Why does the dog have a back pass of firing. Paraanalism in dogs

2 October 2015 р

frankness paraanal vines typical for large ssavts. In dogs, the stench roztashovani in that misci, de the rectum pass into the anus, the central organ. The zalos have a secret, which is attached to a particular antiquated statute, to wipe the territory behind an additional creature, and also serve as a mast, as the process of defecation lies.

With normal robotic para-anal fouls, the secret is to go independently, if the dog goes to the toilet in a great way. The calories are lightly housed from the organization and from the grip of the grip, they are sounded all over the place.

Outdoor and wild creatures practically do not see problems with a musty secret and clogged with ducts of zalos. If the dog is properly grunting, regularly vigulyuutsya, then it may not need outside help: the body is completely cleaned without additional zusil.

Important! The procedure is clearly not supported by gidlivny people: the secret is even stronger unpleasant odor... As soon as you realize that you can kill the manipulation, then you can turn up to the likar more beautifully.

There are two ways of cleaning.

Sposib first:

The procedure should be carried out with a friend, the dog can be spinning, so that he will feel the time discomfort.

  • The creature is growing in a basin or at the baths. Pomichnik mitsno trims the dog's face and trims the dog's belly.
  • Take off the gum mittens in front of the front.
  • It's easy to take the dog for the base of the tail and as much as possible to give it, the creature is not guilty of feeling pain. Tse allow descho to relax the sphinkter and adhere to the connection.
  • With a hand in mittens, grip the anus from the sides, like a secret has accumulated.

Other ways:

Also require the help of a friend.

  • The dog will need to take care of the bath;
  • A finger in a mitten is made with vaseline or olієu. Insert your finger into the rear passage perpendicular to the floor.
  • If you see a zalose with your finger, then squeeze it in the middle and call, vishtovhuyuchi ridina.

Important! Another way is not suitable for dogs of other breeds.

Immediately after the procedure, you need to imitate the dog, so the smell will be strong. You can put a candle, for example, an іkhtyolovy one, which can also neutralize surplus secrets.

The frequency of the procedure is to lie in the way of life of the creature, if the dog is weak to the accumulation of age in the vines, then it will be cleaned approximately once per week In case of significant damage to the robotic organs, the frequency is increased to once a month.

Cause the dog's accumulation of secrets

Yak zgaduvalosya vishche, in natural minds dogs do not need cleaning. Why is the procedure needed by home-grown creatures?

  • Slump. Small breeds, which are frail to obesity, for example, pugs, bulldogs, taxis, often have problems in the galuzi and it is recommended to clean them regularly.
  • Passive way of life. In "sofa" dogs, it is difficult to vivilnennya to the secret of zaloz.
  • Living. The body of the dog does not attach itself to eating at a human table, so that, if you can't think of a mischievous glance at your own vikhovanets, they don't often stack up with a common problem.
  • Lack of control. Bagato veterinarians do not need to look around the back passage of a dog, so they cannot tell the owner if they have found a secret in the openings. When looking around, ask the doctor to take a look around the area.

Prevention is simple. The dog is guilty of walking twice a day, which is not good for the food. On a walk, the creature is guilty of being active, which is more likely to collapse, which is more beautiful in the new intestinal periolation. In some cases, it is necessary to remove the area of ​​the anus, while we massage ourselves.

Symptoms of inflamed paraanal lobes

If you miss the moment, then the secret is stagnant to ignite and develop a blockage in the duct, which is why it is possible for such signs:

  • The dog "rides" on pidlozi on the priest, vibrating short surfaces,
  • Strongly grizzly tail or hind legs, stretch to reach the anus,
  • The anus can swell and itchy,
  • On the tail and the beard, the wool is falling asleep,

All symptoms are about those that need to be turned up to the veterinarian and cleaned up.

Having accumulated a secret, you can break through the wall abscess... Call the viglyada yak virazka in the anal opening. At the same time, there is no creature, we are watching and we are sleepy. The wound continually ooze out like a thick red line. In such a situation, the term is not needed.

Lіkuvannya abscess and vividness

The veterinarian can open the zalose, clean the wound and disinfect it. pislya surgical engagement the candles are recognized. It is necessary that you are wearing a mask, which does not allow you to lick the wound.

