The one who is the stone at the vagitnykh. Kamenі in nirkah at vagіtnіh: inheritance and lіkuvannya

Stones in nirkahs with vaginosti are set up through a slightly destructive way of life for women in the whole period, as well as a change in the whole water-salt balance to the body.

To supplement the normal loss of calcium and phosphorus metabolism: a large portion of these elements come to the placenta and the need for a normal development of the skeleton.

What are the stones for?

diagnostics of illness

Diagnosis of sectoamyana ailments in vaginal women includes:

  • (Including the current salt balance, as well as the presence of antibodies or blood, which may indicate an active ignition process);
  • , Sechovy mikhura, sechovod_v (allowing to establish the fact of the appearance of calculi, as well as roztashuvannya);
  • spinal computer tomography (it is possible to visually assess the size of the body, and also to detect internal bleeding).

X-ray - not carried out, albeit, at the request of the doctor, її can be substituted for endoscopy. Such a procedure allows you to reconsider the camp of the sechovod, and before it is routinely carried out uterine ligament blockade(Do not provoke a spasm).

What robiti, yak lіkuvati?

When ailments are detected in the hospital, we should pay the hospitalization and a little more visibility in the general order.

For diagnostics, I will look around at the woman, I will establish a flowing classical picture and signify a politician. In the majority of vipadkiv - "sparing" method, which can be used on the basis of diuretics, calcium bicarbonate, soluran and so far.

Everything is necessary for the normalization of the water-salt balance, as well as the adjustment of the pH value between 6.2-6.9. Most people have enough for incremental determination and distribution of calculi from sevidіno ї systems.

In that case, if the attack does not fall, or if there is a blockage of the cuttings, then it is indicated that the operation has been carried out.

In any case, I will go through the procedure until the last moment, as it is possible, wear it with cesarean rostin... At the early stages of vaginosity, the operation is not carried out, since the development is slower, or even worse than the temple.

Also, ailments can be a sign of the intake of antibiotics, as well as the infestation of the infection (pyelonephritis or inflammation of the secular malnutrition).

A s folk methods of lykuvannya(Rocking of stones) the most effective ones are:

  • dairy vidvar for a lion (30 grams of finely mixed milk with 3 flasks of hot milk, napolyagati 3 years, drink 1 flask for a heart of a day);
  • vidvar I argue (3 teaspoons of dry herb, pour 2 bottles of sprinkle, insist until cold, take 0.5 bottles each);
  • sic radish (3 times a day, 2 tablespoons).

Before zasosuvannya folk methods obov'yazkovo slid consult with a gynecologist (for a woman to stand on the field) or a urologist.

Otzhe, with vaginosti and imovinosti, stones appear in nirkahs of active growth. Naynebezpechnishe with tsom - nirkovi spasms.

As long as this is so, then you can't do without a hospitalization. Likewise, at the stage of the planning of vaginosity, ultrasound passes through the ultrasound, as it is necessary, in order to get rid of it in the cob stage.

Why should the nirki get sick from the vagitniki, see the video:

Sechokam'yana ailment is often a sickness, which will save nirka and sechovidnі way. Every one of them is watching women. The main cause of the disease is the destruction of the communication processes. For a successful marriage, the child is important to the nobility, as with the vaginosity of the stones, they were settled in the nirkas.

It’s diagnosed in the woman’s ailments, which means that in the nyrkas and secular paths of the presence of stones. I don’t change three milimeters, I’m talking about such an understanding, like a dog. Tse of the purchase of sech acid salts. The stench settles on the walls of the body and makes its normal function. As soon as the destruction takes place, the whole body suffers for the next hour. As a result, during the period of the marriage of the child and on the rise, there are all kinds of problems.

