Development of the tooth from the stage of histology. Course robot: Development of teeth in children




Differentiation of dental germs.

The germs of the TOOTH

Osvita dentin (dentinogenesis)

Clinical significance of the disease of dentinogesis

Osvita emali (enamelogenesis)

Clinical significance of amelogenesis damage

Cement osvita, development of periodont and pulp of the tooth

Tissue changes in case of tooth rupture



The uninterrupted process of tooth development takes three main periods:

  • the period of the laying of dental germs;

  • period of formation and differentiation of dental germs;

  • period of establishment of tooth tissue (histogenesis of tooth tissue).



dental plate... At the 6th intrauterine development, a large ball of food, which whispered to the empty company, through all the upper and lower slits, approved the increase in the number of active propagation of the client. The price of food (the primary epithelial cord) grows into the mesenchymal tissue, may be immediately distributed on two plates - the vestibular and the dentition. vestibular plate characterized by a rapid proliferation of cells and their roots in the mesenchyme with the onset of partial degeneration in the central districts, as a result of which an initiative is being formed. buccal-labial beard).

^ dental plate if you can see the arcs, or if you grow out, you can go vertically with the deyakim nahil back. The mitotic activity of the cytin mesenchymal cells, which lay flat before the dentition plate is formed, is also strong enough.

^ Formation of bookmarks of emalevic organs ... On the 8th type of embryonic development in the skin slit on the outer surface of the tooth plate (toothy to the lips or teeth) along the lower edge, in ten different points, there are rounded or oval teeth (teeth on the teeth) The bookmarks are made with purchased mesenchymal cells, which are signals to induce the approval of the empty mouth of the dental plate, and in the general form of the remaining emalevic organs.

^ Formation of tooth germs ... In the area of ​​dentition, cells of the epithelium proliferate along the upper edge of the dental plate and are repaired in the mesenchyme. The growth of the bookmarks of the emalevic organs is displayed unevenly, - the epithelium is the biological growth of condensation of mesenchymal dylyanka. As a result, the epithelial hemalevic organ is formed with a sprinkle of “caps”, which is like buying mesenchymal cells - the dental papilla. The mesenchyme, navkolishnєemalevy organ, can also condense, making a dentary bear (foliculum). Remain in a given row of fabrics to adapt the tooth apparatus.

The emalevian organ, the dental papilla and the dental bear in the sukupnost form the tooth germ.


Differentiation of dental germs.

In the world of growth of the emerald organ, we will grow larger and more vigorous, swelling in the shape of a "dzinochka", and the dentition papilla, which is empty, will begin to grow. At the tsіy stage, the emalevium organ is stored in:

  • zovnishnіkh emelevikh clіtin (zvnіshnіy emeleviy epіtelіy);

  • internal email addresses (internal email addresses);

  • industrial ball;

  • pulp of the hemal organ (part of the reticulum).
At the th stage, the emelevium organ is superimposed on:

  • emeleviy vuzlik і ealeviy heavy;

  • dental papilla;

  • toothache.


The germs of the TOOTH

Osvita dentin (dentinogenesis)

Dentin education is to be repaired at the end stages of the "dzinochka" stage from the differentiation of the peripheral papilla cells, which are transformed in the odonto-region, as it is started before the dentin is vibrated. The introduction of the first balls to dentin and the differentiation of the internal cells of the emerald organ in the secretory-active enamel area, which repairs the production of the emeal on top of the dentin ball. At the same time, the very same areas were previously differentiated for the flow of cells in the internal enamel food. Such interconnections, such as intercourse mesenchymal processes in the early stages of tooth development, with the butts of reciprocal (extra) inductive injections.

In the internal uterine period, the establishment of hard tissues is not in the crown of the tooth, while the formation of the root is contrary to that of the people, they are repaired not well until the rupture and increase of 1.5 - 4 hours until the end of the

^ Osvita dentin in the crown of the tooth

Osvita dentin (child genesis) to repair on the top of the dental papilla. Approvals of such a rank dentin form a crown of a tooth and are called crowns.

Secretion and mineralization of dentin is not seen overnight organic basis (matrix) dentine ( predentine). Predentin on histological preparations can see a thin smudge of Oxyphilic material, rosted between a ball of odontoblasts and internal emalevim epithelium.

In the course of dentinogenesis, there is a lot to go viral raincoat dentincall ball thickness up to 150 microns. Have a friend to see an approval peri-pulpal dentin, Yakiy to become the main mass of the fabric and to grow to the middle of the raincoat dentine. The process of establishing cloak and peri-pulpal dentin yields a number of regularities, as well as a number of peculiarities.

^ Osvita raincoat dentine. The first collagen, synthesized by odontoblasts and visions by them in the lateral space, may be visible in the main speech without the middle before the basal membrane of the inner enamel. They fibrillate the prependicular basal membrane and form bundles, radial fibers of Corfe ... Tovstі collagen fibers spіlly with amorphous speech set up an organic matrix raincoat dentine, The ball has a reach 100-150 microns.

^ zvapninnya dentin to repair at the end of the 5th month of intrauterine development and to work with odontoblasts for additional growth. Learning about the organic matrix of dentin in the first place, so that the inner ball (predentine) is likely to become non-neutralized. In raincoat dentine with collagen fibrils, the membrane of the matrix bulb is otochened with the membrane of the matrix bulb, which reveals the crystals to hydroxyapatite. The crystals grow rapidly, the membranes of the bulbs open up, the crystals grow in different strands near the crystal aggregates, get angry with the purchased crystals.

^ Osvita okolopulparny dentin to see the completion of the formation of the cloak dentin and to become familiar with the special features. Colagen, which can be seen as odontoblasts, has a larger, thin and thinly shaped fibrillation shape, which interlaces between itself and grows, more importantly, perpendicular to the course of the dentinal tubules, or parallel to the surface of the dental papilla. Roztashovani such a rank were chosen to be so called Ebner's tangential fibers.

The main idea of ​​the peri-pulpal dentin is to circulate viciously with odontoblasts, which until an hour later will complete the formulation of inter-pulpal dentin and by themselves see the predentine as differentiating the pulp of the tooth. Warehouse of organic matrix near-pulpary dentin appears as such in cloakroom dentin as a result of secretion of odontoblasts a number of phospholipids, lipids and phosphoproteins have not been violated before. Zvapninnya okolopulparny dentin is healthy without the participation of matrix bulbs.

^ Mineralization of peri-pulpal dentin Place the crystals of hydroxyapatite on the surface and in the middle of the collagen fibers, and also between them (without the participation of matrix bulbs) in the roundish mass globules (calcospheres). Stay in the fake grow and get angry one by one, molding one-sided fabrics. Such a character is well-worn in the peripheral dylyankas near-pulpary dentin close to the cloak dentin, de large globular masses get angry at oddly, overpowering dylyankas, called interglobular dentin ... The size of the globules should be placed in the form of a quick coverage of the dentine. An increase in intraglobular dentin is characteristic of deformities of dentinogenesis, associated with defects in the disease, for example, in the case of autaminosis D, lack of calcitonin, or in addition to increased concentrations of fluorine.

The triviality of the period of activity of odontoblasts, as long as it is applied and mineralization of dentin, becomes approximately 350 dB in the teeth of the hour, and in the last - close to 700 dB. The processes are characterized by a singing period, the establishment of such a fashion in dentin is so called the growth of the line. The Їx belt is surrounded by small periodic changes right in the fold of collagen fibers. So, with an interval, equal to the middle, 4 microns, it appears more lines to growth; there are more clear bends in the vicinity of 20 microns growth lines of Ebner how to inform about the cyclicity of the dentin deposition with a period of close to 5 dB (information rhythm). Mineralization of dentin also works rhythmically for a period of close to 12 years (ultradian rhythm), independent of the cyclicity of the organic matrix.

^ Osvita peritubular dentin. On the cob, the dentin tubules are shaped to form a significant enlightenment, which can change in the future. The price of being posted in the middle of the walls peritubular dentin If it is correct, it would be called intratubular dentin. Peritubular dentin develops from intertubular dentin in more high-grade hydroxyapatitis. Yogo secretion is formed by growths of odontoblasts, growing in dentinal tubules. Mineralization of the secreted organic base of dentin is taken care of by the transferred calcium in three ways:

  • in the warehouses of matrix bulbs, which are expanded along the periphery of the cytoplasm of the growths and are seen in the lateral space;

  • on the intratubular (dentinal) line;

  • in the chemical connection with the phospholipids of the membrane of the spine.
Peritubular dentin grows in a small amount in the teeth of young people, in the interglobular dentin is visible.

