Autoimmune illness with the resulting tissue symptoms. As well as systemic impairment of the resulting fabric

Systemic discomfort with good fabrics

Systemic incapacitation of fatty tissue, for diffuse incapacitation of fatty tissue is a group of diseases, which is characterized by a systemic type of firing of adult organs and systems, so that one can learn about the development of autoimmune processes, immune complexes, and

The group of systemic illnesses with the resulting fabrics includes the onset of illnesses:

1) systemic chervonia vovchak;

2) systemic scleroderma;

3) diffuse fasciitis;

4) dermatomyositis (polymyositis) idiopathic;

5) Sjogren's ailment (syndrome);

6) zmіshane getting sick with the resultant tissue (Sharp's syndrome);

7) rheumatic polymialgia;

8) recurrent polychondritis;

9) recurrent panniculitis (Weber's ailment - Krishchen).

In addition, in a given hour before the whole group, Behcet's ailments, primary antiphospholipid syndrome, as well as systemic vasculature are diagnosed.

Systemic impairment with the resulting tissue is combined with the main substrate - with the resulting tissue - and a similar pathogenesis.

When the tissue is obtained, the physiological system is still active, as it is the origin of the inner middle of the organism, it is seen from the mesoderm. The available fabrics are stored from cell elements and micro matrix. In the middle of the tissue, the tissue is visible completely from the tissue - fibroblasts - and such and special types of tissue, such as hydroblasts, osteoblasts, synoviocytes; macrophages, lymphocytes. Microcrystalline matrix, which significantly overturns multiple cell mass, including collagen, reticular, elastic fibers and the main flux, which can be stored in proteoglycans. To that, the term “colagenosi” is old, the name of the group is more correct - “systemic congestion with a good fabric”.

In a given hour, it was reported that in case of systemic congestion of the body tissue, there may be glib damage to the immune homeostasis, and it will turn into the development of autoimmune processes, so that sensory reactions of the immune system will appear,

In the basis of the autoimmune process, there is an immunoregulatory imbalance, which turns into a suppressive and malignant "helper" activity of T-lymphocytes with a further activation of the production of B-lymphocyte autopsy. At the same time, the pathogenetic activity of autoantitils is realized through complement-dependent cytolysis, circulating and fixing immune complexes, interrelation with cell receptors and in the bag to bring up the systemic system.

Thus, the specificity of the pathogenesis of systemic disease with the resulting tissue is the destruction of immune homeostasis in the presence of uncontrolled synthesis of autoantitils and the establishment of immune complexes "antigen - antigen", which circulate in the blood and tissue nirkah ta in.).

Krim close to the pathogenesis, for all systemic diseases of the resulting tissue є are characteristic of the following rice:

1) multifactorial type of schilosity with the singing roll of immunogenetic factors linked to the chromosome;

2) dinі morphological changes(Disorganization of the full fabric, fibrinous changes of the main speech from the full fabric, generalized cutting of the ship's channel: vasculature, lymphoid and plasma information); and in.

3) the similarity of the key features, especially in early stage ailments (for example, Raynaud's syndrome);

4) systemicity, polyorganism of the striking (slopes, shkіra, m'yazi, nirka, serous shells, heart, legends);

5) general laboratory indicators of activity;

6) small groups that are characteristic of skin ailments and immunological markers;

7) a close principle of treatment (anti-fatigue, immunosuppression, extracorporeal methods of purification and pulse-corticosteroid therapy in crisis situations).

Etіologіya systemically zahvoryuvan spoluchnoї tkanini rozglyadaєtsya of pozitsіy multifaktornіy kontseptsії autoimmunity zgіdno of yakoyu rozvitok Tsikh hvorob obumovleno vzaєmodієyu іnfektsіynih, genetichnih, endokrinnih faktorіv zovnіshnogo seredovischa i (t. E. Genetichna skhilnіst + faktorіv zovnіshnogo seredovischa, yak takі Stresa іnfektsіya, pereoholodzhennya, іnsolyatsіya , trauma, as well as a variety of hormones, mainly women, vagina, abortion - systemic discomfort with the resulting tissue).

The most frequent factors of the newest middle ground, or the stinging of ailments, or є, with the manifestation of genetic schlichnosti, the triggering moments of the detection of systemic illnesses with good fabrics. Until now, there are rumors of specific infections ethiological officials, In the first place in the world. It is possible to see more information from the inside of the womb, as well as to experiment on the Misha.

In this hour, indirect data have been accumulated about the role of chronic viral infections... The role of picornaviruses in polymyositis, RNA viruses in bark, rubella, parainfluenza, parotitis, systemic cervonia in vivchak, as well as DNA in revealing herpes viruses - Epstein - Barr cytomegalovirus herpes simplex, virus.

The chronization of viral infections is tied to the singular genetic features of the organism, so you can talk about the unreasonable family-genetic nature of the systemic diseases of the resulting tissue. In families with ailments, in families with health and in populations in general, from among the population in general, there is often a risk of developing systemic incapacitation of other tissues, especially in the middle of relatives of the first stage of disputes (sisters), as well as

Numerical dosages show the association between the carriage of singing HLA antigens (which grow on the short shoulders of the chromosomes) and the development of a specific systemic entrapment of the resulting tissue.