Sechokam'yana hvoroba nirok

The main reason for the formation of a squeak in nirkas during vaginosti is a breakdown of the water-salt balance. Zazvychay to fix it before conception, and when it comes to it, it’s going to go badly. Models of humans and anatomicals will be able to achieve a better fit, as well as the development of a nirkovo colossus to develop. The stones in nirkas can be formulated for the following reasons:

  1. Low rukhova activity - a lot of vagitny women vvazhayut for brighter the whole hour in a lazy, and the price is great. It is even more important to trim all tonus and prevent calcium and phosphorus deficiency in the blood.
  2. Unhealthy food - there can be more purines to provoke, as I will provoke them to appear in the stones of stones. I quote a lot of meat products.
  3. Ominous alcoholic and other drinks, in which are rich in barvniks and preservatives. In case of vaginosity, it is important to take the correct approach to eating.
  4. Spadkov's smartness.
  5. Sharpening ailments, like even є in the body. The cause of a hundred is hormonal imbalance.

Learn about the food in the nirkahs with a lot of stretching. With twenty tendencies, the development of ailments is signi fi cantly advanced, so as an organisation of the secular system and the development of new problems. In addition, during the whole period, the processes are not constantly interrupted, which is tied to the wrinkle of the hormonal background.

One of the peculiarities of a sever ailment is that it can last a long time without any symptoms. In bagatokh women of children, they appear vaguely with ultrasound detection. Often, the disease manifests itself only, if the size of the stones, the size of the reach of five millimeters. In most patients, the first manifestation of pathology is an attack of a nirkovy colic. The recognition of stones in nirkas is possible for the following signs:

  • blunt beam across;
  • parts of the toilet;
  • zmіna koloru sechі.

When a woman's vaginosity, it is easy to go to the doctor regularly, and in front of making an analysis of the slaughter, it’s even easier to notice it. Further activities are based on the results of the analysis. As soon as you see it, it’s going to go wrong, but it’s going to rage, you need to talk to the doctor about it. Before symptoms of ailment, it is possible to present and show:

  1. Shelter in the cut - seep into the cuticle, stones can traumatize the cutoff duct.
  2. Nirkova Kolka - to get sick with unbearable pain. The reason is the blockage of the cuttings, as a result of which the cut accumulates in nirtsi.
  3. Pain syndrome in case of sechovipuskanny is a clear sign of the fact that stones or pisok go to the body. Ale, with the whole stench, dry up the urethra.

Severe pain in nirkas and slashing with blood є anxiety signals

Symptoms of sickness appear in mothers who may be in the period from the twentieth to the sixteenth generation, from one day to the next until the birth of a baby. Vagitna woman is suffering from acute attack-like pain. The sharpening is seen through the strong nurturing, which is being fed to the top of all organisms. Some problems are diagnosed for the development of polyonephritis.


Pisok in nirkah - the persha stage of sechokam'yanoi ailments. Ignoruvati is a manifestation, it will progress and lead to the establishment of great stones and an attack of a nirk ring. For the rest of the characteristic:

  • strong beating in the area across;
  • discomfort with sesovipuskanny;
  • overlapping the section;
  • houses of blood in urine;
  • tediousness and bloating;
  • temporal temperature.

The attack will end, if the stone wanders or changes its position in the secular paths. With vaginosti, attacks are not so strong. The explanation is even simpler - physiological expansion of nirk bowls. In some cases, it is practically painless to walk.

Stones in nirkas and vaginism are even more important for the day, but they do not pose a threat not only for the maybutny mother, but for the little one. The main negative inheritances can be attributed to:

  • self-reliance on vaginosity on the smallest nyrkogo coli;
  • admission to ailment infection, which can infect the fruit;
  • Sestiy sechi - provoking development of not safe pathology - polyonephritis.

Slowing down for the fetus with the presence of stones in nirkas

For an hour I will attack all myazi to speed up, and the tone of the uterus to move. Overexertion to bring up the placenta, wikidnya or the front canopy. The presence of stones in nirkas and michurias is a transitional code for natural breeds, which is often indicated by the potential for mothers of cesar's rosters. Whether a firing process is not safe for a woman, or for a child who may be, if anxiety symptoms appear, the need for a term needs to go to a doctor.

Lіkuvannya pisu і stones in nirkas is aimed at the knowledge of pain with nirkovy rings and withering in the diagnostics of infectious damage. At the same time, it is important to remember that it is not possible for women who are vagitans to take on a lot of likars' skills.

