Combinations of antihypertensive drug Charter ® (Hartil ®) Charter 2 5

Additional components: sodium stearyl fumarate, starch pregelatinized 1500, zhovtium oxide, sodium hydrocarbonate, lactose monohydrate sodium hydroscarmellose. Krym, 5 mg tablets may be stored in their warehouse with chervonium oxide.

Vipusku form

Daniy is used to drink pills, intended for oral implantation. The skin blister has 7 tablets.

Pharmacological diya

antihypertensive leaks.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The main part of the drug is injected into APF It is like a circulating blood and is found in tissues. Daniy zasib brought diyu APF , For some reason hypotensive effect without compensatory adjustment Heart rate , Change rіvnі angiotensin II and also increase the activity in the plasma.

ramipril also lower it OPSS and a grip in the Legendary capillaries, increasing tolerance until the end of the day and heart wikid.

With a trivial course, the drug should be produced to a rapid development myocardial hypertrophy in times arterial hypertension ... Win also lower ymovirnist appear when reperfusion of myocardium , Zavazhaє rospadu bradykinin , Activizu bloodstorming ischemic myocardium , I will paint the solution of nitrogen oxide in endotels ... With the gostrom daniy zasib pereshkodzhaє repeated infarct і development, coloring life indicators.

Charter nada cardioprotective і angioprotective diyu, activating the processes of detecting on the walls of the blood clots and plaque cholesterol, fibrinogen , change aggregation .

Diya lіkіv to be repaired in 60-120 hilin pіslya oral zasosuvannya. The maximum concentration is slowed down after 4-5 years and is lost with a stretch of finish. In such a rank, with a regular intake of the visoka, the concentration of active speech is gradually adopted. At the same time at the children heart failure and problems in robotic ovens zmist ramipril in blood.

The effectiveness of the drug does not lie in the form. Win good absorb from the shlunkovo-intestinal tract. I don’t need bioavailability With a liquid in it, you can more hopefully keep your active speech moistened. bioavailability - close to 50%.

Likki metabolize in ovens. Vivoditsya with a cross-section of that feces at the viglyadі metabolites and in an unassuming viglyad.

Shown to sucking

Shown to sucking given in vain offensive:

  • arterial hypertension ;
  • diabetic nephropathy ;
  • chronic diffuse ailments nirok;
  • the need to change the risik appear, " coronary death »People have ІХС ;
  • heart failure pislya gostry myocardial infarction with stable hemodynamics ;
  • chronic heart failure ;
  • the need to change the risk of the diagnosis in people with ІХС .

at arterial hypertension so can you zastosovuvati Charter Amlo Before the transition to the cycle, I was monitored by one-hour implantation ramipril and in quiet doses as in the preparation.


Daniy zasib cannot be zastosovuvati when:

  • hypersensitivity to the warehouse;
  • nirkova lack ;
  • transplantation of nirka;
  • abnormal electrolyte balance blood;
  • primary hyperaldosteronism ;
  • v anamnesis through vikorystannya іngіbіtorіv APF ;
  • a decrease in the function of blood formation in the cystic marrow;
  • stenosis of the nirkovy arteries ;
  • serious damage to the robot;
  • for a child up to 15 years.

With the protection of the charter, you can take people from, as well as children in the summer.

Pobichna diya

The side reactions when the given is implanted can be attacked:

  • CCC - orthostatic , Reduced arterial grip ,. With an overwhelming decrease in the arterial grip, it can appear myocardium ;
  • CNS - weakness, nervousness, muscle spasm, snakes in the mood;
  • herbal system - nudota, more views v epigastric dilyantsi , Sprague, stomatitis , Bluvota, dryness in the mouth, dullness of appetite, hypersensitivity, or burning of the mucous membrane of the cheek;
  • - visip, photosensitivity , ;
  • sextate system - the turnover of symptoms, decrease in the amount of sech, nirkova lack ;
  • organi chuttya - destructive scent, dawning of those other organs of the senses, noise in the vuhah, vestibular destructiveness;
  • dichny system - "dry" cough, bronchospasm , rhinorrhea , sinusitis ;
  • organ blood-forming - anemia , thrombocytopenia , neutropenia , pancytopenia , Change of quantity, leukocytopenia , Decrease instead of concentration i, hemolytic anemia , Bringing the cystic marrow;
  • laboratory indicators - hypercreatininemia , hyperkalієmіya , Increased activity of "pechinkovyh" transaminase , hyperbylirubinemia, Addition of sečovina nitrogen, hyponatrієmіya ;
  • іnshі - sudomi, hyperthermia , Pidvischene potovidlennya.

In small cases, it is also possible: hepatitis , Problems in robotic ovens liver failure , cholestatic , arthralgia , bagatoform erithema , pemphigus , onycholysis , eosinophilia , exfoliate dermatitis , Lyell's syndrome , serositis , vasculitis , mіalgіya , zbіlshennya antinuclear factor titer .

Instructions on the storage of Khartil (Method and addition)

For those quiet, who have been assigned the pills, the charters, instructions from the storage of the information about those who have not been taken for granted. Bazhano to drink with a deyakoi kilkistyu vodi, with a whole kovtati slid, not rozzhoyuchi. An hour of therapy and dosage are selected for a skin patient individually by a Fakhivite.

As a rule, in the presence of diagnoses, the onset of the scheme is recognized:

  • lack of heart - Dose on the cob to the course, as a rule, 1.25 mg once a day;
  • arterial hypertension - take a dose of 2.5 mg once a day, then it is possible to step by step increase the skin 2-3 times, spostering after the camp of the sick person, until the required therapeutic effect is reached. The usual dose is 2.5-5 mg / dose. If you need more than 5 mg, add more to the course Hartil іnshim antihypertensive likami, so yak you can develop nebazhanі side reactions... Daniy lykarskyy calcium channel blockers abo sechoginnyi ;
  • heart failure pislya state of the art myocardial infarction - take 1.25-2.5 mg 2 times throughout the day, then you can move, if necessary, up to 5 mg 2 times and pull it out. The course is more beautiful to fix not earlier than on another day of writing state of the art myocardial infarction ;
  • need for prophylaxis myocardial infarction і insult - to take a dose of 2.5 mg by pulling it out, then through a period it is possible to recover twice, and after 3 times it can be brought up to 10 mg;
  • diabetic і non-diabetic nephropathy - take at 1.25 mg / dose, then it is possible to get 2-3 skin conditions until the required therapeutic effect is reached. Ale not bazhano accept more than 5 mg / dobu;
  • the need for prophylaxis of damage to blood circulation - an additional dose of 10 mg per day.