^ Osvita dentin in the root of the tooth

Osvita dentin in the root of the tooth is basically the opposite, as in the crown, it should be done at larger stages, being repaired before, and finishing with the eruption of the tooth. During the formation of the crown, a large part of the enamel organ, which took part in the established crown, was also given to regressive signs. These components have lost the characteristic differentiation and have transformed into a spherical cluster of clitin, which makes a fast emeleus, which breaks the crown of the tooth. The zone of activity of the emerald organ at the third stage is shifted to the area of ​​the shy side of the loop, denoting the cells of the inner ring. There is evidence of proliferation of cych clitin in the mesenchymal tissue between the dental papilla and the dental bear growing in a two-ball epithelial cord of the cylindrical form - epithelialne (hertvigovskoe) koreneva pikhva ... The chain of steps at the viglyadi podovzhutsya spіdnitsі descend from the epithelial organ to the base of the papilla. On the basis of the internal dietary organ, the internal cells of the root can not be differentiated in the enamel area and take a cubic shape. In the world, as the epithelial root of the papilla, the tooth papilla, its internal cells, induce the differentiation of the peripheral cells of the papilla, as it is transformed into the odontoblast of the tooth root. Bending down the middle edge of the root pichvi, the titles of the epithelial diaphragm, wanting the epithelial openings. When the roots are formed, the root canal appears to be connected to two or three canals for the edges of the epithelial diaphragm, as at the sight of two or three, it is planned to send one to one

Writing by odontoblasts along the edge of the epithelial root of the dentin in the epithelium of the pithy, in the new dylyankas, in addition to the tissue. As a result, the number of small anastomosing strands, called by the hotel rooms (islands) of Malassi (Div. Lecture "Budova paradonta"). At that hour, when the crown is closest to the crown, the epithelium begins to fall, the apical dialects expand into the tissue, the differentiation of odonto regions and the shape of the root of the tooth. Epithelial surpluses of Malassi, which include the order of the material of the decaying root bone, also the surplus of the dental plate, which seems to play an important role in the pathology, since the stench can serve as centers for the formation of cement see the lecture "Budova paradonta").

When the root is formed, the epithelial edge of the epithelial bone can be planted on its way to a blood-bearing nerve. In such a drop, the wine grows along the edges of the structure, and in the area of ​​the expansion of the peripheral papilla of the dental papilla, do not enter until the inner ball of the epithelial papilla is closed. For reasons of stench not to be re-created in odor, in the dawn of the root there will be a defect in dentin - dodatkovy (lateral) root canal The pulp from the navkolishny tooth with the complete tissue of the periodont is ringing. Such canals can serve as paths for the expansion of infections. In some cases, around the inner cells of the epithelial root bush, which are in contact with dentin, they differentiate in the enamel area, as there will be vibrations of other dots of the perforation, which are connected to the top of the rose ("Emalevi Perlini") .

The dentin of the root grows from the dentin of the coronal chemical warehouse some organic components, a greater low degree of mineralization, a suvoric organization of collagen fibers and a greater low speed of application.

The residual formation of the root dentine will end in the absence of the teeth bursting, in the timchal teeth approximately after 1.5-2 times, and in the last, in the middle - after 2-3 rocks from the ear of the teeth.

In general, the dentin is illuminated until the residual anatomical form is attached to the teeth, such dentin is called primordial, or physiological. It is more common to establish dentin in relation to the formed tooth (secondary dentin), which can be achieved by stretching out the life of the tooth and to produce a progressive change in the pulp chamber. Secondary dentin is due to the lesser concentration of glycosaminoglycans and is characterized by more weak mineralization, less primary dentin. Between the primary and secondary dentine, you can create a clear line of calm. Tretinous dentin, or reparative dentin, is deposited in the singing dylyankas at the end of the tooth. The speed of the add-on is to be found at the stage of production: what is the value of the cost, tim vona vishcha (reach 3.5 microns / dobu).


Clinical significance of the disease of dentinogesis

Disruption of dentinogenesis can occur with the formation of the organic matrix, with mineralization, either on both stages. Anomalies to the matrix are characteristic of the legacy disease, called dentinogenesis inperfecta. At the same time, the structure of the email is not changed, the protection of dentin is not good, as long as the email appears. When the damage is damaged, calcospheres appear, as they do not get angry one by one, they are too large for interglobular dentin.


Osvita emali (enamelogenesis)

Emal is a secretory product of the diet, and moreover, the education is very often seen as the development of all the hard tissues of the body, which are old mesenchies. Amelogenesis protects in three stages:

  • the stage of the secretion and primary mineralization of the email;

  • stage of ripening (stage of secondary mineralization) emala;

  • stage of residual dosage (stage of tertiary mineralization)

With a broach the first of them - the stage of secretion and primary mineralization of the emaly- It is not necessary to secret the organic basis of the email, as it may immediately be given the primary mineralization. However, the emal has established itself as such a rank - it is improbably a bean of the fabric and revenge on the richly organic speech. With a broach the other stage of amelogenesis is the stage of maturation (secondary mineralization) won’t be a bit farther apart, as it’s not just a result of additional inclusion in the warehouse of mineral salts, but rather a larger part of the organic matrix. The third stage of anamelogenesis - the stage of residual maturation(Third Mineralization) Emales are healthy when the tooth is destroyed and are characterized by the completion of the microalization of the teeth and the way of the proper way of getting rid of the teeth.


Klitini, scho make an emal - enameloareas There is a change in the number of changes in pre-renameloblasts, which are differentiated from the cells of the internal enamel diet. Differentiation of enameloblasts up to the ear of amelogenesis to snuff out the worms of the enamelogenous organ, so that all of the balls are consumed. The clichés of the zvnіshny emalevoy epіtelіyu from the cubic one are reimagined in the plane. There is a change in the backward form of the enamel organ - the smooth surface of the old, scalloped surface is often pressed into it in the bags of the small mesenchs of the dental bear and the loops of the capillaries. With a large area of ​​the surface of the mesenchymal tissue and the lasting epithelium of growth, the capillaries, which grow on the side of the mesenchymal tissue, come close to the inner emerald organ, and the pulp grows out of the pulp. Assigned changes will allow the ball to be harvested and differentiated from the side of the tooth mouse. Tim himself will compensate for the proper metabolism from the dental papilla to them, previously serving as the main source of pre-renameloblast hacking, and now, from them, the dentin ball is placed between them. Immediately, a change of polarity is seen in the cells of the cell of the inner body of the body, as a result of which the basal and apical poles are reduced by their own flickers. The complex of Golgi and centrioles of pre-renameloblasts, which grew up at the pole, turned up to the intermediate ball (formerly colonic apical), shifted to the opposite pole of the clitin (which is now becoming apical). Mitochondria, like pochatkovo boules, diffusely spread along the cytoplasm, concentrate in the area that was previously occupied by the Golgi complex and became the basal part of the clitine.

Enamelo areas are differentiated after 24-36 years after the completion of the functional dosage of odontoblasts adjoining them. The residual signal for the whole process is to serve as a cob of illumination of presetin, seed cream, yogo collagen and (or) proteoglycans. We will explain those that amelogenesis depends on the type of dentinogenesis. Three reasons for the first secretory-active enamel area to be established there, to repair the dentin - in the area of ​​the maybutnye working edge of the crown of the anterior or posterior humps. The signs of differentiation of the enamelo regions widen right up to the edge of the enamel organ up to the loop. The link of differentiation of enameloblasts from the dentin asserts to serve as one butt of each other, so as the induction of development of odontoblasts was created by the internal clines of the enamel organ.

The secretory-active odonto-region is a high prismatic cell (up to a width of up to 10: 1) with high differentiation by the cytoplasm. At the apical part, there is a steep Golgi complex, cisterns of granular endoplasmic fences, mitochondria. The polarization of the superimposition is to reorganize the cytoskeleton and end with the appearance in the apical part of the Toms sprout. Functionally, differentiation of pre-renameloblasts in the enamelo region is supervised to be attributed to the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans and to type IV collagen (a component of the basal membrane) and the appearance of health to the synthesis of specific large enamelinov і amelogenins .

