Yak to have fun from the eyes with goiter. Exophthalmos is not a pathology, but a signal about problems in the body

It’s a pity, I’ve felt a lot of ailments in my eyes: one of them can only be seen on a special ophthalmological possession, and they can be clearly seen through physical changes in the body.

Exophthalmus is a pathology, you can poke around with an unrelenting glance. When nіy vіdbuvaєtsya vipinnya full-time apple forward, a powerful change to one side.

Illness є second acquaintance with ailments internal organs for an individual, inherently special organism.

Sho take eksoftalm

When caught in the retrobulbar space, the body will be aware of the steps taken to improve the quality of the tissue, which will be the result of an intramural apple.

Pathological development of tissue is caused by fiery, traumatic and neurodystrophic changes of local or zagalny nature.

Vitrіshkuvatіst at the last stages of its development with an unrelenting eye. Pathology can progress through the stretching of decilkoh rock, so it grows for two - three times.

With a significant vipinanny, the collapse of the intramural apple is interconnected and the crumbling of the zir is interrupted. In case of ophthalmologic illnesses of exophthalmos, as a rule, they develop on one oci, with overwhelming illnesses on both.

The ailment grows independently from the stati, from the patient.


Accepted the classification of ailments on explicitly and on purpose.

  • uyavny Exophthalmos appears with congenital asymmetry, enlarged intracranial fissures, abnormal development of the cranium.
  • true vinikє in case of fiery, overwhelming illnesses, injuries and pukhlins.

Behind the character of the ailment, the ailment is subdivided into the last one, which alternates and pulsating.

  • post_yny Exophthalmus in a large number of vineyards through a new solution in the empty ochnitsa.
  • alternate in the case of pathology of intraocular veins. For a given form of becoming ill, the appearance of a vipinnya only at the moment of physical stress is characteristic, with which the blood of the eyes of the eye increases.
  • pulsating the form of ailment vinikє with the development of aneurysms of the arteries of the eyes, injuries. characteristic symptomє It is swirled and reminded of the third-party pulsation on the basis of the noise in the upper part of the apple when the table is closed. The order of the main signs to be re-structured head b_l, noise in the vuhah. The veins on the forehead and on the crotch grow more and more.
  • quickly grow hypothalamo - hypofizarna the form of becoming ill, is tied to the increase in the synthesis of hormones of the hypophysis. The growth of a century of growths for a few days, chemosis of the conjunctiva appears, paresis of the okorukhovy nerves develops.

Most visible, as a rule, are visible. Nabryaklium exophthalmos with diffuse toxic goiter You can develop when the thyroid gland is abnormal, as well as when there is a general vision, which is associated with hormonal imbalance.


The reasons are more local and local.

To local provocative officials to carry:

  • Ignition processes in ochny or adjacent areas. Prior to local reasons, it is also possible to admit trauma to the eyes, pathology of the veins of the eyes, new conditions in the area of ​​the apple.
  • Primary reasons - diffuse goiter, Gidrocephalus, anomalies of the development of the skull, anemia of the hematopoietic system. A provocative factor for exophthalmos can be inflamed sinuses.


It's a clever picture to lie down at the step of the vipinnya full-time apple. The ice is less vivid and does not cause ailing discomfort. In the world of progressive pathology, the following symptoms can be observed:

  • Nabryak and pochvoninnya sclera.
  • Doubling in the eyes and lowering the zoru.
  • It is not entirely uncommon to develop dry sclera until the development of dryness, as a result of which keratitis develops.
  • The visibility of a full-time apple is either stronger and more confused є I am familiar with the new solution or the warm start-up process in the ochnitsa.
  • When you look around you appear pathological changes intramural bottom - hemorrhage, neuritis, nerve atrophy.

Trivial zdavlyuvannya zorovogo nerve і th nabryak to produce to an additional slap, but it is uncomfortable in the frivolous correction.


Diagnostics of an eksophthalm can only be performed by a doctor-ophthalmologist, who perform special dosage exophthalmometry... Look for the help of an exophthalmometer or a special line.

