The number of contraception is tomorrow! Methods of contraceptive methods Methods of contraceptives for choloviks.

The number of contraception is tomorrow!

E. G. Shchokina, National Pharmaceutical University

Far from all people who want to live with their lives, want mothers of children. First of all, there are great problems for them, especially because they do not know the stench, as they will not have the vagueness.

Contraception is not only a contraceptive because of unnecessary vaginosity. Tse the protection of your health and the way until the people are healthy, little child, if you want.

Tapestry for work steel

The term "contraception" means preservation from conception and to resemble two Latin words: "contra" "against" і "conceptio" "conception, sprynyattya". It looks like the term "contraceptive", in other words, "anti-alcohol". In a more broad sense of the word "contraception" є by the method of control over the people of juvenility, which will prevent the transformation of the natural course from being conceived to the people of a child. Modern medicine proposes the useless methods, which allow you to add extra vagueness. It is a great pity, it is necessary to know that in the world there is no ideal way of contraception.

The types and methods of contraception are developed one way in one way, injected into the body, effective and manual contraception (calendar and temperature methods, the method of interrupted statutory act, bar'erni, chemical methods; internal spinal cord)

However, it is necessary to know that there are more methods of contraceptive use for women and only those who are insured for children. There is a great number of psychological problems associated with the contraception. Bagato cholovikiv, as I know very well, vvazhayut turbo about zapobіgannya vagіtnosti sto zhіnochy obovyazy. The choloviks, as it seems, do not get sick, and, singing, the stench is less than women who are stricken with contraception problems. And all the same, take a part in your feasible part in the seizure of your partner programs from the unwanted vaginosti of the person can and blame. For a wide range of special methods of contraception.

Interrupted statistic act method(Coitus interruptus) means a penny to the ear of the ear. The method can be used with one of the most inappropriate ones. On the right, in the fact that one can see a small number of sperm in the presence of a vinyatkovy volodya, you can see it on the cob of the statute. To get involved, the effectiveness of the method does not change 70%, ie. Mayzhe skin third act may not be safe. In addition, the post-change of the statutory act can lead to a decrease in the potential of the choloviks.

Cholovik condom a great latex podovzheniy mіshechok, nadyagє until the statues of weariness on the statues of a member of the cholovіk, who are in the station of the erektsії. A condom that gets caught by sperm in the first hour of an hour of weariness and a contact of vaginal images with a member of the member, before the extended infection, is transmitted by a state gate. A condom should be worn by a partner before the article is worn out and known immediately after the end of the article act.

The most widely extended method of mechanical contraception. It is practically not possible to win a proof, it is obvious that it is infected with VIL, it is just at a vicarystanna. However, a condom can tear, but you can get rid of it.

Sterilization at cholovikiv I call it "vasectomy", there are polyagus in the interrelation of the semen ducts, behind which sperm come from both cells. Approximately in a month of writing, the vasectomy of the cholovik will become absolutely unprecedented. The operation to finish is simple, it is trivial 15 20 hilin, it is carried out under the micro anesthesia. The cholovik can turn at once to the house.

It is also an alternative technique, if specially fragmented miniature valves are inserted into the vas deferens, which can be seen behind the back of a small operation. In addition, in China, the technique of scalpel-free vasectomy has been broken up, if the entire operation is carried out through a miniature opening of 3 5 mm before the gin.

The operation may not only be surgical. Todi is introduced into the duct, which makes it harder and gives a contraceptive effect. During time-based sterilization, a pulp of gum "cork" is introduced into the seven-way stream, so it is possible to see it later.

Previously, the main shortcomings of vasectomy bulo those, but a person who was free to conceive a child for all life. In this hour, the operation of the "zorotnoy vasectomy" has been broken up, since the crossing of the vas deferens is growing old, and the people are old enough to be late. Until the conception of a child, it will be updated in 90% of cases.

