If it hurts, you live like a drink. Likewise from large views into the slunk.

Trivially sickly seeing in black emptyinappropriate symptom, Yaky zavazhaє povnotsinno harchuvatisya and lead an evocative way of life. To that, there are a lot of people who are stuck with a problem, they are getting lukuvati more for the help of anti-noxious drugs. However, if you want to take care of it, you need to know the reason for this. For all, it will be necessary to look at the doctor and diagnostics. It is also a matter of memory, that it was, that it appears regularly, depending on the pathology. Ailments in the area of ​​the shlunk can be manifested in cases of malignant puffs, a swollen ailment and other ailments.

Ethiology of sickly visions

Bile in the slunker can be attributed to many reasons, dermatological reasons for a special approach and course of medical therapy, and in some cases surgical engagement.

Bile in the shlunk is prevented with such pathological camps:

  • polyposis shlunkovy;
  • swirling ailment of the slunk and the intestine of the twelve-fingered;
  • gastritis.

Pain syndrome can be diagnosed through unfriendly factors: improper hankering, stress, allergic reaction, frustration, trauma, dyspepsia, sickness of liver diseases, malignant medications and alcohol, as well as smoking.

welcome drugs due to the pain of indications in the onset of symptoms: inflammation of the stravohid, gastritis, swelling ailment, increased or decreased acidity shlunk juice, Otrunnya kharchove, spastic constipation, spasms, kolki, mucous mucus, as well as spasm of stresses.

Tablets for pain need to be drunk carefully with instructions side effects.

Effective signs of pain

Tablets for pain in the abdomen are indicated for oral administration, most often, the stench is pockmarked. Preparations for the treatment of pain syndrome can be rosmoktuvati, zhuvati and kovtati, washed down with water. For some people, there are special lines that have a shape. You need to take 1 or 2 teaspoons each. In the period of zagostrennya zahvoryuvannya, preparations for internal or internal introduction may be prescribed.

Zneboluyuchі zosobi for lіkuvannya shlunkovo-intestinal tract presented in a wide range. The following drugs are most effective:

  • maalox;
  • No-shpa;
  • pancreatin;
  • almagel;
  • spazmalgon;
  • phosphalugel;
  • mezim;
  • Drotaverinum.

Likas are indicative of symptomatology. Prescribed medications are rapidly eliminated and inappropriate, normalized.

Navit yaksho pain syndrome If it’s not a turbulent anymore, it is recommended to see a doctor, so that the attack can be repeated.

Take a look at your race, as for normal robotic organs in the intestinal tract, a strict balance of the diet is required. Diet therapy for viklyuchaє: alcohol, chicken, malt, kava, mint tea, fatty, gostrum and grease, vip and fresh bread, smoked meat and cowboys. Yaksho bіl turbu rіdko, get ready for the principle correct eating, I will unite the recurrence and I will become stronger. Heads of children can overcome some pathology.

People with gastritis and virazki

Filling the mucous slunk supravodzhuyutsya hospitable pains, overgrowth in the epigastric dilyantsi. Klinichna picture: low vice, temperature adjusted, Powerfulness, haircut, flatulence, nudota, gag reflex, Ridky style or constipation, as well as baking. In case of such symptomatology, help with offensive medications: Atropin, Piren, Almagel, Gastropin, Rabeprazole, Festal, Mezim, Pancreatin and іnshі.

at swirling ailments twelve-fingered intestines and the slunker is made for the gostra, laughing bile. Most often, it will appear when you receive it. Klinichna picture: nudota, haircut, flatulence, vagina loss, nezduzhannya, shelter from the anal opening, bloating positive. Recommended medicines: Azitral, Antacid, De-Nol, Gistodil, Kvamatel. Dana pharmacological group assimilation of pain syndrome, normalization of the slunk-intestinal tract.

Pancreatitis is an inflamed burrow. character sickly visions in case of ailment - ryzhuchy, tyagne і hospitality. The symptomatology is manifested in the form of greasy, fatty food, and by the hour of therapy it is necessary for the suvor child, it is stored in a drug. For normalization, I will become a sick person, and I will be given the next medication: Creon, Festal, Mezim, Pancreatin.

Peculiarities of lіkuvannya pіd hour vagіtnosti

In vaginal women, pain in the area of ​​the shlunkovo-intestinal tract is often slowed down. If there is any discomfort, do not get a warning about the ailment. The reason for sickly appearances is broadened - the growth of the uterus, in which all internal organisms are replaced. Most often, some of them are found in more different terms.

If such a symptomatology is present in early terms, then є risik of the week, it is necessary in the term order of the gynecologist to appear all the time. The reasons for pain in the abdomen in vaginal women are the following officials:

  • carrying constipation;
  • stress situation;
  • nontravleniya і reїdannya;
  • little pomilkov_;
  • oven;
  • gastritis;
  • infection;
  • toxicosis.

During the period of vaginosti it is not necessary to take medication, it is recommended that folk recipes: Drive mineral, herb teaі vіdvari, honey and aloe. As for medication, then No-shpa is allowed, but not in all trimesters. Have some vipadkah priznachayutsya coughs with papaverine.

Lіkuvannya pains in children

If you have, you need to turn up to the pediatric theater, so how to self-indulge in you can bring it up to speed. It is important to quest for the hacking of the child, and to unify the development of pathologies. In children up to pivrok, the reason for disgusting self-respect is, as a rule, kolki. At the given situation it is possible to take: Bebikal, Espumizan, Samsimpleks, dill water.

In children, there are two or three rocky reasons for pain in the abdomen can be gazi, diarrhea or constipation. Usunuti inappropriate to help Nurofen and Espumizan. For older children, the following lines are shown: Mezim, Festal, Buskopan, Linex.

Important! First, give a child drug, respectfully vivchit instructions, contraindication and indicated before acceptance, secondary efficacy and term zberigannya. Touch the vstanovlenu doduvannya. If possible, consult a doctor.

Preparations for pain in the shlunk are recognized only for the reason that the reason for the diagnosis is established. The drug course is guilty of being a doctor. Acceptance of medicines is guilty of being carried out in a complex of medical supplies. Only by such a rank can one achieve gargant results in the presence of pathology.

If it hurts, it’s stun є zalnym nezduzhannyam It is practical to find out practically from the skin people in the singing period of life. Gostry b_l in the slunker can only be unbearable and bring as few people as possible. There are a number of reasons why there may be pain in the drain.

Such conditions and ailments, such as constipation, gastrointestinal trauma, viral infections, irritable bowel syndrome, and induce emotional stress, can lead to the breakdown of the slunk.

Acidity (excess acid in the slurry) also є often the reason tsієї problems.

They often go to physical examination, laboratory conditions, send patients for x-rays, endoscopy for diagnostics of the causes of painful symptoms, and also prescribe pills and other medications for therapy.

In order to clarify the diagnosis, a large number of people ask themselves what they want to eat: how is it because of pain in the abdomen є the most effective?

Experts can do it, so be it before implantation medications Varto, with a consultation from a doctor, and find out the reason for the diagnosis of pain.

The doctor will recognize the best options for drug problems, including pills for pain in the abdomen, due to the fact that symptomatic ailments are manifested in a patient whose pain is alive.

It’s a symptomatic manifestation of a short-hour and non-baking breakdown of the type of spasm and non-etching of the slunk.

At the same hour, unimpressed to finish some reasons, pain in the stomachs of the stomach would cause serious discomfort to the patient.

Є There is a great number of methods to fight against pain in the abdomen, including the elements to the right, home use and actions in the stomach.

If it is necessary to rehabilitate methods not to help, this means that more people feel in the stomach with more primitive factors, for example, appendicitis. Yaksho lyudina sposterіgaє triva gostry bil in the belly, varto terminovo see a medical mortgage.

For the help of a correctly established diagnosis of fahivtsi, you can find out by prescribing a proper treatment, or to recommend a surgical procedure. It is also helpful to prevent pain in the abdomen from causing pain.

Antibiotic drugs, proton pump inhibitors, acid blockers, antacids and antispasmodics may be used until they are quiet, as they will be proponated for treatment most of the views.

If there is any acceleration in nirkas, post-vaginal vaginosis, oncological ailments, you can ask about the need for surgical methods.

At that hour, when there was a beating in the abdomen, it could be the result of simple reasons, it can also be detected through important ailments. If the symptomatology appears on the cob stage, there is a possibility of reducing and negatively affecting health.

If a serious ailment is diagnosed, you can be a vilikuvan of a quick therapy or a surgical operation, with any pain in the abdomen you can become more ill.

If there is a pain, because it is the main reason, it can effectively change the drainage. Tim is not less, because the drugs are guilty but they are marked as a drug. In addition, the dose may vary from one patient to the last one to cause a sickness.

In case of constipation, it is a causal factor of pain in the abdomen, light pains can help stimulate the intestines, change the pain in feeling, if it hurts for a trivial hour.

Tablets and іnshi for pain in the abdomen

The causes of pain in the area of ​​the shlunk can be caused by the problems with different types of illnesses by the type of virazka, gastritis, the ignition process of the stravohode, the licking of which is obovyazkovim.

Inadvertently seeing can also be accompanied by spasms, provoked by constipation and stresses, a change in acidity, reflux, a mouthful of medication injected onto the casing of the slurry.

I will look at the cause of the diagnosis of pain syndrome, tablets for pain in the abdomen are distributed on such groups:

  1. Medicines and pills, which are taken for an hour or so during treatment and gastritis, are antacids and holinolitics. The stench of goodness has put down the pain syndrome, the oven and the cut, the decrease in the acidity level. Stinks are stored in Anatsid, Gastal, Maalox, Flakarbin, Gastrocepin.
  2. Spasmolytic drugs and tablets of the type No-shpy, Besalol, buscopan, for the help of which there is a spasm in the slunk.
  3. Antienzyme coughs are accepted in case of ailments manifestation to the stravohode and pidshlunkovoy nachebto Epikura, Omezu, Controloku. The stench of zdatnі znyati bіl in urazhenih dіlyanka cikh organіv.
  4. Lykarsky preparations for relieving symptoms, viciousness of incorrect treatment (from the category of antacids). The stench will help to increase the acidity, you can vryatuvati from the stove, haircuts, I will become boring if I live in pain. Among them, there are drugs and tablets of the type Omeprazole, Gastromax, Ranitidin, cimetidine.
  5. Enzyme type for enhancing the activity of the slunk and the knowledge of the negative inheritance of the overworldly implantation. The stench is fighting with a camp, which is characterized by a vogue, the appearance of a furnace, a boredom, a low level of acidity of slunk juice. Nayposhirenіshі preparations include Mezim, Plantex, Creon, Festal.

