Kishkova palichka, bifidobacteria, lactobacilli are the basis of intestinal microflora. Intestinal microflora: injecting bacteria into the intestine into your body Warehouse and functions of normal intestinal microflora

Human organism is in the relationship with microorganisms. It is a majestic number to be found in the skin of a man on the skin, on the mucus and in the intestines. The stench is to get rid of it in the middle of the day to the right robot organism. The normal intestinal microflora is especially important for health. And even brown bacteria, who are living in the new, take part in the processes of etching, the exchange of speech, from the viroblenna bagatoch vitamins and enzymes, as well as from the adopted forces. Ale microflora - the system is still tendency and sensitive, which often changes the number of brown bacteria. Dysbacteriosis develops in a wide variety of cases, as there is a lot of serious inheritance for the health of people.


Intestinal microflora is called a complex of bacterial species of microorganisms, which are in symbiosis with humans and bring cinnamon to them. When the child is populated, the intestines will only begin to populate with cumin bacteria from the beginning of their interaction with the new middle-class. Formation of a normal microfloria in children is carried out by a stretch of decisive rock. Call only up to 12-13 rocky with a child, pretend to be the warehouse of microflori, yak from a grown-up.

The grass tract of people is not all colonized by bacteria. The slunker and the small intestines are dumb, because there is even more acidity there, and the stench simply does not exist. A little closer to the intestine, the number of microorganisms grows.

With the presence of normal intestinal microflora, problems with etching are rare. Ale often trample in such a way that the balance breaks down: the corny bacteria are lost, and the pathogens are repaired quickly. At the same time, there are uncommon symptoms, which are called dysbacteriosis. Bagato likarіv do not vvazhayut yogo we will oremimy to ill people, if such a pathology is good enough to bring the least problems to people. I can win at the bottom of the absolute health of the whole etching system.


In the intestines great people There are close to 100 billions of young bacteria, which can be seen up to several hundred species - for the latest data from 300 to 1,000. The dermal people have a warehouse of microflori. On a new vplyaє type of grub, sings, the appearance of an affliction of the herbal tract.

Close to 99% of all bacteria that linger in the intestines, store cinnamon microorganisms. The stench takes a part in the etching and synthesis of the necessary enzymes, and the formation of immunity. Ale in the skin of people, there is also a pathogenic flora, if you want to wake up in a warehouse of only 1%. Tse staphylococcus, proteus, synogniina stick and іnshі. There are also a number of cych bacteria growing, dysbacteriosis developing.

Bifidobacterium is the main type of cinnamon microorganisms that linger in your intestines. The stench itself will get you sick of mint immune system and seize the intestines due to the proliferation of pathogenic flora. In addition, bifidobacteria are an important participant in the etching process. The stench will help you to break down and take in bottles, amino acids.

The Іnsha group of cinnamon microorganisms is the target of lactobacilli. They are also called natural antibiotics, since their main function is to seize the intestines from colonized by pathogenic bacteria, as well as to reduce and reduce immunity. In addition, enterococks, intestinal sticks, bacterioids are also introduced to brown bacteria. The main microorganisms, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the intestine.


We will stay for an hour to talk more and more about the brown intestinal flora function. It sounded like it was so important for the normal functioning of the whole body, that it is the least damaged at once to be healthy. Therefore, at a time, in a complex way, often in the complex of treatment, they include drugs to restore the balance of microorganisms.

Also, the microflora of the intestinal tract is normal in the organisms of the people and the important people. Nygolovnіsha robot cinnamon intestinal bacteria - a lot in the process of etching. The stench will cheer up the absorption of amino acids and vitamins, additionally help break down the whites, synthesize deiaky ferments. The most important function of microflora is those that are bacterias that are rich in vitamins, essential amino acids and corny speech. The stench itself takes part in the synthesis of vitamins of group B, nicotinic acid, Paint the zapoєnnya zaliza.

The main function of the intestinal microflora is the whole process of etching.

The special function of polygons is in the fact that the brown bacteria prevent the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms, the organism of the species Infectious diseases... In addition, the microflora of the immunomodulatory function is a supplementary aid to the development of an organism and immunity. Brown bacteria take part in the approved immunoglobulin, which is necessary for the health of the liver. The cleansing function of microorganisms is in that the cinnamon microorganisms accelerate the growth of intestinal toxins and products in the exchange of words, take a part in the neutralization of waste.

cause ruin

Kishkova flora will collapse in a large variety of blame for the people themselves. Anything wrong with behavior and eating, shkidlivi calls, nevilykuvani chronic illnesses - all the same can lead to a change in the balance of microorganisms.

Chi not correct eating- tse one of the main causes of dysbacteriosis. Deterioration of the intestinal microflora, as there is not enough grub fibers in the new one, as it serves as a life-giving center for cinnamon bacteria. In addition, one can also see oneself with one-sided gratitude, one-sided suvorikh children, being rewarded in races of high-quality products.

Destroy the balance of microorganisms in fast food, alcoholic beverages, Fatty and greasy food, great quantities of preservatives, malts, vip and chemical additives. Through the chain of corny bacteria to go, and the processes of nagging and wandering, which develop with such harassment, give rise to the growth of pathogenic microflora.

A frequent cause of dysbactriosis is the triviality of vzhivannya deyakim lykarsky zasobiv... First for everything, including antibiotics and antiseptics, which do not deprive them of pathogenic bacteria, ale and cinnamon. It is especially quick to accept such preparations without a sign of a drug, so as fakhivtsi call to the warehouse complex treatment include mats for updating microflori. Dysbacteriosis can also be susceptible to immunodepression and hormonal problems, for example, anti-inflammatory. Destroy the microflora can be overwhelmed with clisms and other cleaning procedures, as the stench just vimivayut brown bacteria

In addition, dysbacteriosis can also develop for the following reasons:

  • hormonal diseases;
  • price change for the climate, for example, when moving;
  • shkіdlivі calls - smoking and implantation of alcohol;
  • disease of organs in the intestinal tract - gastritis, duodenitis, pancreatitis;
  • decrease in immunity;
  • postponed infectious diseases fired up For example, often microflora collapses when carried;
  • individual intolerance of certain products, for example, milk or cereals;
  • severe stress and mental overwork;
  • transfer and marriage to sleep;
  • overwhelmed by antibacterial zasob gіgіnі, zyva ohainіst;
  • otrunnya neyakisnoyuyu or vzhivannya brudnoy vodi.

symptoms of dysbiosis

If the balance of cinnamon and pathogenic bacteria breaks down, serious changes will appear in the body. Persh for everything, the stench appears on the herbal process. In addition, the ruin of the mock-up of old-fashioned speeches will be brought up to the out-of-town demolition. In the skin people develop an individual reaction to certain changes.

Ale develop dysbacteriosis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • ruinous style;
  • zduttya abdomen, p_dvischene gas supply;
  • constipate for diarrhea, often їkh cherguvannya;
  • abdominal pain;
  • tediousness of blues;
  • decreased appetite;
  • weakness, decrease in preference;
  • depression, gratitude;
  • avitaminosis;
  • shkirni allergic reactions.

Even in humans, the intestinal microflora is damaged, it can be tormented by flatulence, pain in the abdomen, damaged style

Schob is effective for dysbacteriosis, it is required at the same stage. On the cob stage, the balance of microorganisms is only trocha damage, which is, for example, when the implantation of antibiotics or shkidlivaya їzhі. At the same time, the microflora can be introduced without leaks, only by enhancing the rationalization of food, for example, by including more fermented milk products in new ones. In addition, at the same stage, it is often said about the development of transient abnormal dysbacteriosis. Often organism can fit into it independently. serious love it is necessary to develop pathology at 3 and 4 stages. When tsomu z'yavayutsya serious symptoms dysbacteriosis: breakdown of style, abdominal pain, abdominal disease, apathy and chronic vomiting.

specialties of lіkuvannya

For the renewal of normal intestinal microflora, it is necessary, first of all, to go through the thoroughness and especially the cause of the pathology. In addition, it is required for the sake of the supply, as the change was found in the warehouse of the microflori. For the choice of the choice, it is important not only to identify the cinnamon and pathogenic bacteria, but the number. For the whole time of sowing feces for dysbacteriosis. Yogo priznachayut, if the patient skarzhitsya on damaged style, pidvischenu stomluvane and flatulence. Defending feces in the presence of such symptoms will help to correctly diagnose. It is important that you do not miss the development of more serious illnesses: vigorous colitis, intestinal imperfections, Crohn's ailment.

If you can find an analysis showing an extreme dysbacteriosis, the therapy needs to be repaired secretly. Adequate microorganisms can display richly important functions, and without them the robots of all organs will be destroyed.

Likuvannya dysbacteriosis to fix the changes in the rate of harvesting. It is necessary to take care of such a child, as if the organism would get all the necessary lively words, but it would not ease the etching. It is necessary to include all products that are cinnamon microorganisms or flatulence: fatty meat, beans, mushrooms, cabbage, cybula, vipichka, malt. It is necessary to drink alcohol, kava, gas drinks.

On the cob stage, the normalization of microflora is possible only after additional visits. But in more serious cases, it is necessary to store special drugs. The stench of guilt is recognized as a doctor in the fallowness from the warehouse of the microflori, the step of the ruin and the backward camp of the sick.

Licuvalny preparations

For the improvement of intestinal microflora, it is recommended to take probiotics - in order to take revenge on the live brown bacteria. Call in your warehouse to include bifidobacteria or lactobacilli. Most effective complex preparations, I like to take revenge on the small number of microorganisms.

Brush preparations that introduce intestinal microflora, such as Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin, Bifistim, Bifiform, Acipol, Atsilakt, Ermital. The remaining hour is often associated with complex problems: Linex, Khilak Forte, Maxilak, Florin, Bifikol. It is also recommended to take prebiotics - to create a friendly environment for cinnamon bacteria. Tse Normase, Duphalac, Portalac.

In addition, some drugs become stagnant, which additionally help to get rid of the causes of microfloria deterioration. The chain can be used for enzymes, hepatoprotectors, and for the purpose of polishing etching. And for the renewal of immunity and power, the body needs vitamins.

Most often for the renewal of intestinal microflora it is recommended to take probiotics.

The scheme of the folding vipadkiv

An important transition to a dysbacteriosis in a special treatment. Special preparations for the renewal of microflora in the whole range cannot be helped, for that, it is a sign of a special scheme. This pathology is associated with the rapid proliferation of pathogenic flora in the intestines, which is important for this. Ale antibiotics are not suitable for everyone, as the stench will more strongly destroy the microflora.

