Scho robiti yaksho having removed the sleepyhead. Signs of grown-ups. Prophylactic come in so as to avoid overheating on the trip

In the ancient words, it was drowning, so before that, when it was in the field, the Polish spirit came - noon at the viglyadi curled old, or even in the white cloth. Zustrіnesh midday and immediately zbіlshu: head buzzing, noise in the vuhah, the person is harsh, test'є fever, come on pet, it is possible and witness to be drawn. It is now clear that this is also not tied up not with the steps of evil spirits. Tse sleepy blow. Yogo sacrifice an old one, hto on a hot day you didn’t sleep in tіnі. Having lightly put the sun on my head, I’m not so disgusting about it. A darling. Sleepy blow is not a hot midday. People in such vipads seem to have baked their heads, I don't know. And it’s not far from the truth, even if it’s awesome when it’s stunned, the first for all the central nervous system is the brain. And you can't overload it. It seems like “trim your legs in the warm, and your head in the cold”.

Like a sleepy stroke, there is a heatstroke. The offense at the age of being superfluous is hyperthermic as a result of overheating the body. Thermal shock can develop when overwhelmed physically assigned, If a person is drawn to a school, especially a shkirian or a synthetic one, in a country with a high level of culture and a high temperature for food. Friendly factors in the development of thermal shock are often buvaє perevtom, stan transplanted ill... While the country is not the same as it is, the leather is guilty of the nobility, scho robiti at sleepy stroke .

Thermal abo sleepy shock develops most often in a raptor. Providers of the development of I’ll become a fake weakness, head b_l, Zapamorochennya, spraga, drowsiness, posture, cunning when walking, heart rate, acceleration of dichotomy, hyperemia of accusation, tediousness, bluishness, nasal bleeding. Innocent ailments are very sensitive to the testimony and failure. At an unrecognized stania, a sick old man is blidim, with a cyanotic vidtink, the skin is covered with sticky sweat, cold. At the same hour, the temperature reaches 40-41C. When there is help and symptoms of heatstroke, the dysfunction becomes unstable, superficial, the pulse is threadlike, often, 120-140 strokes can be reached. Tony's heart for auscultation of the deaf. In important cases, there are many Komi branches.

Scho robiti with sleepy shock? In the first place of the patient's need to bring in, or bring in the cold, cold provoked primitiveness, the sound of the squeezing garment, nadati horizontal position with three raised legs, for whom the legs are laid with a roller, a pillow or a pillow. Tilki tsikh simple entry help often to finish. give the sick cold water, Put a cold compress on your head and wrap it with a wet stretch. In case of hyperthermia, it is also possible to fix the physical methods of cooling: blowing the dust off with a fan, wiping it off with an alcohol rose. Good also, put the cold down to the til, de close to pass the great judges (shia, groin depressions, littovy and groin pits, groin areas). With some action, you can save the patient from the great troubles. Smolder, persha, you can help me with a shvidkoy.

When they come in with an unrelenting heat or sleepy shock, they will finish off the body of the sufferer. As soon as the sick man’s stretching out to sleep without changes, it’s necessary to turn for medical assistance.

The medical witness has a "sleepy blow" to start, yak sickly camp It is provoked by overheating the organism, the seed cream, the brain, through the infusion of ultraviolet exchanges on the head. Denmark is an ailment є type and two manifestations may have similar symptoms and causes of development.

Sleepy blow is a great infusion of heat on the body, as the body is not in control and can not neutralize it. In such a situation, the process of cooling the body will break down, and provoke a number of negative inheritances. In case of sleepy shock, blood circulation changes, perspiration, accumulation of radicals in cells of organs and tissues, which leads to intoxication of the body and dies of health. Traces of ailments can be in the region unacceptable and not uncomfortable, zokrema, as in people є ailments heart-vascular system, There may be a hypertensive crisis or a heart attack.

Otrimat the sleepy blow can be a skinny ludin without a blame, but it is not significant to get rid of the rizyk of yogo rejection when the offensive officials are evident:

Sleepy Stroke Symptoms

There are three stages of sleepy shock, the skin of which is affected by symptoms and methods of providing first aid. As a rule, an ailment is susceptible to a weakness, soreness and damage to the style, as well as to problems and headaches. If you do not have enough help, you may get a coma, and in especially important cases, death may be anticipated.

