Why do evil people live better. Aggression under the fence: how to turn evil ecologically.

How do the representatives of the new signs of Zodiac catch their wickedness?

All the time, every hour, we are completely self-controlled and angry. You can go out with yourself, if, for example, if you want to stick with the ailing topic for you, or how much more dratuvaty you. Anger can take over you, if you will not be the nobility, as it is ruled.

It is described in the lower lecture, as the representatives of the zodiac signs of the zodiac can catch their wickedness. Thanks to this information, it will help you to cope better and become calm in any situation. Also, by the way, over which very criteria the representative of the skin sign is guilty of correcting it, but I am abbreviating the version of myself.

Yak signs to zodiac to catch his wickedness


Yak, one of three signs of fire, Aries can easily cheer you, if you will not be noble, as you can fit in with him. Representatives of this sign can reach the ignition and can quickly grow, in the fallowness of the situation. The stench will get very worried, if something or something is worth it. I want Aries and a number of beautiful things, oh dark side You can go to the name, if everything is not going the way it wants to.

Uninvolved on those who are Ovny's zazvychay not provoke the sick with pears, it’s easy to make them die. The stench is even worse and filthy to take off the strikes. We will be able to walk and walk around Aries navshpinki, so that we will not provoke the head of the volcano, but we can easily become, as soon as it is possible to form chi razdratuvati.

Protest, Ovny shyly walk around with himself, or so shyly forget about those who have thrown their spouses into oblivion. The stench of everything is quickly forgotten and forgiven, so don't worry too much about it, if you will rapt Aries to yourself.


The calf can be kept close to yourself, so be safe, since you still can't see it. Representatives of this sign can sometimes show passive aggression and shy away from you, if you make a big mistake. Bulls do not like to admit the fact that they perceived bil, so you can find a way to see not the intelligence that you have imagined. Protest, if the Taurus will stop roaming around with you, you will be the nobility melodiously, as if they have confused him. The stench is especially angry when I’m barking, snorting or making me angry. But all the same, in a large number of vipadks, Taurus takes a quiet time and does not allow anybody to poturbuvati.

As the representative of the zodiac sign is angry, please do not hesitate one, that one knows a great expanse of space, that one should be happy with everything. Bulls are neuromatically obstinate and independent, because if they have a hard time, it stinks for being beautifully stuck alone.

Stink to discuss the problem with you, if you are ready. Head over to the head, but Taurus is still in every way, the representatives of this sign do not see balacuchism. Yaksho їkh rozlyutiti, the stench will want a lot of visibility, and I will need your utmost respect.

All the same, do not check, for everything will end without the inheritance, the pieces of Teltsi finish the vindictive ones, and you cannot immediately get closer to the people, as it rejoiced your dovira.


You may have a spinning head from the Bliznyuk, if you will not be nobility, as with them you will be spilkuvatisya or something. The stench will say one thing, and then the roar will call you. The twins are shy in one mite, take your thought for something. You can tell me that Bliznyuk is just not smart.

Protest, Bliznyuki will not grow fired up. It’s good to get angry, to catch the stench of your sentiment, or not to become obsessed with it. Representatives of this sign to love life and do not want to vitrachati for a long time for those who are frantic.

The twins can buzz you all the way, so that you should be angry in a fair way, be in the song, you will feel it for yourself.

It does not befitting twins, if you say to them, you will be in control, or if you will get out of control, if you don’t have a lot of work, then you will lose yourself with them in good adolescents.


Cancers are even more cute, kind and responsive. Tim is not mensh, people do not love the tsim koristuvatisya, nіzh zmushuyut Rakіv see, but they do not appreciate and accept yak properly. If you screech Cancer, then do not check, for what is your opinion. You will have to go to the first place if you want to save your money.

Cancers are nervously passively aggressive, so if you are angry, then don't check, but tell you about the stench. If you have a bad idea of ​​іntuitsіya і you can't read the text, it means that it won't be easy for you to get along with Cancer.

Crayfish are even easier to form, and the stench doesn’t sound turbulent through any dribbles. If you are very angry, the stench will be prikhovuvati your feeling, leave, vyshtoy, not vibrate. As soon as you know the representative of the zodiac sign, feed him every hour and let him talk if necessary. Tse will help you in the uniqueness of uniqueness of welding and non-smudging.

As soon as you are working about a new one, you are going to grow the first croc. Crayfish do not want to apply be-like zusilla, as they have formed. If you want to save your money, show Cancer, as you strongly love about new things.

Representatives of the highest standard have a mark. The stench to bestow on your loved ones all your love and vitality, and to cleanse the same from the mind. As soon as you kill Cancer, it hurts, if you can forgive you, it won’t be done in one day.

a lion

Levy fired up. This is the sign of the zodiac, in the end of the day, why should they check? Protest, Leo will not be grateful for you - as long as you be angry, it’s crazy to give you the prospect of the nobility.

Levy, just like a child, do not check, but you can intelligently discuss the situation with them. Representatives of this sign can throw themselves at everything, come across a hand, shout, roll around on pidlozi, or vlashtovuvati be-like the scene, like you will respect your respect. Stink can navіt obyivati ​​you і say those who do not think for the sake of truth. Do not take these words close to the heart, Levam just need to viplesnuti their feelings.

