Sho take novokain in ampoules. News - Instructions from storing

"Novokain" - lykarskiy zasib from a group of muscle anesthetics.

Yakiy at "Novokain" warehouse and vipusku form?

Liky Novokain is held in a clear-cut way for healthier and without barriers. Actively z'єdnannya is represented by the procaine. Additional water and hydrochloric acid are purified.

Razchin of razmіsheniy on ampoules from skla on 10, 2 and 5 mіlіlіtrіv, stench placed in a cardboard box. A special ampoule lower lip, which is called a scarifier, is added to the drug. Muscevic anesthetic can be used with a prescription. The term of the yogh endowment of meanings on the packaging, wine to the three rocks, at the end of the hour of the drink for disposal.

Yake at the medication Novokain diyu?

Mіstsevoanestezuyuchy zasіb Novokaїn Got pomіrnu anestezuyuchu dіyu, blokuє natrієvі channel and takozh pereshkodzhaє Carrying іmpulsіv bezposeredno on nervovih fibers zmenshuє utvorennya atsetilholіnu, spriyaє usunennyu m'yazovogo spasm znizhuє zbudlivіst mіokarda and takozh prignіchuє so zvanі polіsinaptichnі reflexes.

It is obvious that the introduction of the drug novokain in high doses can be the cause of the court. It is more active for the medication to reach the same short anesthetic activity, and the triviality to become a maximum of one year. The stage of absorption of visas begins with the introduction and introduction. It is hydrolyzed in the process of establishing active metabolites - paraaminobenzoic acid and diethylaminoethanol. Vivoditsya nirkami.

What is the drug shown before the drug is used?

The drug Novokain іnstruktsіya from the stasis permits vikoristovuvati in case of infiltrating anesthesia, as well as vikoristovuyu for carrying out іnkіrny blockades: vagosympathetic shiina, circular, critical, paraperheral.

Yak at the time of the news of the conflict before the date?

There is no way of storing the medication in case of sensitiveness to the components of the vein, as well as not getting up to 12 years, not storing the medication in case of fibrotic anesthesia of the tissue (for such

With the protection of Novokain, it will be stagnant during the operations with the hostage of blood; with severe liver pathology; when ignited, the message is transferred; in the summer; with pseudocholinesterase deficiency; with nirkovy deficiency; with vaginosti; in weakened ailments.

Yak at Lika News

Novokayin 0.5% of values ​​for infiltrating anesthesia, it is necessary to inject not more than 150 ml on the cob of the operation, but rather, by stretching the skin period prompt engagement- not more than 400 mln.

In case of blockade according to Vishnevsky, the so-called paranephral blockade into the perinephric cell is administered by Likarsky Zasіb Novokayin in a number of 50 to 80 mln.

Internally, it should be administered in a dose of 5 or 10 milliliters in case of paravertebral or circular blockade, and in case of vagosympathetic - up to 40 milliliters of the drug.

For podovzhennya of the anesthetic, you can add 0.1% adrenaline hydrochloride. Varto by no means that Novokain pidsilyu nervous system offensive drugs: Sleepy, sedative, besides, tranquilizers, narcotic analgesics.

Yak at the rozchinu New faults?

Stagnation in New York may suffer from such side effects: a patient sees a headache, to prevent a soreness in the breastbone, to become confused, to feel sleepy, weakness, perhaps, lasciviousness, lameness arterial vise, Peripheral vasodilatation, colaptoid stance, as well as bradycardia, arrhythmia are not included.

In addition, there can be a change from the side of the blood-forming, which can rotate in the methemoglobinemia, which means allergic reactions, which are manifested by the overwhelming children, visipom, blood-thinning, possible anaphylactic, sensitive childish

When an hour has been introduced to the drug novokain in a sick person, be-yaki side reactions And also there are symptoms that were not indicated in the instruction before the doctor's appointment, so it is necessary to consult a doctor for a term.