Instructions for the administration of Khartil will be ordered, but in case of any diagnosis, the maximum denna dose is innocent but more than 10 mg. Ale in times nirkova lack maximum dose- 5 mg, and for people with important damaged robots - 2.5 mg.

When received from diuretics cob dose in a large amount of 1.25 mg, so as the need for ramipril lower.


With the implantation of the drug in adjusted doses, you can: gostra nirkova lack of , Significance of lowering the arterial grip, bradycardia , Damage to the water-electrolyte balance, shock stun.

In case of easy overdosing, it is necessary to wash the slurry, as well as the intake of sodium sulphate and adsorbents .

In case of implantation of licks in the dose, which is significantly changing the norm, it is necessary to control and monitor vital functions of the body in the minds of intensive therapy. In case of a significant decrease in arterial vise, it is necessary to enter catecholamines і angiotensin II ... The patient is guilty of lying on the spine with the training camp nig. The introduction of rіdiny and sodium can be added.


diuretics , And also how to adjust the central nervous system, i hypotensive drugs move antihypertensive effect Hartil.

hypotensive dіyu given how to change when given a non-steroidal with prototypes, zasobas, which may be in the warehouse estrogen , Refinery і kitchen sіllu. As soon as possible, the necessary control over the patient's camp from the side of the fakhivtsya is necessary.

With the implantation of liquids, you will increase the amount of calories in the blood, as well as milk spilly with Khartil, you will get more hyperkalemia ... And in the time of the given day mієlosuppressive drugs promote development neutropenia і agranulocytosis , May be fatal.

In addition, the Charter for blood glucose instead of lithium in the blood in case of alcoholic implantation from lithiasis and changes in the level of glucose in the blood in case of hypocritical zasob.

When zasosuvanny tsikh lіkіv z alopurinol , procainamid , immunosuppressants і cytostatics come on leukopenia ... At the same time with ethyl alcohol ramipril pіdvischu yogo galvіvnu dіyu on the central nervous system.

Mind the sale

The drug is available in pharmacies only for the prescription of Fakhivtsya.

Umovi zberigannya

The charter is required to trim at room temperature in a dry place.

Term of attachment

Two rocks from the date of the release.

analogues to Hartil

Zbigi for the ATC code of the 4th rivnya:

Analogues of Khartil in pharmacies can be found as follows:

  • Ampril ;
  • Angiram ;
  • Euroramіprіl 10 ;
  • Euroramіprіl 5 ;
  • Ramag ;
  • Rami SANDOZ ;
  • Ramigeksal ;
  • Ramizes ;
  • Rammed ;
  • Ramira ;

All the stench may seem like a gift. The price of analogs is based on the fallowness of the virobnik and the form of the release of the preparation. As a rule, the third part of the trocha is lower than the analogous one in terms of dosage and form in the release of Khartil. Dear kostu tilki Ampril , Scho held in Slovenia.

Instructions for storing:

Charter to lay down to the group of Ingibitoriv APF.

Pharmacological diya Khartilu

For rakhunok to enter the warehouse of active components of the Charter with cardioprotective and hypotensive actions.

Vipusku form

The charter is issued in the form of tablets with a separate instead of the active official component - ramipril. Use three different types of tablets: 2.5 mg each (tablet size), 5 mg (orange-horny color) and 10 mg ( biliy kolir). In general, the tablets are similar and have an oval shape with a risk, chamfer and engravings "R2", "R3" and "R4" are obvious.

Shown to be sucked by Hartila

From the instructions to Khartil, the drug is taken as a preparation lykarsky zasobu with the offensive types of zahvoryuvan:

  • with arterial hypertension;
  • with chronic heart failure;
  • in case of heart failure, as a result of suffering from myocardial infarction in patients with stable hemodynamics;
  • with diabetic nephropathy, chronic diffuse illnesses of nirok.

Medical advice about Hartile recommend the drug yak zasib, which allows to reduce the risk of development of myocardial infarction, "coronary death" or insult in patients with coronary heart disease, including those who underwent aorticardial disease.


  • angioedema in the anamnesis, including dressings with the previous therapy with ACE angibitors;
  • temporal sensitivity to the components in the warehouse of the drug, including - to ramipril;
  • stenosis of the artery of the single nirka, significant from the point of view of hemodynamics; bilateral stenosis of the nirkovy arteries;
  • unstable hemodynamics і / abo arterial hypotension;
  • be it a trimester of vaginosti, as well as the period of breastfeeding;
  • hyperaldosteronism pervinny;
  • nirkova lack.

Instructions for storing Khartil

From the instruction to Khartil, the drug is taken orally. Binding up to one o'clock is not clear. The tablets are not rozzhovuvati, it is necessary to drink a bottle of not less than 200 ml. Dose Hartil for a skin ailment should be taken individually as a doctor, at the same time it is recommended to take a dose of a person, as to lie down for a particular ailment.

In case of arterial hypertension, fix it with a one-time intake of 2.5 mg Hartil for doba. If necessary, increase the dose of the skin 2-3 times, under the same conditions. When the maximum dosage is not guilty of butti vishche 10 mg of liquor in doba.

With heart failure in chronic form it is recommended to start using Hartil at 1.25 mg daily. The dose can be podvoyuvati skin 2-3 times. The maximum is also 10 mg per doba.

When suffering from myocardial infarction, it is recommended that Khartil be repaired in a few days (from 2 to 9) for the disease stage. Pochatkova dozuvannya to lay down from the patient's age for an hour, before passing through the moment of the state of the phase, as a rule, take 2 tablets of 2.5 mg two per dob (or an equivalent dose of 1.25 mg tablets). If necessary, a dose can be added. The maximum allowable dose is 10 mg.

In case of nephropathies (diabetic and non-diabetic) instructions, before Khartil, you will be instructed to take 1.25 mg of liquids once per dose. The dose can be adjusted, the skin is 2-3 toned. It is also recommended to take no more than 5 mg of liquor.

In case of prophylactic insult, myocardial infarction, or a lethal result from heart-and-vascular lesions, the dose of Hartil should be 2.5 mg. If the drug is tolerated, the dose can be increased twice through the length of time taken, after three days it can be increased twice. The maximum for doba is 10 mg.

