Preparations for promoting growth hormone. How to adjust the level of hormone growth in the body: medications and people

The maximum hormone secretion for growth reaches up to twenty years of age, but it will change from an average speed of 15-17% in 10 years. Bagato 40-riches are suffering from the lack of hormone growth - and without a new fluently talk about the good growth of the meat mass.

Diya for growth hormone (somatotropin):

1. Anabolic diet
2.anti-catabolic diyu
3. Zmenshuє fatty crumbs
4. I will paint vikorystannya energy
5. I will accelerate the wounds
6. Volodya the Efect of Rejuvenation
7. Stimulate repeated growth internal organs, They know atrophies with vik
8. Zmіtsnyu kistki, wiklikє the growth of kistok in people up to 26 years (until the close of growth zones)
9. Increase the level of glucose in the blood
10. Zmіtsnyu Immunity of People

Below, a reversal of rules has been introduced, such as allowing the adjustment of the growth hormone (somatotropin) by the natural path:

1. Before training, use a low glucose index. Butt of such foldable carbohydrates: Vivsyan, macaroni virobi, bread with hangings from coarse broom, uncleaned rice, peas, kvassol kvassol, fresh fruit juice without sugar, dairy products.

2. Good sleep. Sleep is trivial for at least 7-8 years. Spread over a stretch of 7-8 years and sleep well. Do not lie down 11.

3. Lie on a sleeping bed on a hungry slunk. The main number of somatotropin is seen over the course of the 1st year of the year. And the rіven tsukru in the blood is viroblyaє wikid to insulinu, which yakraz reduces the rіven of the hormone (the first antagonist).

4. Take arginine and ornithine amino acids beforehand. You can know it in any store sports food... The greatest vist for arginine can be found in the house of harmelon, meat and milk.

5. Take 6-7 times a day, the portions are not large (skin two-three years). Tsey priyom takozh dopomagaє skinny, ALE is not varto pass!

6. Get a balanced diet to take revenge on fat, drinks and carbohydrates in the required proportions.

45-65% of calories need to be trimmed from carbohydrates (bazhano folding).

20-35% fat.

10-35% for bills.

Ideal option 30% white, 20% fat, 50% carbohydrate.

7. If you would like to go to the spa for a day.

8. For an hour trenuvan vikonovyte baseovі to the right, scho vimagayut significant energovitrate. To such a right to be included: sitting with a barbell, deadlift, barbell press or lying dumbbells, pidtyaguvannya, bars. It’s so easy for people to take the hormone they have found for themselves - testosterone;

9. Yaksho є mobility, allow yourself to be smart during the day, Ale not more than two years! Great option - 1 year of good sleep.

10. Try not to be vague, but right before the hour of trenuvannya, develop your trenuvannya.

Somatotropin (somatotropic hormone, STH, growth hormone, somatropin) is a hormone that is introduced to the family of polypeptides. The somatotropic hormone is circulated by cells that have grown in the anterior lobe of the hypophysis (somatotrophs). The whole process is seen before the control of the hypothalamus. Somatoliberin and somatostatin are accepted in the area of ​​the brain's brain, which is considered for the increase and decrease in the level of STH.

The increase in the growth of somatotropic hormone of the hypophysis to appear in childish... The production of the hormone takes place after an hour of sleep. Until the evening rіven yogo padaє, and until the wound I grow up. Throughout the year, somatropin will fall and start working on the fabric, vicorist and insulinopodibny Somatomedin, before settling into the oven.

Somatotropin vikonuє in the body of people and such functions:

  • stimulating fatty and alcoholic exchange;
  • vidpovidak for the growth of fabrics and stocks;
  • normal blood glucose level is observed;
  • stimulation of DNA viroblast (deoxyribonucleic acid);
  • take the fate of the viroblenna glucogen in the oven;
  • I stimulate lactation in year-old females.