Drug treatment

If a woman is confronted with a problem, she is alone in food, as if she is hvilyu, it’s robiti, because during vaginosity, stones appeared in the nirkas. As soon as the new solution is finished, it is not more than three millimeters, conservative therapy is carried out. As a result, concretions can go away in one month. To speed up the process, the drug can indicate the vaginal drugs, such as:

  1. Antispasmodics - Drotaverine or Papaverine. The stench relaxes the muscles of the secular nobles.
  2. Analgesics - quickly know the value, moreover, they can be safe in the first and last trimester.
  3. Antibacterial zasobi - vypisuyutsya when fired up in nirkas.
  4. Roslinnі diuretics - Kanefron, Brusnіver. The preparation will be colored very quickly.

Tіlki lіkar I can go to my friend, I can’t screw up my mother and my child

The popularity of homeopathic medicines will remain an hour. It smells like a natural warehouse, which is safe for a woman and a fetus. With a large amount of medication, normalize the exchange processes. To make the most of the effective mother, it is recommended to use herbal fences. Ale so yak richly roslin with vaginosti fencing, specifically, you can use only a likar.

dotrimannya kids

For an hour, there is an important change in the living way of life.

As soon as the scent in nirkas is for the first time diagnostics in case of vaginosity, it is necessary to identify the cause of the problems and to speed up the problem:

  1. Omezhiti pozhivannya soli up to five grams for doba.
  2. Zbіlshiti obsyag rіdini, scho vipivayutsya up to two years for doba.
  3. It is brought up from salty, spicy and hospitable food.
  4. Lead an active way of life.

With vaginosti it is possible to drink berry morsi, compote from dried fruits, German tea, mineral water without gas. Be warm or slightly cold. Tea can breed trocha tsukru or honey. Ridina went to drink in small portions throughout the entire day.

surgical treatment

In case of strong heat and in case of daily results in the form of conservative therapy, an operation is performed. Insanely, the kind of manipulation in the region is not safe for vaginosity and can provoke a change. If the transfer of the Skoda from the operation is much less significant, it is less risky to spend on the little boy, the operation is very easy.

In some cases, it is necessary to carry out an operative engagement

Surgery is carried out due to anesthesia. Before the hour of the operation, all the calculi are seen, as a result of which there is the ability to save the child and the people in the setting of the lines. Yaksho sechokam'yana ailment manifested itself on the term from thirty-six types, the curtains stimulate, and the stones are still vying for the national baby.

Scho robiti with nirkovy number

An attack of sechoam'yanoi ailment should be repaired with raptus and bursting out. In such a situation, it is necessary to clinch a medical team, and before the arrival of a spasmolytic woman - in a znime bil. In case of vaginosis, it is allowed to use No-shpu and Papaverine. You can use the nitroglycerin tablet to relax the muscles of the smooth muscles. Prior to the arrival of the lykar, it is necessary to quest for a volume of slaughter, as it is necessary to pick up for a second time. For an hour to attack, it is categorically hardened:

  • gritty mess with a hot grilkoy;
  • take a bath;
  • live lykarski zasobi, in which narcotic speech.


You will be able to develop the disease ailments and set a squeak in the nirkas, to finish with the following recommendations:

  • viklyuchiti z ratsіonu shkіdlivі products;
  • dotrimuvatisya nutritional regimen;
  • to promote the activity;
  • lіkuvati be-like ailments at once;
  • seen from the teeth of the teeth;
  • control your vagu.

Dottrimannya qih of simple rules will help to eliminate problems. And it is even more beautiful to go through a complex system at the stage of planning a vagina. When calculi are found from them, it will be possible to get around in the most suitable way.

The vagina woman is more likely to have a physiological weakening of her immunity, so she is seriously guilty of the least health problem. Tim bolshe, yaksho mova idde about the stones at the nirkahs. Sechoam'yana ailment (ICD) by itself delivers severe discomfort, and if it develops before an hour of vaginosity, it is certainly not only for the fetus, but for the woman herself. Dealing with symptoms, as a result of recognizing the symptoms, carry out competently and unknowingly pollute the mother and child when they are ill.

