Navchannya alphabet 3 4 rocky. Yak is available і quickly read the child's alphabet - vchimo letters in grі

Today it has already become the norm, for a child to go to school, it will take more knowledge and less knowledge, not two or three ten years ago. One of the most important vimogs to commit the knowledge of the letters. Infect children to letters and sounds in the preschool mortgage, developmental ones. However, it’s better to become more aware of it, as the schoolchildren will be constantly growing up and closing in their homework. Daddy can efficiently navchati their baby, as they speed up with the knowledge of children with letters, sounds, words, and will see the singing recommendations. Who is to blame for the nobility, who are old enough, why should you read the letters to the child?

Doshkilnyi vik - the most beautiful period of letters

At the bagatokh batkіv, who are fond of little children, they have a meal: if it’s more beautiful to fix the knowledge of the alphabet? Isnu kіlka dumok on vivchennya letters doshkіlnyatami:

The knowledge of letters has become tsikavim and accessible to busy people for preschool children, they have learned to read it until the next day, fathers need to learn about the recommendations of the fakhivts. To give you the power without really organizing your homework. Otzhe, according to the principles of instruction in children:

  • Graduation is the responsibility of the preschool child to become the headache of new children, to that the principle of home occupation is vchimo literi, grayuchi.
  • Knowledge of the alphabet - to fill the right-hand side for preschool children, so the robot is carried out in steps, from simple to folding. There is no need to see the child of the mechanical memory in the whole alphabet. On the skin busy, it is necessary to comprehend one letter, close the front material and master the new one.
  • Before the ear of corn, the grown-ups himself are guilty of correctly naming the letters: clearly and with a strong voice (b, ale not "be", m, r, s, ale not "eat, er, es"). Voice will need to navchit child vimovlyati long, for example, but - a - a.
  • Korisnіshe sounds and letters vivchati one hour for a whirring of a fake navichka reading in warehouses. Such a method will help you to adapt your interest to the monotonous work. It is possible to repair the warehouses, if the necessary supply of letters appears (ba, ma, pa, so). It is also necessary to show that the letter should be implanted in order to enter the warehouse of any words, for example, but - kavun, about - autumn, y - rablik, etc.
  • Fakhivtsi recommend knowing the letters and sounds in the order in which the stench is formed in ontogenesis (individual development of the organism). In pershu cherga, tse voices sounds a, o, y, and, e and thumping. Voices, e, є, are made up of two sounds, so they will be in a bigger senior.
  • Recognizing the knowledge about the letters MAY SUPROVODZHUVATSYA tsіkava for the baby dіyalnіstu: malyuvannya, lіplennya, aplіkatsіyu, designs. For a lot of people, it’s a lot of things to go to the right, which can be quick when preparing to take home.

Іgry that is right for home use

Yak navchit child letters booth? In addition to special books, such as a yak, a primer, an alphabet, in psychological and pedagogical practice, you can know a lot of tsikavih staff to consolidate knowledge about letters and sounds. Old people can help them competently, smarten, tsikavo organizing homework. Do not fraternize for foldable games, the simplest fun can become a lustful boss for the little ones.

I will be an unprecedented booth

Easier the game to the right with the cubes, and more, I can name the letters. A big one can be prepared with cubes from the images of letters, it is possible at once with a child to prepare self-made, homemade, for example, rosefarded small wooden cubes. From їkh help vchimo lіteri, for example:

  • I will wake up a drabink of letters, like vmyut spivati ​​(voice sounds a, o, y, and, e);
  • I will awaken the little boy from the cubes with the small letters and navchimo їkh nazivati ​​d, o, m;
  • a demonstrably correct cube - a guess, for example, to riddles with the letter b:

Hodja in a fluffy fur coat,
I live in a dense fox.
In a hollow on an old oak tree
Pots I gryza (bіlka)

Є in rіchtsі pratsіvniki
No joiners, no tesli,
And to wake up rowing -
I want to paint a picture (beaver)

  • we know the cube, de namalovaniya lelek (power, yaka persha letter).

The creative mind of the daddy can help to build loads of cubes for busy busy people. Cubes with a singing letter can be roasted everywhere: in the room, in the kitchen, in the front; on shafi, televizor, tables, pidvikonni, the stench of the stink is always supervised by the baby.

De shook off the letter

Dorosly distributed one copy of the letters in the small rooms of the room, which is vivish on the prominent place for the wedding. In front of them is a letter, yaku child needs to know. Gras are held for the "hot - cold" type. Gravets vikonuє іnstruktіyu mature, for example: go straight, turn right, turn left, zrobisch two crocs, again turn over. Leading keruє rukh for help, "cold, warmer, cold again, warm, hotter." On the way to the malyuk, to know іnshі lіterі and occasionally from shukanoi. If you lock the letters, you will be able to open up the vastness of the buttons.