Overdose from News

Symptoms of an overdose of catastrophe Newly onset: the blistering of naughty twists, as well as mucous membranes, prevent getting fouled, come to the tediousness, it is possible to bluish, so it is called cold food, except for that, more often, it doesn’t happen.

In addition to being overwhelmed by symptoms, it is thought to be fearful, the patient is more likely to experience anxiety, he may have hallucinations, and he also does not become susceptible. In a certain situation, the sick person should be instructed to deintoxicate therapy and to carry out symptomatic lykuvannya.

special requests

Before taking out the news, about how and how we talk about it on the website, the patient is advised to conduct a test for individual sensitivity to the medication. In a sick person, it is necessary to control the activity of the mental and nervous system, as well as the heart-vascular system.

Chim replace ampoules Novokain, analogs of yak vikoristovuvati?

Novokayin is a broad spectrum antianesthetic therapeutic activities with anesthetic activity.

Form vipusk and warehouse

Lykarski Forms Novokainu:

  • Roschin for ін'єкцій 0.5%: bezbarvna, prozor іdin (2, 5 or 10 ml in ampoules; in a carton pack 10 ampoules in a set with a scarifier or an ampoule knife);
  • Rozchin for ін'єкцій 2%: no barvn, a hole or lightly filled with rіdin (2 or 5 ml in ampoules, in a carton pack 10 ampoules in a set with a scarifier and an ampoule knife; 5 ampoules in a contour charunky, 2 packs packaging in a set with a scarifier or an ampoule knife.
  • Roschin for ін'єкцій 0.25% (1, 2, 5 or 10 ml in ampoules, in carton packs 10 ampoules);
  • Roschin for ін'єкцій 1% (1, 2 or 5 ml each in ampoules, 10 ampoules in carton pachtsі);
  • Rectal suppositories (5 pcs. In a contour package, in a carton pack, 2 packs; 5 pcs. In a contour, charunk-free packaging, in a carton pack, 2 packs).

Diyucha speech: procaine hydrochloride (in 1 ml solution - 2.5; 5; 10 or 20 mg; in 1 suppository - 100 mg).

Additional components:

  • Rozchin for ін'єкцій: water for ін'єкцій, hydrochloric acid;
  • Rectal suppositories: solid fat.

Shown up to sucking

Rozchin for ін'єкцій

  • Infiltration, epidural and provincial anesthesia;
  • Vagosympathetic shiina, circular, perirenal and paravertebral blockade.

suppositories rectal


Rozchin for ін'єкцій


  • In case of epidural anesthesia: rotation of a decrease in the arterial vise, atrioventricular blockade, shock, septicemia, infarction of lumbar puncture;
  • During anesthesia by the method of increasing infiltration: swelling of fibrous changes in tissues;
  • Вік up to 12 rockets;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug (including para-aminobenzoic acid and іnshі mіscevі anesthetics-efіri).

Vіdnosnі (after being victorious with special protection, so as a very fast development is accelerated):

  • Emergency operations, which prevent blood loss from the guest;
  • Begin to supravodzhuyutsya decreased liver blood flow (liver failure, chronic heart failure);
  • Progression of heart-vascular insufficiency (as a rule, as a rule, as a result of shock and development of blockades);
  • Zapalnі zhvoryuvannya abo іnfіkuvannya zoni ін'єкції;
  • Nirkova lack of;
  • Pseudocholinesterase deficiency;
  • Вік від 12 to 18 years;
  • Pohiliy Vіk (over 65 years old).

With extreme protection, we will be seriously ill and / or weakened to the patients, as well as in the period of flat weather.

In case of vaginosti stasosuvannya Novokayinu you can only go to the retailer's very good from the house of the martyr and the risik appear side effects... When the drug is prescribed in the period of lactation, it is necessary to pinch the chest vigodovannya.

suppositories rectal

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug (including to para-aminobenzoic acid and other muscle anesthetics-esters);
  • Вік up to 18 rockіv.