It is necessary that you should recommend a fakhіvets - depriving you of the old zyasuvati causal factor of any kind. Most of the pills can be pushed in and out.

The reason may be in the ruined rate of acceptance. Given the situation, it is necessary to stock up on drugs, which may be enveloped in power - for the type of Phosphalugel or Almagel. The stench can cleanse the mucus shell of the slunk.

Likarsky take antacids for food, as they are available in tablet form, and in a rare form, it is most often stagnant for the therapy of large cases in the area of ​​the slunk, with a vicious roast.

Acid blockers nachebto Panіtіdіna, nіzatidіna and cimetidine work over the decrease in the amount of acid in the slurry, thus, by themselves, they do not bother to reduce the amount of fighting in the area of ​​the abdomen.

Іmodіum і Emetrol in the country can also fail in the belly and change the number of times by the court, tied to the law.

Spasmolytic tablets, which include Dicyclomine and Hyoscyamine, are also often used to lighten the slurry.

Tsі medication vikoristovuyutsya for the treatment of irritated bowel syndrome and to prevent lulling from spasms in the slunk, and also to develop spasms (mimovіlnja swift mucus) in the intestine.

Tablets for pain in the abdomen also include anti-vomiting and painful symptoms. In addition, drugs, which can take more, are tied to gas supply, and sometimes they can be taken to change the level of pain in the stomach.

It is important to note that in a large amount of pain in the shlunk, it can change by itself, without carrying out a test, however, only one can get serious and squeeze the term medical aid.

Cause pain in the abdominal area even more importantly. As soon as the smell is significant, it is possible to diagnose the type of leaks that are suitable for therapy.

Often there was a bile in the shlunk є the result of dyspepsia, as it also happens to be a stove. Vaughn wicked to drink acid in the slurry. Tsey bіl repaired in the shlunk, or often widen right up to the throat and appear at the viglyadі stove.

Antacids are some of the best ways to help relieve pain. Whether it’s a group of antacids to take away elements that neutralize acid in the slurry and also to pick up the slurry.

Deyakіvіd abdominal pains wіklіkіyuyutsya through accumulation of gases in the area of ​​a slunk. The gas supply will help you to follow the help of the pain in the abdomen, simethicone, an active Ingredient, which will help you to avoid the overwhelming gas supply in the area of ​​the slunk.

People who may have chronic problems with the accumulated gas can also drink the drug Simethicone until they are consumed, which, in addition, can actively formulate and accumulate gases, so that flatulence.

Bil in a slunker, tied with a creep, perhaps for many different reasons, or, more often, as a result of a re-transfer of an abnormally fast reception.

Constipation is another widespread cause of pain in the slunker and the urge to follow the help of missed incidents. More locks respond to over-the-counter drinks and pills, while others may be more aggressive.

In singing situations, constipation can be squeezed by primus evacuation, such as clism. This procedure is characterized by forcing a line into the intestine to remove the style from a plastic tube inserted into the rectum. Klizmu є the opportunity to buy in any pharmacy.

In singing situations, abdominal pain in the middle of a triviality of symptoms of pain in the abdomen. Some trivial pains can be seen on a more important ailment, for example, appendicitis, camp stupid b_l in the abdomen, often bloody.

Appendicitis є a serious ailment, і, as vіdomo, vimagає free medical aid. In case of inflammation of the appendicitis, pain in the slunker, as a rule, is more important in the lower right parts belly.

In people who have problems, as if given ailment not lіkuvati, mozlivy opening of the appendix, which can wіklicati not be safe for life accelerated.

Cramps in the abdominal area є a symptom of other ailments, and the very breakdown of the herbal system, altered vision of intestinal gas and viral infections... Deyaki cramps in the abdominal region, which are light, can pass independently for a period of several years or days.

As soon as cramps in the belly take hold for the next hour, there is a feeling of pain in the air, so you can help yourself to see them. People with cramps in the abdomen have been treated to Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and other similar drugs for pain, because the stench can be too draining.

Paracetamol is not very sensitive, as it is not baked for tricky vicoristanny. healthy people You can also drink up to 4000 mg of Acetaminophen per day, which will help you to feel pain in the shlunk.

Tagamet and Pepsidil are two of the most frequent vicious leaks, which are similarly known for cramps in the abdomen. Zasib Tagamet (Cimetidine) and Pepsidil, more vidomy and Famotidine, should be close to the class of drugs called histamine receptor antagonists.

Give medications for lowering the level of acid in the slunker, which will provoke spasmodic pain in the abdomen. How to emerge, if you don't want to have cramps in your stomach, you are guilty of being guilty.

Whoa, if the causal factors of the large number of visions are unavoidable? Do not be aware of any unique person from all types of sickly visions. It is necessary to consult a specialist to establish the main reason.

Protein, if there is little energy to drink before the drug, you can take tablets from the category of strong analgesic drugs. It is necessary to realize that the lemma does not come to the senses, the stench is deprived for a short hour, you may feel the discomfort in case of pain in the abdomen.

In case of spasms in the slunker, it is possible to drink pills of the type Spazgan, Analgin, Yunispaz, however, it is not malignant with drugs, some of them are given a series of analgesic drugs, which can be negatively embedded on the heart of the organisms.

Persh, if you don't want to be sick, or if you have pills for pain in the shlunk, it is recommended to respectfully familiarize yourself with the instructions and zyasuvati, as you may be able to install intercourse for the life of the child.

Bile in the abdomen is one of the most nonspecific symptoms. It means that it will cause pain in the abdomen; nirkova how much, In women - fiery congestion of the uterus with appendages, premenstrual syndrome. The easiest way to get rid of pain in the abdomen is the process of implantation of some kind of sickly spirits, and the most beautiful way is to take pills. However, taking pills for pain in the abdomen is far from being effective. And in deyaky vipadkah tse can be tied with a rizik for life.

On the right, in the fact that the deyaki of the surgical and gynecological problems of the term prompt engagement... Prior to such, there is a gostry appendicitis, perforated (perforated) bend, intestinal impermeability, post-wrinkle vaginism, twisting of a small egg, and a lot of it. Zneboluyuchі pills in this vypad not only do not bring corista, but th shkіdlivі. On the right, in that timchasov usunennya pain with qih camps I sing cool picture and accelerated diagnostics in case of lykarsky oglyad.

I am alert with signs in the plan of state pathology є:

  • Intense nature of pain
  • Plank-shaped abdominal cushion i sharp bile when trying to palpate (obmatsuvannya) cartilage
  • Blida shkira
  • Cold sticky pita
  • Nudota and blues
  • Parts of ridki viporozhnennya
  • Prishvidshene sercebittya
  • belittling arterial vise
  • Riska weakness, flashing of the fly in front of the eye
  • Lack of confusion, obscurity
  • Difficulty in the management of intestinal gases
  • Women have a bloody vision from pikhvi.

It’s just as bad in the stomach to cope with one abnormal symptom, that is, it’s shown to the lykarsky look. If you want to be in your belly, there is a predictively serious sign that it is more beautiful to be out of harm's way, and in any case, to put a visit to a personal mortgage. If only after the drug has been diagnosed with a pathology state, it is possible to start taking the pills before taking the pills - ale, I know, it’s a very good recommendation.

For the most part, in cases of pain in the abdomen, do not require surgical permission and are easily absorbed by taking pills. As a rule, such more knitted functional damage shlunkovo-intestinal tract (ShKT). In the base of the cich x porushen lie:

  • Intestinal muscle spasm
  • Reflux - zorotny zakid shlunk juice in stravohid, manifested by pain and oven
  • The change in acidity of slurry juice
  • Difficulty permeating the grub breast through the intestines
  • Purchase of gases in intestinal lumen.

In a large number of cases, after one or more deciduous diseases, factors lie at the base of the diagnosis of pain in the abdomen. At the same time, preparations of advancing groups are shown in the meta of usunenny:

  • Myotropic antispasmodics - assimilate spasm of smooth muscles of the intestine
  • Antacid - to reduce the acidity of slunk juice
  • Anticholinergics - block the inflow of parasympathetic vegetative nervous system on the slunk-intestinal tract, and they themselves produce an antispasmodic and antacid effect
  • Stimulants of peristalsis - normalize peristalsis (sickly fasting of smooth intestinal muscles), and by themselves assimilate gas and congestion in the intestine
  • Ferment herbs - to paint over-etched ferments.


middle most effective pills with pain in the abdomen:


myotropic spasmolytic, assimilation of spastic manifestations in the intestinal tract. For the great rakhunk, the drug will not need to be presented. Its efficiency and necessity is transformed by ten years. Usuva intestinal spasm, as well as expanding the sudin, lowering the arterial grip. It is impossible to accept the cause of the cause but it is not possible to accept it with any hypotonic camps, but it is supervised to reduce the arterial grip. Among the others there are contraindications - vaginism, lactation, lack of liver function and nirok.


Combinations of tabletting drug. Includes three ingredients: Pitofinone hydrochloride (myotropic spasmolytic), Fenpiveriniy (anticholinergic), and one more antiapalny for Metamizol sodium. Cy ingredinti mutually give one to one. Among the side effects - boring, dryness in the company, heartache, allergic reactions. The drug is not suitable for cardiac arrhythmias, glaucoma, lack of liver function and nirok.


The drug is centralized. Shlyakhom blocking specific receptors in the brain to normalize intestinal peristalsis. Usuvaє nudotu and vomiting. Among the side effects - drowsiness, disordered coordination of ruffians. At the connection with the cym, Metoclopramide has been used to protect the waters, and to persons who work with folding machines and mechanisms.


Antacid. The blockage of H2 histamine receptor of the mucous membrane of the slunker, based on the presence of hydrochloric acid. The development of the twisting ailment of the slunk and the symptoms - abdominal pain, boredom, stove, is in progress. Selected Effects - head bill, Zapamorochennya, visipannya on shkіri. Prototype indications: impaired function nirok, vagіtnіst, lactation, up to 14 years.