Growth hormone rate

The norm for somatotropin to lie in the form of people and their status:

  • neonatal: from 5 to 53 mcg / l;
  • children up to 1 rock: from 2 to 10 mcg / l;
  • children from 1 to 12 years: from 1 to 20 mcg / l;
  • food from 12 to 18 years: from 1 to 20 mcg / l;
  • number from 18 to 60 years: from 0 to 4 mcg / l;
  • women from 18 to 60 years: from 0 to 18 mcg / l;
  • people older than 60 years: from 1 to 9 mcg / l;
  • women over 60 years old: from 1 to 16 mcg / l.
Stimulation of hormone growth is possible with the help of physical nutrition. Be it rukhova, activity is positively infused into yogo products. Naybіlsh optimal є the availability of security forces and anaerobic navantage.

Yak to promote growth hormone

In order to grow the somatotropin, it is necessary to adjust the regimen of the day and the stays for the harvest. In that case, the reason for the decrease є ill, is shown medication or surgical treatment.

Likarski zasobi

In order to promote growth of somatotropin in organisms, preparations from a group of hormones, hypophysis and synthetic analogs are used. The smell podsiluyut synthesis of white, positively infuse into the mineral exchange, increase the growth and mass of tila. The drug, the dosage, the scheme and the triviality of the drug are responsible for the appointment of the doctor-endocrinologist for in-person consultation and the tasks of the necessary analyzes.

  • swelling of the brain;
  • evil new establishment of any localization;
  • stately dyshally lack of;
  • I’ll start doing operations on the heart, or in the area of ​​black emptying.

Protective therapy is carried out when reddish diabetics, Endocrine damage, pid hour of vaginosity and in the period of lactation. Likuvannya preparations of a group of hormones of the hypophysis to complete the trivial, one can only be trivial.

In that case, the reason for the decrease in the level of somatotropin є puffin in the region of the brain is required surgical involvement... If the pathology of the disease is a result of chronic ailments, in the first place, it is necessary to take into account the reason, how to bring the hormone to an unstable condition.

Adjustment of STH levels is possible with the help of biologically active additives. If you choose, I respect the animals to the warehouse. Actively circulate the speech to the body, add amino acids: ornitin, arginin and citrulin.

Athletes who are engaged in power sports, for the promotion of growth hormone, special food additives, which gives the power to grow m'yazu masu... Alle the stasis of such drugs can lead to the appearance of hyperglycemia, hypertension, puffy processes or erectile dysfunction.

Yak pidvishiti somatotropic hormone for help

In order to promote the growth of STG into the body, it is necessary to correctly harchuvatisya. The most effective є change to the race. From the menu it is necessary to include greased, fatty, salty їzhu, as well as fermented and licorice gravy. Insulin, who has been eating into the roof of his life, is reliant on the growth of somatotropin, which for his short secretion is more beautiful than living in carbohydrates.

The ratsioni guilty are present:

  • dairy products (sire, sire, milk);
  • lean meat (veal, yalovitch, rabbit, poultry);
  • seafood (salmon, mackerel, shrimp, meat, chervona and chorna іkra);
  • legumes of culture (soy, kvass, chickpeas, peas);
  • cereals (Greek, Vivsyana);
  • mountains (hair, migdal, hazelnuts);
  • fruits and berries (cherries, peaches, oranges, apples, avocados);
  • vegetables (ogirki, pomidori);
  • greens (spinach, parsley, krіp);
  • roslinnі fats (olive oil, sonyashnikov, corn, llyane oil);
  • chicken eggs.

If you are more likely to use carbohydrates in the first half of the day, it is the most recommended to live before the hour. It is necessary to accept it 5 or 6 times for dob, at the same time obsyag strav slid speed.

At the very least, it is not recommended to change the shlunka, for that the supper is to blame for not getting worse 3 years before bedtime. Well, Lyudin is more aware of hunger, it is possible to have a small number of fatty sir or a few small fruits. Dobu needs vipivati ​​up to two liters of clean, non-gassed water.