Behind the scale with podilkami licar viznacha razmіri rogіvki and razіvnyє tops її vistupіv. In order to get in touch with the size of the full-time school and the appearance of be-like very ill, If you are uncomfortable with turning off the shutdown.

Fallow cich danih exophthalmos are distributed on easy steps, middle and twisted. Whether the size of the corrugation changes during exophthalmometry is 20 mm, and also by 2 mm, the difference between the points in the horns appears to be abnormal. Vvazhenim vvazhaєtsya value vіd 28 mm.

In parallel with the procedure for changing the eyes, it is necessary to carry out analyzes and preliminaries of other organs, which can be brought up to the problem: ultrasound of the thyroid gland, reversal of the stun immune system, Analysis of hormones, reversal of the manifestation of abnormal processes in the face by the method of isotope diagnostics and X-ray.


Diagnosis is displayed at the presentation of a clinical picture, taking anamnesis, conducting a re-examination. Exophthalmometry permits the steps to be taken.

For a successful treatment, it is necessary to establish the main cause of the pathology, the patient is not only occupied by ophthalmologists, but endocrinologists, otolaryngologists, neurosurgeons, therapists, neuropathologists.

The main direct pathological entry is to vibrate outward from the revealed cause of the pathology.

  • When you have a thyroid disease, the endocrinologist is a good doctor. Iodine microdose, mercazolil, radioactive iodine... Vibir to the drug to accumulate in the form of analyzes on hormones. Periodically, from the level of hormones, pulse therapy can be indicated with the help of prenizolone.
  • In case of fiery lesions, antibiotics, sulfanilamid, vitaminoterapia, zaspokilivi drugs.
  • Pulsing exophthalmos in case of trauma leads to pressure from the pressure, which allows a thrombosis of the Sudden's ear. Dodatkovo priznachayutsya blood spinnings.
  • Oncological new solutions are eligible for chemotherapy, exchange therapy. wicked surgical involvement for vivid chubby.
  • With the appearance of the pressure of the healthy nerve, a decision is taken about the operation, which is straightened on a lower grip in the eyes. In some cases, only surgery is allowed to bring more slips to the minimum.


So if you can get sick in the skin, then the forecast will lie:

  • from a specific diagnosis;
  • from the freedom of setting diagnostics;
  • from the degree of turn of the exophthalmus;
  • from the correctness of the reverse treatment;
  • from individual specialties;
  • from the sukupnosti of all over-insured food.

With a mild step of the exophthalmus, the prognosis can be friendly, as long as it is vyaviti exactly the reason for the cause of the blame for the disease and rightly for usuvati, turning to fakhivtsіv.

In case of any form of exophthalmus, the drug can be recommended for surgical intervention ( plastic operation), Something else will be hidden from the first cause of the full-time lapse.


In the first place, prevention is guilty of including a healthy way of life: correct eating, I will physical design, vidmova vid shkіdlivyh ringtone, unique stressful situations; by such a rank the immunity of the whole organism is given.

If the drug is being guarded through some kind of ailment, then it will be necessary to follow up on all of these recommendations, so that the ailment has not been slowed down, as it may appear in the diseased organ.

Take special care of your head and eyes from trauma in case of poor types of activity, stitches behind the eyes, always take care of infectious-igniting ENT organs, when you are sick in damaged robots zagalny analiz blood.


If you are sick, you can develop into a lot of unimportant putting to your health, and the reason for the unsettled hour, and simply not wishing to be done. Exophthalm can be tolerated before such ailments, because it doesn’t bother for a zoru, but it’s not safe to spend money on it, it’s necessary to take care of the visits to prophylactics, to get involved in professional consultations.

If you are turbulent for the health of your eyes, not on an empty mission, but if you do not confirm your opinion, please, look at your friend, if you can hear a few thoughts and take a decision. If you get sick easier, get in front of it and the chances will be bigger if you are interested in early stage viyavlennya.