To this, special intestinal antibiotics are recognized, as they only work on pathogenic bacteria that do not degrade cinnamon. The drug Enterol can also be used to take revenge on other words of sugar. The stench is a friendly center for propagation of cinnamon microflora, aloe for pathogenic bacteria. In addition, the drugs Ersefuril, Furazolidon, Enterofunil, Piobacteriophage are effective in cich drops. And if there is evidence of a contraindication, it is possible to take Hilak Forte, which is perniciously for children of high schools.

In order to reduce pathogenic microflora, it is necessary to drink a course of intestinal cleaning agents from surplus bacteria and products of life. Naykrashche for tsyo zastosovuvati Enterosgel, Lactofiltrum, polisorb or Filtrum Sti. I only use drugs for colonizing the intestines with cinnamon microorganisms, as well as prebiotics - to take, to revenge grubs fibers, which are a life-giving middle ground for them.

folk methods

Dodatkovo to lіkuvannya, designated by a lykar, and in light vipadkas - independently - it is possible to fix people zasobi... Є A number of popular recipes, which help to update the intestinal microflora:

  • more and more sour fresh apples;
  • before the vipivati ​​of a drink of trocha from a rose salt from sauerkraut;
  • skin day є svіzhі or dried cranberries;
  • substitute tea for piti with herbs: currant leaves, m'yat, plantain, chamomile leaves, zombie;
  • cinnamon drink nast_y from a beetle, in which addition apple oset and clove buds.

The normal size of intestinal microflora is even more important for the health of people. Therefore, if the first symptoms of dysbacteriosis appear, it is necessary to fix a special treatment. It is even more beautiful not to admit this inconvenience, uniqueness of the fact that the corny bacteria are oppressed.

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Singingly, the skin of a man will inform about the appearance in the midst of a mass of small particles - viruses, bacteria, fungi and some other elements. But at the same time, there is not enough one to see that in the middle of our body there is also a great number of such words, and because of these imbalances, there is a lot of reason for our health and normal stature. Yakraz so important is the role of the storehouse of human intestinal microflora. Viewable on tsіy storіntsі www ..

Seemingly, the intestinal microflora has a particularly folding warehouse and is even more important for the normal functioning of the body. In addition, there are two and a half or three kilograms of microorganisms in the intestines of a healthy person, and sometimes more. I tsya masa includes chotiri hundred and fifty-fifty-five hundred different types of microbes.

In general, the entire intestinal microflora can be divided into two main types: obligate, and also optional. Obligatnymi microorganisms, which are found in the intestines of the growth of the people gradually. And optional are called bacterial parts, which are often seen in healthy people, and, moreover, mentally pathogenic.

Also, the fahivtsi periodically appear at the warehouse of the intestinal microflora and the microbiota, which cannot be called the permanent representatives of the intestinal microflora. Nayimovirnishe, such particles come into the body at once with the hedgehog, as she did not know the thermal pattern. An hour from the hour in the middle of the intestine there is a further debilitating disease of infectious diseases, which does not lead to the development of ailments, as the immune system is normal.

Report warehouse microflori tovstoi gut lyudin

In the warehouse of regional microorganisms, there are ninety five to ninety nine types of microorganisms, represented by bifidobacteria, bacteria, and also lactobacilli. Up to a whole group, it is possible to carry aerobies, warehouses from one to five units. Among them is a gut stick, as well as enterococks.

If there is an optional microfloria, then there is a residual and a loan of less than one sum from the biomas and bacteria of the intestinal tract. Before such a timid microflora, intellectually pathogenic enterobacteria can be placed, in addition, in this group, there may be the presence of clostridia, staphylococcus, other similar fungi and other fungi.

Mucous and luminal microflora

Besides the guessed classification, the entire intestinal microflora can be divided into M-microflora (mucous) and P-microflora (education). M-microflora is densely-associated with mucous membranes of the intestine, such as microorganisms grow in the middle of the ball slice, in the globose, the so-called space between the villi. These words form a small bacterial ball, which is also called biplane. Such a ball, like a mitten, is wrapped around the surface of the mucous membranes. Vvazhaєtsya, that my microflora is especially stiff to the inflow of inadequate friendly officials, both chemically, so physical and biological. Mucous microflora is stored here in bifidum and lactobacilli.

If there is a P-microflora or a luminal microflora, then it will be stored in microbes, which are localized in the intestinal lumen.

How do you start a microflora warehouse and is it necessary for more information?

To determine the exact warehouse of the doctor's microflori, be sure to recognize the conduct of the classic bacteriological dosage of feces. Daniy analiz vvazhaєtsya most forgive and budget. Uninvolved on those who show the microflora warehouse in the empty intestine, proteas, and for damaged debris, it is possible to move the microflora to the intestinal tract microflora in the whole. Є y іnshі methods for diagnosing damage to microbiocenosis, including transferring bioprobes.

Small warehouse normal intestinal microflora healthy people

Unimportant for those who can vary the number of microorganisms, which are only averaged over the normal number. Doctors will look at a lot of such particles in colonies of food units - KUO, moreover, there are a number of such units in one gram of feces.

So, for example, the number of bifidobacteria can vary from 108 to 1010 CFU per gram of feces, and the number of lactobacilli is from 106 to 109.

When there is a prelude to a clear and complex store of intestinal microflora, it is important to remember that the indicators can be found in the patient's history, the class of geographic location and in the specific features. Likewise, talent can be seen in fallowness due to the rock and seasonal colivans, in fallowness due to the nature, type of food and profession of a sick person, and also due to the individual features of his body.

The destruction of the intestinal microflora of the intestinal microflora is negatively signified on the back of the health, including on the immunity and the herbal tract, as well as on the counter processes.

Correction of such problems can be solved by a number of laboratory dosages and only when consulted with a doctor.


Representatives of the so-called normal microflora lingering on the skirts, in the urogenital tract, in the midwife and in

In addition chislі normal mіkroflora prisutnya in neznachnіy kіlkostі in stravohodі (tsya mіkroflora practical povtoryuє mіkrofloru verhnіh dihalnih shlyahіv) in shlunku (mіkrobny warehouse shlunka bіdny i representations laktobakterіyami, streptokok, helіkobakter i stіykimi to kislotі shlunka drіzhdzhopodіbnimi mushrooms) in dvanadtsyatipaloї-paloї kishtsі і in the small intestine microflora is unnumbered (represented mainly by streptococci, lactobacilli, veilonelli), in the airborne intestine there is a small amount of microbial food (until all the microorganisms are overwhelmed). Ale the greatest number of microorganisms in the normal microorganism of the bag in the intestine.

Nearly 70% of all microorganisms in normal human microorganisms are stored in the intestines itself. If you take advantage of all the intestinal microflora at once - all of your bacteria, if you don't mind teres and health, then go close to three kilograms! It can be said that the microflora of people is the most important organ of people, which is more important for the life of people, as well as hearts, legends, cookies, etc.

Warehouse of intestinal microflora healthy people

99% of microbes in the intestines are the same as those of the people. The microorganisms are the intestinal sacs, so they call them post-microorganisms. They should be referred to:

  • The main flora is bifidobacteria and bacteria, the number of which is 90-98%;
  • Suputnya flora - lactobacilli, propionobacteria, intestinal stick, enterococci. Х number becomes 1-9% of all bacteria.

With singing minds, all representatives of normal microfloria, for the blame of bifido-, lactobacillus and propionobacteria, may well be sick, tobtobacteroids, intestinal palichka, trochemists in case of singing conditions of youthfulness.

  1. Bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, propionobacteria є absolutely positive microorganisms and for any minds do not show the pathogenic high-speed function in relation to the human organism.

Ale in the intestine is the so-called surplus microflora: staphylococcus, streptococcus, clostridium, klebsiєli, other fungi, citrobacter, veilonelli, protea and deyaki іnshі "shkіdlivі" pathogenic pathogens great fun for people. But with a healthy age of people, the number of cinnamon bacteria does not overwhelm 1%, apparently leaving the stench in the minority, then it is simply not good to bring some kind of school, but, as a matter of fact, to bring cinnamon to the body, being a functionally pathogenic immune one of the main functions of the microflora of the upper dichny nobles, about which I have already zgaduvav in 17 rounds).

Disruption to the microflori balance

All bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and іnshі vikonuyu great number of different functions. If a normal store of intestinal microflora is abducted, bacteria cannot cope with their functions, then ...

Vіtamіnі zіzhі simply will not be vysoktuvatisya and take up, zvіdsi mіlyon zvoryuvan.

If there will not be a sufficient number of immunoglobulins, interferons, lysozymes, cytokines and other immune factors, which are caused by low immunity to flu and not too much cold There is a small number of cychs of the same immunoglobulin, interferon, lysozyme, etc. If in mucous secrets, there will be a breakdown of the microfloria of mental health and illness in the mucous secrets, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis and others. The acid balance in the emptying of the nose, in the throat, in the throat, in the mouth - the pathogenic bacteria will break down and will continue to increase its population.

When the intestinal mucous membrane is damaged, the intestinal mucous membrane is rich in tears and allergies, the goiters get licked into the intestines, now it gets wet into the blood, the whole body is cut off, it seems that all the bugs are caught, bronchial asthma, Allergic dermatitis, etc.).

Destruction of etching, soaking of products in the drop of rotten microflora can appear in swollen ailments, colitis, gastritis, etc.

Yaksho among the ailments from the ill shlunkovo-intestinal tract, For example, pancreatitis, which causes intestinal dysfunction, is in general dysbacteriosis, which successfully develops on a small number of ailments.

Gynecological ailments (during the transition of microorganisms to the skin of the crotch, and sometimes to the sechostatus), fiercely ignited sickness (boils, abscesses, etc.), damage to the exchange of speech (damage to the menstrual cycle, atherosclerosis, disease, gout), etc.

rosle nervous system with intensified manifestations, etc.

Zakvoryuvannya, viklikanі intestinal dysbiosis can pererakhovuvati even more and even more!

The organizm of people is douzhe vivirene is a thin system, it’s built up to self-regulation, the system is not easy to install with rіvnovagi ... Ale deyaki factori pour everything into the storehouse of intestinal microflora. Before them, the character of food can be set, an hour of rock, vik, however, the officials slightly pour into the room in the warehouses of the microflora, and it is possible to correct the whole thing, the balance of the microflora is introduced even more quickly, or a small imbalance in health, because people do not find it. Nutrition is fast, if there are severe damage to the nose, the main reasons, the biological balance of the intestinal microflora deteriorate and to start to pull the lance of the organs of the organ of the reaction and damage to the system chill, etc. The axis itself must be said about dysbacteriosis.