For the development of systemic ailments with the resulting tissue, the highest value is the class II HLA-D-gene, which is localized on the surface of B-lymphocytes, epithelial clitin, clitin cystic brain that in. For example, the systemic chervonia is associated with the DR3-antigen of histosumity. at systemic scleroderma the accumulation of Al, B8, DR3 antigens in response to the DR5 antigen is indicated, and in the case of primary Sjogren's syndrome - the temporal ligaments from HLA-B8 and DR3.

In such a rank, the mechanism of development of such foldable and large-scale illnesses, such as systemic illnesses of the resulting fabrics, until the end of non-vivocations. However, the practical stagnation of diagnostic immunological markers of illness and the value of its activity allows a multipurpose prognosis in cases of cich illness.

Submitting reports on the most significant systemic incidents of good fabric.

Systemic chervona vovchanka

Systemic Chervoniy vovchak - tse hronіchne progresuyuche polіsindromne zahvoryuvannya perevazhno molodih zhіnok i dіvchat (spіvvіdnoshennya ailing zhіnok i cholovіkіv 10: 1), yak rozvivaєtsya on tlі genetichno zumovlenogo nedoskonalostі іmunoregulyatornih mehanіzmіv i Veda to nekontrolovanogo synthesis antitіl to Vlasna tkanin organіzmu of rozvitkom autoіmunnogo that іmunokompleksnogo hronіchnogo zapalennya (V.A.Nasonova, 1989).

For its day, the systemic chervonia Vovchak є chronic systemic autoimmune diseases of the whole tissue and sudin, which are characterized by multiple lesions of the localization: shkiri, slugs, central organs, lungs, blood, blood At the same time, there is an overwhelming and forecast of illness.

The broadening of the systemic wormhole increased over the last years from 17 to 48 per 100 yew. Population. At the same time, the improvement of diagnostics, the early identification of good options, overcoming the timely signs of adequate treatment led to the improvement of the triviality of the life of the ailments and the improvement of the forecast in general.

An ear of congestion can often be tied with trivial changes in sleep in the summer period, temperature drops during bathing, the introduction of syrovat, with a number of certain lykarsky zasobiv (winter, peripheral vasodilators of blood vessels) postponed abortion.

key picture

Vidіlyayut gostry, pіdgostry i chronic overrun ailments. gostre stretching characterized by a raptus ear for a specific day's illness, feverishness, polyarthritis, a type of central erythemia in the viglyad "blizzard", with cyanosis on the noses and cheeks. At the nearest 3-6 months, the manifestations of gastrointestinal serositis develop (pleurisy, pneumonitis, lupus nephritis, lesions of the central nervous system, meningoencephalitis, epileptiform seizures), and a rapid decline. The trip is important. The triviality of a disease without affection is no more than 1-2 years.

Pidgostry perebig. Ear yak biovolі, with backward symptoms, arthralgia, recurrent arthritis, malignant nonspecific lesions of shkіri in viglyadі disc-shaped veins, photodermatosis on the forehead, shia, lips, vuhah, upper part of the breasts. The waveform of the current is varied. The burned picture of the ailment will form in 2-3 rock.


1) defeat of the heart, often in the warty endocarditis Libman - Sachs with attachments to the mitral valve;

2) parts of myalgia, myositis with atrophying muses;

3) depending on the presence of Raynaud's syndrome, it often ends with ischemic necrosis of the fingers;

4) lymphadenopathy;

5) lupus pneumonitis;

6) jade, which is beyond the reach of such a level of activity, as in the event of a state of emergency;

7) radiculitis, neuritis, plexitis;

8) numb headaches, stomachache;

9) anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, hypergamaglobulinemia.

Chronic overrun. An anxiety trivial hour is manifested by relapses of developmental syndromes: polyarthritis, earlier - polyserositis, discoid vovchak syndrome, Raynaud's, Verlhof's syndromes, epileptiform. At the 5-10th stage of ailment, one should adhere to an organ failure (timodenal nephritis, pneumonitis).

In yakosti cob sign sickness slіd means shkіrnі snakes, feverishness, thinning, Raynaud's syndrome, diarrhea. I have a problem with nervousness, rotten appetite. Zvychay, behind a vignette of chronic oligosymptomatic forms, the disease progresses to reach quickly and develop again a picture of ailments.

When the picture is open on the other, polysyndromic velmi often fixes one of the syndromes, so that we can talk about lupus-nephritis (the most common form is developed), lupus-endocarditis, lupus-hepatitis, lupus-pneumonitis

Shkіrnі zmіni. The symptom of "blizzard" is the most type of erythematous hanging on the cheeks, whips, nasal spines. "Metelik" can be різні options, Fixing from the unstable pulsating background of the school from the cyanotic appearance in the middle zone of exposure and up to the center of the world only in the area that has been carried over, as well as the discouragement of the most common growth. Among the largest minor manifestations, there is a nonspecific issue on the school breast cancer, Signs of photodermatosis on very critical parts of the body.

Until the shkіrnyh curves are carried out capillaries - small-edematous hemorrhagic visip on the pads of the fingers, nіgtyovyh beds, lobes. There is a decrease in the mucous membrane of hard children, lips and lips in the eyes of an enanthem, in some with swellings, stomatitis.

To reach early spostering hair loss, getting hair lumpy, that will be a sign of the beasts' respect.

