Emergence of milk cancer at an early stage. Early diagnosis of breast cancer

One of the most frequent cases of oncological illnesses in the day-to-day є milk cancer. Behind the backward number of ailments in the middle population (people and women), a number of types of oncological pathologies are borrowed from another place for cancer, and among women, breast cancer is the most common malignant new. However, “Do you see breast cancer?” Means virok? Zrozumіlo, dumb, oskіlki suchasna medicine has broken out the least effective ways to get rid of sickness. However, here it is a lot to lie down and see the woman herself. Andzhe vmіnnya vchasno diagnose the symptoms of the disease to relieve the physicians of the process of fixing the ailment.

widening of ailments

Breast cancer occurs in many hours of ancient civilizations. For example, zhvoryuvannya, which is a typical typing sign of the cancer of milk, is described in the old Egyptian papyri. In that era, ailment dared nevily and lead to death. However, in the most part of the disease, it is better for everything, having been born again. In the Danish hour, the number of ailments grows up. Statistics show that in the ruined lands about ten women suffer from breast cancer. Usually, in Russia, bad chicks in this organ appear in 50 thousand women. And in the middle of the world the number is changing the million. The statistics on vision are also still unclear. Mayzhe half of the diseases in women will end with a lethal result.

describe the ailment

Milk zloza is a central organ, which is a class of sorts of rice that can be found in the same class of people. The state of mind is able to take their offspring with milk, so that they can avenge easily lively speeches, Gave ssavtsom majesty competitor before the other gilks of food. However, you need to pay for everything. Milk fill - tse also foldable vlashtovani organi, The robot's chia lie in the inflow of statovih hormones. Naymenshі vіdhіlennya in biochemіchnyh processes, wіdbuvayutsya in organіzmі, is recognized on a milky hall.

The whole organ is stored from without children in the parts of the alveoli, in which milk is circulated. Behind the special ducts, milk comes up to the nipple, de and is seen during lactation. There is also some fat in the breasts with good fabrics, Presence of blood-bearing and lymphatic judgment.

Women know very well that their breasts are sick until they get sick - mastitis and mastopathy. Not the kind and goodness of milky locks, for example, adenomas. With the singing surroundings, the stench can degenerate into evil. However, cancer of lactic acidosis can occur on its own, without a link to other diseases. Pukhlina, by the day, is a conglomerate of grown waxy cells, gradually growing and widening its pathogenic inflow into the organisms.

Slide it means that the breast doesn’t go to the women’s privileges, on the view of the other women’s bodies. From the nipples of the choloviki, they are also in the physiological period of the age, as in women, who want a lot of cholovikov and do not think about it. However, on the view of women, they should be in the "sleeping" camp and are not active at the choloviks; Protein, the similarity of cholovy milky vines with females means that choloviks can also suffer from cholovy milky vines. Cancer given to an organ, however, in a strong stati is more susceptible to about 100 times older than in women.

In the nosological plan, malignant swelling of the milky zone is represented by two main species - ductal carcinoma and lobular carcinoma. In total, there are more than 20 different types of fluff, which are set in the tissues of milk vines. Pukhlini can be mother of an invasive character, so that, even more broadly, they are wider on the fabric and non-invasive. Also, crayfish crayfish dwell on those, which are receptive to female hormones and actively react to them, and those, which are not receptive to hormones. The rest of the category of dairy milks' puffs will be used for the most important.


Yak and in the case of the most oncological illnesses, exact reasons breast cancer is still unavailable. However, it is іsnu poached, which is rich in cancer of the given organ of dressings for damage hormonal balance in organism, persh for everything, with the adjustment of the level of estrogen in the body of the normal. According to the general theory, women are welcomed into the group:

  • nikoli did not cheer up children,
  • Do not drink your milk on children,
  • abortion was robbed several times,
  • as they took a trivial hour of estrogen,
  • those who had their menstruation early,
  • Some of them have a Klimax instruction (50 years are older).

The significance of these factors is easy to explain - the more women have more menstrual cycles, the more estrogens flow from the side of the body. Estrogen stimulates the regeneration of tissues in bagatine organs, including milky vines, and this means that the number of mutations in the tissues of the cych is moving.

Likewise, in some cases, breast cancer є we genetically zoom in to ailments. A genius has been revealed, who have been affected by 50% of them. However, genetically accumulating cancer becomes a deprivation of an insignificant part of all types of ailments.

The group also, by all appearances, has women:

  • a kidnapped person who entered the period of menopause;
  • suffered from oncological illnesses of their organs;
  • mali dobroyak_snі chills of milky vines;
  • they suffer for obesity, diabetes, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis;
  • dull shkіdlivі calls- vivayut nikotin and alcohol;
  • there was little contact with carcinogenic speech, or it was often given to radioactivity;
  • I live in a great number of fats of foodstuffs.

It is also the theory that sounds richly vipadk in the pukhlin of milk frogs. negative influx deyakikh viruses.

Inodi isnu dumka, which can cause mechanical injuries of the breasts to the malignant fluffs of milk frogs. However, for the most part, there are no well-grounded proofs about the presence of a similar sound.

In a large variety of malignant breast swelling, it is observed in young women. The peak of the seizure falls on 60-65 rocks. A part of women younger than 30 years old, at some boules, it is not large. In most cases, their pukhlina is not particularly aggressive. And among the females-pidlitkiv ailments develop deprived in single vipadas.


Malicious swelling of the breasts is one of the non-malignant oncologic maladies, de-hypersensitive efficacy of self-diagnostics. This means that a woman can often see the chubby herself when looking at her milk vines. At the same time, it is necessary for the nobility to deprive them of a set of symptoms, which are supervised by a given disease. In fact, in about 70% of cases of puffy breasts, it was seen that some bullets were seen by the patients themselves, and not revealed during a medical examination.

Otzhe, whether a woman is guilty to take it as a rule to conduct an independent look over her pectoral vines... This procedure is awkward and is guilty of being carried out during the end of menstruation.

If you have a well-groomed personal respect, it is necessary to use these parameters:

  • symmetry of breasts,
  • їх size,
  • colir shkiri,
  • shkiri camp.

As soon as the manifestations of adolescents are a symptom, or if they illuminate the intangible nature, then they turn to the doctor-mammologist. We carried out a manual tightening of the breasts and may indicate additional procedures, such as ultrasound, mammography (X-ray of the chest area), ductography (mammography with contrasting speech). As soon as you see the illusion of illumination still get lost, then a biopsy will be carried out with the upcoming preliminaries of the critical material. An analysis of blood for tumor markers is also carried out.


As it already meant a whiske, a woman can often be seen by herself, and everything is in order with her breasts, for an hour of self-reflection. However, for the nobility it is necessary for the nobility to accumulate symptoms, which are supervising oncological illnesses.

Varto mati on uvaz, but it was not є in this case, but it is an initial symptom. Milk puffs grow in large varieties in the early stages practically painlessly. If a woman is self-defeated, she is ill-wounded, then in a large number of cases she has good aspirations.

However, there are vignettes of the rule. Symptoms of Beshikopodibna, carapacey and fiery diffusional chinchillin, include severe chest pains. For cich forms of ailments, the same set of symptoms, such as temporal temperature and fiery, through scho it is possible to get lost with infectious diseases. Signs of such pukhlin are the visibility of the clear between and shvidke widening on a large area. In case of armor-plated cancer, chubby can touch the surface of the breasts, which changes in size.

The main signs of cancer of the milk frog are the solid surface and the uneven contours of the chubby. Rivni and round poohlini, as a rule, are kindly adopted. Name the evil chubby of the nerve, and it is more than a handful to vindicate at the onslaught. Another symptom of swelling is the change of the shouting shkiri, which is spread over it. The skin can be drawn in, on it there can be sniffs and folds.

When the development is overwhelmed crayfish You can eat in lymphatic universities, for that you can eat in size. Signs are the improvement of lymphatic universities, their uneven surface, also guilty of being on the alert. A large number of lymphatic universities, affected by cancer cells, become painless.

In addition, a common symptom of puffy hairs is seen from nipples, not tied to lactation. The vision, as a rule, is pathological in nature and to take shelter of any kind.

Stages of milk cancer

The name is taken to see 4 stages of becoming ill. For the skin of them, the characteristic set of symptoms, the intensity of such growths in the world of progressing ailments.

The first stage is pochatkova. At the second stage, the size of the chubby is even maliy, I won’t overtake 2 cm in diameter. Suspended fabrics and lymphatic universities are not damaged by a pathological process.

The other stage is characterized by the diameter of the puffiness in the boundaries of 2-5 cm. At the stage of the crayfish, the clitine can almost penetrate into the lymphatic universities. At the third stage, the pukhlin perevistiє for a size of 5 cm. It can appear around the metastases in the most saline. At the fourth stage, the whole hair is consumed by the process, metastases can appear in other organs.

TNM Milk Cancer Staging System

It is also uncommon for the stage of cancer of the lactic acidosis to be identified according to the TNM system, in which index T is the size of the puffiness, N is the stage of destruction of lymph nodes, M is the appearance of distant metastases.

Index T can be taken from 1 to 4:

  • Stage T1 - size of chubby up to 2 cm,
  • Stage T2 - size of chubby from 2-5 cm,
  • Stage T3 - the size of the fluff is more than 5 cm,
  • Stage T4 - pukhlina expand to chest wallі shkіru.

Index M acceptance value from 0 to 3:

  • N0 - mute metastases in lymph nodes;
  • Stage N1 - metastases in inguinal lymph nodes 1 and 2 pounds, not welded together;
  • Stage N2 - metastases in the inguinal lymph nodes of the 1st and 2nd level, soldered between themselves, or a cut of the internal mammary lymph node;
  • Stage N3 - metastases in the subclavicular lymph nodes of the 3rd level or metastases in the internal mammary and inguinal lymph nodes, metastases in the supraclavicular lymph nodes.

Index M can accept only two values ​​- 0 and 1 M0 - no metastasis in the distance, M1 - metastasis in the distance.


The treatment of milk crayfish is an important process. You have succeeded in many ways in which to lie because of the fact that it is so aggressive є pudding, that it has gone a long way.