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Bar'ernu function - neutralization of toxins and allergens;

Enzymatic function - viroblenya of significant quantities of herbal enzymes і, persh for everything, lactase;

Disease of normal motility of the gastrointestinal tract;

Participation in the exchange of speech;

Participation in immune reactions to organisms, stimulation of specific mechanisms and competition with pathogenic and mentally pathogenic microorganisms.

Obligate - a head or indigenic microflora (before the warehouse includes bifidobacteria and bacteria), which store 90% of the number of microorganisms;

Optional - saprophytic and intellectually pathogenic microflora (lactobacillus, esherikhi, enterococci), which becomes 10% of the number of microorganisms;

Zalishkov (including transient) - a type of microorganism (citrobacter, enterobacter, protea, other bacteria, clostridia, staphylococcus, aerobic bacilli and іn.)

Mucosal (M) flora - mucosal mіkroflora vzaєmodіє Zi mucous Ilya Obolonkov shlunkovo-kishkovogo tract, utvoryuyuchi microbial-tkaninnoї complex - mіkrokolonії bakterіy i їh metabolіti, epіtelіalnі klіtini, mucin kelihopodіbnihklіtin, fіbroblasti, іmunnі klіtini Peyer blyashok, phagocytes, leukocytes, lіmfotsiti, neyroendokrinnі klіtini ;

Enlightenment (P) flora - luminal microflora perebuvati in the lumen of the shlunkovo-intestinal tract, not in conjunction with the mucous membrane. Substrate for її livingness є Non-etched grubs fibers, on which won and іsuua.

Endogenous factors - infusion of the mucous membrane of the herbal canal, its secrets, motility and microorganisms themselves;

Exogenous factors - infuse without a median and mediated through endogenous officials, for example, by accepting this secretory and motor activity of the herbal tract, which transforms its microflora.

Bacteroides (especially Bacteroides fragilis),

Anaerobic lactic acid bacteria (for example, Bifidumbacterium),

Clostridium (Clostridium perfringens),

Gram coliform bacteria (in front of the intestinal stick - E. Coli),

Mushroom of the genus Candida,

Okremi vidi spirochetes, mycobacteria, mycoplasmas, the most common and viruses.

Intestinal dysbiosis. Causes, symptoms, current diagnostics and ineffective treatment

Frequently asked meals

The site has been given information. Adequate diagnostics and detection of ailments can be done with a visual summary of the drug.

Anatomy and physiology of the intestine

  1. The small intestine, є cob-like intestine, folds into loops, higher (from 2.2 to 4.4 m) and smaller in diameter (from 5 to 3 cm). They are dealing with the processes of etching of liquids, fats and carbohydrates. To fix the small intestine from the collar of the slunker and end to the ilocecal cut. The small intestine lasts 3 parts:
  • Pochatkovy viddil - twelve-fingered intestine, to be repaired at the gate of the slunker, it forms the form of a pod, ogina to the slurry;
  • Small intestine - є prolonged, twelve-fingered intestines, to become approximately 6-7 cob loops of the small intestine, between them it is not rotated;
  • Klubova gut - є for further small intestine, Presented by offensive 7-8 loops. It will end with a straight cut into the cob part of the intestine (slip intestine).
  1. Tovsta gut, which is a kintsevy viddil of the herbal tract, is soaked in water and approved feces. Vona roztashovana so that I will cool (drain) the loops of the small intestine. The wall is approved vipinannya (gaustri), є in one of the indications, from the wall of the small intestine. The volume of the intestinal tract is close to 150 cm and the diameter from 8 to 4 cm, in the fallowness from the length to the bottom. The intestines are being built up, from the onset of symptoms:
  • Slip intestine with appendicular appendix, є cobular appendage of the intestinal tract, grow lower than the ileocecal cut, increase in size from 3 to 8 cm;
  • A part of the colon is visible, є for the extension of the intestine, borrowing the extreme right-side position of the black empty, go up the hill from the level of the club chain to the level of the lower edge of the right part of the oven;
  • The transverse rim intestine, repair from the right rim vigin (the rim of the right ridge), pass in the transverse straight and end with the vigin of the rim intestine (the vigin of the rim of the rim);
  • The lower part of the colon gut, which borrows the extreme end of the empty space. To repair from the left vigin of the colon, go down to the level of the left club;
  • Sigmoid, 55 cm long, є progression in front of the intestine, and at the level of the 3rd crooked ridge, go into the onset of the ridge (rectum). The diameter of the sigmoid colon, in the size of the diameter of the small intestine, is close to 4 cm;
  • The rectum, є the end of the intestinal tract, is close to 18 cm. To repair from the ridge of the 3 ridge (end of the sigmoid colon) and end by the anus.

Is the intestinal flora normal?

Normal intestinal flora is represented by 2 groups of bacteria:

Symptoms characteristic of the 3rd and 4th stage of intestinal dysbiosis:

  1. Damaged style:
  • Most often it manifests itself in the viglyadі of the rare style (carry), which develops as a result of the strengthened administration of gum acids and the strengthening of intestinal peristalsis, it becomes degraded when the water becomes soaked. Piznish the style of a stink of an unpleasant, rotten smell, from the house of blood, or to lick it off;
  • With acute (in young people) dysbacteriosis, constipation develops most often, which is due to a decrease in intestinal motility (through a lack of normofloria).
  1. Zduttya abdomen, we will be able to cope with the adoption of gases in the intestines. The purchase of gas, develops as a result of the deterioration of the moisture and the reduction of the gas in the intestine. The intestines are swollen, it can be supravdzhuvaty to grumblers, and they do not perceive the feeling of pain in the midst of pain.
  2. The changeover is tied with an increase in the grip in the intestine, if the gas is released, it may change. In case of dysbacteriosis of the small intestine, bіl vinikє near the navel, as the intestine is suffering, bіl localized in the club area (the lower part of the abdomen is right-handed);
  3. Dyspeptic problems: nudota, blues, haircuts, decreased appetite, є the result of damaged etching;
  4. Allergic reactions, in viglyadі sverbіnnya shkіri and visipan, develop as the implantation of products, as they do not suffer allergies, as a result of a lack of anti-allergic dіyu, damaged intestinal flora.
  5. Symptoms of intoxication: there may be a slight increase in temperature up to 38 0 C, headache, abnormal stomachache, sleep disturbance, є as a result of accumulation of metabolic products in the body (exchange of words);
  6. Symptoms that characterize the failure of vitamins: dryness of the child, go near the company, blight of the child, stomatitis, change of hair and nigtіv and іnshі.

Decrease and inheritance of intestinal dysbiosis

  • Chronic enterokolit, tse chronically inflamed small intestine, develop as a result of a trivial development of pathogenic intestinal flora.
  • Deficiency of vitamins and microelements in the body, lead to development zalizodeficitnoy anemia, Hypovitaminosis of vitamins in groups In and in. Qia group develops faster, as a result of deterioration of etching and moisture in the intestines.
  • Sepsis (blood infection), develops as a result of the entry of pathogenic flora from the intestine into the roof of a sick person. Most often it is also accelerated, to develop in the event of an unfortunate beast of a sick person behind medical aid.
  • Peritonitis, develops as a result of an aggressive pathogenic flora on the intestinal wall, with the destruction of all balls and outflows of the intestinal mass into the empty stomach.
  • Recognition of those who are ill, as a result of a decrease in immunity.
  • Gastroduodenitis, pancreatitis, develop as a result of the expansion of pathogenic intestinal flora, along the herbal tract.
  • Decrease of a sick person's vagi, develops as a result of deterioration of etching.

Diagnosis of intestinal dysbiosis

  1. Behind the help of objectival loosening, including palpation of the abdomen, there is a soreness along the course of the small and abnormal intestines.
  2. Microbiological dosage of feces: carried out for diagnostics, intestinal dysbiosis.

Indicated for microbial dosage kalu:

  • The intestines were trivially overwhelmed, in quiet drops, if the pathogenic microorganism was not visible;
  • Trivial period of renewal of intestinal infections;
  • The presence of gn_yno-igniting lights, which do not support antibiotic therapy;
  • Violation of the intestinal function, in individuals, they give radiation therapy, or injected radiation on them;
  • Immunodeficiency diseases (SNID, oncological illnesses and diseases);
  • delivery dumb v physical development that іnshі.

Rules for sampling feces for microbiological prescription: before sampling feces, for 3 days, it is necessary, it is necessary to be at a special day, as a result of food, so that it ferments in the intestine (alcohol, milk, or milk). The feces are taken into a special sterile container, for safekeeping, with a screwed-in spoon. To correctly assess the results, it is recommended to carry out the follow-up 2-3 times, with an interval of 1-2 days.

To fade 4 steps of intestinal dysbiosis:

  • Stage 1: characterized by little change in the intestines, bifidoflora and lactoflora are not changed, most often not clinically;
  • 2 steps: kіlkіsnі that yakіsnі zmіniішеріхіах, in order to reduce the number of bifidoflorias and increase intellectually pathogenic bacteria (fungi and іnshі), supervise the muscle inflammation of the intestines;
  • 3 steps: reduction (reduction) of bifido-lactofloria and development of intellectually pathogenic flora, supervising intestinal dysfunction;
  • 4 steps: the rate of bifidofloria, the decrease in lactofloria and the growth of intellectually pathogenic flora, can lead to destructive bowel movements, with further development of sepsis.

Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis

Drug treatment

A group of drugs is used to treat intestinal dysbiosis:

  1. Prebiotics - may be bifidogenic power, so that they take stimulation and growth and proliferation of microbes to enter the normal intestinal flora. To the representatives of the group, the following are presented: Khilak-forte, Dyufalac. Khilak-forte is indicated by drops 3 times a day.
  2. Addition (eubiotiki), all the preparations to avenge live microorganisms (so that bacteria of normal intestinal flora), the stench will become stagnant for eliminating dysbacteriosis of 2-4 steps.
  • preparations of the 1st generation: Bifidumbacterin, Lifepack probiotix. The stench is a kind of concentrate of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, it does not take long (about 3 months). Qia group of drugs shlunk juice for enzymes in the slunk-intestinal tract, to bring up to a high level of loss and lack of concentration, a head shortage of arrivals in the 1st generation. Bifidumbacterin is prescribed vseredin, 5 doses of the drug 2-3 times a day, 20 minutes before їzhі;
  • preparations of the 2nd generation: Baktisubtil, flonivin, Enterol. Revenge spores of bacteria of normal intestinal flora, as in the intestines of a sick person they see enzymes for pickling bols, fats and carbohydrates, stimulate the growth of bacteria of normal intestinal flora, and so drive the flora of rotten bacteria. SUBT is indicated for 1 capsule 3 times a day, 1 year before їzhі;
  • preparations of the 3rd generation: Bifikol, Linex. The stench is stored in decile types of bacteria of normal intestinal flora, which may be very effective, in the case of occasional 2 generations of arrivals. Linex is prescribed 2 capsules 3 times a day;
  • preparations of the 4th generation: Bifidumbacterin Forte, Biosorbi-Bifidum. A group of drugs, which is a bacterium of normal intestinal flora in combination with an enterosorbent (with active substances). Enterosorbent, which is necessary for the capture of microorganisms, when passing through the slunker, is actively seized by the slunk juice, or by enzymes of the slunk-intestinal tract. Bifidumbacterin forte is prescribed for 5 doses 2-3 times a day, before їzheya.
  1. Sіmbіotyki (BIFIDOBAK, Maltodofіlyus), is combined preparations(Prebiotic + probiotic), to immediately stimulate the growth of normal flora and replace the number of microbes in the intestine. BIFIDOBAK is designated for 1 capsule 3 times a day, every hour.
  2. Antibacterial drugs, stagnant at the 4th stage of intestinal dysbiosis, for the reduction of pathogenic flora. Most often antibiotics are stagnant: group tetracycline (Doxycycline), cephalosporin (Cefuroxime, Ceftriaxone), penicilin (Ampiox), nitroimidazole: Metronidazole, administered 500 mg 3 times a day.
  3. Anti-fungal drugs (Levorin) are recognized, in the case of other fungi like Candida. Levorin is recognized for 500 yew. Od 2-4 times for doba.
  4. Enzymes, are recognized in the development of severe poisoning. Mezim tablets, 1 tablet 3 times a day, before the meal.
  5. Sorbenti, priznachayutsya in case of swelling signs of intoxication. Activated vugilla it is prescribed for 5-7 tablets at 1 time, stretching for 5 days.
  6. Polyvitamini: Duovit, 1 tablet 1 time per day.

Diet with intestinal dysbiosis

Prevention of intestinal dysbiosis

On the other hand, on the prevention of intestinal dysbiosis, there is an unbalanced eating and rational regime.

Chi є intestinal dysbiosis? Chi іsnu also get sick?

Do not give such diagnoses to your patients when you need them. In the Russian health protection, dysbacteriosis is guessed in the documents under the name "Standards (protocols) for diagnostics and treatment of ailments of organ poisoning", approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 125 on 17.04.98 a connection with іnshim intestinal problems.

Singingly, if we gave an analysis of blood, then chuli are such terms, like “leukocytosis induction”, “ promoted by SHOE"," Anemia ". Dysbacteriosis is more expensive. Tse is a microbiological understanding, one of the manifestations of the ailment, but not the ailment itself.

How is intestinal dysbiosis diagnosed in the ICD?

Most often, such doctor vicoristovuyut two codes:

  • A04 - Intestinal bacterial infections.
  • K63 - Specification of organ ailments of etching.

In one of two points, the word "dysbacteriosis" is not a figurine. And this means that the statement of such a diagnosis is indicative of those who have not diagnosed the ailment before the end.

How can you get sick with the term "dysbacteriosis"? Most often intestinal infections and worm infections, celiac disease, intestinal disorder, side effects treatment with antibiotics, chemopreparations and deyakim liks, all sorts of illnesses, which weaken the immune system. In small children, symptoms from the side of the intestine may be accompanied by atopic dermatitis.

Inodi dysbacteriosis є With a team-like camp, for example, at mandrivniks, especially if the stench is disgusting to see a special hygiene. The intestines have consumed the "alien" microflora, and the people cannot stick to their homes.

What is a drug for intestinal dysbiosis?

Most of the ailments, which cause the intestinal microflori to be destroyed, are guilty of the infectious disease specialist or the gastroenterologist. For a number of children, a therapist takes care of the grown-ups, and a pediatrician for children.

What is the best treatment for intestinal dysbiosis?

I would like to see the recommendations, all the same - the stench is prescribed in the standard OST 91500.11 ..

Allectiveness of cich likarsky zasobіv with dysbacteriosis is not brought. In addition, Osti has such a phrase: "the step of overconfidence C". Tse means that there is enough to prove everything. There are no proofs that at present it is possible to recommend the treatment of dysbacteriosis with cystic leaks.

Here again, it’s a question to ask about those who are licensed who work in the clinics behind the boundaries of the SND, do not put such a diagnosis to their patients, and even more do not mean that they are against dysbacteriosis.

Chi є ligaments mіzh intestinal dysbiosis and thrush?

Infection can develop in any body. In connection with the cym, candidiasis of the shkiri and nigtiv, the mucous membrane of the mouth (which I call the form is called thrush), intestines, and statovi organs is seen. Naybilsh is an important form of becoming ill - generalization of candidiasis, or candidiasis sepsis, if the fungus is hostile to the skin, mucous membranes, internal organisms.

Candida - fungi mentally pathogenic. Do not wait for the stench of a sickness in infection, but deprive it of singing minds. One of these minds is the lowering of immunity. The whole thrush can be reduced to intestinal lesions, which can lead to dysbacteriosis. Mіzh tsimi two camps, naspravdі, є links.

In this case, before the development of thrush and intestinal dysbiosis, there are one and the same reasons - a decrease in immunity and fungal infection. Oh my friends and I need to study.

How can you fix people to treat intestinal dysbiosis?

For the reason that the topic is bloated and even popular, "help against dysbacteriosis" to smell all the people of the world, medicine men, dietary supplements virobniks, MLM companies. There are no ostoron and virobniks of food products.

As it is already a sign of disease, dysbacteriosis as a disease is not insane, it has no specific symptoms, and it’s uncomfortable to vilikuvati, not having sucked the cause. To that in the first place, it is necessary to see a doctor, go through a routine, establish the correct diagnosis and start a doctor.

How can you show an analysis for dysbacteriosis?

  • Understand "normal microflora" - just rosy. I do not know the exact norms. To that, as if it were a healthy person and create an analysis, dysbacteriosis would be "revealed" in bagatio.
  • Bacteria in the intestines develop from bacteria in the intestines.
  • Leave the cal for deliveries to the laboratory, warehouse of bacteria, which in the presence of a new one, can be changed. Especially if it is wrong yogo take, in a non-sterile mind.
  • Warehouse microflori in the intestines of people can change in the deposition of different minds. If you want to take an analysis at a young hour at one and the same great people - the result can be very different.

Enter profile


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Enter profile

intestinal microflora

Intestinal microflora in a wide sense - the same as the prevalence of small microorganisms. In the intestines of humans, all microorganisms are found in symbiosis one by one. In the middle, in the intestines of people there are close to 500 species of small microorganisms, and, moreover, they eat brown bacteria (which also help to overtravel and give people food and drink)

The change in the variety of microbiota and species composition of normal microflora to the organ, especially the intestine, is supervised to develop non-typical microbes for new microbes, called dysbacteriosis. Most often it is seen through the wrong harvest.

If the microflora is damaged, it can come not only through the wrong food, but because of the intake of new antibiotics. In any case, the deterioration of microflora will be seen.

Normal intestinal microflora

The main representatives of the obovazkovaya microflori of the human intestine are bifidobacteria, bacteriodi, lactobacilli, intestinal sticks and enterococks. The stench is stored 99% of all microbes, only 1% of the number of microorganisms is up to intellectually pathogenic bacteria, such as staphylococcus, proteus, clostridia, synogniina palichka and іnshі. Pathogenic microflora with a normal intestinal stagnation is not to blame, but the intestinal microflora in humans is normal, and it begins to develop as soon as the hour of the passage of the fetus along the birth path. Increasingly, the form will end before 7-13 years.

Is the intestinal microflora normal? Persh for everything, I'll write it down. So, bifidobacteria see organic acids, which galactate the growth and proliferation of pathogenic and rotten bacteria. Antibacterial activity may cause lactobacilli in connection with the formation of lactic acid, lysozyme and antibiotic speech. Colibacteries are antagonistic to pathogenic flora through immune mechanisms. Moreover, on the surface of intestinal epithelium, the representatives of normal microfloria form the so-called “microbial turf”, which mechanically captures the intestine due to the penetration of pathogenic microbes.

The critical functions of the normal microorganisms of the intestine take part in the exchange of words to the macroorganism. Smells synthesize amino acids, bile, rich in vitamins, take part in the exchange of cholesterol. Lactobacillus synthesizes enzymes that break down milk bottles, as well as the enzyme histaminase, which desensitizes the body itself. Cinnamon microflora of the intestinal tract is absorbed by the moisture of calcium, salt, vitamin D, and the development of the oncological process is possible.

Causes of destruction of microflori

There are a number of social factors that destroy the microflora. Tse persh for all the hospitality and chronic stress. So "critical" for the health of the people is the school and children, and old age. For example, the child is in the first class, apparently, he is worried and sick. The process of adaptation in a new team often leads to health problems. In addition, during the process of starting stress, there may be victories of control, drinking, and the beginning of the task.

Another reason, through the yaku of the mikroflora, is the food. Today in our race there is a lot of carbohydrates and a little bit of carbohydrates. If you guess, having included in itself the race of our women and children, then you will appear, how the stench was getting on with more healthy people: for example, fresh vegetables, gray hlib - simple and healthy, it is beneficially infused into the world.

It is also the cause of intestinal microflora impairment є slunk-intestinal tract disease, fermentopathy, active therapy with antibiotics, sulfanilamide drugs, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy. Consume dysbacteriosis in high school ecologic officials, hunger, hunger and organisms in conjunction with important ailments, surgical engagement, Opikova ailment, decreased immunological reactivity to the body.

prevention of microflori

In order to be in good shape, people need to take care of their microfloria, which will help them adapt to their immune system. In such a rank, we help the organism to resist stresses and cope with pathogenic microbes independently. The axis of what about microflora needs to be discussed every day. It should be the same to the same zvichny busy, like brushing the teeth of the vrantsi or accept the vitamins.

Prevention of microflora deterioration is directed to the susceptibility of corny bacteria to organisms. Whole spriy implantation in їzhu products, rich with roslinnaya cells (vegetables, fruits, cereals, coarse pomelo bread), as well as fermented milk products.