Cutting of the serous membranes is indicated in the overwhelming number of ailments (90%) in the polyserositis viglyad. Most often pleurisy and pericarditis occur, and ascites is more common. However, unclear, with a tendency to proliferative processes, carried out before obliteration pleural emptying and pericardium. The dissection of serous membranes is short-term and is diagnosed retrospectively by pleuropericardial adhesions, or draining of the costal, interlobar, mediastinal pleurisy with radiological diagnosis.

The defeat of the supporting-arm apparatus manifests itself with polyarthritis, scho nagadu rheumatoid arthritis... The most common sign of a systemic red worm (in 80-90% of ailments) is often observed. Characteristically, there is a symmetrically symmetrical reduction of the other slopes of the brushes, the interstitial slopes, as well as the homogeneous slopes of the palms. When the ailments are unfolded, the defiguration of the slopes begins behind the opening of the periarticular embryo, and in the lower one - the development of the deformations of the other slopes. Suglobovy syndrome (arthritis and arthralgia) is superimposed on diffuse myalgias, inodi tendovaginitis, bursitis.

striking heart-vascular system to meet up often, approximately in a third of the ailments. In early stages of illness, pericarditis appears with a tendency to recurrence and obliteration of the pericardium. An important form of heart disease is Limban-Sachs endocarditis with development of valvulitis of the mitral, aortic and tristular valves. With a trivial interruption to the process, signs of a lack of a valve may appear. In case of systemic chervonia, it is often necessary to endure myocarditis of the midsection (it is not practical to develop myocarditis) or diffuse in nature.

V. A. Nasonova zvertaє I respect those who fight the heart-vascular system in case of systemic chervonia vovchak may be less often than not be impulsive to be recognized. For a long time, respect for the ailments of the ailments in pain in the area of ​​heart, heart, heart, etc.

Disorder of the vessels can manifest itself in Raynaud's syndrome - blood loss of the hands and (or) feet, which can be tolerated by the flowing cold or deterioration, which is characterized by paresthesias, blistering and (or) cyanosis of the fifth finger.

Exercise Legend. In case of systemic chervonia, there are two kinds of changes in nature, such as secondary infections on the basis of decreased physiological and immunological reactivity of the body, as well as pneumonia - pulmonary arthritis vasculitis. It can also be slowed down, but the diagnosis is like the inheritance of lupus-pneumonitis - the second commonplace infection.

While the diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia is not difficult, the diagnosis of lupus-pneumonia is sometimes twisted in every way due to the important localization in the interstitium. Lupus-pneumonitis is opposed to either gostro or drag on in months; characterized by an unproductive cough, an overgrowth in case of small auscultatory data and a typical radiological picture - with a part of the Buda legeny baby and discoid atelectasis, especially in the middle-lower parts of the lege.

Urazhennya nirok (Vovchakovy glomerulonephritis, lupus nephritis). Often it is the primary factor in the result of the disease. Name the wine characteristic of the period of generalization of the systemic red worm, the proteine ​​and the early familiarity of the ailment. Options for nirok development. Vognischevia nephritis, diffuse glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome. To that, the change is characterized in terms of fallowness as a variant of an abnormal sech syndrome (proteinuria, cylindruria, hematuria), or - often - a swelling-hypertensive form with a chronic nirkovy deficiency.

striking shlunkovo-intestinal tract to be manifested in the main sub-active signs. With functional adolescence, it is possible that there may be some unimportant ailment in the epigastria and in the area of ​​projection of the disease, as well as signs of stomatitis. Hepatitis develops in a number of vipads - when there is an increase in liver disease, there is a soreness.

The exercise of the central and peripheral nervous systems is described by all the authors who have introduced systemic chervonia vovchak. Typically, the morbidity of the syndromes: astheno-vegetative syndrome, meningoencephalitis, meningoencephalomielitis, polyneuritis-radiculitis. Exercise of the nervous system is mainly due to the development of vasculitis. In some cases psychosis develops - either on the basis of corticosteroid therapy such as acceleration, or through the appearance of a homeless citizen. Maybe it's epileptic syndrome.

Verlhof's syndrome (autoimmune thrombocytopenia) is manifested by visceral hemorrhages of small size on the skin of children, breasts, abdomen, on mucous membranes, as well as bleeding due to minor injuries.

If the value of the option to override the systemic heart-disease is important for assessing the prognosis of ill health, then for the purpose of determining the tactics of a sick person, it is necessary to clarify the level of activity of the pathological process.


The main development of complex pathogenetic therapy:

1) suppression of immune inflammation and immunocomplex pathology;

2) increased acceleration of immunosuppressive therapy;

3) lіkuvannya accelerated, which is found in the process of carrying out immunosuppressive therapy;

4) infusion on okremі, rapidly turning syndromes;

5) visibility of the organism of circulating immune complexes and antibodies.

The main method of eliminating the systemic red blood pressure is to reduce the violence of the therapy, in order to get involved in the vibration at the cob stages of the ailment and during the process of minimal activity. To that, ailments are guilty of being transferred to the dispensary area for a time, and at the first signs of a sharp deterioration of the drug, it would be easy to identify corticosteroids. The dose of glucocorticoids is stored at the stage of activity of the pathological process.

at III stage activity - lіkuvannya in the minds of a specialized abo therapeutic stationary - pulsotherapy with glucocorticosteroids, immunodepression. Pulse therapy: metipred - 1000 mg 3 days after intravenous drip, one hour glucocorticosteroids per os- 40-60 mg per dose to eliminate the effect (lowering the activity of the lupus process). At the same time, dozіlno robiti plasmapheresis 2-3-4 procedures (with a visualization of the CVC). In some cases, hemosorption can be performed.