It is important to note that sterilization is not infused into the state of traction, potency and erection. Aje yachka prodovzhuyut pratsyuvati, the hormonal background will not break down.

In such a rank, surgical methods of contraceptive methods are even more reliable and apparently safe. Їх minus є the need for surgical involvement, as well as the appearance of a low risk of non-negotiable contraception.

There is also such a small vidomia method of contraception, yak cholovicha spiral. Vona is similar to a miniature parasol, inserted through the head of the penis into the scrotum. At the end of the spiral there is a gel that will help you with sperm.

Also in old-time Japan, the method of contraceptive methods has been identified as a “samurai egg”. The essence of the yogi polyag is that a cholovik is a day with two months stretching along a chilin of chilin trimm a jug in hot water (close to 40 degrees). As a result of becoming a daddy you will not block, yak minimum, in the best pivroku. In a normal body, the temperature of the scrotum is no more than 36 degrees. When the cell is overheated, the sperm circulation will be destroyed. Before the speech, it’s the same effect to sit at the kerm of the car for more than a day.

The idea of ​​the stem of the medical contraceptive has long been ill-advised (and especially women). Promising straightforward development of the human contraception є stem splitting against vaginosity on the basis of antibodies to spermatozoa, which is established in men and women, and in immunological safety, and in patients with medication (hormonal and non-hormonal) contraception which includes such paths, yak іngіbuvannya spermatogenesis, reducing the activity of spermatozoa, іngіbuvannya function of the appendages of the yєchka.

Not so long ago, molecular biologists from the Salk Institute in California voiced about those who knew the point of applying chemical "sanctions" against spermatozoa for an additional liking, proponated for the genetics (ailment of a sick person). This drug can be an ideal contraceptive for people.

Dana speech Alkylated amino sugar N-butyldeoxynoirimitsin (NB-DNJ) was administered to male mice, and the stench was rendered sterile for three receptions. The drug is not injected into the level of testosterone, but rather on the level of luteinizing (LH) and follicle stimulating (FSH) hormones, but on those that NB-DNJ does not use in a non-hormonal way. On the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bvchenyh, without the loss of the target gene of targets, but the code of the cell receptor to the enzyme phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase. Mutations in the whole gene will destroy the interaction of the enzyme with the receptor, which will lead to "immature" sperm cells. The imperfection of the spermatozoa of the male mutants is not in the snake of its late function, that is, the stench, if it becomes healthy again, is unprecedented. In order to admit the reception, the male mice reimagined their fertility after three months, and the offspring developed normally when they were removed from them.

The prospect of a given report is important to reevaluate. First, human spermatogenesis, like and mischievous, is increasingly controlled by genes and, apparently, by enzyme receptor systems. In a different way, in order to repeat the effect in the cholovik_v, appearing in the misha, it’s not necessary to invade human geni; to achieve the deprivation of the development of the method of chemical blocking of the required cell receptors. In the third way, the "mishach model" is natural, as shown by the caution of biologists, without baking. And if it’s the closest hour to know how to safely and reversely block the enzyme receptor in human spermatozoa, then the civilization is taken in its proper order to be effective and not very long-lasting prototypes.

Ingibuvannya spermatogenesis, for the number of hormonal contraception

Contraceptives of the whole group of patients were broken down due to the reduction of azoospermia in patients with azoospermia, hypogonadism in those diagnosed with decreased production of FSH and LH. Steroid hormones induce the production of gonadotropins and mediate testicular function, including spermatogenesis. With the help of contraceptives, the preparation is stagnant in a pure viglyad, as well as in combinations. It is called the most common steroids.

Medium of testosterone prolonged production testosterone enanthate. The introduction of 200 mg of this dose should be reduced to a 50% decrease in FSH and LH levels in terms of basic level of secretion, at that time, as the level of testosterone in blood plasma moves insignificantly. The concentration of spermatozoa in the presence of testosterone enanthate increases from 5 million / ml to azoospermia. When the contraceptive is taken, the level of gonadotropic hormones and the concentration of spermatozoa turn to the final number.