People who want to promote the growth of STG are recommended to be introduced to the implantation alcoholic beverages So as a small amount of alcohol is negatively infused into hormonal background.

Physical options

Stimulation of hormone growth is possible with the help of physical nutrition. Be it rukhova, activity is positively infused into yogo products. Naybіlsh optimal є the availability of security forces and anaerobic navantage. Before the most vivid types of sports, how to increase the level of STG, take big (walking) and power to the right, as there are more problems.

Increase the growth hormone level in addition to the improvement of the saunas. It’s possible to show that the growth of somatotropin is actively circulating for a period of time when the temperature drops. The same effect Volodya contrast shower.

In order for the growth of somatotropin to move, rightly it is necessary to visit it for a trivial hour, so as in some of the organisms the body is more likely to break cortisol, to reduce the efficiency of taking. It’s also bazhano, the power supply is anaerobic.

The training is regular, carried out 3 or 4 times per day, and also no less than 45 minutes. When you are busy, you need to be active with the smallest corrections, so the miscellaneous did not rise. Before the cob trenuvannya bazhano vikonuvati a rosary.

It is recommended to carry out on a fresh day not less than a year. With a lot of beauty, the whole hour collapses. This gives you the power not only to normalize the hormonal background, but to get rid of the fatty deposits.


In order to increase the growth of STH levels, you need more sleep. The process of yogo natural vibrating is to fix the state of the phase of deep sleep (after 2 years of sleep). In case of chronic undersize, the effect of correct feeding and physical availability will be minimal. If you do not go to sleep normally at night, during the day you need to see 1-2 years for recovery.

Temperature contrast

Increase the growth hormone in addition to the improvement of the saunas. It’s possible to show that the growth of somatotropin is actively circulating for a period of time when the temperature drops. The same effect of Volodya is a contrasting shower.

Symptoms of a decrease in the level of growth hormone

Variety of symptoms of lack of somatotropic hormone in grown-ups are not spared. For children with somatotropin deficiency, the following signs are indicated:

  • pіdvischena pіdlivіst;
  • shvidka stomlyuvanism;
  • low-grade fever (37.1-38.0 ° C);
  • zbіlshennya masi tila (besides, for the rakhunok of the abdominal area);
  • intolerance of physical properties;
  • shvidke old shkiri;
  • weakness of myaziv;
  • I have a pain in myaz;
  • advancing risk of fractures;
  • p_advischennya vise;
  • signs ischemic ailments heart and atherosclerosis;
  • depressive stun;
  • reduction of sexual cravings.

The reasons behind the change in the level of growth hormone

Deficiency of the growth hormone of the vine in the onset of the fall:

  • new findings, localization in the area of ​​hypophysis or hypothalamus (neurofibroma, adenoma, germinoma, craniopharyngoma, hamartoma);
  • craniocerebral trauma;
  • the reduction of the structures of the hypophysis as a result of the state of the art or chronic illnesses;
  • autoimmune lesion of hypophysis and hypothalamus;
  • empty Turkish saddle syndrome;
  • ischemic or hemorrhagic lesion of tissue;
  • toxic infusion on the brain tissue;
  • pouring into the brain of an ionizing vipprominuvannya;
  • destruction of the formation of the hypophysis at the stage of the embryo;
  • pathology, scho winikli in case of central nervous system.

Likewise, people can support the titles of pseudodeficiency of somatotropic hormone, since the concentration in the blood significantly decreases. The reason for this can be:

  • obesity;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • hypercortisolism;
  • heart failure;
  • Addison's ailment;
  • pislyapologovo st.

Analysis on STG

The value of the hormone growth in the blood is necessary in the onset of the fall:

  • obesity;
  • deficiency of growth in the child;
  • duzhe shvidke zrostannya;
  • osteoporosis;
  • weakness of myaziv;
  • porphyria;
  • acromegaly.

Similarly, the analysis is shown in times, as there is a decrease in the amount of blood in the blood.