Pobichni dii Khartilu

Medical advice about the Charter side effects... Їх list to complete the great and detailed vyvchennya. It is recommended to get acquainted with the most extended side events before the ear to receive:

  • orthostatic potency, reduction of arterial grip. In childbirths - arrhythmia, impaired blood circulation of organs, ischemia of the myocardium and brain;
  • making it stronger for proteinurii, nirkova deficiencies, decreasing libido, decreasing the volume of slaughter;
  • weakness, head bill, Drowsiness, nervousness, tremors, disordered mood, anxiety, muscle spasm;
  • damage to sleep (scent, hearing, relish, dawn) and vestibular damage;
  • decreased appetite, nudota, constipation / diarrhea, pancreatitis, dryness in mouthwash, Blues;
  • zadishka, bronchospasm, rhinorrhea, sinusitis, rhinitis, bronchitis, dry cough;
  • kropivyanka, sverbіzh, visipi on shkіrі, conjunctivitis;
  • thrombocytopenia, anemia, decreased concentration of hematocrit and hemoglobin, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, leukocytopenia, agranulocytosis, hemolytic anemia, pancytopenia;
  • sudomy, hyperthermia, alopecia, sweat;
  • hypercreatinemia, hypercreatininemia, adjustment of the level of activity of liver transaminases and the level of nitrogen of the sechovine, hyponatrium.

Vzhivannya Khartilu for an hour of vaginosti zdatne to give a reason for oneself pobichna diya on the prospect: deterioration of development and function of nirok, reduction of arterial grip of the child, hypoplasia of the legs and skull, contracture of the cranium, deformation of the skull.

Zapobizhnі come in

For an hour, the hour of storage of Khartil and analogs in the region, the necessary continuous medical control. Especially the situation of the first taken drug and the improvement of the dose is especially appreciated. Stretching for 8 years. At the moment of taking the drug, it is recommended to take bagatorazovannya arterial vise.

Before the ear, it is necessary to quickly regain hypovolemia and dehydration.

Patients with injuries of nirk vessels, impairments of nirk functions and for transplantation of nirkas will require special attention to the eye before receiving Khartil.

There are not enough tributes for the reception of Khartil by children and children every hour of the day.

In case of a decrease in the arterial clutch for the patients who accept the charter, it is recommended to change the form of activity, as to increase the concentration of respect.

analogues to Hartil

To analogs of the drug, such likarski should be used:

  • Vasolong;
  • Amprilan;
  • Corporate;
  • Dilaprel;
  • Piramit;
  • Ramikardia;
  • Ramigamma;
  • ramipril;
  • Tritace.

Umovi zberigannya

Pharmacological activity - hypotensive, vascular-expanding, venodilating. Inside, it is cured, not roasted, sealed with a sufficient amount of water (0.5 flasks) of water, until, before an hour or so. Dose rozrahovuєtsya fallen asleep as a therapeutic effect and tolerance to the drug we are ailing in a specific skin type.

Antihypertensive drug, angibitor ACE. As a result of the suppressed activity of ACE (not directly related to the activity of renin plasmas), a hypotensive effect develops (in the position of a sick person lying down and standing) without a compensatory increase in the frequency of heart rates. The suppression of ACE activity decreases the level of angiotensin II, which, in its turn, decreases the secretion of aldosterone. As a result of a decrease in the concentration of angiotensin II, for the reduction of a negative vocal sound, an increase in the activity of renin plasmas is observed. Ramipril is for ACE, which circulates in the blood and is found in tissues, incl. the court of judgment. Zmenshuє OPSS (postnavantazhennya), a vice in the legendary capilars (perednavantazhennya); Advancing the heart's wikid and increasing tolerance until the new option. In case of trivial stasis, ramipril sprites the development of myocardial hypertrophy in ailments with arterial hypertension. Ramipril changes the frequency of arrhythmia development during myocardial reperfusion; I will paint the blood circulation of the ischemic myocardium. Ramipril pereshkojaє rozpadu bradikininu and stimulates the adoption of nitrogen oxide (NO) in the endothelium. The antihypertensive effect is repaired in 1-2 years or after the drug is taken in the middle, the maximum effect develops in 3-6 years and takes 24 years. In case of a genital antihypertensive effect, it will be possible to take 3-4 problems and to be able to survive in case of a trivial alcoholism (1-2 rock). Antihypertensive efficacy does not lie in the status of the patient. In patients with gostrim myocardial infarction, I will border the zone of expanded necrosis, I will shorten the prognosis of life; decrease in mortality in early and long-term period of myocardial infarction, frequency of recurrent infarction; a decrease in the frequency of manifestations of heart failure, confidence in progress. With trivial priyomy (not less than 6 m / s), the reduction of the legs of legacy hypertension in patients with birth and swollen heart. Ramipril reduces the grip in the portal vein in case of portal hypertension; galmu microalbuminuria (in cob stages) I loss of normal function in patients with severe diabetic nephropathy. In case of non-diabetic nephropathy, it is superfluous to have a protein (more than 3 g / add) and a lack of thermic deficiency;

- arterial hypertension; - chronic heart failure; - chronic heart deficiency of a heart attack of myocardium in ailments with stable hemodynamics; - diabetic nephropathy and chronic diffuse nephropathy (non-diabetic nephropathy); - a decrease in the risk of development of myocardial infarction, insult and coronary death in patients with high heart disease with ІХС, including patients, who underwent coronary artery disease, transdermal coronary artery disease

The tablets should be taken in all the middle, cobbled together, not roasted, washed down with a great amount of ridini (about 1 bottle). The tablets can be taken immediately every hour. Tablets can be dispensed into navpil, lamayuchi on risik. The dose is set individually according to the level of therapeutic effect and tolerance. at arterial hypertension it is recommended to set the cob dose to be 2.5 mg 1 time / day. As a result of the therapeutic effect, the dose can be increased by adding a dose of 2-3 skin tissue. The dosage should be adjusted to 2.5-5 mg / day. The maximum dose is 10 mg. at chronic heart failure the recommended pochatkova dose becomes 1.25 mg 1 time / day. As a result of the therapeutic effect, the dose can be increased by adding a dose of 2-3 skin cells. If it is necessary to take the drug in a dose of more than 2.5 mg, the dose can be taken at once or divided into 2 doses. The maximum dose is 10 mg. for treatment of myocardial infarction When taking the drug, it is recommended to fix it for 3-10 days for a state of myocardial infarction. For Pochatkov, the recommended dose in the presence of a sick person for an hour, when he goes through a severe myocardial infarction, is 2.5 mg 2 times / dob. As a therapeutic effect, the cob dose can be added up to 5 mg 2 times / dob. The maximum dobov dose is 10 mg. In case of intolerance to the drug, reduce the dose. at non-diabetic or diabetic nephropathy the cob dose is recommended - 1.25 mg once a day. As a result of the therapeutic effect, the dose can be increased by adding a dose of 2-3 skin tissue. If it is necessary to take more than 2.5 mg of the drug, the dose can be taken at once or divided into 2 doses. The maximum dobov dose is recommended - 5 mg. Prevention of myocardial infarction, insult or death from heart-vascular lesions: the cob dose is recommended - 2.5 mg 1 time / day. Depends on the tolerance of the drug, after 1 day the taken dose should be adjusted in proportion to the cob. The qiu dose should be ready for the next 3 months. The recommended dose is 10 mg 1 time / day. In patients with a kidney disease, who take diuretics and / or because of heart failure, as well as in case of damage functions of the stove abo nirok the dose should be set up by the way of individual selection in the fallowness due to the reaction of the sick person to the disease. Patients with nircovy deficiency Correction is required for the dosage regimen. at in addition to the deteriorated functions of nirok (CC from 20 to 50 ml / s per bottle on 1.73 m2 of surface) the cob dose should become 1.25 mg 1 time / day. The maximum dobov dose is 5 mg. As far as CC is not taken into account, it can be calculated for the level of creatine in the blood count from the intake of Cockcroft's formula. For people: CC (ml / hv) = (140 - vik) × mass (kg) / 72 × creatine content (mg / dl) For women: The result of the calculation is multiplied by 0.85. at deterioration of the function of the stove however, there is often a risk of reductions or reductions in the effect of the drug Hartil® early stages lіkuvannya tsієї categories of patients necessary saw medical visualization. The maximum dobov dose in such drops is 2.5 mg. For patients who receive diuretic therapy, through the risk of a significant decrease in arterial pressure, the possibility of a time-dependent view can be seen, or they want to decrease the dose of diuretic therapy not less than in 2-3 days (anyway, it took longer than 2-3 days) For ailments, such as previously treated with diuretics, change the cob dose to 1.25 mg.