Graves' ailment is an autoimmune damage, with any antibodies attacking the thyroid gland, producing an additional amount of hormones, which accelerates the signs of metabolism in the body of people - even to a certain kind of life. The main signs and symptoms of ailments are visible throughout the year.

Symptoms of Graves' ailments

What are the symptoms of Graves' ailments?

  • Vitrіshkuvatіst (ophthalmopathy);
  • Swelling of the swelling;
  • Seeing "a squeak in the eyes";
  • tearing;
  • Double (diplopia);
  • The veil before the ochima;
  • Nistagmus (nerve rush from the side to the side).

If you can’t make a difference, you’ve got the wrong eyes, or if you’re feeling sick, or they just have such a form, to be amazed at the sclera - face-to-face. A large number of people see the signs of puffy eyes, the sclera and the ryaduzhnoy shell that upper bend I want to know. Ale in ailments on symptoms of ophthalmopathy full-time blisters mіzh iris and tables clearly visible. In addition, ailments based on a disease with a cym symptom blink quickly, and that is what happens, and the stench constantly turns eyes.

As soon as the eyes blink back, it means that they do not have enough of a tearful age in them, they stink dry, worn out, and appear to see a "squeak" in case of ailments. In some cases, when the mayor of the grave ailments grow, it is important to close their eyes, so the threat of serious damage, including the twisting of the horns (posed horns), right up to the hole. As soon as my eyes do not curl up, my dream will be transformed into a problem.

Signs of Graves' ailment

What are the signs of a Graves' ailment?

We were all backing people, some of them were ready to whisk from orbits. Remember Dangerfield's Family? First, forget about the eyes of Igor, who played Marty Feldman at the film Mel Brook "Young Frankenstein"? Yaksho ochі mayut such a form from the people themselves, tse all the deprivation of a family of rice, and not a sign of a bored ailment. Ale if the stench of raptom posed vipinatisya, and the whole camp is called exophthalmos, bulge-eyed or proptosis, then we can say about hyperthyroidism, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, which є characteristic familiar Basedow's ailments. Viryacheni eyes of Dangerfield, so the very yak and Feldman, boomed as the result of the male. Denmark sign is the most characteristic manifestation of Graves' ailments, extreme form of hyperthyroidism.

The increase in the amount of the hormone can be found on the tissues, tissues, fatty deposits, the eyes grow in size and are recognized, the result is ophthalmopathy or Graves' ophthalmopathy. The whole symptom is susceptible to approximately half of the people with ailments. In the case of men, the same signs of Graves' ailments appear before they become obvious symptoms and signs - accelerated heartbreak, tremulousness in the hands, sleeplessness, intolerance of specs, constantly seeing hunger, sprag. Women have signs of ailments based on ailments in most cases, not in choloviks, and in five times ophthalmopathy develops.

Vitrіshkuvatіst with grazed ailments

In most cases of exophthalmus, with grazed ailments, the enemy has an offense to the eye. Allegedly with raptom, vitriol is spared only from one side, which can be familiar with hemorrhage, severe inflamed depressions of the sinus or nasal sinuses, and not ailments and symptoms. In addition, the deterioration of the functions of the thyroid gland in case of gravid ailments, the cause of the vitreous disease is infectious disease, glaucoma, and also a big stun - leukemia or the puffiness of the eye. When you get sick, you get sick, but you get a symptom, you turn in a normal position. I would like to not see the signs of a disease from the people of the deyaky people. In especially folding vipadki with exophthalmics, doctors have to work with the operation, so they change the grip on the very apple.

To President George H. W. Bush the diagnosis of "Based's ailment" was given through the author of the rock for the fact that the symptoms of a sickness appeared in his squad, Barbary Bush. Signs of one and the same destruction through such a short term in people who live by one step, but are not tied by blood spores, is a phenomenon that looks like Basedow's sickness is a friend. Ale tsei phenomenon occurs at a frequency of approximately one drop per three million. The deyak from the secret premonitors donin vvazayut, the water in the Bilomu House, in the Camp-Devidi, or the Bush house in Kennebunkport, was snapped by the agents of Saddam Hussein!