Some of the side effects are an increase in the fatness of the skin, acne, an increase in vagina, an increase in myase mass, an increase in hynecomastia and a slight decrease in the number of erythrocytes. Variety of changes in liver function, glucose and lipids in the blood are not identified.

combination testosterone enanthate and danazol allowing the speed of taking contraceptives up to once a month. Danazol is a synthetic analogue of 17-α-alkylated ethynyltestosterone. The maximum dose of yogo is 800 mg. Effective on the basis of testosterone. The efficiency is up to 85%.

gestagenic steroids include norethandrolone, norethindrone, R2323, megesterol-acetate, depot-medroxyprogesterone and іn. Progestins are responsible for spermatogenesis, however, large doses are needed for the affected effect. Acceptance of these preparations, unfortunately, the victories of the fatalities, especially the decrease in libido. Insufficient efficiency, rotational development, great triviality in renewal of spermatogenesis due to the end of taking a wide range of gestagenic contraceptives.

19-nortestosterone anabolic steroid with low-grade gestagenic drugs. The medical practice is stagnant for the last 20 years. Viklikє was not a decrease in the concentration of spermatozoa right up to azoosperm. For an hour, the collection of side effects was not seen. The drug is practically not poured into the libido and erection, because of the power to shake it down to the promising, especially in combination with the other methods.

The combination of androgens and gestagens allows a significant change in the dose, which also reduces the frequency of side effects.

Nybils often get stuck depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) at a friend's testosterone with enanthate and cypronate, and also norethindrone with 19-nortestosterone hexiphenylpropionate (Anadur). The combination should be taken once a month in the offensive doses: DMPA 150 mg, androgen 250 | 500 mg.

With the introduction of an agonist of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (nafarelin), which is discarded by a synthetic route, there is a paradoxical effect: with a trivial consumption of LH and FSH. Tsei efekt bv pokladnoy in the basis of yogo protisaplіdnoї dії. Ін'єкції 200 400 mg of nafarelin in supplement with 200 mg of testosterone enanthate is reduced to induce spermatogenesis.

In a given hour, to undergo an experimental revision of the offensive method of contraception: the intake of synthetic agonist of gonadotropin-releasing hormone; vicoristannya inhibin, essential synthesis of FSH; Immunization against FSH.

The development of hormonal contraceptive use is even more active in the whole world.

The Australians talked about the successful completion of a new drug, designated for human contraception, in advance.

Broken down in the Institute of Medical Doslidzhen IM. Prince Henry (Melbourne), the drug is a combination of two hormones testosterone and progesterone. The drug is injected into the body in the eyes of the implants (ie, the pill is “sewn in” a tablet with a single speech, soaked in a three-by-four-month stretch). Yogo efficiency to reach the temple with a stretch of fate. The drug will increase in turn and not be supervised by some serious side effects.

The pharmaceutical company "Organon" has dissolved a prototype drug for the choloviks, for three rockets. The speech is active without interruption to enter the body from the implants, which are fed to the school. Diyucha speech etongestrel is a hormone with a group of progesterone, which blocks the approval of spermatozoa. The order of times, people will be guilty of being skin-tough, giving testosterone injections to improve the stat function, as it goes down for the life of the female stat hormone.

The famous company "Shering" and the Dutch competitor "Akzo Nobel" saw that they were ready to combine Zusill with the other brands, to develop prototypical tablets for the children, which could have come to the market. At the same time, they have already broken down the previous method of effective food for the choloviks, a synthetic hormone that drives sperm intolerance, which is associated with testosterone.