Adjustment of STH levels is possible with the help of biologically active additives. If you choose, I respect the animals to the warehouse. Actively circulate the speech to the body, add amino acids: ornitin, arginin and citrulin.

Analysis of blood for viznachennya rivnya STG to take in the ranks of the year for a hungry slunk. Take away the material from the vein. An X-ray cannot be performed the day before the procedure. Before carrying out the analysis, it will be necessary to determine the type of alcohol and alcohol consumption.

methods of prevention

In order to have a level of growth hormone in the body, it is necessary:

  • harchuvatisya correctly;
  • seen from a shkidlivyh call;
  • engage in physical culture;
  • Spati is not less than 7-8 years for doba.

Yakshcho, unaffected by lіkuvannya, the level of growth hormone does not fall to the norm, it is necessary to go through additional treatment.

Videos from YouTube on the topic of statistics:

Significant growth hormone, which is also called growth hormone, is important to re-evaluate. Winning a rejuvenating effect, tidying up fat and growing ointment, sprying a quick renewal of ailments. The hormone grows in the body of a person and grows for the growth and renewal of cysts and tissues, regulates the exchange of proteins, carbohydrates and fat. Win vibrates in the anterior lobe of the hypophysis. 191 amino acids are included in the stock of the hormone.


Growth hormone is circulated throughout the life of people cyclically.

From the population up to 20-25 years to promote the greatest productivity at a faster pace.

Up to 30 rockiv Vibrate to grow and rise approximately at one level. At the connection with the cymbals, it is possible to recover from the uncomfortable processes of aging, to prevent a slight decrease in immunity.

Pislya 40-45 rocks hypophysis viroblya hormone growth is 50% less in proportion to the middle rock. Signs of physiological aging to organism are becoming more obvious. At the same time, the quality of sleep is reduced, the appetite is ruined, and one becomes a lover.

The growth hormone is even more important for people, be it for a lifetime:

  • additional help normalization of exchange processes;
  • galmuє ruynuvannya m'yaziv;
  • fat burning processes;
  • additional help for the liver of viroblyaty energy for all organism (extra supplies of glycogen);
  • safeguarding the update of fabrics (internal organs, suglobiv, shkiri);
  • an increase in the number of healthy liver cells and thistles, which are considered for immunity;
  • I will paint the processes of collagen spinning (prevention of lowering of internal organs, change of loops, improvement of elasticity of the vessels, rejuvenation); normalizing cholesterol levels, reducing the activity of the heart-vascular system;
  • increased sexual activity.


The growth hormone can only grow for good. The main thing is to sleep for an hour or so. physical activity... Tom likars napolyagayut, scho regular physical options, correct eating Secondary sleep is three of the best ways to get the proper hormone in the body.


Physical preparation stimulates growth hormone release. In fact, whether Rukhova's activity is from walking to important athleticism, it positively influences the growth of somatotropin. However, the deyakі vidi natazhen dіyut effectively more efficiently.

Yak vidomo, in sport there are two types of options:

  1. power or anaeronny (for an hour),
  2. aerobny (big, walking, licking, etc.).

Їх golden mean for improving the growth hormone.

Otzhe, most of the types of physical navantages:

  • walking from shvidkistiu from 4 to 6 km / year fallen asleep during training;
  • busy with covered with the number of repetitions from 10 to 15.

Ideally, as soon as a skin day, you will walk on a fresh meal for 30-60 khvili.

Well, you have to be right for the tight ones - you need to pick up taku wagu, for you it will be important to increase the number of repetitions (in our range 10-15). Writing a lot of things to see, a little more chili, and once again repeat to the right.

Bazhano, the power trenuvannya went to the aerobic navantazhennya. Tobto, with a handful to the right with dumbbells, and then a walk.

If you are surrounded by only one kind of physical navantage (walking, for big, or for rank gymnastics, for yoga, for something else), then, mindlessly, you will stimulate hormone growth in your body.

Speaking about physical navantazhennya, it is important to mean one more nuance: it smells like a change in fatty deposits in the body. And the addition of fat also means higher indicators of somatotropin.