Hto shvidshe zbere literi

Grate bazhano to the participants, to the good, as in the world the fate of the whole family. On the maidan, pictures with small images of one and the same letters are displayed, gravts, at the signal of the leader, repair them. Do good vikoristovuvati merry warriors, it is possible for a masterful creature, to set a positive attitude, for example: "Before the letter, we will be led by the arrow. The axis is birch, and the axis is bilka." Play the one that shvidshe sbere more than the number of images. Obov'yazkovo middle, hto having played is guilty of the buty of the one who knows.

Mishechok with letters

Vivchaєmo letters with details for the classic version of "wonderful little bear". A tall, garnishing little bear, stored in a new other items, the names of which can be repaired from the pre-juvenile literi, for example, "p": pen, rib, reminet, comb, chamomile, robot. Dytina distaє the subject and clearly promotes the word. Nadal gras speed up the time, how the letter moves to the middle and end of the word.

Graduation is carried out according to the type of association (images, which are found at the svidomosty at the letter). Such zavdannya will help children easily memorize letters, without their bagatoraz repetition. The associations can be roughly as follows: come up with an object that looks like a letter ( A similar to dakh budinochka, About- bagel, wheel, Have- a drop from the tree fell, F- bug, NS- collars). You have the right to tsіkavo bude vikoristovuvati vіrshiki, as it is possible to see in any ward for preschool children, for example:

B looks like a pipe
Boo buzz: "Boo-boo, boo-boo!"

similar V, Sumnіvіv nemaє,
On a pretzel, a bicycle.

Litera D wonder the axis
Before us, the boat is plive.

Litera F zovsim yak beetle
Perched on a branch.

Online development - gri

Most of the classics are right, as one of the priyoms, in the current pedagogy they actively vikoristvoyutsya online - gri. With success, you can introduce yourself to your homework. Golovne is a memory, but an hour of moving around a computer is guilty of being interrupted for preschool children from 10 to 15 hvili. If you are also guilty of giving the letters to children, the knowledge and methodical vimogs, for example, the kids are online - to spell the letters correctly, the older children will remember the letters, the letters of the warehouse, the shukati in the missing words. Vchimo letters z children for help, for example, such іgor:

Who speaks the alphabet for children

Who speaks the alphabet just create miracles!
Be-yak the letter onslaught and immediately the word maєsh!
In a number of preschool children, the name of the letter is correct and the picture is written, on which images the object is in the letter. It’s nice to be in such a zealous place for kids, who just fix the letters. Older preschool children can be groomed by the memory of the alphabet.

Connect points

Igra, according to the type of dots, with the same line for senior preschool children, additionally helps to memorize the number of letters, to distinguish voiced and voiced letters. For example, one of these online is igor "Lisenyata", in which the picture is fun to use the correct lettering. Gravets, pushing on the keys of the keyboard and the dots, zapam'yatovuє letters. Yakshcho zavdannya vikonano correctly, snig zasipaє winter forest. Big folding option: explain to the preschool teacher, that the voice of the literi (spivayuchy) - rosefarbovan in the red color, the thin one - in the blue (solid), in the greens (myak). Ditina is to blame for the correct articulation.

Yak navchit child's alphabet for additional creativity

Fathers will have a tsіkava іnatysya, besides the classic priyomіv of knowledge with letters, to understand theіnshі thirsty priyomi, how to pretend і a grown-up, і a child. The stench is based on creative activity, as the head of preschool children: aplication, painting, design, design.


Dorosly at the same time with the child virіzaє letters from the schіlnogo paper to complete the great size. Then there is the preparation of embellishments, which can be used for groats, fabrics, color papir, beads. Paint with additional glue to be applied to the stencils. There are beautiful lilies, as you can take a garland and roztashuvati in small moths (for a child's kitty, walls, on yalintsi).


Maluvannya letters є an original reception for їх zapam'yatovuvannya. You can paint on the porch with felt-tip pens, tips and sticks on the piste. At this time, you can vikoristovuvati all kinds of books, old magazines, in which you can shukati from a preschool child and draw around the letters with a felt-tip pen.


Letters are memorized shvidshe, if you touch them in your hands and manipulate with them, so as to play with them. One hour it’s a good job for the development of other motor skills, without being tied to the front. For a whole lot of things, plasticine, clay, salt is tisto. Likewise, as in the applique, ready-made letters can be embellished with peas, beads, or simply rosefarbuvati with gouache farbs.