From the TV screens on the year we will propose to start the day with a “sip of health”: kefir and yoghurts, filled with bifidobacteria. However, it is necessary to remember that the number of cinnamon elements in products with a great term of adherence is not large enough to stimulate the growth of microflora. Tom, in the quality of prophylaxis, fermented milk products(Kefiri, sour cream, etc.), as a way to revenge "live culture". As a rule, the products are sold in pharmacy framing and terms and conditions of enclosures. I, absolutely, do not forget about the rules of healthy eating, being busy with sports and mentally rivnovagu - all the additional help to improve immunity at all!

The hairs of the mountains are the anti-spiritual powers

Novosibirsk lykari lіkuvatimut by transplantation of donor feces

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  5. intestinal microflora

Information, presented on the site, is promoted for knowledge and you cannot serve as a substitute for the face-to-face consultation of the doctor! Reference resource can be found in materials 18+

Normal intestinal microflora

The evolution of people has progressed with continuous and middleless contact with a light of microbes, as a result of which a lot of microorganisms have been formed, which are characterized by a singing physiological need.

Settlement (colonization) of empty houses, obtained from the zovnіshnіm middle, as well as shkіri є one of the types of interaction of living things in nature. Microflora takes place in the intestinal tract and sectional system, On the shkіrі, mucous sheaths of the eyes and dykhalny nobles.

The role of the intestinal microflora is introduced, so that it occupies the area around 2 (for the lungs - 80 m2, and the floor is 2 m2). It is known that the ecological system of the shlunkovo-intestinal tract is one of the systems for the organisms, and in the case of a deterioration in the malignant infantile age, the dzherel (reservoir) is widespread in infectious diseases.

All microorganisms, which enter into interaction with human organisms, can be intelligently divided into 4 groups.

■ The first group includes microorganisms that didn’t grow up to the trivial transfer to organisms, which are called transient.

Їх manifestation in case of obsolescence is of a vague character.

■ Another group - bacteria, which enter the warehouse of regional (most permanent) intestinal microflora and play an important role in the activation of metabolic processes, macroorganism and the origin of all kinds of infections. Before them, bifidobacteria, bacterioids, lactobacilli, intestinal sticks, enterococci, catenobacteria are referred to. The changes in the stability of the warehouse, as a rule, will make me healthy.

■ The third group - microorganisms, also with sufficient time to develop in healthy people and to be in the singing station with the organism of the sovereign. However, with a decrease in resistance, with a change in the warehouse of normal biocenoses and mentally pathogenic form, they can tighten up the majority of the disease, or the appearance itself in the quality of an ethological factor.

The great significance of the vaga pitoma in the microbiocenosis and in relation to microbes of another group is great.

Before them, staphylococcus, other fungi, proteus, streptococcus, klebsiella, citrobacter, pseudomonas and іnshі microorganisms are introduced. Vag pitoma can become less than 0.01-0.001% of the amount of microorganisms.

■ The fourth group is stored by infectious diseases workers.

The microflora of the slunk-intestinal tract is represented by more than 400 types of microorganisms, moreover, more than 98% of them are stored in regional anaerobic bacteria. Rozpodil of microbes in the intestinal tract is nervous: the skin has its own power, obviously the microbiota is permanent. Species warehouse of microorganisms, empty company of performances of aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms.

In healthy people, as a rule, there are one and the same type of lactobadillus, as well as micrococci, diplococci, streptococci, spirili, simpler. Saprofitnі bagkansі mouthparts can be a cause of karієsu.

Table 41 Criteria for normal microfloria

In the slurry and the small intestines, there are relatively few microbes, which explains the bactericidal effect of the slurry juice and gum. However, in a number of vypadki in healthy people appear lactobacilli, stiyki to acid and others, streptococci. With pathological camps herbal organs (chronic gastritis with secretory deficiency, chronic enterocolitis and in.) to prevent the colonization of small intestinal microorganisms with small microorganisms. At the same time, the loss of moisture from the fat is reduced, steatorrhea and megaloplastic anemia develop. Passing through the Bauhinia flap into your intestine is superfluous with significant and bright changes.

The initial number of microorganisms is to become 1-5x10 microbes per 1 g in total.

In the microflora of the intestinal tract of anaerobic bacteria (bifidobacteria, bacterioids, spore forms), they store more than 90% of the backbone of microbes. Aerobic bacteria, represented by E. Coli, lactobacilli and others, store in the middle 1-4%, and staphylococcus, clostridia, proteus and other similar fungi do not outweigh 0.01-0.001%. In general, the microflora is similar to the microflora of empty intestines. The quantity of them starts in 1 g of feces (div. Table 41).

The normal intestinal microflora is susceptible to changes in fallowness from food, drink, minds of life and a number of other officials. The primary colonization by microbes of the intestinal tract of a child is seen in the process of population with Doderlein sticks, which is introduced to lactic acid flora. The nature of the microfloria is often found in the habitat. For children, stay on breastfeeding from 6 -7 days with є bifidoflora.

Bifidobacterium is displaced in an amount of 0 in 1 g of feces and store up to 98% of all intestinal microflora. The growth of bifidofloria begins to take place in breast milk with lactose, bifidus factor I and II. Bіfіdobakterії, laktobakterії take active part in sintezі vіtamіnіv (groupies, PP, folієvoї acid) i nezamіnnih amіnokislot, spriyayut zasvoєnnyu salts kaltsіyu, vіtamіnu D, zalіza, strimuyut zrostannya i rozmnozhennya pathogenic i gnilnih mіkroorganіzmіv, regulyuyut motor-evakuatornu funktsіyu tovstoї intestine aktivіzuyut mіstsevі zhisn_ reaction of the intestine. The children of the first fate have a life that is on piece vigodovanni zm_st bifidoflori falls to 106 or less; perevazhaє kishkov, acidophilic sticks, enterococci. Often the diagnosis of intestinal disorders in such children is explained by the replacement of bifidofloria with other bacteria.

The microflora of nursery children grows up in a large intestine, enterokiv; in the aerobic flora they re-ferment bifidobacteria.

The children of the senior viku microflora, behind their warehouse, come close to the microflora of grown-ups.

The normal microflora is well attached to the muscular minds, flowing into the intestines and successfully competing with other bacteria, which are coming up. Visually antagonistic activity of bifido, lactofloria and normal intestinal bacillus, in the number of feverish dysentery, cranial typhus, Siberian, diphtheria bacillus, cholera bacterium and etc.

It is of great importance for the body to immunize the power of normal microfloria. In addition, the order of the microorganisms and a number of other microorganisms in the immune system penetrates more and more antigenic differentiation of the muscle immunity system, which is susceptible to the disease in the physiologically active stage (Hazenson JI. B., 1982).

Intestinal bacteria take on a role in biochemical processes, the release of zhovchic acids and the introduction of stercobilin, coprosterin, and deoxycholic acid into the intestinal tract. Everything is graciously infused into the exchange of words, peristalsis, the processes of soaking up and refining the feces. With a change in normal microflora, the functional stan- dard of the intestine is destroyed.

The intestinal microflora is in a tight connection with the macroorganism, it has an important nonspecific function, the growth of the biological and biological center of the intestinal tract. At the same time, the microflora is normal, it is a highly sensitive indicator system, and it reacts with malignant and malignant destructions to the wake of ecological minds in situations of living, which is manifested by dysbacteriosis.

Reasons for normal intestinal microflora

Normal intestinal microflora can only be found in normal physiological stan- dards. In case of uncomfortable inflows on the macroorganism, a decrease in its immunological status, pathological conditions and processes in the intestine, there are changes in the microorganism of the intestinal tract. The stench can be short-lived and momentarily aware of the weakening of the calling factor, but the wicked are unpleasant in the flow, or they are more pivoting and steady.


MICROFLORA shlunkovo-intestinal TRACTU

Basic functions of normal intestinal microflora

Normal microflora (normoflora) of the shlunkovo-intestinal tract є the necessary brain life to the body. The microflora of the slunk-intestinal tract is seen as a microbiome of a human being in a modern day.

Normofloria (microflora in the normal state) and the normal state of microfloria (eubiose) is not healthy and healthy for people who are not healthy for healthy populations of microbes in certain organs of the necessary systems, which are healthy find the function microfloria є її the fate of formulated resistance to organism young people and securing the protection of colonization by the organisms of people and other microorganisms.

In any microbiocenosis, including the intestinal one, there is always a lack of microorganisms - 90%, so called obligate microorganisms (synonyms: golovna, autochthonous, resident, nuclear, in the regulation of intermicrobial microorganisms, and also in the regulation of intermicrobial microorganisms, as well as in the presence of additional microorganisms, close to 10% of transient microorganisms) - close to 10%

So that the entire intestinal microflora is susceptible to:

  • obligate- head abo obov'yazkova microflora, Close to 90% of the number of microorganisms. Prior to the storage of regional microflora, it is important to include anaerobic saccharolytic bacteria: Bifidobacterium, Propionibacterium, Bacteroides, Lactobacterium (Lactobacterium);
  • optional subutnya abo dodatkova microflora, to become close to 10% of the number of microorganisms. Facultative representatives of biocenosis: Escherichia (intestinal sticks - Escherichia), Enterococci (Enterococcus), Fusobacterium (Fusobacterium), Peptostreptococcus (Peptostreptococcus), Clostridium (Clostridium) Eubacterium physiological functions Important for biotope and organism as a whole. However, the overwhelming part is represented by intellectually pathogenic species, which, in case of pathological increase in populations, can become severely infectious in nature.
  • zalishkov - transient microorganisms or microorganisms, less than 1% of the number of microorganisms. Zalishkova microflora is represented by small saprophies (staphylococcus, bacilli, other fungi) and other intellectually pathogenic representatives of enterobacteria, up to which intestinal bacteria are introduced: klebsiєli, protea, citrobacteria, etc. transient microflora (Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Proteus, Klebsiella, Morganella, Serratia, Hafnia, Kluyvera, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, Bacillus, other and other fungi and other), in the main, they are stored in individuals that are included in the name. Among them, there can be options with a high aggressive potential, such as with weakened functions of the regional micro-flora, the growth of the population and the development of pathological processes.

There is little to be found in the microflora slunk, much more in the small intestine and especially abundant in the intestine. Of course, it means that the soaking of greasy speeches, which have found vitamins and microelements, are always in the empty intestines. That is why the systematic inclusion of probiotic products and dietary supplements into the races, which replace microorganisms, which regulates the processes of intestinal moisture, becomes an even more effective instrument in professional and nutritional intake.

Intestine vmoktuvannya - the process of the proper process of growing children through the ball of cells into the roof and lymph, as a result of which the body will take away all the words you need.