Signs of a drowsy blow of a light step:

  • weakness of organism, loss of self-esteem;
  • severe headache;
  • nudota, as it is not easy to supervise the blues;
  • accelerated heart rate, pulse and dichannya;
  • expansion of the site.

Symptoms of a drowsy stroke of medium severity:

  • adynamia - a decrease in rokova activity, a hit of a move;
  • headache, which is supervised by blues and tediousness;
  • dryness at the mouth, continually seeing sprague;
  • increased appetite;
  • Nose bleeding;
  • temperature adjustment up to 40 ° C mark.

An important form is vinikє rapt, as soon as he couldn’t get the help of the persha. In the first place, there are changes in the skirts of the skirts, the wine nabuvє of the blue-cyanotic color. To scurry about witness, it’s not easy to spite on hallucinations. The activity of the parts of the body and the surrounding organs will collapse, so provocation will appear by the court, the mimic vision of feces and slaughter. The temperature reaches the mark of 41 ° C, when the wiklica will appear next to it. In 30% of vipadkіv there is a lethal result.

First aid for sleepy shock

Lyudin, at whom the signs of sleepyhead are spared, I will give you an important blow to the edge, I will give you medical help, so that you can lighten your camp, save your health, and, if possible, life. Unimportant on your knowledge and keep in mind all at once to the carriage of the shvidkoy help. Self-reliably rise the steps of ailment and assess the level of the flow in the edge smoothly, and it can be a major factor in the therapy and proper support.

The rules for the last of the first additional help:

  • To change the victim in the dark, cold place, to make sure there is a good circulation of the fortune.
  • Help the people to take the lying position by pushing the roller down on the head. Yakshcho sposterіgaєtsya nudota or blues the head obov'yazkovo turn on the bik, so that the normal appearance of bloating masses is not possible.
  • Take the victim's legs by lifting the ankles and pulling a bag.
  • Know the odyag, especially the one that will surround the ruh, making it difficult for him to do it.
  • Give the sufferer some cool water, more, more beautiful.
  • Put a cold compress on the face.
  • If you have suffered, having lost the testimony, then you should bring a cotton swab to the nose, seepage with ammonia.

To renew the sleepy shock, the injured person needs more than a few days to fix it (if the form is important, the patient should be put in the mind of the stationary again). One hour is required for normalization of blood circulation, polishing of robots nervous system and neutralization of unwelcoming heritage.

prevention of ailments

In order to remove the sleepy shock, go to the preventive measures:

Sleepy blow is a rather sickly camp, which can lead to a number of unacceptable inheritances. To lay down the camp of the injured nobility, it is important to rule on the first aid. For this purpose, you will get a sleepy blow after you live preventive visits and follow the rules of behavior on sleep.

With the arrival of the summer, there were frequent drops of heat and sleepy strokes. However, the reason for such a struggle can be not only hot days, but ale і okremі virobnichi factories.

Everything seems to be a sleepy stroke, a temperature shock is caused by a heat stroke, if the temperature is adjusted to the brain of a man as a result of overheating by sleepy exchanges. Such shots can be rocked in especially by robots in an open-ended situation, for example, in buddies and industrial enterprises.

A heat stroke, on the other hand, will result in overheating of the entire body, if it is not in the process of normal thermoregulation. At the connection with the heat, you can eat at the workers who work at the stoves, which are connected with the changing temperatures, for example, in the hot shops of the steel-making and chemical industries.

Signs of heat (sleepy) stroke є:

  • - see the pulsations skron;
  • - pochervoninnya shkiri, especially individuals;
  • - Increase the frequency of sertcebit up to a hundred or more blows for a gill.
You can also:
  • - drowsiness;
  • - zamorochennya;
  • - noise in the vuha;
  • - nudota;
  • - blues.
  • In case of thermal conditions, the temperature could be as high as forty degrees Celsius. Anyone who suffers from a victim may have a loss of testimony.

    First aid for heat and sleepy shock

    • As a matter of fact, it is necessary to see a person suffering from a zone of increased temperature and sleepy vipromyuvannya in a cold environment. As soon as you can’t be bothered to give in, then close the head and chest of the patient with a strong tinnu.
  • In other words, for the improvement of ventilation, it is necessary to take a patient's clothes. When there is a darkening of the knowledge, I will lose the upper embossing or shingles.
  • Thirdly, it is necessary to shave the patient with water and intensively obmachuvati with hand-held attachments: (with a folder, a cloth, a towel). The ability to cool can be helped by the patient in the opening of the fan (air conditioner) because of the fortune.
  • Quarterly, apply a cold compress on the chest and head of the patient, and give him a pity. For the improvement of blood circulation, it is possible to erase the pictures. For rostirannya, you can pick up alcohol and alcoholic drinks.
  • If there is a need, we will prepare you before carrying out non-emergency reanimation visits, such as indirect massage heart i piece dichannya... Bazhano mother pіd by hand ammonia alcohol. In important cases, it is necessary to have a specific drug treatment, so that the introduction of special drugs can be known.