A sporud of letters is busy for kids! Additional help is not only to close the alphabet, but to develop hand motility, misleading, respect, praznennya to associatiy (baciti lithi in otochuyuyh objects). be-some kind of hand-held material. For example, from sticks, syrnikovy boxes, books - cries in a solid paliturtsi. Anything rich in fantasy can be material to inspire letters.

Shanovna dad! The modern pedagogues know a lot of original methods, for the help of which you can quickly learn letters and go to reading. Kozhen dad can read his child letters. However, the dear dad is guilty of memory, so that I can bear little joy, I live pragmatically until the beginning of the new, and not be tedious, monotonous busyness. Your comprehension of the decision, patience, love to your child will help you to seek garnishing results. Good luck with your friends!

All the worlds. In a fashionable way and in a virulent way of problems, zakokhumosya and beloved, in a fashionable and vicious way of children. Why do some daddy's children in 5 years read easily, but for those who do not know letters in 7 letters? Who is Vinen - children or daddy? Yak navchit child read?

Metodi navchannya

Batkiv can be cleverly divided into 3 categories:

  • Persha - to take care of the children, to boast of their successes in front of the children;
  • friend - zamislyuyutsya, like a child vivchita letters, in front of tim, like to go to school.

The third category of batkiv is unlikely to know in the bazhan earlier with a little vivchit alphabet, ale the stink, schob "Raise your hands"... If you read a little boy - books or comics on computer sites - it is not respectful, smut - if you are busy.

Surely, the classification for the fathers is more hot, but with a problem, if you can read the child and help him to read letters, it is practical for all tats and mothers to read them. Yak shvidko vivchiti letters z child і zrobiti so, did you bring him joy?

As long as the information is given in the form of a game, the little ones will be simpler to remember the name of the symbols.

Help electronics

Earlier, for navchannya Vikoristov used cubes with signs - children showed pictures and named sounds, now quickly read the child to simulate sounds to help "Abetka".

Tsya gra is a table of three letters, ale maє kіlka options.

You can vivchat an abetka for the help of a computer - you can finish the programs that are in charge, or if you miss it, like vivchit letters from a child of 3 rockyv, for a computer it is more important not to sit down. The set of eyes is insufficiently rooted, and the measure of the screen is negatively recognized at the station of the zorovye apparatus.

Ліплення abo rozfarbuvannya

It is possible from an early age to wear a baby boy and a child to read a book. Zrozumіlo, wіn and he himself wants to know what is written there.

Little children will be zakavo zapam'yatovuvati letters, as the stench will be symbols of lipiti or zafarbovuvati - a child up to 5 years old is not yet in a snake to write clearly, in ny still lack of developed motor skills.

Fathers can see symbols from the paper and smell them zafarbuvati, or at once melt from plastic or ceramic clay - all the "material" in the next day for folding warehouses. An additional bonus is the development of other motor skills.


Name the letters for the memory of the association:

  • budinochok - D;
  • bagel - O;
  • cross - H.

Tsey sposib is not even worse.

Before the speech, in the navchalnye books for young scholars and associations to express themselves: authorize, you can name the evil Drabinka A chi E.


I need more motor skills in developing and adapting, a whole lot of ways to go for new children from 5 rocks - the stench is still guilty of mastering the robot with knives. Fathers will have a chance to help children with small letters on the color porch, and virizati are neatly guilty of the stench.

Letters can also be found in old magazines;

letter tips

Yak vivchiti letters with a child of 6 rocks?

Doshkіlnyat can be read and written. "Classical" lessons do not hang around - they are tedious and fast. Є Another minus of self-employed people to take is children to write for the help of singing pedagogical receptions for the formulation of loose handwriting. Tobto malyuk is guilty of mastering sticks and loops, and then the letters of the meaning.

Meta f - read the names of the letters. Do not write to him - paint: with a felt-tip pen, kreydoyu, farbs - on the asphalt, album archives, finger on the beach.

Everything, having made a picture of the child - the daddy cleanly promotes.

Technique of Navchannya

Do not go to the zmushuvati little baby to remember the whole alphabet. To deliver a copy of vivchiti kіlka bolsh often implanted letters, and then add words from them - іnkshe bude netsіkavo grati. Naybilsh often wicks out M, A, U, Z, O.

  • mother;

There are few symbols, and when there is a lot - small grati will be tsikavo. In the world of yogo time to master and іnshі lіteri - їх to introduce, put together words.

for example: “Uma. And as soon as you add the letter K, you will see the wedmedic in the cartoon - UMKA "... І show the picture to the house.