The presenters of the Edinburz University have developed a method for suppressing spermatozoa vyropleniya while preserving the normal level of hormonal hormones in the body, so a great crocus forward on the way to the stem of the hormonal contraceptives. Choloviks took 150 or 300 μg of desogestrel, a synthetic hormone, which is the main component of female anti-aging tablets in an hour. One hour, one capsule of 200 mg of testosterone per ear was implanted into the skin viprobuvanny, and another one after 12 months. It turned out that dezogestrel is a galmu of spermatozoa viroblast in choloviks so it is, as it is in females ovulation. After 16 months, all people who took 300 micrograms of the drug each, it was indicated that the spermatozoa was more suppressed.

After receiving a desogestrel, the concentration of spermatozoa in a stretch of 16 cells turned to vicious. Depending on the effect of the drug, the mood was improved, the appetite was increased and the vagina developed rarely and weakly.

American scientists have appeared in the tail of spermatozoa cells, having blocked them, it is possible to grow the number of cells more safely. The efficiency of the whole methodology has already been successfully tested on the Misha. Tsey block having renamed it CatSper. On the thought of presenters from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Harvard Medical School, they were prompted for one of the last stages of late, since the spermatozoon is responsible for penetrating the shell of the egg.

The stench was vively misha, at some CatSper bulbs there was a buv vidsutn_y. Misha turned out to be hopeless. However, even before the front of the ovum, the blistering shell was relieved, and the delay came when the oocyte was too late. Mabut, nezdatn_st penetrate through the shell of the bullock with a single snake from the side of the spermatozoa.

If it’s too late to know the word, it’s like blockuvati bіlok. With the help of contraceptive methods, you can take both people without a mediocre act, as well as women without a bargain. At the end of the day, spermatozoa were fed, and women were also consumed in the state of the house.

Newcomers from the University of Münster held a successful vip test against the winter for the children. All the participants were injected with the hormone testosterone in the form of testosterone in the eyes of the skin for 24 months norethisterone enanthate (NETE). The side-effects of the boules are of the same meaning: the big ones, the pains in the mints. A number of people spent the night on food. Hormones wicked to adjust the concentration of cholesterol, but in the boundaries of normal values.

There are no hormonal contraceptives. by the way, zasobi, scho vplyuyut bezposeredno on the activity of spermatozoa. Gosypol is the best vidomy drug from the whole group є a natural product, seen from the grass, stem and roots of the plant. It brings a number of enzymes to be found in the spermatozoa and cells of the spermatogenic diet, and lactate dehydrogenase itself and glutathione-alpha-transferase. To reduce the decay of healthy spermatozoa and to induce spermatogenesis at the spermatozoa stage. At the same time, spermatogenesis is induced at the early stages and the collapse of mature spermatozoa decreases. Gosypol should be used for 2-3 months, and then switch to an additional dose 1 time per day. The effectiveness of the drug reaches 90%. Among the side effects, the most common are the increase in the rate of malnutrition (12%), the slurry and intestinal trash (7%), the decrease in libido (5%), and dryness in the mouth. Naybіlsh dreadful accelerated є lowering the level of calories in the blood, which will overwhelm the problems from the heart, however, the price is spared to go to the edge of the country. In case of trivial stasis of gossypol, spermatogenesis is pinched back.

preparations 3-indazole carboxylic acids viclikayut the destruction of the meiotic process in cells of the spermatogenic epithelium. In Danish hour, we are at the stage of clinical viprobuvan.

Sperm-specific enzymes dyut at the final stages of spermatogenesis. Zokrema, іngіbіtor of acrosomal proteinase (acrozina) will break the correct formulation of acrosome, so it’s unwise to rob the retardation. A group of drugs can also be found in key minds.

Ingibitories of the function of the appendage of the cell. Alpha chlorohydrinє Let's get rid of the cheeky old glitzerin. A number of sperm enzymes are blocked at the time of their presence in the epididymis of the uterus, as well as in the epididymus epididymis. The drug is administered at a dose of 30 to 90 mg / kg body weight per day. The effect of polyagus in the decrease in the activity of spermatozoa right up to the rest of the nerve. The drug is toxic, very densely intertwined with zasosuvannya.

preparations 6-chloro-6-deoxy sugar and the elderly block the processes of glycolysis in the appendage of the cell. At the same time, the number of spermatozoa does not change, protects against a decrease in decay and morphological changes. Dozing is not residually fragmented.