Like representatives of a sign of fire, Levy burns out and rests so smartly, like walking around with himself. Do not worry too much, if Leo has been looted, he won’t be turned around.


Divi madly reject the ring of the zodiac's most patient sign. They have the least malice, in some cases, with some signs, and it can take less than an hour, first of all, Diva will show her help. Representatives of this sign not to love the manifestation of emotion, do not check to that one, but if you want to tell you, if you are angry. The stench will be obrazhatsya all the way to quiet feasts, as long as you do not forget about her. Protest, if you make a big scry to the Diva, then be ready to spend a good friend, so the representatives of this sign will be able to forgive.

Divi, in the same way, like and Cancer, become passively aggressive, to collapse. The stench will sulk and ignore you. It doesn't look like a direct confrontation, and the stench is getting unicatiy, yak chumi. Smell shvidshe pidut, soob at one and only fit in with your anger, not start vyhlyupuvati її on you, oskіlki їdomo, as a kind of vantage we can appear for you.

Through their calm nature, people come to the Divas to let steam. Representatives of this sign do not want to, they coped with their important experiences.

Divi can pierce you, if you make a mistake, you won't forget the stench. Having healed їхnyu dovira, do not check, but you go and win it back with ease.


Vagi, yak hunches to light, get angry streaming anger for any price. It looks like a balance in every single person and in life in general, and the axis of evil does not fit into the whole plan. If you want to make a big confusion, Wagi will be streaming everything in yourself, and you will eliminate the conflict. Smell to believe in justice, so if you make a pardon, Vagi, hire me, give you another chance.

I don’t want to show you the stench, but the representatives of this sign, by their nature, are even more sensitive. Oh, it’s often won’t, ale the stench vvazhayut for beautiful trimati everything in your own.

Wagi shvidshe will be big in a confl ict, if you are angry, then do not check, so the stink of the first crock will ruin. You may not be the nobility yourself, but Terezi will look at you, but if you didn’t see them for a few days, it means that they’ve been hired, so there і.

The stench will completely trim the image in your supercircuits in the maybutt may vikoristovuvati your pardons against you.


Having risen Scorpio, we are in front of brutal respect for the first time. Surely, Scorpion himself does not know for nothing, for torment. Representatives of this sign of nikoli do not know how to make them angry. Protest, їх eyes, viraz revealing and іnshi prikhovani signs see the Scorpions.

You don’t want to be seen with the representatives of this sign, the odor of a vengeance. As soon as you screech Scorpio, it is not for you not to let go of your hands, and rather to put together a plan of your favor. You are sure to poturbuvatisya, if the Scorpion will lead itself quietly, oskіlki, hіmіmіrnіshe, at the moment a grand plan is in vіnosu, how to allow you to make rakhunki with you.

Protest, if the Scorpion is still roiling, give them some special space, which they don't want to, if they are standing over their souls at that moment, if they feel comfortable. If you're ready, let's try to talk to you. Protest, in action situations, Scorpions can become passively aggressive and check the first crocus from you.

Scorpio will talk to you, if he himself will be ready. Do not get tired of it, there are even more splinters of it.


Yak is the sign of the zodiac, Streltsi will ask you a cake, if you are angry. The representatives of this sign are filthy to spry the joy, so they will not miss you in peace, if you make a mistake. Moreover, you will be better off for everything, you will be retired faster, shards of Strelets will nagaduvati a bomb, I am ready to vibrate at any moment.

If Streltsi get angry, then get sarcastic. This behavior is a clear sign of the fact that you have seen them in yourself. Tim is no less, there are more representatives of this sign to deteriorate in their heat and to be recharged by all the forces of streaming.

Likewise, maybe it’s just a matter of an hour, if you want to worry, the stink of stinking over the beautifully unique situations of this kind and not getting angry. On the other hand, Striltsi doesn’t even think about it, to play with an elephant, to love to analyze the situation and know the solution. Be respectful, for that in deyaky vipadkah, representatives of this sign can think of problems on an empty mission.


Captain, yak a sign of the earth, to be angry even more seldom. The smell of shvidshe will try to save the calmness of being able to spare your energy for niv. Protest, if everything has roiled Capricorn - shvidshe bizhit.

You will be the nobility singing melodiously, the Capricorns splinters get angry even more rarely and in months you can stream all the stress and grip in them. If Kozerіg doesn’t showcase, and all the same it’s vibuhaє - shvidshuyte ukrittya. You do not want to anger Capricorn, for that it is easy for the representatives of this sign to not forgive. The stench can scream and vlashtovuvati stage, if you want to see your emotions, but all the same, the price is not trivial.

They have a lot of ochikuvannya and as well as not feel good at seeing, Capricorns get charmed and angry. Until quietly, as long as you see a strict moral code, you will lose yourself with Capricorns in good looks.


Aquarius love discussions and growths, as they think about something, but the axis of the super-spider cannot be tolerated. If you have lost the Aquarius, then do not check, if you have lost the order for you. Aquarius will go back to nature or on a trip, never sit and wind up.