Є children, for those who put them in words, nagato is more important, I will call vivchiti okremikh
letters. For them, it is more beautiful to paint cards - a collection of letters with letters, then from warehouses. Smelling a whole lot of space, the stench is more likely to come to put words together.

With a chat, call to master the voices, and even then the voices. The memory of hearing is important, especially deaf. If the child has already mastered the method of warehouses, then it will be easier to imitate the voice.

Slid obov'yazkovo analizuvati, chi wisdom little words, as already read. As soon as the nobility will be, how the skin combination of letter symbols means a singing object, for what it is, you will be able to read it. You can paint a word - an object.

The cards are made out of the way. Malyuk is guilty to name the letters, read the word, and then know the objects in the primitive state. A collection of melodies will be melodiously rogues "STIL" and "STILETS", "LAMP" and "lama" Igor. Tse take lessons and deliver to the "reader" and "learn" a lot of merry khviliin.

Dearly, I will explain everything calmly, only so I will give in to help the child in the letters. Fumbling moods and screams before an hour of lessons do not give the children a chance to relax, and in advance to adjust - in school it will be even worse. The children’s buddies would like to be able to collapse, but at the end of the day it will be possible to sit at one moment.

For that, the little abetts should be able to see them, so the patience should be stocked up. To navigate a friend and literally everyone will be able to get a little cholovychok for a song at the singing moment, you can “get over it”, and in one busy way you will have to carry out a series of developmental methods.
If it is necessary for a child to read a little bit of reading? Methods vvazayut, scho, when choosing a viku, mastering the alphabet needs to be organized on sleep.

The child is guilty of having a decent vocabulary reserve і mov without swirling defects. Well, the thought is clearer. Deyakі kids to read it earlier, do not say good.

Yaksho malyuk zapituє: "What is the letter?" and you can learn to study the alphabet in any future.

Often not only my children, but the stench that gives us singing knowledge. Do not be afraid to read new things - read your child. Success with you and your little ones!

Yak shvidko and correctly grab the alphabet from the child. Please accept the rules of the alphabet. Tsіkavі priyomi z vivchennya letters in the vіznomu vіtsі (from 3 to 6 rokіv). Methods from memorizing letters.

It’s early for us daddy to see such zavdannyi: how to read the child’s alphabet, how to do it correctly, how you don’t see the little boy’s bazhannya, and by using the best methods, you’ll be quicker.

Deyaky children can fix letters from 2 to 3 times and can start from up to 4 letters. Tse means that you can read the child's abetta, if you can read it, the code will be close to 3 years. Zvychayno, not varto chekati, but the child immediately zam'yataє a lot of letters, it takes an hour.

Likars and readers vvazayut, how to better master the years of the past 3 years. For children, additional nutrition and health have been improved until the beginning of the day.

Ale oskіlki kozhen malyuk develop individually, then the fathers are guilty of the evil moment. Yaksho є problems from zaykannyam, from vimova sounds, then more beautifully.

Є There are a number of rules to help you get started with the alphabet:

  1. let the child independently select the book, as you will read it, and you will rewire the side itself;
  2. respectfully look and discuss the pictures;
  3. discuss the read, let the child tell the story.

It is recommended to vikoristovuvati such methods as can screw the respect of the child, some of the interest in the easy mastery and memory. It is important to praise the baby, as it is impossible to bark at all times. Spend a busy day at one and the same hour, on a regular basis, to play the game.

Instruction for the lettering of letters in the alphabet:

First of all, fix the letters more beautifully from simple and quiet ones, which most often get used to, step by step transition to small ones and foldable.

In a different way, one letter in a couple of days will be enough for a baby. You can close the result behind the help of cards with objects, printed with paper, or weaving letters, evil with plasticine. Schob baby zabula earlier vivchenu letter, varto fix skin busy with repetition.

In a third, dad can tell children, a letter is similar to it, read the small verses about her or write a song.

Vivchaєmo alphabet in 3 rocky

The first croc in the alphabet of the trinity child - zatsikavity yogo. Most often it is a good idea to show interest to the letters before the hour of reading. The head of mami і tata is to adapt to the performance. Such a visitor has a little boy who loves kazki, virshiki (as daddy reads many books). There is a motivation to master the alphabet, and you can read it yourself. More often, in a three-richer period, children will remember the first letter imene, letters A, B and V.

Otzhe, yak navchit child letters:

In the first place, you can vikoristovuvat cubes, with letters painted on them, cards, a magnetic abetka, small posters and stickers.