    At the same time, before the heat and sleepy strokes, people with damaged heart and blood circulation systems were very sick. In connection with the tsim nі in whom once it is not possible to quickly zanuryuvati (zanuryuvati) the patient in cold water. sharp drop the temperature can bring to heart attack, and then to the end of the heart.

    When you are good, you have to work in hot minds vikoristovuvati special clothes for zapobigannya from temperature adjustments, And when you are there, you will be able to wear a headdress.

    Effortlessly in the minds of the specs guilty mothers access to dzherel drink water and there is a great deal of life to live. I bake through the intensive vaporization of the organism in the great quantities, which can lead to thickening of the blood, and it can lead not only to the deterioration of thermoregulation, but to the failure of the insults and infarctions. To ensure a normal salt balance, drink more mineral water or special water-salt solutions.

    If there is a good deal of intelligence in the minds of a specialist and on a dream, it is necessary to systematically work out small interruptions for the repair, and to have a special connection with an air conditioner.

    If possible, stand on the working machines for air conditioning or primus ventilation systems. Good health to you and your spirits.

    He baked his head ... So to say, if a lyudin, he will do it on specials, having seen himself disgusting. The situation is far from perfect, and the rapid development of symptoms will be slowed down. It’s important to know that it’s important for the nobility of the skin.

    Chomu vinikaє sick camp

    It’s not a good idea to give rise to heatstroke and sleepiness. І efficiently, the mechanizmi of the development of the given stanіv to finish similar. However, heatstroke is the result of pouring overworldly heat onto the organism of any kind, while sleepiness is caused by the overheating of the body itself.

    Trivale has infused fiery exchanges on the unprotected head, not without any problems. Vono to build up to a strong heating of the skull and skull. Then the temperature is adjusted to get to the brain, its nerve tissues and membranes. Mozok nabryakaє, neridki blood points, Serious damage to the central nervous system. Pathological processes occur and become the cause of a dramatic loss of self-esteem.

    provocative factors

    Rizik otrimannya sleepyachny hit zbіlshutsya in times:

    1. back to back to the next transfer to the sun;
    2. wait a minute;
    3. active physical robotics;
    4. alcoholic sp'yaninnya;
    5. znakhozhennya in shilniy odyazi from vologo-impenetrable fabrics;
    6. ailment of the central nervous system;
    7. overworldly vagi.
    to zm_stu


    How robiti, having eliminated the sleepy blow? First you need to acquire such information, you need to learn it, for some signs you can make a big camp. And the sight of the suffering is close to coming: the darkening in the eyes, the noise at the head, the fever, the toughness of the vatyanu, the unbearable nudota (buvak, blues), cold pit. With a whole lot of chervonin, dichannya part, zinitsi expands.

    Already at the very moment of the need for term action, and not for check, everything will normalize by itself. Vol_cannya can lead to a big win unfavorable symptoms Such as the temperature increase to critical, frequent heart rate, hallucination and loss of svidomosty, sudom. In important cases, it is possible to have a lethal result.

    Help the victim

    It is important to note, as a step in the inflow of sleepy energy. With a light blow, you can do without a great deal of help;

    What is it necessary to rob in case of sleepy shock? In the first place, terminovo zapobіgti forgiven overheating organism, having replaced the patient that, de mum sleepy vipromіnuvannya - I wake up the most, or just in tіn.

    On the other hand, you need to secure a free access to it. Odyag that vzuttya znimayutsya, for I would like to slacken all the details: kravatka, gudziki, belt on pants. It is required to open the circulation of the food, intensively fan the patient with a suitable object, such as a newspaper. Good afternoon, you can turn on the fan.

    In a third, the circulation of the blood was good, people were going to lay down, under the ankles to put on the clothes, twisting the roller, or a pillow. Kintzivki can be rubbed with alcohol.