If the creature regularly picks up the stove and if it needs cleaning it, then the humane itself will vividly zovsim. The operation is awkward and in the most important way, it is not a problem. During the hour of creation, it is necessary to have a light day and parts of the vigulum, the intestines are constantly emptied.

Inflammation of paraanal vines in dogs is even wider. Before zapalennya to produce accumulated secrets in special anal bears, and it is unfortunate for a new go to be called a wicked way.

Launched flames paraanal vines in dogs can be even more serious: abscess, chronic blockage of vines, self-injury, oblivion, furunculosis, pathology of supra-nirkoval villosis, behavioral disorders: chronic stress, neurosis.

Tse of special zalozi (aka sine), which are represented in the view of symmetrical mice, roztashani from the sides in the rectum in the transition to the anal opening... Tsi zalozi vyroblyayut vividly smells a secret, which is a vison of two main functions:
  • allowing creatures to conceive of territory, overlapping signal mint;
  • being a clever grease, I will lay down the process of defecation.

Normally, the seeds are regularly cleaned by themselves through the health at the entrance of the called feces. Inodi vinik blockage of perianal vines in a dog, and the secret cannot be called independent. Such a blockage goes over at the igniter і vimagaє engaging the lord abo the veterinarian.

ignited often trail in young dogs, And the link with the kindred peculiarities is not revealed.

Symptoms, here, are Behavioral snakes:

  • the dog is restless and restless;
  • try "clean your ass" about kilim or pidlog;
  • post_ine pragnennya vicusity is on the tail;
  • vidmova vid yzhi;
  • Signs of pain during defecation or in a sitting position.

With a visual look you can beat:

  • miscene region in the region of the anus;
  • ear and swelling of the anus;
  • podmoclium wool near the tail;
  • comb, hang.

When lightly ignited and cleaned you can fit on your own, And when the process is running, it is necessary that you turn up to the fastest. Protect, navit if you yourself could clean the nest, necessary examination and consultation with a veterinarian in order for it to z'yasuvati і put down the cause of burning.

specific laboratory diagnostics don’t sleep to finish a simple look around that palpation.

Lіkuvannya zapalennya paraanalnyh vilozov in dogs

Yak lіkuvati zapalennya paraanalnyh vilozi in a dog? When ignited, the process of cooking includes:

  • mechanical cleaning of clogged vines;
  • sinus treatment, antibiotic administration;
  • with caution and come from secondary prevention.

If necessary, vicorist miscene zebolennyaі zaspokilivi zasobi... With cleaned clogged, ale not ignited halls, anesthesia is not required. With a rosy abscess, punctures can be made.

Prompt involvement (resection of zaloz) is required only in some other important cases. Before the visualization of paraanal zalosis in dogs, it is guilty but strict demonstration, and in the prophylactic purposes, the activity is not possible.


I will importantly wikklyuti z ratsionu be-yak uzhu "from the state's table": Nichogo fatty, greasy, gosty or salty. The ratsioni guilty of revenge has a large number of clitches, which, in addition to the paraanal vines, can be cleansed by a natural path.

For quiet dogs, for whom obesity has become the reason for the incapacitation, it is necessary to formulate a childish race.

For the prevention of burning of paraanal villosities in a dog, you can help:

  • regular inspection of the anus area (without cleansing healthy vines, possibly navpaki, to cause microtrauma and development of sickness);
  • pidtrimannya optimal breed vagi;
  • free dehelmintisation;
  • it is important to solicit a regular molded style;
  • balancing races.

Video about cleaning paraanal vines in dogs

Proponoєmo look over the video, it is possible to poke, as it is to clean. It is necessary for the small and for the small and for the small breeds to go only in a way, to do it. great dogs You can also cleanse the middle of the anus.

Hirurgic ailments of dogs

Yaksho dog go booty, for zapalennya paraanal zaloz

What robiti, how about a dog to go booty? Lіkuvannya zapalennya paraanalnya zolozi in dogs. Read on, if cleaning of paraanal hallways in home minds is relevant.

