To fix the temperature. Bronchitis and pneumonia. Rіzni forma allergії

conjunctivitis of the eyes

The inflammation of the conjunctiva may be due to various reasons - for example, strong wind, intense sleepy light, drank, sometimes dry due to the burning, bacteria, and also viruses. Often the same can be ignited as a touch of what it was in the eye alien tilo... Conjunctivitis can also manifest itself as an allergic reaction. Visibility of conjunctivitis Conjunctivitis of the eyes in the first place of the wikipedia, inappropriate sverbіzh, writing and slyosi. The child appears to have seen something, but it was nibbled in the eye, and it seems to me. The edge of the capital can be ruffled and swollen - the eyes see a ridin, like a sprinkle of watery, rather calamous, nareshty, mucous-nasty. Particularly strong is such a vision at night, as a result of which all of the warnings can appear by gluing together in a speech. Help the child Mild conjunctivitis will continue to grow even after a few days. You can change the inappropriate itch by regularly cleaning the poop with weak chamomile tea (we clean it with a cotton swab). Wipe clean calling party eyes to the nose. In addition, the demand for brutal respect for those who do not rub their eyes often and too hard. It is important The large number of drugs in conjunctivitis, in order to destruct it, are taken only as soon as possible. As soon as the term has passed, then the full drops will bring more shkodi, less cories.


Pronos (diarrhea) buva mayzhe for all children. You can take a look at other reasons: In a large number of breeds of neo-hypochondriacs, it is possible to take advantage of food products that are unbearable for children, or viruses and bacteria, as they whistle a carry. Visually bring in Children are restless and annoying, I don’t want to smell the stench and skip on pain in the stomach. The style has a consistency (soft and thin), and the child goes to the housekeeper more often, not to get too excited. Characteristic is the є smell of rotting style, which is vinic, if it does not get overpicked correctly, і we know it well. Help child Naivazhlivishe - compensate for the waste of electricity and water. Electrolytic therapy is three years old from six to twelve years. Various drugs are available in the skin pharmacy. Children up to five rockies are hungry for food, especially if they carry it with blues. For that, when carrying it, it is important to stitch for the whole hour behind the child's backcountry. Visnichiti carry in infants. First I get to know є the tearfulness of the appetite and the unconsciousness, the stiffness, like porridge, to revenge the mucus, and the slurry to sound like a water syringe. Visually, the food is not safe For babies, the food is more challenging. The onset symptoms can be triggered: - the child has a “metal” voice; - eyes are widely visible; - lips melt dry and cracked; - shkіra myaka, not stretched, folds are pretended. As soon as in the presence of a few symptoms, the hour itself will turn up to the doctor. Help is not so dramatic, then, for all the children, there will be pauses in the bath. By the day, the child will take away only tea and ridina, so that he can take revenge on the electricity. Yakshcho the child is so ditched, then the rіdina needs to be given with spoons. In 24 years, you can start drinking food (sold in a pharmacy), as long as the zalny camp does not stabilize


Bloating occurs in children very often. Tim himself, in a large number of vapors, reacts to inaccurate or rather haty, more precisely hating, ala inodi also wicks a virus or bacteria. Nudota, pain in the stomach, and bloating superfluous with a lot of children with ailments. In nursing infants, as they start to think of the skin, we can say, for example, about spasms of the collar. Bile in the slunker and bloom may cause appendicitis. If you fall, you can talk about the same symptoms in case of brain chills. Blues, nudota, head b_l and the rigidity of the potential also applies to meningitis in a large number of vomiting blooms at once with the blows - this means that children simply "zipsov" slunks.