Well, nareshty, trenuvan mode. Here, regularity is even more important. The optimal option would be: 3-4 times per day triviality not less than 30 - 45 hvili.

Until the speech, dichny to the right with the zatrimkoy dikhannya is also sympathetically infused onto the growth of somatotropin.


Correctly balanced feeding є is even more important for the growth of somatotropin. The main enemies of the hormone are fatty, licorice and boron products. Then you can create an optimal mind for your growth and accumulation in your body.

Products that improve your strength and hormone growth:

  • sire,
  • milk,
  • poultry meat,
  • low fat yalovicina,
  • veal,
  • beans,
  • gorikhi,
  • riba,
  • Greek і vevsyana porridge,
  • chicken eggs.

The call of vicious fat is not possible: it will lead to the loss of strength and reduction of the cerebral perfection, rather than the interconnection of the life of the varto.

Insulin, which wicks into the shelter in anticipation of the appearance of a tsukra, trusting in the hormone growth. Tom, for a shorter secretion of somatotropin, it is necessary to live in carbohydrates (porridge and t. P.), and not shvidki (biliy khlib, tsukor), which insulin is seen in the roof not on such a grand scale and not overgrown with a city.

Take advantage of carbohydrates to take revenge in:

  • legumes
  • porridge,
  • pasta and chlibi of coarse pomelo,
  • fruits,
  • vegetables,
  • green,
  • berries.

The number of receptions is more beautiful up to 5-6, and less than the amount of stravs. Є often in small portions. At night, do not perevanazhuvati shlunnu їzheyu for 3 years before bedtime. obov'yazkovo piti just water up to 2 liters per day.

Reduction of healthy days and healthier hunger can also take an increase in the body's level of growth hormone.


For the growth of somatotropin, the necessary additional sleep is not less than 8 years. The process of natural vibrating will be repaired in 1.5-2 years after sleep in the phase of sleepy sleep. Oskіlki tse phase of dreams, then you can be rejuvenated to the point of respect: bach from below - it means that the robot is rejuvenated and ready to visit at night.

I saw that I should live better and look young for my life, that I should sleep from 6 to 7 years for good. Sleep triviality more than 8 and less than 4 years gives less opportunities to reach an important age and to age.

Contrast temperature change

The growth hormone actively circulates in the form of a contrasting temperature change. Tom, sauna, take a shower cold water For bored into the pool, as well as a contrast shower even more corns for the preparation of a nourishing level of growth hormone. For the medics' donations, I was able to wiggle for more than 30 minutes because they changed the sauna for a cold shower and vice versa.

I think that somatotropin (growth hormone) is necessary only for children and adolescents for the development of their organisms. However, the rocking of the speech in the singing number of trivial and in the old age. The hormone is very useful for health, muscle mass, and also the aging process.

How to promote the growth hormone and how do you know how to regulate your blood level? It is possible to regulate the balance of somatotropin efficiently, it is necessary to systematically reach the whole nutrition.

Infusion of somatotropin on the human body

Somatotropin is circulated by hipophysis, stretching out during the life of the people. Zzovny organism of this can be counted out from piece ones. Call them to recognize children who have a hormone deficiency, as well as professional athletes for polishing their quality m'yazovoy fabric and the effectiveness of sports training.

In a childish and old age (up to 20-25 years), somatotropin in Pershuvikonu has its main function - to take care of the part in an unprecedented growth of the cysts for the growth of the hardening of the cartilage and the growth of such tissue. During 20 years of development of the bilkovo structure, it is easy to adapt, lean back and grow people. For the somatotropin's function, it is easy to change. For older wines, viconuє new functions:

  • Regulates the metabolism of adipose tissue;
  • Bezposeredno pouring into the robot the heart and function of the heart-vascular system;
  • Regulating the level of birth in the body;
  • With the growth of ointments and regeneration of soft tissues in the body;
  • Supporting old processes;
  • Regulates life tone;
  • Zmіtsnyuk kistkovі fabrics;
  • I regulate the grip of blood and the brain of the robot.