Protest, if you happen to be immediately aware of the situation, you are inclined, Aquarius to beat the vitality and elegance. Representatives of this sign do not like to show them their emotions, so in any situation they will become calm and streamlined. Mozhlivo Aquarius and tell you all the better, just for that, how to sort out all your help questions at one time.

Aquarius can help write off you from rakhunks without any explanations. The stench will be namagatisya correct vіdnosini, if the stench doesn’t mean anything to them, then Aquarius, better for everything, will not become vitrachati for the whole hour.


Yak is a watermark of a zodiac, emotsiї Ribs to finish glibokі. Inodi, the stench can get angry through dribnitsi, ale, nyimovirnishe, you can't show anyone. Їm not befitting a conflict, і the stench will be unique for any price. In the same way, as and when they are the signs of the zodiac, Ribi is willing to stream your emotions to make yourself happy and to feel good.

Representatives of this sign want to be alone, then go to their own and quietly their emotions. Smell you can throw speeches, posters, shout, turn on your voice " important metal"How to whip your emotions.

Ribby can do the same to the image, but here everything is hidden from the situation. If you are rich for them, you mean, Ribi, hire me, come before you, talk to you and ask for everything.

Stats - How Do You Show Anger According To Your Zodiac Sign? via Kuber

Lyudin, as for an hour from the hour we’re bachimo angry, we can be in short contact with our own feelings, not that one, who is invariably miles and good from usima. Shvidshe for everything, the rest is just picking up his own anger, not grasping what is, - and everything can be read as summarily, both for the new one and for the desperate. Yak will be on my mother's side, right with my anger?

The nurse of the shvidkoy help, Mistechka Medvest, took notice of the dispatcher about those who were delivered to the emergency room in the critical station by five people. The situation, to finish it, is stressed, the tim, who was one of the wounded by the wounded by the cholovik, was relieved. Four of the best boules I don’t know. Uninvolved on the life of the Zusillian drugs, all five of them died.

Who has hammered in їх? The collapse of the booth? Bus emergency? Construction of a used car? Pozhezha?

Їх was killed by spite.

One of the cars got magalized on the road. Ale іnshy water did not want to move. Plich-o-plich stinks drove forward - maneuvering, raging out of malice. Zhoden from them, not remembering the third car, but flew right, until it was not good.

The nurse's head appeared in one of the quiet waters.

Two choloviks, who pushed to beat one one, didn’t start before. They had no reason to be angry; Alone, he summoned them to fierce, he was inveterate in overtaking.

Three families were orphaned through tragedy, which became the result of malice, like, on the thought of statistics, to stand at the first place among the causes of car accidents in the country.

Skinny can imagine himself in the re-upgraded aggression of water, albeit for happiness, depriving one of them staking with such sums of inheritance. As far as giving malice the power of screaming is in the middle, it can lead to the fact that you will become a significant force, ruining our lives. We are guilty of being in control of us - so long as it didn’t take control of us.

Why should you take anger

Malice is a natural emotion, a splash of what is trivial, change from decile seconds to decile quill. For example, if you want to sit in front of you in a movie, get up and block the screen, a normal reaction will go up to one or two slips. As soon as we see anger and visibly її, we will shake it off, then we will be in order. Problems come to mind, as if, without having caught the malice, it’s almost impossible to accumulate.

The spite is driven not to vipar; won a stak bi incomplete right. Those two waters of the boule on the re-establishment of the old evil, then, having grown up, vibrated like a volcano.

Our problem with the accumulated wickedness of the field is that, since people have shaped us, they want to vibrate for the sko, which is already inadequate. We’re going to get angry, for that, it’s old-fashioned. I won’t be able to splice on the surface in good knowledge and goodness, with great paths.

The deyaki grew up in the family, de displaying malice in the respect was unacceptable, and in the family, deybnitsya rooted juggernaut fierce. Not surprisingly, we have a lot of correct role models for the rotation of natural senses.

Allegedly, anger is a normal reaction, as it should manifest itself at every moment. For example, until the end of the day it never ceases to bring up that evil people live better. Something to that, who will vipuskayut their emotsii, somethrough those who will vimagayut to themselves respect. We know that the malice of additional help to control the navkolishny light, yes, the ability to set the boundaries. Alle tse vіdbuvaєatsya deprived of until quiet feast, while the short sleeps of malice lead to a healthy reaction, not turning into inadequacy, violence, brutality.

Vipadkov's malice, proportional to the strength of the pod, is a sign of health. A little more often than not because of the fear of the mighty malice, and so much beyond that, so much so that you cease to understand it.

Anger is just a little bit. Feel it іsnu so that they could see yo, and not sujuvati. As for people who are overwhelmed in the camp of malice, they feed: "How do you see?" Price is a smart way to think about food. Vіn go out from the rose, or not from the soul. Moving in contact with powerful people has become a great birth in a funky suspension. Beastly respect, as often the proposition is to be repaired from the word “I think”, and not “I see”.