Tripterygium Wilfordii roslin, which stays in the traditional Chinese medicine. Suma of glucosides, to take revenge in a new one, is affected by a spermatotoxic effect on the level of the appendage of the yug.

Before it is shown that the most effective contraceptive effect is infused with drugs that infuse spermatozoa on the adult (їх dosage in the appendage of the yoke, lumpiness). In addition, after the end of the intake of cychs, the fertility is increased rapidly and in the general community.

The activity of spermatozoa is infused with a lot of Lykarsky speeches. For example, recently, “cholovichi” have emerged against the power of such a widely known drug as nifedipin. Nifedipin has no real prospects for contraceptive use, and there are a lot of side effects. But the preparation of chi has not shown the real possibility of modifying the biochemistry of sperm so that the stench will consume your health before late. It’s too late to know that there are more safe points of application of the chemical injected on the cell phone and the problem of installing anti-aging tablets for people in the future.

In such a rank, in the current science, there is an active push of the release of prototypical tablets for choloviks. Give such a preparation for men it is significantly more foldable, less for women. A woman has to finish ovulation once a month, during the singing period of the cycle, dozens of millions of spermatozoa are circulated in the body's body every day. To reject the anti-aging effect, it is necessary to streamline or intercept the process of sperm circulation to such a world that the sperm has consumed its health until late. Revision of spermatozoa in the loan 77 78 days. The triviality of the whole process can be slowed down by the wine of "cholovy pills": it is also necessary to know such a speech, as it would pour three months into the body, which would bring spermatozoa to be dispensed into and not very sensible.

Cholovichi anti-spermatozoid vines are still in the stage of development. First of all, there is no small contraceptive drug in the modern country, which will increase all the necessary clinical information and permits prior to sale.

However, the growth factors indicate the prospects of the general distribution of drugs in the group.


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surgical contraception

Vasectomy is a blockage of the semen ducts with the sign of the prevention of sperm passage. Sterilization is an inexpensive, effective and simple method of contraception for people. The consultation of the doctor, the preparation of the necessary documents, a follow-up of anamnesis, the diagnosis of bleeding, pathologies of the heart-vascular system, allergies, diabetes mellitus, infection of children, children. In the course of the ob'ktivnuyu obezhennya arterial vise, pulse, the stance of the adipose ball, shkiri, zone of the perineum, the manifestation of cryptorchidism, varicocele, the firing process of the scrotum.

Vasectomy techniques:

  • persha. To recoup the seven ducts without ligation, to apply the electrocoagulation to a depth of 1.5 centimeters, to apply a fascial ball;
  • friend. Fix the seven ducts, open the ball of the ball, isolate the duct, ligate, re-melt. Skin forms are cauterized. For greater hope, one can see a segment of seven ducts;
  • third. For vivilnennya, the duct is drawn not to the point of growth, but to the point. Get rid of the sickness, put a loop-like jam on the duct, do not get the ball. To shake off the growth of the walls and the shkiri of the seven ducts with a dissecting grip, to isolate, to carry out the occlusion.

The indicator of contraceptive vasectomy becomes 99% in the first 12 months. There are a lot of dressings failures due to unreported anomalies of these ducts or recanalization. The standard vasectomy is practically non-negotiable, however, the technique of “zorotnoy vasectomy” has been broken down with the same fertility in 90-95% of vasectomy.

Oral contraceptives for men

Prototypical tablets for people were recently dissolved on a random basis. The main problem in the development of female OC was in the fact that every woman needs to seize ovum only in the days of conception, the sperm is accepted permanently, so that contraceptive neutralizes the skin day.

Group of cholovich OK

The most effective contraceptive effect (90-95%) is attainable in case of OK, as the result is a direct effect on sperm maturity. For the end of the intake of oral hormonal contraceptives, fertility is being renewed in the general community.