Secretion and primary mineralization of the email

The secretion of the emelo region should be repaired from the vision of organic speech between the dentin and the apical surface of the enamelo regions at the eyeballs of a 5-15 micron non-interruptible ball, in which the processes of crystallization are very quickly observed. When a ball is formed cob emaly ... Fixing emails should be repaired in the area of ​​the front edges of the front teeth and the back humps, widening in a straight line.

Especially emaly, which leads to dentin, cement and brush, and those who develop the process of mineralization even more quickly because of the secretion - the period of time, when the process is developing, whether or not to become. That is, when the emails are added, it is practically possible to see an unneuralized alternator (predemal). Mineralization of emali is a two-stage process, which includes mineralization and further growth of crystals.

Enamelo regions control the transport of inorganic ions from the capillaries of the dental mouse to the surface of the emblem. An important role in the mineralization of the emblem is played by the tampering of the area of ​​the library, which can be used to display a number of functions:

  • take part in the connection of Ca 2+ ions and regulation of transport by secretory enamelo regions;

  • opening the cob nucleation (іnіtsіаtsії) when forming crystals of hydroxyapatite;

  • use of growth-resistant crystals of hydroxyapatite;

  • to mold the middle, as I will preserve the establishment of great crystals of hydroxyapatite and a perfect packing in the email.
Bilki emels are non-collagenous, which are also produced from emeals from other people's fabrics. The main bottles in the period amelogeny , Become 90% bіlkіv, scho see the enamel area. Amelogeny are hydrophobic bottles. Stink to avenge the great quantity proline, glutamineі histidineі take the form of splitting of the secreted great glucoprotein molecule. Amelogenes are ruffled, not tied with crystals. Let the stench be modified and shimmered over the email, taking part in regulating the growth of crystals in the amount, width and thickness. In order to promote the growth of crystals, we need to educate you about the big picture. Tse reachable by two paths:

  • after a vice, set off by growth-resistant crystals, amelogeny vytisnyayuyut out of the open space between crystals in the direction of enameloblasts;

  • a part of the bricks, which are filled with rapidly growing crystals, can be split up to low-molecular-weight words for the production of proteolytic enzymes, secreted by the namelo area.

Another group of bіlkіv, which is located in emali, є enamelini , As they ring with crystals of hydroxyapatite and are characterized by a high volume glutamine, aspartic acidі serine... Ymovirno, enamelin is not an independent secretory product, but the result of polymerization of products by over-etching of amelogenins.

In cob emeralds, hydroxyapatite grows randomly (perpendicularly perpendicular to the dentin surface) and interdigits with dentin crystals. On the thought of the authors, the crystals of Denin є with nucleation (ініціяції) for the formation of crystals in email.

The writing of the first ball of the cob (unchanged) emerald area is displayed from the surface of the dentine and adolescents Toms To serve as a sign of the final completion of the functional differentiation. If I want the cytoplasm of the enamelo area to pass without the middle into the cytoplasm of the sprout, I use the brain boundary in the apical complex of the midget. The cytoplasm of the cytoplasm of the cytoplasm takes revenge on the organelles of the synthetic apparatus, and the cytoplasm of the sprout - secretory granules and other bulbs.

The step of the port is set up to fill the space between the Toms sprouts. Tsya emal is kept secret by the peripheral districts of the enamelo regions for the bases of their adolescents on the rural apikal complexes of the country. Nadal won to be reimagined into a multiprismatic email. As a result, the appearance of a charunkov structure in the eyes of the honeycomb, the stages of which are established may be inter-prismatic, and in the middle of the skin, there is the growth of Toms. Having been formed, such a charunk structure is meant to establish the character of the budovi emala, including the shape, the delineation and arrangement of emalevic prisms, as it will be made up by the sprouts of Toms and fix the opening in the middle. In such a rank, the inter-prismatic emal nada the pochatkova organizuyuyuschie pouring on all Budova emali.

Nutrition about the mechanizm of the formation of the Emelean prisms and the proportions of the Toms sprout є the breakdown. The newest information about those secretory-active areas of the region at once, with their adolescents, is continuously updated to the new periphery. Zsuv vidbuvaєtsya pіd kutom to the dentin-emalevo border. As a matter of fact, with a glance, the sprout is clinging to the scene and clutching with a growing prism. In general, in the course of enamelogenesis, there are more distances from the cell to the growth of the growth without interruption, and to be located at the cell of the cell is the growth.

With the arched configuration of the emalevic prisms of the skin, they pretend to be more than one enamelobast; in fact, in її formulated they take the part of the chotiri clitini, whereby one of them fixes the "head" with prisms, and three of them form the "hvist" (multiprismatic emal). At your own deer, skin enamel area, take care of the fate in the set of chotiroh prisms: in the shape of the “head” of the same prisms and the “tails” of the chotiroh ones.

The organization of crystals in the prisms of being established in such prisms is seen in the multiprismatic films. In the prisms, especially in the central dilyankas, a large part of the crystals grow parallel to the length of the axis, and in the peripheral ones they see out from it. At the mid-prismatic dalyankas, the crystals lie down straight down to the crystals of the central part of the prize.

The growth of emalevic prisms grows cyclically, although on the skin of them with an interval of 4 microns, there is a transverse intensity, similar to the 24-frequency rhythm of the secretion and mineralization of the emal. When the emails are approved, there is a larger (about a week) rhythm of the presentation, which manifests itself in the winners of the Rostov lines of the emala (Retzius' line). On later mines, you can see brown lines, which go obliquely from the surface of the emal to the dentinal-emaline boundary, on the transverse - as concentric stakes, from the lateral fronts of the emal. The process of linking to the periodicity of the data (for other types of information - review the organic matrix) emails. It is well known with the new data, the appearance of Retzius' lines is tied with the periodic vigine of the emalevic prisms during the squeezing of Toms's growths, so that one can find out from the increased secretory surfaces, as well

Emalevs appear in all the news of the news, however, in the world, the greatest concentration of them appears in the peripheral sphere of emalevich prisms, for the traditionally called shell... It’s not worth tying it up in the shells of a crystal, hydroxyapatite is rosted with small kutas, for the sake of the smell, it’s not packaged in a nutshell, and the bottles, so that they can fill up the space between them, are seen incompletely. In such a rank, the shells are not independent illumination, but deprived of the peripheral views of the emalevian prisms themselves from the smaller ordering of the crystals that are pushed out in the middle of the bricks.

Learning emails from the eyes of emalevic prisms, repairing them from the cobs (close to the surface of the dentin), and pumping them up from the outer surfaces of the emails, to set the ball kintsevo emali ... For your budovy kintseva emal is matched to the cob and also does not avenge prisms.

In the course of amelogenesis, cells of the malignant epithelium, the pulp of the epithelial organ and the intermediate spheres consume their individual morphological features and establish a single layer of the malignant epithelium, adjoining them.

^ Dose (secondary mineralization) emal

Yemal was approved as secretary enamaloblasts and became aware primordial mineralization , є immoral ... Vaughn is 70% stored from mineral salts and 30% from organic matrix. This emal has the consistency of cartilage and is not good, it has its own function. You can take advantage of the decalcification and the good thing to appear on the histological preparations. Let's unite the big mini-mineralized email and the biggest inner ball. Tovshchina yogo k_lka micrometers (pochatkova emal).

zrila emal 95% approved by mineral salts and 1.2% - organic speech. Mayzhe all won’t be stored in the form of crystals of hydroxyapatite. The organic (bilkovy) matrix of the emerald can be seen in the trivial fusion of fibrillar structures with a thickness of close to 8 nm, bound one to one and from crystals to hydroxyapatite. With decalcification, it is practical to develop an emblem, so that, in the histological processes of the meeting, it is brought up to empty space.

In the process ripening (secondary mineralizatsii ) emali , To be seen after the completion of the secret and primary mineralization, instead of mineral salts in them it is significant to increase, to produce quick advicesїї hardness. There is a high tide and the inclusion of mineral salts in the emal with an one-hour visible from its organic spoluks (head rank, bilk) and water. Revision of the emerald, as well as of the secretion, is repaired from the small edges of the front teeth and on the jugular tubercles of the back, widening in the area of ​​the tooth.