Likuvannya transferring a number of methods, and most of them - surgical. Earlier, with the appearance of a small swell, an operation was practiced for total visualization ( radical mastectomy). It’s necessary to say that practice is similar є the reason for the fact that women are often afraid of the operation and are not often thought of as being similar to the method of treatment, so that they will lead to death. And in the time of the operation of the woman who lost her breasts, she saw psychological discomfort and stress, which is also not desirable, as a positive moral attitude of the patient, one of the minds for a successful fight against cancer.

In the Danish hour, the treatment of milk crayfish is carried out in a cheap way. In most cases, in the early stages of illness, it is not really necessary to see all breasts. During the operation, I will call the yak a lumpectomy, if you see that part of the milk layer is deprived of it, the yak is destroyed by the chubby. Likewise, when lіkuvannі see lіmphatic vuzli snuggle to the swelling. Outside the visibility of the breasts, practice is deprived of repairing from the third stage. But here it is quite enough to lay down all the peculiarities of the disease in a specific skin type.
Protest, if I did not see the appearance, there is no evidence of relapse. I didn’t start to, I’m stuck in love for additional chemotherapy and radiootherapy. Bagato puffy breasts are kindly fed up to help hormones, which change the level of estrogen in the body. The whole specialty is based on these circumstances, which in bagatokh cancer cells є receptors for estrogens and when infused on the given receptor cells accelerate their proliferation.

Hormone therapy, chemotherapy and radiootherapy can also be self-sustaining as a self-reliant view of breast cancer, in that case, as surgery for some reason is uncomfortable. It can be stagnant and such a step before the treatment, when pouring on the chubby for an additional preparation and optimization, practice before the operation, in order to change the size of the new solution. A similar method for collecting the fluff of milk frogs is called neoad'juvant. On a daily basis, adjuvant therapy for positive outcomes surgical operations and prevent recurrence of ailments.

3 cytostatic drugs, such as vicorisation during chemotherapy for breast cancer of the most widespread nabuli:

  • fluorouracil,
  • methotrexate,
  • cyclophosphamide,
  • paklitaxel,
  • doxorubicin.

A special form of drug therapy for breast cancer is targeted therapy. Danish is a kind of rectifying to adjust the sensitivity of chubby clitins to chemotherapy drugs, as well as to exchange therapy. Targeted drugs take away specific antibodies, which neutralize speech, which can be seen as plumpy clines of milk vines.


Chances for cancer of the breasts are very high at the early stages of becoming ill. As long as it is rosted at 1-2 stages, then 80% of the children live 5 years and more. With cancer of the third stage, the indicator becomes 40%. In case of breast cancer of the fourth stage, the indicators of five-fold vizivanosti are stored in all numbers of vitamins. It’s a good idea to lie down as well as a child, a family member who is ill, a stage of aggressiveness to cancer. In case of rabid and armored form, breast cancer is five-fold, 10% do not overtake.

It is necessary to remember that if a successful operation was carried out to see the milk mushroom, then in a day, sometimes through the rock, it could relapse. That ailment needs to be repaired under the constant visualization of an oncologist.


Stovidsotkovoi guarantee, because the woman doesn’t have an evil swelling of her breasts, it’s zerous, but it’s impossible. However, regular self-examination, examination of a mammologist-doctor, undergoing mammography never came before, allowing you to become ill at an early stage. It is also a change in the incidence of ailments due to the transfer of canopy, lactation, the appearance of ailments in female organs and lactic acidosis, control of the hormonal balance in the body, the first for everything, in the period of climax. Zrozumіlo, I will not stop the role in the prevention of breast cancer, the grunting of health, control of vagina, healthy lifestyle, and the appearance of high-quality calls.

- malignant new milk shake. Local manifestations: changes in the form of milk clotting, retraction of the nipple, swelling of the nipple, vision of the nipple (often bloody), prominence of the gullet, vuslice, improvement of supraclavicular or inguinal lymph nodes. most effective surgical treatment in exchange for chemotherapy at the early stages. on in different stages the metastasis of the chubby in the іznі organi. The forecast of the disease is rich in what lies in the breadth of the process and the histological structure of the chubby.

Country houses

According to the statistical data of the WHO, everybody is diagnosed with a lot of new types of development of the malignant powders of dairy vines. Russia has an indicator of reachє 50 thousand. The skin of the eighth American is ill for breast cancer. The mortality rate in the course of pathology becomes close to 50% of all ailments. Decrease in the indicator of overshkodzhaє visibility in the regions of the organized prophylactic screening of the population for the early detection of malignant new dairy plants.

causes RMZ

The winners of the development of milk cancer are welcomed by the officials:

  • Pidloga... In the case of the overwhelming majority of breast cancer, it grows in women;
  • vik... Most often, cancer of milk vines develops in women of 35 years;
  • Gynecological history of folds: Disruption of the menstrual cycle, hyperplastic and ignition pathology of statovi organs, bezpliddya, breakdown of lactation;
  • genetic strength: May there be a mischief in close relatives, lacto-ovary syndrome, cancer-associated genodermatosis, additional cancer of the milky gland with sarcoma, malignant swelling of the lungs, larynx, supra;
  • Endocrine and metabolic products: Obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabet, Chronic arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, liver pathology, fatigue, immunodeficiency.
  • Nonspecific carcinogenic factors: Curiosity, chemistry, high-calorie, unbalanced diet, rich in carbohydrates and low blood pressure, ionizing radioactivity, the robot in disregard of rhythms.

It is necessary to remember that there is no need to lead to the development of the malignant milky pudding of the disease.


Breast cancer is classified by stages of development.

  • on Stage I pukhlina does not change 2 centimeters in diameter, does not infuse into navkolishn zolose Klitkovina, metastasis is not.
  • IIa stage it is characterized by a chunk of 2-5 cm, which does not sprout into the wrinkle, or the puff of smaller growths, ale yaka has picked up navkolishny fabrics (pidshkirnu kletkovin, one shkira: wrinkle syndrome). Metastasis at the third stage is also common. Pukhlina nabuvaє 2-5 cm in diameter. Chi does not sprout in navkolishnє pіdshkіrnu fatty cells and dairy nestlings. The Іnshiy razvidov is the fluff of the same size as the sprouting of fatty cells and soldered to the skin (wrinkle symptoms). Regional metastases are everywhere.
  • on IIb stage there are metastases in the regional lymph nodes in the groin. Metastasis in the intrathoracic parasternal lymph nodes is not common.
  • pukhlina IIIa stage it is larger in diameter, less than 5 centimeters, or sprouts in the rosette under the milky ball a ball. A characteristic symptom of "lemon pick", swelling, nipple retraction, sometimes swelling on the nipple skin and vision of the nipple. Regional metastases throughout the day.
  • IIIb stage characterized by multiple metastases of the inguinal lymph nodes or single supraclavicular (or metastases in the parasternal and subclavian nodes).
  • IV stage- thermal. Cancer is hostile to the whole milkweed, sprouts in navkolishnі tissue, dessimіnіt to the nest, manifests itself in great turns. So, up to the fourth stage, the swelling, whether it is a kind of growth, is carried by metastases in the other organisms (as well as in the other milk lobes and lymph nodes on the other side), coverage, mintly fixing to the breast tissue.

symptoms of RMZ

At the early stages, breast cancer does not manifest itself, with palpation it is possible to develop a strong affirmation in the tissue. Most often, a woman's approval is helpful when she is self-reliant, or she appears during mammography, ultrasound examination of dairy salmon, and other diagnostic methods during preventive visits. Pukhlin progresses, grows better, germinates in the nursery school, shkir, in the muzzle breast cancer... Metastases are hostile to regional lymphatic universities. With the flow of blood of crayfish, the cells are treated in their own organisms and fabrics. Breast cancer is most often widening metastases in the lung, liver and brain. Necrotic loss of chubby, malignant damage to other organs in the past until death.


Cancer of the lactic acid lymph nodes before the rapid metastasis in the regional lymph nodes: groin, pidclavicular, parasternal. Distant from the strum of the lymph of the cells of the cell are expanded along the supraclavicular, scapular, mediastinal and high schools. Likewise, the lymphatic system of the lateral protuberance can be astonished, and the cancer can pass to the other breast. Hematogenous path of metastases spread to the leg, liver, cysts, brain.


One of the most important methods for the early detection of cancer of milk vines is the regular self-defense of women. Self-defense for women who enter the group for milk cancer, as well as all women over 35-40 years old, have a good time. The first step is looking at the breasts in front of the mirror. There are deformations, more than the improvement of some breasts in the same way. The symptom of "lemon kirka" (retraction of the shkiri) is shown to the symptoms of a mamologist.

I wanted to look around to carry out a retreat, due to the consistency of the skin, discomfort and ailments. Push on nipples to reveal pathological visions. In the diagnosis of milk cancer, look around and palpation allow you to see the tissue in the tissue and put the new solution. instrumental methods diagnostics allow detailed information on how to get rid of puhlin and growth of visnovka about the size, shape, step of the level of formation and navkolishnіkh fabrics. at adolescence at the RMZ it is carried out:

  • roentgenivske provision: Mamography, ductography.
  • Ultrasonic examination of milk salmon. The ultrasound scan will be updated to the advanced regional lymph nodes and dopplerography.
  • Biopsy of dairy zolozi. Further, the cytological dosage of the swelling tissue shows the manifestation of malignant growth.
  • Dodatkova diagnostics. A number of new techniques for milking milky vines can also be attributed to mammography, microwave-RTS.

Likuvannya to milk cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most common malignant new creatures. Small swellings, localized in the tissues of the skin, see, and, most often, in the case of recurrence of non-metastatic cancer is not indicated.

Likuvannya to milk cancer - surgical. The vibration of the operation is to lay down in the size of the pudding, the steps of the ugly tissue and lymph nodes.

  • mastectomy... For a long time, practically all women with a malignant chubby milk frost underwent a radical mastectomy (more often than not, a mastectomy was carried out on behalf of lymph universities and lymph nodes). Infected more and more often the modification of the analogue of the operation, if the chest muzzles are saved (as long as the stench is not damaged by the malicious process).
  • Resection of lactose. At the early stages of getting sick and small swells of chubby in Danish hour, a part of the mastectomy is swirled: it’s obvious that it’s just a little bit of it, I’m defeated with a little chubby and a small amount of weeping. Chastkova mastectomy get in touch with radio-changing therapy and showing a complete set of radical surgery results of treatment.