Cough, undead and throat throat - tse, ymovirno, most often ill-humor in the child, cold - infection of the upper dikhalnyh nobles, Yaka can be a viclikana with the greatest viruses. Gripe infections also often occur in winter months, and not in summer. However, it’s a true fact: if we’re up to nine chills on the risk of getting involved, let’s admit it for a child. I will get cold. Symptoms are good: not hammered or leaking. Ditina seeks to myself, I have an appetite, I have a sore throat, fever, and sometimes I freeze. Until then, he had a cough, which does not allow the child to sleep spontaneously at night. Help the child One of the important officials of the smart little child is a calm and prolonged sleep. Ale the lasting undead, cough, discomfort does not give the child the ability to fall asleep. In general, the anti-drug drug Suprastin can be used. Mainly yogo diyu - antiallergic. If the maluk is sick, there is a new decrease in immunity, and perhaps even an allergic reaction to those that have not been buzzed before. Tim is bigger than it is not easy lіkuvalny drugs... To help the baby's organism fit into such an extreme situation for a new situation, Suprastin needs all the ailments for an hour. Suprastin volodya і pisushuyut dієu, so that the trochi change the "potik" vision from the nose. Suprastin can be given to children from the very people (very special, from urahuvannya dozuvannya).


Dzherelom іnfektsії є ailment for angina, GRZ, scarlet fever. Most often, there is a sickness in angina unharmed children, as well as when it is cold, like zagalom, and also in case of cold, one-sided hardening, decreased vitamins, injuries of migdalin (rib'iacha is a meatball). Infection with angina is not a part of immunity. Visnichiti angina Angina to be respected by the state, with a high temperature up to 40 degrees. There is dryness, perspiration, rawness in the throat. There is a weakness, a feeling of pain in the joints of the teeth, pain in the slopes, across, a headache, a pain in the throat when knocking. Mova of deposits, appetite of reductions.


Tsia khvoroba generally missed the word "prilitak". The ailment can be found to be infected with herpes i, as such, even infectious. All children, from infants to tenths, are especially clean until they are vivid. Infection is caused by the path of accidental-droplet infection, if children have direct contact with the ailment of a votryanka, or just by chance. Vіtryanka I react to herpes-virus virus vіtryanoi vіspi, which is also a vyklica operative lichen. It is very important for the nobility that children can become infected with vitriol from grown-ups, who suffer from lichen opercula. Incubation period altogether great - between nine and twenty eight days. Look for a choroba in a large number of cases to repair for the same symptoms as with a cold, and a mild fever (between 38 and 39). Only then there is a type for the vizip: small chervoni chicks, which are transformed into the chefs of the chefs with their companions, nareshty, in the lights, insight, like water, bulbs, in the middle of which. Then the stench is covered with kirkoy and dry up. Visip from chance to appear on the tulub, then on the pictures and on the faces. You can also take care of the skin of the head, the mucous membrane of the company, the worms and the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bgenital. It is especially unbeatable to deliver sverbіzh to children. Help the child If the child has a temperature, then they will put it in a lid. In the first place - change the sound and cut the child out of the fact that the child was racked up. From the experience of additional help to warm souls. In addition, the child is guilty of having a short haircut and a short haircut, so that you can change the way of thinking. As soon as the bulbs are scratched, the stench can be ignited, and then the scar may become scarce.


As soon as the child has a temperature, then it will start to be used for infection. As you can get it, lie down, for the day, from the other symptoms. The temperature is low (up to 39 °), you can get it cold, or a child's ailment; Visoka temperature can be supravodzhuvati zapalennya average wuha, for evidence of an important infectious ailment. Visual temperature The normal temperature of a healthy child is 36.5 and 37.5 °. Up to 38 ° to speak about the adjusted temperature, up to 38.5 ° - Light temperature and min 38.5 and 39 ° - about the temperature. If the thermometer shows more than 39 °, then the tempo is unambiguously, and at 40.5 - the temperature is even lower than the temporal. In children, the temperature is determined rectally, so that in the rectum. Help child Persh for everything - do not fall into panic, if the child's temperature rises. Temperature, hocha and chilly, ale vona like. The managers of the temperature adjusted organisms are mobilizing their own forces, as they are known to have ailments. As soon as the temperature rises, then suddenly the growth of viruses and bacteria will start. All the process helps the body itself to fight against infections. If you are in a higher temperature, you can lower the temperature by wrapping up the bellies, in any home pharmacy you can blame them for the heat. It is not possible to give a child "grown up" zasozyzhuyuchі zoby. For example, such a yak acetylsalicylic acid, Yaka is recommended for children up to 15 years. Likari-pediatricians recommend to use drugs for the temperature and pain in young children to take paracetamol, because I won’t tease the slurry, which is even more important for the child’s body. Cefekon D is a drug based on paracetamol that was developed specially for children by the Russian pharmaceutical company Nizhpharm. The drug is dispensed in candles, which allows you to enter your child for an hour to sleep, without letting her sleep. taka lykarska form yes, there is a possibility of uniqueness of negative reactions, as well as the winners of children when they take a trip all over the place. It can be done in the same way when bloating, viklikaniy high temperature. Tsefekon D is recommended for minutia in case of feverish ponad 380, toothache, pain in wounds, myases, in case of injuries and symptoms. Cefekon D does not take the place of preservatives, aromatic additives, so as much as possible for children who are roasted to allergies.