It is also impossible to pick up glucocorticoids (intolerance, resistance), depressants in tablets (methotrexate - 7.5 mg per day) are recognized, or pulse therapy: 20 mg / kg mass of cyclophosphamide 1 time per month for 6 months.

With a change in the level of activity, the dose of corticosteroids should be reduced by 10 mg per day to 20 mg, and by 2.5 mg per month to an additional dose of 5-10 mg per dose. Do not skasovuvat glucocorticoids vlіtku!

At the II stage of activity of the pathological process, the dose of pre-nizolone in the warehouse is more important - 30-40 mg per add, and at the I stage of activity - 15-20 mg per add. If in 24-48 years the sick person does not become sick, then the first dose is increased by 25-30%, and if the effect is slowed down, then the dose is taken without changes. When you reach a clinical laboratory effect (decrease in the activity of the process), you will need to wait for 2 months of corticosteroid therapy, and in case of nephrotic syndrome, or if there is a decrease in activity, in 3-6 months before ...

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Infections of the resulting tissue The main symptoms in cases of illness on the basis of tissue In cases of illness on the basis of ailments, the temperature increases, chills, chills, weakness, dysplasia, fever, swelling, pain

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The main symptoms in case of sickness with a good tissue When sick with a good tissue, ailment is caused by an increase in temperature, chills, weakness, stamina, anxiety hanging on skirts, pains in cold weather. Get sick often superfluous

Systemic infestation of the resulting tissue, either, as they call it, the diffusion of the associated tissue - the whole group of ailments, which stimulate systemic damage and ignite the immune systems of the immune system and the process of the immune system. At the same time, there is an overwhelming presence of fibrosis. All the stench may have a strong swelling of symptoms.

List of systemic ailments

Come in:

  • dermatomyositis idiopathic;
  • recurrent polychondritis
  • systemic scleroderma;
  • systemic chervona vovchanka;
  • recurrent panniculitis;
  • rheumatic polymialgia;
  • Sjogren's ailment;
  • diffuse fasciitis;
  • zm_shane ailment with the resultant fabric;
  • Behcet's ailment;
  • systemic vasculature.

Mіzh usіma cimi ailments are even more spіlny. Skin congestion with the resulting tissue may have a similar pathogenesis and symptoms. It is often possible to report on the photo that there is no indication of ailments to some illnesses from patients with a diagnosis of the group.

Available in fabric. What is it?

In order to be aware of the seriousness of the disease, let's get a good look at it, well, on the other hand, on the basis of the fabric.

Received fabrics - all fabrics and organisms However, they do not refer specifically to the function of any organ, or systems to an organism. At the same time, it is important to reevaluate the role. Wonderful organism as a basis for every organism. All tissues are stored in all tissues of the skin and organs, as well as the cystic skeleton and all types of organisms. The fabrics take up from 60% to 90% of the organisms, therefore, the incidence of the resulting fabrics most often hunts a larger part of the organism, if one of them stinks locally, one organ is eagerly deprived.

The factories to pour on the branch of system ailments with the help of a fabric

Falsely because of the widening of the incidence of the resulting fabric, the classification of the incidence of indifference to undifferentiated incapacitation or systemic. For the development of one and the other type of ailment, the most important factor in flux can be called genetic strength. This is what they call autoimmune disease with good tissue. Ale for the development of any zhvoryuvan zhvoryuvan one factor is not enough.

To the body of an organism, a sick one, they can celebrate their own:

  • Rise of infections, which disrupt the normal immune process;
  • ruin in hormonal background, Which can manifest itself in the period of menopause or vagina;
  • injecting into the organisms of various vipromynuvans and toxic rechovins;
  • intolerance of singers drugs;
  • advised by the insolation;
  • oprominennya photo by exchanges;
  • temperature conditions and a lot of them.

At the same time, it’s time for the development of skin ailments in a group of groups to see serious damage to certain immune processes, as a result of which all changes in the body are seen.

foreign signs

In addition, they have a similar development, they have more a lot of spilnyh signs:

  • skin of them has a genetic strength, often wiclican by the peculiarities of the chromosomes;
  • wrinkles in other fabrics may be similar to rice;
  • deyakі symptoms of ailments є zagalny;
  • diagnostics of a number of illnesses to pass for a similar scheme;
  • most of the symptoms of development of illnesses at the first stage of development do not disappear all of the disease, some of them all appear in a weak form;
  • all the damage to the system is lost to the body at once;
  • in case of certain laboratory predictions, the indicators of the activity of the ignition process will be even more similar;
  • the principle behind the treatment of skin disease is carried out, close to the principles of treatment of the others.

Yakbi fahivtsi accurately identified the right reasons, which are launched in the body spadkovo get sick with the resulting fabrics, then the diagnosis would become easier. With the whole stench, we could accurately establish the necessary methods, such as prevention of illness and prevention of ailments. It’s not just that there’s been any progress in the whole region. Everything that can be said about the factor of the newest middle age, including about viruses, how the stench can get rid of the ailments that have passed through to the whole in the primed form, and also become the genetics of the genetics in the organisms.