As a result of the maturation process, the most high level of mineralization is reached in the surface of the sphere, moreover, in the direct dentinal-emaline boundary, it goes down right up to the very inner sphere of the ear, which can be characterized by such

Secondary mineralization of the area will be taken care of by the activists of the activity of the enamelo regions ( enamelo regions of the ripening stage ), As a result of structural and functional conversions enameloblasts of the secretory stage (secretory-active enameloblasts) (Revision!), Yak have completed their work. I will remain a product of the synthesis of secretory-active enameloblasts є material, which fixes the structure, will be matched to the basal membrane. Tsei material is deposited on the surface of emails and serve as a bridge for attaching the half-desmos of enameloblasts (Primary cuticle emali, abo nasmytova obolonka) ... Upon completion of the secretion of the emerald area, pass a short intermittent phase, draw out the stench, consume the growths of Toms and be included in the process of ripening of the emerald. Superfluous organelles, which took part in the processes of secretion, are susceptible to autophagy and overtravel by lysosomal enzymes. A part of enamaleblasts is guinea-blast apoptosis and is phagocytosed by susceptible cells.

The cyclical nature of the process of maturation of the emala is reflected in the morphological features of the enamelo regions. In the middle of the rest, there are two types of cells that have been built up to mutually re-creation.

Enamel areas of the first type characterized by the appearance of a dark edge on the apical surface. The х basal (aside from the emal) complexes of the middle ground may be penetrating, and the apikal (adjacent to the enamel region) - by a high degree. It was established that the cells of the cells take part in the active transport of inorganic ions, which are transferred through their cytoplasm and are seen on the apical surface. The stench may smell even with a high concentration of calcium-ringing bricks. Through the adoration of the region, there is also a soak and soaking of products in the fall of the emales.

Enamelo areas of a different type it has a smooth apical surface. Їх basal complexes are not penetrated, but apikalny are very penetrating. Cyclines take the main part in the well-known from the emales of organic speech and water. Molecules of cich fluids easily penetrate into the small space in the area of ​​apical cavities, and then they are transported by bulbs, which can be installed on the lateral surfaces.

After completing the ripening of the epithelial sphere of the enamel areas and lay down to the new epithelial layer (the statements of the epithelial epithelium, collapsed by the pulp and the intermediate sphere of the epithelial organ) at once fix fast dentition (second cuticle), I will play a role, especially until the tooth is ruptured.

^ Residual dosage (tretine mineralization) emal

Dosage of the emala, tied with the growths in them instead of the mineral speech, generally ends in the molded crown of the unerupted tooth. It is not enough to ripen the crown out of the mouth after the tooth has erupted, especially by intensively pulling the crown over to the empty mouth. The main dzherel of inorganic speeches, which goes into emal, serve as a sludge, if one wants to go over the side of the dentin. At the same time, it is of particular importance for the secondary mineralization of the oil in the whole period there is a mineral warehouse of sludge, including the appearance of the necessary quantities of ions, calcium, phosphorus, fluorine. Remain included in the crystals of hydroxyapatite and increase acid resistance. Nadal, by stretching out his life, Emal took part in the exchange of ions, in the course of the processes of demineralization (visualization of mineral speech) and remineralization of


Clinical significance of amelogenesis damage

Enamel areas are sensitive to final inflows, which can lead to normal overload of amelogenesis. Navit insignificant waterways can appear morphologically as a change to the warehouse of the emaly and the whole lot. Greater damage to the building leads to severe damage to enamelogenesis and to the bending of enameloblasts.

As soon as the inflow of a high-minded official is brought in during the period of the secret of emaly, then the number of emaly (tovshchina in the ball) will be reduced in the tribute of the day. It’s hard to bear the name hypoplasia emali, or even unapproved.

As soon as the inflow is brought to the period of ripening of the emaly, in the greater part of the world, it will break down the mineralization. Such a camp is called hypocalcification emali. With a great deal of reduction in the amount of mineral speech, it is easy to be decalcified and carinous.

Hypoplasia and hypocalcification of the emery can be found in one, a few teeth or all teeth. In cich vipadkah, the causes of damage may be local, systemic, abnormally slow in nature, apparently. Naybіlsh broadening systemic factors є endocrinopathies, getting sick with dangerous camps, deterioration of eating and toxic infusion of deyakie speeches.

Local hypoplasia of the emali you can grab one tooth or part of it. Vona is impressed with muscular damage, for example, trauma, ostemієlіtah. In the post-mortem tooth, the periapical infection of the clock tooth can be affected.

Systemic hypoplasia emeli to develop in the midst of ages Infectious diseases and metabolic breakdowns, chewing teeth splinters, at some time before the hour, ailments become formulated. As soon as the normal process of amelogenesis is refreshed, it will be refreshed. As a result, the teeth are clinically hypoplastic on the teeth of the male, which can be swallowed with a normal email. As well as normal development of an emerald, once it is digested in the course of metabolic changes, then there is a lot of hypoplasia of emales.

Defects can be obumovated with antibiotics in the tetracycline series. Tetracyclines are included in the vaporous tissues, leading to hypoplasia of emerald and brown pigmentation. The step of developing an antibiotics and triviality of storing.

Spadkova (vrodzhena) hypoplasia emeli, abo inadequacy amalogenesis , For all teeth (like timchasovі, so і postіynі), in which the whole crown is used. So yak tovschina emaly, at the same time, to fall sharply, teeth mimic a red-brown color. Incomplete amalogenesis can be incomplete with incomplete dentinogenesis.

Local hypocalcification of the emal As a rule, it is pummeled with muscular debris. The systemic hypocalcification of all teeth, in such a case of a shrewd official, was brought to the period of maturation of the email. We will broaden the butt of such a deterioration. feed water(In 5 and more times it is possible to change the concentration of fluorinated water), which leads to the development of a disease, referred to as fluorosis. It is characteristic for a newcomer to establish the so-called "present milly" emala, in which a multitude of dialects of hypomineralizatsii appear.

Vrodzhena hypocalcification emal spadkovo get sick, Whenever damage appears in all teeth. Immediately, when the crown breaks through, it returns to its normal shape, the proteem grows soft, dark in color, quickly erases or appears with balls.


Cement osvita, development of periodont and pulp of the tooth

Osvita to cement (cementogenesis)

When the root of the tooth is formed, dentin is deposited at the inner surface of the epithelial (Hertwig) root papilla, as the dental papilla emerges from the tooth mouse. In the course of dentinogenesis, the root fall on the outskirts of the fragment (epithelial remnants of Malassi), as a result of which little-differentiated semi-tissue cells of the dental bear come into contact with dentin and differentiate cement area - klitini, scho fix the cement. Cement regions are cubic form clitins with a high vivid mitochondria, a great Golgi complex, a kindly developed GES.

Cement areas repair the vibrating organic matrix (cementoid), which is composed of collagen fibers and the main speech. The cementum is deposited over the root dentin and near the fiber bundles to form the periodontal. For certain types of housing, however, the application of cementum does not appear directly on the surface of the cloak dentin, but on top of a special high-neuralized structureless ball ( hyaline ball Hopewell-Smith) Comrade 10 microns, which covers the dentin of the root of the first one, yak admit it, with the cells of the epithelial root of the root until the first drop. Cei ball, imovirno, sprayed with cement to the dentin and fibers of the periodontal ligament to cement.

Another phase is to cover the cement in the mineralization of the cement by the way of putting it into the new crystals of hydroxyapatite. Crystals are put together in matrix bulbs, in which they are used for mineralization of collagen fibrils to cement. Applying the cement є in a rhythmic process, in which a new ball of cementoid is set up, it will come together with the previously formed ball. The name of the cementoid surface is covered by the cement area. Between them, semi-tissue fibers of the periodont are embedded in the cement, which are stored in the number of collagen fibers, which are called Sharpey fibrils.

In the world of cementing cement, the cement area is either walled up on its periphery, or walled up in a new one, growing in lacunae and transforming into cementocy ... The first to pretend to be cement, which is not to revenge the client ( wormless , abo pervinny ), It is generally accepted in the world of tooth eruption, covering 2/3 of the surface of the root, closest to the crown.

Tooth tearing, cement setting, revenge clitini ( clitinniy , abo secondary ). Klіtinniy cement grows in apіkalnіy 1/3 of the root. Yogo formulation is seen more, lower than acellular cement, behind the step of mineralization is done to you. The matrix of the cement cement is to replace the inner (virgin) collagen fibers, fix the cement areas, and the outer (outer) fibers, which penetrate into the new periodontal tissue. The named fibers penetrate into the cement from the cut to the first surface, and the wiry fibers grow out of the surface of the root, surrounding the net of the last fibers. Osvita secondary cement є without interruption process, as well as the ball of cement in vіkom vіkomu. Secondary cement takes care of the role in the adaptation of the tooth device to the permanent change in the denture and in the reparative processes.