The widening of the infection of the children of the young age, there may be ailments and the new generation. Dzherelom іnfektsії ailment stretching 25-30 days from the ear of the disease. The infection is diagnosed in case of non-mediated spilkuvanny from a disease in the distance of up to 2-3 meters (for an hour coughing). Viscite whooping cough The incubation period in the middle becomes 8 days, then there are first signs of illness: coughing, undead. The temperature may be normal or slightly increased. Progressively, the cough grows and swells more and more nimbly, obtrusive, and sometimes attack-like character. In children of an early age, a cough can be supravodzhuvatisya zupinka or navi zupinka dikhannya, ditina sinin, can be spasmed by a sudom. Whooping cough at home, hospitalize only infants and importantly against whooping cough. The older children are allowed to go for walks on the stretch of all the ailments, but do not sleep with the other children. As the child has frequent blues, it takes small portions of the child, and more often, more beautiful than a strong cough with blues, so a strong attack will not come soon. spinning whooping cough reduction є preventive splitting. Non-split children often experience acceleration: pneumonia, damage to the central nervous system.


Ailments are even worse, they can lead to death. Practice has shown that there, children were free of time to splinters, falling ill with diphtheria was meant only in single cases, and there, children thought to break down, there was a risk of being blamed for outbreaks. Microbi grows out of sick people in case of rose, channa, cough. Infection can also occur as a result of koristuvannya speeches, as well as bully from a sick person's life. Deal with diphtheria Indulge in diphtheria zagalny nezduzhannya: There are pains in the throat, as it is in angina, the temperature rises. In the coming days, the country will become important, there will be pouches on the migdalens, a boom in the wake and on the ground. As the diphtheritic process goes from the larynx to the larynx, then there is a hoarseness in the voice, a barking cough, the dichotomy becomes more difficult, you can breathe through a large swelling of the larynx, and then curl up the lumen of the dical throat. On the first day of the disease, it is necessary to get sick. Prior to the hospitalization of the sick, it is necessary to receive credit from the other members of the family. In a given hour in our land, there will be a combination of prickly preparations, which will allow children to rob them of chips one hour against diphtheria, whooping cough, and they will fix it within 3 months. In the body, immunity is violated against three other infections. However, there is a tendency to shy away from my own design only in the same way, as it is suvoro to observe the order and terms of the conduct. Easier to get over the diphtheria zhvoryuvannya, nіzh yogo lіkuvati!


The managers of the mass carrying out of the preventive chippings are designed to grow. Poliomyelitis is infected by contact with ailments. In the transmission of ailments, a great role is played by the play by the beat factor: brute hands, grains, dishes, food products, flies. To start a poliomyelitis Chvoroba to repair due to temperature adjustments, slunk diseases, next to those through a few days to repair parallels in chrysanthemums, and tuluba Renewal of three years Fathers slid pam'yatati! It’s easier to get over the price of getting sick, not to correct the development of the parallel, as the child is sick.


In the absence of ill health lymphatic universities... It is not common for child collectives to recognize sleepers from the sickness of Tisna, trivially to the widening of the sickness, and even if there is little contact with rubella, to be carried out. Visualize rubella. Persha is a sign of ailment after 11-12 days: slightly increased temperature, slight cough and undead. Then there is a visip on the guises, the upper part of the tulub, the sidnitsy. One day for a few days, the visibility will expand to the fullest. Patients develop swelling or swelling of the overwhelming, sheeny and powerful Limfausli. The ailment itself, by itself, is not even more serious, ale is guilty but it was definitely set up, especially when it’s about a girl or a vagina’s life. Rubella є naybilsh often the reason To lead to the bend of the fetus, the early curtains and the people of the children with the birth of the wads. For active immunization against red, the vaccine is alive, as it is 12-15 months old for the vaccine Rudinax or the combined vaccine against bark, mumps, rubella.