    Quarterly, the ventilation space to reduce the heat is stagnant: applying the cold to the shia, groin, forehead; wrapping in a snake cloth, stretched out (in the world, warming up snake in cold water repeats itself); wiping the shkіri with alcohol roschin.

    Po-p'yat, the sleepy blow is pulling after itself, I will waste a lot of money. Memorize a little more for a cool pitta: mineral water, refreshing tea with lemon, green tea.

    Tsi come in bagatokh vipadki є sufficient, and people are getting more beautiful. Some of the symptoms are not safe, but you can come across a piece of work and come in. It is also necessary for mothers to bring liquid ammonia to the nose of the patient with a chrono. In case of any acceleration, a drug is used, which is an unremarkable sign of the introduction of potent drugs.

    You can't be robbed with sleepy shock

    Namagayuchis bring people to you, do not go into such a method, like zanurennya in the water of Krizhan. Due to a sharp temperature drop, a heart attack can occur.

    The victim needs to know that it is necessary, but it is not guilty to take revenge on alcohol. The same goes for kawi and energy drinks. Before that, it’s impossible to robit with a sleepy shock, you need to do it: try to get people drunk, you can’t be without witness, you can bring the dichotomy to a blockade. The whole moment cannot be missed, I will help you.


    If you have a cake, do not think it is rotten, do not go to sleep on a dream, that is more without a headdress. Odyag is guilty of "dihayuchoi", made of natural fabrics. Apply sunscreen cream to the shkіra more beautifully. Besides, it is necessary to have a unique physical transformation, to live lightly and richly.

    How can you be bothered with sleepy shock in your home minds?

    Over the next hour, we go to the fiery summer sun on the sea, at the dachas, or just biting the booth with ease, you can earn a sleepy blow. In such situations, it’s more important to know about those who can help people. Even through ignorance, it is possible to naughty people, to read further - How can you be robbed with a sleepy stroke in your minds at home?

    Sleepy stroke - the whole body of the organism through the inflow of straight sleepy exchanges, є one of the types of heatstroke. With a sleepy shock, people may feel uncomfortable, and with important drops, they may be uncomfortable. The patient needs help in a safe manner.

    Yak can you get rid of the sleepy punch?

    The head of a man is a tseme, de bloody judgments, to be found before the hairy skin and without being tied in front of the cerebral vessels. To that, there are the following reasons for rejection of the sleepy stroke:

    • Directly pouring straight sleepy ridges onto the head cage, through the blood vessels, they expand rapidly, increasing the heat output to the body. There will be a surge of blood to the brain, which can lead to nervous breakdowns, unpleasantness, anger, diarrhea and hallucinations.
    • Little children are sick with sleepiness and heat strokes. The price is tied to the anatomical peculiarity of the skull, so that the dzherelts are evident. Dzhereltsya - the cysts of the cerebral cavity of the skull were not formed. Dearly keep an eye on your children, do not let them go to sleep for more than 1 year. Children up to 8 rocky were tempting to sleep.
    • Dodatkovym factors, scho take away sleepy shock є alcohol sp'yaninnya, povnota, inhalation of hot fever.
    • In a car without an air conditioner, the drowsiness of the sleepy shock grows, lower on the dullness. It is tied to the accumulated benzene in the storehouse of food, which is infused into the body. It is also a place in a car to serve as a magnifying glass for exchanges and to quell those who are more straining.

    How does a sleepy stroke come from heat?

    The main reason for the sleepy shock is the heat є inlet factors. Heatstroke can be corrected through overwhelming overloading of the body in hot weather, in a suffocating room, in a hot spring. There is also a powerful heatstroke in case of damaged heat-release organisms for an hour ailment.

    The cause of the sleepy shock is the inflow of ultraviolet changes from the sun to the head of the people. Do not forget to wear headwear and do not wear headwear for more than 4 years in an open dream. It is necessary for brothers to interrupt and cool down in the cold surroundings or in the quiet.

    Symptoms of sleepy shock

    Characteristic for sleepy shock is the manifestation of symptoms after a year after the shock.

    1. The closest symptom of being belly is that you will want to drink and lie down. See lightness in the slopes and heaviness when walking.
    2. There is a lot of boredom and bloating in a large amount.
    3. Be the head of the vineyard big head beat, as well as the beat in your eyes.
    4. Surprised, you can see the expansion of the site.
    5. People with poor health will have more frequent heart rate, heart rate and energy. Dihati will be very important.