Vividness of lymph universities with a decrease in ymoviness of recurrence of illnesses. To see the presence of cancer cells. Yakshcho in viluchenikh pid hour of operation lymphatic universities metastases are detected, women undergo exchange therapy. Krim for the kids with with a high rizik The entry of malignant cells into the bloodstream is a sign of chemotherapeutic treatment.

In the past day, there is a method for the detection of receptors to estrogen in the cells of lactose cancer. The stench viyavlyayutsya approximately at two tertiary ailments. In such cases, there is a possibility of zupiniti development of chubby, having stuck hormone therapy with RMZ.

Forecast and prevention

For the operative visualization of malignant swelling of the milk, women are taken to the field with a mammologist-oncologist; Most often, metastases appear in the first 3-5 years, while the development of new puffin changes.

Naynadіynіshoyu start of prophylaxis of breast cancer є regular maintenance of women by a mammologist, control over the camp of the state system, self-protection. All women over 35 years old need to complete a mammography.

Changes in the pathology of the organ organs, damage to the hormonal balance, exchange of illnesses, and the removal of carcinogenic factors, reduce the risk of diagnosing cancer of lactic acidosis.

Spend a look around your breasts only for the help of your hands, you can NOT see yourself!

1. Main types

Breast cancer is on the way for more and more frequent illnesses in women. In the past, there are approximately 20,000 children in Rik since and earlier in the world. Bagato, they could have a chance to get rid of it, as if breast cancer would go in free time.

Early diagnostics is important, there are some chances for a drink and for a little more than for the size of a pooh at the time of an appearance. It is pummeled with pukhlin dots, as a rule, the size is approximately 2-3 cm.

By the method of early diagnostics, the detection of breast cancer is already at that stage, if the swelling is not even a small size and cannot be felt.

Women are not to blame for that moment, if they independently appear in their breasts. Oskіlki in Danish hour іnuyut numerical methods of diagnostics, wіll allow tо diagnose breast cancer аnd thе thе ear іn thе ear іn thе ear іn thе ear іn thе time іn thаt іt wіll bе probed аn іn thе need οf thе prospect іn thе idea οf life. To them to be introduced digital mammography, sonography and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).

However: do not marvel at the progress in the field of medicine, methods of early diagnostics of ill health in Nimechchin are still reluctant to corrode. Due to the provisions of the early diagnostics of cancer, women under 50 years old should be advised to avoid self-examination of their breasts with a walk and go to the gynecologist. I don't care about those who seemingly, if there is a feeling of depression in their breasts, the disease is still progressing. Tim by himself procuring breasts for good, not by early diagnostics of illnesses, but sooner "for the first time".

2. Yak Vinnikє breast cancer?

Don't expect breast cancer like this.

The reason for this contention is in a large number of vipads (approximately 80 vids) є cells, which envelop the milk ducts from the middle. Here the stench passes through the phase, before the hour is left behind, it is left behind in the milk ducts, the stinks of what is called "incapsulyut". At all stages, the puffy cells do not expand in terms of organism. This phase is called "in-situ-stage", the first stage of breast cancer, so "ductales Carcinoma in-situ" or shortly "DCIS". Pid hour of the phase of cancer depending on all types of vilikovny... Oscillations at the whole stage are not recognized by the establishment of a grievance, but changes are seen only in the clientele, a sign of a faint on the dotted line is practically unhealthy. By changing the rank of clitine with a part of milk frost (in about 20 female females) it is not necessary to grow into breast cancer;

After a decade, the cells from the milk ducts penetrate into the tissue thorax... The process is called “ invasive cancer ". Tsia Pukhlina ("spravzhny" breast cancer) can also be licked, until quietly, when there is only one in the breasts. If the cancer spreads through the blood-bearing path through the whole organism and the metastases of the chubby penetrate into the life of the important organisms, it is more uncomfortable for them. Anyone can go to chronic stage anyway, in the worst way, quickly lead to a lethal result. To that, by the early diagnostics of breast cancer, it has become ill, if it has not expanded across the whole body. Anyway, more beautifully, if you get sick, you might not be safe - but at the first stage (DCIS).

Emergence of breast cancer at an early stage means an increased chance of getting money!

Breast cancer Tim himself early diagnostics means:

  • Vyaviti ailment before illumination to feel the inferiority in the dairy zone.
  • It is common to diagnose an illness, so that it can become an aggressive chubby at an early stage of the process.

The price is required by the nobility:

  • It is not possible to mow the milk down by the way of getting sick at the cob stage, because it is not a skin-like appearance of breast cancer. Tse means that looking at breasts with a slick promising є a rude method of detecting cancer and allowing it to be deprived of chubby, as it is prompted (as a rule, it is reduced by a size of 2 cm.)
  • Ultrasound diagnostics of lactic acidosis is also not susceptible to detection of breast cancer at the cob stage.

3. What diagnostic methods are there?

Allowing to get sick at the early stage (DCIS), fragments in some cases (about 30 times a hundred) on the X-ray sign you can see insignificant traces (so called "microcalcifications"). Such micro-information is mainly due to the appearance of milk duct fluff, at which time DCIS-fluff develops rapidly. The stage of rapid development (approximately in 70 different forms) often appears behind the additional magnetic resonance tomography of the milk field. Closely two thirds of the disease does not appear before the hour of the mammography, the microbes on the mammogram are not remembered.

In addition, mammography alone for diagnosing cancer at its early stage is not suitable for all women. If the tissue in the chest area is tighter, more chubby may also not appear. Reason: The tissue of the breast is covered on the mammography of the white color, as well as breast cancer itself. Only because of the fact that the tissue on the breast will be bought and replaced by the fatty tissue, the reliability of the mammography of growth. For children of women, it’s worth seeing in vіkom, for children, navpaki, nikoli. In such a rank, for a skin woman, there is a level of accuracy in diagnosing breast cancer after an additional mammography, it is possible to lay down the "schilnosti" tissue of the breast.


sonography(Ultrasound detection of milk vines) - it is especially important to upgrade to mammography especially for women with increased breast tissue growth. For an additional ultrasound scan, the doctor can "zirnut" into the tissue of the chest cavity and develop cancer, since it is uncomfortable to grow for an additional mammography. In addition, such a rank can be used to create a good brush. On the ultrasound scan, one can also see the snakes in the tissue of the breast and illumination, similar to cancer, as it is unwise to wipe out the way. However, only ultrasonic scanning, or the so-called "3D-sonography", is not intended for early diagnostics of illness. Reason: with the help of ultrasound, it is difficult to accurately diagnose cancer at the cob stage. Ultrasound scan є important additions to mammography - especially if it is necessary to carry out additional information fahіvets... You can't replace mammography.

Magnetic resonance imaging based on nuclear magnetic resonance (MRI)

MRI, Yak і ultrasound, є by the method of flattening without a test of x-ray viprominuvannya. However, in the form of ultrasound and MRI, it is possible to diagnose cancer at its early stage. Particularly strong is the diagnostic side of MRI, which is manifested in the fact that you have a biologically aggressive view of cancer at an early stage at the stage of increased blood flow - especially for quiet cob stages, Yaki "keep up" to approve the microcopy, for those you can see them on the mammography. At such stages of cancer, such as in the presence of aggressive invasive carcinomas, such as a trace of cancer, mammography is so "slap" itself, as in case of obstructed milk infections with a small tissue deposit. In fact, for MRI, there is a rule: the method is best possible, if the technique, technique, and especially the one to be aware of, is on a common basis.

The skin method makes its own line - that is why it’s about the correct combination!

This means that there is a modern technique of covering (mammography, sonography or MRI), that you can be victorious without additional methods, you cannot get all types of cancer at its early stage. The skin care method has its own significance in the process of diagnosing breast cancer, so it is important to correctly combine it. Yaka combination pre-social for you, to lay down in the meaning of the world from your life, the peculiarities of the tissue of your breast, your specialty of your milk, your special profile.

  • mammography All women should respect the basis of early diagnostics of ailments in principle, as well as diagnosing breast cancer in the early stages.
  • sonography additional mammography there, it is not enough to carry out one deprivation of x-ray dosage.
  • carrying out MRI milk jellies are massens, as in your homeland there are already boules of crayfish breastfeeding and / or yachnikiv. In addition, MRI is also a highly accurate method of diagnostics of incapacitation in women with malignant breast tissue. Vona found out in case of biologically aggressive puffins to cancer in the early stages. Wonderful evidence of breast cancer and cancer with biologically aggressive potential.

Combination of different methods of diagnostics for advancing rіven viyavlennya got sick in accordance with the vicarious method, only be it a method.

4. Mamography-screening - it is better to keep the first croc

Do not expect breast cancer є this way - mammography-screening should not be used for skin cancer.

All milk frosting. Moreover, breast cancer in a skin woman manifests itself in a different way. Inexpensive standard methods, such as screening mammography, can not serve as a substitute for an individual method for early diagnosis of breast cancer, such as We, like a woman, are at fault. Oscillations in order to ensure that the diagnostic method is based on your individual factors and needs in terms of prophylactics, the necessary accessibility, a clear process of carrying out the diagnostics, such as providing a combination of advice and information Tomography-screening, about which id mova, is the first step in diagnostics.

Within the framework of the mammography-screening, two x-ray signs of the skin milk formation are carried out, without prior medical examination or the establishment of your individual profile, the risk of illness, as it is possible to be assessed by two faults. Visnovok likars will appear through a few days. Even in the column "diagnosis" it is written "mammography without pathology" - this means that the mammography of any kind of changes did not appear. Oscillations of mammography cannot affect all types of breast cancer, the phrase does not necessarily mean that your milk is healthy. In addition, you will not be impressed by the knowledge that it is possible in your milky vines to become ill at the early stage only after additional mammography.

Before the speech: In 75% of cases of breast cancer, they do not appear for the help of mammography-screening.