Great eyes vzagaly, then vvazayutsya beautiful, ala inodi to be brought sposterigati, yak very apple people literally "wiggle" for nothing. What is it about?

health pathology

“Vitrishkuvatist” is scientifically called exophthalmus. І in bagatokh vipadki vіn є a symptom of early illness.

Nayposhirenіshe of them - pathology of the thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism due to changes in the concentration of hormones in the body in triiodothyronin and thyroxine. Over-secretion of hormones can cause them to be cut off and develop a diffuse toxic goiter, for example, ailments, yak can be of an autoimmune nature. I also call Graves a sickness, for the first time it is called endocrine ophthalmopathy the bull was described in 1835 by R. J. Graves. She was suffering, mіzh іnshim, Nadiya Krupska, yaku through the vital signs- the whirled eyes - nicknamed the minogi.

The yak axis will describe the cause of the illness by Vladislav Leonkin in the book "Ailments of the eyes: if there is a dark mirror of the soul":

"Across p_advishennogo rivnya hormones in the thyroid gland, then there is a small amount of fat, like є behind a full-time apple in a deep depression, it grows overwhelmingly. tsya zbіlshilasya adipose tissue vishtovhuє very apple forward. "

In addition, vitriol may be familiar with those ailments - glaucoma, good and bad fluff, thrombosis of the brain, trichinillosis, sinus inflammation, and may be traumatic cerebral congestion.

For pathology, the following symptoms are characteristic, such as enlightenment between the upper capitals and the parabolic membrane, darkening of the upper cortex. There is also one-sided vitreousness, since one eye is deprived of one eye, and everything is in order with the other.

Buvay pomilkov vitrіshkuvatіst, if the eyes viglyadayut vypnuyut, or at the same hour the apple is found in the boundaries of the norms: in orbit no more than 15-18 millimeters. In case of anomalies in the blood pressure, the indicator is 2-8 millimeters. Eyes of vitreous can often be promoted in people who have been undernourished for a trivial hour or have been starving. “It's a pity, blame the reason for the cachexia of an individual during hunger, but it is not possible to respect the reference exophthalm, since on the other hand, the eyes are expanded in the eyes of V.V.

When you suspect a pathology, it will inadvertently turn up to a drug, especially if it was not possible before anything similar in humans. Likuvannya is recognized as fallow for a specific cause of illness.

physiological specialty

Some "eyes of viryacheni" do not imply any pathological processes in the body, the stench may be physiological and bring about a genetic particularity. For example, such eyes are transmitted from fathers to children. While, it seems, fahivtsi, ailments, tied with bulging eyes, can also be transmitted by a fall-off way, that all the same does not happen from time to time: such people are found in the group.

Anthropological type and nationality

As soon as one sees the eyes of a glass of national rice, one is more likely to see such eyes at the representatives of the Jewish nationality. Ale not mensh, yak povidomlya N.A. Usoltseva in the robot "Anthropological views of the people of the people: articles, faces. Umovy the stem of races ", їkh can often be seen among the peoples of the Seredzemnomorya (for example, the Spanish, the Italians, the Romanians, the Greeks, the Egyptians), among the peoples of the Iranian group (Persian times), as well as the islands.

rice specialties

Fakhіvtsі from physiognomy vvazayut, how people with "viryachenі" ochima are drawn to character and temperament. So, Theodore Schwartz in the book “Read individuals. Physiognomy ”write about those, that such people have a strong character, stinks of ambitious, risky, passionate, shy rizikuvati. “It’s a pity, people do not look into their inner lights for an hour for an hour, don’t get rooted in the spiritual plane, but often lead them to the pointless imprudence,” - means Schwartz. Protest, as a result, the hairs of the eyes are vitreous the most frequently accepted solution. Behind the words of the presenter, the stench of getting sexy sexy, and it's not wonderful, people have such a lot of shanuvalniks.