    If you remember some of the symptoms in yourself, or in your loved ones, safely proceed to the next step. medical aid, Introduce the sufferer to the tin or the colder supplication. Unbeknownst to the brigade of the Shvidkoy help, or deliver the ailing one with independent zusillas.

    How robiti with sleepy shock in home minds

    1. They have remembered the first symptoms, how the drowsy stroke, inaccurately move people in a cool place, de nemaє sleep.
    2. Know cold water, apply a soaked ganchirka or servetka to the chola, rinse it with water to expose the patient.
    3. wiklichte I will help the shvidka Immediately saying about the sleepy blow, the victim and the address of the roztashuvannya. Tse speed up the arrival of likars.
    4. Do not allow suffocating pretensions or inhaling a hot fever. Turn on the air conditioner or fan if possible. If you are on the street, then you know it’s a little bit cold. Razvychay cool under the trees on the temples, in the grass in the lowlands, small rivers, etc.
    5. Know the sufferer's entire top coat, lay him on his back and wipe him down with cold wet ganchirka. The water in the water is hot and in hot weather it will be completely cool for such a procedure.
    6. Having poured the sick person on his back, ask him to slightly lift his legs in the knees and lie in such a rank. Tse allow the correct blood circulation between the parts of the body.
    7. After 30 minutes of sleep, let the people drink cold water. In any case, do not get drunk, in no way do the blues.
    8. In extreme cases, there may be a loss of testimony, which is why it is necessary to use ammonia (ammonia) when feeding a ganch or cotton wool to a sick person. Practically in the skin booth, ammonia.
    9. Check out the likars of great help, as you can easily get the qualified help.

    Zvvychay lykarі thermіnovo to inject internally glucose or ascorbic acid, which will reduce the camp of the sick. They take away ailments from sick people until they get sick.

    The idea of ​​rejecting sleepyheads to the blow of sick people is necessary:

    • Post-treatment in home minds;
    • Ryasne pittya (cool non-gas water, compotes, fruit drinks, natural juices);
    • Regularly get tested;
    • Vologue tidying up and usunennya saw in every turn;
    • Garyacha uzha with a stretch of 2 dib is zaboronena;
    • It is recommended to give warmth lightly, not to suffer a nuisance.

    Yak uniknuty sleepy shock in the minds of the house?

    touch simple rules, І You will be able to save yourself and your close ones from other types. To reach the head in sleepy weather, wear a head with a goat, so the sun did not shine on the face, that head.

    Surround yourself all the way to the street in everyday life, as in the whole period the sun is right over your head and with maximum strength. Try to find yourself more and more in the same place.

    Take cold water with you, drink it regularly - even if you are overheated and overwhelmed by drinking it through food.

    Pass on your plans for the evening hour, in the evening it gets chilly, the sun goes over the horizon.

    With the arrival of the summer, there were frequent drops of heat and sleepy strokes. However, the reason for such a struggle can be not only hot days, but ale і okremі virobnichi factories.

    Everything seems to be a sleepy stroke, a temperature shock is caused by a heat stroke, if the temperature is adjusted to the brain of a man as a result of overheating by sleepy exchanges. Such shots can be rocked in especially by robots in an open-ended situation, for example, in buddies and industrial enterprises.

    A heat stroke, on the other hand, will result in overheating of the entire body, if it is not in the process of normal thermoregulation. At the connection with the heat, you can eat at the workers who work at the stoves, which are connected with the changing temperatures, for example, in the hot shops of the steel-making and chemical industries.

    Signs of heat (sleepy) stroke є:

    • - see the pulsations skron;
    • - pochervoninnya shkiri, especially individuals;
    • - Increase the frequency of sertcebit up to a hundred or more blows for a gill.

      You can also:

    • - drowsiness;
    • - zamorochennya;
    • - noise in the vuha;
    • - nudota;
    • - blues.
    In case of thermal conditions, the temperature could be as high as forty degrees Celsius. Anyone who suffers from a victim may have a loss of testimony.