The hormone is actively virobblednaya sposterіgaєtsya in nіchny і rankovy hour dobi. During the period of the hour, a stimulant to the growth hormone can lead to loss of growth and sleep.

Before the end of the day, show how often the implantation of glucose and refined sugar is often associated with the introduction of somatotropin and transformation of the formulation. The phenomenon is tied with wikids to insulin for taking calories. The hormone will practically increase the neutralization of somatotropin and induce synthesis.

The intensity of the growth hormone release is found in all people. Most high indicators are more likely to be promoted among children. As a result of the population and by stretching the first fate of life, the concentration becomes from 5 to 53 μg / l. Gradually, the growth of somatotropin decreases to an average age normal indicators store up to 20 μg / l. The norm for adults is from 1 to 16-18 mcg / l, and for older people - up to 9 mcg / l.

In a child's growth, somatotropin is necessary for the growth and development of soft and hard tissues, and in the older one - for the growth and social processes.

Symptoms and traces of growth hormone imbalance

An imbalance of somatotropin in human organisms can be easily caused to the destruction of communication processes, as well as robotic systems for organism. With a wide range of problems, the yak is found with high, so and with poor performance concentration.

when advised

Even in a child's life, a high level of somatotropin without additional stimulants in growth hormone is promoted, and a fast development of the body and organism is promoted. The skeleton cysts become very thin and thin. Abnormally high vm_st to produce the so-called gigantism.

Intensive growth of somatotropin with hypophysis in the older age stimulates more active growth and development of hard and soft tissues, even after the completion of the main period of life, introduced before the development of the skeleton. Such an exercise is called acromegaly and is characterized by increased internal organs, cysts and skulls, and enlarged rice. On the smallest possible development of neurological disorders and ailments of the heart-vascular system.

with a decrease

Frequencies of insufficient growth hormone can reduce the growth and development of the body, as well as state dosage. In addition, in such a way, exchange processes in the body can be consumed, hypoinsulinemia, the destruction of robots thyroid gland... Among the main symptoms of the deficiency are:

  • Atrophy and loss of the skeleton of muscle, decrease in strength;
  • Pogirshennya will become shkiri, dryness, acne;
  • Pidvischennya masi tila without a change in age, obesity;
  • The crispness of the cysts and slopes, the lightness of the sounds;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • Decrease in libido;
  • Destruction of an emotional state, development of anxiety, attrition, depressive camp;
  • Destruction of the concentration of respect, problems with the robot memory;
  • Development of chronic vtomy syndrome;
  • Destruction of the robotic heart-vascular system.

In a child's turn, there is a decrease in the growth of somatotropin in the transition to a large number of changes in the mind for the development of hypophyseal nanism, in which case the child's appearance in the physical development.

The value of the growth hormone in the body

It is always a matter of quality and number of hankering, sleep and reason, physical activity of the body, for which there may be a number of changes in the rate of change in the intensity of hormone growth, so that one-time sampling of blood for the same purpose is necessary.

As a rule, you can stay up to three times with a stretch of two or three dib. At the same time, test with insulin and somatoliberin, pyridostigmin, glucagon, arginin. In addition, there is a step-by-step process. So, the dough is repeated through a few months.

In the quality of pre-existing methods of diagnostics, the following should be considered:

  • Magnetic resonance and computer tomography;
  • X-ray dosage.

These methods allow for the increased potential for the growth of cartilage and cysts with active viral growth of somatotropin. In addition, complex diagnostic methods and help to diagnose any reason adjustments to the growth and development of the patient.

Hunger and food are constantly infused on the level of the hormone in the blood throughout the day. So, even on the next day of starvation, the amount of somatotropin that is harvested will increase 15 times. The Danish factor is also necessary for the duration of the diagnosis.