One of the most widespread child infectious diseases. The receptivity is even greater. Especially not safe kir is presented for small children up to 2 rocks, for weakened children. Zvychay on kіr get infected with rosema, cough, chkhanna. Cyr is very low in the determination of the organism to those of those who are ill. Viznachiti kir Prikhovaniy period is trivial 9-17 days, given the temperature rises, the cough and synotecha will appear. on internal surface There are also some small chicks and lips, and then there are also some small ones. As the temperature does not go down after the end of the hanging, the chi won go down, and then the temperature has changed again, then thinking about the deterioration: bronchitis, pneumonia, burning of the middle air. Cyr will start to cheer at home. I have a dumb appetite for frequent drinking, periodically rinsing your mouth and drinking it with boric acid and boiled water. Without dragging the child's light, it is necessary to darken the room. As long as you know, your child is upset with ailments on the cyr, it is necessary to survive such visits. Clean up all children, as they do not splinter against the bark, from the sight of your child, which, if possible, has become infected. Unsplit child is guilty of isolation for 21 days. As long as the child did not get sick in the whole term, the isolation can be pinned. Unknowingly turn up to to the medical practitioner in order for your child, because there is little contact with the ailment on the cyr, they broke up the splinters or introduced immunoglobulin.

scarlet fever

Infectious disease, not without its own acceleration. Sleepiness to it is especially great in children of nursery and preschool age. Dzherelom іnfektsії є ailment for scarlet fever. You can get infected through objects that are infected with ailments. Visnuchiti scarlet fever Zahvoryuvannya to obey for increased temperature, blues, zagalny nezduzhannya. Ziv is old worm-name, inodi there are bili or brud-zhovty nalots on the migdalens. On the 1st-2nd day, ailments on the face, shia, tuluba are densely roasted with a small-dotted chervony visip on the yaskravo-horny aphid shkiri. On accusations, it is not possible to cover the nasolabial tricycle, mova raspberry, with a visip. Until the end of the day, the ear of another shkir has begun to peel, especially on the fingers and nig. Scarlet fever can be produced to such an acceleration, like a blaze of an average vuh, a blaze of an inferior lymphatic university, a blast of a nirok and a n.

* Tila temperature *

First, for all the memory, the temperature of a great child is either increasing or decreasing in fallowness at one o'clock in the afternoon and of the child's occupation. call yourself low temperature buvaє early vrantsі, and navischa at 4-6 years of the day. Ale the growth of the temperature of the child at the early hour of the day is not much higher. There was a greater increase in temperature between the hour and the increase in activity. The temperature of an absolutely healthy little child can be 37 ° C or 378 ° C right away, since it’s big (ale, from the side, the temperature is 38.3 ° C, which means that it’s just a matter of being caught up in a child’s physical health). The temperature of a child is higher than that of a child. All this means that you want the nobility, because the child's temperature is adjusted as a result of ailments, because the child is guilty of being sick for a long time, or if the child has more nerves.
When there is a lot of sickness, it is supervised to increase the temperature, the numbers will be found close to 4-6 years of the day and the lowest - early warnings. Don't be surprised if the temperature rises early and drops in the other half of the day.
Є ailments, at which the temperature will become overwhelmed during the last day, for example, when the legends are ignited. Often in cold ailments the temperature is lower than normal (36 °). lowered temperature booze in newborns and small children in winter nights. You are not guilty of turbuvati, as the child sees herself as good.

581. Thermometer.

The rectal thermometer has a round mercury head, when it is introduced into the back passage, it does not work. You can use a snazzy thermometer with a twisted mercury head to insert it even more accurately, so that the time on both types of thermometers is absolutely the same.
The thermometer, inserted into the rear passage, will show the correct temperature through the chilin. To be amazed respectfully to the source of mercury, if you will be able to measure the temperature of the child. In the first 20 seconds, it takes a little longer to get faster and even more reachable than that time, on which to stop. Pislya tsyogo vin ledve collapse. This means that if a child is violated or nervous, then you can change the temperature to less than one chilin and mother rudely declared about the її dіysnomu ryvnі. Using the rectal method, the temperature is adjusted to 5 rocks.