    First aid for heat and sleepy shock

    • As a matter of fact, it is necessary to see a person suffering from a zone of increased temperature and sleepy vipromyuvannya in a cold environment. As soon as you can’t be bothered to give in, then close the head and chest of the patient with a strong tinnu.
    • In other words, for the improvement of ventilation, it is necessary to take a patient's clothes. When there is a darkening of the knowledge, I will lose the upper embossing or shingles.
    • Thirdly, it is necessary to shave the patient with water and intensively obmachuvati with hand-held attachments: (with a folder, a cloth, a towel). The ability to cool can be helped by the patient in the opening of the fan (air conditioner) because of the fortune.
    • Quarterly, apply a cold compress on the chest and head of the patient, and give him a pity. For the improvement of blood circulation, it is possible to erase the pictures. For rostirannya, you can pick up alcohol and alcoholic drinks.

    If there is a need, we prepare the preparation before carrying out non-emergency reanimation visits, such as indirect massage of the heart and piece of work. Bazhano mother pіd by hand ammonia alcohol. In important cases, it is necessary to have a specific drug treatment, so that the introduction of special drugs can be known.

    At the same time, before the heat and sleepy strokes, people with damaged heart and blood circulation systems were very sick. In connection with the tsim nі in whom once it is not possible to quickly zanuryuvati (zanuryuvati) the patient in cold water. A sharp drop in temperature can lead to a heart attack, or even to a heart attack.

      When he is working, he is in the hot minds of vikoristovuvati special coats for stopping due to increased temperatures, and when he is, he is robust at the start of the meeting.

      Effortlessly in the minds of the experts, they are responsible for the access to the dzherel of drinking water and to live a great number of days. I bake through the intensive vaporization of the organism in the great quantities, which can lead to thickening of the blood, and it can lead not only to the deterioration of thermoregulation, but to the failure of the insults and infarctions. To ensure a normal salt balance, drink more mineral water or special water-salt solutions.

      If there is a good deal of intelligence in the minds of a specialist and on a dream, it is necessary to systematically work out small interruptions for the repair, and to have a special connection with an air conditioner.

      If possible, stand on the working machines for air conditioning or primus ventilation systems.

    Good health to you and your spirits.

    On a hot day, everybody wants to go to the park or to the beach, get some sleep. However, the entrance to sleepyards and temporal temperature Perhaps the reason for such inappropriateness is heat and sleepy shock. Be aware that there are persistent signs of overheating and how you will not recognize your inheritance.

    Croc 1

    If there is a sign of overheating the body in obviousness, the first time, but it needs to grow, it’s as much as possible to cool the body, because it’s possible, to put it in the head of the ice, or just go through the straight sleepy promenades in the shade. sleepy exchanges without a headdress. Suspicious reasons - breathlessness, triviality in a suffocating primitiveness, alcoholic spirits.

    croc 2

    Another croc, which you need to grow, is able to help your body - lie on your back and sound against the squeezing clothes, for example, it’s rostibut comír, and it’s possible to help your body. It is also possible to obmakhuvatisya with a book or a magazine - you will be in the presence of your hand. As soon as the blues were found, it was necessary to lie on the biker, the blues were not consumed by the blues.

    croc 3

    Water of room temperature can help you to come in, drink yaku with small kovtki. If you don't drive with yourself - feed the passers-by or ask them to buy a dance to drive to the closest store - people are sure to know. You can soak a servet with water, for a chustka and put it on your head and forehead.

    Yak to help the victim

    For an hour overheating on a dream, you can waste your testimony. For the rest of the victim, it is also necessary to transfer it to the tin, the resting on the back, the sound from the squeezing the garment, and you should try to bring the yogi to you - for example, for help ammonia(There is a pharmacy nearby) for cold water. You can splash on your cheeks. Turn your head more beautifully, then turn the tongue into the lock.

    As well as the dichotomy of a patient in the evening - it is necessary to make a piece of dichannya, for a massage of the heart, ale only as much as possible. Niyakoi self-indulgence!

    If Lyudin comes to the house - give yomu vipiti vodi, more often with tincture of valeriani (15-20 drops per 1/3 vodi bottle).

    Yak zapobіgti overheating organism

    For example, on the street it is not possible to be in the very same place without a headdress. More beautiful than trimatis green tiny zones - і beautiful, і acceptable. Odyag is guilty of being light, light tones and natural materials - bavovna, lion. Tse will help shkiri dikhati. The amount of days in the body is also safe from sleepy shock - drink at least 1.5-2 liters a day. Іzhte vegetables and fruits. From fatty and important things more beautifully, you can not pass it on. Alcohol for an hour, the specs are more beautiful, the consequences of a sleepy stroke can be very unbearable. To that, for the sake of power, be sure to remember about the methods of prophylaxis.