If the beast is angry in the middle of oneself, it will often turn into depression, or feel guilty. Do not let the enemies develop from the past and look at the real reality. So malice has become old unfinished right - not only for others, but for myself.

We have the ability to jump from one extreme to the other: either trim your anger against the castle, or "give it a go", you call yourself. It is not permissible for malice to defy oneself by a natural rank; Ісnє stiyka dumka, scho people, like shouting, cannibalizing character. But those, which are not screaming, callous does not mean that they are overwhelmed in the world and goodness with themselves - and for the purpose of malice.

Seeing aggression, overcome your fear

We called mothers to the right because of evil - more, less because of our fear. It is easier for us to say to the cholovikov: "I am angry at you", nіzh "I am afraid that I am kinesh." It’s easier to get out of the way of the wrong, but to understand: “I’m afraid that I myself am not good enough”.

Young Lyudin on іm'ya Endryu kіlka mіsyatsіv having asked for a meal in a cafe for her little girl Melania. Ale in the place bulo kilka cafe tsієї mézhy. Andrew, having checked Melania with a stretch of thirty or forty heaps, sent the message to the auto-prompts, having turned to the door. “I am intelligent, I have become a rogue, and I will try to do it all at once,” he explained. - Ale zvsіm іnshoyu bula reaction Melanі. Vona was very angry at me, thinking that I had left one behind; Virishila, I can't do it. I have brutalized and respect for those who are quicker for everything, we checked one one in the winter. "

Those who, for Andrew, appeared to be a simple rascal, for Melania it became zhakhlivny blood-hearted ones - with distant visnovki about those who are inappropriate cholovik and will be rozcharovuvati in maybutny. Vona brought more malice into the situation, but not the situation of that merit; malice, yak, might have been deprived of the old image. The dvchina did not bash reality as it did in the bull.

Pose to contact with fear and wicked wickedness, Melania defeated against Andrew. It’s a pity, the leech was shattered by the first croc - oskazhenіla. We are all good at this stage: “I’m angry, you don’t feel bad there”, “I’m angry, I’m sorry for that one”, “I’m angry, I’ve made a bad name for the robot”, “I’m angry, having said so ". It would be necessary to see another croc, looking deeply in the middle of oneself - to discover the fear that lies in the foundation of everything. Axis of deyakі keys, which can in general:

anger: I'm angry because you didn't get there.
fear: If you didn’t appear there, I was angry that I had thrown me.

anger: I’m angry because I’m sorry.
fear: I'm not that important to you, yak your robot.

anger: I’m angry because I killed the robot.
fear: I am afraid that we will have few pennies, and we will not be able to pay off our rakhunki.

anger: I’m angry for saying that.
fear: I'm afraid I don't love you anymore ...

It’s easier to stick with evil, but I’ll help my mother with a sharpness, but such a problem cannot be resolved by the main problem.

Dos pretend to be wonderful people!

The prosperity vvazhaє anger to the rotten, to the wrong feelings, for that we have a lot of healthy ways to turn. Mi zaganymo її, zaganyamo or stream. The majority of the trimmings are all around - until they are quiet, as long as they don’t vibrate, but they didn’t say to us: "I am angry through the crowd." Then I know everything, like pretending to be wonderful people, like not getting angry - until quietly, until you vibrate and think of all thirty-three images.

It’s too much to stream anger, and to condemn it. To spin, how stink, love and spiritual individuals, you can’t be angry. Ale, spite can be a normal reaction; Vaughn is important, more help with pratsyuvati over vlastnie pochutty.

One woman told her history, like having gone through an unhappy vipadok, if she cleaned her towel. Yak didn’t try to make peace with his death, she couldn’t accept it. I couldn’t do it for myself, as long as a terrible thunderstorm didn’t appear once. Zanuren in thoughts about the death of the daddy, she got lost in the back yard, in the noise of the board, started screaming all over the place about those who are nasty - right into the gurkit thunder. Well, in the midst of a thunderstorm, it helped to get in touch with its evil - and power all the niv. Pislya dekil'koh khviliin screaming and kicking her fists out of the way she fell to the ground and swooped down. For the first time, she knew about the fate of the world, but I knew the light.

Kommentuvati can "Why do evil people live better?"

I do not want to get sick, but give my emotsies a name, and the one who chooses is all in his own, because of the sickness

It’s not good for us, but it’s all the blame

Good article, right! It is necessary to take a little glechik afterwards, because the nicoli is not a drop of the end of the speck :)

Only 3 visits .

Also on the theme "Why do evil people live better?"

Everything is good for me. Tobto on the smallest of that yak tse buvaє for the ones is good, but in the zagal it is rotten. It’s a skinny day, I’m not original. The first person, who became the initiator of the separation, is not divine. For the first time, to go to the little ones, and even to the farther the mile, the tsikavity of the fathers ceases to grow - and the price is not new, so whoops. First, as soon as possible, everything could be good. I have my own apartment, I don’t need to do it and open it again. At Veresna, I go to the robot, de me check ...

Rozmova came to our robots about those who will be punished for evil. Well, we were trained in Kazkah, in religion. First of all, you live happily. Niyaka karma is not to be found there. Everything is in the precision of the navpaki - the gold of the ludin, the dear, and everything is in a mess in life.