In a different way, dad together with the child's guilt promalyovuvati litteri on the porch, on the doorstep, or on the asphalt. Tse is more helpful than the Shvidsha zapam'yatati letters.

Thirdly, it is possible to fold the letters from different handhelds, for example, gudzikiv, stick and so far. Such a busyness will be not only in the plan for the development of the alphabet, but also for the development of other motor skills.

The head rule is that the alphabet is used in one letter.

It is important to remember that a child in 3 rocky is not forced to primusuvati and primushuvati read letters - you can see all the interest and bazhannya, and if you want to read the child's letters, it will be even more important.

Vivchaєmo alphabet in 4 rock

Busyness with a chatirichny baby is carried out in the same way, as for a trippy child. For vivchennya letters I know vikoristovytsya gris. You can continue to fold letters from objects.

Fathers obov'yazkovo guilty turn on new іgri. Tse mozhut buti: "Charivny mishechok", "Know the pictures." First gras: the little ones are stored in the toy, which are printed from cardboard. Malyuk shoots his hand and, do not be surprised, I will pick up the letter. Let's take a distau and a change, which was named correctly.

The other group has a set of pictures, from the images on them with objects and to be repaired on the basis of the library. There are 3-4 pictures, a singing letter to the alphabet, and a child shucking pictures of objects that can be repaired on her.

Vivchaєmo alphabet in 5 rocks

At the age of 5, the child has already learned to show interest before reading. Win reason, words can be folded from letters, and from words - propositions. The five-star baby can be independent without the help of the fathers for additional hand-held objects to fold letters, lipiti and plasticine.

The electronic primer in the whole trip will appear even more crimson - to quote and grab a child. In this vipadku it is also important to correctly write such a primer. Literi guilty vimovlyatsya yak sounds that mean їkh (not "er", but "r" or not "en", but "n").

For chotir-and-five children є special work is sewn "Vivchaumo letters", according to the stench at once from fathers, or independently, you can get busy.

In a whole lot of vіtsі smut, sob child correctly and loudly speaking. For the whole daddy to be guilty, ask the child to give me a chance, for example, what kind of person is involved in this year, don’t give your beloved kazka and so far.

Vivchaєmo alphabet in 6 rocks

6 rock is the most beautiful period, if you remember the alphabet and read more. It’s not hard for that daddy to go through much, as long as the little one didn’t show any kind of pragmatism until the letter was vivchennya. There are 6 rocks in the alphabet kudi shvidshe, lower in 3 rocks.

In this vipadku for occupation, you can vikoristovuvati primer, magnetic abetka, cinnamon to appear prescriptions. You can marvel at the child of special cartoons, letters. Infection є without the help of corny supplements for smartphones, sites with developing games on the Internet, additionally help children learn the alphabet.

You can open the author's primer for all the time. For the whole, it is necessary to draw or display a letter and a picture with a paper, as an image of an object in a qiu letter. Let's put it on the side of the album for painting. Ditya will be worthy of such a robot.

After the last busyness with the primer's primer, she will receive the one that is parallel to the alphabet, the sixth-generation child will be able to read it.

Otzhe, head rules yak navchit child letters:
  • Schob ditina vivviv the alphabet, dads are not guilty forcibly zmushuvati zmushuvati zamatisya.
  • Naybilsh friendly for vivchennya letter є іgrova form of navchannya.
  • To fix the busyness of the varto todі, if the child has an interest in letters.
  • A good way to vivchit an abetka - the fathers are guilty of viclikati the civility of a baby.
  • Varto pіdbirati tsіkavі іgri, as a child there will be a lot of grati.
  • If the child is not tricky, the child does not want to be grateful with the letters, then in the given way the dad is guilty of being busy, for which the child is not yet ready to go.
  • Close up the acquired material is even more important. Fathers are guilty to ask the child to name the letters, like є in new objects. Come on, baby himself.

Now you know how to help your child to vivchit the alphabet. Remember, do not vimagati from any more, not to be able to remember. If you do not want to go, do not bark. Wrap up your respect for the mood of a child who doesn’t vtomivsya wine. Your little one can easily memorize all the letters, as you see it to the respect of pointing in the statistics of joy.

Turbotlivy daddy, as they get ready to give their little ones all the nicer, are gradually brought up to the news on the Masu food. Yak correctly introduce complementary foods, if you fix the child to the landlord, what if you fix it?

Knowledge of the child with letters: if you fix it?