How to save and add

Rozchin for ін'єкцій

For infiltrating anesthesia, it is prescribed 0.25-0.5% of the solution to the drug, when anesthesia is carried out by the method of perceptible infiltration (according to the Vishnevsky method) - 0.125-0.25% of the solution. To improve the preparation and decrease the moisture content during muscle anesthesia, add 0.1% dose of adrenal hydrochloride, inject 1 drop of procaine per 2-5-10 ml of dose.

For older adults, with an infiltrative anesthesia on the cob, a single dose is not guilty of changing 150 ml for 0.5% retail or 500 ml for 0.25% retail. During the operation, it is recommended to inject no more than 400 ml for 0.5% size and 1000 ml for 0.25% size during the operation.

For children over 12 years old, the maximum single dose is 15 mg / kg.

For provincial anesthesia, vikoristovyuyut 1-2% solution (not 25 ml), for epidural - 2% solution (20-25 ml). In case of perinephric blockade (according to A.V. Vishnevsky), inject 0.5% rosin in a dose of 50-80 ml or 0.25% roschin in a dosage of 100-150 ml into the pararenal cell. In case of vagosympathetic blockade, a dose of 0.25% is recommended to become 30-100 ml. For paravertebral abo-circular blockade of ін'єкції 0.25 0.5% with a discrepancy to carry out on the screen.

suppositories rectal

The drug should be administered to gliboko Rear passage, For 1 suppository 1-2 times and for additional food for defecation or cleanliness. It is recommended that you be vicarious for no more than 5 days for a micevo-anesthetic cat. while sparing sickly visions After the course has been completed, the course will turn to the top.

Pobichna diya

  • Heart-Sudin system: b_l in breast cancer, Arrhythmias, bradycardia, collapse, peripheral vasodilatation, decrease in arterial pressure;
  • Nervous system: trismus, weakness, drowsiness, zamorochennya, headache, sudomi, Kinsky tail syndrome;
  • Models of people anatomical:
  • Organ blood formation: methemoglobinemia;
  • Herbal system: nudota, bloating, mimic defecation;
  • Allergic reactions: shkirny visip, sverbіzh shkіri, kropiv'yanka (on mucous membranes and shkіrі), anaphylactic reactions (including anaphylactic shock);
  • Іnshі: hypothermia, anesthesia stike, pain reversal; during anesthesia in dentistry - increased anesthesia, paresthesia and insensibility of the lips and tongue;
  • Miscellaneous reactions: perceived discomfort and positiveness before defecation (discouraged in the first days of suppositories and pass independently, without being able to see the therapy); Ridko - sverbіzh і hyperemia in the anal opening (in case of stagnation in high doses).

Symptoms of an overdose of Novaya є: bloating, nudota, zamorochennya, blistering mucous membranes and shkirny crooks, frequent dysfunction, "cold" food, decreased arterial pressure (up to collapse), tachycardia ... When you become stagnant, go in for adequate ventilation of the legends, to carry out detoxification and symptomatic therapy.

special requests

Before testing the preparation, it should be tested in a viscous manner for individual sensitivity to its components.

If monoamine oxidase therapy is carried out with ingibitors, it is necessary to save the last ones 10 days before the next day. muscle anesthetic.

Slid vrahovuvati, which, with the introduction of one and the same zalous dose to the drug, the toxicity of the drug is directly proportional to the concentration of the vicious rose.

Before an hour is introduced, it is necessary to monitor the activity of the central nervous, dichal and heart-vascular systems.