Vipadkovo posed a phrase in Guzeeva's mind, which was almost like this: “It’s not like saying to mother and daughter one to one, it’s not to belittle and not to form”. I would like to start into the world about the childish-daddy's all sorts of things, not without fail, and if the children are 3 rocky, and mother is 23 (as well as about 26 and 46), it may be wrong and important. To bring the mіrkuvati. So the axis, at me with a mother, is chronic and heavy, like a little one with flint, non-intelligent one is one ...

IMHO, our otochennya is shaped in that number - as if not in the first place - our behavior and the confessions of people who are so attractive to themselves are attractively similar, so in dissimilar ones, such rice, like Bagato robish of evil, from the wickedness of evil appears.

I wanted to take the fourth 5th month of my life, I was forced to have an abortion, my sister, having learned about the whole thing in shots, well, but who did not know about my visit, I was now afraid of being condemned. my eyes are condemned, I just have a panic that started. But then I want a child and let it be important, I can see everything. I can’t make an abortion. Tse also happy mothers children! Why are people near this ...

Help yak reactivate on the boorish children of the boy 7 years old. Є senior 12 years old sister, zovsim іnshy spokіyna ditina. From the head of the namagaєmosya, go to see the blue, as you can help him. Such a hostile need you want to once a day viplesnuti negative emotions. Alle the hysterics are even stronger and even more powerful (as if they didn’t react for maybe a year).

My daughter doesn’t love to write. Well, the stench doesn’t come ... I love writing. Axis і viyshlo, scho in the flowing ninth grade, I was brought іy seriously in tsіy right to help. The first axis from which I got stuck. For tvir after cottage cheese "Woe to the Rose", my daughter otrima 4/5. Before writing the teacher, the teacher practically dictated that the TV was ready, and they wrote it themselves. My daughter dreamed about, she said, how to supply the bastard with an estimate, the leaves fell. I asked ...

... (with them, that I’m my father-in-law, I didn’t know, but I don’t know if I’ve got it, but the point is that I’m even more angry. , dictuvati to whom to robiti, yak guess yak mi lived at the same time (leave ...

So, here it is: a sprinkle of demand all the same, go head-to-head into a robot, even more importantly, a few more evils - more beautiful! And now the one who is ready to say "the road like a tablecloth" lived with a great bunch of people?

I'm angry. In life there are people, like everything else, like everything, and like thinking the impudence of the povchati. Name. Popular discussion in 2006 roci. mom, tse tanya, there'll be life with us ...

air. Well i? The dacha is motivated, just won’t let her live just like that. Aje, if it’s basically adequate for the life of a man, then the reason for “noticing” is to blame. Zafiga won’t you ?? Probachiti її - vibachte. For yourself, just do not trim evil on her.

And even in the minority of people, people want evil alone! I can't live with such a person anymore. When I change my mind, it’s not the very fact of being angry that I’m overwhelmed, but I’m trying to be more prikhovati.

Walking around, the shortage is not insane, it is possible because of such a human life. І yak, yak in the presence of a mirkuvati about those who love to blame for love? Love is evil :) I am not important.

It is important for me to tell people (and it’s impossible to sing melodiously) to see if my plans are in order, then I’m angry, ala ... I would like it to be the counterparts, but win is also a leader.

Malice is even more ancient than ancient emotion. Be-like creatures from time to time see dissatisfaction, as they are the basic ones consumed by the threat. For people, anger is one of the basic experiences. Accepted respect, for all the chotiri: fear, confusion, gniv and joy. We will stay an hour before the list is completed.

I want everyone to be angry, such a behavior was accepted by the suudzhuvati: for the sake of joy, all the emoticons take on the “negative” and “uncomfortable”, but quite a few want to be in the principle of nicholas and do not see them. Choosing it, why shouldn't we be so robust, we need to be angry and how to play it, so that you didn't want to write yourself ruinuvan.

Gniv, hate, evil

In the form of fierceness in the human brain, they actively take on the fate of the flicker, or the flicker of the distance (before the speech, in them, the centri will grow out, so that they look for fear). Migdally similar bodies react to signals of contamination, so that they come from the outward light, so, for the idea of ​​nature, malice is needed for the whole person - the whole thing. In response to fear, the motive is to attack us, and from the dilemma "bey abo bezhi" choose the first option.

In a rosy people in their blood, they develop a level of adrenaline and norepinephrine, a part of the heart (that is, they are heartbroken, if they are evil), they will be able to suffer blood loss (it’s possible to be bitis). You can, you think, well, as soon as they drove you away, everything will start working. Zminyuєtsya і mіmіka: the bagatokh's nose krill is inflated and energized upper lip- instills a beastly grin.