The theme of our current statty is Paraanalism in dogs - fiery іkuvannya. In all types of meaty creatures, there is a pair of small animals with ducts - zalosis of the outer secretion, one from the skin side of the anus. Tila zaloz roztashovany at the sacral edge of the anal opening, z internal side rectum. The ducts are vivodat in zovnіshnє middle, practically at the very anal wedge.

In normi, paraanalny zolozi secretyut a rare zhovtuvato-syria or brown material, which turns out at the moment of intestinal emptying, or when the dog is overloaded. Phylogenetically, the secret is to serve creatures for a target territory, protest among dogs, especially those born with a piece of shyah, anal zozy with a rudiment. Ale such a camp is right not to the pathology of the organ, but to bring a lot of problems to the creature and the owner.

In fact, the reason for the inflamed paraanal vines in a dog is poorly vivified on the current day. Zahvoryuvannya diagnostics, as a rule, at the time of interruption ignition process, Scho wiklikє the twins have severe discomfort and swirl with specific symptoms.

Riziku factories

Yak bulo is designated as a vische, the reasons for the flickering of paraanal vines in dogs are not known to veterinary medicine. All the lower is pererakhovani mind є deprived of the factors of risk, as in some creatures can stimulate the development of ailments, in others - ni.

  • Obesity.
  • Part of the attack is diarea.
  • Weak muscle tone in the rectum and anal opening.
  • Unbalanced race of the dog.
  • Chronic soft style.
  • Cancers of the new establishment close to the roots or in the structures of the tissues.
  • Nadmіrna abo nerozpodіleniya vyroblenya salty secretion.

The assigned factor to the risk can become the reason for the uneven vision of the secret, which can lead to the replenishment of the loses, the reduction of them together and the further obstruction of the ducts. Put down the secretaries, fix them up, and put them in the bag until they get started.

Nadal pathological process of the abnormal increase in the concentration of bacteria, such as the presence in the accumulated secrets, which, in your own heart, stimulates the purchase of gross exudates and the formation of abscesses. As a result of the transition of the chronic ignition process into cancers.


One of shorter ways zapobіgti fired paraanal zaloz - with a low instead of saturated fats and a sufficient amount of uneven grub fibers, which are rich in vegetables. Such a reason to allow the equations of the dog's system to formulate kalovy masi When you go out of the anal opening, the piston is dumb with a piston to empty it instead of the zaloz.

A dog to go booty - characteristic symptom, More often I will focus on the problems of paraanal vines.

Dogs that suffer from obesity and breed, are strong until they are guilty of being put under control of the decrease in vagi. In addition, in such dogs it is recommended to regularly manually clean the paraanal gorges, to reduce the amount of energy needed to develop the ignition process.

Of course, it is obvious that it is often involved in the physiology of zaloz, provoking more frequent offensive cleanings. The paradox of polarity is that in case of permanent physical injection on zolozi, їkh stinks groan, and that means grow weak until stretching. As a result, the contractile state of affairs is reduced, so that it can lead to a secret accumulation to the overworldly accumulation.

In short, the recommendation of the veterinary doctor in the prevention of paraanal diseases is balancing the dog's race to quiet feces, as long as the feces do not become cracked, formed consistency. It’s a matter of living all the visits for those who are old. In addition, the creature is guilty of constantly emptying its intestines and following the regularity of the graph. physical options and motion.

In addition to the disease, recurrence of the pathology does not come to the end with the formation of cancerous tissue. It’s a pity, because I’m looking at the ninish camp of special knowledge, it’s not a good way to start developing perianal crayfish fluffs. Preceding the reasons why cancer has become the vanguard is not only veterinary medicine, but medicine.

Diagnostics and symptoms

Filling of paraanal wounds in dogs specific symptoms... However, the problem of the field is that far from all the masters, who may also have some signs, are likely to bind them with prickly pathology. More vvazhayut ts show signs of helminth infections and worms to help their vikhovantsy behind the help of antihelminthes. It’s clear that it’s a kind of therapy, absolutely marn, and after stretching it for an hour, it’s burning to turn into a larger foldable form, or a rooted abscess.