Three sides heart-vascular system: reduction of arterial vise, orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia; Ridko - arrhythmia, strengthening of blood circulation of organs, vicious to the sound of blood-bearing vessels. With an overwhelming decrease in the arterial clutch, mainly in patients with cerebral ailments and clinically significant cerebral ulcers, myocardial ischemia (angina pectoris and cerebral infarction) On the side of the secular system: development of abortiveness of nirkovo deficiency, improvement of acute proteinurii, change in volume of sech (on the cob to a given preparation). On the side of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system: zapamorochennya, headache, weakness, drowsiness, paresthesia, nervous anxiety, unconsciousness, tremor, muscle spasm, disordered mood, sudomi; at high doses - sleeplessness, anxiety, depression, confusion, obscurity. Chuttya on the side of the organs: vestibular damage, loss of relish (for example, metal scent), scent, hearing and sound, noise in the air. On the side of the herbal system: nudity, bloating, diarrhea or constipation, bile in epigastric dileants, dryness in mouth, spraga, decreased appetite, stomatitis, sensitiveness, or fired mucous membrane of the scalp, pancreatitis; Ridko - hepatitis, cholestatic zhovtyanitsya, deterioration of the function of the liver with the development of the guest's deficiency. Three sides mental systems: dry cough, bronchospasm (in patients with advanced sleepiness of the cough reflex), sluggishness, rhinorrhea, rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchitis. On the side of the blood-forming organs: anemia, decreased concentration of hemoglobin and hematocrit, thrombocytopenia, leukocytopenia, neutropenia, agranulocytosis, pancytopenia, hemolytic anemia, decreased number of erythrocytes, decreased Allergic reactions: shkіrny visip, sverbіzh, cropping, conjunctivitis, photosensitivity; Ridko - angioneurotic swelling of the face, lips, tongue, pharynx, abdominal larynx, exfoliative dermatitis, multiforme exudative erythema (including Stevens-Johnson syndrome), toxic epidermal necrolithiasis (syndrome) , vasculitis, myositis, malgia, arthralgia, arthritis, eosinophilia. On the side of laboratory indicators: hypercreatininemia, an increase in the level of nitrogen in the field, an increase in the activity of liver transaminases, hyperbylirubinemia, hypercalinumia, hyponatriamia; vkrai rydko - subtitle of antinuclear factor. Інші: decrease in libido, alopecia, hyperthermia, perspiration.

- history of angioedema, incl. dressings with anterior therapy with ACE inhibitors; - hemodynamically significant bilateral stenosis of the nirkovy arteries or stenosis of the artery of the single nirka; - arterial hypotension or unstable hemodynamics; - availability; - period of lactation ( breast year bath); - primary hyperaldosteronism; - nirkova lack (QC<20 мл/мин); — повышенная чувствительность к рамиприлу и другим компонентам препарата. С protection zastosovuyut at gemodinamіchno significant aortic abo mіtralnomu stenozі (rizik nadmіrnogo znizhennya arterіalnogo vise of away torn down funktsії nirok) vazhkoї pervinnoї zloyakіsnoї arterіalnoї gіpertenzії, vazhkih urazhennyah coronary i cerebral arterіy (nebezpeka znizhennya bloodstream at nadmіrnomu znizhennі arterіalnogo vise) nestabіlnoї stenokardії, vazhkih shlunochkovih torn down rhythm; thermal stage of chronic heart failure; decompensated legacy heart; in case of ailments, which are indicated by GCS and immunodepressants (visibility of clinical information) - incl. in case of systemic incapacitation of the resulting tissue, important nirkovy and / or abdominal deficiencies, hyperkaliyemia, hyponatriyemia (including on the smallest amount of diuretics and children with intercourse living); in case of cob and abnormal manifestations of deficiency of birth and electrolysis, stuns, which are supervised by decreased BCC (including diarrhea, blues); reddish diabetes; implicated cystocytic hematopoiesis; stanі for nirka transplantation; for children of the kidnapped age, for children and for children up to 18 years of age (efficiency and safety has not been established). If there is a lack of intercourse, there is no reason to stop ramiprilu in ailments who are overworked on dialogue.

symptoms: in the case of a decrease in the arterial grip, bradycardia, shock, a deterioration of the water-electrolyte balance, and a lack of gosstra nirkov. lykuvannya: in times of easy overdosing - slurry washing, the introduction of adsorbents and sodium sulfate (bazhano with a stretch of 30 minutes per day). In case of overdose: control and reception of vital functions in the minds of ВІТ; with a decrease in AT - the introduction of catecholamines and angiotensin II. A sickly slid on the back with raised lower legs, introduce additional amounts of ridin and sodium. Inadvertently, to accelerate the delivery of ramipril for forcing duresis, hemofiltration and correction of the pH of the section. The process of success when looking at the possibility of hemodialysis and hemophiltraction.