Reasons for the diagnosis of pathology

The authoritative politicians vvazhayuyu a grave point of view, how the guilt of the child provoking the stone-satisfaction in the nirkas, or to bring to the accelerated growth of the child. Earlier, the theory was explained by the destructions of the ugly women, the vicious squeezes of the cuttings by the growing womb. As a matter of fact, the vagina does not change the form of third-party inclusion in nirkakh. Vona deprived of obvious pathology, yak was asymptomatic to the end.

If you are well taken care of, cause ailments:

  • deterioration of water-salt exchange of rechovins;
  • hypodynamia;
  • stress stays;
  • improper implantation of faces;
  • unpleasant slump.


Kamenі is established in the secular organs through the changes in the chemical-physical warehouse of the urine. The stench is lonely or many; Its value is very variable: from others (less than 3 mm) to great ones (10 cm). The severity of the symptoms of the ICD is in the direct presence of the size, number, position and behavior of the stone stones.

At an early stage, the pathology is in a primitive form, without any inappropriate manifestations. A car can detect ailments through visualization in the analyzes of the section, or when an ultrasound scan is carried out, all those who need it need to see the situation.

Symptoms of nirkovo-kam'yano ailments in the stage of sharpening may turn into a classic picture. Classic nirkova kolka wiklikє is strongly marked in bots, or across, as seen in the crotch. It is not uncommon for an attack on the part of a physical navantazhennya, to receive sechoginnyh zasobіv, ryasny pitty.

Bіl wiklikana tim, shо stone blockє sečovі paths. In the world of yogo penetration, the pain moves outward across the abdomen, to the inner area is stigma.

The strong ailments of stones in nirkas give offensive symptoms:

  • quickened, sickly sechovipuskannya;
  • the appearance of blood in the slaughter;
  • delivery of the message;
  • tediousness of blues;
  • Significant weakness;
  • fever, chills.

Atypical manifestation of nirkovo colic is characteristic of the vagiotnykh. At the same time, the ailments may have symptoms of a gastrointestinal abdomen.

Particularly, the ICD is overrun with vaginosity, those who are hormonal overwhelming the body of the wicker, the weakening of the mucous membranes of the black empty, including the chaff and nirk bowls. In addition, there are many stones that can come in independently, and they can be used to make houses of blood.

How robiti with symptoms of nirkovo colica?

As soon as you saw a sharp beat at the boat, or across, tied with stones in nirkas, you could endure it forever. There will be progress, and the camp of ailing will go down. If you don’t look at it for a while, you may see an infection and develop sepsis. It is necessary for this to be guilty of an accurate diagnosis. It is possible, for whome to know, additional provision in the stationary.

There are very few pathologies, which may give some symptoms, for example, appendicitis, gostry cholecystitis, pancreatitis, nephroptosis, post-vaginal vaginism, slurry creep, etc. To navigate the woman, the ICD has already been identified before the vaginosity, it is not safe to engage in self-diagnostics. The demand of the yakomog shvidshitsya to the lykar, and to find the reason for the lack of suck.

Why should we load stones in nirkas?

By its very nature, the appearance of side tones in nirkas is not unbeatable for an embryo, since the stench does not inject onto the formation of embryonic tissues. The real threat is only todi, if the stone clogs up the sechovid and the pereshkojak from the urini.

Unfavorable patches of ICD can accelerate the vagina in the onset of the fall:

  • strong nirkova kolka, which supervodzhutsya as a feisty, not unbeatable team, which can lead to Wikidday;
  • infection of the placenta and fetus;
  • stone, spontaneously collapse along the cut, can provoke the emergence of a fruit egg;
  • the stasis of the sech is blocked by the development of the unfailing accelerated - pilonephritis;
  • great stones, do not show themselves, in an hour to bring to nirkovo deficiency.

Specific lykuvannya is necessary, as in nirkas to develop fiery, so as it can lead to sour hunger and blood loss of the fetus. Attack the ailing ailments that are not safe and easy, so they can easily get rid of them through a toxic infusion onto the fruits of chemical preparations.