It is also an antacid. To be admitted to sov. іngіbіtorіv proton pump - lowering the acidity of the slurry juice by blocking specific enzymes, which controls the concentration of hydrochloric acid. Effective for pain in the shlunk, amalgamated by reflux of shlunk juice, fever ailment and pancreatitis. Prototype indications: individual intolerance to the drug, vagina, breastfeeding.

Among the largest groups of drugs:

  • Drotaverin - antispasmodic
  • Rennі - antacid
  • Tserukal - normalizes intestinal motility, assimilates superficially gaziv
  • Gastrocepin - anticholinergic
  • Papaverine - antispasmodic
  • Festal, Creon - herbal ferments.

Whether or not these are pills for pain in the abdomen are taken only for the signs of the drug. About the viscous mind efficiency of the tablets according to the date and the shot shot.

There are a lot of people wondering about food: which pills are most effective? Fakhіvtsі vverzhuyut, before taking any drugs, it is necessary to consult a doctor and find out the reason for the diagnosis of pain. The physician pidbere is the most suitable medication for the physiological manifestations of illness in the patient. Vvazhaєya, shcho with medicines for pain in the abdomen є Omez, Rennі, Besalol, Gastromax, Pancreatin і De-Nol. Vidmytimo, scho lykarsku therapy bazhano add special children.

Omez і Rennі

Omez - one of the best effective drugs against abdominal pain. Wine is dispensed from viglyadi capsules for oral administration. Doctors try to help them omez only in that case, because the cause of the pains were the slunk swelling, reflux, chronic gastritis, or the acidity of the slunk. Obviously, Omez cannot be victorious when you increase your sensitivity to omeprazole or any of the other components of the drug. Also Omez of contraindications for vaginal women and children in the age up to 12 years. Dozuvannya lіkіv vіyut in the fallowness due to the severity of the disease. Slid vrahovuvati, when trivial victorian Omez, people can win such vicious actions:

  1. Allergic reactions. Most often the stench is supravodzhuyutsya zagalnogo weak and dry skirny cover.
  2. Zbіlshennya masi tila, accelerated sertsebittya.
  3. Pancreatitis, flatulence, dryness in the mouth. In rare cases, there is a subtlety of the mucous membrane of the intestine and the membrane of the mov.
  4. Sudami, b_l in myazah, nasal bleeding, anemia.
  5. інфекції sectional system.

Renní vvazhaєtsya we reduce antacid zasob. Vipuskatsya Daniy medication at viglyadі tablets for rosmoktuvannya. Dozіlno vikoristovuvati Rennі, as well as bіl vinnik innaslіdok increase the acidity of the slunk. In addition, the drug can be vikoristovuvati for symptomatic treatment of the furnace. Apparently, Rennie is hardened to live by individuals with an increased sensitivity to components. Medication for contraindications for nircovy deficiency. In the period of vaginosti and lactation, the condition of Rennie is possible. Dose the drug will be found in the patient's condition and the presence of ailments in the intestinal tract. Inodi Rennie wiklikє pobichnі dії.

For example, when pills are implanted, anaphylactic reactions can be detected, shkirny visip or Kvinke's bobble. In the end, the patient has a blues or weakness.

Besalol i Gastromax

Besalol is one of the smallest antispasmodic drugs. Wine is dispensed from viglyadi tablets for oral administration. Besalol is taken seriously, as the cause of the pain has become colitis or ailments of the intestinal tract, which are supravdzhuyutsya spasms. Apparently, Besalol cannot be implanted in persons who suffer from closed glaucoma, or may be sensitive to components given in vain... With vaginosti or the presence of ailments of the heart-vascular system, the implantation of the whole system is possible only by visualization of the patient. Dozuvannya will lie down from the severity of the ailment and the patient's age. Varto of the nobility, so Besalol can be victorious like this:

  1. Dryness at rot, overlap of the cut.
  2. Allergic reactions.
  3. Adjustment of the internal vice.
  4. Мідріаз (extended zinitsі).

Gastromax tezh є good job, Yake can help you to take a bill in the shortest term. Likewise are dispensed from viglyadі tablets for rozzhovuvannya. Gastromax can be victorious only in the event that abdominal pains appear through gastritis with increased acidity. A further medication can be taken for symptomatic treatment of ailments of the shlunkovo-intestinal tract. Gastromax cannot be implanted in individuals with an increased sensitivity to famotidine or other components of the drug. In addition, Daniy is a medication of contraindications for normal deficiencies, vaginosities and in the period of lactation. For children up to 12 years old, Gastromax is not in the region. It is optimal to take a doctor's appointment with the patient's individual features.

In the minorities of Gastromax viklikє such minor acts:

  1. Pidvischennya arterial vise, arrhythmia, tachycardia.
  2. Dryness in rotis, impaired appetite, nudota.
  3. Thrombocyte, increased body temperature.
  4. M'yazovi spasms, headache, drowsiness.
  5. Bronchospasm, gynecomastia.

Pancreatin i De-Nol

Pancreatin is an excellent choice for. Likewise are dispensed from viglyadi tablets for oral administration. Pancreatin is predominantly vikoristovuvati, as well as pain in chronic pancreatitis, gastritis or enterocolitis. In addition, vicoristovuvati medication is possible in case of damage to etching. Likas are not a contraindication. However, for persons who suffer from increased sensitivity to their components, the drug is contraindicated. Dozuvannya will change in the fallowness as a result of the individual characteristics of the patient. Pancreatin wickedness is rare in the region, however, some patients may have allergic reactions.

De-Nol is dispensed in viglyadі tablets for oral administration. Danium drug dozіlno vikoristovuvati, as well as pain in the disease in the case of fever ailments, chronic gastritis, intestinal malignancy or gastroduodenitis. De-Nol is hardened to live in persons with an increased sensitivity to the components of the lika. Denmark is a drug of contraindications for normal deficiencies and children in children up to 14 years. In the period of vaginosti or lactation in life, De-Nol is not very good. Optimally, the dosage of signs is determined by the patient's history. Deyakie vipadkah De-Nol has wicked victories.


Tablets for abdominal pain

Bile in the stomach can be more like a mother. The one, and the best, who will help you to fit in with the sickness, look for your characteristics. Tablets for pain in the abdomen are indicated for therapy, whether one problem or a complex of interrelated symptoms.

Rіzuchі pains in the navel area can be indications of problems with slag or gastritis.

On the right, in the middle of the road zhovchny mikhur through the manifestation of a new stone, or give the nobility a cookie about themselves. Bil evil, with the ribs showing the dysfunction of the flesh-throat, and lower in the same area - on the problem with the twelve-fingered intestine. Pain in the abdomen with unassigned localization and manifestation is a sign of a rash of poisoning can mean problems with the intestines. And most people see a spasmodic nature of spasms of the muscles of the pelvic region. Such more women are found among women for the hour of the month. The skin is associated with a number of problems in its own way of treatment, and, obviously, the formation of songs.

Significantly, it is important to look, so the beating in the stomach can be manifested a serious affliction, Not safe for the life of the people, for example, severe appendicitis... When there is a lot of seeing, the right-hander is located at the bottom. The vaginous women have more in their stomachs there may be testimonies about the manifestation of the vagueness of the vagina, which is not safe for life. To that, engaging in self-abuse is not varsity, but more beautifully than anything else, get involved for advice and assistance to the fahivts.

Shown before taking pills for abdominal pain

Skin preparation of indications for vikoristannya in singing vypadki. Shown before the pills are consumed due to pain in the abdomen, abdominal pain in the instructions, for the delivery of medication, and with any instructions, it is necessary to be aware of it before the cob implantation.