Mamography-screening is carried out on a weekly basis for women from 50 to 69 years. If I want a middle representative of this group, breast cancer is not so widening. All parts of women suffer from ailment up to 50 years old, and they often develop aggressive and rapidly growing puffs. For women of the family of a vikovoi group, as well as for quiet, who are older than 69 years, early diagnostics of sickness is uncomfortable with the victorious method with visual results. Alle, the appearance of the pudding was baked out of the blue, for example, because the woman saw the prospect for help, then there is a chance of speeding up.

5. AIM pratsyuє for you.

Women may need individual method detection of breast cancer at an early stage.

Committee for Individual Diagnosis of Breast Cancer (AIM e. V.)- the price of treatment of patients, patients with breast cancer, as well as women who are ill for every day, who want to develop an association of early diagnosis of breast cancer. By the method of AIM є protection in Nimechchina, individualized and organized on the basis of early diagnostics of breast cancer, all methods with visual results on this day and in Maybut are well established.

Likaris, AIM sportsmen, I want to give women of all categories the possibility of detecting cancer at an early stage and further away from the disease, who are diagnosed with the standard of diagnostics. With a lot of headaches - methods of diagnostics of dairy disease, as well as an individual profile for a skin woman's health, as well as personal consultation about the possibilities of prevention and ways of getting rid of sickness. In addition, only in this way, based on the standard and anonymous screening procedure, an optimal result for the skin woman can be sought.

Certificate of quality MRI of milk vines

MRI of milk vines: Association of individual diagnostics of milk vines (AiM) development certificate of quality

MRI of dairy yak standard method for early detection of breast cancer - so chi ni? On the basis of nutrition, it has now been brought for the additional implementation of the number of scientific studies, including the Christian K. Culture and Wendy Berg, to complete and change:

Critics, who in Danish hour are looking at the MRI scans of milk pricks, are still making frequent pardons for positive and negative appearances as a "non-negotiable argument". When tsomu does not undertake the following: zgіdno of dosvіdom of professor Uwe Fіshera i of professor Krіstіani Kul golіv asotsіatsії for іndivіdualnoї dіagnostiki dairy zaloz, problems Je not the method itself doslіdzhennya reason pomilkovogo visnovku shvidshe in nedolіku osobistoї kvalіfіkatsії and takozh vіdsutnіst neobhіdnogo tehnіchnogo obladnannya in lіkarskih practices and klinikakh. A lot of testimonials for the performance during the pre-diagnostic and assessment of the MRI of milk vines.

Certification of the MRI quality of milk galls, which is a branch of the association of medical diagnostics of milk galls (AiM) according to the certificate of Prof. In 2010 serpentine became a viddil of technical control of radioactivity diagnostics center for the treatment of milk diseases in Göttingeni, the first center according to the AiM standard of rivnya 2 (expert rivn). The Clinic of Radiology of the Rhine-Westphalian Technical University of the City of Aachen (RWTH) is also uncompromisingly rendered a certificate of the first university center "on the Rivne Expert".

The issuance of the certificate will be issued at 2 different levels: "MRI of milk vines on a high level" and "MRI of milk vines on the exponent's level". Likarsky practices and classifications, such as obtaining a certificate of certification, are guilty of recognizing the manifestation of singing possession, in addition, the minimum number of MR-control in hand). The recognition of the certificate, on the thought of Professor Fischer, is significant to promote the stimulus of diagnostics in the area of ​​dairy malnutrition before the improvement of the possession and improvement of the assessment. "Besides, Denmark certifies the transmission of transparency between women and women," says Professor Fisher. "It’s not a middle-line product before it’s possible to focus on colleagues with a certified expert and a number of advances with a high degree of expertise until the age of construction."

Current diagnostics of milk deposits: Dani - Facts - Concepts.


Milk cancer є we will broaden the malignant diseases of women on Sunset. Stretching out his life, one out of nine women - for the last tribute from the Netherlands, one out of eight women - falling ill with milk cancer. Nearly 56,000 women are diagnosed with Nimechchina.

"lactose cancer". A fraction of breast carcinoma in females becomes 38 in new cases of cancer. Among women from 40 to 50 years of age, carcinoma of the lactic acidosis, we will increase the number of oncological cases. Nimechchina has 18 thousand patients in the world who are diagnosed with breast cancer. Among the countries of the European Union, Nimechchin is in the middle of the mortality rating for breast cancer, as well as for new types of cancer. An hour will remain, ymovirno, as a history of regression of hormone replacement, presumably to the tendency of the incidence of breast cancer to decline. Protest, in case of ailment during the first diagnosis, we continue to decrease.

Early detection of ailments yak rational medical strategy

Forecast of milk cancer is abundant in what can be found in the size of chubby, aggressiveness of chubin and the stage of illness. As far as the term for diagnostics and ailments is interrupted by breasts (without the prevention of lymphatic universities and metastases), then in an hour, approximately in 97 minutes, the term of life is 10. As cancer has already expanded on the groin lymph nodes, in the end of the 10-day forecast will decrease to less than 80 vids. In the presence of distant metastases, the rate of survival drops sharply to the level of less than 30 hours. The head of the diagnosis of cancer of the milk frog in the early stages of the disease, on the basis of the snake is surrounded by only the milky frog of the stage.

Doslidzhennya method in the diagnosis of milk deposits

For a general sense, order with a glance and palpation, available methods of medical imaging, such as mammography, ultrasound imaging of milk and MRI of milk. As soon as an hour of diagnostics has occurred, there are some findings, so there is a possibility of carrying out a through histological analysis in the case of punctual or vacuum biopsies.

Сlіnіchnі doslіdzhennya

In the classroom, the order of the collection of anamnestic tributes, enter the look and palpation of both breasts. For an hour, you can see the tightening of the nipples and the retraction of the nipples, or the firing changes, which can lead to malice. It’s just an hour of palpation. There is no guarantee that it is possible to achieve a decrease in the mortality rate among women in a group from 40 to 69 rockets for additional self-defense. This is also due to the current directive S3: "Self-care of breasts, to take care of regular breastfeeding and training, being the only method, not to reduce the level of mortality from breast cancer." However, women, who regularly work around themselves, lead a more healthy way of life, brighten up "knowing about the camp of their breasts." The very same medical professional should continue to recommend self-examination of the breasts, if palpation is actually not allowed to get sick at an early stage.

X-ray mammography

X-ray mammography in the Danish hour is victorious as the main method of medical imaging for early manifestations of breast carcinoma. Areas of mammography є the determination of microcalcifications and the detection of the level of fatty tissue doughs, enriched with puffs. The change in X-ray mammography, however, is significant in the amount of tissue in the breasts. In the given hour, some types of proficiency in mammograms, in the presence of a portion of adipose tissue and sallow tissue (Type ACR I-IV; ACR = American College of Radiology) are developed. In females with low tissue thickness (re-fermenting lipomatous tissue, type of ACR I), mammography has reached a high degree of reliability in case of breast cancer. In women with innovative breasts (type of ACR 3 and 4), the sensitivity of mammography is reduced to below 40 times. Through a wide range of women with inhomogeneous schital or supra-slit structure of parenchyma on mammograms (AKP III, AKP IV) for diagnostics, it is recommended to choose another type of medical visualization (for example, MRI, ultrasound, ultrasound, ultrasound).

In the Danish hour for the advancement of female breasts, more and more digital technologies are available. At the same time, it is necessary to develop both "digitized" mammography and reference digital mammography. It is a very first-rate form in the case of an extravagant ("plavkova") mammography; extraordinary diagnostics- with significant diagnostic reliability.

Mamography, as a rule, is carried out at a viglyad, so called two-plane mammography. At the same time, the image of two standard areas - from the oblique mediolateral traktorієy promenade (KML) and from the craniocaudal traktorіyu promenade (KK). Criteria for hardened system settings and defect-free image quality are hunted by the so-called chotiristupinchastu PGMI system(PGMI = vіdmіnno, kind, okay, lacking), or a three-step system, like a vicarist in Nіmechchyna.

Describe the results of mammography pre-exposure to the so-called "BI-RADS Lexicon" of the American College of Radiology (BI-RADS = Interpretation and Protocol of Milk Loss Imaging). At the same time, start and describe the 3 main results of the previous one: recognition / deterioration, calcification and destruction of architecture.

For the analysis of the image and the inventory of the results of the preliminaries of the viscous є categorization of the X-ray mammography. The description of the categories of visnovks according to the BI-RADS systems can be displayed in stages 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, with additional subdivisions of category 4 in the groups 4A, 4B and 4C. At BI-RADS categorization turns around, like a real evil fight. For the benefit of the BI-RADS categories, follow the recommendations about those who are children.

Ultrasound of the breasts (sonography of the milk)

Ultrasound imaging of milk burrows is widely expanded by the method of medical imaging in diagnostics of milk burrows. The method is biologically safe. Sounds of sickness, as it sows in the fabric of the milky layer, and the moon signals to wash off, to produce intramammary structures to visualize. Variety factors є mechanical power of the fabric, such as the strength and soundness of the sound, which are especially seen in the fatty tissue, from the resulting tissue and in Calcification. As the components appear close one to one, as in the heterogeneous hairy tissue, to increase the efficiency. Oskіlki in fluffy zazvayay, only one warehouse fabric, then the image " dark beaches»To that, in the middle of the world there is a stench, as a rule, more beautifully colored than during mammography. In dynamic analysis the flexibility and decay of space (from the point of view of ultrasonic reading) are shown in the dynamic analysis. The technology staff, which allows the viewing of the image in retail, can be more beautiful than the initiation of highly developed structures and processes, which are displayed on the periphery. Dodatkovu information can be recognized for additional Doppler sonography through the assessment of the stage of vascularization of changes. When the ultrasound scan is carried out, it will be recognized that the rotten space is divided into microcalcifications, which still represent the area of ​​mammography.

Through the individual and manual control of the ultrasonic sensor, the whole method of disgusting standardization. Ultrasonic scanning of dairy plants, from the beginning, starts in order of the quality of possession, in the world of the world from the main and to the glimpse of the old man. It is an hour to lay down in the size of breasts, the estimated health of the fabric and the number of long-term results in the last hour. As a rule, the procedure is simple, from 3 to 5 quills from the skin side, but in folding drops the triviality can be up to 15 quills.