Diagnostics and treatment of ICD in patients

Before the scheduled visit, it is planned to carry out a clean-up of the sevidular system. There are great stones in the nirkas, they are vivid, not very important inheritances. In awkward vypadki to carry out the treatment with drugs, such as calculus and use them to the natural vivedenny.

Bringing nirkovy stones to the body of the mothers is a non-trivial task for physicians. Distant lithotripsy (intrarenal crushing) is absolutely contraindicated, as this method is a magnificent risik for a child.

Sechokam'yana ailment in early terms is not safe for them, it’s not easy for people to put the correct diagnosis and sign of treatment without an X-ray test. The very informative diagnostics - the secretory urography is not available at all. Even though the stones of the boule were diagnosed before conception, she is guilty of showing the likar the signs. It is quite worthwhile to assess the fact that the sickness is not without fail.

Ultrasonic scanning does not depend on the ability to show the appearance of a stone in the form of a sechovod. Diagnosticians are able to do it well, if they wickedly burnt out to the end of the cut: to pass the stone or burst the fruit.

As the patient’s camp is running out, it’s still going to go to X-ray dosage on different terms. Clarify the diagnosis of allowing cystoscopy, as it is absolutely not a problem for a child. In addition, you can evolve zapalennya in the slaughter and change the character of the slaughter.

Pislya complex treatment, a drug taking solution about medication treatment. Therapy of ICD during the period of the child's pregnancy is often directed towards the elimination of painful symptoms in case of colds.

Some of the medical professionals are focused on the ignition process, sparing the introduction of foreign people from other people for the rest of the world. There is a number of preparations, zokrema, on a roslinn_ basis, which can additionally help the vagina to use stones.

Antibiotic therapy stagnates in case of pyelonephritis, however, there is a change of pharmaceuticals that are allowed in case of vaginosis, even if there are cases of congestion. It’s not a matter of koristuvatisya likami for the delights of the familiar. As long as the stench was helped in one vipadku, for you the stench can appear marnimi or navіdlivі. In case of vaginosis, it is important not only to correctly accept the drug, but rather to vivify the dose.

In especially critical situations, as long as it is not necessary to enter the drug with medicine, the medics go in until the extreme. A stent is installed in the middle of a stone and a sechovy mikhur. Winning protection against the protection of the stone.

If the operation is correct?

Whether it’s a surgical one, it’s not necessary for an hour of vaginosity, if the nirkovo-kam'yan ailment poses a threat to the life of a woman, doctors will go to the whole croc. Call the price to see in vinyatkovo inconsistent problems, as the sickness will be accelerated by a severe nirk deficiency or gnarly abscesses.

Diet at stones near nirkas

The treatment of ailments is carried out in a complex manner, so that you start supervising a pharmacological course in a special way. Before the mode of harvesting, I will fall to the robot of this system, clearing the organism and polishing the forecast for harvesting.

  • With urate stones, meat products are stasis. Especially shkіdlivі for salts of sech acid and kovbasnі virobi, sausages, sausages. For those who want to eat, it is important not just to turn on meat, but to substitute it on the basis of ribs, white wine and dairy products.
  • If you pick up calcium salts, then the basis of the menu is to store porridge, meat and fruits. Especially cinnamon greek and pshonyana groats. From chicken eggs, milk, fermented liquor and tomatoes, as soon as possible.
  • With oxalate stones, the vagina will be cinnamon 2-3 apples. It is friendly to play on the function of nirok such fruits, like bananas and kavuni.

Nezalezhnaya in the form of stones from the ratsionu viklyuyut greased їzhu, smoked and gazed water. Shkіdl іslovzhivati ​​with fermented virobs and chocolate.