Before an hour of taking the drug Hartil®, regular medical monitoring is required. Taking the first dose, as well as with an increase in the dose of a diuretic and / or Hartila, is known to be ill for 8 years before the visual of a drug, so that the development of an uncontrolled hypotensive reaction is not possible; recommended bagatorazov vimіryuvannya arterial vise. If possible, the rate of dehydration, hypovolemia, a decrease in the number of erythrocytes to the ear of the drug is used. As long as the damage is important, if you take the ramipril, you don't need to fix it, but it’s going on until it’s taken, that it’s overwhelming it’s overwhelming the arterial grip and the failure of the function of nirok. A retreating visualization is necessary for the lesions of nyrkovy vessels (for example, clinically insignificant stenosis of the nyrkovo artery, hemodynamically significant stenosis of the artery of the single nyrka), impaired function of the arteries of nyrocuts, with The deterioration of the function of nirok can be caused by the increase in the level of blood and blood creatine, especially if the patient receives diuretics. By reducing the synthesis of angiotensin II and the secretion of aldosterone in the blood, it is possible to reduce the level of sodium and increase the level of calories. Hypercalculation is often developed in case of impaired function of nirok (for example, with diabetic nephropathy), for example, in case of one-hour reception with kalizberigayuchimidiuretics. At the time of the overwhelming decrease in the arterial grip of the ailing layer of the laying, to lift the legs; you can also know the introduction of the day and come in. Blood changes in children with a deteriorated function of nirok and supportive tissue (for example, VKV and scleroderma), as well as in times of stagnation of blood-creating systems, Rivn sodium in syrovatz blood has also been regularly monitored in sick people who take diuretics one hour with the drug Hartil®. Also, you should also regularly invert the number of leukocytes in the blood to detect the development of leukopenia. Control is blamed, but more often on the cob of therapy and in patients, who have to lie down to any group of risk. Є Regarding the threatening life of anaphylactic reactions, sometimes going into shock, in patients on hemodialysis due to the stagnation of membranes with high hydraulic penetration (for example, with polyacrylonitrile) Anaphylactic reactions were also seen in patients who had a low lipoprotein apheresis due to dextran sulfate. With desensitizing therapy, it is carried out to reduce the allergic reaction to the bite of the coma (for example, bdzhil and os), before the time of the reception of the ACE reaction, it is important to prevent the life of the anaphylactic reaction We cannot give an ailment to this ACE ingibitoria as we receive therapy. With a lack of lactase, galactosemia or a syndrome of impaired absorption of glucose / lactose, it is necessary to remove the skin pill to the drug Hartil® to compensate for the onset of lactose: 5 mg tablets - 96.47 mg, 10 mg tablets - 193.2 mg. Vikoristannya in pediatrics Dosvid zasosuvannya ramiprilu in children with nirk lack of a difficult step (CC<20 мл/мин/1.73 м2 поверхности тела) и во время диализа - ограничен. Inflow to the building of keruvati by transport means and mechanisms On the cob, the decrease in AT can be inserted into the building up to the concentration of respect. For all patients, it is recommended that the patients take care of the carriage by motor transport and take up potentially unsafe types of activity, so that they require an increased concentration of respect and quick reactions. Nadal steps are used individually for the skin patient.

With a one-hour consumption of Khartila with alopurinol, corticosteroids, procainamides, cytostatics and other words, when blood changes occur, rhizic ruptures move from the side of the system and hematopoiesis. With a one-hour intake of Khartila with hypoglycemic drugs (insulin or abnormal sulfonylsecovini), the blood glucose level can be reduced over the top. The whole phenomenon can be associated with tying, so that the ingibitoria of the ACE can increase the sensitivity of the fabric to insulin. With a one-hour stagnation with other antihypertensive drugs (including diuretics) or with other diseases, which may cause a hypotensive effect (for example, nitraty, tricyclic antidepressants and anesthetics), it is possible to alleviate It is not recommended to take a one-hour intake with ramipril of calcium and calcium-containing diuretics, heparin through the development of hypercalcium. With a one-hour consumption of drugs, lithium is promoted to increase the concentration of lithium in the bloodstream, which leads to the development of cardio- and nephrotoxicity. Refinery and sodium salts reduce the efficiency of the ACF ingibitors. Ramipril can be used for ethanol.

The drug should be kept out of reach for children at a temperature of 25 ° C. Term of affinity - 2 rocks.


Vlasnik / restrator

EGIS Pharmaceuticals, PLC

International classification of ailments (ICD-10)

I10 Essential hypertension I21 Gostriy myocardial infarction I50.0 Stasis heart deficiency N08.3 Glomerular disease in case of diabetes mellitus (E10-E14 + in the distal fourth sign. 2) N08.8

pharmacological group

іngіbіtor APF

Pharmacological diya

Antihypertensive drug, angibitor ACE. As a result of the suppressed activity of ACE (not directly related to the activity of renin plasmas), a hypotensive effect develops (in the position of a sick person lying down and standing) without a compensatory increase in the frequency of heart rates.

The suppression of ACE activity decreases the level of angiotensin II, which, in its turn, decreases the secretion of aldosterone. As a result of a decrease in the concentration of angiotensin II, for the reduction of a negative vocal sound, an increase in the activity of renin plasmas is observed.

Ramipril is for ACE, which circulates in the blood and is found in tissues, incl. the court of judgment. Zmenshuє OPSS (postnavantazhennya), a vice in the legendary capilars (perednavantazhennya); Advancing the heart's wikid and increasing tolerance until the new option.

In case of trivial stasis, ramipril sprites the development of myocardial hypertrophy in ailments with arterial hypertension.

Ramipril changes the frequency of arrhythmia development during myocardial reperfusion; I will paint the blood circulation of the ischemic myocardium.

Ramipril pereshkojaє rozpadu bradikininu and stimulates the adoption of nitrogen oxide (NO) in the endothelium.

The antihypertensive effect is repaired in 1-2 years or after the drug is taken in the middle, the maximum effect develops in 3-6 years and takes 24 years. In case of a genital antihypertensive effect, it will be possible to take 3-4 problems and to be able to survive in case of a trivial alcoholism (1-2 rock). Antihypertensive efficacy does not lie in the status of the patient.

In patients with gostrim myocardial infarction, I will border the zone of expanded necrosis, I will shorten the prognosis of life; decrease in mortality in early and long-term period of myocardial infarction, frequency of recurrent infarction; a decrease in the frequency of manifestations of heart failure, confidence in progress.

With trivial priyomy (not less than 6 m / s), the reduction of the legs of legacy hypertension in patients with birth and swollen heart.

Ramipril reduces the grip in the portal vein in case of portal hypertension; galmu microalbuminuria (in cob stages) and loss of nirk function in patients with severe diabetic nephropathy. In case of non-diabetic nephropathy, it is superfluous to have a protein (more than 3 g / add) and a lack of thermic deficiency;


Ramipril is a high-phase pharmacokinetic profile.


Pislya received vseredinu ramipril shvidko soak up from the shlunkovo-intestinal tract. Stupin vmoktuvannya - not less than 50-60% of the administered dose. C max in blood plasma can be reached for 1 year.