  1. Drotaverine hydrochloride.
    • The presence of spasms of smooth muscles, which may lead to the development of the bilious tract, such as cholestolithiasis, cholangiolithiasis, cholecystitis, periocholecystamias, cholangitis and papillomas.
    • Signs of spasms of smooth muscles, yak є in secular paths, and viclican Nephrolithiasis, urethrolithiasis, pyelitis, cystitis, abdominal muscles.
    • Vikoristovuyutsya as for additional therapy in case of spasmodic manifestations in the smooth muscles of the bowel and intestines, vicious on the ailments of the bowel and twelve-fingered intestines, gastritis, spasms of the cardiac arteries, forms of the collar, onset
  2. Duspatalin.
    • Vikoristovuyutsya in case of spasms of organs in the shlunkovo-intestinal tract, which can also be supplemented with organic discomforts.
    • Stagnate with intestinal and zhyvnoy rings.
    • Vikoristovuєtsya in case of a sore bowel syndrome.
    • For children in twelve years of age, the medication stagnates during functional dislocations of the slunk-intestinal tract, which are supervised by painful visions in the stomach.
  3. Іmodium Plus.
    • Winning diarey for being the reason for the proclamation.
    • Appearance of symptoms - flatulence, non-discharge of intestinal gases, abdominal discomfort, spastic pain.
  4. Loperamid.
    • Appearance gostrich i chronic signs diarei, scho maє alergichne, emotsiyny, lykarskiy abo promenevoy prydzhennya.
    • It becomes stagnant in the therapy of diarrhea, tied to the wrinkle regime and the quality of food, in the case of impaired metabolism and in the processes of moisture.
    • Vikoristovutsya as an auxiliary for the therapy of diarrhea, infecting nature.
    • To become stuck for the regulation of the style in the children, which may be the case.
  5. Maalox.
    • The appearance of a sharp-edged ailment of a shlunk that two-fingered intestine.
    • The appearance of acute gastroduodenitis and chronic gastroduodenitis, which may be normal or have a secretory function.
    • Viniknennya gryzhі, which is volodya in a stravochid opening with diaphragms, as well as developing reflux esophagitis.
    • Evidence of dyspeptic manifestations in viglyadi discomfort or large witnesses in epigastria; making ovens, sour haircuts eating porridge in food, as well as with overwhelming implantation of alcohol, caviar drinks and kurinnya.
    • Diagnosis of dyspeptic symptoms in patients with uncomfortable symptoms and pain in the epigastrium, as well as symptoms in the furnace, acidic conditions, which may be negative, as the result of the treatment of anti-glucose problems - certain
  6. Mezim Forte.
    • Vikoristovuyutsya in the case of substitution therapy, as there is a lack of function of the pancreatic cavity, including chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis.
    • It is used for chronic ignition-dystrophic shlunkovyh, intestinal, pechinkovyh ailments, as well as additional problems with zhovchny michur.
    • The pill is caused by pain in the abdomen, which may develop in case of dislocation of the slunk-intestinal tract, which may have a functional character and intestinal diseases infectious natureі irritable bowel syndrome.
    • When there is an error in the stomach in patients with normal functions of the intestinal tract.
    • To become victorious in the quality of therapy of stanes, as a result of the resection of the organs in the intestinal tract;
  7. No-shpa Forte.
    • Vikoristovuyutsya in case of spasms of smooth muscles, enveloped with ailments of the gallbladders, and cholecystolithiasis itself, hollyolithiasis, cholecystitis, pericholecystitis, cholangtami, papillomas.
    • Stomach in case of spasms of smooth muscles of the genital tract, vicious symptoms of sickness, and itself, nephrolithiasis, urethrolithiasis, pyelitis, cystitis, spasms of the sectal microorganism.
    • As an element of pre-adolescent therapy, it can be used for spasms of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract; The medication must be taken in cich vipadkas, if you have become ill, to characterize the syndrome stubborn belly And itself, signs of a grievous appendicitis, peritonitis, perforation of a virazka, a grievous pancreatitis.
    • Vikoristovuatsya with headaches, victorious spasm.
    • To become obsessed with dysmenorrhea, which is superfluous with large vidchutty.
  8. Festal.
    • Evidence of deficiencies in the production of secretions in the feeding zone chronic pancreatitis and to get back from a bilious lack, which manifests itself in damaged etching, flatulence, constipation.
    • Vikoristovuatsya, as one from the start when combined use, Such ailments, such as diffuse pechinkov, ailments, tied with an alcoholic and toxic lesions liver, liver cirrhosis.
    • Stuck in warehouses complex therapy with the intake of gum acids in great quantities, you get sick, in ailments, they underwent cholecystectomy.
    • Vikoristovuyutsya as one of the medications in the combined treatment in case of deterioration of the circulation of acids in the gum, as it is spared in such inconveniences as the dyskinesia of the gallbladders, dysbacteriosis, malabsorption.
    • Stagnate in case of neurohumoral impairment of the functions of the processes of establishment of a child and chronic gastritis, Chronic duodenitis, chronic cholecystitis.
    • Vikoristovuєtsya, schob polypsy, the processes of over-etching in quiet patients, which lead to normal functions of the intestinal tract. We can get into trouble with the destruction of the correct eating, as well as in case of problems with the chewing function, we can trivialize the mischief, a sedentary way of living.
    • To be used when preparing until the end of the day internal organs queue for additional X-ray and ultrasonic diagnostics.
  9. Phthalazol.

Form vipusku

Tablets for oral administration are a centa form of a vial of drugs described in the statute. Smells come from color, size, shape and smell, or not to foul the shell.

  • Drotaverine hydrochloride.

It is dispensed in tablets of forty milligrams of the active ingredient into the skin. Tablets may be zhovtii or zhovtii from green color, flat-cylindrical form and chamfer in the middle. Tablets are placed in a contour charunk package, ten pieces per skin and packaged in cardboard boxes in two contour packages, and also be provided with a leaflet with instructions.

Drotaverin Forte is put into a skin pill weighing fifty milligrams of active speech and released in tablets. Tablets are placed in a blister of ten pieces, two blisters are packed in a cardboard box and provided with an instruction-insert.

In the warehouse of skin tablets - forty grams (or about fifty grams) of drotaverine hydrochloride, as well as a number of additional words: lactose monohydrate, potato starch, talc, stearic acid.

  • Duspatalin.

Vibrate in capsules with prolonged diyu, in some biliy kolirі markup on the case і of the numbers 245, and on the capsules of the crystal - the Latin letter S і number 7. Capsules are opaque and prepared from hard gelatin. Middle capsules є granules of white or even white color. Capsules are packed in blister, ten pieces per skin. Blisters two by two or three pieces are placed in a cardboard box and be provided with a leaflet with instructions.

At the warehouse of the skin capsule there are two miligrams of active speech - mebeverine hydrochloride, as well as a number of additional compounds: magnesium stearate, methacrylic acid copolymer, talc, methacrylate, titanium dioxide copolymer

  • Іmodium Plus.

Vypuskayutsya at the viglyadі chewing pills, Yaki mayut biliy kolir i round flat shape, And also written IMO on one side of the tablet. It has a vanilla and mint smell.

In the dermal pill, there are active loperamide hydrochloride - two milligrams and simethicone - one hundred and twenty five milligrams, and also a few additional components: sorrel, cellulose microcrystalline stearic, calcium phosphate.

To be packaged in chotiri or twelve pieces of tablets per package.

  • Loperamid.

The medication is carried out at the viglyadі of hard gelatin capsules No. 3, which is volodіyut with the body of a white color with a green crust. The capsules contain beads or beads with a powder. Capsules can produce two milligrams. Razmіshchenі capsules on ten pieces in blisterі. One or two charunk packages can be placed in a cardboard box and provided with an insert with instructions.

In one capsule of active speech - loperamide hydrochloride - two milligrams, as well as a small number of additional components: lactose monohydrate, cartopean starch, silica coloidal dioxide, calcium. The body of a gelatin capsule is stored in gelatin and titanium dioxide, and the capsule's crumb can be stored in gelatin, titanium dioxide, barvnik zaliza oxide and indigo carmine.

  • Maalox.

It should be used in viglyadi juvenile tablets with sugar and juvenile tablets without sugar. Zhuvalnі tablets with zukrom mayut bіliy kolіr і round, flat-cylindrical form. Also on tablets є the appearance of chamfers and engraving "MX".

Tablets for pain in the abdomen of the jawbone without sugar may cause bili or zhovtuvaty color with the manifestation of marbling, round and flat-cylindrical form. On tablets є chamfer and engraving "MAALOX" from one side and from the bottom - "sans sucre". The tablets have a lemon scent.

Zhuvalny tablets with candied room, ten pieces in a blister, wrapped in aluminum foil or PVC. One, two, or chotiri blister, put it in a cardboard pouch and post it with a leaflet with instructions.

Zhuvalny tablets without candies are packaged in ten pieces in a blister, vyrobleniya from aluminum foil, PVC or PVDC. One, two, or chotiri blister, spread out in cardboard boxes and superimpose a sheet of paper with instructions.

In one tablet with sucrose є according to chotirista miligrams in active rechovins - magnesium hydroxide and algeldrate, as well as a small number of additional components: crumbs with sucrose, sorbitol, mannitol aroma, magnesium sugar, sugar

In tablets without tsukru mіstitsya on chotirista mіlіgramіv Activity rechovin - magnіyu gіdroksidu i algeldarata and takozh deyaku Quantity dopomіzhnih Components Connection: sorbіtolu rіdkogo, maltitol, magnіyu stearate, lemon flavor, smakoaromatichnih preparatіv, natural smakoaromatichnih rechovin, akatsії kamedі, limonnoї acids butіlgіdprksіanіzola, natrіyu sugar, glucerin, talc.

  • Mezim Forte.

It is dispensed in the form of tablets of the erysipelas color and round form, which cover the intestinal shell. The dermal tablet has a double-convex surface, a chamfer, so it is not possible to smudge three brown impregnations.

Tablets are placed in ten pieces in a contour charunk package, ready for use with aluminum, polyamide or PVC. One or two blisters are placed in a cardboard box and provided with an instructional insert.

The dermal tablet contains the core and the intestinal corns. The core is stored in active speech - pancreatin powder in a number of one hundred thirty-seven and a half milligrams, in which lipase - ten thousand units, amylase - seven and a half thousand units, protease - three hundred and seventy-fifty. Additional components include lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, coloidal silicon dioxide, crospovidone, magnesium stearate.

Intestinal shell is stored in the singular quantity of hypromelose, methacrylic acid, polymethylacrylate copolymer, dispersion of thirty percent, triethyl citrate, titanium dioxide, talc, simethicone emulsion of sodium hydroxide 6000

  • No-shpa Forte.

It is dispensed in tablets of forty milligrams per skin. Pigulka has a round double-convex shape і zhovty kolіr, with greenery or an orange vidtіnkom. On one side of the tablet є graviyuvannya "spa".

Tablets are packaged in six or twenty chotiri pieces in one blister, prepared from aluminum or PVC. One blister is placed in a cardboard box and is supervised with an instruction-insert.

Also, tablets can be packaged in vials, prepared from polypropylene and provided with a piece dispenser, in a number of sixty pieces per bottle.

Tablets for pain in the abdomen can also be placed in a polypropylene bottle, one hundred pieces per skin and get a polyethylene cork.

The leather bottle is packed in a cardboard box and provided with a leaflet with instructions.

At the warehouse of a skin tablet active speech - drotaverine hydrochloride - forty milligrams, and also a small number of additional components: magnesium stearate, talc, corn starch, lactose monohydrate.

  • Festal.

Likarskiy zazybutsya at viglyadі bіlich, glossy, round dragee, as there is a faint vanilla smell. Dragee, ten pieces each, are placed in strips, and packaged in cardboard packs in a number of two, six or ten pieces, secured with a sheet of instructions.

One dragee warehouse has є one hundred ninety-two milligrams of active speech to pancreatin, fifty milligrams of the active component of hemicellulosis and twenty five milligrams diyuchy speech zhovchy components. In addition, in the pills, there is a singular number of additional rechovins: sodium chloride, cellacephate, ethylvinylin, castor olia, sucrose, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propylparaben, gelatin, calcium hydroxide, calcium carbonate, carbonate

  • Phthalazol.

Lykarskiy zasibyutsya at the viglyadі tablets of a white or blue color, may have a flat-cylindrical shape and a chamfer with a risk. The tablets are packaged in ten pieces in a contoured cell-free package or a contour charunk package. Two contour packages fit into a cardboard box and be provided with a leaflet with instructions.

In the warehouse, one tablet contains five hundred milligrams of the active component phthalylsulfathiazole, and the number of additional words: cartopean starch, calcium stearate, talc.

Pharmacodynamics of tablets for abdominal pain

The processes that are brought into the body are sent to the received drug, development. skin lykarskiy zasib it is suitable for the resolution of singing problems. Mechanism of descriptions in the section pharmacodynamics of tablets for pain in the abdomen.