Scho proponuє folk medicine

From the period of the child's marriage to the unconventional ones, the sickness of the nirk-cam'yanaya ailments are put on the safe side. It is especially worthwhile to use green herbal infusions, as they can give a non-transferable acceleration. In the quality of the sweet bitters, let us allow the onset of the drink:

  • Sumish juice. Sic of one lemon in a glass of warm water, served in a bowl and drink for a day. Immediately live a cup of tomato, ogirk and carrot juices. The course of sokolikuvannya can be vikoristovuvati yak additional to prescribing medications.
  • Pear compote. Cinnamon will be with stones at nirkas and broths from dried pears. In 1 liter of water, it is necessary to brew one glass of dried fruits before roasting. Such a compote can be drunk without interruption.

Yakshho nirkovo-kam'yana ailment is against without serious acceleration, you won’t get the wine and people of a healthy baby. In case of anxiety symptoms, it is necessary to quickly turn around for lykarskoy assistance, after taking medical records, and often passing signs of obsolescence.

Stones in nirkas with vaginosti are one of the options for aggravating chronic illnesses nirok. Stone in nirkas is a serious problem and a threat to the fetus, as well as for the very life of the breed.

Cause of ICD

On this day, there are a lot of reasons for the development of pathology in the period of vaginosis. On the thought of likars, the main reason for the formation of stones in nirkas during vaginosity is a change in the amount of hormones in the body of a woman.

Vagitness - the whole process, which supervises a healthy family by the changes of the physical body of a female organism. So, for example, for the sake of the child's life, the hormone progesterone is violated in the great number of mothers. Vin to reduce the activity of the secular system and a number of organs.

As a result, with vaginosity, the woman suffers from difficult sevariants and overwhelming urine. It is necessary to lead to the development of ignition processes and before the appearance of a number of infections and can serve as a reason for the establishment of stones and a squeak in the nirkas of the hospitals.

Whilst, because of the fact that the representatives of a weak state of urolithiasis are present before vaginosity, but they are not in a "sleepy mode". The appearance of the first pains will start to show up in the third trimester. At the end of the hour, the uterus is strongly embossed on the internal organisms, rosted in the small basin. To produce a vice to the point of changing the process of roasting stones in the city. It is not easy to find concretions in the sečovy mіkhur or in sečovіd.

Until all, for a quick recovery of the amount of cleansed ridin, the risy setting of the concrements and the growth of the salts in the section will grow.

Stones in nirkahs in vagina are uncomfortable with declining and genetic schism.

So itself, to the main reasons for the development of the sechokam'yanoyi discomfort, to introduce changes in the body of the woman's calcium, anomalies in the development of the sechid system and pyelonephritis in chronic forms.

Slide to brutal respect for those who play an important role in the development of food during vaginosity and before her. Allowing for great quantities of quiet products to be produced before a nirk stone is formed.

It is not often possible to produce black peppercorns, fermented meat, fatty meats, bitters, chocolate and spinach to concrements in nirkas.

In order to make a stone in case of vaginosti, all two or three months are enough. An hour to refresh yourself with a small amount of salt and salt, and then drink it in nirki.

Problems with symptoms in case of vaginosity occur during stagnation of the cut, during the development of ignition processes in the channels of urinary tract and when a number of products are malignant.


Stones in nirkahs with vaginosti є serious failures in accordance with the norms. The stench of informing about those who didn’t go for help during the first incidents of getting sick. However, you can also talk about the negligence of the doctor in charge, and I regularly send you for analysis and shelter.

As the problem with nirkami is diagnosed promptly, there will be a chance for a friendly development of the situation. It can be carried out to the disease of the urinary system, especially to urolithiasis. With ICD, the vaginism can end tragically: the development of infectious disease in the placenta, the development of infectious processes, the emergence of an early half-life, and the development of an infectious disease in the placenta.

In case of vaginosity, the following symptoms may appear:

Pull the pain in the lateral opening. Bagato vagіtnі vvazhayut, scho tsі pain - a phenomenon is normal, in power. However, the painful syndrome of vinicum is periodically and dermal at once manifested more and more strongly. Such attacks can lead to unprecedented patrimonialism. It is recommended that a yakomoga shvidshe turn for help to a gynecologist or a urologist.

Strong laughing sound when going to the toilet. Allow to trap even more often, a little bit of urine is minimal. The situation is very similar to such ailments, like cystitis. Before an hour without the middle process, a strong ailment is manifested.