It is very intensive to get wet in the small intestine. If the villi penetrate into the skin intestinal tract, other arteries grow on the capillaries, and the living words easily penetrate into the midst of the organism. Glucose and split to amino acids soak into the middle of the shelter. The blood, which does not carry glucose and amino acids, is sent to the stove, deduced from the intake of carbohydrates. Fatty acids and glycerin - a product of the processing of fats in the form of gum - to get wet in the lymph and even go to the blood-circulatory system.

On a small intestine (scheme of small intestine villi): 1 - cylindrical epithelium, 2 - central lymphatic vessel, 3 - capillary hem, 4 - mucous membrane, 5 - mucous membrane, 6 - mucous membrane, 7 - intestinal membrane , 8 - lymphatic channel.

One of the significance of microflora of the intestinal tract is the fact that it will take part in the endless distribution of undisturbed undisturbed cells. In the intestine, etching ends with hydrolysis and does not digest the surplus. For an hour, hydrolysis in the intestinal tract takes on the role of enzyme, which comes from the small intestine, and the ferment of intestinal bacteria. Water, mineral salts (electrolytes), cleavage of rosellin, formulated feces.

Microflora is significant (!) Role in peristalsis, secretion, moisture and intestinal storage. Microflora will take part in the distribution of enzymes and the most biologically active words. Normal microflora does not provide colonization resistance - intestinal mucosa infection from ailments bacteria, attracting pathogenic microorganisms and changing organisms. Bacterium enzymes break down the cells of the corticosteroids, which are not etched in the small intestine. Kishkova flora synthesis of vitamins K and vitamins of groups B, a number of essential amino acids and enzymes are necessary for the body. For the participation of microflora in the body, an exchange of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, gum and fatty acids, cholesterol is removed, procarcinogens are inactivated (speech, healthy cancer), and excess forms of oil are disposed of. The role of normofloria is extremely important for the organism of the patient, the very destruction (dysbacteriosis) and the development of dysbiosis in general, to produce up to serious sickness metabolic and immunological character.

Warehouse of microorganisms in the intestinal tracts of the intestine to lay down on the basis of various factors: way of living, eating, and bacterial infections and also drug treatment, Especially with antibiotics. Bagato zhvoryuvan shlunkovo-intestinal tract, including igniters, can also damage the intestinal ecosystem. As a result of this imbalance, there are often problems with persecution: sickness, dyspepsia, constipation, or diarrhea, etc.

Kishkova microflora is a superbly foldable ecosystem. One individual has more than 17 families of bacteria, 50 canopies, species and the number of species is not assigned. Intestinal microflora is susceptible to obligate (microorganisms, which is constantly reduced to normal flora and which plays an important role in metabolism and anti-infectious disease); macroorganism). Dominating representatives of the regional microfloria and bifidobacteria.

Table 1 has the best in functions intestinal microflori (microbioti), at that time the function is wider and more vivid


Foldingly re-evaluate the importance of microfloria for the body. zavdyaky dosyagnennyam modern science apparently, the intestinal microflora is normal, taking care of the fate of the broken down proteins, fats and carbohydrates, letting it go for optimal passage of the etching processes and soaking into the intestines, taking care of the fate in the ripened clitin immune system I will secure the power of the authorities to the organisms, etc. Two of the most important functions of normal microflora є: bar'erna of pathogenic agents and stimulation of a specific immune response:

Bar'ernogo DIU. The intestinal microflora needs to be used for the propagation of ailment bacteria, and in such a rank, it is known for pathogenic infections.

The process of attaching microorganisms to the clinic includes folding mechanisms. Bacteria of intestinal microflora can induce or reduce the adhesion of pathogenic agents to a competitive level.

For example, the bacterium of parietal (mucous) microflora occupy the receptor on the surface of the epithelial cells. Pathogenic bacteria, which could bind to the same receptors, are absorbed from the intestine. In this rank, kishkovі bakterії pereshkodzhayut proniknennyu in mucous Ilya Obolonkov pathogenic i umovno pathogenic mіkrobіv (zokrema, propіonovokislі bakterії P. freudenreichii mayutsya dosit horoshі adgezivnі vlastivostі i prikrіplyuyutsya to klіtin bowel duzhe nadіyno, stvoryuyuchi zgadany zahisny bar'єr. Takozh, bakterії postіynoї mіkroflori dopomagayut to reduce intestinal peristalsis and the integrity of the intestinal mucosa. SCFA, short-chain fatty acids), Such yak acetate, propionate and butyrate, which adapt the bar'erni function of the mucin ball to the lysis (increase the production of mucin and the function of the food).

IMUNNA SYSTEM OF KISHKIVNIKA. In the intestines of humans, 70% of immune cells are reduced. The head function of the immune system of the intestine is the control of the penetration of bacteria into the roof. Another function is the weakening of pathogens (ailments bacteria). There are two mechanisms that can be taken into account: birth (to settle down as a child from the mother, people from the people may be in the blood of antibodies);

Upon contact with pathogens, stimulation of the immune system is observed. With the interaction of Toll-subtype receptors, the synthesis of a type of cytokine is triggered. The intestinal microflora is poured into the specific collection of lymphoid tissue. The directors of the whole see the stimulation of the clerical and humoral immune responses. The cells of the immune system of the intestine are actively circulating secretory immunolobulin A (LgA) - a block, which takes part in the protection of muscle immunity and the most important marker of immune response.

Antibiotic-like SUBSTANCES. Also, intestinal microflora viroblya is without antimicrobial bacteria, which cause the growth and growth of pathogenic bacteria. In case of dysbiotic lesions in the intestine, it is not only the overwhelming growth of pathogenic microbes that is prevented, but rather the lowering of the immune system. The normal intestinal microflora is especially important for the life of the organism of newborns and children.

The production of lysozyme, water peroxide, lactic, ocetic, propionic, butyric and a number of other organic acids and metabolites, and to reduce the acidity (pH) of the middle bacterium of normal pathogenic microorganisms effectively fight against Among the competitors in the fight against microorganisms for the development of antibiotic-like speech, the type of bacteria and microcines occupy a short time. Lower on the little one Zliva: Colony of acidophilus (x 1100), Right-handed: Ruynuvannya Shigella flexneri (a) (Shigella Flexner is a species of bacteria, pupils of dysentery) for the first time of bacteriological production of clinical


Istoria vivchennya warehouse mіkroflori shlunkovo-kishkovogo tract (SHKT) Poch in 1681, if gollandsky doslіdnik Antonі Van Leeuwenhoek Vpershe povіdomiv about svoї sposterezhennya schodo bakterіy that іnshih mіkroorganіzmіv, viyavlenih in lyudskih fekalіyah, i visunuv gіpotezu about spіlne іsnuvannya rіznih vidіv bakterіy in shlunkovo ​​kishkovogo path ...

In 1850, Louis Pasteur developed the concept of the functional role of bacteria in the fermentation process, and the famous doctor Robert Koch continued to develop into this straightforward and developed the technique of visualizing pure cultures, as long as it was allowed to identify

In 1886, one of the founders of the study of intestinal infections F. Esherich first described the intestinal stick (Bacterium coli communae). Ilya Illich Mechnikov in 1888, who worked at the Luya Pasteur Institute, developed a complex of microorganisms in the intestines of the people, as they put on the organism "autointoxicated intestinal effects" and anti-toxicity. A practical implication of Mechnikov's ideas was the use of acidophilic lactobacilli for therapeutic purposes, which was distributed in the United States in 1920-1922. The survivors of the past began to vivchize food only in the 50s of the 20th century.

U 1955 r Peretz L.G. showing that the intestinal stick of healthy people is one of the main representatives of normal microflora and the positive role of the keeper of strong antagonistic powers in reducing pathogenic microbes. The distribution of more than 300 years in the previous store of the intestinal microbiocenosis, its normal and pathological physiology and the development of methods for a positive infusion on the intestinal microflora is effective in Danish hour.


The main biotopes are: the shlunkovo-intestinal tract (mouth emptying, shlunka, small intestine, tovsta intestine), shkіra, dikhalnі way, urogenital system. The main interest for us here is to represent the organisms of the herbal system, to which the main mass of microorganisms in the bag itself is there.

The microflora of the intestinal tract the most representative, the mass of the intestinal microflora in an older person becomes 2.5 kg, the number is up to KOE / city. (the rest of the dates - close to 1,500 species) to constantly correct.

The urahuvannya of new donors, taken during the preliminaries of microflora of the small intestinal biotopes for the addition of molecular genetic methods and the method of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, the zagalny genome of bacteria in the intestinal tract of the 400 intestinal tract. Geniv, which is 12 times the size of the human genome.

An analysis was made for the homology of the 16S rRNA genes for homology of pristinkov (mucous) microflora of 400 small intestinal tract specimens, which were taken during endoscopic pre-diagnostics of intestinal tract infections.

As a result of the preliminaries, it was shown that the pristinkov and luminal microflora included 395 phylogenetic groups of microorganisms, of which 244 were absolutely new. At a total of 80% of new taxons that have evolved in the presence of molecular genetic predictions, are introduced to uncultured microorganisms. Most of the transfer of new microorganism phylotypes є representatives of the Firmicutes and Bacteroides canopies. The total number of species is up to 1500 and more detailed.

The shlunkovo-intestinal tract through the system of sphinkters gets from the outward middle of the light we feel and one hour through the intestinal wall - from the inner middle of the body. The establishment of a special feature in the empty shlunkovo-intestinal tract has opened up in the middle, which can be divided into two areas: chyme and mucus shell. The system of humans in interaction with small bacteria, which can be considered as “endotrophic microflora of the intestinal biotope of humans”, is also a herbal system. The endotrophic microflora of humans is divided into three main groups. To the first group, introduce corysna for people of eubotic indigenic or eubotic transient microflora; to the other - neutral microorganisms, which are constantly or periodically visually from the intestines, but do not infuse on the living of people; to the third - pathogenic or potentially pathogenic bacteria ("aggressive populations").

Porozhninny and near-wall microbial shKT

In microecological plans, the shlunk-intestinal biotope can be divided into tiers (mouth emptying, shlunok, intestinal waste) and microbiotope (empty, pristine and epithelial).

Health before the aplication in the parietal microbial, so that hystadhesion (the power of the tissue and the colonization of tissue) is the essence of transient or indigenic bacteria. These are the signs, as well as the presence of an eubotic or aggressive group, are the main criteria that characterize the interaction of the intestinal tract of microorganism. Eubiotic bacteria take part in the root colonization resistance to organisms, as well as the unique mechanism of systems and anti-infectious barriers.