Classification of ailments behind the form її її її їіkannya is seen as it is, as in the bagatokh іnshih types:

  • easy form;
  • important form;
  • period of prophylaxis.

Zakvoryuvannya spoluchnoi fabrics, scho dіє systematically, mayzhe zmushu zmushuє zastosovuvati active lykuvannya, Whenever there are days of corticosteroids great razmіrіv... If ailments pass in a great calm channel, then the need for a great doze of the day. In such cases, small portions of corticosteroids can be supplemented with anti-pyretic drugs.

It is not very effective to use corticosteroids, it should be carried out in parallel with the use of cytostatics. In such a combination, the most frequent galvanization of the development of cells is carried out, as they carry out pardon reactions to the cells of the vlasnogo organism.

Likuvannya ailments in important forms to be seen cheaply. Vono vimagaє the dilution of the immunocomplexes, as they became pratsyuvati incorrectly, for which the plasmapheresis technique is used. To prevent the formation of new groups of incorrect immunoactive cells, a number of procedures are carried out to optimize lymphatic universities.

The schob lіkuvannya passed successfully, some zusil lіkar is lacking. It’s a lot of fakhivts to say that to relieve any ailments you need more 2 basic words. First of all, the positive attitude of the patient and the yogh bazhannya oduzhati is guilty of being present. More than once, I thought about it, so Vera in her power helped people to vibrate in the face of horrible situations. On the other hand, it is necessary to be trained in family and in the middle of friends. We are important in the region є the peace of our loved ones, the price of giving people strength. First of all in the photo, do not marvel at the ailment, we are happy, but we can see that we love it, we see the new life in all manifestations.

Timely diagnostics of the disease in the cob yogi stage allows to carry out the treatment and prophylaxis of procedures with the greatest efficiency. There is a special respect for all the patients, if there are some minor symptoms, it may be that the problems have come to pass. Especially the report is guilty of diagnostics for every hour of robots with individuals, in some of whom are symptoms of particular sensitivity to a part of the products of food and drug preparations, allergies, bronchial asthma... Before a group of patients, there are also patients, relatives of whom have already turned up for help and undergo treatment, having developed the symptoms of diffuse ailments. How much damage is found, remembered in the extravagant analysis blood, a lot of people are also consumed in a group, behind which they stand to lead the saw with caution. I don’t forget about individuals, the symptoms of which can be attributed to the presence of a disease in the presence of a gloomy tissue.

Friends, today we will talk with you about the change of illusion. Chuli about taka?

Sinonymi: Overlap syndrome, overlap syndrome, Sharp syndrome.

What is it? Zmіshany zhvoryuvannya spoluchnoї fabrics (SZST)- tse free syndrome, in which there are signs of young people with a complete fabric (analogy with a ball of thread). There may be a risk of development, dermatomyositis, and also a frequent suppression ("dry syndrome").

Near the SZST, there were a lot of ideas and theories. It’s natural to eat: but it’s also self-inflicted, because it’s an atypical form, which is also a kind of sickness from a good tissue (for example, vovchaka, scleroderma, etc.).

In the Danish hour, SZST is brought up to independent illnesses with the resultant fabric, if only one debut like the SZST becomes ill-fated for the year in the type of ailments from the resulting fabric. Do not swindle the SZST with undifferentiated illnesses with the resulting fabric.

wideness definitely not at home, imovirno, not more than 2-3% of the bulk of all the illnesses of the resulting fabric. Ailments are overwhelming for young women (the peak of illness is 20-30 years).

Cause... Allowing for a genetic role in the connection with the appearance of the native species of the SZST.

Klinichna picture.

Show ailments even more versatile and dynamic. In the debut, ailments often experience symptoms of systemic scleroderma, such as: Raynaud's syndrome, swelling of the hands or fingers, flying pains in the slopes, fever, lymphadenopathy, early childhood - typical for those who are in school. Zgodom is a sign of battle internal organs Such is the hypotonia of the stravohode and the foldability of the cowl, the reduction of the leg, the heart, the nervous system, nirok, myaziv, etc.

The most common symptoms of SSTD (on the decline):

  • Arthritis or pain in the slopes
  • Raynaud's syndrome
  • hypotonia stravohodu
  • lung striking
  • a set of brushes
  • myositis
  • lymphadenopathy
  • Picking shkiri yak at STD
  • Dissection of serous membranes (pleurisy, pericardium)
  • nirok battle
  • Disruption of the nervous system
  • Sjogren's syndrome

swamps : Unstable and mild polyarthritis, mild pains in the slopes. You can wonder if it’s like a loaf (great, great), the process of kudi is more good, not in case of rheumatoid arthritis, for example.

Raynaud's syndrome- one of the most early and strong manifestations.

Nabryak fingers and kisti th - a soft, pillow-like crease of the brushes. Often susceptible to sleep with Raynaud's syndrome.

m'yazi: From mild and minor pains in the muscles to an important lesion in case of dermatomyositis.

stravohid: Easy to bake, ruinous kovtannya.

serous barnacles i: pericarditis, pleurisy.

lungs: Zadishka, p_vischennya vise in the legendary artery.

shkira: Exercise is even more versatile and variable: pigmentation, discoid vovchak, type "blizzard", diffuse hair loss, damage to the eyes near the eyes (Gottron's symptom) and in.

nirki: In the case of proteinuria, hematuria (the appearance of blood and blood cells in the section), the importance of nephritis is developing rapidly.