Stay urini. Tsya sign may indicate a blockage of urinary canals. The vagina has practically no ability to ferment sečovy mikhur. As a result, you can increase the size in size. As soon as you do not turn up to a lykar, you can develop uremia, as it is not easy to produce a lethal result.

Kolki in nirkas. There can be a lot of space in the groin and across the groin area. The main reason is blockage of the cuttings with a stone. Part of spasms lead to the speed of the uterus. Yak inheritance, to reclaim generic activity.

Lichomaniac. At the same time, the vagitnoy obviously has an ignition process. In general, it is possible to develop polyonephritis.

Zabarvlennya slash in crooked-chervoniy kolіr. The blood in the urine is indicative of those that the concretion from now on will change and be pragmatic to go independently.

It is possible to dull these symptoms. It’s a good idea to lie down і from the physical stance of the mami. It is impossible to tolerate and talk about changes in the body, it is necessary to immediately develop all of your doctor.

Yak likuvati

I don’t know if the first signs of urolithiasis appear. And to fix it is necessary from the simplest - the task of analysis and the passage of a complex situation.

There is a trace of intelligence, so that the result will be provided only in the same way, if ultrasonic scanning is carried out, the deterioration of the test and the heat treatment is successful.

Among a number of individual patients, physicians talk about those who can be expected to insert a catheter into an empty duct.

In addition, as all the necessary conditions will be carried out, it is possible to start with the most suitable option for the therapy of secular ailments. I just don't want to bring discomfort to the vagina life, the car will simply help her.

With regular recurrent pain attacks, prescribe antibiotic drugs.

If the pathology is accepted in a larger form, it can be considered a blocker. In vipad with the lack of nirk and the gross assertions of the fahivts, they go up to the surgical engagement.

On the current day, there is a modern medicine for the vikorist method, as it is absolutely not infused into the development of the fetus.

In case of a diagnosis of pain, after a few days, according to the recommendation of a doctor, it is possible to accept an anti-painful feeling, which is indicative of a fault for cich symptoms. Ikshcho kolikas in nirkah with vaginosti - it is necessary to get help.

Even wider is the expansion of seasonal therapy and treatment with folk remedies.

A woman during the period of her marriage to a fetus is guilty of intelligence, but she is not only for her health, but for the health of the baby. Kamenі in nirkah for an hour of vaginosti is possible only for a visual inspection, for uniqueness of serious inheritance.

It will remain an hour all the more often stones appear in nirkas during vaginosity. The appearance of a woman's discomfiture in the proper position of the hormonal transformation into the body. The ICD can show itself in a reasonable way, it requires a clear sense of intelligence, as a stone in nirti, with a vaginosity, is not without a certain amount of stan- dard, and how it can be cluttered.

Iak manifested by ICD with vaginosti

A woman, yak to wear a child, is obligated to respectfully listen to her own will, and with the least signs of unfavorable things to go to a doctor for maintenance and treatment. We will be more promising earlier, we will be pleased with the result. Otzhe, then be on your guard, when:

  1. Z'avivsya bill in dilyantsi nirok. Not after її іgnoruvati, oskіlka Iakscho won є I get to know the stone in nirtsi, then the symptomatology will only become more mature, but the growth of growth. For the whole I will be characterized by a cramp-like character, as they pass into the groin area. Anyway, I can see that I am familiar with the other pathological state, and that is why I can see the problem for carrying out differential diagnostics.
  1. Vinikla hematuria. During the period of vaginosity, a woman experiences physical degradation of smooth muscles. In addition, the cup-and-pelvis segment of the nirok і sečoviy mіkhur is located in a larger, weakened camp. As a result of this growth, there can be more trips along the secular paths. The stones in the chaff during the vaginosity appear as a result of the imaging from the chase. Pisok and splinters of concretions sometimes injure the inner surface of the secular organs, and then produce them before the blood appears in the sech.
  1. There was an inability to see it for the hour when the slaughterhouse was released. Rozdratuvannya, as vіdchuv sečovy mіkhur і urethra with the entry of other stones and piscu, wiklikє bіl with sečovypuskannі. If at all the moment an infection comes, then the woman gets chills, her temperature rises, and she gets bored and abdominal.