Rospodil and metabolism

May I increase my metabolism (mainly in the oven) from the statements of active and inactive products. Its active metabolite, ramprylate, increases the ACE activity by about 6 times stronger than rampril. Cmax ramiprilat in blood plasma is reached in 2-4 hours. Among the inactive metabolites are diketopiperazin ether, diketoperazinic acid, and also glucuronidine ramipril and ramiprilat.

Linking ramipril and ramiprilat with blood plasma proteins to become approximately 73% and 56% altogether.

When taken in special doses 1 time / day, C ss ramipril in blood plasma reaches up to 4 days for the drug taken.


T 1/2 ramipril - 5.1 hours, T 1/2 ramiprilat 13-17 years.

If taken, 60% of the dose is taken from the section (mainly in the form of metabolites) and close to 40% - from feces. Close to 2% of the introduced dose will be taken from the section in an unchanged viglyad.

Pharmacokinetics in special clinical forms

Vivennya ramipril, ramiprilat and inactive products from the cross section decrease in case of nirkovy deficiency (to produce ramiprilat to increase the concentration).

Reducing the enzymatic activity in the liver in case of impaired function should be carried out until the reintroduction of ramipril into ramiprilat is allowed, so that an increase in the concentration of ramipril in the blood plasma is possible.

Arterial hypertension;

Chronic heart failure;

Chronic heart failure of a heart attack of myocardium in ailments with stable hemodynamics;

Diabetic nephropathy and chronic diffuse nephropathy (non-diabetic nephropathy);

Decreased risk of development of myocardial infarction, insult and coronary death in patients with high heart disease with ІХС, including patients who have undergone coronary artery disease, percutaneous coronary artery disease

History of angioedema, incl. dressings with anterior therapy with ACE inhibitors;

Hemodynamically significant bilateral stenosis of the nirkovy arteries or stenosis of the artery of the single nirka;

Arterial hypotension or unstable hemodynamics;


Period of lactation (breastfeeding);

Primary hyperaldosteronism;

Nirkova lack (QC<20 мл/мин);

Sensitivity to ramipril and other components of the drug has been adjusted.

Z protection zastosovuyut at gemodinamіchno significant aortic abo mіtralnomu stenozі (rizik nadmіrnogo znizhennya arterіalnogo vise of away torn down funktsії nirok) vazhkoї pervinnoї zloyakіsnoї arterіalnoї gіpertenzії, vazhkih urazhennyah coronary i cerebral arterіy (nebezpeka znizhennya bloodstream at nadmіrnomu znizhennі arterіalnogo vise) nestabіlnoї stenokardії, vazhkih shlunochkovih torn down rhythm; thermal stage of chronic heart failure; decompensated legacy heart; in case of ailments, which are indicated by GCS and immunodepressants (visibility of clinical information) - incl. in case of systemic incapacitation of the resulting tissue, important nirkovy and / or abdominal deficiencies, hyperkaliyemia, hyponatriyemia (including on the smallest amount of diuretics and children with intercourse living); in case of cob and abnormal manifestations of deficiency of birth and electrolysis, stuns, which are supervised by decreased BCC (including diarrhea, bluetongue); reddish diabetes; implicated cystocytic hematopoiesis; stanі for nirka transplantation; for children of the kidnapped age, for children and for children up to 18 years of age (efficiency and safety has not been established).

If there is a lack of intercourse, there is no way to get rid of ramipril in those with ailments, who are overworked on dialogue.

On the side of the heart-vascular system: reduction of arterial vise, orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia; Ridko - arrhythmia, strengthening of blood circulation of organs, vicious to the sound of blood-bearing vessels. With an overwhelming decrease in the arterial clutch, mainly in patients with cerebral ailments and clinically significant cerebral ulcers, myocardial ischemia (angina pectoris and cerebral infarction)

On the side of the secular system: development of abortiveness of nirkovo deficiency, improvement of acute proteinurii, change in volume of sech (on the cob to a given preparation).

On the side of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system: zapamorochennya, headache, weakness, drowsiness, paresthesia, nervous anxiety, unconsciousness, tremor, muscle spasm, disordered mood, sudomi; at high doses - sleeplessness, anxiety, depression, confusion of testimony, obscurity.

Chuttya on the side of the organs: vestibular damage, loss of relish (for example, metal scent), scent, hearing and sound, noise in the air.

On the side of the herbal system: nudity, bloating, diarrhea or constipation, bile in epigastric dileants, dryness in mouth, spraga, decreased appetite, stomatitis, sensitiveness, or fired mucous membrane of the scalp, pancreatitis; Ridko - hepatitis, cholestatic zhovtyanitsya, deterioration of the function of the liver with the development of the guest's deficiency.

On the side of the mental system: dry cough, bronchospasm (in patients with advanced sleepiness of the cough reflex), sluggishness, rhinorrhea, rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchitis.

On the side of the blood-forming organs: anemia, decreased concentration of hemoglobin and hematocrit, thrombocytopenia, leukocytopenia, neutropenia, agranulocytosis, pancytopenia, hemolytic anemia, decreased number of erythrocytes, decreased

Allergic reactions: shkіrny visip, sverbіzh, cropping, conjunctivitis, photosensitivity; Ridko - angioeurotic swelling of the face, lips, tongue, pharynx, abdominal larynx, exfoliative dermatitis, multiforme exudative erythema (including Stevens-Johnson syndrome), toxic epidermal necrolithiasis (syndrome) , vasculitis, myositis, malgia, arthralgia, arthritis, eosinophilia.

On the side of laboratory indicators: hypercreatininemia, an increase in the level of nitrogen in the field, an increase in the activity of liver transaminases, hyperbylirubinemia, hypercalinumia, hyponatriamia; vkrai іdko - subtitle antinuclear factor.

Інші: decrease in libido, alopecia, hyperthermia, perspiration.


symptoms: in the case of a decrease in the arterial grip, bradycardia, shock, a deterioration of the water-electrolyte balance, and a lack of gosstra nirkov.

lykuvannya: in times of easy overdosing - slurry washing, the introduction of adsorbents and sodium sulfate (bazhano with a stretch of 30 minutes per day).

In case of overdose: control and reception of vital functions in the minds of ВІТ; with a decrease in AT - the introduction of catecholamines and angiotensin II. A sickly slid on the back with raised lower legs, introduce additional amounts of ridin and sodium.

Inadvertently, to accelerate the delivery of ramipril of forcing duresis, hemofiltration and correction of the pH of the section. The process of success when looking at the possibility of hemodialysis and hemophiltraction.

special requests

Before an hour of taking the drug Charter ® necessary regular medical control.