For ultrasonic scanning, milky lines are provided with only linear sensors, which have a high razor frequency and a middle frequency of ≥ 7 MHz. If the frequency is too high, the estimate may be lost. If, at frequencies> 13 MHz, there is a high separate building in the surface area, however, there will be a lack of visualization behind such a sensor. Zagalom, a high frequency, and you need to quickly get to the end of the necessary penetration. Shirokosmugov transducer, which hunt a wide range of frequencies, є the most beautiful trends of the whole problem. A short transducer with a high sectioned building є is surrounded by the width of the image field (3.8 cm). Suchasnі attach, protest, put in its own order an electronic trapezoidal scanner, which allows you to set the width of the image field> 5 cm. In the depths of large breasts.

Before the spheres of the ultrasonic scan of the breasts, the following should be applied:

  • primary diagnosis of asymptomatic young women,
  • the principle of vicariousness for the diagnosis of symptomatic women
  • punctures, which are carried out before ultrasound control, and
  • on-line diagnostics of women with the shear structure of the fabric.

The main purposes of ultrasound are the appearance of milk, winter growth, the characteristics of milk growth, at adolescence on milk growth carcinoma. For a whole range of diagnostic and diagnostic criteria for assessment, which are described in detail in the lexicon of BI-RADS and the German Association for Ultrasound in Medicine (DEGUM).

On the basis of categorization of X-ray-mammography results, the ultrasound scan is assessed up to the seven-level BIRADS system (ultrasound system-BIRADS. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6). The results are displayed in a consistent manner identical to those of the mammography.

MRI of breast milk (magnetic resonance imaging of breasts)

X-ray mammography and ultrasound imaging of milk formations allow the imaging of intramammary tissue structures to be corrected for the additional peculiarities of the tissue and the scanning of X-ray exchanges or images of ultrasonic tissues. At the end of the last hour, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been carried out to reveal the malignant milky poop, it is thought to be the case for the imaging of the developed vascularization.

The tribute for the last 10 years clearly shows that breast MRI is the most sensitive method for detecting breast cancer - both for ductal swelling (DCIS), as well as for invasive cancer.

Evidence of breast MRI results can only be reached with the presence of a high technical and methodological quality and a high professionalism of the drug. Let it mean that on this year's day there is no guarantee of the quality of magnetic resonance messages, and nowadays the current state of the art of modernization of associations of technologies is far from being able to see the methods of thinking

Analysis of MRI of milk form in the form of morphological criteria, as well as the contrast. A specific evaluation scheme is described in the abnormal results of a signal, including the criteria for the form, interdigitation, distribution, as well as the cob and the following signals for the delivery of contrasting speech. The results of the MRI scan show the principle of visibility between the focus (< 5 mm), очаговыми поражениями (объемного характера) и необъемными ("немассивными") поражениями.

Vikoristannya MR-mammography is dependent on it, if any of the methods used to produce unclear results, or if it is necessary to interfere with it. This, as a rule, is taken within the framework of long-term preparation in the development of cancer of the milky cavity, and if it is diagnosed on ultrasound, for mammograms of invasive carcinoma, in situ, in women with carcinoma of malaria confirmation of vacuum biopsies, monitored mammograms. Importantly, ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is often superimposed on non-regular calcifications, so the scale of mammography may be underestimated.

So, as an MRI scan, it is possible without a prediction of ductal carcinoma in situ (so that the detection of ductal carcinoma in situ does not occur due to the presence of any calcifications), even allowing more accurate actual results to be obtained. MRI will be stuck also prompt engagement for the protection of breasts, for the detection of the first chickens in a situation of unrecovered primary localization of the chin, or for monitoring the patients every hour before chemotherapy. In principle, MRI of a breast can be directly related to the diagnosis of problematic types of diagnostics (for example, with the presence of ambiguous results, it has been shown in patients with mammography of high-grade breasts).

MR-mammography is especially important for early revelation. Especially often, MRI is corny when women with a high rhizic develop a cancer of milk growth. Before them, women with a pathogenic mutation in the gene of breast cancer are referred to, or women, in some families, there are parts of the disease for breast cancer and for breast cancer (for example, 2 or more individuals in one,< 50 лет). В основном ежегодно рекомендуется проходить МРТ для раннего обнаружения в более чем 20 %, начиная с возраста потенциального риска заболевания. Имеет смысл использовать МРТ в качестве дополнительного метода раннего обнаружения заболевания у женщин, у которых были получены результаты гистологического исследования, и которые относятся к категории женщин с повышенным риском развития рака молочной железы. К ним относятся женщины, у которых оперативно обнаружен дольковый рак молочной железы in situ или атипичная протоковая гиперплазия. Наконец, ежегодное обследование МРТ для раннего выявления болезни имеет more important for women who have experienced breast cancer development among a group of people who are susceptible to developing breast cancer, because of the rejection of the so-called "general optimization of lymphatic universities" for the treatment of lymphogranulomatosis (lymphoma). All early pre-screening sessions on the topic "Victorian MRI for early detection of ailments in females of an adolescent group and the development of breast cancer" are confirmed in one voice, well, the effectiveness of MRI in breast cancer. In terms of efficacy, from 90 to 95 weights, MRI is approximately two to three times, less mammography (30 to 40 weights). Navigate with a combined examination of ultrasound and ultrasound imaging The effectiveness of the detection is increased only to close to 50 vids - it is necessary to bring, that the examination of an ultrasound scan cannot replace an MRI.

When diagnosing females with normal, but not moving rizik to get sick, they can take an MRI scoop, in the first place from the point of view of vitrate. Since there is a lower rate of incidence of breast cancer in general, there are more healthy women who need to be able to diagnose pre-existing carcinoma with an MRI scan. In addition, all the foregoing data indicate that the "gradient of sensitivity" between MRI and mammography in the meaning of the world does not lie in the risk of a woman's illness. It means that women can get sick with normal risk, MRI is more accurate, less mammography and ultrasound. However: even more rarely, there are such drops, but at a low frequency of ailment behind an additional mammography and ultrasound scan, there is no ill-fated puffiness, and there is no more appearing behind an additional MRI.

Mental examination of MRI for diagnostics in women with normal risk of illness, those who are guilty of MRI to carry out additional medical examinations, as well as available methods of minimally invasive biopsies. There is a great number of women who have been diagnosed with an early diagnosis of breast cancer for an additional MRI; Potential hibnopositive diagnosis about his inheritance.

Analysis of friendly signs in MRI before the obligatory conclusion of the classification out-of-home results up to the seven-point scale of the BIRADS system (MRM-BIRADS 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6). When evaluating the MRM-BIRADS system, evaluating the results of the previous methods of preliminaries, for the external evaluation of the results using the BIRADS system.

Biopsia (method of through biopsies)

The results of up to date from category 4 or 5 according to the BIRADS system should be clarified, the first for everything, through the basic biopsy and revision of the histological analysis. Accidental results and previous innocence, as a rule, lead to such a kind of inadequate primary therapy (for example, surgery). There are two methods of through-school outpatient biopsies. Prior to the first method, a biopsy of the punctuation is carried out, for the addition of a high degree of flexibility, it is possible to take from three to five samples of fabric. The whole method is overridden when applied, monitored by ultrasound. To another method, a vacuum biopsy is used, for an additional one, tissue shmata are taken from the form of cylinders in the middle of 20 caliber. Vacuum method for microcalcification is used for stereotaxic monitoring of microcalcifications for additional MR-controlled biopsies. Punctuation for the help of a thin head vikoristovuyu to take samples of symptomatic brush or very swirling groin lymph nodes.

The biopsy needs to be carried out under the control of the singing method of medical visualization, which shows the best way to turn, after the vrahuvati, when handled, controlled by ultrasound is easier in the brain, less stereosotactic biopsy. МР-biopsia of high vitrates and may be stuck only todi, if it is not possible to clearly show the interconnection.

Become, as vimagayut operative engagement, like є zirvani, it is necessary for the surgeon before the operation. It’s worthwhile to go to the first place of the swirling microcalcifications, as well as non-palpated ruins of architecture and vognisch. As a rule, such localization I mean for the help of a thin dart, as I can see it at my place on the place of the transmitted vision, or in the area of ​​characteristic central points. Markuvannya shche viroblyayut for the help of the introduction of staples abo curls. Before the operation, especially when there are microcalcifications, it is necessary to read the images, it is necessary to look at the main visualization, and to be able to carry out repeated visualization.

Concepts for early detection of breast cancer

For the early detection of milk cancer, the partnership of Fakhivtsi recommends regular monitoring of X-ray mammography, repaired for 40 years, in such a rank, there is a possibility of increasing the vision of the middle of women. The interval between the stiffening in the tribute is set, as a rule, from one to two rockets.

Classical mammography screening for all-inclusive mass conditions, for example, in women from 50 to 69 years old, if there are any symptoms of skin conditions, ask to undergo an X-ray mammography. Klinichne doslidzhennya, ultrasound and MRI yak pershochergovy do not come in vikoristovuyutsya. Evaluation of mammography is shown in two hours in one hour. Hundreds of repeated feeds (there are hundreds of women who have to pass again until after) with unclear results before the European directives, they are not guilty of overhauling 7 times (more than 5 times). In case of repeated stress of women with ambiguous results of pre-treatment, the result is a definite license for them, like a day.

Dosvid robots with programs of mammography screening in others (including the UK, Canada, Netherlands, Norway) is available for more than 30 years. In countries where screening was not introduced before the introduction of a screening infrastructure for mammography (for example, in the United Kingdom), the level of mortality has been brought down to 30 percent for the rest of the day. Nicholas proponed for the development of the mind, as well as more than 30 years since the title of the screening, to take the fate of nearly 30 women. Nimechchin still hasn't had any information about the potential for lower mortality in the mammography screening plant. Dani from the countries of the world can also show, how, sprouts, small forms of chickens can be displayed during the screening for an hour of mass advancement. Apparently, in the whole concept of screening, there are interval carcinomas in the order of 25-35 times.