  • Drotaverine hydrochloride.

Є Let's go to the kidney, which is susceptible to spasmolytic action on smooth muscles. The process of suppressing the enzyme phosphodiesterase 4, which, apparently, increases the concentration of cAMP, can be used to induce an easy lance to inactivate the lance, smooth muscle tissue.

To get involved in an effective lykarskiy way, but volodya spasmolytic dyu, or not to bring to the side effects in the heart-sudinny system. The medicine is stagnant in case of damage to the nervous regulation and self-regulation, enriching both the nervous and the myazous nature. Lіki nadaє dіyu for smooth muscles, roztashovana in the shlunkovo-intestinal tract, and also kindly infused on the rump, urogenital and Sudinnu system... The medication is used to stimulate blood flow in tissues. To be more powerful, less papaverine, less papaverine, less and less wet, less ringing with blood plasmas, and also not to disturb the stimulating activity on the organic basis.

  • Duspatalin.

The pills are for pain in the abdomen є spasmodic in a way with myotropic action, which is infused directly onto the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, and most of all - into the intestine. Produce spasm to the point of being weary, without infusing it into the processes of intestinal peristalsis. Chi is not anticholinergic to the effect.

  • Іmodium Plus.

The active component of lykarskogo zasobu - loperamin hydrochloride - zdatny zv'yazuvatsya with opioid receptors, rostasovany in the intestinal walls. The dia wiklikal galmus propulsive peristalsis is given, an extra hour of intestinal transit and increased resorption of water and electrolytes. Do not reduce the physiological intestinal microflora to the point of reducing the physiological intestinal microflora, as well as the increased tone anal sphinkter... Not a central effect.

Іnsha is active speech - simethicone - inert surface-active processes, like volodya defoaming effect. At times, there is a lulling of symptoms, such as a viklikal diarrhea, as well as other signs of illness - flatulence, abdominal discomfort, hypertension and spasms.

  • Loperamid.

The active component, loperamide, binds to opioid receptors, which are rosted in the intestinal walls, which stimulates cholinergic and adrenergic neurons of the auxiliary guanine nucleotides. At the same time, the motility of the intestinal smooth muscles decreases, the increase in the increase in the intestinal passage is reduced, the vision of the intestinal fluid decreases. feces... It also increases the tone of the anal sphincter, which leads to good quality removal of feces and reduction of the number of urges for intestinal emptying.

A series of pills for pain in the abdomen is a shvidko and a volodya triviality in chotiri - for many years.

  • Maalox.

The medicine should be used to neutralize the diluted hydrochloric acid, while not bringing it to the secondary hypersecretory acid. When vicorian lykarskogo zasobu, the level of acidity in the slurry is increased, which leads to a decrease in the peptic activity of the slunk juice. Change to absorbent and oily qualities, to bring factors to a decrease, and to produce a mucous membrane.

Mezim Forte.

The drug can be stored in a powder, prepared from porcine slurry diseases and to take revenge on secretory pancreatic enzymes - lipase, amylase, protease, trypsin, chymotypsin, and also.

To produce pancreatic enzymes until the decomposition of such words, such as protein, fat and carbohydrates, is poured into the absorption into small intestine, Rookies and more. Trypsin should be produced to suppressive stimulation of virobnation of enzymes in the slurry plant, and we should have a zestless effect. There is a strong activity of enzymes in the medication to be dispensed through the first half of the year or forty-five quills in the form of implantation.

  • No-shpa Forte.

The active active component of the drug is drotaverine hydrochloride - є old type of isoquinoline. Volodya with a straining spasmolytic effect on the reduction to smooth muscles behind the help of phosphodiesterazi. Phosphodiesterase is necessary for the hydrolysis of cyclic adenosine monophosphate to adenosine monophosphate.

It has been established that the drug can induce the effectiveness of the phosphodiesterase 4 isozyme, without the need for a similar effect on phosphodiesterase 3 and 5. The level of effectiveness of the drug is to be found in the concentration in the tissue of the therapy for the smoothness of the soul of the phosphodiesterase 4 new species that іnshih and іnshikh ailments, scho to wickle spastic manifest in the intestinal tract.

Having shown its effectiveness in spasms of smooth muscles, amalgamated with neurogenic and muscle spasms. The active component of the medication is to relax the smooth muscles of the intestinal tract, the gut and the sechostatic system, and is directly related to the type of vegetative energy.

  • Festal.

Lykarskiy zdatne to compensate for the problem of the lack of secretion of the pancreatin behind the supplementary pancreatin, as well as the function of seeing the gum component to the preparation.

Volodya proteolytic, amiolytic and lipolytic effects. Diya lipase, amylase, protease - enzymes, which can enter pancreatin to the storehouse, produce until lump over-etching such components as fat and carbohydrates. It’s more beautiful to get wet in the small intestine.

Zhovchny acid and its own way to correct biliary deficiency, such as chronic pancreatitis in supravascular diseases. The extract of the gum should be produced until the hardening of the gum in the body is made, and I will also reduce the processes of soaking the fats and vitamins A, E and K, as well as fatty gum.

The enzyme heme-cellulosis is used to produce up to the complete splitting of the rosellinocelium, so that the process of etching and reduction of the establishment of intestinal gases can be improved.

  • Phthalazol.

Pills for pain in the abdomen should be included in para-aminobenzoic acid folic acid in the microorganism. Tse porushuє approval of folio acid, as I take care of the fate of virobnistvі quiet words, which pour on the growth and development of microorganism.

The greatest effect is to be promoted on vegetative forms of microbes, developing last and second.

It can be used as a prototype, like a polyagus in the area of ​​increased leukocytes, which reduces the total number of expanded cell elements and stimulates the viroblasting of corticosteroids.

The medication is effective in terms of admission to streptococcus, pneumococcus, staphylococcus, meningococcus, gonococcus, sygnosis sticks, intestinal stick, Shigel dysentery, proteus of the serpentine and a number of viruses of the great size, which stimulate the trachea and follicular conjunctivitis.

Pharmacokinetics of tablets for abdominal pain

The skin preparation undergoes transformation into the human body. Awareness of the pharmacokinetics of tablets for pain in the abdomen to allow the intelligence of the mechanisms.

  • Drotaverine hydrochloride.

The active component in case of oral vikoristannі shvidko soaks up from the shlunkovo-intestinal tract. For example, the term in twelve khilin, the bioavailability of speech is practical. The maximum concentration in the blood plasma is promoted from forty-five chilines to one year.

The active component does not penetrate through the blood-brain barrier. The processes of metabolism from the speech are brought into the furnace. After seventy two years, drotaverines may become more vivod in the body of the metabolites, half of them - behind the additional cut, and thirty hundred - in the feces.

  • Duspatalin.

Speech is not actively consumed in the process of presystemic hydrolysis during oral vikorystanna, and also does not penetrate into the blood plasma. Metabolism takes place in the oven, deconstructs into veratic acid and mebeverinic alcohol. Metabolites are utilized by the body for an additional benefit, but a small number of metabolites are seen for an additional woman. Capsules Use the drug to induce bagatorazovy not to produce a significant cumulative effect.

  • Іmodium Plus.

From the period of time to the term of the tenth year, if the options can be from nine to fourteen years young people... Loperamide hydrochloride can be easily absorbed by the intestine. Metabolism takes place in the liver, develops the conjugation and development of metabolites with additional help. If the metabolism of speech is even more active, then in the blood it is more difficult to reach a low concentration of the component in the invisible viglyad. Loperamid in viglyad metabolites is transformed into organisms from feces. The second active component is simethicone, which does not have a strong absorption capacity in the intestinal tract.

  • Loperamid.

Volodya intestinal absorption in a few forty vids. The active component clings to the plasma beads in a few ninety-seven hundredths. From nine to fourteen years the term is used for the period from nine to fourteen years. Prederamid is not healthy before penetrating the blood-brain bar'єr. The active component, consumed in the systemic bloodstream, undergoes a practical re-metabolism in the liver for additional convenience. In the form of metabolites, which have gone through a con'yugation, they are vivodit for additional support and partly for additional support.

  • Maalox.

The active components are perceived as antacids from the muscle, which does not appear to be absorbed and does not suffer a systemic effect.

  • Mezim Forte.

Tablets for pain in the abdomen, the acidity of the shell, and the hydrochloric acid can not be broken. The process of taking the enzyme into the drug is in the form of neutralization of its activity. The shell is distinguished from the more vivid enzymes at equal acidity, which is neutral or weak.

  • No-shpa Forte.

Speech is active for the oral manifestation of the quality of quick and general absorption, at the same time undergoing presystemic metabolism and being in the systemic blood flow in as many as sixty doses of the dose taken. The maximum concentration of speech in the blood plasma is promoted through an interval of forty-five khiliin or one year. Active speech is the power of a high ringing with large plasmas - from ninety five times. Most of the time you are looking for albumen and beta globulins. The river is good enough to grow in tissue and penetrate into the cells of smooth muscles. Chi is not good enough to penetrate the blood-brain barrier. In fact, the active component of any metabolism can penetrate across the placental bar.

The active component undergoes secondary metabolism in the liver for additional O-desetization. Yogo metabolism is healthy to a high level of conjugation with glucuronic acid.

The period of metabolism is the period of sixteen years. In a stretch of seventy two years, the drug is more often seen in the body. More than half of the metabolites are carried out for an additional nyrok, thirty hundreds of rivers - for an additional slunk-intestinal tract by way of ekskretsiya in the zhovch.

  • Festal.

Enzymes for pancreatin to compensate for the lack of enzymes, such as viroblya pidshlunkov zalosis. The smell of polishing the poisoning and mastering of the їzhі. In the intestinal tract, a large percentage of the absorption of enzymes in pancreatin is not absorbed. Absorption is not required to achieve this efficiency, but it is absorbed in the very intestinal tract.

The enzymes, permeated through the intestinal tract, undergo proteolytic digestion until that moment, as long as they do not undergo absorption, such as the transformation of peptides or amino acids.

Enzymes, placed in the core of the dragee, are stolen from the over-etching in the sour middle of the slunk by the shell. Drink in a neutral or slightly cold middle of the small intestine, the shell grows, and the ferments are vivified. The maximum enzymatic action is healthy for a period of six months or forty-five quills for a drink. Enzymes to pancreatin do not grow, but are not seen in the body with fecal masses in splitting or denatured for supplemental gruel juices or bacteria in appearance.