Taking the first dose, as well as with an increase in the dose of a diuretic and / or Hartila, is known to be ill for 8 years before the visual of a drug, so that the development of an uncontrolled hypotensive reaction is not possible; recommended bagatorazov vimіryuvannya arterial vise.

If possible, the rate of dehydration, hypovolemia, a decrease in the number of erythrocytes to the ear of the drug is used. As long as the damage is important, if you take the ramipril, you don't need to fix it, but it’s going on until it’s taken, that it’s overwhelming it’s overwhelming the arterial grip and the failure of the function of nirok.

A retreating visualization is necessary for the lesions of nyrkovy vessels (for example, clinically insignificant stenosis of the nyrkovo artery, hemodynamically significant stenosis of the artery of the single nyrka), impaired function of the arteries of nyrocuts, with

The deterioration of the function of nirok can be caused by the increase in the level of blood and blood creatine, especially if the patient receives diuretics.

By reducing the synthesis of angiotensin II and the secretion of aldosterone in the blood, it is possible to reduce the level of sodium and increase the level of calories. Hypercalculation is often developed in case of impaired function of nirok (for example, with diabetic nephropathy), for example, in case of one-hour reception with kalizberigayuchimidiuretics.

At the time of the overwhelming decrease in the arterial grip of the ailing layer of the laying, to lift the legs; you can also know the introduction of the day and come in.

Blood changes in children with a deteriorated function of nirok and supportive tissue (for example, VKV and scleroderma), as well as in times of stagnation of blood-creating systems,

Rivn sodium in syrovatz blood has also been regularly monitored in sick people who take diuretics one hour with the drug Charter ®. Also, you should also regularly invert the number of leukocytes in the blood to detect the development of leukopenia. Control is blamed, but more often on the cob of therapy and in patients, who have to lie down to any group of risk.

Є Regarding the threatening life of anaphylactic reactions, sometimes going into shock, in patients on hemodialysis due to the stagnation of membranes with high hydraulic penetration (for example, with polyacrylonitrile) Anaphylactic reactions were also seen in patients who had a low lipoprotein apheresis due to dextran sulfate.

With desensitizing therapy, it is carried out to reduce the allergic reaction to the bite of the coma (for example, bdzhil and os), before the time of the reception of the ACE reaction, it is important to prevent the life of the anaphylactic reaction We cannot give an ailment to this ACE ingibitoria as we receive therapy.

In case of a lack of lactase, galactosemia, or a syndrome of impaired glucose / lactose absorption, it is necessary to take the skin pill to the drug Charter ® to get rid of the onset of lactose drops: 5 mg tablets - 96.47 mg, 10 mg tablets - 193.2 mg.

Vikoristannya in pediatrics

Dosvid zasosuvannya ramiprilu in children with nirk lack of a difficult step (CC<20 мл/мин/1.73 м 2 поверхности тела) и во время диализа - ограничен.

Inflow to the building of keruvati by transport means and mechanisms

On the cob, the decrease in AT can be inserted into the building up to the concentration of respect. For all patients, it is recommended that the patients take care of the carriage by motor transport and take up potentially unsafe types of activity, so that they require an increased concentration of respect and quick reactions. Nadal steps are used individually for the skin patient.

With nircovy deficiency

The pochatkova dose should become 1.25 mg 1 time / dobu (1 tab. 1.25 mg / dobu). The maximum dobova dose is innocent of 5 mg.

When the functions of the cookies are damaged

at deterioration of the function of the stove However, there may often be reductions in reductions or reductions in the effect of the Charter drug, which at the early stages of the development of the class of patients required a medical visualization. The maximum dobova dose in such drops is not to blame for the change of 2.5 mg.


The safety of children of abducted children, children and children of up to 18 years of age (efficiency and safety has not been established).

Stagnation during vaginosis and breastfeeding

Not recommended for vaginosis and during lactation.

The drug viclikan destructs the development of a fetus, a decrease in the arterial vise of a fetus and neonatal diseases, a deterioration of the function of nirok, hyperkaliumia, hypoplasia of the skull, oligogyramnios, contracture of the bones of the skull, deformity of the lungs.

likarska vzaєmodiya

With a one-hour consumption of Khartila with alopurinol, corticosteroids, procainamides, cytostatics and other words, when blood changes occur, rhizic ruptures move from the side of the system and hematopoiesis.

With a one-hour intake of Khartila with hypoglycemic drugs (insulin or abnormal sulfonylsecovini), the blood glucose level can be reduced over the top. The whole phenomenon can be associated with tying, so that the ingibitoria of the ACE can increase the sensitivity of the fabric to insulin.

With a one-hour stagnation with other antihypertensive drugs (including diuretics) or with other diseases, which may cause a hypotensive effect (for example, nitraty, tricyclic antidepressants and anesthetics), it is possible to alleviate

With a one-hour consumption of drugs, lithium is promoted to increase the concentration of lithium in the blood, which leads to the development of cardiac and nephrotoxicity.

Refinery and sodium salts reduce the efficiency of the ACF ingibitors.

Ramipril can be used for ethanol.

The tablets should be taken in all the middle, cobbled together, not roasted, washed down with a great amount of ridini (about 1 bottle). The tablets can be taken immediately every hour. Tablets can be dispensed into navpil, lamayuchi on risik.

The dose is set individually according to the level of therapeutic effect and tolerance.

at arterial hypertension it is recommended to set the cob dose to be 2.5 mg 1 time / day. As a result of the therapeutic effect, the dose can be increased by adding a dose of 2-3 skin tissue. The dosage should be adjusted to 2.5-5 mg / day. The maximum dose is 10 mg.

at chronic heart failure the recommended pochatkova dose becomes 1.25 mg 1 time / day. As a result of the therapeutic effect, the dose can be increased by adding a dose of 2-3 skin tissue. If it is necessary to take the drug in a dose of more than 2.5 mg, the dose can be taken at once or divided into 2 doses. The maximum dose is 10 mg.

for treatment of myocardial infarction When taking the drug, it is recommended to fix it for 3-10 days for a state of myocardial infarction. For Pochatkov, the recommended dose in the presence of a sick person for an hour, when he goes through a severe myocardial infarction, is 2.5 mg 2 times / dob. As a therapeutic effect, the cob dose can be added up to 5 mg 2 times / dob. The maximum dobov dose is 10 mg. In case of intolerance to the drug, reduce the dose.

at non-diabetic or diabetic nephropathy the cob dose is recommended - 1.25 mg once a day. As a result of the therapeutic effect, the dose can be increased by adding a dose of 2-3 skin tissue. If it is necessary to take more than 2.5 mg of the drug, the dose can be taken at once or divided into 2 doses. The maximum dobov dose is recommended - 5 mg.