Concepts for individual and risico-adapted early detection of breast cancer On the basis of screening programs, it is not organized on the basis of the address table (the criterion for the selection and the requested women is the date of the nation), but on the specific profile and individual furnishings of women. Tse vklyuchaє a іndivіdualne viyavlennya potentsіyno pіdvischenogo riziku rozvitku cancer molochnoї zalozi (napriklad, sіmeyne Nakheel, patogennі mutatsії in genі cancer molochnoї zalozi, prikordonnі porazki, pіdtverdzhenі gіstologіchnim analіzom, schіlnіst tkanini on mamografії in postmenopauzі) and takozh іndivіdualne zastosuvannya metodіv dіagnostichnoї vіzualіzatsії, in the presence of specific fabrics on mammography.

Unpublished data show, well, vicious and individual and risky-adapted concepts, it is possible to increase the rate of detection of breast cancer from 6 ppm to more than 10 ppm. One hour from the cym, the number of uncommon carcinomas can be reduced to less than 2 times. Slide means that such a modern concept is to produce vitrate before the improvement with classical mammography screening, through combined vicarystannya new methods of pre-screening (mammography, ultrasound, MRI).

Critics of the method of early detection of malnutrition declare that ultrasound and MRI are not recommended for early detection in females without increased risk of developing breast cancer. To this, no tribute has been given from prospective vibrating young people, as they have shown how to reduce mortality rates to breast cancer, in some cases due to early mammographic conditions.

In addition, it is necessary to advance:

Early detection by means of mammography є one of the most frequent visits to preventive medicine in modern medicine. The efficiency in the minds of rapid mortality on the basis of prospective randomized dosages has been brought to fruition. It’s just that, as it is, there is no need to repeat the whole process for the pre-cutaneous method of diagnostics of lactic acidosis - we can and blame spiral on those that were created for early mammography.

The effect of reducing the mortality rate of the preschooler to the pre-existing non-mammographic methods of early detection can be predicted on the basis of the specific effects on the reduction of the mortality rate of the mammography institute and on the basis of the reports of the early detection of the incidence of the early detection In short, it seems that the corny of pre-existing methods of early detection is possible with sufficient safety, as well as reducing mortality, depending on the principles of evidence-based medicine.

In the concept of early detection of breast cancer in females with a genetic risk of ≥ 30 females (for example, a pathogenic mutation of the gene in breast cancer BRCA1 or BRCA2 for females with females against genetics against heterozygosity of ≥ 20 tests) repair self-defense, undergo palpation before a doctor, ultrasound and MR-mammography have been repaired for 25 years, for five years before reaching the earliest sickness in the family. For 30 years it is recommended to undergo mammography.

Rise of the diagnosis of patients with symptoms

If there is a symptom that is indicative of breast cancer, it is necessary to undergo a mammography (so called medical mammography), Yakshho the child reached the singing vik (close to 40 rockiv). The first method of diagnostics of young females is ultrasound examination of milk frogs.

Before they are shown by them (so we are called vypravdanim shown by you) For this kind of medical mammography, it is necessary to carry out an itemized examination of medical assistance:

  • family scholarship

(1 milky puffiness among relatives of the first or another stage of dispute, 2 milky puffs between relatives of the third and fourth degree of dispute, cancer of the eggs in the middle of relatives of the first degree of dispute)

  • Missing universities, ambiguous results and palpation, positive ultrasound results
  • unilateral mastodynia
  • Singing, histological analysis of risik urazhen (for example, atypical intraductal hyperplasia, radial cicatrices, lobular carcinoma in situ)
  • View from the nipple
  • The mill for the operation with the vision of cancer of the milk
  • Flaming snaps, mastitis, abscesses
  • New nipple changes abo shkiri

I would like to be one of the pererakhovanih vische sign, it is recommended to go through the rigor, as with the most possible vіrіgіdnіstyu to activate or all the same to confirm the manifestation of the malignant diagnosis.

Such a clarification of diagnostics can be carried out according to legal regulations in screening centers, which are designated for early manifestations of sickness in healthy females, so there can only be one method of pre-screening - a mammogram.

Diagnosis of breast cancer by the method of visualization

As part of the control of the disease for breast cancer, carry out diagnostics for additional visualization of women, who underwent a test for saving breasts, two times for a stretch of three rockets of operated breasts, and once in each case. At the end of three rockies, a regular interval is recommended for both breasts. Regular MRI for the purpose of avoiding transmission, as the MRI is carried out before the operation, and it is not visible at all, only the first three rockets are not required for an MRI. Because of the mammography, take an individual decision about the need for additional MR-dosage for further caution.

The main problem in the dispensary servicing of ailments at the stage of disease and admission is the diagnosis of breast cancer (this means that the risk of recurrence is improved ipsilaterally, as well as the prevention of a new diagnosis of new diseases). The operation and the greater change of therapy is to produce before the establishment of scars and other malignant changes (for example, calcification, necrosis of the adipose tissue), which can be positive, as well as the negative cause of the recurrence of cancer. diagnosis. To that cich women, it is necessary to send an MRI scan to the pre-examination.

A systematic joke of long-term metastases in the Danish hour is not recommended - ale, ymovirno, also mirkuvannya tied with partius. Regularly watch out for help vikoristanny UZD black empty If necessary, CT is also prescriptive for the early detection of metastases in interstitial organs, and all the more prescriptive, more and more fractured in the rest of the rock, more and more effective methods of treatment, prevention A number of new systemic methods of chemotherapy, as well as local methods of treatment, such as the destruction of liver metastases, or legends behind additional radio frequencies, transarterial radioembolism of metastases in the liver, are known to them.

Number of views:

Breast cancer (carcinoma)- the most widespread malignant puffiness of milk frogs.

Zagvoryuvannya is characterized by a high breadth. In the rozvineniye regions, 10% of women have winners. Lead the country of Europe. The widening rate of breast cancer is recognized in Japan.

Deyakі epіdemiologicheskih danі s to drive the cancer of the milk gland:

  • there is a large part of vipadk_v who become ill;
  • after 65 years of development, the development of breast carcinoma grows 5.8 times, and in young adults (up to 30 years) it grows 150 times;
  • the most frequent localization is located at the upper part of the milk zone, closer to the groin;
  • 99% of all ailments with carcinoma of lactic acidosis are females, 1% are choloviks;
  • descriptions of one type of illness in children;
  • mortality with this new solution to become 19 - 25% of the worst evil poop;
  • Christmas breast cancer is one of the most widespread puffins in women.
    For a given moment, growing illnesses in the world are being seen. At the same hour, in the ranks of the rozvineniye regions, there is a tendency to a decrease for good organization screening (mass coverage of women) and early appearance.

Cause breast cancer

There is a large number of factors, which can be used to develop carcinoma of lactic acidosis. Alle, all the stinks are tied with two types of damage: the strengthening of the activity of female hormones (estrogens) or genetic damage.

Factor for promoting the development of breast cancer:
  • become a zhіnoch;
  • unpleasant slump (the appearance of sickness in close relatives);
  • an ear of a month earlier than 12 years or until the end of 55 years, and more than 40 years (to inform about the increase in the activity of estrogens);
  • the duration of the vagina is about 35 years ahead;
  • malignant chickens in other organs (in mattsi, yagchniks, silny vines);
  • development of mutations in genes;
  • dіyu іonіzuyu vipromіnіuvannya (radioactivity): exchange therapy for children with illnesses, living in the environment with a variable radio background, part of fluorography with tuberculosis, professionalism
  • інші aversion of milk vines: good chickens, vuzlovy forms of mastopathy;
  • a series of carcinogens (cheeky speeches, such as provocative provocations of malignant puffs), some viruses (at the end of the moment, they are weak);
  • high age of a woman;
  • low physical activity;
  • ominous alcohol, kurinnya;
  • hormonal therapy at high doses and lasting for three hours;
  • post-vikorystannya hormonal agents for contraception;
Rizni officials improve the development of milk carcinoma in the growth stage. For example, if a woman has a high growth rate and an excess weight, then this does not mean that she has a lot of ill health. The zagalny rizik is formed for the development of the pidsumovannya of different reasons.

The name of the malignant chickens of milk vines grows unevenly. Stinks are stored in different types of cells, as they multiply at a different rate, react in a different way to likuvannya. At the zvyazu z tsim, it is often folded into a fold, yak will develop zvoryuvannya. In some cases, all the symptoms grow rapidly, and in some puffins they grow more and more, they do not lead to the wrinkles for a trivial hour.

First signs of breast cancer

Yak and іnshi malignant puffs, breast cancer at an early stage, vyaviti even more smoothly. It’s a trivial hour to get sick without having any symptoms. Yogo signs are not very vivid.

Symptoms, when it is necessary to safely turn up to a drug:

  • b_l in the milky zone, as there are no obvious reasons, and it takes a trivial hour;
  • seeing discomfort for an hour;
  • shrinkage in the milk zone;
  • change of shape and size of breasts, swelling, deformity, asymmetry;
  • deformation of the nipple: most often it becomes retracted;
  • nipple vision: bloody abo zhovtoy koloru;
  • the winks of the shkiri in the song: it’s getting sucked in, it’s starting to peel, or it’s wrinkling, it’s changing;
  • dimple, depression, yak to appear on the milky zolozi, as if to raise your hand up the hill;
  • improvement of lymphatic universities at the groin depressions, above or below the collarbone;
  • swelling in the shoulders, in the area of ​​milk prick.
Come on early detection of breast cancer:
  • Regular self-defense. The woman is guilty of looking at her breasts correctly and revealing the first signs of an evil new affair.
  • Regularly review the license. It is necessary to be looked around before the mammologist (fakhivtsya in the area of ​​dairy zhvoryuvannya) would like to go to the ric.
  • Women who are about 40 years old are recommended to undergo regular mammography - X-ray dosage, who are right for early detection of breast cancer.

Yak to look at your breasts on your own?

Self-examination of dairy zozyma is close to 30 khvili. Yogo needs 1 - 2 times per month. Some pathological changes are not seen at once, so it is necessary to lead the pupil and, by and large, in a new way, to see the results of skin self-examination.

Inspection of dairy vines should be carried out for 5 - 7 days menstrual cycle, Bazhano in one and the same day.