The most common factors are exophthalmus - an ophthalmologic illness, damage to the robotic endocrine system and skull injuries. Likuvannya viryacheniya eyes in persha chergu poklikane viklyuchiti head symptom ailments, through what kind of pathology. Exophthalmus can be developed by any people, not just from that age, as well as status.

Vitrіshkuvatіst is most often negatively signified in the state of affairs, and when it is correct

lіkuvannya pass into an evil form of pathology. The pathology of exophthalmos is called bulge eyes. So I will call it vvazhaєtsya whole vypravdanim, so as with such processes, the apple is meaningfully stepping forward, flashing the characteristic effect of the eyes.

Vitrіshkuvаtіst see through the wintry apples, through the eyes to fix it, move forward or to the right side. With this kind of growing rice, beads of enlightenment are immersed in, which is washed between the rainbow shell and the upper capitals, especially when looking straight down. At the same time, the color of the school of the capital itself is changing - the school in the whole world starts to build more and more darkly.

The development of exophthalmus provokes pathological increase in the number of retrobulbar tissues, which can take place in empty ones. Tse damages vidbuvaєtsya with ignited, traumatic or neurodystrophic illnesses.

The first fixation of vypadok is the vitreousness that came into being in the end of the 18th century and the dressing of the thyroid glands. In more detail, such a pathology of the bull was described in the middle of the 20th century. For three hours, I spent a few hours thinking about the process of an active vyvchennya exercise.

Bagato lіkyuchі fakhіvtsі sturdzhuyut, scho exophthalmus - tse manifest one or at once without a disease, and not self-destruction. Do not get sick, you can be without a middle tied because of the healthy device of people, in deyaky vipads The main reason primed in functional distribution organ_v. The only difference is that the differential dosage can be helped to get rid of ailments, as well as to competently adapt the therapy for treatment.

Difficulties in robotic healthy organs cannot be the cause of exophthalmos. From the side, it is superfluous without correct lіkuvannya pathology often provokes the development of serious lesions. Naynezpechnіshim in the number of vvazhaєshim in waste of the light.

Many of the illnesses who had suffered from such a change helped to harden, how to improve the physical tissue, which describe the overcoming of the exophthalmus, can be related to the broken down of the functioning of the immune system. In general, at a sick start, a lot of fatty tissue is heavily swollen in the ochnitsa, and it’s hard to fit in and out of the mouth. Such processes are at odds with two eyes at once, and sometimes they appear only on one.

Among the other reasons for the development of a pathological process, you will see:

Also, the main factors for the development of vitriolation can be the processes of local expansion - for example, diffuse toxic goiter, aneurysms, thrombosis, hypothalamic syndrome, hidrocephalus.

The variability of the symptoms in a bancated people will directly lie in the indicator of the visualization of the eyes. Small damage may not deliver any pain or discomfort to the patient. In the world of development and destruction of steps, destruction key picture fix it, and vipinnya of the eyes to complement the following symptoms:

  • swelling and hardening of the sclera;
  • a decrease in hospitality for a patient;
  • view.

Unable to change the position of the intramural apple, the patient will use the function normally to close the intramural gap. The very same in an hour keratopathy occurs. Pathology to develop before the development of infection and detection.

Vitrіshkuvіstіstіt manifests itself in a sensible way There are three main types in medicine:

It is easier to visualize the eyes from orbits (from 15 to 18 millimeters), and it is absolutely normal to get involved. When developing vitreousness, it is necessary to go through a complex procedure at a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis. Vilikuvati exophthalmus can be deprived of the main disease.

The main pathology, which can lead to exophthalmos:

Suck down the signs of an exophthalmus if you are involved in a doctor with a higher level of education.

Destruction was taken out on the spot and on the way. When a pathology is found, it actively develops on aphids of short ages. In a more serious form, the challenge is to embrace true exophthalmus. In general, vitreousness is actively formed through ignition and plump processes. It can be passed both in hospitality and chronic forms.