Nervous system: Polyneuropathy, Meningit, Migren.


The laboratory diagnostics of SZST is of great importance. May be: anemia, leukopenia, earlier - thrombocytopenia, advanced SHOE, rheumatoid factor, circulating immune complexes (CVC), ASAT, CPK, LDH.

Specific laboratory marker of SZST antibodies to nuclear ribonucleoprotein (RNP), appear in 80-100% of vipads. When ANF is detected, the type of light (granular, part) is indicated.

Diagnosis is based on symptoms and manifestations of RNP.


The main therapy is hormones in low doses, depending on the activity key manifestations... The triviality of therapies from decile month to decile rocky. Also, cytostatics can be vicious, non-steroidal anti-pyretic drugs, symptomatic treatment.

Unimportant to those who are SZST є "make up serious sickness, Yak SSD, VKV, dermatomyositis, etc., the prognosis is more beautiful, less in patients with typical incapacitation with the resulting tissue.

Zmіshany zhvoryuvannya spoluchnoї fabrics (SZST)- free clinical immunological syndrome of systemic lesions of the resulting tissue fiery character, Will appear on the basis of data on the symptoms of SDS, polymyositis (dermatomyositis), VKV, antibodies to nuclear ribonucleoprotein (RNP) in high titers; the prognosis is more friendly, less ailment, a sign that a syndrome is developing.

SZST was described by G. G. Sharp i sp_vavt. yak free "syndrome of small rheumatic ailments." It’s not important for those in the coming rocky, it’s known about the problems of the first time in the winter lands, the day of the SZST still doesn’t open, since it doesn’t feel unambiguous - the self-sufficient price of nosological fabrics are different from the same varied

Scho provokuє / The reasons for the Zmіshany ailment with the resultant fabric:

In the development of ailments, they play the role of a free deterioration of immunity, which manifests itself in trivial strong changes in antibodies to RNP, hypergammaglobuli of germs, hypocomplements and circulating immunity. Deposits of TgG, IgM and complement appear in the walls of the blood-bearing vessels of the mucous membranes, glomeruli of the nirka and dermoe-dermal stick of the dermis, and the deposits of TgG, IgM and complement appear in the tissues of the blood-bearing mucus, the glomeruli of the nirka and the dermal tissue of the dermis. Installed changes in immunoregulatory functions of Tlimphotsi. Particularly in the pathogenesis of SZST є development of proliferative processes in the internal and middle shells of the great Sudins with a history of legacy hypertension and the first manifestations of the disease.

Symptoms of Zmіshany ailment with the resulting fabric:

It is indicated in the name of SZST, the class of ailments is caused by such signs of SJS, as Raynaud's syndrome, swelling of the hands and hypochondria to the traumatic pathway, as well as symptoms of polymyositis and VKV in the presence of polyarticular diseases and recurrent symptoms

Raynaud's syndrome- one s best frequent signs... Zokrema, behind our materials, Raynaud's sydrome of all the ailments with the development of the SZST. Raynaud's syndrome is not only partial, ale uneasy and early signs of ailments, proteases on the form of SSV are against myaxia, not often by the type of two-phase, but the development of ischemic necrosis or sometimes in the margin.

Raynaud's syndrome with SZST, as a rule, is superfluous with swollen hands right up to the development of "sausage-like" forms of the fingers, and it is practically impossible to end with induration and atrophy of sclerosus with severe initial contractures (sclerodectomy).

Svoєrіdnoyu myazova symptoms- v classy paintings ailments relieve pain and muscle weakness in the proximal muscles of the corticals with fast polygons for the infusion of medium doses of corticosteroids therapy. The change of meat enzymes (creatine phosphokinase, aldolase) grows smartly and quickly normalizes in response to hormone therapy. Occasionally, it is characteristic of dermatomyositis that there is a reduction of the skin over the knuckles of the fingers, heliotropic preparation of the wall, teleangiectasis along the edge of the nail bed.

Svoєrіdna suglobova symptomatology... The involvement in the pathological process of locks is made possible practically in all ailments, the head rank among those who suffer from polyarthralgia, and in 2/3 of those who suffer from polyarthritis (non-germless, as a rule, they do not get sick), who want to get sick brushes. It is characteristic of the formation in the process of great slopes in the order of the damage in other slopes of the brushes, as in the case of VKV. The appearance is described of the type of knowledge from the RA of the erosive destruction of the worms in the nodules of the hands. Similar snorts were spoken by the ailments and in our institute.

hypocrisy to stravohod It is due to the efforts not only of X-ray dosages, but of the manometric ones, to protect the collapse of the airway at the edge of such a step, as in the case of STS.

Dissection of the serous membranes Sposter not so often, as with VKV, prote at SSTC, bilateral vip pleurisy and pericarditis are described. Significantly more often attributed to the involvement in the pathological process of the lungs (ventilation damage, decreased life of the body, and in the case of X-ray dosage, strengthening and deformity of the lung malinka). At the same hour, the symptoms of Legenev's symptoms in those with ailments can be seen as the main role, manifesting themselves as an overgrowth and / or symptomatology of Legeny hypertension.