Visual look

It is necessary to work in a warm light room, in a yakiy є mirror. Stretch up to the waist and stand up straight against the mirror, so good bachit howling your chest. Relax and verify the response. To brutalize respect at the next moment:
  • symmetrically roztashovanі rights and lіva dairy zalozi?
  • Not one milk frost has been improved in a porous plant (a memory about those in the norm of law and milk frogs can grow three times)?
  • is it okay to see the shkira, who didn’t show up for the day because of the change in the name?
  • is it okay to watch the nipples?
  • is not mentioned more than nothing?


The obmatsuvannya of the breasts can be carried out in the position of standing or lying down, like zruchnishe. As it is power, it is more beautiful to grow in two positions. Obstezhennya is carried out with finger tips. The grip on the chest is innocently strong: it’s surely enough to see snakes in the consistency of milky vines.

Spoon one milk frog with a sprinkle, then a friend. Fix the nipple, then change the name of the fingers. For the sake of lightness, it is possible to carry out the dressing in front of the mirror, cleverly adding the milk powder into 4 parts.

Moments, on how it is necessary to make me respect:

Zagalnaya consistency of milky vines - why didn’t it become more successful in the last glance?

  • the manifestation of the gorge, universities in the fabric of the nest;
  • the appearance of changes, gaps in the nipple;
The camp of lymphatic universities in the grocery region - why not get the stench?

When a change occurs, it is necessary to turn up to one of the following:
For the help of self-examination, it is possible to detect not only breast cancer, but also good new conditions, mastopathy. As soon as Vyavili came to the fore, then it is better not to talk about the manifestation of the evil chubby. Accurate diagnosis can be established only by means of regularity.

For early diagnosis of breast cancer, women over 40 years of age are recommended to undergo three additional tests:
  • mammography - X-ray signs lick the milk. Vyavlyayut in the fabric. The latest method is digital mammography.
  • The definition of the level of female hormones is estrogen. Yaksho vіn visokiy - є advances in the development of breast cancer.
  • Oncomarker CA 15-3 is a river, yak viroblyaєtsya cells of breast carcinoma.

Symptoms and signs of young cancer of lactic acidosis

Vuzlova form of cancer of milk vines You will feel painlessly painlessly at your dairy products. Vono we can round or round the irregular shape, step by step growth in different strands. Pukhlina is welded together with navkolishny fabrics, so, if the woman has her hands, there is a depression in the milk zone at a certain mice.
Shkira in the area of ​​plump wrinkle. At the lower stages of the surface, a lemon pick is started, on which there are twists and turns.

In the meantime, the pukhlin should be produced to the fullest amount of milk in the size.
There are more lymph universities: shiin, pakhvov, supraclavicular and interclavable.

Viglyada yak

Nabryakov-Infiltrative Form The form is given to breast cancer most often to develop in young women.
more views most often on the day or the turn is weak.


  • damaging milk frogs;
  • pochervoninnya shkiri, scho ma nerivni krai;
  • adjusting the temperature of the milk frog;
  • before the hour of obmatsuvannya vuzli does not appear.
Wiglyad's yak erysipelas of lactose vines?
carapace cancer Pukhlina germinates through the entire glandular tissue and adipose tissue. In the process of going over to the opposite side, to the other side of the milk.


  • change of milk in size;
  • obmezhennya decay urazhenoi milky zalozi;
  • shchіlna, with an uneven surface, shkіra above the vognisch.
Viglyad's yak carapace cancer of milk vines?

Paget's cancer The form of milk cancer is especially special;


  • picks in the nipple area;
  • pochervoninnya;
  • erozii - surface defects of the shkiri;
  • the nipple is wet;
  • shedding light bleeding bends;
  • deformation of the nipple;
  • then the nipple is left to ruin, in your milk froth the pukhlin vine;
  • Paget's cancer is susceptible to metastases in lymphatic universities only at the lower stages, so the prognosis at this form of illness is very friendly.
Wiglyad's yakє Paget's cancer

Steps to breast cancer

The stage of cancer of milk vines is indicated for the received system TNM, in which the dermal letter is meaning:
  • T - mill of the primordial chubby;
  • M - metastases in інші organisms;
  • N - metastases in regional lymph nodes.

The steps of the chubby process
Main characteristics
T x Likar does not have enough money for donations, so assess the camp of the chubby.
T 0 Pukhlina in the milk zone is not marked.
T 1 Pukhlina, the maximum diameter is not more than 2 cm in the smallest size.
T 2 Pukhlina, scho max diameter from 2 to 5 cm in the most vimir
T 3 Pukhlina in sizes larger than 5 cm.
T 4 Pukhlina, sprouting into the wall of the breast, or shkira.

N x Likar does not have enough information to assess the countries of lymph universities.
N 0 There are signs to inform about the expanded process in lymph universities.
N 1 metastases in groin lymph universities, In one abo decilcoh. With a lot of lymphatic universities, they are not welded to the school, it is easy to wry.
N 2 Metastases in groin lymph nodes. At the same university, they are soldered between themselves, or with navkolishn_ fabrics, to make up for pracea.
N 3 metastases in near-mine lymph universities stripes on the sides.

M x At the doctor of the day, who helped to judge about the metastasis of swelling in other organs.
M 0 Signs of metastases in other organs of the day.
M 1 Evidence of distant metastases.

Surely, bring the pukhlin to this third stage for the classification of TNM can only be carried out for the cleaning. Whenever there is a common tactic of abuse.

Classification in fallowness as a result of the growth of pukhlini:

  • shkiri dairy zalozi;
  • nipple and areola (nipple nipple);
  • the upper inner quadrant of the milk layer;
  • the lower inner quadrant of the milk layer;
  • the upper last quadrant of the milk frog;
  • the lower last quadrant of the milk frog;
  • the back part of the milk layer;
  • mіsce roztashuvannya pukhlini do not go out to clarify.

Diagnosis of breast cancer

look around

Diagnosis of malignant milk poohlinas should be repaired under the supervision of a doctor-oncologist or a mammologist.

For an hour I'll look around the car:

  • feed the woman in detail, try to get as much information as possible about the loss of life, factors that could be accepted;
  • To look around at the palpation (obmatsuvannya) of milky vines at the position of the bed, standing with lowered and raised hands.

Instrumental diagnostic methods

diagnostic method describe Yak to be held?
mammography- Distribution of diagnostics, how to deal with non-invasive(Without rozrіzіv and punctures) to the preliminaries of the internal structure of the milk layer.
X-ray mammography X-ray dosage of milk salting is carried out from the storage of equipment, which generates a low intensity level. Yearly mammography is used as the main method of early diagnostics of malignant new products of milk formation. Volodya is accurate to 92%.
In the provinces of Europe, X-ray mammography is routinely performed on a regular basis in all women aged over 45 years. In Russia, there is an obov'yazkov for women over 40 years old, but not all of them have practical training.
For additional X-ray mammography, chubby sizes of 2 - 5 cm appear most beautifully.
An indirect sign of the evil new solution is that there is a great number of calcinates - a lot of calcium salts, which are a good contrast to the signs. If їх appear more than 15 per cm 2, then it is a drive for a false covering.
The pre-treatment is carried out in the same way as a special X-ray. The woman is stripped to the waist, tilts up to a special table, put on a milk tree, in order to cheat the sign.
Apparatuses for X-ray mammography are guilty of giving a report to VIMOs.
See X-ray mammography:
  • plivkova- vikoristovuyut a special cassette with a plate, on which the image is fixed;
  • digital- the image is fixed on a computer, in a given one it can be removed or transferred to any nose.
MRI mammography MRI mammography - pre-detection of milky vines after additional magnetic resonance tomography.

Reverses of MRI mammography before X-ray tomography:

  • vіdsutnya roentgenіvske vipromіnuvannya, as negatively infusedє on the fabric, є mutagens;
  • the possibility of an endless exchange in the fabric of milk spectroscopy exercise fabric
Incomplete magnetic resonance tomography as a method of diagnostics of malignant neoplasms of milky vines:
  • visoka partiality;
  • greater low efficiency in case of x-ray tomography;
Before the preliminaries, it is necessary to take all metal objects with you. You can’t be a brother to an electronics, so as a magnetic field, as a generator, you can bring happiness.

If the patient has a metal implant (cardiostimulator, prostheses of lobes, etc.)

The patient is placed in the device in a horizontal position. Vona is guilty of perebuvati in the unruly position with a stretch of the last word. The hour starts with a doctor.
As a result, there are digital signs, on which pathological changes are visible.

Ultrasound mammography Ultrasound in the Danish hour є an additional method of diagnostics of malignant new products of milk frogs, I want a number of perevag before X-ray. For example, it’s just okay to trim the signs in the new projections, not to spoil the luscious injecting into the body.

Mainly indicated before ultrasound diagnostics for breast cancer:

  • being careful in the dynamism because of the fact that pukhlina bully appeared before the hour of x-ray mammography;
  • the need for an update to the cyst, memorized by the family, from the school's approval;
  • diagnostics of sickness of milk in young women;
  • control for the hour of the biopsy;
  • the need for diagnostics for the hour of vaginosity and the year of breastfeeding.
The technique of carrying out nothing is not known as an ultrasonic ultrasound. Likar vikoristovuє special sensor, like a buttє to a milky touch. The image is broadcasted to the monitor, it can be recorded or handled.

Before an hour of ultrasonic monitoring of milk pricks, you can use Doppler and duplex scanning.

Computer tomomammography Doslidzhennya is a computer tomography of milk vines.