True vitreousness is also divided into several types:

  • post_yniy;
  • pulsating;
  • alternate;
  • progressive evil.

For another classification, there are three types of exophthalmos: thyoretoxic, endocrine myopathy and swelling.

Thyrotoxic shock

This type of destruction in women... Yogo formvannu peredu process of detachment of thyroid hormone in the thyroid gland. With a tsom m'yak_ fabric do not take part in the process of striking. The upper connections of the intra-orbital, which are the main reason for the rupture of the capital, are spasmodic and grow stronger.

In the world of progress, the symptom of an initiative is undergoing a stronger expansion of intramural studies. At the first stages of the change, asymmetric and mayzhe do not manifest themselves. In an hour, the gap grows bigger and wider. Along with such a process, there are some ophthalmologic changes: the patients are brought to the attention of the deyak of the zusill, the morgati, the look from the subject to the subject. on zovnishniy viglyad You can be good if people have eyes of vitrіshkuvati.

Low level of tearfulness of provocation, abnormal blisk of bile. Yak only a patient will be able to fix the eyes, the upper hand will be repaired unsupported. In Russia, the reaction has been gagged.

Cause the development of this type of vitreousness until the end of the hour... Years of age of intelligence and etymology of pathology is deprived of seventy people with ailments. In half of the pathologies, the pathology is endocrine in nature. In 10 people, organisms form at once from the body's information. Rashta ten hundred thousand likars sounded tied with anamnesis and a disgusting way of living a sick person.

Nabaryakliy type of lupatik descriptions of strong vipinannyam full-time apple. Most often the vitreousness of the two-sided type. If ten times are lost, there is an exophthalmus of one eye. At the same time, it can be so strong that a person is ill to prescribe narcotic forms of non-sick drugs.

If you don’t start drinking it right away, then you can develop keratitis. The price of the burnt shells of the horns, with a strong bow, the sharpness of the zoru will decrease.


The nature of such a form is tightly tied with hormonal disorders in the thyroid... Such a pathology is a strong hormone wick, abo, navpaki, їkh short. Among the main causes of ailments are stress, emotional problems, and genetic frailty.

The head symptom is the discord of the zorovoi system, when all objects are repaired close to each other, they are split in two. Pislya can be noted for the crumbling of the apple of the eye. Pislya chotirokh - five months, fibrosis can develop - an uncontrolled growth of tissue in the middle of the eye.

Basic methods of diagnostics

If you are suspected of having ailments, you need to immediately return to the reception until the nearest examination of ophthalmology... Diagnosing ailments and choosing the correct therapy for treatment may be deprived of additional medications. Such nutrition is taken care of by a doctor-ophthalmologist. To make sure the ailment is hardened, you should spend one more time with the patient - an exam.

When carrying out an additional delay, a special line is set. Behind the scale with poddilki likar viznach the diameter of the eye horn, as well as looking at the appearance. The idea is to look around the width of the full-time gap, to change the appearance of ailments, before an hour I will turn my eyes closed.

The ophthalmologist is a regular indicator of the incidence of pathology. If the size is very small, the diameter is 20 millimeters, and the difference between the two points behind the lines of the sign is two millimeters, then we can talk about the shitty people. So tse also and yak z tsim are struggling, the way to be able to pick up on the very priyom. At the same time with exophthalmometry, the ailing person undergoes a number of additional procedures (ultrasound scan of the thyroid gland, diagnostics of hormones, reconsideration of the immune system). On the basis of the follow-up, the ophthalmologist pidbiraє more correct treatment.

mozhlive lykuvannya

The opucleus of the eyes is a seryoznaya strike, as a result of a medication or an operative treatment. Normalize the efficiency of the gadget, get it down ignition processes in the meats and turn the apple on the spot for the additional recipes of folk tsiteliv certainly not vyde. The treatment is guiltyly carried out by the doctor endocrinologist and ophthalmologist, if necessary, before carrying out the surgery, you must switch on the surgery and carry out the operation. Therapy can be from two to three rocky.