The specialty of the SZST nirok battle(According to the literature, in 10-15% of the ailments), but in quiet ailments, in those who appear to have some kind of protein, hematuria or morphological changes in biopsy of nirok, call it a good interruption. Viklyuchno rarely sposter the development of nephrotic syndrome. For example, according to the data of the clinic, the level of nirok is equal to 2 out of 21 patients with SZST.

So it is itself rarely diagnosed with cerebrovascular disease, polyneuropathy, which is a part of the sign in the class of SZST, is not severely affected.

Among the out-of-the-way clinical manifestations of ailments, it means a rising degree of turn hot reaction and lymphadenopathy(In 14 to 21 patients) and earlier splenomegaly and hepatomegaly.

Sjogren's syndrome does not develop often in case of SZST, which is also a good interruption, as in case of VKV.

Diagnostics of Zmіshany ailment with the resulting fabric:

  • laboratory data

General laboratory data for nonspecific SZST. Approximately in half of the ailments in the active phase of the ailment, it means less hypochromic anemia and a tendency to leukopenia, in all of them - accelerated SHOE. However serological data The appearance of a dose is characteristic for ailments of the development of antinuclear factor (ANF) with mottling type of immunofluorescence.

In ailments, SZST appears in a high titer of antibodies to nuclear ribonucleoproteins (RNP) - one of the various nuclear antigens, sensitive to the infusion of ribonuclease and trypsin. Yak viyavilosya, the same antibodies to the RNP and to the other nuclear antigens, which are available in the range of nuclear antigens, add to the nuclear type of immunofluorescence. According to the day and the serological peculiarities, the order is due to the values ​​\ u200b \ u200bof the clinical indications of the classics nosological forms and served as a guide for seeing the syndrome of SZST.

In addition, it is often referred to as gipsrhammaglobulus, not rarely overwhelming, as well as the Russian Federation. At the same time, SZST is especially characterized by the strength and the swelling of the chickens, independent of the amount of activity of the pathological process. At the same hour, in the active phase of the ailment, circulating immune complexes and mild hypocomplementa are not so rare.

Lіkuvannya Zmіshany zmіshanyu svoryuvannya sluchnoї fabrics:

Characterized by the temporal efficiency of GCS to navit in medium and small doses on a daily basis from the SSD.

Oscillations in the rest of the rock are indicated by the tendency to the development of nephropathy and legacy hypertension, ailments with cimi key signs require an hour in large doses of corticosteroids and cytostatic drugs.

The prognosis of ailments in general is quite serious, the problem of death is described, but it is very important when nirkova lack for the legacy of hypertension.

Until some of the likars go to death, if you have Zmishana getting sick with the good fabric:


Are you a turbo? Would you like to know more detailed information about the Wicked disease of the good tissue, the cause, the symptoms, the methods of treatment and prevention, how to overcome the ailments and take care of the child's life? Why do you need to look around? You can sign up for a reception before the doctor- clinkika Eurolab wait for your services! Brush a little car to look around you, get some signs and help you with ailments for symptoms, consult you, and give you the necessary help and supply a diagnosis. you can also viclikati likarya dodomu... clinika Eurolab vіdkrita for you tsіlodobovo.

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The phone number of our clinic in Kiev: (+38 044) 206-20-00 (broadband). The secretary of the clinic will visit you every day and hour to the doctor. Our coordinates and the scheme of the process are indicated. Wonder in more detail about all the services of the clinic at the її.

(+38 044) 206-20-00

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You? It is imperative to go further to the camp of your health as a whole. People get too little respect symptoms in illness and do not understand that ailments can be life-threatening. Є a lot of ailments, as a few things do not manifest themselves in our body, or in the bag to appear, but, unfortunately, it’s already nice. Skin congestion has its own singing signs, characteristic signs of manifestation - so called symptoms of ailments... The symptom score is the first croc in the diagnosis of illness in general. For the whole, it is simply necessary to develop the passes the rigging at the lykar, It’s not just a terrible ailment, but a healthy spirit in everybody’s body in general.

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Іnshi incapacitation from the group Khvorobi kistkovo-m'yazovoy system and the resulting fabrics:

Sharpe's syndrome
Alcaptonuria and ochronotic arthropathy
Allergic (eosinophilic) granulomatous angiitis (Churg-Strauss syndrome)
Arthritis in chronic intestinal ailments (nonspecific swollen colitis and Crohn's ailment)
Arthropathy in hemochromatosis
Ankylosing spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis)
Kawasaki ailment (mucous dermatitis syndrome)
Khvoroba Kashin-Bek
Takayasu's ailment
Whipple's ailment
brucellosis arthritis
post-angular rheumatism
hemorrhagic vasculitis
Hemorrhagic vasculitis (ailment of Shenlein - Henoch)
Giant cell artery
hydroxyapathic arthropathy
Hypertrophic Legeneva osteoarthropathy (Mari-Bamberger's ailment)
gonococcal arthritis
Wegener's granulomatosis
Dermatomyositis (PM)
Dermatomyositis (polymyositis)
Dysplasia of the kulšovy slope
Dysplasia of tazostegnous slopes
Diffuse (eosinophilic) fasciitis
hypersensitive arthritis
Intermittent hydrarthrosis (alternating dropsy of the slope)
Infectious (pyogenic) arthritis
Icenko - Cushing's Hvoroba
Lyme ailment
lіktyovy styloidіt
Interchristic osteochondrosis and spondylosis
many dizostosi
multiple reticulogystiocytosis
marmurova hvoroba
Spinal nerve neuralgia
Neuroendocrine acromegaly
Obliterative thrombangitis (Burger's ailment)
Pukhlina upper lung
Gostry infectious arthritis
palindromic rheumatism
periodic ailment
Pigmentous villezanodular synovitis (hemorrhagic synovitis)
pyrophosphate arthropathy

Autoimmune ailment - the tse of a fallacy of tying up the broken functions of the immune system of people, which repairs the power of the people, like aliens, and pozhkozhuvati їkh. Someone who is sick is called systemic, as a rule, the whole system can be used, or the whole body can be found.