^ periodontal development

The periodontium grows from a dental bear nezabarom when the cob forms the root of the tooth. The little ones proliferate and differentiate in the fibroblast, as they repair the collagen fibers and the main speech. Already at the very early stages, the development of the periodont of the first cell grows from the cut to the surface of the tooth, sometimes the fibers are also inflated obliquely. Behind certain types of buildings, the development of periodontal fibers grows from two dzherel - from the side of the cement and from the side of the alveolar cyst. The growth of fibers from the first dzherel should be repaired earlier and should be taken up more often, moreover, if the fibers do not reach the middle of the periodontal space. Fibers, which grow from the side of the alveolar cyst, can grow a lot, grow out of shape and grow, and grow with cement, interact with them and make gossip.

Before the tooth bursting of the cement-emerald border, it is significant more than the comb to form the dental alveoli, then, at the same time from the root and tooth bursting, you can reach the same ryvnya, and in addition to the teeth bursting, the ridge of the alveoli grows. With a large amount of fiber, the periodontium is formed, tied with a comb, following the root collapse, the chunk of the root is folded obliquely (from the gostry kut to the wall of the alveoli), then take horizontal position(From a straight edge to the wall of the alveoli) and in the end bag again take the oblique straight (from the blunt edge to the wall of the alveoli). The main groups of periodontal fibers are molded in the singularity.

The size of the bundle of fibers of the periodont grows only after the tooth has erupted and the cob of its function. You must, with a stretch of your life, take a long time to overwhelm the period from every mind, so that you can change your way.

^ Tooth pulp development

The pulp develops from the dental papilla, established by the ectomesenchyme. The papilla grows from the process mesenchymal cells, which are divided by great advances. The process of differentiating the mesenchymal papilla is repaired in the area of ​​the top, the stars are far from widening to the base. Suddenly repair the growth in the papilla until the appearance of the first odontoblasts, nerve fibers, however, it grows into the papilla, apparently - with a cob to form dentine.

The clitini of the peripheral ball of the papilla, adjoined to the inner enamel epithelium, is transformed into the overcoming area. And in the suburbs - the odonto-region, as they repair the dentin. Hid differentiation of odontoblasts of descriptions of food. In the central dilyankas, the pulp of the mesenchyme is gradually differentiated into a fluff, unformed from the resulting tissue. A great part of klin mesenchimi is transformed into fibroblasts, as they repair the secret of the components of the micro-speech. The rest accumulates collagen I and III types. Unimportant on progressive growth instead of collagen in the development of pulp, the growth of pulp between collagen I and III types is indispensable, and collagen III type is present in the pulp in an invincible high for with good fabrics concentration. The collagen appears in a sprinkle at the eyes of the isolated fibrils, but to lie without suvoroy organization, in the background they fit the fibers, then fold into bundles. In the world of pulp ripening, in contrast to the number of glucosamyoglycans, they decrease.

Suddenly, in the spoluchnoi fabric of the pulp, the Sudin grows more actively. At the center of the pulp of the tooth, larger arteries and venules develop, on the periphery, a large capillary hem, including both fenestrated capillaries, and capillaries with an uninterrupted vessel wall develop. The growth of the sudin will follow the growth of the nerve fibers and the shape of the net.


Tissue changes in case of tooth rupture

When the crown is completed, the tooth grows and breaks a small amount, so that the gap grows. In the course of the piercing, the tooth is pierced in the slit with a significant path. Moreover, the most important ones are:

  • development of the root of the tooth;

  • development of periodont;

  • overbudding the alveolar cyst;

  • zmіna fabrics, scho cover the tooth.
Tooth root development tied with the growth in the mesenchyme of the dental papilla of the epithelial root papilla, which comes from the loop of the epithelial organ, Klitini pikhvi induce the development of odontoblasts of the root, which produce yogo dentin. In the world of ruining, the mesenchymal cells of the dental bear are differentiated in the cement area, as they repair the placement of cement on top of the root dentin.

^ periodontal development including the growth of the first fibers from the side to the cement and the dental alveoli, and the increase in intensity without prior to the eruption of the tooth.

Perebudova alveolar cyst on a one-off basis knitted fabric in some dilyankas with active development in others. Localization of changes to the alveolar cyst, and the rate of change in the early hour and not the same in the young teeth. When the root of the tooth is formed, it reaches the bottom of the cyst in the middle and in the formation of the cyst tissue, as a result of which the small is sounded for the residual formation of the root. The opening of the cyst tends to manifest itself in the adoption of cystic trabeculae, which are divided by wide gaps.

In large-root teeth, the folds of the cyst are most intensively drawn in the area of ​​the inter-root septum. In premolars and molars, such dialects are the bottom and the distal wall of the socket (it is necessary to inform about the pre-medial medial change in the case of axial Rus in the course of the projection). At the edge of the zones of reinforced insertion of the cyst beams є the bottom and the upper surface of the hole (I will order it further away from the side of the lips when it is pierced). The insertion of the cyst tissue is located in the quiet windows of the cyst hole, from which tooth changes are seen, and the inconsistencies are quiet to the small teeth, towards the small teeth. Razmoktuvannya kistkovoy fabrics and zvіlnyaє mіstse a growing tooth and will loosen up support on the way of yogo ruku.


  1. Bikov V.P. Histology and embryology of organs of the empty company of people: Navchalnyy posibnik 2-nd species. SPb. - 1999

  2. Gistology pidruchnik / Ed. Yu.I. Afanasyev, N.A. Юріної - -5th species., Revised. і add. - M .: Medicine, 2006.

  3. Gistology pidruchnik / Edited by E.G. Ulumbekova, Yu.A. Chelisheva. - “e kind., Revised. і add. - M .: GOETAR MED 2009.

  4. Dzhulai M.A., Yasman S.A., Baranchugova L.M., Pateyuk A.V.,. Rusaeva N.S., V.I. Obidenko Histology and organ embryogenesis mouthwash: Navchalnyy posibnik.-Chita: IVTs ChGMA. - 2008. - 152 p.

  5. V. I. Kozlov, T.A. Tsekhmistrenko Anatomy of the mouth emptying and teeth: Navchalnyi obsibnik Vidavnytvo: RUDN IPK - 2009 -156 p.

  6. Myadel O.D. "Gistofiziology and embryogenesis of the organs of the mouthwash." Vitebsk, VSMU,. Educational-methodical book of VSMU - Vitebsk State Medical University - Vidavnytsvo 2004.-158 p.

  7. Histology of empty companies: A basic methodical book / Ukladach Yu.A. Chelishev. - Kazan, 2007 .-- 194 p.: Il. Basically, methodically, it is intended for intensive training of students of the Faculty of Dentistry on the histology of empty companies.

  8. Danilevsky N.F., Lenontiev V.K., Nesin A.F., Rakhni Zh.I. Zakvoryuvannya mucous membrane of the empty company 1. Porozhnina company - understanding, structure, functions and processes; Ch. 2 Gistologicheskie budova mucous membrane empty company

Teeth, dentes, represent ossified papillae of the mucous membrane, services for mechanical processing. Phylogenetically, the teeth are drawn from ribs, so they grow along the edge of the slit and bathe new functions here. As a result of the experience of the stink, it is not once replaced by the new ones, but it has known its image in the wintry teeth, as in the lower ridge it is seen in the bagatoraz stretching of the life, and in the people, two times: 1) time, decid Inodi buvaє 3-tya zmіna. (Spostering vipadoks of the 3rd serpent of teeth in a 100-year-old man).

In the future, shark specks can be seen on the most important parts of the tooth - emal and dentin, so you can talk about the homology of teeth in the process of evolution from shark ribs to humans. In the course of the evolution, the teeth of reptiles inflate a larger camp in the cracks, as long as they repair the teeth in the teeth, as they sit in the middle of the cracks, - the root and the last part is a crown, which is useful for mechanical engineering. When there is a lot of money when on the ground, the development and development of the zhuval apparatus will start developing and specialization of teeth. As a result, the replacement of the one-man end teeth of the ribs, the services only for catching the різні form, Freeze up to different types zhoplyuvannya їzhі and її obrobka, and itself: for razrivannya (іkla), rіzannya (riztsі), crushing (premolars) and rostirannya (molars).