The pathology is usually identified as a result of the individual characteristics of the patient and the manifestation in his organism of pathologies. When there is a wide variety of goiters, there are grave stages of damage, the form of lupatids and the appearance substitution exophthalmus. Likuvannya get into the end head problemі reduce symptoms.

For the fight against the defeat, use medications for use. For example, when you get used to it, drugs are recognized: Lasix, Diakarb and Furosemide. For normalization of metabolism in cells, it is necessary to develop Proserin and Actovegin. With severe thyroid problems, it is necessary to use hormonal therapy ... Їх when he is guilty, he passes under general control from the side of the lykar.

Uvaga, only SOGODNI!

22 March 2018, 08:14

Galina Fedorivna Aleksandrova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, is about the most widespread ailments and prophylactics.

The thyroid gland, behind the shape of the panicle, grows in the anterior part of the sheath, in the area of ​​the thyroid cartilage. Tsia zalosa saw the role of the first violin in the endocrine orchestra, the conductor of the first violin. Vona viroblyaє hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronin, which take part in the established energy, necessary for the robots of all organs and systems of our body.


The most common disease of thyroid disease in Russia is hypothyroidism, which is due to the lack of iodine in the body. The reason for the "flourishing" of the sickness is that there are fewer and fewer natural products. Marriage to iodine is reduced to a decrease in the function of the thyroid gland, as a result of the lack of hormones. Few hormones, it means, і little energy for the robot and the body. Zvidsi - apathy, weakness, lower memory: the accountant spent the whole hour at the rakhunka, the writer forgot the ear of phrases that worked to the end of the day.

Thyroid goat from blood ti kryhti iodine, like in niy є, thyroid zloza started to grow in size and in people step by step virosta goiter. If you can't get a sick person with iodine at all times, then the goiter can reach the decilkokh kilograms, at that hour it’s healthy to get it - 25-30 grams. In a strongly malnourished thyroid cell, it grows unevenly and becomes a university, otochened with capsules. Tsi vuzli do not viroblyayut hormones, but to produce thyroxine and triiodothyronine to a chronic marriage, it is not a matter of fact, having forgotten the marriage of iodine. For the wikid of hormones is seen spontaneously, the wickedness of the sick person is stronger than the heart rate. People with chronic hypothyroidism suffer from the whole life of the piece thyroid hormone. The stench is absolutely not shitty, ale it’s stagnant, you need it regularly, and at the exact time of the hour, it’s hard to finish it.

Poryatunok in iodine salt

Hvoriti with hypothyroidism is not only inappropriate, ale and cover it - it is also so easy to unknow it. It is only necessary to use the iodine silt afterwards. Won is sold in pharmacies and grocery stores. Tsya sil does not look like a savory taste, nor a color, and it is great for preparing food, except for canned food. Pour on feijoa, persimmon, bell pepper and seafood - the stench is even more rich in iodine.

On the note of vegetarians: iodine will "skip" through the body in transit, as people will not reject the bottle, but take revenge in meat products. Soybeans, as they thought it was accepted by the povnotsin substitute of meat, couldn’t use iodine - the block, which would help you to fight, could only take revenge in the meat.

It is especially respectful to the substitution of iodine in their own rationalization of the demands placed on the women of the vagina. From the hour of vaginosti it is a physiological improvement of the thyroid gland, so as it is guilty of the hormones for the two organisms. With such a rank, the woman's need for iodine is meaningfully improved.

If 150-200 mcg of iodine for doba needs to be taken up to vaginosity, then, if you are a child, the woman is guilty of trimming at least 300 mcg. To help ensure that I will not need an iodine supplement, antistramine and a drug formi "Berlin-Chemi" calium iodide, packaged in 100, 200, 500 mcg. An important nuance: if you take the drugs, you will need to be considered as iodine salts.