582. Vimіryuvannya temperature.

With the help of energy-efficient thermometer minimum up to 36 °. It's more beautiful to paint over a lazy (the most unsuitable place for cleaning is a bath in a room), the thermometer is not broken, as it is in vipade from the hands.
First insert the thermometer into the rear passage, lower the head of the thermometer into the glucerin or cream. More beautiful camp for a child lying on your stomach on your knees. It is important for you to vibrate from such a camp, and his legs hang down, do not bother you. Carefully insert the thermometer into the back passage of the child, it is easy to drive, so that he knows his own way. If you will be mintly trimming the thermometer, you can squeeze into the intestinal wall and keep the child in check. Let us put the dolon on the child’s day, and we can use the thermometer with two fingers, like a cigarette.
A big older child can be put on the sidekick on the side and ask him to pull his legs. If the child is lying on her stomach, it is more important to know her back passage. the same non-rugged encampment children, if they lie on their backs, their legs are lifted. before yogo back aisle It is important to be in such a position and until your feet are in this position, so that the stench can give the mother a hand inadvertently.
Let’s not let you turbulent, there’s a small difference in two - three tenths of a degree. Lіkarya tsіkavit approximate temperature. The temperature is brighter in the first half of the wound and later in 4-6 years of the day.
Onset of food: during the day, it is necessary to adjust the temperature of the child. Axis yak inodi buvak. Baby Bula has a strong cold with fever. Likar regularly navigated. Mati on the yogi check out the temperature 2 times a day. Nareshty temperature drops to normal, child oduzhuє, lose a little cough and undead. Lykar vvazhaє the standard of a child is good and allows the mother to go for a walk, if the cough and the undead are called upon to cringe. After 2 days, the mother would call the doctor on the phone, and even if she was tormented by the child without taking walks, the undead and the cough disappeared more than 10 days ago, and the child is beautifully watched and goodness, but the temperature is still at 37.5 ° C. Yak, having already explained, for a rugged child, it is not temperature adjusted... Ten days without strolls and after the rest of the mother of Bulo Marni. In addition, for 2 days the temperature will not change 38 °, forget about the thermometer, because the child’s standard will not go overboard and if the child doesn’t ask you to change the temperature. Do not give the little animal the temperature of the child, if it is healthy.

583. Before the arrival of the lykar.

Between rock and five, the temperature in children can move up to 40 °, or if they are sick, they are sick, for example, cold, angina, flu, and when they are more severe. On the other side, in case of poor health conditions, the temperature may not exceed 38.3 °. Tom does not judge by the temperature of the child's ailments. Turn around to a lykar, if your child is sick.
If on the first day your child has ailments the temperature is 40 ° and if the car will not come earlier than in a year, it is reasonable in the first place to help lower the temperature for help wiping off. Meta-vologic wipe off the rush of blood to the surface of the shkiri with a massage and chill out, for the help of a vaping vologue in shkiri.
Stretch the child and cover it with a stretched or light carpet. Wet your hand in a basin of water, bare one of the child's handles, and lightly stroke the little girl's hand (I know to wet my hand, if it’s gone). Then use the little hand of the child and go to іnshoi, then to nіg, breasts and back. Check the temperature through the second time. Yaksho won’t go low, I know the whole procedure. It is important that the temperature of the child is lower than 40 °, as long as the car does not come, so for small children at high temperatures, they can have a few minutes and go to the court (Div. Rozdil 679). When the temperature is high, if the child has a fever, shrug it off even more easily, you can just stretch it alone with an extraordinary room temperature. It is more important for you to lower the temperature, since it is warmly ukrytiy. Zrozumіlo, if the child has a chill, it is necessary to shrink it dodatkovo.
Bagato batkiv upevneni, the temperature itself is not safe, and to stop the beatings, to wind up if you don't see it. Ale the temperature is not a sickness, but one of the ways, for the help of which organism is responsible for infection. Temperature changes add quilts to the course of the ailment. In some cases, the drug can not reduce the temperature of the child, for that it won’t get married, and in others, the drug concentrates its respect on the fight against infection itself.