One of the most inappropriate. It is important that the effectiveness of the method does not change 70%, the third act may not be safe, and a small number of sperm may be seen on the cob of the statutory act. In addition, a "zapobizhnik" can also lead to sexual debauchery in both partners.

Piecewise tightening of the statues act

This also applies to inappropriate methods. Obviously, it’s an hour of sexually nourishing partners і, as a rule, you shouldn’t lead to death, or you can’t guarantee the abduction, as sperm is seen not only during orgasm, but at once with mastication. In addition, as the method of stasis is often used, it can lead to the potential and health problems of a person (an increase in the arterial grip and headache).

Samurai Egg

A hot scrotum is an ancient Japanese method of time-based sterilization of the scrotum by means of a path to increase the temperature in the scrotum, which can be reached by a single hot bath 46.6 0 C to 45 hiline by stretching the month. When the cell is overheated, the sperm circulation will be destroyed. Before the speech, it’s the same effect to sit at the kerm of the car for more than a day. After a series of procedures, a person will become sterile for a meal. Let us all know to be renewed in the same attitude, ale ... there is a problem of crayfish ailments.


Ideal option for a person. However, a condom can tear, but you can get rid of it. Modern technologies to introduce high-quality and super-thin latex condoms for young women, colors and aromas. However, a condom can tear, but you can get rid of it.

hormonal activity

Children's implant for choloviks

Ampoules, to take revenge on "androgens", are implanted with a surgeon under the skin, de-squeezed out with a stretch of 2-4 days. During orgasm, there is a small number of "zestkodzheniy" sperm. The effect is trivial, protecting it closely for 3-5 months. In some cases, there is no need to take any side effects (head beats, judgments of statutory organs and in.). Try out the boxes of the most advanced drugs - 1 injection in the hand, no matter how fast.

The drug to take revenge on "cyproterone acetate"

There are also oral contraceptives, only for cholovikiv. The preparation is gradually stored until the hourly sterilization and the reduction of sperm count. After taking the pills, the sperm will be renewed, but it’s not clear, in what hour the person will be dead.

Tablets, scho revenge "estrogen and androgen"

Such pills will reduce the rate of sperm in one hour. You can live for 1 month, and then take 3-4 months for a break. When a trivial drug is used, there may be vicious side effects: mental damage, decreased tone and interest to life.


Ligation of a seven-cord cord, which can be unlinked with bazhanna. An ideal method for elimination of state of weakness, prevention of ignition changes due to visible swelling of the prostate.


cholovic contraception. The cya operation of the field is in the overruns of the seven ducts, for the sperm to come from both cells. Approximately in a month of writing, some people will become absolutely bezel-less. Previously, the main shortcomings of vasectomy bulo those, but a person who was free to conceive a child for all life. In this hour, the operation of the "zorotnoy vasectomy" has been broken up, since the crossing of the vas deferens is growing old, and the people are old enough to be late. Until the conception of a child, it will be updated in 90% of cases.

It is also an alternative technique, if specially shattered is inserted into the vas deferens miniature valves , I can see you behind the backs of a small operation.

vasectomy introduced for the help of soft gum corks, as they pass through the sperm. Introduced by a surgical path and can be seen.

Polyurethane cork

The operation may not only be surgical, as a diaphragm is introduced into the sperm ducts, which is more firm and yes, the contraceptive effect.

cholovicha spiral

Pooki malovidomy method of contraception. Cholovicha spiral is similar to a miniature parasol, inserted through the head of the penis into the scrotum. At the end of the spiral there is a gel that will help you with sperm.

For the update of nutrition about the vibration of contraception, the children are generally guilty of consulting with the doctor-andrologists.

Ale about everything in order.

Talk about contraception for the choloviks, in the first place, you must use condoms. It's no secret that a large number of people strongly dislike latex things (for example, we want to get lost in the rest of the time to curl up in the “rubber bands”. How can you not like that ?!). As only people appear in the warehouses of a stable bet and (imovirno) nothing will block the ZPSSH, the stench will immediately shrug off condoms.