Porozhninnoy microbiotope with a broach SHKT is not uniform, its power is based on a warehouse and in the place of the same tier. They have their own anatomical and functional specialties, so that they can grow up behind the warehouse of words, consistency, pH, changeability to the authorities. The power of authority is to start the warehouse of empty microbial populations adapted to them.

Pristinkovy microbiotope with a specific structure, as it will surround the internal middle of the organisms from the zoning. Vin representations with mucous overlays (mucous gel, mucinous gel), glycocalyx, rostasovanim over the apical membrane of the enterocytes and the surface of the apical membrane itself.

A pristine microbiotope becomes the greatest (!) Interest from the position of bacteriology, as in the new wine it is usually too frustrating for people to interact with bacteria - what is called symbiosis.

Slide means that in the intestinal microflora there are 2 types:

  • mucosal (M) flora - mucosal mіkroflora vzaєmodіє Zi mucous Ilya Obolonkov shlunkovo-kishkovogo tract, utvoryuyuchi microbial-tkaninnoї complex - mіkrokolonії bakterіy i їh metabolіti, epіtelіalnі klіtini, mucin kelihopodіbnihklіtin, fіbroblasti, іmunnі klіtini Peyer blyashok, phagocytes, leukocytes, lіmfotsiti, neyroendokrinnі klіtini ;
  • prosvitnі (P) flora - luminal microflora perebuvati in the lumen of the shlunkovo-intestinal tract, not in conjunction with the mucous membrane. Substrate for її livingness є Non-etched grubs fibers, on which won and іsuua.

On the current day, the microflora of the intestinal mucosa is seen as a microflora of intestinal health and fecal mass. If the dermal growth of the human population wants the intestines of the population, there is a combination of fertile species of bacteria, the warehouse of microflora can change in the fallowness according to the way of life, food and drink. Potential dosage of microflora in older adults, who are overweight in the genetic dispute, have found that genetic bureaucrats add more to the intestinal microflora warehouse.

Number of microorganisms in mucous and luminal microflora in different forms of the herbal tract.

Advice to the little one: ALF - fundal form of the slunk, AOJ - antral form of the slunk, DPK - twelve-fingered intestine (

Read the article:

Correct functioning of the intestines є the constipation of the health of the people. In the city itself, there is the greatest number of microflori. These microorganisms take part in a large number of processes that occur in the body. With the help of others, one can see the moistening of cinnamon speeches, synthesize vitamins. Smell take a part in the regulated functions of the immune system. The normal intestinal microflora is a self-contained system, which helps to improve health, purification and correct hardening of the organism.

For the skin, it is important to maintain intestinal health

At the tsіy statty you know:

function of microflori

The role of intestinal microfloria polyagaє in offensive functions:

  • Zakhisna. Kishkov microflora in the norm against alien microorganisms, which are regularly consumed in the intestinal tract. Corinthy bacteria change the development of infectious diseases, which do not allow animals far into the body. If the microflora goes down, then the process of reproduction of insecure microorganisms will be repaired in the intestinal tract. At the same time, the reduction of mucous bacteria is observed, ignition processes... It is important for that in the edge not to allow such a turn.
  • Herbal. The intestinal flora takes care of its fate in the process of over-etching in carbohydrates, fat and alcohol. An important function is the fermentation of enzymes, such as over-gravity of the blood cells. With normal microflora, it spreads and splits into the intestines.
  • Synthesis of vitamins. With normal microflora of cinnamon bacteria, which is found in the intestine, vitamins (pantothenic, as well as follic acid, Riboflavin, Biotin, Vitamin B12, B6, K, E). However, the stench doesn’t get wet. The bacteria of the small intestine circulate vitamins as they enter the bloodstream. The intestinal flora is normal with the assimilation of calcium, zaliza, pereshkodzhaє development of deyakykh ailments, for example, rachita abo anemia.

Microflora is necessary for the protection of etching
  • Vivedennya toxins. Such a function is based on the importance of speedy and vivedennya of high-flown words by a natural way. In feces, nitrites, xenobiotics, mutagens, and also salts of various metals are seen. The breeders of the tsіі funktsіy shkіdlivі from a half to vivodіt s organіzіon, and corrіsnі bakterії assimilate іh unpleasant dіyu.
  • Imunna. In the intestine, the synthesis of special proteins (immunoglobulins) is generated, which additionally help to adjust the functions of the body. The stench will catch the development of insecure infectious diseases. Corinthy bacteria are good to eat, to learn high-quality microbes.

Representatives of intestinal flora

The intestinal microflora behind the warehouse is even more normal, and it should be included before the bacterium, presented in the table.

normalLacto, bifidobacteria, peptostreptococci (spherical lancers), bacterioids (palichkovidny bacteria), EU-i fusobacteria, veilonelli (coccoid bacteria).
pathogenicGolden staphylococcus (wiklikє is often caught in children), shigeli (worms of dysentery), salmoneli (worms of infectious nature), sinyogniina palichka (sluggish in the ground, water), yersinia (rosies)
Mind-pathogenicStreptococcus (not only in the soil, but also in the mouth empty), in the case of clostridia, interobacteria (in the soil, water on the grows), in the soil, in the soil, in the soil і Siberian Virazka).

All of these representatives, the greater number of presences in the microflora of the small intestine, can be divided into two types - aerobi, anaerobi. The peculiarity of the beginning is growing. Aerobi live only at access to sour. Anaerobi is available for regional and optional. Resentment ts seei live without access until dead.

At the regional microorganisms, the kissen is dingy, at the same hour, the optional can help you live your life and in your presence.

Normal microflora

In the post-intestinal microflora, there are gram-positive / negative anaerobes. Prior to the first, lacto, EU-and bifidobacteria, as well as peptostreptococci are introduced. To gram-negative - veilonelli (non-coco-like organisms) fusobacteria, bacterioids.

In the intestine, cinnamon microflora

The names of these anaerobes resemble those of the name of Gram (bacteriologist from Dania). Vin came up with a method, with which farbuvav smears for additional iodine, barvnik (anilin) ​​and alcohol. When you look at the bacterium under a microscope, then you may see a violet-blue color. Stink є gram-positive. While microorganism is not barbaric, then it is a gram-negative anaerobic. Shcheb is more beautiful than bachiti, vikorystovutsya barvnik - fuchsin. Win a bacterium in a rheum vidtinok.

Pererakhovani vische representatives become 95% of intestinal microflora. We call these bacteria “brown” through those that smell like antibiotics, which additionally help us to suspect children of old infectious diseases. Such microorganisms create a special zone with pH from 4.0 to 5.0 in the intestine, by themselves setting the surface of the mucus on the mucous, yak preying on the organ.


Gram-positive / negative facultative anaerobias have to be replaced by microscopic microorganisms. Such bacteria vvazhayutsya intellectually pathogenic, more in a healthy body stench make a positive injection. However, with the inflow of negative officials, the stinks are repaired overly and become ill. At the same time, people lose self-esteem and winegrowing a shlunk, in which there can be a slime in the house, and in some blood drops or pus.

Cognitively pathogenic may be the fungus Candida

It is possible to increase the proliferation of intellectually pathogenic bacteria to the point where the microflori balance is damaged. The name is tied to the pathology of the etching system of the firing character, weak immunity, improper intake of drugs, for example hormones, antibiotics or analgesics.

Among the intellectually pathogenic organisms, there are fungi Candida. Tsi representatives rarely appear in people. However, if the stench of boules appears in a small amount of feces, it is necessary to turn up to a doctor for the onset of candidiasis.

Fungi cause the development of gastritis and shlunks.


Pathogenic bacteria are consumed in the body of the organism. stink wick State Department of Infections intestines. Bacteria can penetrate into the body of humans through fruits or vegetables, water, or in contact with people already infected. In just one way, the infection є of the lack of a special hygien is infected.

Among those who are not safe, you can see salmonela, yaka wiklikє serioznu intestinal infection

Before ailing microorganisms, females of early infections, for example, salmonellosis, dysentery or pseudotuberculosis, are reported. Deyakі bakterії often see medical workers... Before them, the synogniina stick and golden staphylococcus are introduced.

See cinnamon bacteria in your intestines

Thousands of microorganisms are constantly found in the intestines of humans. From bacteria it is abundant in what to lay, if it will be thin, if we will be thin, if it will be depressed, if it is life-saving, and also some of its organisms will appear stiff to the point of becoming ill. Prior to the main representatives of the intestinal microflora, they are responsible for the cinnamon functions, they are considered to be strict (in the name of regional) anaerobias. I will call it that, like "suvor", the stench was taken away because of the healthiness of life and the proliferation of only when there is a day in the middle of the day. Cei is an element of teeth for them. The intestines of a whole healthy people have anaerobic microorganisms in the larger world, and aerobes - not more than 10%. They include intestinal palichka, enterococci with staphylococci, and also other fungi and lactose-negative enterobacteria.

Gram-positive anaerobic microorganisms:

  • Bifidobacteria. To be introduced to the main microflora in a healthy body in the presence of all human life. Х over the zmist of the other microorganisms. Bifidobacteria seize the shells of the slunk from the pathological inflow, they consume the organisms, as well as the transfer of penetration into the other from the slunk-intestinal tract. This function is especially relevant for new-born children and children up to rock. Bacteria are viral and lactic acid. This supplement helps to assimilate calcium, as well as calciferol (Vitamin D) with salt. In addition, the stench may smell stimulating infusion on the functions and the participants in the process of forming both amino acids, as well as rich vitamins. The stench does not poddajutsya injected such anti-microbial zasobiv, such as Penicilin or Streptomycin.

Bifidobacteria give a friendly way to immunity
  • Lactobacillus. A chain of stick-like microorganisms. You can see it in any kind of etching system, and in new people, the stench will appear even through a few days after you appear on the light. All bacteria exhibit antibacterial activity in the treatment of suppurative and rotten microbes. Vyavlyayut strength to actions of antibiotics. In vegetarians, the number of lactobacilli in the organs of the intestinal tract is normal.
  • Eubacteria. The microorganisms may be in the intermediate form (the stench is not kulasty, ale or not kulasty). To reach often їkh appear at the nemovlyat-on piece-by-piece vigoduvannі, while at children, who eat breast milk, eubakterіі grow up іdko. The majority of such microorganisms are saccharolytic, depending on the quality of the enzyme in carbohydrates. Okremі z eubakterіy zdatnі synthesize vitamins and amino acids, deplete cellulose, or become participants in the exchange of steroid hormones and cholesterol.
  • Peptostreptococcus. Non-spore-forming bacteria have a spherical shape. For change, call up vicarist vії. At nemovlyat, scho gnawing mother's milk, vyavlyayutsya rіkko, ale at a piece vigodovuvannі is practically dependent. Give microorganisms to grow in number, up to antibacterial drugs, Крім beta-lactamic antibiotics, may increase the stability. Live not only in the intestines. Oskilki cy bacteria mentally pathogenic, then in case of immunodepression or injuries - by septic diseases.