* Yak give leaks and put klizmi *

584. Yak davat leki.

One can only be cunning to a child of a vipity lika. The first rule is: give them the leaks of the other people, but it didn't occur to you, but you can think of it. As soon as you will be unperturbed in the eyes of you, you will report to the child, in the view, as soon as you check in and accept the leaks. Talk to him about something else, pour the liquor into your mouth. Most children automatically open roti when they approach boxes, like little birds in the nests.
Inappropriate tablets can be modified and consumed with savory food, for example, with apple puree. Use only one teaspoon of mashed potatoes, so that the child can be seen from another spoon. Girky tablets can be consumed with a teaspoon of malt water, honey, syrup or boiled water. Full-sized drops and the ointment can be administered one hour before sleep.
Smelling liquors with drinks, more beautiful than vicoristovuvati taki, like a child p'є ridko. As soon as you will give a wonderful relish of milk or orange juice, a child can be put in a few months before they grow older.

585. Do not give liquor without a sign of a liquor and do not promote liquor without the caution of a liquor.

I’ll put my butt on, but I’ll explain why it’s not safe. Pop buv chills and coughs. Likar prescribing liquids against cough. After 2 months, the child began to cough again, and mother again gave him the same faces, not being pleased with the likarem. A handful of Lika Trocha helped, and then the cough of the bed got stronger, but all one brought the victim of the drug. It immediately became clear to the lykar that the child did not have a cold, but whooping cough. Winning a bi-tense tihd the day that yakby yogo winked. The child was sent to death from other children without infecting them.
Mati, who was already enjoying the cold, wasted trouble and headaches, started to see herself as a Fakhiv. Ale її dosvid duzhe obmezheniy. Her knowledge is dumb, like Volodya Likar. For her, there are two headaches, two shlunkovye razladayutsya mayzhe same. Ale for the drinker, the stench may be of great importance and value. As soon as in the forefront of the treatment of a sick person with one of the antibiotics, the mother sees the spokus as soon as possible with similar symptoms. The world is like this: there are great results, it is easy to take and a dose of a home by analogy with past trips. Why wouldn’t he be quick to know?
In some cases, it is not safe to slow down: high temperature, visipu, undercapacity, blood in the slaughter. Happily, because of the accelerated development, ale the stench, it’s imovirnishe, which is often the case for people who use cinnamon sticks, especially when it’s wrong. To that the drug, prescribing the liquor, in the words, how the positive result is due to the consumption of the liquids, the risky injections to the implantation.
In any case, it is not possible to give a clear message without the acknowledgment of a liquor. Deyakі people gratefully admit that pain in the abdomen often suffers from constipation, and the persh for everything is stagnant. Pain in the abdomen may be due to the reasons (div. Rozdili 669-672). If the stench of wiklikana with appendicitis or intestinal obstruction, then you will bring an unjustified Skoda. If you don’t know cause pain in the abdomen of the child, it’s not safe to give it to you.