With a nasty nasosuvanny Novokain will not get a superficial anesthesia.

likarska vzaєmodiya

It is necessary to vrahovuvati, when asked about a new one:

  • Warfarin, sodium heparin, sodium enoxaparin, sodium danaparoid, sodium dalteparin, sodium ardeparin (anticoagulant) - to mitigate the risk of bleeding;
  • Trimetaphan, mekamilamin, guanethidine, guanadrel - take a stronger risk of a sharp decrease in arterial grip and bradycardia;
  • Dezinfіkyuchі razchini, as revenge important metal(When obrobtsі mіstsya ін'єкції) - to increase the risik, appear a little bit of pain in the introduction;
  • Selegilin, procarbazin, furazolidone (ingibitori monoaminoxidazi) - to help the threat of circulating hypotonia;
  • Fenilephrine, methoxamin, adrenaline (vasoconstrictor) - podovzhuyut micevo-anesthetic effect;
  • Narcotic analgesics - to produce an additive effect, which is known to be stasis in case of epidural and spinal anesthesia (at the same time, it is important to improve the situation);
  • Ecotiopata iodide, demecaria bromide, tiotepa, cyclophosphamide, antimyasthenic likarski (Ingibitorium cholinesterase) - reduce the rate of metabolism of the drug.

Pouring into Novokain for one hour taken speeches / preparations:

  • Miorelaxing lykarskі zobi - prodovzhu і pіdsilyu їkh dіu;
  • Lykarski zasobi for zagalnoy anesthesia, sedative drugs, sleep, tranquilization - as possible a fit infusion on the central nervous system;
  • Antimyasthenic cats - lowering their effectiveness (inimag of correcting therapy of myasthenia);
  • Sulfanilamid - weakened antibacterial action, because the metabolite of procaine (para-aminobenzoic acid) is carried to antagonists of sulfanilamidiv.

Terms and conditions

Zberigati in the misc, stolen from the light, inaccessible to children: solutions for ін'єкцій - at a temperature of 25 ° C; rectal suppositories - no food 20 ° C.

Term of attachment to size - 3 rocks, suppositories - 2 rocks.

Novokayin є a monstrous zealous zasob, we will include to the list of the most common likings.

Form the newsletter

  • Roschin Novokainu 0.25% і 0.5% in ampoules of 2.5 or 10 ml. In packs of 10 ampoules;
  • Roschin Novokainu 1% in ampoules of 2 or 10 ml. In packs of 10 ampoules;
  • Rozchin Novokainu 2% in ampoules of 1, 2, 5 or 10 ml. In packs of 10 ampoules;
  • Rozchin Novokainu sterile 0.25% or 0.5%, in bottles of 100, 200 or 400 ml;
  • Ointment Novokainu 5% or 10%;
  • Rectal suppositories with novocaine with 0.1 g novocaine in the skin. For 10 pieces per pack;
  • Oil breaks are supplied to novokain 5%, 8% or 10%. In ampoules of 2 or 10 ml.

Pharmacology for News

Good luck with the instructions, Novokayin makes a passionate dyu. Going to the roof of the house is also analgesic, anti-fiery, desensitizing, antihypertensive, anti-toxic, known for spasms of smooth muscles and wakefulness of the heart meat.

With the internal introduction of Novokain, it is a shock, an antiarrhythmic effect, and a squeeze.

At overwhelming doses, the consumption of the news will be judged and deteriorated.

Shown up until the end of the Newsletter

From the Instructions, New Guidelines for Signs for Anesthesia:

  • misceviy;
  • іnfіltratsіynoї;
  • Zakhar'ina-Geda zone;
  • News of vagosympathetic and perineal blockade,
  • dentistry;
  • gynecological
  • sacred;
  • Provincial
  • Spinal and epidural.

Svitki Novokainu according to the instructions are indicated for hemorrhoids and throats of the anus. Ointment Novokain 5 and 10% priznachayut for eczema, dermatosis, neurodermatitis.

Ways of sucking the news and the mode of supplementing

From the instructions, Novokain for infiltration anesthesia should be administered at a dose of 0.25-0.5% at 350-600 mg. To carry out a tight, advanced infiltration according to the Vishnevsky method, inject Novokain 0.125-0.25%, for provincial anesthesia - 1-2% in doses up to 25 ml.