Most of the drugs are contraindicated until they are consumed in the period of vaginosity and breastfeeding. It is necessary to respectfully familiarize yourself with the instructions, and it’s itself, with the help of this section, which describes how to take pills for pain in the abdomen for an hour of vaginosity.

  • Drotaverine hydrochloride.

Vikoristannya to the drug for an hour of vaginosti not to repair teratogenic and membranous toxic effects. Ale, all the same, there is a medicine in the whole hour-long period of time.

Chi not є danih about the injection of drotaverine hydrochloride into milk in the lactation period. Tom, yogo not vikoristovuvati pіd hour goda ditini's breast milk.

  • Duspatalin.

Experiments on creatures did not show a teratogenic effect of active speech. Appointed to the drug for an hour of vaginosity can be effective in case of corticosteroids for the mother and a potential risk for the fetus.

The medication can be consumed in the lactation period, the active component of non-manifestations in therapeutic doses in breast milk.

  • Іmodium Plus.

At the present day medical information about teratogenic and membrane toxic infusion of active components into the drug. Lykarskiy zasіb is allowed until the next hour of pregnancy, and especially in the period of the first trimester, only in case of obvious significant indications for a woman.

There is not enough information about the presence of active components in breast milk. Deyaka, the amount of the drug was found in the mother's milk, so in the lactation period the medication is not recommended.

  • Loperamid.

The tablets from abdominal pain do not get stagnant in the first trimester of vaginosity. In the other and the third trimesters, the medication can be prescribed only in case of high cortistosis for the mother with low potential risk for the fetus.

Do not be vicious in the lactation period.

  • Maalox.

At the moment, there is no information about the manifestation of teratogenic effects when the tablets are implanted during the period of vaginosity. Ale maliy klinicheskogo dosvid doslidzhennya lykarskogo zasobu yes called on yogo victoriannya only when there was obvious cory for the mother, as I explain the mossy rizik for the fetus.

Iakshcho vikoristovuvati is shown to some of the drug in mothers-year-olds, at the same time amassing the amalgamation of active speech in female organism, as well as in the breast.

  • Mezim Forte.

Adequate data about the injection of leads for the overload of vaginosity in women and children. That, vikoristovuvati it is possible only in times, as fakhіvets in the corystic medication for the mother and low risik for the fetus. Those are the very same time for the lactation period, about the information about the penetration of the active components of the drug in breast milk.

  • No-shpa Forte.

Until recently, no teratogenic and embiogenic active component of the drug was detected on the creatures. But all the same, then take the medication for an hour of vaginosity only with the urahuvannya of the potential for the mother and the low risk for the fetus.

Chi doesn’t know about the penetration of the drug into breast milk;

  • Festal.

Likarskiy zasіb can be a vicoristano in the period of vagіnosti or lactation tіlki for we are showing If you’re storing it, I’ll give you a lot of cinnamon for your mother.

  • Phthalazol.

Lykarskiy is proud to give good penetration to the placental bar and to consume breast milk. To that, it is more possible to get rid of it only in that case, if the potential for the fetus is minimal, and the cinnamon for the mother is maximal.

  • Vіk sick to one fate.
  • Duspatalin.
    • A visoka is sensitive to active speech or additional components in the medication.
    • Childish vіk paciєntіv up to eighteen rockies.
  • Іmodium Plus.
    • It is very sensitive to up to one decimal component in the preparation.
    • Evidence of severe inferior colitis or pseudomembranous colitis, which is associated with therapy antibacterial drugs s a wide rangeдії.
    • Buried vikoristovuvati medication in the quality of monotherapy for the treatment of gastrointestinal dysentery, when there are blood-borne viporozhnennya or a temperature.
    • Do not prescribe pills for abdominal pain for patients up to twelve years old.
  • Loperamid.
    • The greatest hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
    • She has a known history of lactose intolerance.
    • Evidence of lactase deficiency or determination of glucose-galactose malabsorption.
    • Symptoms of dverculosis appear, intestinal imperfections, Virazkovy colitis in the period of sharpening, as well as a sign of diarrhea, viclican pseudomembranosime enterocolite.
    • It is also not possible to vikoristovuvati drug, as monotherapy for dysentery and іnshi Infectious diseases shlunkovo-intestinal tract.
    • Tablets for pain in the abdomen childish vik up to six rocks.
  • Maalox.
    • Evidence of an important nirkovo deficiency.
    • Viniknennya hypersensitivity to active or additional speeches of lykarsky zasobu.
    • Evidence of hypophosphatemia in a patient.
    • Diagnosis of fructose intolerance.
    • Vіk paciєnta up to n'fifteen rocks.
    • Also dodatkovo for zucchrome chewing tablets:
    • History of glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome.
    • When there is a lack of sugar-isomaltase.
    • For zucru-free bum tablets:
    • There are signs of maltitol intolerance.
  • Mezim Forte.
    • Detection of hypersensitivity to pancreatin or other words of lykarsky zasobu.
    • Evidence in anamnesis of signs of gastrointestinal pancreatitis.
    • Evidence of aggravation in chronic pancreatitis.
    • Decrease factors, which will cause the appearance of lactase intolerance.
    • Spadkov is developing a syndrome of glucose-galactose malabsorption.
    • Vіk paciєntіv to three rockіv.
  • No-shpa Forte.
    • frankness high sensitivity to the active component of the drug, or additional speech.
    • Symptoms of an important hepatic abnormal deficiency are evident.
    • Evidence of important heart failure and low heart wikidu syndrome.
    • Evidence of recessionary galactose intolerance, as well as signs of recessive lactase deficiency and glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome.
    • Carefully slid zastosovuvati patsinntam z arterial hypertension And we also get sick from six to sixteen rockies.
    • The presence of acute erosive ailments of the intestinal tract, for example, erosive ailments of the shlunk and two-fingered intestines, Crohn's ailment, nonspecific malignant colitis.
    • The presence of hemophilia and other illnesses, which can lead to problems with the throat of the blood, including hypocoagulation, as well as the appearance of hemorrhagic disease.
    • Evident in the anamnesis of the patient the period of the postponed coronary artery bypass graft.
    • Viniknennya bleeding from the intestinal tract, as well as the appearance of intracranial hemorrhages.
    • Evidence of a rotated pechinkal deficiency, for be it some other pechinkal illnesses in the active stage.
    • Evidence of a recurrent nirkovo deficiency.
    • Evidence in the patient's history
    • Vіk paciєnta to twelve rockies.
  • Festal.
    • The presence of a high sensitivity to one of the components in the preparation.
    • Viniknennya gosstry pancreatitis.
    • Evidence of acute chronic pancreatitis.
    • Vinniknennya pechinkovoy lack.
    • The appearance of hepatitis.
    • Evidence of mechanical zhovtyanitsa.
    • Winiknennya zhovchnokam'yanoi ailment.
    • The emergence of the pace of the chewing mikhur.
    • Vіk paciєnta up to six rocks.
  • Phthalazol.
    • Detection of hypersensitivity to drugs from a group of sulfanilamides.
    • Evident in the anamnesis of the disease of the blood system.
    • Evidence of hyperthyroidism.
    • Winning of chronic nirkovo deficiency.
    • Glomerunephritis appears.
    • Evidence of severe hepatitis.
    • Diagnosis of intestinal imperfections.
    • Vіk paciєnta to three rockies.


    • Given pills for pain in the abdomen, it seems to be well tolerated.
    • In some cases, there can be more suspicion of allergic reactions.
    • So it is a moss of nudoti, a headache that is spoiled.

    Іmodium Plus.

    • Chi is not a sign of a serious bit by bit to navіt trivial vikorystannya loperamide.
    • In some cases, there may be a reaction of increased sensitivity to the components of the drug in children of children, in the case of single symptoms of anaphylactic shock and bulging visipans, as they are malnourished to induce toxic dermatitis.
    • If there were any side effects, they appeared by serving as a one-hour reception of the drugs, which were brought before the appearance of allergic reactions.
    • Inodі sposterіgaєtsya developing constipation from parallel abdominal swellings.
    • In even worse cases, there may be paralytic intestinal laxity. Aleksei have such patients a certain effect only if the recommendations given by the doctor are broken.
    • There are rare signs of pain in the abdomen or abdominal discomfort, boredom and bloating, high stomachache, drowsiness, dryness and dryness in the mouth.


    • The appearance of symptoms of discomfort in the abdomen, flatulence, bile in the shlunk, intestinal colka, constipation, intestinal imperfection.
    • Winning dryness in mouthwash.
    • The emergence of allergic reactions in viglyadi shkirnykh vizipan and kropiv'yanka.
    • Winning boring and blues.
    • The appearance of a headache, zamorochennya, drowsiness, or a sign of sleeplessness.
    • Viniknennya zatrimok sechovipuskannya.
    • As soon as you see the recommendations of the fahivts, then the appearance of side effects can be in insignificant numbers.
    • Immune system- the appearance of an increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, as it rotates in the viglyad, sverbezh, kropivyanka, angioedema and anaphylactic reactions.
    • The shlunkovo-intestinal tract is a belly or constipation.
    • The exchange processes are the appearance of hypermagnetism, hyperaluminescence, hypophosphatemia, which leads to an increase in tissue resorption of cysts. so bitter appearances to win, if the triviality of the course of treatment is broken, or the dosage of pills due to pain in the abdomen. There may also be signs of hypercalciuria and osteomalacia.

    Mezim Forte.

    • In medical practice, there is no information about the manifestation of side effects, for some, some acceleration. To navit trivial and regularly taking pills for pain in the abdomen in ailments with problems of fatigue did not lead to the appearance of side effects.
    • In some cases, there may be allergic manifestations.
    • Ridko vyavlyayutsya vyyavlyayutsya vyniknennya carry about constipation, boredom, and discomfort in epigastric disease.
    • Patients who may have cystic fibrosis in their anamnesis of ailments may contribute to the appearance of hyperuricosis, as they become susceptible to an increase in secular acid in the blood. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya only with trivial vicorian drug in high doses.
    • In some patients with cystic fibrosis, strictures may occur in the ileocecal region and the viscid intestinal tract.