Zagalom, anger is a tse zhisno-defensive reaction. The state of the art of streaming is necessary for us for social adaptation. Tidy up splashes of fierceness in this world can all creatures, so live in groups - the smell of stench simply could not be used in a collective. Ale dal for all in the whole idea of ​​the cholovik. Oskilki fierce - not only show our "tart" nature, won’t be lyak, and we can show you physical ones, but our culture has steadily laid a taboo not only on the manifestation of aggression, but on the idea of ​​all things, because of the new gniv, hatred, wickedness, ominousness, bazhannya awe. So the constructive idea of ​​not throwing fists at the wicked person and not spreading the furniture was transformed into a toxic idea: to get involved, to see the evil being rotten.

Such ideas can be developed in religious spirits, in the midst of people, who want to go into general philosophy, or just in working teams. In the bagatokh families, it is fenced in the lingering of the nests to the fathers, in the case of verbal forms. Inodi should be broadcast directly: "You can't be angry with your mom!" Often, the "pre-vernacular" ness is ranked in terms of fallowness from the "eurarchia" in the family: for example, children cannot be angry, tatovs can be angry, and mother can be robbed, so you can still be tired of and tato vіnly show niv).

"Tse is immoral"

Why are these ideas toxic? By the way, it is unwise to perceive malice on the physiological and biochemical. I not required. Emotions cannot be “nasty” and “good”; Our emotional system in a deyakom sense is just a collapsible organ for a sensation, like a hearing, a light or a dot. If you want, by the way, to see a singing feeling - all one wants, by the power of will, to absorb the ear, or zir.

Lyudin, yak vdaє, is not aware of the grudge, is guilty of creating a false specialty, as it is strongly suspected of being seen by himself. Ale oskіlki gnіv all one "seep", if it breaks the cordon anyway as if I will block the safe people, anger can take a form: transform into zeal "regret", contempt is scanty. Lyudin, it’s impossible to know that it was vicious at a new attack of anger, it’s magicka to rationalize the aggression and to bring it about as a principle: morality, science, ethics. That is, if you can’t just see, but “be worthless”, be told that the same (generally neutral) vchinok or the phenomenon is totally unacceptable: “It is immoral, but it is immoral, but it is not natural.

If Lyudin is mesmerized to shut up the gniv
on the inside of the internal view, it should be done before the animal is angry on itself, or before it is passively showing aggression

I am going to use the folding system "pidpirok", the energy is great. Until then, the suppression and stifling of aggressiveness will disorient us: it’s a signal that it’s going to break our cordons, blocking our emotional or physical security, our movement in a group, so identity. Having lost such an important "warrant of hearts", we opinyaєmosya nabagato bilsh bezakhisnі.

The rejection of grudges is very strong against people: anger is an additional help for identifying, well, as it happens, it is unacceptable or disagreeable for us, and, it is possible, to adjust the situation. And if a person is tempted to stop nagging on the inside of the inner visions, then to produce either before the animals are angry on themselves, or even before they passively show aggression. Tse, in my own heart, I will be able to do it and more and more sniffs and snares the emotions.

The fear of strong sentiments is victorious, if people do not distribute emotsiyu and inappropriately. Gniv, mabut, is one of the most powerful sentiments - this is especially taboos imposed on the new one. So, the psychologist was led to the proposition "to try to see my grips and dissatisfaction in contact with people", perhaps from the client: "I now, beat my face with all?" Tse yakraz the butt of that, as a lyudin did not develop a feeling of reaction.

In psychotherapy, such unrepentant emotions and negligent reactions to them are called "reaction". In general, people have no strength or psychic constructions, so they can think of everything around themselves, even if they transform and only because of vibrate reaction, as it will be prescriptive. Replacing some guilt is inadvertently wicked out of your own anger - and do not start in a straightforward form. The taboo on the aggression of young people is stronger, so the anger at them turns into hatred for oneself and turns, for example, into self-educated abnormal behavior.

Another butt of a non-direct indirect turn of anger is a passive aggression. This phenomenon has given its name in the forties of the last century - the root of yakraz in the establishment, which is absolutely unacceptable. Passive aggression allows you not to get caught up in it directly, just like it’s like that, when you see a ludic person in your mind, he’s blamed on us at the end of the day, and maybe, letting go of your presence, or want to ask if you don’t feel like it. Do not directly show malice: letting go a little behind your back, zakochuvannya eyes, versatile "submissive sent", if people are voiced super-verbose proclamation or phrases, or speak in words alone, but in contrast; as well as destructive sabotage - zabuvannya, overdue, regular storage.

I called for a little

Why would it be good to be in touch with your own niv? As soon as they said vishche, then, if you do not perceive anger, it does not mean that you do not be angry. Shvidshe navpaki: through those who do not understand your feeling, you consume the power of control, as the stench manifests itself. And yet people, who do not perceive their malice, are better off thinking to themselves, their own consumption, bazhanya and intercourse. To be reasonable, it is necessary for us to be fit, it is necessary to take into account those who do not befit to the call. Be-like online super-links - a weird little maidan, a bunch of people, how people are fighting against badly assimilated aggression. From a simple response - to scold some people, go to the specialties, it’s worthwhile - to more subtle ones - it’s more important for them, because it’s cynically respectful, trolling.