In addition to being a partner, condoms are victorious in a number of nuances: think of a condom, the term of affinity, the appearance of mastication on a water basis, as well as freezing of condoms. Then їkh efficiency with the correct vikorystannі become 98%.

Contraception is hormonal. Unfortunately, the particularity of the human body is not allowed "head-on" to use the same algorithm as the vicarious option. If you explain the folding hormonal processes "on the fingers", then when you take more female hormonal drugs, it will come on. The dose of the female hormone (progesterone) is specially adjusted for the organism, which is conceived, and therefore, consumed in ovulation is mute. The I activity of the natives grows up to the hour. And a small dose of estrogen (a hormone that is used for both articles; for women, they go to bed, and in choloviks, they go to cells), the hormonal balance in the body will be adjusted, and the students “fell asleep” in their function. Such pills are called combinovanim - the smell of combining progesterone and estrogen.

On the vidminu of a woman, a cholovik who is ready to continue the family, dozens of millions of spermatozoa are circulated every day. I, in order to stifle the activity, require downright "kinski" doses of hormones. Scho to get acquainted with libido right up to the end of the sip.

Unimportant on foldability, pharmaceutical gigants without any problems push to the root of a safe and effective miracle, such as ideal prototypes for people. General direct dosage - the dosage and the regularity of the intake of female hormone (progesterone), which, as a result, galvanized spermatozoa in men. In ideals, it is necessary that spermatozoa were violated, but not "ripened". And the state of pulling, driven by the fatty hormone to zero, is fed with additional doses of the cholovic hormone (testosterone).

At the moment, a few hormonal methods are being announced in the testing regime.

Combination Implant. Revenge two hormones - testosterone (cholovic) and progesterone (female), which step by step take into the shelter for 3-4 months. The effect is trivial, stretching out to rock. Diya to the drug is reversible, no serious side effects have yet been revealed.

Uncombined implant + injections. Implants are sewn into the house, and the hormone of the progesterone group can continuously flow into the roof, which blocks the approval of spermatozoa. Dіє stretching out three rockіv. With a wide range of skin conditions 4-6 times, it is necessary to take injections of testosterone in order to adapt the status of the function.

Oral contraceptive + implant. Choloviks in small quantities take desogestrel (3rd generation progesterone), and once every 12 months, capsules with testosterone are implanted. As a result, after 16 days, spermatozoa is more suppressed to be stifled. Possible effects (improvement of mood, improvement of vagi) rolls weakly.

The price, obviously, is not an extra list, but it is not necessary for these preparations until they have passed all the basic vip products and without taking the permission for sales.

Okremo from the previous methods of varto zorotna vasectomy(Timchasova sterilization). From the point of view of the prohibitive way of superbly simple and effective - 100% reliability. And the axis of the renewal of the same function, unfortunately, is not guaranteed, and only 90% of them are added. І as tvіy cholovіk - that very loves і single, then riziki, mabut, zanadto visokі.

We need to say that the results of our modest memories have become tormented. It is necessary to use the methods of contraceptive methods not to be seen as unbaked and handy, so you can write it down on the list and tomorrow you can start agituvati your soul mate for a gift until the day of the nation.

Do not end up on the minor notes, we decided on the positive side of the history - on all the foldable and risky contraceptives, especially the simple ones, and the addictive for the contraception.

On the other hand, they have already become the same pills - combined oral contraceptives- effective and simple in storing. Any kind of implants and іn'єktsіy - smut, do not forget to take one creepy meal.

Duzhe zruchny at Vikoristanna hormonal ring- the woman will self-defend and replace the new one.

The middle of pre-construction contraception is especially important internal hormonal system... Become a gynecologist for a term of up to 5 years. For rakhunok roztashuvannya in the empty uterus, the amount of hormone is minimal, it is muscular in nature, and the reliability is 99.98%. In addition, the system of entrapment of the uterus is in a number of infectious and ready-to-use cases.