The food about those, if it is more beautiful to fix the knowledge of the child with letters from teachers and psychologists, thoughts are still going on. Fakhivtsi, which are important, that early development allows children to "take an early start", which gives one more chances to maximize the development of natural health and inclinations and stats in the future, if you are very successful.

Інші fоvevnenі, scho forsuvati development of a child is not only bezgluzdo, but rather awesome for a child's psyche. Malyuk will learn and master the light of deeds, and if the child is ready psychologically, then it will be impossible for them to remember. Hecklers who are going to talk about those who know a lot of child-prodigies, and how the old Zusillians showed good results for everyone in this area. The axis is just a little bit about the wunderkind of a new age, not a bit, the stench does not reach the neural successes that have grown up. And the axis of neurosis in children, which from the early rockies began to be played by music, shahs, earthly mobs, and even God of the meaning, fachivtsy support even more often.

In the child's psychology, the understanding of the "sinzitivny period". This is the name of the period at the development of a child, if in the most beautiful rank it is ready to sprinkle quiet knowledge, min and navichok. For the beginning of the literacy for the saints, it takes an hour from 5.5 to 7.5 rocky. Up to 5.5 years, the child is healthy, good to say, she purely imitates the sounds of movi and has a phonemic hearing with a lot of accusations. We have an hour for children to be impressed and interested in reading. That is why there are a lot of methods for teaching children to read and write on children who can be repaired from 4.5 to 5 years. However, it is possible to fix the knowledge of the little guy with letters earlier. The axis is here yakraz і vinikak nourishment: "Yak navchit child letters?". Chi doesn’t sadzhati two-three-ric little toddler for an ABC book!

Yak to vchachit children

In order to be smart, if you can read the letters to the child, you will need to go back to that, and if you want to see the little children. A child's psyche grows up from the psyche of a grown-up people and the little ones can't read it straightforwardly. All the navchannya at the children until the seventh week will be found in the country. I’ll just right in every child’s life; To him, he was asked to feed: "Can you read the letters to the child?"

Another peculiarity of little children of the field is that they smell the smell of all the bodies of the senses and that there are more channels to take off, when they are new, they will be successful. Ditina is guilty not only of bachiti, but for a little bit of knowledge, you need to know and pomat, and try to taste, and smell. Yak navchit child letters? Give a sense of thought to the whole world: look at the letters, sing it, chit, paint and lip, and play, play, play.

Yak navchit child letters

The first zustrich with letters can be organized for a one-haired toddler. Only you don’t need to check, but you’ll be able to read the alphabet before writing, but you’ll be able to read it two times. You don't need it. And the axis of the display is a small number of voices letters, like the wine itself is already good - it is completely possible. Grow by the room in small flies as many leaves in the landscape format as the letters on them, and as often as you go through the day, walk up to them with a cry in your hands and sing a sound on your hands.

For the girls, you can scatter cards with letters and show them small ones, clearly and with a singing song and sound. The letter can be mastered with finger farbs on the porch, or on the cakes near the baths, for the hour of mittya tatovaya for the shin, in which a trocha of grub is added, a stick for snig, or with a finger on the print. Letters need to be shown in a step-by-step manner, repaired from two or three voices and added by letters to the world of mastery by the little one in front. Obov'yazkovo following the rule: a small amount of sound, then one or two words, as the sound is repaired, and you need to study no more than three-five khilin.

Yak navchit ditin letters in three rock

Turbotlivi daddy will fix his chits to read, if the stench lies in the colisse: a handful of short little notes, instead of small kazki, virshi that notification. Up to three rockies among children who read a lot, and create their own love and formations of interest before reading. Mastering the alphabet with them is easy and fun, that and children are busy with bazhannyam, mindful, but also allow them to read by themselves the love of the Kazka. Tryokhlіtkami, krim іgor with cards, you can also include cartoons about letters, you can vikoristovuvati "Music Primer" by Zheleznova, lipiti letters from text and plasticine. You can grab a loto, or a hovanki.

For gris in khovanki, you need to know cards with a letter or a letter with a magnetic abetka. Name the small letter and ask to walk around the booth and poshukati, de tsya litera shook. Before the front, put in small flats in apartments a number of letters, images on cards, printed from cardboard or from a magnetic card.

Let me give you a trifle of little leaves with the text supervised by the great letters and ask to know and circle that letter. The text can be handled independently on a computer and opened, the text doesn’t matter; If the little boy has already mastered the letters to the alphabet, then you can ask a handful to know one letter and circle the worm with a felt-tip pen, then - іnshu, і circle її blue, then the third - circle її with greenery. So at the same time you will practice respect and repeat the main colors.