The main signs of paroanal diseases in dogs are changed:

  • The creature never ceases to reach out to the anal opening - lick and bite wool in pre-school areas.
  • Take a sitting position, the dog sits forward, not lifting the back of the dog. It seems - "a dog to go booty."
  • Vlasniki often skarzhitsya on the edge of the inappropriate smell from the rear of the dog's mouth and its empty mouth.
  • In neglected cases of strong heat, both hand and right handed from the anal opening, trochas lower horizontally, the line may be more prone to reddening of the area. There is a hostility in the middle of a vipira.

Formation of an abscess in the area of ​​the right paraanal zalozi.

  • When sprobі natisnuti on the area of ​​the anus - the dog is calm.
  • In especially important cases, if there are some big abscesses, it is possible to notice the appearance of fistulas from which there are stinking masses.

The cleaning of paraanal saloses in dogs is done manually. The veterinary drug is guilty of evaluating the ignition process for significant signs, and then carrying out some diagnostic or clinical procedures. On the right, in the fact that the growth in the stage is fired, it folds down to the point of view of an abscess, and the infusion on a pathological midsection can lead to the breaking up of the stinks to the organ and the wikid of the gross into the empty basin. This kind of development in the region is not safe for the life of the creature and can lead to the achievement of important inheritances.

Fired up anal beetles are completely hammered with thick against a thick-jawed or greenish color, and the process of vyvlyuvannya stimulates the manifestation of ailments in the dog.

When an abscess is evident, it turns reddish-brown, stinks in the place of a small consistency, and to avenge houses with pus and blood. Swelling and skin swelling in the anal area is also evident. Frequently, at advanced stages of ailment, dogs have a fever.


In a large number of vipads, as if the paraanal diseases in the dog are inflamed, the dog will be more likely to be the result of routine monitoring of the blood and biochemistry of the animal. It is carried out at the same time as a parallel diagnosis of current illnesses, as well as oncological diagnostics. With the development of a cancer process in the blood of dogs, it is often advances parathyroid protein and calcium. If the results are positive, the radiological examination will be carried out breast cancerі pelvis, і, can be - ultrasonic black empty in response to metastases.

If the radiographs of the pelvic emptying in the area of ​​paraanal saloses will show the obviousness of the educational knowledge, it is possible to carry out a biopsy of this dilyanka. On the sign of the edge, it is foldable to look like a chilny masses from a chubby, so a puncture is to be avoided behind an additional gradual head. As soon as it comes to light, you can take it at a glance to assess the bacterial microflora, and in the future you can identify the target therapy with antibiotics. As soon as the head goes, it’s better to pick up the tissue and to carry out further cytological treatment for clarification of the cancerous new solution.

special remarks

Unfortunately, in a large number of veterinary clinics, in the first place, it is often necessary to carry out the diagnostic procedure as a whole. As a rule, the drug is palpable to indicate the appearance of the burned out, I see it and even the recommendations for the year. Antibiotic therapy with drugs may be prescribed for children in children wide range diy course 3-4 days. І їх Іх Іх Іх recognize obov'yazkovo in case of detection of an abscess, which in front of it is seen hirurgic path.

additional symptoms

In addition to what has been said, it is possible to see the onset of zagalny signs of inflamed paraanal vines in dogs:

  • A post-ruff tail, squeezed to the anal opening - karbuvannya.
  • Pidvischena spruce before the hour of the act of defecation (tenesmus).
  • Negligible creature sitting on the mice.
  • Svіzha shelter and gnіy on feces.
  • There are wet wounds in the anal opening.
  • Constipation.

Dogs in the group of raised rizik

Firing of paraanal zenosis is more common in dogs of other breeds, in sprouts - miniature poodles and Chihuahua-hua. Likewise, the increased wool and the fatness of the creature is fed to a larger rhizik.

Females older than the five-year-old are especially strong until the development of crayfish fluffs, both good-natured and bad-tempered.

Malignant carcinoma of paraanal diseases.