In bagatokh, this is the kind of vignette? So pricey. The first croc on the way to the ecological and civilized haze - allow yourself to get angry. This does not mean that you are guilty of allowing your uncontrolled sleepers of aggression, - I mean, those who do not allow yourself to see them on your own, in the middle. Before the speech, navigate to the whole croc in the form of psychotherapy. Our suspension has even stronger ideas of sacredness: for example, you cannot be angry with the fathers, especially with the mother, that you are holy, with people of the older generation, with those who are dead and dead, in some spirits, people are not accepted by the authorities. ... I have called sob to see if you feel like it is a majestic croc.

Malice is most often individual. If you can’t tolerate a group of people, if you can’t tolerate a group of people, most often you’re dissipating something even more specific, if you like Volodya or some signs

It is important to intelligence, but it itself winks. The subject of aggression is often of retaliation, and it happens quite a bit when asked for help from food “Why don't you make me angry? Who am I mad at? », I will collect the residual view. Malice is most often individual. If you can’t tolerate a group of people, you can’t tolerate a group of people, most often it’s more specific, if you’re going to pick it up or pick it up.

For example, a woman-childfri, yaka stverdzhu, how to hate "children", with such a rank you can turn nests on your mother (for yak, madly, for a child) and on the other members of the family. And the woman from the forum about motherhood, where she turns anger at "all kinds of crops, and hopeless children", may in reality be angry with her cholovik, who would not be able to cope with her hardships due to the challenge of a child.

There are two first crocs, which until the very outbreak of malice and do not admit, most of the time. If a reference is made to the fervor of knowledge, the food is victorious, and to robiti, I’ll not get angry sooner, but because of the destructions between, the threat of discomfort, like, like memory, and generate a bitter reaction. If the anger is situational, and the situation is generally safe, a good option is to tell the addressee about your anger, or about those who behave like an unacceptable, vicious, "I-see" images). In a situation that is not safe to sound the gnives, try to make the most of the problematic place, but it’s not a party with unacceptable people, or a company, and it’s bad to be around with spirits. Nareshty, the most common option - gniv, for once at a time in a close relationship with a partner, a relative, a child. Here you can help a couple or an individual psychotherapy: then, the reaction of a vinikє is regular, you can bring about a folding problem situation.

In any case, remember: Idea, wickedness is a "rotten" Emotion, from which it is needed sooner to get confused, hopelessly stale. Listen to yourself and your sentiments - it is possible, even when it comes to the shipment, which is more visually appealing, in such a situation with your life you will be brutally respectful and deserving of snakes.

Who said, why are you angry and shitty? Mabut, that one, there is nothing wisdom in human and not to sort out in physiology. It is imperative to show aggression in a ruinous rank there, you can know a greater and not a lazy way of turning. Ale, yak, and be-yak respectful, malice was given to people not vaguely. Today we will talk about gniv without pre-emption.

Jmovіrno, it will be a lot to be seen for you, and it might help you to be more beautiful in your senses, and you might be able to get involved with it, so it’s not good for us, nor for us.

Anger is not rotten for its nature

Yak, if you feel like it, malice was not given to people in a bad way. Children and grow up to be angry for other reasons: children - more do not get what they want, mature - if they see the safety. Gniv itself is not a rotten thing, ale vimagaє of a beastly beast. If you bring you cinnamon, and not a Skoda, it is necessary to take a lot of money, and you will be taken.

physical evil

You, mindlessly, know the camp, if your heart fights in a little more often, not very much, dale, you live to grow, if your heart is energized - you are angry. The system for organisms under the code name "beats for bizhi" is on: you can vibrate one of two strategies for turning malice. It’s definitely not corny, so it’s not worth wagging your nests - in any way, in a literal sense, send your energy all the way to the heart. This is how psychosomatic illnesses appear. Vylovlyuvat malice obov'yazkovo, nutrition deprivation in that, in its form. It’s the same for me to finish nasty, and our drills are old ruinous.

Belonging to malice - strong motivation

At the moment of experiencing the gniv of lyudin pragne do dia. Anger was given to us in order to resist the problem, to come up with an independent way out of folding situations. Organism will turn into a camp of calmness and pacification, and nagging nagadat to us, so it is necessary to respond to the joy of the Kohan people, or even injustice on the robot, so that you would rather get lost in carelessness.

Humor rosciyu evil

First, you need to see, if you want to be able to happen because of evil, - well, life is important and due to all kinds of stresses. Choloviks and women are a natural rite in a way to catch malice, to appear in a stressful moment. But it’s not just a creature, it’s not a crop, it’s not crooked, it consumes the health of the world and vibrates the way it responds. We can feel ill at ease, as if we could put it on the shoulder blades for the help of a smile.

Zvychayno, we will not recommend humor yak to fight with the attacker against you the rapist. Alle in side-by-side situations - on robots, at home, in a friendly company - in the distance, the heat of the building was roasted until the thunderbolt was too fast.

Uncontrollable malice to lead to heart attacks

Anger is unaffected, as they have already guessed, I become against myself. Svitove vchene spivovarstvo regularly publishes statistics about those who do not obsessively negatively. Spitefulness, not knowing how to call it, prompts a heart attack or insult. Give it to the whole house, to the nasty food and to the sitting robot - and take away a typical portrait of a man, which, from the great ymovyrnistyu, will die shvidko and rapt.