Lyudin, you should be admitted to all, you will see all your teeth. However, in connection with the transfer of hapal functions from the slit to the hands, the newer is more likely to change the size of the slit and the number of teeth. So, the number of teeth in the placental sowers is 44. The wide-nosed mavs of the Novy Svit have less teeth: 36, and the higher-nosed mapps of the Old Svit and the people are even less: r2 1 2 3 = 32, which is why people are more likely to try to grow a root tooth (tooth of wisdom), which shows a tendency to regression of teeth. Yak anomalies in descriptions of toothlessness people.

The teeth appeared to be the first hard structures in those found in the ridges, but they were found earlier behind the other parts of the skeleton. Paleontologists have learned about the diagnosis of ridge in the end of the Paleozoic only to the one that had been saved from the teeth at all times before us. So, as the form їх is indicative of the way of harvesting and the way of living, the paleontologist can visually recognize the form of food and people by the teeth of a kopalini.

Development of teeth.

The development of teeth in humans is to be repaired approximately on the basis of this modern life. Until an hour in the area of ​​alveolar alveolar outgrowths in the upper and lower slits, the winery whistled to the empty mouth, which started to grow in the eye of the arc-like plate in the breeder. An unprecedented epithelial plate, prodding the growth into a depth, distributed according to its own age on two second plates, rosetting one to one according to a straight cut.

Front, or buccal-labial, the plate should be split and transformed into a fold of the epithelium, so that the mouth and cheeks are clear and clear, until the front of the mouth is empty. The back, dentition, plate is taken up more vertically. Along the edge of the plate, there is a growth of the epithelium, which takes the form of colby-prominent vipinans and the rudiments of milk teeth. Tsi vipinnya are called dental flasks, or emerald organs. For the establishment of the dental organs, the dental plate is advanced to the level of such a rank, so that the emalevic organisms appear to be rocked on the front (i.e., the beast to the lips, at least) sides.

The emalevian organ grows up nebuva nebarom, creating its own shape of a bowl or ringing, and moreover, we will see the loss of a mesenchyme, which will establish the papilla of the tooth germ.

Emalevi organi step by step vrahayut the sound from the dental plate, and the teeth beginnings melt at the same time absolutely vіdokremenny.

In the early dentition, the rudiments of the folds of the tooth part are found in such a rank, that the cells of the epithelium give the ear of the ear, from the mesenchymal tissue of the papilla there is dentin and pulp, and from the mesenchymia, the envelope of the natal bone root.

In the world of growth, the growth of the tooth rudiment grows more and more high and cyst of the alveoli.

The teeth are loose in the middle of the alveolar outgrowths of the upper and lower slits, following the help of the so-called vbivannya, gomphosis (gomphos, Greek - tsvyakh)(The name is wrong, so as for the sake of the teeth do not drive in the call, but in the middle - the butt of formalism in the description of the anatomy). The tissue that covers the alveolar outgrowths, I will name clear, gingivae... The mucous membrane here, behind the additional fibrous tissue, grows spontaneously from the oysters; the tissue is clear with blood-bearing vessels (it is sometimes easy to bleed), it is weakly cured with nerves.

Zholobuvate is lost, it’s clear to be between the tooth and the edge, to be called ash-leaved.

Lecture 14. Teeth.

Teeth є partly zhuvalny apparatus і are stored in the head rank from mineralized skeletal tissues. The stench also takes a part in articulation, may be cosmetic, the creatures have an organ to attack and attack. In humans, the stench is represented by two generations: a couple of vipadayut, or dairy (d. Decidui), and then persistent teeth (d. Permanentes). At the holes of the cracked cysts, the teeth change with a cracked tissue - periodontitis, which in the area of ​​the tooth is set up a circular tooth ring. The collagen fibers of the dental ligament can be very radially straight. From one side, the stink penetrates into the cement of the root of the tooth, and from the other - into the alveolar cyst. The periodontium is not only a mechanical, but a trophic function, as it is in a new way to pass blood-bearing judges, to live the root of a tooth.

Anatomically, a crown and root can be seen in the teeth. Histologically - the tooth is stored from hard and soft parts. At the hard part of the tooth, there is emeal, dentin and cement, the pulp of the tooth is represented by the so-called pulp (Div. Nizche).

In the mouth bay ectoderm, the tooth enamel is developed, and the fabrics and the mesenchymal promenade can be developed.

The development of teeth has 3 stages, for the period:

1.Introduction and development of dental germs,

2.differentiation of dental germs,

3.histogenesis of dental tissues

First step during the development of milk teeth, one hour against the mouth emptying and holy days of the front. Wines to be repaired at the end of the 2nd month intrauterine period If there is a buccal-labial plate in the mouth emptying, it grows in the mesenchyme. Then there is a shchilina in the ts_y pay, which signifies the release of the empty company and the front of the day.

In the area of ​​laying single-root teeth from the bottom of the anterior growth, another epithelial growth is near the viglyadi of the roller, which is transformed into a dental plate (laminadentalis). The dental plate in the area of ​​the filling of the root-rich teeth develops independently without the middle from the mouth emptying. On the inner surface of the dental plate, there are epithelial purchases - germen (germendentis), from which the organisms (organumenamelium) develop. Near the tooth germ, the cells of the mesenchymal grow, which I call a dental bear (sacculusdentis). Nadal nasal dermal nirtiality of the mesenchyme growth at the viglyadi of the dental papilla (papilladentis), pressed into the epithelial organ, which is similar to a double-walled cells.

Another stage - differentiation of the epithelial body of the body into three types of cells: internal, external and industrial. The internal hemalevic epithelium grows on the basal membrane, as it emerges from the dental papilla. Winning the high and nabuvian character of the prismatic drink. Years later, I approved the enamelum, which was called enameloblasti (s. Ameloblasti). In the process of further growth, the body gets worse, and the cells of the intermediate ball swell up the shape of the accumulation of birth between them. This is how the pulp of the emerald organ asserts itself, as it takes its part in the cuticle of the emeli (cuticulaenameli).

Differentiation of the tooth germ is repaired in that period, if blood-bearing capillaries and first nerve fibers grow in the dental papilla. In the end of the 3rd month, the hemalevian organ will appear as a dental plate.

third stage - histogenesis of dental tissues - to repair on the 4th month of the embryonic development from differentiation of education in dentin - dentin area or odontoblasts. The whole process is to be repaired earlier and more actively against the apex of the tooth, and later on the bichy surfaces. It takes an hour to grow from the extension of nerve fibers to the dentin area. From the peripheral ball of the pulp, the developing tooth is differentiated from the copula over the area, and then from the odonto area. One of the factors of differentiation in the appearance of the basal membrane of the inner cells of the emerald organ. Odonto regions synthesize type I collagen, glucoprotein, phosphoprotein, proteoglycan and phosphorin, characteristic only for dentin. The first step is to make a raincoat dentin for everything, bezoposseredno pid basal membrane. The collagen fibrils in the matrix of the cloakroom dentin are spread perpendicularly to the basal membrane of the inner cells of the emerald organ (the so-called “radial fibers of Korff”). Mіzh radіally roztasvannyi fibers fill the growths of the dentin area.

Mineralization of the dentin To repair the first for everything in the crown of the tooth, and then in the roots, by placing the crystals of hydroxyapatite on the surface of the collagen fibrils, which have grown close to the growths of the odontoblasts (the so-called peritubular dentin).

dentin areas- cells of mesenchymal nature, high prismatic cells with a clear polar differential. Їх apical part of the growths, through which the secretion of organic speech is introduced, to establish a matrix of dentin - predentin. Precollagenesis and collagen fibrillation of the matrix can be radially straight. Tse m'yake speech will store the prominence between the dentin region and the inner cells of the enamel organ - the enamelo region. There is a certain amount of dedication to a predecessor. If there is a calcification of dentin, then the territory should go up to the warehouse of the raincoat dentin. In the stage of dissolving dentin with calcium salts, phosphorus and other mineral fluids, they deposit in the eyes of the breasts, which are combined into globules. The development of dentin grows, and close to the pulp there are tangential collagen fibers around the dentin.

At the end of the 5th month of the embryonic development in the dentine of the tooth germ, the deposition of salts and the formation of residual dentine is repaired. However, the process of zvapnennya predentinu at a time when I don’t swallow the dilyanka, so that the apical growths of the dentin area can be felt. Tse lead to the determination of the system of radio channels, to go from the inner surface of the dentin to the last. In addition, delinking predentin on the cordon from Emala can also become unintelligible and sound like interglobular spaces.