For epidural anesthesia, administer 2% Novokain in a dose of 20-25 ml, and for spinal anesthesia, add 2 or 3 ml Novokain 5%.

According to the instructions, Novokayin is used to study otolaryngology for conducting muscle anesthesia at a rate of 10-20%.

In order to reduce the strength of the new state and the ability to do so, when carrying out muscle anesthesia, take adrenaline hydrochloride 0.1% (1 drop on the skin 2-5-10 ml of the drug).

10% rozchin preparation for electrophoresis.

0.25-05% vikoristovyt drug for blockade according to Vishnevsky to perineal cell (100-150 ml 0.25% razchin or 50-80 ml 0.5% razchin).

0.25% difference in 100 ml bottles should be injected for vagosympathetic blockade.

Rectal suppositories of Novokain should be injected into the back passage, having cleaned the intestinal natural path in front of the front, or after additional cliffs.

Ointment Novokain 5% or 10% for ailments of shkiri apply with a thin ball on a dilyanka 1-2 times a day.

Victory Day News

Welcome to the Instructions, New York can visit pobichna diya: The loss of symptoms, loss of headache, headache, tremor, paralysis of hypothermia and nig, nistagmus, paresthesia, collapse, reduction or lowering of pressure, mimicry of severe depression, hypothermia shkirny visip, blues.

Overdose of the new ones can be vicious about the wickedness of shkirnyh crooks, zamorochennya, nudotu, tachycardia, rukhova zbujennya, hallucinations, apnea, blues, accelerated fatigue.

Overdose treatment is carried out by way of introduction of drugs for zagalny anesthesia in a short day. If necessary, it may be necessary to adjust the normal ventilation of the legends for additional sour ventilation. In cases of severe intoxication, disintoxication and symptomatic therapy are indicated.

Ointment Novokainu for muscular zasosuvannya can wickle the development of allergic reactions.

Prototype shown before the release of the Newsletter

For the instruction of the Novokain contraindications:

  • fibrous changes in tissues (when anesthesia is carried out using the method of increasing infiltration);
  • hypotension, bleeding, septicemia, shock (during subarachnoid anesthesia);
  • hypersensitivity to the news;

Novokajin will give protection when:

  • gostrich blood losses;
  • cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • pechinkovoy deficiency;
  • fiery illnesses;
  • stanah, scho supravodzhuyutsya to lower bloodsteps of the liver;
  • Information about the injection

For children (up to 18 years of age), for children of abducted children (over 65 years of age), as well as for severely ill patients and for weakening for an hour, women are undergoing a period of time.

Lykarska vzaєmodiya News

With a one-hour freeze Novokain z:

  • anticoagulants (Dalteparin, warfarin, danaparoid, enoxaparin, ardeparin) - increase the risk of bleeding;
  • guanadrel, guanethidine, trimetaphan, mecamilamin - a powerful development of bradycardia and a decrease in vice;
  • Methoxamine, fenilephrine, adrenaline - to use muscle anesthesia for Novokain;
  • procarbazine, selegilin, furazolidone - the vice can be reduced.

special requests

In order to increase the level of allergic reactions, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test before starting a New Office, injecting it in the minimum dose.

Novokayin in Ridkiy Viglyadі is insane with products that can lead to a reaction and oxidation.

Umovi zberigannya

Novokain in be-yaky lykarskiy form slid zberigati in the dark scene. The term of adherence to size becomes 3 rocks, suppositories and ointments of Novokainu - 2 rocks.

Trade name: novokain

International non-patented name:


Likarska form:

solutions for ін'єкцій.