Even more importantly, the intestinal tract is balanced with small bacteria.

Gram-negative bacterium-anaerobi:

  • Bacteroid. At the sound of it, the stench may not only smell, but ale and form, they call it polymorphic. Newborns have a life through the day. Microorganisms - the participants of etching, splitting gum acids.
  • Fusobacterii. Tse polymorphic sticks. To live in the intestines and the respiratory tract of the grown-up people. In the yield of the main metabolite, it produces butyric acid, and that of the supplemental metabolite - otstevoy.
  • Veilonelli. Tse coccoid nerve bacterium. Sense of living - the processing of lactic acid into carbon dioxide gas, ocetic acid and other metabolites.

Unimportant to those who are Veilonelli є the warehouse part of the normal middle class, those who see the microorganism can become the originators of the infections.

Some of the representatives of normal microflora can change periodically. However, the tsi kolyvannya value depends on the guilt in the norm. One of the most important criteria is that there are enough bacteria for the organism.

V to a good business in people, the norm will be growth of bacteria in microflora

The main number of bifidobacteria is found in the intestine and the base of the parietal and luminal microflora. The substitute for microorganism (such as those bacteria) is found in colonies of food-producing units, either in a fast KUO, which can be found in one gram instead of the intestine or feces (when looking at the analysis of feces). Tsey indicator of reach value 400 milioniv. At the same time, there are singing changes in gradation. For children up to one rock, the number of bifidobacteria is not guilty of changing the value of ten in the eleventh step. Protect the indicator change. For older people, it falls to the tenth step, and for people who are kidnapped, it goes down to the ninth grade.

The norm of lactobacilli is 10⁷ for single-born children and 10⁸ - for older children. Such a bacterium, like a veilonelli, may not have been expected, that її kіlksniy instead can go from zero to a value of 10⁸. For the skin microorganism, there is a norm. In a mature and healthy people, there are a lot of fusobacteria in the middle of dozens of millions to millions of KUO.

At the end of the video you can tell about those, how to update the microflori balance:

Yak can convert intestinal microflora

For the diagnosis of microfloria in humans (it is normal for them), it is necessary to create an analysis of feces, for which dysbacteriosis appears. There is a special technique for sensitization, which allows you to accurately establish, as a number of quiet microbes that inhabit the intestines.

Patients with intestinal polyposis in feces show changes in the place of eubacteria.

Iaksho microflora appears destroyed in small intestine It can also cause bloating and flatulence. To determine if the intestine is normal, a dyshal test will help, in the course of which there is an increase in the concentration of water. It’s possible to see, as anaerobic bacteria evolve overwhelming activity.

In the case of manifestations, there is a sign that a smear is taken from the rectum. With a stretch of decilcoh dib you wander on the living middle, for which you can see it under a microscope to reveal the sight of a pathogenic microbe, which provoke a disease.

Privit, my name is Vasil. The axis has already been helping people with intestinal problems for 7 years, and I have been working in the first private clinic in Brno. I will receive a radium on your power supply from the drive statty in the comments, and you can ask our likers at the end of the day.

Normal microflora(Eubioz)- the most effective way to improve the development of microorganisms in the surrounding organs and systems, which is biochemical, metabolic and immune to the development of macroorganism, people need to be healthy.

The herbal tract of people and creatures of "settlement" by microorganisms. In some parts of the tract, in the norm, there is a little bit of smell, because the stench is even more widespread, in some of them it is even more abundant. Macroorganism and microorganism store a single dynamic ecological system. Dinamіchnіst endoekologіchnogo mіkrobnogo bіotsenozu herbal path viznachaєtsya kіlkіstyu vstupnikіv at Demba mіkroorganіzmіv (y Lyudin for Dobou orally nadhodit blizko 1 Bln. Mіkrobіv) іntensivnіstyu їh rozmnozhennya i zagibelі in herbal traktі i vivedennya of Demba mіkrobіv in skladі feces (y Lyudin in normі vidіlyaєtsya for Dobou 10x12-10x14 microorganisms).

Normal microflora in the warehouse of biofuel on the mucous membrane of the intestine:
bar'ernu function- neutralization of other toxins and allergens;
enzymatic function- viroblenya of significant quantities of herbal enzymes і, persh for everything, lactase;
impairment of normal motor skills shlunkovo-intestinal tract;
participation in the exchange of speech;
participation in immune reactions to the body, Stimulation of natural mechanisms and competition with pathogenic and mentally pathogenic microorganisms.

Colonization of the intestine with bacterial flora... In the period of intrauterine development, the intestinal tract is sterile to the fetus. At the moment of population, there is a rapid colonization of the intestines of the child with bacteria, so that they enter the warehouse of the intestinal and vaginal flora of the mother. As a result, a foldable alcohol production of microorganisms is established, and it is stored with bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, enterobacteria, clostridium and gram-positive cocks. The microflori warehouse is ready for change as a result of the influx of factors in the midst of the day. E. coli bacteria and streptococci can appear in the intestinal tract after a few years of age. The main factors for the formation of microbiocenosis before the first hour are: genetic, microflora of mother, microflora of medical personnel, hospital microflora, medications. Pislya folk may be important factors: breast milk warehouse, warehouse of piece sums, pro and pre-biotics. Children, the people of the cesarean way rostinu, meanly lower instead of lactobacilli, lower children, who have become a natural way. Only in small children, who are drinking on natural vigodovanny (breast milk), in the intestinal microflora, bifidobacteria are fermented, with which to tie a smaller risk to the development of intestinal infections. With a piece of vigodovvanna, a child does not form a re-cultivation of any group of microorganisms. The warehouse of the intestinal flora of a child was born of 2 rocks, it is practically not possible to look like an older one: more than 400 species of bacteria, moreover, a large number of bacteria are anaerobics, cultivation is rotten. The weight of all bacteria in the intestinal tract should become approximately 1.5-2 kg, but approximately 1014 cells (one hundred billion) cells of microorganisms. Tse number ten times the number of vlastnykh clitin to the organism-ruler, tobto - human.

All intestinal microflora grows on:
obligate - the head of an indigenic microorganism (before the її warehouse includes bifidobacteria and bacteria), which store 90% of the number of microorganisms;
optional - saprophytic and mentally pathogenic microflora (lactobacillus, esherikh, enterococci), which becomes 10% of the number of microorganisms;
zalishkov (including transient) - types of microorganisms (citrobacter, enterobacter, protea, other bacteria, clostridia, staphylococcus, aerobic bacilli and in.)

Have intestinal microflora development:
mucous (M) flora- mucosal mіkroflora vzaєmodіє Zi mucous Ilya Obolonkov shlunkovo-kishkovogo path, utvoryuyuchi microbial-tkaninnoї complex - mіkrokolonії bakterіy i їh metabolіti, epіtelіalnі klіtini, mucin kelihopodіbnihklіtin, fіbroblasti, іmunnі klіtini Peyer blyashok, phagocytes, white blood cells, lіmfotsiti, neyroendokrinnі klіtini;
enlightened (P) flora- luminal microflora perebuvati in the lumen of the shlunkovo-intestinal tract, not in conjunction with the mucous membrane. Substrate for її livingness є Non-etched grubs fibers, on which won and іsuua.

Before new infusions, the mucous microflora is larger than the luminal microflora. Spіvіdnoshennya mіzh mucous and lumen microflora dynamіchnі, and visas start with many factors:
endogenous factor- injecting the mucous membrane of the herbal canal, its secrets, motility and microorganisms themselves;
exogenous factor- injecting without prior and intermediate through endogenous officials, for example, taking into account the secretory and motor power of the herbal tract, which transforms its microflora.

Quite a few inflows into the microflora are more functional than the herbal system. The peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract will preserve the transport of microorganisms in the chemical storehouse in the distal right direction, which has a grave role in the development of the proxy-modal gradient of the intestinal colonization by microorganisms. Intestinal dyskinesia changes.

Skin from the tract of the herbal tract is characteristic for a new number of microorganisms... The number in the empty company, unaffected by the bactericidal power of the sludge, is large (10x7-10x8 cells per 1 ml of the mouth line). In the place of the slunk of healthy people, the heart of the bactericidal power of the slunk juice is often sterile, it is not easy to appear and the number of microorganisms (up to 10х3 per 1 ml in place) is often produced. Approximately the same number of in twelve-fingeredі cob part of the small intestine... At vmіstі club gut microorganisms appear regularly; In the intestine, the number of bacteria is maximum, and 1 g of feces is healthy for people to waste 10 billion and more microorganisms.

In healthy individuals, there are about 500 species of small microorganisms in the intestines, most of which are stored by representatives of the so-called oblast microorganisms - bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, non-pathogenic intestines. 92-95% of intestinal microflora is stored in regional anaerobes.

Behind the ileocecal valve(Bauhinieva zalіnkoyu) it is not only the number that changes rapidly, but the quality of the microflori. Bauhinieva shutter, which plays the role of a valve, as well as a greater grip in front of the shutter, below it, to ensure the proper microorganisms with the help of the intestines in a thinner. Tovsta gut is a free microecological zone. In them, the lumenal (empty) microflora is represented by bacterioids, bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, veilonelli, clostridia, peptostreptococci, peptococci, enterobacteria, aerobic bacilli, dyfterocymias, steferocymias; to handle bacteria, bifidobacteria, lactobacilli. The mucous microflora of the mucous membrane of the intestine grows as the microflora of the empty intestine, in the mucous microflora the greatest number of bifido- and lactobacilli. The initial number of mucous forms of the mucous membrane of the intestine becomes 10x6 in humans, from the proportion of anaerobes to 10: 1 aerobes.

In such a rank, in conjunction with the different minds of healthy people in the warehouse of normal microfloria in the intestines, they pick up (96-98%) anaerobic bacteria:
bacteroids (especially Bacteroides fragilis),
anaerobic lactic acid bacteria (for example, Bifidumbacterium),
Clostridium (Clostridium perfringens),
anaerobic streptococcus,

I only 14% microorganisms are stored in aerobic and optional anaerobic microorganisms:
gram-negative coliform bacteria (in front of the intestinal stick - E. Coli),
in a small number:
mushrooms of the genus Candida,
okremi vidi spirochetes, mycobacteria, mycoplasma, the most common and viruses.