Give letters in steps, one at a time. Busy people pass only in a positive mood, in a group. Praise the little one for good luck, help if necessary and get ready to finish the job before you get tired and spend your interest to the gr.

Yak navchit ditin letters in chotiri rocky

Principles to take from a little bit also, but from three children: you need to spend a little bit, on a skinny day;

In addition, as a little boy to master the letters of the alphabet, you can buy this one-time electronic speaking poster with letters. The poster is guilty of imitating the sound (the sound itself, not the letter) and naming the object, the images are assigned with the letter. The projection of letters, wikipedia from mosaics, stones, gudziks and linen is becoming relevant. You can go to the "Charyvny mishechok" for a short time. For that, as a little boy, to grasp a circle of letters, take a plain little one, and put the letters from a magnetic abetta, and letters of a different size, printed from a sheet of cardboard. Dytina lowered the handle into the little one, took the letter і on the dotted design, but for the letter at the new one in the hands, because of the letter from the little one and change the correctness of the health. Another corisna gra: "Know the pictures." For the gris, you need to get a set of pictures, name the items on which you can fix them in the alphabet. Before the baby there is a circle of pictures and a letter. Children need to know the image of objects that can be repaired by the proponated letter. In offense gri grati nagato tsikavishe, as there is a possibility to take two or three pieces of one viku.

Yak navchit child letters in five rock

As a child, in five years, she has begun to show interest to the letters and reading - then she is also interested in a whole range of assimilations. The pyatirchka knows that letters in an enchanting order are folded into words, and words - in those very tsikavi and vapid histories, as mom and tato read to them in the evenings. The p'yatirichok already have plenty of opportunities for creativity, so mastering the alphabet with them is one thing with satisfaction. And even the smell can also be і rosefarbovuvati, і lіpiti samі, і vikladati letters from the mosaic or just other stones. P'yatirichok can also be combined with all kinds of electronic primers, with the smell of it and you yourself will be happy with your interest. Just bathe the correct primer: the letter in the electronic primer is guilty of not being called that way, but the sound that it means. Tobto not "eat", but "m", not "ne", but "n."

I respect you for those who are more important to children in five rocky not just the letters of vivchity, but if they read it competently and speak loudly. To that, in parallel with the reading at the beginning and the mastery of the alphabet, want to tell the child: about those days, about the other days, about those who can be used to painting pictures, and also tell the servant of small reports.

Yak navchit child letters in the set of rock

The deyakі daddy is very worried, that їkh children are already a lot, but the alphabet is not vivable. For the sake of it, there is nothing terrible. Moreover, your sixth is in the very first place in the most obvious way, so that you can read letters and read it quickly. As soon as the three children learn to master the alphabet they can and ric drink, then the sixth child can fully master the alphabet in three. Moreover, it is comprehensible to read all one child and invite them to fix not earlier than the sixth edition. So, fold up the storages and read the words of the little boy, you can read it earlier, but the axis of reading is so, that you will not read it, but you will not be able to read it - the whole number of rockets up to six. So bathe an ABC book, a poster with letters, a magnetic alphabet and a copy of the copy, and fix it while doing it.

The main material for taking up the rosetting on the lessons in ABC books. Thus, a large number of primers were encouraged, as they are for sale. Dodatkovo can be amazed at the beginning of cartoons, gratis with letter cards and study with words. Sixth children are already more beautiful in read and read, in parallel with the alphabet. Robit tse is not easy, it’s not enough to study the ABC book the last time.

Be-like a dad, you can read your child letters, if you can stock up on patience. Remember only, for a successful start in the future it is important not to learn from a tiny alphabet, and to learn not to read it before school, it is more important to pinch your love before reading it and learn good things and speak loudly.

And for that, like your little one, to inject letters, you can start.

Welcome, dear friends and readers to the blog! I want a lot of moms, sob їkh ditina vivviv letters yakomog earlier and after reading. Ale needs to be able to find the individual specialties of the child.

Dumka fakhivtsiv talk about those who are ready to read until the beginning of reading to play with the majority of children up to about five rockies.

And the axis of the letter can be repaired much earlier, rock in 3, especially, as the little boy shows his interest.

Before the cob of letters, the fathers need the nobility:

1. For children, it is more beautiful to name the sound, and not to name the letters. For example, substitute be, ve, eat, say b, c, m and so far. This is necessary in order for a child to be easier to put together sounds in a warehouse, and put them into words.

2. To fix the navchannya more beautifully from the voice letters, and then step by step introduce the voice.

3.Never deal with the child forcibly, if he himself doesn’t want it, it’s possible to add interest to the letters and readings. More beautifully pinch the busyness at once and turn to them in a dozen hour.

