stimulate immunity in the school, increase blood circulation Apply with a thin ball 2 times a day Color shkiri check, dry out other defects, quickly get rid of the ear. Likuvannya course 5-7 days

    Yak lіkuvati prishchі in your arms?

    scho vikoristovuvati What effect is nada zasib? Yak zastosovuvati? What kind of effect and if it’s possible?
    scarlet leaf Cleansing acne from pus and zagoyu Fresh aloe leaf rose from the bottom to the bottom until the bottom. seal with leukoplast After 2 nights, acne will clear up and heal
    White clay and tea tree oil Disease and do not allow the multiplication of microorganisms. Usuvaє show allergies Take 3-4 tablespoons of clay from 0.5 flasks of water. Add 5 drops of tea tree essential oil. Apply to a clean shkіra, vitrimati 20 khvili, snake with warm water Rob the shkіr of hands clean and smooth. Effectively assimilate

    Yak lіkuvati prishchі on priі?

    scho vikoristovuvati What effect is nada zasib? Yak zastosovuvati? What kind of effect and if it’s possible?
    Blakitna clay і powder badyagі Nasichu with minerals, lіku fired up, disinfected and cleansed.
    assimilate celulite
    Mix in equal proportions of the component and dilute with water until a thin porridge is approved. Apply to a clean shkіra, pour it over until hanging. Snake with warm water It is recommended to repeat the procedure for a week. Already after a few days, the visipan became much less
    Scrub with sweet milk and sea salt Tonizu shkiru, assimilated bacterium, relieving the keratinized epithelium Take a tablespoon of dry salt with a small amount of sweet sweet. Massage the skin and snake it with water. Chi does not injure acne, de є pus A clean shkіra is healthy even through the day. Pislya procedures for making shkiru with an antiseptic cream

    Yak lіkuvati prishchі on tіlі?

    scho vikoristovuvati What effect is nada zasib? Yak zastosovuvati? What kind of effect and if it’s possible?
    Bakery drinks and lemon juice Nasichu shkiru vitaminom, normalizing balance, reducing blood circulation To dissolve drіzhі with warm water to the density of sour cream. Add a drop of milk to lemon juice Shkira nabuvak healthy viglyad and stepwise relieve acne
    ointment Levomekol Antibiotic in the її warehouse fights against microorganisms. Methyluracil zagoyu wounds and stimulate muscle immunity Apply ointment to the gauze servet and put it on to the boil for 24 years Lіku gnіyny ignition process
    For those quietly, pragmatically, to get used to seeing someone else, it is recommended to take self-styled treatment from the salon procedures. In order to increase the virality of problems with children, it is also necessary to speed up the development and accept the vitamins-mineral complex. Z ratsіonu bazhano viklyuchi fatty, licorice, gostre and smoked. An active way of life is also beneficially infused into the camp of the shkiri. Regularly engaging in sports and taking walks on a fresh occasion turn the healthier view of your shkiri.

    Acne treatment Ale ti, who are firmly fighting for a beautiful school, will be a wonderful result of the city's wine.