At our hour we often talk about new infections, which pose a threat to all people. Tse, pershu chergu, SNID, as well as SARS ( atypical pneumonia), Bird flu and virus infections. As a result of the history, there are a lot of insecure viruses and bacteria in the distance, and why for a reason to stimulate the immune system (vaccination).

Mechanism of recognition of the processes has not yet been revealed. Fakhіvtsі can’t be intelligent, which is linked to the negative reaction of the immune system to the tissues. Provokuvat zbi in the body can be injured, stress, hypothermia, infection, etc.

Diagnostics and diseases of systemic ailments can be done by such doctors as a therapist, immunologist, rheumatologist and іnshі fakhіvtsі.

put on

To those who are sick from the group є rheumatoid arthritis. However, the ailment is not the most common autoimmune pathology. An autoimmune lesion of the thyroid gland often occurs - diffuse toxic goiter(Basedova's ailment) і Troidіt Hashimoto. Autoimmune mechanism also develops diabet Type I, systemic chervonia vovchak and rossyaniy sclerosis.

Autoimmune nature can be caused by not only ailments, but ale and deyaki syndromes. A typical butt є chlamidioz is a sickness, which is subject to trash, and transmitted by a state path. With a lot of sickness, there can be such titles as Reiter's syndrome, for which it is characteristic of the eyes, loops and sechostatic organs. Do not show a direct infusion of a microbe, but cause autoimmune reactions.


In the process of maturation of the immune system, the main hour of what is brought in the period from the people to 13-15 years, lymphocytes - cells of the immune system - to go through the "navchannya" in the thymus and lymphatic universities... At the same time, a skin clone of a clone nabuva of healthy development of foreign bolsters, who are struggling with small infections in the future.

A part of lymphocytes is learned to develop the cells of one's own body as aliens. In normi, such lymphocytes are strictly controlled by the immune system and serve, in order to ensure that they know their own organisms. However, for some people, control over the cybercriminals is lost, their activity grows and starts the process of destroying normal cells - developing autoimmune illnesses.

cause autoimmune disease vivcheni lacks, altogether lacking views allow the distribution of callі internal.

The main reasons are Infectious diseases abo physical injection, For example, ultraviolet viprominuvannya abo radioacia. In case of urezhenny singing tissue of human organism, the stench changes the power of molecules in such a rank, that the immune system is spryming and alien. Pislya "attack" on the exercise organ immune system wiklikє chronically firedі, apparently, farther away from cotton fabrics.

іnshy the most important reasonє development of cross-border immunity. Also, if an infectious person appears "similar" to a vlast cell - as a result, the immune system is immediately hostile as a microbe, as well as a cell (one explanation is Reiter's syndrome in chlamydiasis).

Internal causes are, in the first place, genetic mutations, which are transmitted during recessions.

Some mutations can change the antigenic structure of the singing organ, or tissues that infest lymphocytes are known as "svoih" - such autoimmune diseases are called organ-specific... Too, in the fall, the ailment itself will be transmitted (among the older generation, there will be one or more organisms).

These mutations can destroy the balance of the immune system, disrupting the control of autoaggressive lymphocytes. Todi lyudin, with the infusion of stimulating factors, can get organ-specific autoimmune illnesses, so get a lot of systems and organisms.

Likuvannya. promising methods

Treatment of autoimmune (systemic) illnesses of polyagons in the reception of anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs that are likely to be taken immune system(The stench is even more toxic and similar to the spraying therapy to the point of infection).

Surely, they are not going to the cause of the disease, but not to the organ, but to the whole organism. At the same time, we should try to develop fundamentally new methods, which will be done locally for a few days.

Poshuk new drugs against autoimmune ailments somewhere behind the three main routes.

Gene therapy is one of the most promising methods, which can replace the defective gene. However, before practical sucking gene therapy is far away, but mutations, which lead to a specific illness, do not occur in all cases.

If the reason is the loss of control over the cells of the immune system, then the presenters simply substitute for new ones, before they have given a lot of immunosuppressive therapy. This technique has already shown good results in the treatment of systemic heart disease and rosy sclerosis Protect to the point of being uncomfortable, but we can’t help it, but it’s infallible for the body to stifle the “old” immunity.

Mabut, who used to be available to become techniques, which do not understand the cause of the ailment, but precisely clean up and show it. Tse, in the first place, preparations on the basis of antibodies. The smell of building blocks the attack of the tissues of the immune system.

In the first way, it is the sign of speech, which takes part in the fine regulation of the immune process. Tobto, it's not about the speech, how to adjust the immune system as a whole, but about the analogs of natural regulators, which only work on the same kind of clitin.