As soon as the organism of the mother lacks iodine, then the baby will be born with a malformed hypothyroidism and it will need to introduce piece hormones through all his life, because he does not have to recognize the important pink appearance and cretinism.

Cybulevius sіk on the head

If hypothyroidism has already settled in your family, then if you have a disease, you can kill and come in, as you can help to endure the disease more easily.

In case of hypothyroidism, all the processes in the body are spovilnenia through marriage, the energy is violated. Zokrema, prodigies between beats of the heart, for some reason, as often as not, the roof is flowing through the vessels. Shkira is even nasty to take care of blood and start peeling, especially on the hands and feet, as the stench is most visible from the heart. In the whole range of hands and the level of demand, regularly cover with a fat cream, in addition, there may be sore throats and tremors.

Mlyava shkira is not able to put hair on its surface. The stench in the company with the eyebrows is repaired intensively by vipadati. If you have not caused hypothyroidism for an hour, you can rub a rep'yakhovu olia into the head of your head, or it is too frequent.

Through those trustworthy all communication processes, it is not enough to quickly establish vitamins A, so that the zhivtushness of the shkiri can appear. Uniqnuti tsyogo to be given, yaksho take it vitamіnnі complexes, Who to take revenge on Vitaminy, A and Group V.

People who are sick with hypothyroidism often experience problems and symptoms. Be amazed by them, you can also help tea with lingonberry leaves, which is a volodya sechoginny effect. The leaf needs to be brewed with a rosary 1 teaspoon per bottle of water and 10-12 quilins on a weak water. Let it cool down and take 12 flasks for 20-30 minutes beforehand. It is not recommended to treat hypothyroidism in case of hypothyroidism;

Basedova's ailment

Thyroid disease is developing more, less hypothyroidism, and no less than borrowing another place for the widening of the middle ailment of the thyroid gland. There is about diffuse toxic goiter, in the people more like Graves' ailment.

Viryacheni eyes, harder for heart, gratitude, delicacy, three-handed hands, shielding-like zloza - such a portrait of a man, a yak, a sick person. Plus, before everything else, on the smallest appetite of ailments, it is progressively consumed in vases - up to 8-10 kg per month. And all the way through those who have a thyroid gland viroblyaє zanadto rich in hormones.

The device can be used to rebel against the lozenges only for additional preparations, which can block the release of hormones. (Well, the disease is running, you see a part of it hirurgic path.) During the period of consumption, it is necessary to speed up the production of iodine products and not to waste iodine salts. Sleepy baths can also be forgotten - the stench can be heard in all your attempts to improve your health.

Basedova's ailment - tse spadkovo get sick, Yake will be transmitted most frequently by woman's line. Or you can safely live all your life and not know how you see your grandmother (and most often, you see the fungus through the generation) and calm down the sickness. is it necessary for a tsiy zrobiti? Chi do not get nervous through drіbnitsі, namagatisya unikati Infectious diseasesі do not sinister with magic. Glad to be banal, ale surely vidomo, that stress and ailments can awaken the sickness in the nadra of your body. Most often, Graves' ailment manifests itself, if you are 30-40 years old, so in the whole office you will regularly see an endocrinologist.

burned thyroid

In addition, the thyroid gland can ignite, as if it were the other organ. It can be done in 3-4 days of the transferred viral affliction, For example, for flu. The temperature rises rapidly to 39oC, strong beat in case of contamination in the area of ​​thyroid gland. Shia zbіlshuєtsya in size. To be called tsya to attack "pidgostriy thyroidit de TERVEY". For the last rik, the number of ailments who come to our institute with thyroiditis has grown 4 times.

Uniknuty tse zhvoryuvannya foldably. Dine, it is possible to get rid of the flu on your feet. Do not touch the post-lingering regime of ailments so much weaker, viral infections Suffering to become insensitive to her organisms, in this particular type of thyroid gland.

Before the drug arrives, you can take aspirin, analgin or endometacin. Dalіkuvannya carried out in the minds of the stationary with strong anti-firing methods - such as.