    No-shpa Forte.

    • Sertsevo-Sudinna system- in some cases there are symptoms quickened heart, And also a lowered arterial grip.
    • The central nervous system is a headache, mutilation and sleeplessness.
    • Shlunkovo-intestinal tract - in small cases there may be symptoms of boredom and constipation.
    • Immune system - in children, children show allergic reactions, and the angioeurotic one gets sick, sprinkled, visipu, sverbezh.
    • The herb system is the appearance of tediousness, carry-over, large appearances in the abdomen, a decrease in the presence of gum acids of endogenous nature.
    • Allergic reactions - the shedding of the sprinkler, the sverge of the shkiri.


    • Herbal system - symptoms of tediousness, bloating, carrying, rate of mouth emptying in patients with stomatitis, gingivitis, glositis, diagnostics of gastritis, cholangitis, hepatitis, lack of vitamins in the group of groups
    • The blood system - rarely symptoms of leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, hemolysis of erythrocytes can occur. Trivial vikorystannya drug to produce until anemia is established, like a lot of low pantothenic and pteroinglutaric acids, which are violated by microorganisms.
    • Sertsevo-sudin system - manifestation of myocarditis and cyanosis.
    • Most likely, name the pills for pain in the abdomen, as inappropriate views in the whole region.

    1. Drotaverine hydrochloride is a medication є a synthetic antispasmodic, like a papaverine.
    2. Duspatalin is a drug that is a myotropic spasmodic drug with a drug.
    3. Imodium Plus is a combination of antidiarrheal lykarskiy, which is responsible for intestinal peristalsis.
    4. Loperamid - antidiarrheal drugs.
    5. Maalox is a drug called antacid lykarsky zasob.
    6. Mezim Forte - herbal polyenzyme lykarskiy zasib.
    7. No-shpa Forte is a spasmodic drug.
    8. Festal is a traditionally lykarsky zest, which can be referred to a group of Polyenzyme preparations.
    9. phthalazole - anti-microbial, It is referred to the group of sulfinylamide preparations.

    Tablets for pain in the lower abdomen

    Cause pain in the lower abdomen, you can be smart, that і lіkarskі zasobіv, so vikoristoyutsya in this vypadku, іnpіzya for its spectrum of action. You should say that women often see in the lower abdomen before the period of the month and as an unacceptable side effect of the whole process. Ale in some cases of pain in women in the lower abdomen means a manifestation zakvoryuvannya Sechostatic spheres - yachnikiv, slice mikhura and so far. For the rest of us, they don’t want to engage in self-abuse, but turn for help to the fakhivts. In people with pain in the lower abdomen, it can also mean problems with the sectoral sphere, and in all cases it is not a problem. self-therapy, And turn for advice to the doctor.

    Some of the most common areas in the region allow intestinal problems, and in some cases - the manifestation of an oncological process in one of the organs, which are located in the lower abdomen.

    If the diagnosis of pain in the lower abdomen is not established, you can help to use the pills, the list of such boules is shown in the front section. It can be a one-time promotion, which can be used by a sick person to have unacceptable and visceral symptoms. Nadal slid obov'yazkovo turn up to fahivts for diagnostics, correctly established diagnoses and appropriate therapy.

    How to store that dosi

    Before the skin preparation, an instruction is applied, in which detailed descriptions of the methods for the preparation and dose of the skin drug have been applied.

    • Drotaverine hydrochloride.

    Take it orally. In addition, take one or two tablets of the medication three times a day. Children take a single dose in a number of ten to twenty milligrams of the drug (from four to half a tablet), the maximum additional dose in a whole can become one hundred and twenty milligrams of the drug. Children, from six to twelve years, can take a single dose of twenty milligrams (half a tablet) with a maximum dose of two milligrams. Vikoristannya lykarskogo zasobu for children - two or three times a day.

    • Duspatalin.

    Medication for oral administration. Vikoristovuєtsya for twenty khilin before the reception of a їzhі, but not rozzhovuvati and wash down with water. A single dose to become two milligrams, likarskiy should be taken in a single dose twice a day, in the early and evening hours.

    Іmodium Plus.

    Children from twelve rockets and grown-ups take two tablets of the drug from a cob dose. A single dose should be given to one tablet of a medication, so that it can get used to the skin for a drop of a thin style. With a stretch, it is allowed to vikoristovuvati to chotiroh tablets lykarsky zasobu. The course of lіkuvannya is not to blame for those who didn’t do it.

    • Loperamid.

    Pills for pain in the abdomen are taken in the middle and not rozzhovuvati, and washed down with a sufficient amount of water. Doroslі pri gostrich i chronic occurrences For the first time, take two capsules of the medication (chotiri milligrams). In order to be victorious for one capsule (two milligrams) of the drug, which is taken by the skin at once for emptying the intestines, which is a bitter style. I will add the maximum amount of Likarsky zasob to the implantation - in a number of eight capsules.

    Children, who may be older than six years, are vicious in case of state of the art of diarrhea according to one capsule of the preparation for dermal intestinal dispelling, which is a bitter style. The maximum number of lykarskiy zasobu, as you can take children for doba - three capsules.

    The course of therapy with the drug will start from seven to twenty days. If the style is normal, or to prevent it from going out for twelve years, it is necessary to stop using the medication.

    • Maalox.

    Tablets for pain in the abdomen are vikoristoyutsya orally, їх it is necessary to take a dose of smoktuvati or rozhovuvati.

    For long and for children from fifteen years, take one or two tablets three times a day after one or two years before going to bed.

    In case of reflux esophagitis, it is shown to accept lykarsky zasіb after a short interval of an hour after receiving it.

    The maximum number of medication taken is a number of times for dob. It is not possible to vikoristovuvati more than twelve tablets a day. The course of therapy is two to three months.

    Episodic treatment of the drug when discomfort in the abdomen appears, it is permissible to take one or two tablets to the medication one time.

    • Mezim Forte.

    The tablets are taken orally, but not rozzhovuvati and washed down with a great amount of water. The dosage of the medication is guilty, but it was established in an individual order, on which step I will show ailments and a warehouse, as if I have implanted a patient.

    The average single dose is taken from two to chotir tablets per dose. It is recommended to vikoristovuvati half or a third of a single dose on the cob of the meal, and for an hour, if you have lost some, you should stretch it out.

    If you can increase a single dose, you may not be able to see it only for the signs of fahivtsya and under the control. Such a change in susceptibility to symptoms is obvious in the patient, for example, painful symptoms in the abdomen or steatorrhea. The maximum amount of the drug per kilogram of the patient's weight is from fifteen to twenty thousand.

    Children take a lykarskiy zasib in the dose established by the lykar. With a lot of fakhіvets, they start thinking about the symptoms of ailment and the warehouse of the child, taken by the child. With a single amount of the drug, it is innocent to change five hundred - thousand odds of lipase per skin kilogram of a sick child's vagina in case of skin infection.

    The course of treatment is to become from decile days to decilcoh months to rocky days. For a few days, the drug can be used in case of damaged etching or any errors in the food. Kilka misyatsiv or a rocky medication is victorious, as the therapy is required afterwards.

    • No-shpa Forte.

    Tablets for pain in the abdomen are taken orally. For older adults, a dobova dose is shown in a number of from one hundred and twenty to two hundred and forty milligrams of the drug. I will add a dose it is necessary to divide into two or three priyomi. The maximum one-time dose of the drug is fifty milligrams. The maximum additional number is two forty milligrams.

    For patients of a child from six to twelve years, the drug is prescribed in the maximum additional dose in about fifty milligrams, as it is necessary to divide it into two doses.

    Children who may be older than twelve rockets, the maximum number of years is to become one hundred sixty milligrams, as it is necessary to distribute in two - some portions.

    The course of lіkuvannya without consultation with a Fakhіvtsy becomes one or two dobi. As long as there is no change in the majority of responses for an hour, it is necessary to consult a doctor for installation correct diagnosis and the recognition of the correct method of drinking. If the drug is vicious, as an element of additional therapy, then the course of self-medication without consulting a Fakhivtsy can become two or three dobi.

    • Festal.

    Likarskiy zasiby for internal stasis. Yogo vzhivayut stretching out to get it, or at once, when the medication needs to be washed down with water.

    Dorely take one or two pills three times for doba. The child's dose is taken in an individual order by the Fakhivite.

    The course of learning is to lay down on the problems of the patient and can be trivial from some days to some months to some rocky ones.

    • Phthalazol.

    Doroslі take one or two tablets with a break in chotiri - six years. At the beginning of two or three days, it is recommended to vicoristovuvati half the dose of the drug.

    Children can take a dose of one hundred milligrams per skin kilogram of a child’s vagi for doba. A lot of time to last on equal parts and to get through the skin of the year, in the absence of a dream. We will then pick up from two hundred to five hundred milligrams of the drug through an interval in the shortest time - every year.


    Overdoing, as a rule, is in quiet vipadki, if the recommendations of the fahivtsya were violated, or the method of reception, the descriptions in the instructions. Tse vidbuvaєtsya, if the patient starts to take a large dose of the drug on his own, just for another hour.

    Drotaverine hydrochloride.

    • Chi does not є tribute about overdose.


    • In case of an overdose, symptoms of an overdosage of the central nervous system may appear.
    • In such cases, it is shown that the slurry is washed, that the assets are not taken out, or the sorbent is not, as well as the symptomatic lykuvannya.
    • Chi is not a specific antidote to the drug.

    Іmodium Plus.

    • In case of overdose, there is a deterioration of the liver functions, which is infused into the central nervous system. Symptoms of stupor, impaired coordination, drowsiness, miosis, hypertonicity, galvanic dyhannya occur. Patients of a child's health see symptoms of galvanization of the central nervous system in more frequent cases, lower in age.
    • Signs of paralytic intestinal impairment are also spared.
    • Before the appearance of symptoms of overdose, the patient needs to enter such an antidote, such as Naloxone. The triviality of Imodium Plus is great, not for Naloxon, so a repeated dose of antidote can be introduced.
    • For the statement of the effectiveness of antilotome therapy, as a polarity at the outside is a sign of galvanization of the central nervous system, the patient has to go over to the visually fachivts in a stretch of two dib.