If the signs of paralanal zalosis inflamed are more likely to occur in the dog for the first time, in any case it is necessary to turn to the veterinary clinic, to navigate in different ways in diagnostics. As it already meant food, during the firing process, an abscess can be established and when trying to carry out self-cleaning, it is possible to provoke pus into the empty basin and sacred tissue.

pislya first look around, Veterinary medicine to designate the most effective treatment scheme, as you can use offensive procedures:

  • Epidural sacral anesthesia. It is carried out in times of need for protection, as the creature is very reactive, or the procedure for cleansing.
  • Cleaning of paraanal vesicles in dogs, the procedure is shown.
  • Promivannya of empty salves with antiseptic rosters.
  • When an abscess is evident, it is seen by a surgical path. be held on gallant anesthesia creature.
  • Promptly seeing the crayfish chubby, which is such a small mice buti.
  • In some cases, paraanal transmission is more visible in dogs. It will always be carried out symmetrically.

Yak to clean Paraanalny zalozi sobatsi self

Self-cleaning of paraanal vines is carried out in dogs in case of relapse and only with the permission of a veterinary doctor.

In an offensive block, it is conceivable to cover the last of the correct cleansing in the photos, as for dogs of great and other breeds. A pair of gum medical mittens, medical vaseline, and a set of papery servetka are needed for the robot. With the help of a special hygiene, the procedure is more beautiful to carry out on the street. It’s not a matter of such a possibility - there’s a bathtub in the room. On the right, the secret is that it is the power to break out when cleaned, and its smell and color can be brought up to the sharpness of the fabrics and hands. It is also not recommended to use a special navpaki for the anal opening of the creature.

Yak to clean Paraanalny zalozi great dogs:

Stage 1. Introduce a vkaz_vny finger in front of vaseline chipping, into the anal opening for a glybin of 2-3 cm.

Stage 2. Namatsavshi with a pointed finger pulling behind the wall of the rectum, call to press thumb through the skirting and not rooting out your fingers, you can see it right in right on yourself and up the hill.

Step 3. Repeat the procedure with the left hand for cleaning the right paraanal grip on the dog.

Cleaning of paraanal vines in a dog of a different breed:

With a healthy, great і pointed finger, the area of ​​zalozov, seemingly a secret right up the hill and on itself. To make the procedure more beautiful, by screwing the anal opening with a servet and in mittens.

We help our readers in finding the paraanal vines in dogs. Remember - as long as the dog goes to the booty for the first time, then he turns to the veterinary clinic and does not carry out any procedures on his own. Chekaєmo your vislovlyuvan in comments below, subscribe to

Failure of paraanal (anal, nearanal) villosis in dogs - to get sick more often, with a lot of hairs from chotirino friends. Do not panicuvati, remembering the first signs. With a negativity to a veterinary clinic, all symptoms are easy to stop. Nigolovn_she in the whole food - do not drag out!

For a cob of warto rozibratisya, so also paraanalny zolozi and what is the reason for this fieryness? So the axis: Paraanal zolozi in dogs - the central organ of the secretory. They pretend to be especially smelly of speech, for the help of which creature they lure females, wipe the territory, show the enemies. In the midst of the above, there is a thought, as if the organ of domestic vikhovanets was transformed into a rudimentary one. Seals of the firing and blockage parts. Ale tse tilki theory.

The main causes of inflamed paraanal infections in dogs

  • The first reason is the wrong race. Don’t take the dog with food from the khazya’s table. For creatures, oily, greasy їzha, tastes and an excess of bіlka - unacceptable rozkіsh! Remember: the wrong attitude can lead to more serious ailments!
  • It’s a good idea to be latent in the decline of schilnosti. Zokrema, dogs of others i dwarf breeds More often than not, they suffer from fiery anal vines, not dogs of middle and great breeds.
  • Ridkіsnі walks and little ruggedness. To come, if the gentlemen do not have a walk with the creature during the last hour. Sobatsi to be brought often to endure and rarely get enough of. People can be overweight and overweight. Give the furnishings a meaningful increase in risiki.
  • Some blockages can be diagnosed through infection.

Yaksho vi rosumite, your dog is in the zone of risiku - regularly re-check it. Prophylaxis is always more beautiful and simpler, less treatment!