Cause of diagnosing imbalances

The growth of somatotropin is not expected to have a positive effect on the body's body, and in some cases, it can become the most common serious health problems. Among the main causes of pathologically high hormone levels are:

  1. Anorexia nervosa;
  2. Leron's syndrome;
  3. Zakvoryuvannya nirok (zokrema, chronic nirkov lack of);
  4. Pidvischennya viroblennya insulinu;
  5. Good and bad puffs of hypophysis.

The hormone is actively violated, it can also be promoted during the prompt engagement in the weekly period. In addition, on some of these buildings, they have a strong likarski zasobi and hormonal medications.

Insufficient growth of somatotropin in practice takes place more often. Deficiency of growth hormone in such cases is accumulated in diseases and masses:

  • Progression of good and bad puffins of the hypophysis and the brain;
  • Chemotherapy;
  • Underreported hypophysis;
  • Zastosuvannya hormonal drugs;
  • The activity of measles of supra-nirkovy zalosis has been increased;
  • hypersensitivity syndrome
  • Exercise of the central nervous system and toxic speech or infections.

How to activate the growth hormone in case of overwhelming problems?

The stagnation of extreme methods of correction in this particular type of problem can be found to be ineffective or disadvantageous. Here the patient needs to go through complex diagnosticsі Establish the reason for seeing for її forgiven usunenny. At the same time, hormonal therapy can be used.

Natural methods for promoting growth hormone release

Naturally, the strengthening of the hormone growth is not a bad thing for health and not for hygantism and acromegaly. Such a pidhіd spriy trusting old organism, dyeing self-respect and growing meat fabric, additionally helping to reduce wagu. For the rest of the following recommendations:

  1. Renewal of normal sleep. It’s just in the middle of the early rankings, the hour to get the most out of the conversation. How can you stimulate the growth hormone with the help of information? As soon as you hang out, you can sleep for at least eight years, you can get it by concentrating in your blood. In addition, it is recommended to start picking up not for a while.
  2. Living. Experiments and numerical progress have shown how glucose and sugar can increase hormone growth. To that, in the rating, it is recommended to speed up (and, if possible, pick up) all the products of food, which are in the highest glycemic index. Before them, there are bakery virobes, malt, rice, potatoes, dried fruit liquorice. Zbagatiti ratsion is necessary for protein and foldable carbohydrates.
  3. Consider a variety of snacks. This recommendation is tied to the activity of the hormone viroblast at the end of the hour. The practice of hunger in the whole period allows the synthesis of somatotropin to be quite possible.
  4. Only allow for physical customization. Sports can be a stimulant to growth hormone, even more importantly, to the point of trenuvan.
  5. Decrease masu tila. In people who suffer from obesity, they are more likely to reach a low level of growth hormone.

The concentration of somatotropin in the blood is infused with the presence of sufficient amount of vitamins and mineral components in the ratio. It can be taken at once with the help of additives.

piece ways

Naybіlsh aggressive method є taking the growth hormone in tablets and in the form іn'єкцій. It is not easy to be victorious to be professional athletes to achieve fast results in Trenuvan. In addition, the drugs indicate to children because of their growth and development, in which the weak activity of hypophysis is prevented. Such drugs are available for sale through the pharmacy hedge only for the prescription of the drug.

Painlessly in practice, it is possible to use two less radical methods of promoting hormone growth:

  1. Hunger. The technique of not transferring everything to catch hungry children by stretching out and more. To achieve the supply of cyclical methods. Diet 16/8 kindly recommended itself among people who want to preserve youth and normal masu tila. Vona transferring food for 8 years for the whole day and hunger for 16 years in the evenings, at nights and in the ranks.
  2. By giving vitamins E and S. Schodenne accepted both vitamins, allowing the stimulation of the growth of somatotropin in a few cases. However, such a method can be used in courses with oblique breaks, so that you do not overdose.

Before victorious methods, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

The results of the adjustment of the growth of somatotropin

Stimulation of growth hormone release without any other therapy is beneficial to the following effects:

  • Accelerated zrostannya of myazovoi masi;
  • Polіpshennya self-respect;
  • Polishing of robots and internal organs and systems;
  • Reference of the old processes;
  • Reduction of fatty tissue and growth of normal weight.