Not only spilkuvannya wiklikє anger

Most often we hate on some people, so it’s wrong to stink, to drive us, to spoil us more painfully and disgustingly, not to vindicate ochikuvan. (Before the speech, do you still find out what is out of them?) Another reason for stress and anger is a persistent and overworldly noise. Moreover, for a large part of the hour, it is not necessary to navigate.

Yakshcho you are constantly growing up and wonder why, listen to your otochennya. Do you have enough peace and quiet? Does your life have a permanent sound teaser, whether it be to talk to children without any reason, or to galaslee colleagues, to touchless and hard-to-hear, or to work, to be happy one after another? If you see yourself on the platoon all the hour, you can win a banal silence.

planned relaxation

If you know for sure that this year's evenings you check a movie with friends, a massage session, an evening at a vidminniy company, a romantic supper with a cohany people, if you’re thinking about it, you’ll be easier to control. We'll call the warehouse plan only for the robots and for the obv'yazkovyh rights, and in the case of the fixes you will need to "if I will rebuild everything." But it’s necessary and super respectful, I don’t mind the power of the nicholas will not end. To that, you have a skin day to blame for an hour, if you take away your emotions and accept them. If you accumulate in volume, look like a skinny fool, as if you weren't going to be built up, you don't have to. Plan for relaxation.

Find out the reasons for the malice

To be able to cope with evil, it is necessary to be smart, to get out of the way. Do you hate and look at the cholovik / squad? Are you a friend of your colleague's behavior? Are you just missing a month? Tilki, having risen in that which became the reason for the hatred, you see short way get around him. Bezgluzdo at the end of the day, twice with the head in the hope of being relaxed and throwing off the spirits, as the wikikak is the same cholovik.

To cope with anger

It’s time to feed myself: "Why am I shy of my anger?" Perche, who is guilty of zrobiti, is the cause of strong negative feelings. Another is to direct the energy "beating or bizhi" to the solution of the problem. The very rest of the good can feel the evil. How much can you boil, like a casserole on a strong fire, and not wiggle the environment? And if you can dovgo, all your "water" will come by the ferry and burn the bottom. What is the use of a wretched little vessel?

Malice, as you see it, zberigayte, drive you even more importantly. If you let in your witness thoughts about those who are angry - not evil, you know even more efficiently in the fight for the most beautiful thing in the whole folding light. It will be important for you, if you are healthy, the malice is meaningfully lodged with the decision of any task.

Yak is right to be angry

Until now, I remember the words of my dad kolis: "but you can't get angry at tata!" Todi saw the motor wear and tear, niv and image. I should be mindful of the fact that I say so because of my fear and inability to cope with my childish aggressiveness - it is not my experience that is quiet. And a childish dosvid - so chi inakshe - becomes the basis for a grown-up life.

I think, and to you, chanovny readers, є who should ask about Batkiv's fences and disagreements. Especially - your childish razdratuvannya, malice, hate or fierce. They could have been direct sent by the fathers: "do not be abhorrent", "get angry, disgustingly, badly ...". For those who are mom / tata at the moment of the child's anger, block it "shut up, otherwise ...!" etc. A grown-up person will start to get angry with his own people. Blocking - surely chi ni - all win the visibility of your drills, how to accumulate in the middle and step by step to transform into fierceness. Some people sometimes have ailments of the heart, sudin, headaches. Інші - can, how to be called, "zirvatisya" on kogos because of the others.

Well, everything can be corrected. Having learned to understand your emotions and deal with them competently. Aggression is healthy - even better! Itself will help us to collapse according to life, accept solutions, make up our cordon, satisfy consumers. Food only in that, as you can catch the aggression and at all not involve in any significant people.

I will give you a little test. Program in "sanitary engineering". Look at the olives, a pen or a felt-tip pen and wonder at the little ones. Here are the images of the chotiri faucet. Fear, sadness, anger and joy. You need namaluvati, as you can use water from them. Make peace - how do you see the meaning of your life in your life? Stream chi - for the stench of "llyuchitsya" with effort, with breezes? Don't be cunning - be honest with yourself! In addition, as you dominated the streams of water - to marvel at them. Do you have a flutter of emotions, and how do they “flow in a thin flower” or do they not appear? Yak water flowing into the faucet "malice"? Missing dots, which size are potik, win virus or flow smoothly? What kind of wine is there for you? It’s like a little bit of anger, a miserable one, and a little bit of anger — it doesn’t mean that you don’t let your anger go into the world. The result is better for all and replace it with an emoticon. For example, the faucet for fear is even more active, or the faucet for joy. But the human body is harmoniously functioning, absolutely all emotions are important to their mother and rotate at all 100%.

Yak booty angry?

Otzhe, visually, that the tap of anger at you is not enough for all the effort. Well robiti? It’s clear that I’m freezing my emotions uncontrollably. There can be no more people and the stench to stop spilkuvatisya with you. I propose practical crocs, which will help me to deal with my aggression without fail.