Computational mammography tests before X-ray mammography:

  • the ability to edit the marks with the ball-like images of the fabric;
  • Possibility of more precise details of soft tissue structures.
Incomplete computer tomomammography:
Doslidzhennya girshe, nizh x-ray mammography, viyavlya other structures and calcifications.
The pre-treatment is carried out as it is, like a special computer tomography. The patient will be placed on a special style in the middle of the device. Vona is guilty of being a nerve with a stretch of all her life.

biopsia- hanging a fragment of the fabric of the milk covered with a microscope.
punctuation biopsia The accuracy of the technique is 80 - 85%. 20 - 25% of vipadkiv will receive a gracious result. Fragment of tissue from milk to get ready for use with the help of a syringe, or a special aspirating gun.
The procedure is carried out with muscle anesthesia.
There are two types of biopsies of the paragraph:
  • fine-needle;
  • thick-grain.
Manipulation is often called ultrasound control or X-ray mammography.
trepanobiopsy Trepanobiopsy of milk vines is carried out in vipads, if it is necessary to take more material for preliminaries. Likar will take away a piece of milk cloth from a viglyad. Trepanobiopsy is carried out with the help of a special tool, which is stored in a cannula with a mandrel, in a shear insertion with a cutter.
Perform anesthesia during the muscular anesthesia. Hirurg to control the pressure on the screen and to enter through a new instrument for trepanobiopsy. If it’s okay to reach the chubby, you can use the cannula. Behind the help of the cannula, there is a stack of fabrics, vityagayut її.
Pislya otrimannya material the wound is reliably coagulated, so that the enlargement of cancerous cells is not allowed.
From an hour to the end of the day in the laboratory, it is possible to determine the sensitivity of the puffy clit to steroid hormones (up to which estrogens are included). Tse additional help with a fake choice of tactics of treatment.
Excision biopsia Excision - outside visible puffs with navkolishnіmi fabrics. The whole mass is sent to the laboratory for further information. So yes, the power to evoke the chubby cells on cordon growth, to vivify the sensitiveness of the chubby to the hormones. Hirurg saw the fluff with navkolishny fabrics before the hour of the operation. Such a rank, Excision biopsy is itself an instant and a clinical, and diagnostic procedure.
stereotaxic biopsies For an hour of stereotaxic biopsies, take pictures from several children through one goal. The procedure is nagaduє zvychaynu punctuyu biopsy. Be sure to carry out the control of X-ray mammography.

Introduce the head in a singing place, wash it out, sip at the same time, sip it, and introduce it again, now in the first place. Otryuyut kіlkka zrazkіv, how to rob diagnostics more accurate.

Laboratory methods for diagnostics of breast cancer

doslіdzhennya describe Methodology
Viznachennya in the blood of the tumor marker CA 15-3 (syn.: Carbohydrate antigen 15-3, carbohydrate Antigen 15-3, cancer Antigen 15-3) Tumor markers are words that start in the blood when evil new ideas... For small poohliny characteristic vasnі tumor markers.
CA 15-3 is an antigen of straightening on the surface of the ducts of milk vines and secreting clitin. Yoogo in the blood of pimples in 10% of women with early stages of breast cancer, and in 70% - with puffins, which are supervised by metastases.

Shown before the end of the day:

  • diagnostics of cancer recurrence;
  • control of the efficiency of the performed treatment;
  • the need to recognize the evil chubby from the good;
  • Assessment of the expanded process of fluff: what is more versatile than a tumor marker in the blood, more than fluffy cells are present in the body of a patient.

To continue, take blood from the vein. With a stretch of pivgodini before the analysis, you can fire.
Cytological view of the nipple If the woman has seen from the nipple, then it can be corrected in the laboratory. When looking under a microscope, you can see the pooh-eyed cells.
You can also play the video beats, so you can pretend to be on the nipple.

When vivchennі vіvіlennі vіvіlenі from a nipple under a microscope the clitini, characteristic for malignant swelling, appear.

Likuvannya breast cancer

Breast cancer treatment method:
  • surgical;
  • chemotherapy;
  • hormonal therapy;
  • immunotherapy;
  • exchange therapy.

call to be carried out Combined Likuvannya There are two and more methods for vicars.

surgical treatment

Surgery is the main method for treating breast cancer. In the Danish hour, surgeons-oncologists will be able to wake up the vikonuvati mensh in hand, as much as possible to preserve the tissue and the milk surgical methods exchange and drug therapy.

See surgical interventions for cancer of lactic acidosis:

  • radical mastectomy: It is more visible that the milk is covered with fat cells and is located by the lymphatic universities. The whole version of the operation is the most radical.
  • radical resection: Visualization of the dairy sector at the same time with the pediatric fat cells and lymphatic universities. In the Danish hour, the surgeons more and more often give the courage to the male variant of surgical engagement, since a radical mastectomy practically does not sell the life of children from resection... Involvement of obligatory additional supplementation of exchange therapy and chemotherapy.
  • Quadranttectomy- visualization of the very chubby and navkolishny fabrics in the radius of 2 - 3 cm, as well as the order of lymphatic universities. The process of surgical intervention is possible only at the early stages of the puffin. I will look at the pukhlin in a general order, refer to the biopsy.
  • lumpectomy- the most frequent operation, in the course of which I see chubby and lymphatic universities. Operations on the milk zone (NSABBP, USA) have been broken down for an hour before the National Project of Completion Mind the conduct of the engagement - like і for the quadranttectomy.
Ossyag of surgical involvement of the selection of liquor is fallen from the size, stage, type and growth of chickpea.

Promeneva therapy

See the exchange therapy in the fallowness from the terms of the conducted:
Name describe
preoperative Conducted intensive short-hour courses of optimization.

Cycle of preoperative exchange therapy for breast cancer:

  • The maximum destruction of evil cells along the periphery of the chubby with the mark of preventing relapses.
  • Transfer of chubby from an inoperable camp to an operable one.
pislyaoperatsiyna The main meta-exchange therapy in the period of surgery is to prevent relapses of swelling.

Miscya, how to optimize in case of operational exchange therapy:

  • bezposredno she herself is chubby;
  • lymphatic universities, as it was not seen before the hour of the operation;
  • regional lymphatic universities with the method of prophylaxis.
Intraoperating The exchange therapy can start right before the hour of the operation, so that the surgeon will get as much as possible to preserve the tissue of the milk. Especially at the stage of chubby:
  • T 1-2;
  • N 0-1;
  • M 0.
self-reliance Shown before gamma therapy is consumed without surgical intervention:
  • the unkindness of seeing the chubby hirurgic path;
  • contraindication before the operation;
  • view of the patient from the operation.
internal tissue Dzherelo vippromіnyuvannya pіdvodіvat bezposeredno until chilly. Internal tissue exchange therapy is stagnant in the distance from the distance (if it is located in the country) in the main in the form of cancer.

meta method: To bring a higher dose of viprominuvannya to the yakomog plump, and to maximize it.

Areas that can be adjusted:
  • bezposredno she herself is chubby;
  • lymphatic universities, roztashovani in the groin area;
  • lymphatic universities, rostasovani over and under the collarbone;
  • lymphatic universities, roztasovani in the area of ​​the sternum.


chemotherapydrug treatment lactose cancer, when cytostatics become vicious. Try to get rid of the crayfish and drive them to reproduce.

Cytostatics are drugs that can cause numerical side effects. That stench must be recognized strictly according to the regulations imposed by the urahuvannya of the peculiarities of the disease.

The main cytostatics, used in case of malignant dairy powder:

  • Adriblastin;
  • methotrexate;
  • 5-fluorouracil;
  • paklitaxel;
  • cyclophosphamide;
  • docetaxel;
  • xeloda.
Preparations obtained, which are prone to malignant milk powder:
  • CMF (Cyclophosphamide, Fluorouracil, Methotrexate);
  • CAF (Cyclophosphamide, Fluorouracil, Adriablastin);
  • FAC (Fluorouracil, Cyclophosphamide, Adriablastin).

hormonal therapy

The main meta hormonal therapy is the injection of female hormones (estrogens) onto the chubby. Methods to become stagnant only at the drop of fluff, so that I am sensitive to hormones.

Hormonal therapy methods:

method describe
vivid yachnikiv Pislya vizalennya yachnikiv in the body quickly falls to the estrogen. The method is effective for a third of the patients. Stay in the week 15 - 55 years.
"Lykarska castration" drugs:
  • leuprolide;
  • Buserelin;
  • Zoladex (Gozerelin).
Likuvalny preparations attracting the appearance of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) by hypophysis, which activates estrogen viral growth by the ovaries.
The method is effective in a third of women from 32 to 45 years.
antiestrogenic drugs:
  • Toremifen (Fareston);
  • tamoxifen;
  • Fazlodex.
Antiestrogens are drugs that adjust the functions of estrogens. Effective for 30% - 60% of women from 16 to 45 years.
Likarski preparations, which bring the enzyme to aromatase:
  • Arimedex (Anastrozole);
  • Femara (Letrozole);
  • AMEM (Fadrozole);
  • Lentaron (formestan);
  • Aromasin (Examestan).
The aromatase enzyme takes care of the role in the approved steroid hormones, including the female hormones estron and estradiole. The aromatase activity is attributed to the reduction of estrogenic efficacy.
Progestin (gestagen):
  • Provera;
  • Megeis (Megestrol).
Progestins are a group of female hormones, which interconnect not only with the power receptors on the surface of the cells, but with the receptors that are used for estrogens, which themselves often block the process. Likarsky drugs, which take revenge on progestins, are recognized from 9 to 67 years, may be 30% effective.
Androgens - preparations of human hormones. Androgens drive the adoption of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), which activates estrogen metabolism in the ovaries. The method is effective for 20% of women and women from 10 to 38 years.

Yak lykar choose tactics for treating breast cancer?

The treatment plan for breast cancer is stored individually.

Specialties that are guilty of vrahovuvati likar:

  • rozmіri new solution;
  • the appearance of metastases in lymphatic universities;
  • germination in susceptible organisms, the appearance of distant metastases;
  • The data of laboratory reports, which characterize the warehouse, the steps of the malignant chickens.

What are the popular methods of treatment possible for breast cancer treatment?

modern methods Likuvannya will provide good predictions for large females from the malignant puffs of milky vines. So, when a cob of love at the I stage is close, 95% of the children live more than 5 years. Have bagatokh sposterіgaєtsya outside oduzhannya.

Folk methods are not safe fight effectively with a plump process. Samolіkuvannya vіdtyagu visits to the lykar. Often, such patients are murdered before fachivtsya, even if metastases are already visible in lymph universities. At a total of 70% of the children, they do not see it for 3 years.

However, the decision is correct for a patient with an adolescent breast cancer - as it is possible more early infection before the doctor, carrying out diagnostics and, if necessary, an ear of treatment in the oncological clinic.