    • There is a sign of the central nervous system being impaired in the presence of a stupor, impaired coordination, drowsiness, miosis, hypertension, impairment.
    • Also, there may be signs of intestinal imperfection.
    • In cich vipadkah, it is necessary to go to the antidote before the vicorian - Naloxone.
    • Diya Loperamidu nagato trivialishe, nіzh Nalokson, that needs re-introduction antidote.
    • You can also get stuck symptomatic therapy at the viglyadi accept active vugilla, Slunk production, piece ventilation lungs.
    • In case of diagnosed symptoms of overdose, the patient will need to be careful of the patients in the minds of the stationary for two dib.
    • When there is a run, a lot of visions in the stomach and blues.
    • Patients with a group of patients may see the appearance of a stronger bowel obstruction or intestinal obstruction. Before the patient's history, an individual is introduced with the manifestation of a nirk deficiency, a patient who may have porphyria in his anamnesis, before the procedure of hemodialysis, ailment to Alzheimer's ailment, is stagnant, for diabet, And also the people of the kidnapped vіku.
    • When symptoms of an overdose appear, it is shown that a great number of ridini, schob forsuvati duresis, are shown. It is necessary to ensure that the preparations of aluminum and magnesium are transported to the body behind the additional slaughter. Until the patients, as they may be lacking in nirkov, it is necessary to have hemodialis or peritonealdialis.

    Mezim Forte.

    • Chi does not є tribute about drug overdose and in cases of intoxication.
    • Children may have symptoms of hyperuricosis and hyperukemia.
    • At the children of a child's wick, they can become constipated.
    • In the event of the appearance of undesirable symptoms, it is necessary to start taking the drug and indicate symptomatic therapy.

    No-shpa Forte.

    • The disruption of the rhythm of heart and heart conductivity, which can lead to an endless blockage of the lower bundle of gas and heart, in some cases takes a fatal look.
    • In case of an overdose, it is necessary to place the patient in the hospital with the help of caution. If necessary, symptomatic and susceptible therapy should be indicated, before which procedures for induction of bluetongue reflexes and slurry stimulation should also be followed.
    • If pills come from a pain in the abdomen for a long time and in a great dose, then it can lead to an increase in the level of sech acid in blood plasma and slaughter.
    • Children with high doses of the medication will see the development of skin curves, such as the perinatal area and the mucous membrane of the mouth emptying.
    • In case of overdose, symptomatic therapy is indicated.


    • In general, there are signs of pancytopenia, when the number of all blood cells decreases rapidly.
    • Inodі vinik nudota, blues and head bіl.
    • In cich vipadkah, when taking the drug, it is seen and is symptomatic of a symptomatology, which is a necessity.

    Interaction of tablets for pain in the abdomen with other drugs

    To eat, at a one-hour reception of the young likars' preoccupations, you will be able to make the appearance of the wrong effects. Moreover, it is even more important to learn about the distribution of the interrelation of pills from pain in the abdomen with other drugs and to prevent unnecessary use.

    • Drotaverine hydrochloride.

    Overnight, vikorystannya levodopi and drotaverine hydrochloride should be brought to a weakening of the antiparkinson effect of the first speech.

    • Duspatalin.

    Not vyavlenі vzaєmodії drug with іnshih lykarsky zasob. Moreover, the medication can be vikoristovuvatisya with an one-hour reception.

    • Іmodium Plus.

    It is determined by the interaction of only one with likarskim means with an analogous antidiarrheal effect. Інші interaction with the medication was not discouraged.

    • Loperamid.

    Overnight pills for pain in the abdomen and opioid analgesics or cholesterol can lead to the appearance of important constipation. Parallel to the intake of Co-trimoxazole, Ritonavir should be produced until the increase in the bioavailability of the active component to the drug, which will lead to the reduction of metabolic processes during the first pass through the liver.

    • Maalox.

    As soon as it is taken together with hinidin, then it is made possible to increase the concentration of hinidin in the blood and for overdosing with hinidin.

    When odnochasnomu vikoristannі blokatorіv gіstamіnnih retseptorіv, propranol, atenolol, cefpodoxime, metoprolol, hlorohіnіna, prostatsiklіnu, dіflunіzalona, ​​digoxin, bіsfosfonatіv, etambatola, іzonіazidu, ftorhіnolonіv, natrіyu fluoride, prednіzolonu, deksametona, іndometatsinu, ketoconazole, lіnkozamіdov, fenotіazinovih neyroleptikіv, penicillamine, rozuvastatіna , salts of zaliz, levothyroxine and the drug, to prevent a decrease in the processes in shlunkovo-intestinal tract... Yaksho є two-year interval between the intake of given medications and maalox and chotirigid interval between the intake of fluoroquinolones and maalox, then neglect effect the drug does not deteriorate.

    With a one-hour treatment of polystyrolsulfonate (kayexalate) and the drug should be taken care of when it is possible, there is a low binding of calories to resin and symptoms of metabolic alkalosis in patients who are on guard nirk deficiency And also the appearance of intestinal obstruction.

    With an one-hour victorian and citrate, there is a tendency to increase the concentration of aluminum in the blood, especially in quiet patients, who are suffering from a lack of alumina.

    • Mezim Forte.

    Tablets for pain in the abdomen, like to replace pancreatin, and Mezim Forte, with a one-hour intake, change the absorption of folic acid. Succinic drugs, such as Acarbose and Miglitol, change their effectiveness, if they take pancreatin spontaneously, and enter the medication before the warehouse.

    The use of a medication and a preparation in a zaliza should be brought up to a very low level of moisture in the likars, which should be included in your warehouse zalizo.

    With a one-hour vicious medication and antacid preparations, before the warehouse of which includes calcium carbonate or magnesium hydroxide, to reduce the quality of Mezim Forte.

    • No-shpa Forte.

    The spilny intake of levodopi and no-spi should be used to reduce the antiparkinson effect of the first drug. At the same time, rigidity and tremor, characteristic of an illness, become more severe.

    Іnshі antispasmodic drugs, for example, include m-holіnoblokatori, to produce spasmolytic effect to an increase.

    Interaction with drugs, which may be the strength of a high connection with blood plasmas (there are a lot of blood plasma): data about a new day. I would like to introduce the possibility of their interaction with drotaverine, which manifests itself at the same level with plasma beads. There are many pharmacodynamic and toxic side effects of No-shp.

    • Festal.

    One hour victorian to produce up to the strength of the soaking of lykarsky zasobiv, as they may in their warehouses para-aminosalicylic acid. I also see sulfanilamides and antibacterial drugs.

    Spіlne victoriannya can bring to a decrease the level of mockery of lіkarsky zasobіv, scho revenge zalіzo.

    Immediately implantation with antacid medications, such as revealing calcium carbonate or magnesium hydroxide, to reduce the amount of Festal.

    • Phthalazol.

    It is allowed to vikoristovuvati one hour with antibacterial medicines from children groups, scho to produce anti-microbial effect to the strength.

    Sulfanilamids are taken, taken one hour with a medication, to produce until the strength of the day and the broadening of the spectrum of the day. It is allowed to vikoristovuvati lykarskiy for sulphane and sulphonamide, as they go to the garnish to get wet into the shelter. Cement Biseptol, etazol, etazol sodium, sulfadimezin.

    It was buried vikoristovuvati spіlno with deyakim lykarskiye zasob, and even with the old PASK - novokain, anestezin, Dikaain; barbiturates - pentobarbital, phenobarbital, Penobarbital and so far; salicylates - Aspirin, Aspirin-Cardio; DIFENILI; oxacillin; nitrofurans - Furazolidone and іnshim; hormonal drugsі oral contraceptives; Calcium chloride, Vitamin K, Thiocetazone, Levomycetin, Hexamethyleneramine, Adrenaline; indirect anticoagulants - Warfarin, Thrombostop and others.

    It was buried vikoristovuvati drug and enterosorbenta, as well as imported drugs. Acceptance of enterosorbents can only be received in a year after receiving the medication.

    Think about taking pills for abdominal pain

    I will need a skin preparation for special characteristics for the first time. Correct use of pills for pain in the abdomen will allow you to effectively vikoristovuvati lykarskiy with a stretch of all the term of your affinity.

    1. Drotaverine hydrochloride is a drug that must be taken in the world, as it is stolen from the mind and light, and also from the penetration of children, at temperatures not twenty five degrees Celsius.
    2. Duspatalin is a medicine that must be taken out of the reach of a child, in a dry place at temperatures from five to thirty degrees Celsius.
    3. Imodium Plus is a drug that needs to be taken in places that are inaccessible to children, at temperatures from fifteen to thirty degrees per Celsius.
    4. Loperamid - lykarskiy, it is necessary to wipe out in a dry environment, as it is stolen from sleepy exchanges and penetrating children, at temperatures not more than twenty-five degrees for Celsius.
    5. Maalox is a drug that can be stored out of reach of a child at a temperature not exceeding twenty-five degrees per Celsius.
    6. Mezim Forte is a medicine to be found in a dry and dark place, where children are not able to access at temperatures up to twenty-five degrees per Celsius.
    7. No-shpa Forte - likarskiy zberіgaєat at temperatures navkolishny middle of up to twenty-five degrees Celsius, in that place, where the children cannot penetrate.
    8. Festal - to take revenge at temperatures up to twenty-five degrees Celsius in that time, where a vologue and an individual of a child's worm does not penetrate.
    9. Phthalazol - to be placed in a place that is inaccessible to children, as it is stolen from vology and sleepy exchanges, at temperatures up to twenty degrees Celsius.

    Term of attachment

    The term for the adherence of the skin preparation is applied to the cardboard packaging or the packaging of the preparation.

    1. Drotaverin hydrochloride - two doses per day of release.
    2. Duspatalin - thirty six months from the moment of the revolution.
    3. Іmodium Plus - two rockets per day of release.
    4. Loperamid - thirty six months from the moment of the revolution.
    5. Maalox - five rockies from the day of release.
    6. Mezim Forte - three rocks at the moment of virobnstva.
    7. No-shpa Forte - five rockies from the day of virobnition.
    8. Festal - thirty six months from the moment of virobnition.
    9. Phthalazol - chotiri rocky from day to day.

    Tablets for pain in the abdomen are not a panacea, but for the first aid in quiet drops, in which you can self-indulge. But if the problem seems to a sick person, it’s better not to take care of the power therapy, but to go to the help of the people.