Signs of burning paraanal vines in a dog

Yaksho Vi want to quickly develop the paraanal vines in dogs, a photo from the Internet is unlikely to help you much. You don't have to spend an hour looking at unacceptable pictures. The skin creature has its own symptoms. Ale, as a rule, ailment is manifested by the offensive rank:

  • The dog starts to ride on pidlozi on the priest, scratch the anus about all the handicrafts: shoals, furniture. Bagato vlasnikiv tvarin roztsinueut will be similar to the behavior as the manifestation of helminth infections, although in a large number of cases it is not so.
  • The anal opening will become swollen, chervonin, there will be sverbіzh. The creature starts often and actively vilizuvati;

Small. 1 The dog is calm, starts actively vilizuvati in the area of ​​the anal opening.

  • Vikhovanets vidchuv dim discomfort during defecation;
  • If you delay the withdrawal to the veterinary clinic, then the wool near the anal opening will start vipadati, on the shkiri there will be a little more razdratuvannya. The creature will be constantly razchisuvati sore mice, as soon as the dog's camp is gone. In combing wounds, you can consume infection.
  • Best of all, you can eat with a vikhovan, if you don't end up turning up to a lykar at all times - as a result of an abscess. Vono can bring, including, to lethal result. The abscess is ripe with a stretch of one or more decilkoh dib, for which a fistula is called. Viglyada tse yak openings of a small diameter, with a thick whitening instead of a brude-gray or brown color. On this stage of development, the dog becomes sick, inactive. Over the year, the temperature is higher than normal. Yaksho Vi have been burned on the floor new stage It is not necessary to go to the veterinarian, but big!

diagnostics of illness

Diagnostics for an adequate drug is not a folding process. Anamnesis, looking around, symptoms of symptomatology - are characteristic on the right for fahivts. In some cases, at higher and lower stages of illness, additional analysis may be needed. Smell to help you get the steps to speed up and signify correct lіkuvannya.

Self-diagnosis of blockage or inflammation of paraanal loops, and even more correct treatment, for nonprofessionals in the edge smoothly. Someone to spare, albeit often sending self-diagnostics to the clinic, the gentlemen of the grievously ailing creatures are murdered. Zagvoryuvannya, viyavleni at the tsikh tvarin on early stages, Lіkuvalisya would be even simpler. І inexpensive.

Felling of paraanal vines in dogs: lіkuvannya

Firing paraanal zalozi in a dog will try to do the good, especially when the dog is brutalized. Relapses are possible, however, the stench develops not too often, at least once at a time.

In the Internet there are a lot of articles and video clips about those how to independently clean Paraanalny zolozi in dogs. Ale persh nіzh look at a glance of the daughters of the chiefs, think: would you, for example, see your own child of adenoids? Abo krashy butt: robiti puncture and clean maxillary sinuses without the help of a lykar?

Lіkuvannya zapalyannya paraanalnyh zalozov for wiping at the early stages of kostu is not expensive. Then, having turned up to the fahivts of our clinic, you can sing: Your lover will be healthy!

It’s not a matter of zabuvati: for an hour cleaning it is called a strongly smelling secret. Yakshcho Vi, virishite carry out the procedure.


Yak already writing vishche, nazvzhdi shove the problem to you, you are unlikely to be sucked in. Approximately once every 3-6 months, the procedure for cleansing anal hairs will be carried out again in the form of prophylaxis.

As soon as you start fixing it up more often, not once a month (and such situations in the region are rare, ale winy), I recommend you to recommend them. The operation is not foldable, the creature is already the next day to turn to the usual way of life.

In general, if you are quilting after the vikhovant and quickly turning to fachivts, the incineration of paraanal vines is not scary.

professional come in

Prevention is simple:

  • Year with balanced feed, do not allow the development of obesity;
  • Walk your dog frequently. Do not give food to the stomach. Know the place, de Vie you can let go of the fight. Bazhano, in the company of іnsh dogs;
  • Lick your dog regularly from worms;
  • Give your lovers more respect: look around them, regularly go out, periodically bring them to the vet to look around just like that, without a drive. Repeat: prophylaxis is always more beautiful, nіzh lіkuvannya!

If you follow the instructions for prophylaxis, then your lover will have a good health and problems can be unique. Paraanalnyi zolozi not to catch a lot of trouble and lack of hands, neither you, nor dogs. Just love your vikhovanets, give that respect and bring you to see us!