First of all turbots about contraception!

Unfortunately, in the last ten years, medicine has concentrated on providing contraception for women, at the same time explaining the simplicity of the distribution of such drugs. You will be able to unite your vagina, you will need to finish it every 28 days to block your eggs. In the case of the heads, the situation is insha - it is necessary to have an "army" of spermatozoa, which is more foldable. A less effective method of contraception for the people is nevertheless to be aware of, instructing an hour to look at the methods of presentations.

Five basic methods of contraception

Re-dubbing the statutory act.

Efficiency - close to 80%. Cholovik is guilty of a vityagti member of the affiliate program until the moment of sympathy. For the statistics of the skin quarters of the cholovik vikoristovu male method.


  • not vimagaє vicorystannya tablets anyway;
  • bezel-less;
  • does not start a shkodi organizmu.


  • people need to be in good control of the family;
  • vimagaє post-staynoї springs on the hour of the statutory act, do not miss the necessary moment;
  • do not seize any of the infections;
  • when trivial vicoristannі lower libido.

Vikoristannya condom.

Approximately 56% of people use condoms themselves. The most popular and effective for the human contraception. Happy to vibrate with latex - impervious to sperm speech.


  • finding efficiency (85-97%);
  • possession of the VIL and of the inferior articles of infection;
  • simplicity of sale and wide availability for sale.


  • psychological discomfort and decreased sensitivity before the hour of the statute;
  • vimaga deyakikh navichok in zastosuvannі;
  • do not be hungry at the moment you need it;
  • Latex allergy for choloviks and women;
  • if the condom is wrong, it will break and tear, and the result will be lost.

Uninvolved on all shortcomings, the condom itself is used as the main method of contraception. Krim Allergy, there are no contraindications.

Vasectomy (sterilization).

The whole surgical operation is trivial 30 chilines, in the course of which the seed-erupting streams are intermixed. Chi does not pour into the potency and statues of the cholovik's draft. After 2-3 months, after sterilization, the need for contraception in other ways of contraception will increase. Reach efficiency 99%.


  • temporality;
  • The operation is only valid once.


  • vimag of surgical involvement;
  • nevorotn_st (the number of children is no longer possible for mothers);
  • road trip;
  • do not take away the ailment, which is transmitted by the state path;
  • According to the legislation of Russia, sterilization is allowed only for people over 35 years old, as there may be a minimum of two children.

The whole method of getting involved is the most radical, while the operation of the cholovik cannot become a dad, naturally, but such a prospect is far from all.

Cholovichi prototype tablets.

New word in contraception. Yak and female analogs, place in the warehouses of hormones. Allowances instead of testosterone in the blood of a person overshkodzhaє approval of spermatozoa. For the end of the reception, one function will be updated annually.

Prototypical tablets for people who are left alone in rozrobtsi

We sell cich pills for some nemaє, samples of the preparation at the stage of clinical viprobuvan. Ale huhato fahivtsiv are already skeptically staged before the tribute. On the right, in the case that a number of cellina's cases are ripening for 70 days, so that you need to take regularly for three months to get an extra vaginal capacity of the tablet.

Prototype pills for people as long as it is not possible to name it as an effective contraception. Before the appearance of the number of items for sale, some other things may pass.

Cholovik is a contraceptive implant.

Still one new product is not viprobouvan. It’s a small (2.5 cm) object that can take revenge on hormones, which can be injected into the skin. We will bring spermatozoa virobling and for a day, there will be one more function of the person. One of the implant perevaga - the dropout is the need to take over.

Inadequacies in the case of individual pills of vaginosity do not give a hopeful consternation and may become the cause of negative hormonal changes in the body. About the protection of cases of infection with statutory infections may not be reported.

Visnovok: the number of contraception is effectively represented by condoms;