4. For small children, use letters in the form of gri. Do not change the child, see the information in small portions.

Yak vivchiti with child of literi in іgrovіy formі (right that іgri)

It’s very richly, igor that is right to vivchennya letters, but I wanted to proponuvate only those, as vikoristovuvala herself with her young blue.

We have felt the knowledge of letters, if the little tit was presented with yaskravі meakі great cubes (meakushki), on which boules are written letters.

Winning himself began to show interest and for an hour, having energized them, like a letter.
The main voices of the literi win have forgotten a little more quickly, a rock in two.


♦ For an hour in such cubes, it is possible to use them at home, naming it on top of a letter.

♦ Vantage on the car and transport, naming letters.

♦ You can play in the gro: know the cube with the letter. Shovati is a cube, and the child is guilty to know and name the letter.

Magnetic alphabet

Also tsikavi іgri with letters z magnetic abets:

♦ їх it is possible not only to attach it to the board, or to the refrigerator, which is called at the same time.

♦ Pick up the cat or the head, in front of the front. You can name a letter all at once, let it go, but you can also take it out of the cat.

♦ Zavanazhuvati on a typewriter and carry.

♦ Cook "porridge" with them in igrashkovo casterole, and then put them on the plates and treats of the agrass and all the members of the family.

♦ Place letters on pictures that have a sound in the whole word.

♦ Spіvvіdnosity letters with objects or toys, which can be repaired for the sound.

♦ You can hang letters in non-confusion mishok, and vgaduvati їkh on a dot.

Folding letters from hand-held material:

♦ Letters can be wicked from sirniks, rakhunkovy sticks, olivtsi, Lego constructor, gudzikiv, namistin etc. One hour to train and other hand motor skills.

♦ On the streets - with sticks, whips and stones.

♦ Even more tsіkavo for children of life letters from plasticine or tіsta

♦ You can choose letters from the mosaic.

♦ Gra "Does the letter look like a yak?"

♦ Gra "What does the letter look like?"

Behind the help of tsikh іgor, the child's fantasies develop.

Maluvannya i rosefarbovvannya letters

♦ Malyuvannya literi with a finger on beads, semolina.

♦ For an hour of walking - for a walk, for a walk, etc.

♦ It is possible to distribute some letters-designations from the Internet and proponuvati children їkh rozfarbuvati or zashtrihuvati.

♦ Prescribing handwritten letters on the dotted line with a marker or a crack.

Robot with books, ABCs, rosmalyovki

In Danish hour, even more bagato є is on sale. As long as your child loves books, then it is absolutely necessary for them to be victorious.

Growing cartoons and grids.

Є a lot of tsіkavih evolving videos, multfilmіv and іgor for knowledge and memorization of letters.
It is only necessary to remember, but a child at the computer cannot be found for an hour.

Poster z letters abo sound poster

We have on the wall a yaskraviy poster with the Kazkovy alphabet, de skin letters evoking the little ones of the Kazak hero. The whole poster has been added to us in the memory of the repeated letters.

And even more beautiful, in my opinion, is the sound poster of Abetka. If the child of the onslaught on the picture with the letter, the poster will imitate the sound, which means the letter.

The plus is that a child can himself, without help, grown up vivchati and zapam'yatovuvati literi, if you want to.

If you buy such a poster, I have a lot of respect for those who sound a sound that means a letter, and I will not name the letter itself. About tse I wrote on the cob statti.

♦ You can vikoristovuvati for an hour, if you are walking around the place with the child, or if you go to the right. We still loved to know the letters in the children’s vivisks, the names of the shops, the organizing, and even to read the words.

♦ And they bathed them very well at the viglyadi letters. Persh, nіzh put it in your mouth, you needed to name a letter, and from them we made the folds and simple words from them.

♦ Still loved grati with blue in іgri, in which by ear it is necessary to feel a familiar sound in words, or to come up with a word, like to obey the singing sound.

At home minds can come up with a lot of different ways that igor, like vivchit letters with a child.

Try, experiment and choose those that are like your kids. Brainstorms praise your child for the skin's new reach.

If the child will be the nobility of all letters, it will be possible to put it into storage and read it, even more stealing in the form of a game.

Please remember, that in my mind you are not even indicative of the development of the intellect and the specialness of the child. Yaksho malyuk doesn’t want to read the letters, don’t fill it, it’s not a good hour. Be affectionate, try the best. Until then, I think, you will be able to see it.

And as for the tsikavi ways, the gris were victorious, when the letters were implanted with their children, they were posted in the comments.