Prevention of myocardial infarction, insult or death from heart-vascular lesions: the cob dose is recommended - 2.5 mg 1 time / day. Depends on the tolerance of the drug, after 1 day the taken dose should be adjusted in proportion to the cob. The qiu dose should be ready for the next 3 months. The recommended dose is 10 mg 1 time / day.

In patients with a kidney disease, who take diuretics and / or because of heart failure, as well as in case of damage functions of the stove abo nirok the dose should be set up by the way of individual selection in the fallowness due to the reaction of the sick person to the disease.

Patients with nircovy deficiency Correction is required for the dosage regimen. at in addition to the deteriorated functions of nirok (CC from 20 to 50 ml / s per bottle on 1.73 m 2 of surface) the cob dose should become 1.25 mg 1 time / day. The maximum dobov dose is 5 mg.

As far as CC is not taken into account, it can be calculated for the level of creatine in the blood count from the intake of Cockcroft's formula.

For people:

CC (ml / hv) = (140 - vik) × mass (kg) / 72 × creatine content (mg / dl)

For women: The result of the calculation is multiplied by 0.85.

at deterioration of the function of the stove However, there are often reductions in reductions or reductions in the effect of the Charter ® drug, which at the early stages of the development of the class of patients required a medical visualization. The maximum dobov dose in such drops is 2.5 mg.

For patients who receive diuretic therapy, through the risk of a significant decrease in arterial pressure, the possibility of a time-dependent view can be seen, or they want to decrease the dose of diuretic therapy not less than in 2-3 days (anyway, it took longer than 2-3 days) For ailments, such as previously treated with diuretics, change the cob dose to 1.25 mg.

Be mindful of the term of attachment

The drug should be kept out of reach for children at a temperature of 25 ° C. Term of affinity - 2 rocks.

For the treatment of sickness of the heart, it is important to take medication.

Charter is a tse drug, which is not just for a vice. Win additional help to learn nurturing from the strengthened heart-vascular system.

Yaksho myaz to the organ of hypertrofovana, the medication is renewed by the colishniy obsyag. The staff of the regular reception of Khartil will decrease the number of arrhythmias, the dichotomy and heart rate will decrease.

Golovne deyucha speech Khartilu - ramipril, scho to enter the group - such drugs, like Monopril i. Basically, the medication is used to reduce the arterial grip.

  • heart failure;
  • diabetic nephropathy.

The drug priznachayut for a decrease in rhizik is accelerated, which is found in cases of inferior heart-and-heart disease.

Form vipusku, dosuvannya

Likas are released in one form - tablets. When you accept them, it is more beautiful to drink a great amount of water, not to rocket it. As soon as the dosage of liquids is indicated by a drug, less than it is indicated on the package, the tablets can be poured into two or more parts. Likuvalniy efektsiyu will not become less pivotal.

Tablets from the vise of the Charter

Dosing of a skin patient's medicinal product individually. Yaksho є the need for a great dobovy dose, її can be lived in two priyomi.

Vіkovі patients, ailments with rotational impairments of the function of the liver and nirok, who take liquors, are guilty of regularly sparing the drug, if necessary, fast therapy or regain the drug.

Accept the yak?

Charter of indications for oral administration. The pochatkov dose should be 2.5 mg per doba.

Step three, if necessary, you can be used as a base. The maximum dosage of liquids is innocent of 10 mg. Supplementary tablets of the Charter of the Instruction from the preparation in case of any grip of the drug itself will not be administered.

In case of heart deficiency, a dose of 1.25 mg of the drug should be used to supplement the steps of the thirst. Maximum - 10 mg per doba.


Yak be-like a lykarskiy zasib, Charter is a number of contraindications to the reception:

  • ringing of nirkovy arteries;
  • severe nirkov lack of;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the medication;
  • schlichnity to the brink, which appeared at the time of the reception of some kind of lykarsk wages.

Vicious Effects

One of the broadest side effects in the history of Khartilom is orthostatic potential. It is characterized by a strong decrease in the arterial grip.

For children, there can be a suprajournalism of the following:

  1. arrhythmias, impaired blood circulation of the child's organs, ischemia of the myocardium and the brain;
  2. nirkovy lack of, diminished libido, change obsyagu slaughter;
  3. headaches, drowsiness, feelings of weakness, tremors of symptoms. A sick person can have a nervous system wakefulness, sharp mood changes, restlessness;
  4. damaged from the side of the organs of scent, dawn, hearing. The patient can enjoy the experience.
  5. a waste of appetite, tediousness, bloating, fixed with a thin style. In people with pancreatitis, the zagalny camp can be lost;
  6. lesions on the side of the organs of the disease: sinusitis, bronchitis, bronchospasm, dry cough;
  7. іznymi allergic reactions to shkіrі, kropiv'yanka, sverlyachkoyu;
  8. lumpy and myazovy pains, ridges.

In a patient who accepts the charter, it is possible to enter a level of hemoglobin in the blood, in the presence of conjunctivitis and thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, sudomiya, onset of blood pressure, hypertension. The urine of the ailing one grows up to the nitrogen of the sechovina.

The charter is negatively infused into the development of the fruit of maybutnyoi mami. The newer is experiencing problems with the strength of the nirok, the grip decreases, the hypoplasia of the leg develops, the skull deforms.

Riske of a decrease in arterial vise can lead to myocardial infarction and insult.


Overdosing Khartilu in the region is not safe for people.

Lowering the grip can wicklikati trusting the rhythm of the heart, shock stun, a sick wine has a water-salt imbalance, fix nasty nirka.

In case of manifestation of symptoms of a sick person, lay it down with raised legs and inject the drug to move the arterial grip.

Interaction with other drugs

When taking diuretics at once with drugs, as well as drugs that are brought to the central nervous system, Antihypertensive power of the drug is reduced.

The addition of non-steroidal anti-pyretic agents to Khartil, as well as preparations for placing estrogen in your warehouse, has an additional effect to reduce. If there is a need for such a relationship, the doctor is guilty of control over the camp of the sick person.

With the intake of symptoms, to increase the amount of calories in the blood, cyclosporin and milk at the same time with Khartil, it is possible to get hyperthermia.

Alopurinol and immunodepressants in the presence of Khartil give rise to the appearance of leukopenia. Alcoholic drinks increase the pressure on the central nervous system.

analogs to the drug

Charter maє nashnі analogs:

  • Tritace;
  • ramipril;
  • Meril;
  • Piramit;
  • Ramizes;
  • Rammed;
  • Cardipril;
  • topr;
  • Ramigeksal.

Analogous preparations are produced in one form and only at a price.