Parallel to the development of dentin in the anvil of the tooth, the process of differentiation of the pulp is going on, in which, behind the additional fibroblasts, the main speech is gradually established to avenge the pre-collagen and collagen fibers. Gistochemically in the peripheral part of the pulp, in the area of ​​the dentin area and predentin, enzymes appear, hydrolyzing phosphate spoluces (phosphohydrolases), and phosphates are delivered to dentin and emal.

Adding the first balls to the dentin and differentiating the inner cells of the emerald organ, as they repair the emeal, how to cover the luminescence of the dentin balls. The internal cells of the emerald organ secrete non-collagen type proteins - amelogeny. Mineralization of emala on the basis of such dentin and cement is used even more quickly when the organ matrix is ​​established. Tsomu take amelogeny. More than 95% of the adult population has a share of mineral speech. The education of the subject is considered cyclically, as a result of which in the structure (on the later section of the tooth), the darkness is indicated. line of Retzius. The enamelo region is aware of the inversion of the poles and the growth of the Golgi apparatus, in which the secretory granules are formed.

enameloareas- cells of epithelial nature, viscous, prismatic forms, with a kindly rotated polar differentiation. The first rudiments of the emerald are found in the viglyadi cuticular plates on the surface of the enameloblasts, which are enlarged to dentin in the area of ​​the tooth crown. For the orientation, the surface is basal. However, with the ear of imaging, there is a shift, or inversion, of the nucleus and organelles of the cell (centrosome and apparatus of the Golgi) into the counterpart of the cell. As a result, the basal part of the enameloblasts grows bi-apical, and the apical part is basal. Writing such a change of poles, the clitin harvesting and repairing is built from the side of the enamel organ, and not from the side of the dentin. A large amount of ribonucleic acid appears near the subnuclear zone of the enameloblasts, as well as the glycogen and temporal activity of the pool phosphatase. The cuticular plate on the enamelo area, when fixed, wrinkles and you can see a pin or sprouts.

With further illumination of the cells, granules appear in the cytoplasm of the enameloblasts adjacent to the growths, which step by step move into the growths, in order to repair their calcination and illuminate the pre-metallic prisms. With a further development, the emerald area changes in size and appears to dentine. Until the completion of this process, approximately until the moment the teeth break through, the enamel areas change rapidly and decrease, and the emal appears as a thin sheath covered with lichen - a cuticle, adopted by the clines of an intermediate ball of pulp. When a tooth is ruptured, the name of the cell in the body is angry with the patient, it is clear and needs to be ruined. With the appearance of Emelevic prisms, the dentine surface is afraid of nervnoy. Part of the resorption of dentin, obviously, is due to the reduction of the connection with the emulsion and the strengthening of the calcification of the emaline by the calcium salts.

The growth of the cement grows from the bottom of the emery, not good until the teeth are ruptured, from the nasal tooth germ of the mesenchymal tissue, which makes the tooth bear. The new one has two balls: big - big - call and puffy - internal. In the process of developing cement from the inner ball of the dental bear in the area of ​​the root, the cement area is differentiated from the mesenchs. Cement areas, similar to osteoblasts and dentin areas, synthesize collagen cells, which are seen in the small intestine. In the world, the development of the small-scale speech of the cement region is transformed into an outgrowth of cementocyti, which is turned into a small-scale speech. Cementocytes rots in the empty and go through them canals. The name ball of a dental bear is transformed into a tooth sound - a periodont. Thus, the emalevian organ of the vicon is in front of a morphogenetic role, in the form of a tooth developing.

The laying of the last teeth should be repaired at the end of the 4th - the ear of the 5th month of the internal uterine development (the first 10 teeth, which will change 10 milk), and end at the 2,5-3 teeth ("Serotini's tooth", d. Sapientiae). The rudiment of the post-tooth tooth is located behind the skin rudiment of the milk tooth. The reproduction of milk teeth from a child is to be repaired on the 6-7th month of life. Until the end of an hour, only the crown of the tooth has been formed, and the shape of the root will need to be repaired. Milk large root teeth (molars) will be replaced by permanent small root teeth (premolars).

The laying of the last great root teeth will be added to the 1st to 4th life. The spatula of the tooth (milky and permanent) lie in the back alveoli. Then between them there is a cystkov partition.

A permanent tooth develops more and more. If it is time for the decay of milk teeth, then at 6-7 rocks, the osteoclast will repair the septum and the root of the tooth, and the permanent tooth will be able to develop. So it is that the teeth itself and milk, persistent teeth vychtovuyutsya (protrude) under the grip, as they emerge in the pulp of the tooth in conjunction with the statements of the main speech of the resulting fabric. Until the teeth are pierced Mineral speech(Calcium, phosphorus, fluorine and in.) І lively speeches come only from blood. In the course of growth processes, the role of the sludge and in the form of a chemical warehouse is growing.

The main dzherels are the development of teeth є epithelium of the mucous membrane of the oral emptying (ectoderm) and mesenchyme.

People have two generations of teeth:



Їх development of the same type of the same dzherel, ale in the middle hour. The laying of milk teeth is shown in the end of another month of embryogenesis. During the whole process, the development of teeth is carried out in stages. Newer sees three periods:

    the period of the laying of dental germs;

    period of formation and differentiation of dental germs;

    period of histogenesis of tooth tissue.

I period- the period of the establishment of dental germs, including 2 stages:

    Stage 1 - the stage of dental plate establishment. Vaughn to repair at the 6th stage of embryogenesis. At the end of the hour of the ingestion of the mucous membrane, it is clear that a crack starts to develop in the mesenchyme of the skin of the region, where a gap develops. This is how epithelial dental plates are formed;

    Stage 2 - the stage of the tooth cooler (nirka). At the end of the stage, the dentition of the dental plate multiplies in the distal part and forms on the end of the dental plate the dentition.
    II period - the period of formation and differentiation of dental germs - characterized by the establishment of the enamel organ (dental cell). Wine includes 2 stages: the "hat" stage; stage "dzinochka".

pid another period mesenchymal cells, how to lie down with a toothbrush, to fix it as hard as possible, to multiply and start here grip, And also induce to change the teeth of the dental nyrka that are roasted over them. As a result of the lower cells of the dental nyrka, they protrude into the middle, stepwise forming double dental cells. The shape of a cap (the stage of the "cap") is sometimes shown, and, apparently, until the change of the lower cells in the middle of the nirka, it becomes similar to the stage of the "dvinochka".

At the end of the day, the email authority has three types of clients: internal, industrial and call. Internal cells are able to multiply and serve as a dzherel for the illumination of ameloblasts - the main cells of the emeloid organ, which were used to roam the emelo. The industrial cells as a result of the accumulation of ameloblast trophies in the middle of them swell Budova, similar to the Budova mesenchymal tissue and mold the pulp of the emeloid organ, which for some time now has a trophism of ameloblasts, and in the underside of the toothbrush, to illuminate the cuticle. Named cells may have a flattened shape. On the big stretch of the emerald organ, the stench is degenerating, and in the lower part of the lower part, the epithelial root of the root (Gertvig's pikhva) is molded, like the development of the root of the tooth. In the mesenchymal area, lying in the middle of the dental cell, the dental papilla is formed, and in the mesenchyma, in the middle of the dental cell. Another period for milk teeth will come to an end before the end of the 4th month of embryogenesis.

III period- the period of the histogenesis of the tissue of the tooth. From hard tissues of the tooth, dentin is early set. The tissue cells of the dental papilla adjoined to the internal cells of the emeloid organ (maybutnim of ameloblasts) with the semi-tissue cells of the dental papilla under the inductive inflow from the side, the rest of the cells being transformed into the dentin area, as they grow in one row on the different Smell to repair the shape of the microscopic discoloration of dentin - collagen fibers and the main tongue, as well as to synthesize the enzyme lucid phosphatase. The whole enzyme breaks down blood glucerophosphate from phosphoric acid. As a result of the determination of the remaining calcium ions, crystals of hydroxyapatite are formed, which are seen among collagen fibrils in the matrix bulbs, which are oiled with a membrane. Crystals of hydroxyapatite grow in size. Subsequently, the dentin is mined.

Internal emalevia cells under the inductive inflow of the dentin area of ​​the dental papilla are transformed into the amelo area. With a tsyom pid internal cells The reverse of physiological polarity is observed: the nucleus and the organelle move from the basal part of the cell to the apical, as at the moment becomes the basal part of the cell. On the side of the cell, which is turned up to the dental papilla, the shape of the cuticle-like structures is being repaired. Because of the stench, the mineralization from the deposited crystals of hydroxyapatite is generated and the basic structures of the email are transformed into the basic structures of the email. As a result of the synthesis of emeloblasts and the dentin of the dentin area, two types of cells and more and more appear one from one.