1 ml of solution should be given 5 mg or 20 mg of procaine hydrochloride in active speech and additional speech - acid and hydrochloric solution 0.1 m, water for ін'єкцій.
describe: the prospect is without barvna, or the ridina is slightly barbed.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

local anesthetic for
PBX code[N01BA02]

Mistsevoanesthesia with ample anesthetic activity and great breadth of therapeutic activity. Being a weak base, blocking Na + channels, crossing over the generation of impulses at the end of sensitive nerves and conduction of impulses along the nerve fibers. Change potential of action in membranes nerve cells without turning into a potential calmness. It was not only the patients who were driven, but the pulses in them. Modalities. When i vsmoktuvannі bezposerednomu vnutrіshnosudinnomu vvedennі znizhuє zbudlivіst peripheral character holіnergіchnih retseptorіv, zmenshuє utvorennya i vivіlnennya atsetilholіnu of preganglіonarnih zakіnchen (volodіє deyakimi ganglіoblokіruyuschіmdієyu) usuvaє gladkoї spasm of muscles, zmenshuє zbudlivіst mіokarda that motor zones of the brain mozk measles. With the internal introduction of the disease, analgesic, hypotensive and antiarrhythmic activity (decreased effective refractory period, reduced sleepiness, automatism and performance), in high doses it can be damaged nervously myazovu Providence. Usuva low galmovn_ fusion of the reticular formations of the stovbur to the brain. Driving polyynaptic reflexes. In high doses, you can have viclicati sudomi. Volodya short anesthetic activity (the triviality of anesthesia is 0.5-1 hour).

Allow for more systemic absorption. The stage of absorption is to accumulate in the form of a disease (the stage of vascularization and fluidity of blood flow in the area of ​​introduction), the way of introduction and total dosage. Shvydko gіdrolіzuєtsya esterazami plasma pechіnki i z utvorennyam 2 main farmakologіchno metabolіtіv Activity: dіetіlamіnoetonola (Got pomіrnu sudinorozshiryuvalnu dіyu) i p-amіnobenzoynoї acid (Je Competitors antagonіstom sulfanіlamіdnih hіmіoterapevtichnih preparatіv i Mauger poslabiti їh protimіkrobnu dіyu) .perіod napіvvivedennya 30-50 seconds neonotalnom period -54-114 s. It is important to be vivodited by nirkami in viglyad metabolites, in uncontested viglyad, not more than 2% will vivodit.

Shown up to sucking

  • Infiltration, Providnikova and Epidural anesthesia;
  • vagosympathetic shiina, perirenal, circular and paravertebral blockade.

Hypersensitivity (including up to para-aminobenzoic acid and other muscle anesthetics), childish vik up to 12 rock_v.
For anesthesia by the method of increasing infiltration: swelling of fibrous changes in tissues. For epidural anesthesia: atrioventricular blockade, arterial pressure reduction, shock, lumbar puncture, septicemia.

With protection
Extra operations, which are supervised by a guest with blood loss; stays that supravodzhuyutsya decreased liver blood flow (for example, with chronic heart failure, liver disease); pseudocholinesterase deficiency; nirkova lack; childish age from 12 to 18 years and for young children (older than 65 years); weakened ailments; frequency and period of flat

How to store that dosi
For infiltrating anesthesia: vicorist 0.25-0.5% of the solution; for anesthesia according to the Vishnevsky method (tight with infltraction) - 0.125-0.25% of the difference. For a decrease in moisture and an increase in activity during muscle anesthesia, add 0.1% adrenaline hydrochloride dosage - 1 drop for 2-5-10 ml of procaine dosage. Vishі doses for іnfіltratsіynoi anesthesia for older adults: a single dose per cob of operation - not more than 500 ml for 0.25% of the range or 150 ml for 0 5% of the range. Nadal, by stretching the skin period of the operation - do not eat 1000 mol for 0.25% range or 400 ml for 0.5% range.
Maximum dose for consumption in children over 12 years of age -15 mg / kg.
For provincial anesthesia: 1-2% solution (up to 25 ml); for epidural - 2% of the range (20-25 ml). In case of paranephral blockade (according to A.V. Vishnevsky), 50-80 ml of 0.5% range or 100-150 ml of 0.25% range should be injected into the perinephric cell, and with vagosympathetic blockade - 30-100 ml of 0.25% range.
For a circular or paravertebral blockade, inject 0.25% - 0.5% of raschin.