What are the stones for

Osvita stones before the hour when the fetus is not borne for no reason, the price is due to the advancing stages:

  • the appearance of small statements, for example, such as boules were not mentioned until the moment of vaginosity;
  • destruction of communication processes, especially when there is little activity in a vaginal woman;
  • When a woman is advised to nabrya nyrki, she will develop embankments, which can be brought up to the point where she will be able to live and concentrate the chaff;
  • inadequate picking up of canned herbs and products of quick preparation, the availability of a sufficient number of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Most often, if a wine is caught in the period of vaginosity, then it is not possible to see as a result of the application of calcium in different terms, some of them are more likely to be involved in the body.

In some cases, the cause of the development of ICD when the fetus is introduced is also the same as for the other people:

  • anomalies of secular nobles;
  • fired nirok;
  • poruchennya obminu;
  • endocrine pathology;
  • deyakі fall ill of the nervous system.

accelerated ICD

If a woman has a stone in nirkahs, when she is in trouble, she is guilty and guilty, if she doesn’t blame the following:

  1. Bends of the bolovy syndrome for the type of nirkova ring, which can end with the front canopy or wikid.
  1. Prednannya infektsii, yak often superimposed on the ICD, can lead to infection of the maybutny baby or the placenta. Stan zvvychay pogirshu and lowering of the immune forces of the mighty mami.
  1. There is a period of sech, which can lead to development of hydronephrosis or pyelonephritis. In the same way, you can provoke old people to grow stronger and appear new calculi. Especially often it is priced to be found, as there is a stone in the cut during vaginosis. Vin does not allow the child to walk away from the nyrka at the Sechovy mikhur.

Yak likuvati

The treatment of stones in case of vaginosis is carried out by a conservative method. It is a radical decision in the case of an operative engagement with the appearance of concretions only to the most extreme fall - with the development of a nirk deficiency, or the introduction of a nefarious process with a certain infection. As a rule, if a stone in nirtsi is 4 mm with vaginosity, if it is not a sign of acceleration, then it should be done with medication methods and signs of correct activity.


You can suppress the attack of a nyrcological colitis with the help of spasmolytics or analgesics. When there is an efficiency of such a strategy, it is necessary to remove the new blockade, and I use the method of catheterization.


Even more important is the role of the growth of calculi and prevention of new stones in the city. Vona is recognized only as a Fakhivtsem, in fallowness, according to the statement:

  1. With oxalate calculi, meat, poultry and a small amount of ribi are vikorized. Do not pick up all types of milk and dairy products, non-acid fruits, eggs, compotes and jelly. Vylyuchayutsya all kinds of broths, sheep vegetables, smoked meats, deyaki gostrі stravi (hryn, girchitsya), carrots, pomidori and cabbage. It is not recommended to use malt, cocoa and kawi.
  1. With the presence of a vaginal urate, it is possible to pick up dairy products, bread, riba or meat in a cooked viglyad, steagles and berries of non-acidic varieties, be it vegetables. You can save bread, not more than one egg a day, cereals and pasta (with a vignette of Greek porridge). Viklyuchennyu pidlyagati bouilloni, sauces, canned food, saline and smoked herbs. Meat, sour products, sorrel, spinach, beans cannot be greased.
  1. As soon as phosphatic stones appear in the vaginosity, then it is necessary for sour (fruits and berries), be it cereals, or even gotuvati without milk. You can vikoristovuvati honey, bread and bakery virobi. Do not serve riba on steels, be it dairy products, spices, smoked meats, salads, canned products, vegetables.

Bagato maybutnіkh mothers, if calculi appear, ask themselves about those who are є stones in nirkas with vaginosis like narodzhuvati. You can take into account the nutritional value in the cutaneous individual type only. In most cases, the canopies pass normally, and with the presence of great stones, it is mainly indicated that the people of the baby are born. It’s the nicest way to travel, and if all the trouble was lost, it didn’t get stink anymore, and it didn’t cause problems.