Somatotropin is synthesized in the body of people practically by stretching out life, including in the mature and mature person. In the midst of the hour, the visitor has developed functions, and the balance is necessary for the normal functioning and development of the body. It is very important to carry out prophylaxis of growth hormone deficiency and injecting it into active viroblast. Tsi come in to allow trust in the processes of aging and to help improve the health of the entire body.

Growth hormone(In the same somatotropic hormone, STH, HGH, somatotropin abo somatropin) - peptide hormone of the anterior lobe of the hypophysis; Krіm tsogo, growth hormone viklikaє zrostannya m'yazіv i galmuє їh ruynuvannya, zmenshuє prosharok fats, pіdtrimuє temple shvidkіst obmіnnih protsesіv, priskoryuє zagoєnnya wounds Got efekt omolodzhennya, stimulyuє viroblennya kolagenu, team by rozgladzhuyuchi shkіru i pіdvischuyuchi її pruzhnіst, aktivіzuє robot statevih zaloz , advancing the level of sexuality, as well as changing bites and slopes.

Starinnya organizm without poseredno tied with the same growth hormone. Yogo secretion is maximal in the period up to 20 rockets, and then it changes by 15-17% for ten years, the minimum is in the summer, if the base rate decreases, so is the frequency and the amplitude of the cycle. Decrease in the growth of somatotropic growth and improvement.

It is not surprising, too, that the interest in the hormone is great, especially in those who are professionally engaged in bodybuilding. In addition, the growth hormone helps to know the shape of the bazhan, but the price of such drugs to reach the top and the stench is not safe. Little is known that it is possible to change the hormone by a natural way and go to the "chemistry" of no need. At the same time, you will not block the article with a bunch of muffins, but then the string and pull the tally are safe.

The natural secretion of growth hormone is found in a whole series of officials, up to those that lie in, become, hardening, stress, hormones (such as steroids, thyroid hormones), vagina, fever

How to promote hormone growth by natural means?

I will drive hormone secretion to growth:

  • hyperglikemia- allotments of zukru in the blood.Rivals of tsukru are more likely to occur with diabetes, with breakdowns in hunger, for example, with nerve bulimia, if people are not in control of a number of cases of illness and, for all intents and purposes, we’ll reject calories The malignancy in carbohydrate, stimulates the synthesis of insulin, and seriously stimulates the growth hormone. He slid also live in carbohydrates before bedtime. The peculiarity of the growth hormone is that it is a matter of loving vicoristovuvati in the quality of burning fat and reducing this amount in the body, especially when you sleep. In case of implantation of carbohydrates, it leads to the formation of insulin, a hormone, the function of converting excess glucose into fat. Growth hormone і insulin є hormones antagonists, so that insulin drives the growth hormone. At night, you think that before going to bed, it’s possible to add to fat in carbohydrates, and the growth hormone practically won’t be successful, as if it’s not going to “sleep”.
  • High rivn of life in blood, zyva vaga, Malorukhliviy way of life, wrong harassment.
  • glucocorticoids - The steroid hormones, which produce a bark of supernatants, which develop rapidly during chronic stress, trauma, blood loss, shock camps. Smell to lower the secretion of the liver and insulin-like growth factor in response to the hormone to growth and to lower the sensitivity of peripheral tissues to the hormone to growth, in the same galloping anabolic processes and linear growth.
  • estradiol that іnshі estrogen.
  • Alcohol. In addition, alcohol is used to store vitamins and minerals, to reduce the amount of testosterone, to increase estrogen and vitality, to increase the growth of vitamins for a decrease in the growth factor. Їх рівень decrease by 70% in the middle of 2 days in the middle. In addition, alcohol will ruin the cycle of sleep, and they already wrote that 85% of the growth hormone is violated by itself in a whole hour.