Pobichna diya
Head bill, Zapamorochennya, sonlivіst, slabkіst, kіnskogo equina syndrome, court pіdvischennya abo znizhennya arterіalnogo vise kolaps, more peripheral vazodilatatsіya, bradikardіya, aritmіya, bіl at grudnіy klіttsі, mimovіlne sechovipuskannya abo defekatsіya, іmpotentsіya, metgemoglobіnemіya, alergіchnі reaktsії (already before anafіlaktichnogo shock) ...
On the side of the herbal system: nudota, blues.
Іnshi: pain reversal, anesthesia stike, hypothermia, during anesthesia in dentistry: insensitivity and paresthesia of the lips and tongue, anesthesia increased.

Symptoms: Blindness of skin curves and mucous membranes. Zapamorochennya, tediousness, blues, "cold" pit, to improve the turn of side effects. Lіkuvannya: pіdtrimka adequate іgenevoі ventilation, disintoxication and sympathetic therapy.

Allows for galvanic stimulation to the central nervous system for oral anesthesia, hypnotic and sedative drugs, narcotic analgesics and tranquilizers.
In case of microanesthetic drug use for mental and epidural anesthesia with guanadrel, guanethidine, mecamilamine, trimetaphan, the risk of a rapid decrease in arterial pressure is observed.
Anticoagulants (ardeparin, dalteparin, danaparoid, enoxaparin, heparin, warfarin) promote the development of bleeding. When obrobtsi mіstsya іn'єktsії mіscevіy anesthetics dezіnfіkuyuyuchuyuchuyuchuyuchuyuchuyuchuyuchuyuymetal, to develop a development of the muscle reaction in the eyes of ailments and swelling.
Victory with MAO Ingibitors (furazolidone, procarbazine, selegelin) promotes the development of hypotonia.
Podsiluyut and podvzhuyu diyu muscle relaxants.
In case of recognized procaine for alcohol use with narcotic analgesics, it means "an additive effect," to be victorious during the conduct of spinal and epidural anesthesia, at the same time it is possible to drive the reaction.
Vasoconstrictors (adrenaline, methoxamine, fenilephrine) podovzhuyut micevoanesthesia.
Procrastinating against anti-wall dyu lykarsky zasobiv, especially when victorian yogo at high doses, as well as pre-treatment correction of the disease.
Ingibitori cholinesterase (antiasthenic JIC, cyclophosphamide, demecarin, ecothiophatic, tiotepa) reduce the metabolism of procaine.
The metabolite of procaine (para-aminobenzoic acid) is an antagonist of sulfanilamides.

special requests
Patients need to control the functions of the heart-vascular, dichotomous and central nervous systems. It is necessary to scan the MAO test 10 days before the injection of the muscle anesthetic. During the period of life, it is necessary to take care of the carriage by motor transport and to take up potentially unsafe types of activity, and to require an increased concentration of respect and quick response. Before testing the patient's condition, tests for individual sensitivity to the preparation are carried out. It is necessary to vrakhovuvati, when carrying out microanesthesia with a single dose, the toxicity of novocaine is more toxic than a higher concentration of growths. Chi does not get wet because of the mucous membranes; I will not get a superficial anesthesia in case of nasal anesthesia.

Vipusk form:

razchin for ін'єкцій 5 mg / ml, 20 mg / ml. For 2, 5 ml-20 mg / ml, 5, 10 ml - 5 mg / ml in ampoules from the neutral slope. For 10 ampoules at once from the instruction from the packaging to a pack or a box from cardboard. For 5 ampoules in a contour charunk pack. 2 contour charunk packs in a carton box. In the skin box, insert a lower ampoule or a scarifier or an ampoule ceramic scarifier. When packing ampoules with a dot or a ring, do not insert an ampoule or a scarifier.