The dental papilla differentiates into the pulp of the tooth, as a way to avenge the blood-bearing vessels, nerves and prevent the vitalization of the tooth tissue. With the mesenchies of the dental bear, cement areas are formed, which produce intercalation of cement and take part in the same mechanism, as well as during the mineralization of dentin. Thus, as a result of differentiation of the germs of the enamel organ, the formation of the main tissues of the tooth: emal, dentin, cement, pulp is formed. The dental bear is also shaped like a dental connection - periodont.

A number of stages can be seen in the development of a tooth.

The stage of growth and rupture of milk teeth is characterized by the growth of dental anlages. With all the fabrics above them, it step by step poddajutsya lisis. As a result, the teeth cut through the fabric and move over the clear - to break through.

The stage of deciding milk teeth and replacing them for post-production. The laying of permanent teeth is established on the 5th month of embryogenesis as a result of the growth of epithelial strains from the dental plates. The teeth gradually develop more and more often, overburdening the order of milk teeth, seen from them by the cyst partition. Until the time of the change of milk teeth (6-7 rocks), the osteoclasts repair the rupture of the cyst partitions and the root of the milk teeth. As a result, the milk teeth will vypadayut and be replaced by rapidly growing teeth in that hour.

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Teeth є abandoned mucous membranes of the empty company of the embryo. Emelevi organisms develop from the mucous membrane, and from the mesenchymal tissue - dentin, pulp, cement, so that the tooth is hard and m'yak_ fabric(Periodontium).

The development of teeth has 3 stages: Stage I - laying of teeth and beginnings; Stage II - differentiation of dental germs; III stage - learn teeth.

Stage I: at the 6th-7th stage of the diaphragm development on the upper and lower surfaces of the mouth emptying, the production of food - dental plate (lamina dentalis), Vrostayut in pidlyagaє mesenchyme. On the brutal to the lip or the surface of the dental plate as a result fake sales the food is formed by the bottleneck vipings, as emalevi organi (organum enamelum) milk teeth. The dermal dental plate is approved for 10 vipinans per number of milk teeth. On the 10th type of embryonic development in the Emelevi organisms, in the middle of the walls, the growth of the mesenchyme, the yak, the rudiment dental papilla (papilla dentalis)... Until the end of the 3rd month, the development of the emelevi organisms is often seen from the dental plate, being lost in the attached with it for the help of the epithelial strains - shyki to the body(Fig. 1). At the circumference of the emerald organ, as a result of the loss of the colonic mesenchymal tissue, it forms dental toy (sacculus dentalis), Yakiy bіlya of the basis of the tooth germ get angry with the dental papilla (Fig. 2).

Small. 1. Development of the email organ. (Plastic reconstruction): 1 - empty company food; 2 - dental plate; 3 - emelevium organ; 4 - the rudiment of the dental papilla; 5 - shyke to the body

Small. 2.

1 - dental plate; 2 - rudiments of teeth; 3 - emalevi organi; 4 - bottom slot; 5 - dental plate in the lower slit; 6 - ball of zovnіshnіkh emelevikh clіtins; 7 - pulp of the enamel organ; 8 - ball of internal emalevic cells; 9 - toothy bear; 10 - dental papilla

Stage II: the rudiments of the teeth change, so that the fabrics are refined. It is added to one-sided cells of the body on the edge of the ball. At the center of the hemal organ, the pulp is established, and along the periphery - ball of callingsі ball of internal emalevic cells They give an ear of ameloblast cells, which take a part in the established emails. Along the edge of the enamel organ, the internal emalevia cells go into zovnishnі emalevi klіtini... The part of the kin is pulpy, lay down to the ball of ameloblasts, intermediate ball emerald body.

Immediately, the process of differentiation of the dental papilla is seen from the transformation of the enamel organ: it grows into the enamel organ. Judges and nerves go up to the papilla. In addition, on the surface of the papilla with the mesenchymal cells, a few rows of odontoblasts - dent-forming cells (Fig. 3) are formed. Until the end of the 3rd month, the shyki of the hemalevic organs sprout with mesenchyme and become wet. Tooth rudiments, as a result, are residually emerging from the dental plate, the yak, in its own devil, also sprouts mesenchyme and consumes the links from the empty mouth of the company. There is a growth and growth of the rear edges and edges of the dental plates, which, in general, are being transformed into the email organization of the permanent teeth. Near the tooth rudiments in the mesenchymal slit appear kistkovі crossbars, Scho mold the walls of the dental alveoli.

Small. 3. The germ of a tooth at the stage of formation of hard tissues: 1 - growths of odontoblasts; 2 - predentine; 3 - odonto regions; 4 - near-pulp dentin; 5 - transformation of mesenchymal cells in the odonto region; 6 - overdone oblast; 7 - mesenchymal clitin

Stage III is repaired from the end of the 4th month of the English period. There are dentin fabrics: dentin, emerald and pulp of the tooth. Osvita dentin vidbuvayutsya for the development of odontoblasts, which synthesize thin pre-collagen fibers(Fig. 4). Fiber in a given form is used, raincoat, and internal, nearpul'parny, Shari predentinu. The odonto area does not enter the dentin and dentine before the warehouse, but gets lost in the final balls of the dental papilla (pulp). In the end of the 5th month of the intrauterine period, the process svapninnya predentinі shaping residual dentin. However, the repeated closure does not appear, and in the middle of the tooth there is a ball of unidentified near-pulp dentine (Fig. 5).

Small. 4. Colagen fibers to predentin: 1 - dentinal tubule

Small. 5.

1 okolopul'parny dentin; 2 matrix; 3 globules of salts; 4 cordon zvapninnya; 5 - predentine; 6 - raincoat dentin

On the ear of the 5th month of the amelo area on the tops of the dental papilla, fix the emal. The whole process is to be repaired in the area of ​​jugular humps, signs of emaciation expand on the bichni surface of the crown. Need to get rid of emails, as they end up losing teeth. The development of the root of the tooth is seen in the postembral period, when in connection with the crown of the tooth, the upper part of the emerald organ is reduced, and the lower, navpaki, proliferation and transformed into koreneve epithelialne pikhvu (vagina radicularis epithelialis) It will be stored in two rows of emalevic clines - internal and external. Korenev epithelialnee grows more and more in the mesenchymal and hunts for the dilenka, which will fix the root of the tooth (Fig. 6). The mesenchymal cells, placed in the root epithelial pichvi, are transformed into the odonto area, which fixes the dentin of the root of the tooth. Yak only the dentin of the root will form, the roots of the epithelium of the teeth will sprout with the mesenchyme, the more part of the root will be blotted out, as a result of which the mesenchyme of the clump of the dentition is repaired without the middle cementum on the surface of the period of time A part of a tooth mice's keratin, a tooth root, and an ear of a healthy tissue - a periodontium. Bundles of collagen fibers, which fix the periodontium, are "embedded" into the cement with the internal finishes, and the last fineness pass into the tooth alveoli, which prevent the formation of the root tissue from the root. In the teeth of large-root-root teeth, there is a bit of root epithelial fines and a number of roots. The pulp of the tooth develops from the mesenchias of the dental papillae.

Small. 6.

1 - root epithelialnoe; 2 - inner ball of keratin; 3 - callin ball; 4 - cement area; 5 - cement; 6 - periodont; 7 - tooth pulp

Permanent teeth can also be found from dental plates. On the 5th month of development, behind the beginnings of milk teeth, the emalevi organisms, іklіv and small root teeth are set up. One hour the teeth of the plates grow backwards, and the emelevi organisms of the great root teeth are laid behind the edges. Subsequent stages of the formation are similar to such milk teeth, moreover, the rudiments of the remaining teeth lie in the same dental alveoli at the same time with the milk tooth (Fig. 7).

Small. 7.

1 - rudiment of a milk tooth; 2 - a rudiment of a post-tooth tooth; 3 - dental alveoli screed

Loss of development of teeth can lead to incorrect insertion of hard ridges ( hypoplasia emali, Erosion pits on the surface of the tooth, defect svapninnya dentin), loss in the number of teeth (often abnormally in the distance of teeth - edentulous), approval of additional teeth, incorrect shape of the teeth, incorrect rosetting of teeth in the slot (dystopia).

Anatomy of a Human S.S. Mikhailov, A.V. Chukbar, A.G. Tsibulkin