Umovi zberigannya
List B.

Term of attachment
3 rock. Do not store the drug after the end of the term of adherence indicated on the package.

Mind that term zberigannya
Take a recipe for a liquor.

Virobnik / Organizatsiya, yaka accepted claims:
FSUE "Armavir Biological Factory"
352212. Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Novokubansky District, Progres village, vul. Mechnikova, 11

The drug Novokain u viglyadi vikoristovuyutsya for young types of anesthesia, volodya a wide range injected.

Rozchin Novokainu to let go of the coming types:

  • for ін'єкцій in ampoules with a concentration of active speech 0.25% і 0.5%;
  • in polymeric containers - buffers, 5%, 5 ml each;
  • in bottles for infusions 0.25% and 0.5%, 100, 200, 400 and 500 ml each.

Diyucha speech is the procaine of hydrochloride. Ridina prozora, without color.

Virobniki Rizni.


Micevial ​​anesthetic Novokain is characterized by both activity and great therapeutic effect. Procaine with a decrease in the sensitivity of nerve endings as a result of direct contact with the membranes of the nerve cells, the stimulation through sensitive nerve fibers, a spasm of smooth muscles, a decrease in the motor muscles of the cinnamon heart of the brain.

In case of internal and internal introduction to the Republic of Moldova, the fluidity of staying soaked up as a result of the administration of the drug, as well as the type of parenteral administration. The medication is mitigated for the approval of two leading and active products in the exchange of speech in living cells: dietylaminoethanol and paraaminobenzoic acid.

The triviality of the disease is 30 seconds before one sickness, in the neonatal period it is close to two sickness. Vivoditsya with active participation of nirok in viglyadi rechovins, which is established in cells in the process of metabolism. Whatever the mucous membranes are moistened with, it grows more and more disgusting.


Novokayin is in progress for іn'єktsіy most often victorious in offensive situations:

  • blockade one hour shyny viddilu cute stovbur і bloody nerve;
  • the introduction of anesthetic into the perineal space;
  • reverse blockade of transmission of a nerve impulse along a large nerve stubbury to the introduction of a range of muscle anesthetic into the paraneural space;
  • Infiltration anesthesia;
  • muscle anesthesia, in case of an anesthetic in the process of lumbar puncture, it is introduced into the subarachnoid space, and the blocking of the transmission of the impulse is sent to the root of the spinal nerves;
  • epidural anesthesia;
  • for breeding penicillin and raising the term of affinity.


Only intolerance to procaine.


Dose is prescribed individually for the skin patient.

Intrashnyam'yazovo 5-10 ml 1-2% difference 3 times per ten-day stretching for a month with a ten-day break.

For infiltrating anesthesia, the dosage should be 0.25-0.5%. For provincial and epidural - 2% of the range.


At home minds of the Likarskiy zasib Novokayin vikoristovuyut for preparation. One of the best recipes for antibiotics is sumish dimexidum (30 ml) with novokain (2% razchin 50 ml).

The method of carrying out the procedure is offensive:

  • leak the gauze bandage with a patch;
  • butt until the moment of confirmation of painful visions;
  • to improve efficiency, put the compress on top with cellophane;
  • trimati pad from 30 to 60 chilin.

The triviality of the procedure can be improved in fallowness due to the turn of the large views.

Pobichna diya

  • lower blood pressure;
  • collapse;
  • seeing objects circling;
  • weakness;
  • allergic show on skіrі;
  • anaphylactic shock.

special requests

Toxic effect on the organism of the patient grows in fallowness due to vicious concentration of growth.

Vzaєmodia with Likami

  • in case of a spilny stagnation of the Novocaine with antagonists of sulfanilamides, there is a change and weakening of the antimicrobial effect;
  • with intravenous administration of a procaine, it causes galvanic action on the central nervous system for oral anesthesia, hypnotic, sedative drugs, narcotic analgesics and tranquilizers.