586. Klizma and candles.

One doctor will prescribe a klizma or svitki, as the child has no reason for constipation, especially before the hour of ailment. When people get sick, they are safe, they do not get carried away, they can get into the middle, so that the stench doesn’t wick or puff up the small intestine. Likar can prescribe a class for the relief of severe pain from gas.
The candles are completely inserted into the rear passage, de stink are razchinyayutsya; the stench to take revenge on easy drastic speeches, as they hit the fast pulp of the anus. You can also stimulate a fast rectum by inserting a thermometer into it, or a little bit of fat, and having tasted two of them there. The price can be propagated by the lichen in vinyatkovy vipadkah and only for the joy of the lykar. Likuvannya can lead to unimportant results, as it is regularly cured with constipation, or if a child is attached to a mountaineer.
Fathers do not want to get rid of the clerk, coughs for constipation, pain or get sick to quiet fever, unless the car is diagnosed and not treated. It is especially not safe to often cure with cliffs or with candles, if the child is strong enough to fix it, then you can screw up your respect to the intestinal power.
Likar to explain to you what to add to the water for klizmi. Klizmu to be timid with a sweetheart. For the whole little shmotochka it is lovely to be near the water, as long as you won’t become a little bluesy. It is a lot of fun for the intestines, so that children do not shy away from breastfeeding. Also add half a teaspoon of water for klizmi kitchen salt For a teaspoon of drinking soda in a bottle of water (250 g). The water temperature is close to the temperature of the water. For breastfeeding children, inject 100-120 g of water, for a single child - 250 g, for a single child - 500 g of water.
Place the glue on the lid and cover it with a towel. Lay the child on a towel on the side of the bed and walk on his leg until the next day. The housekeeper can do it with his hand.
For infants and small children, it is more beautiful and safe to use a clinker with a soft gum tip. I will turn the pear into water, do not put it into the baby's rectum. Replenish the skin with glucerin, cream, or even sweet, and insert 3-5 cm into the rear passage. Do not grip the pear tightly. If you want to squeeze the pear more, then bring the children less and less water in the rectum. The rectum is quick and weak. As soon as you see the opir, check it out, let it go, and not emboss it harder. It's a pity, seeing a third-party object in the anus is inaccurate to knock on the ditini vishtovhuvati yogo, so it’s unlikely that it’s possible to enter a lot of drive.
Having knitted the tip of the clutch, squeeze the children at once, scrub the water with a sprinkle of chilin for a sufficient production of feces. As soon as the water didn’t come through 15-20 khvili, as if it didn’t come out, ale without feces, the klizma can be repeated.
A big older child can be supplied with a solid tip. Do not go to the cliff, below 30-60 cm from the back aisle; The more the clinks hang lower, the more the water grows more, the more the children are less lazy and the better the result.

* Yak walk with the sick child *

587. Yogo is easy to grow.

If the child is sickly ill, you come to you with a lot of respect and turbot, not only for the one who is in the medical world, but that, for you, the school. You will not be slowed down often to get a good feeling and a drink, but to see a person who has been seen as a person, and who is for a new person. You would like to buy your new ones, so you can grow them and put them in peace. You often feed it in a turbocharged tone, as you feel it for yourself.
Ditina shvidko stick to her new camp in the booth. If through the ailment I vered, then, having felt my strength, I will click the mother and be ordered by her as a tyrant.
Happily, more child ailments may pass through a few days. As soon as the mother stops being sick, it stops working in front of the child.After a couple of days, after a little bit, everything turns to normal.
Ale, as if the child's ailment is lingering, or the ailment will turn around, and the fathers are people by nature, easily fall into panika, the atmosphere of a superfluous, over-juvenile dullness could be poured into the moral standard of the child. In the wake of the sturdiness of the older ones, and can be very easy on the eyes. As a child, she is too delicate for everyone, she can just become educated and easily awkward, as an actor of distributions. Ditina easily calls out to get rid of her ailments and feelings of comfort; with such a rank, the initiative will bring you satisfaction. Yogo pragnennya to independence is weak, yak is weak, because it is not enough to repent.

588. Borrow a child and do not allow it to be overridden.

If the child is sick, it is wiser to try to turn to the normal way of life and normal intercourse at the least line. Lying on uvazi such dribnitsi, as spokіyne, kindly viraz denouncing; the tone of your voice, if you eat, if you feel like it, you are guilty of it, but it’s because of the garnie novini (ask about your health to eat only once a day). If you give it to you, please, give it to you and drink it more beautifully, serve it to you. Do not feed the child with a timid voice, to be like him, and do not praise his overworld, since there are a few spoons. Especially unique is the zmushuvati and vmvlyati yogo є, hiba likar vvazhatime tse for the necessary. If you get the appetite of an ailing child lighter, less than a healthy one.
If the child is striking in the lid, tell yoma, whoa, lie quietly, win oozhu shvidshe, but don’t hate you, but the ailment can get lost. It’s even more beautiful to talk with him on a different topic (hey, you don’t hear it), but try to take care of that chimos, you’ll be in peace.
Buy children new games, choose those that you can grab without your help and allow them to speed up their creativity (cubes, constructors, accessories for printing or knitting, painting, modeling, threading of stamps, stamps .) so busy you can be from a child of pleasure and I need to borrow him, at that hour how beautiful, but not necessary, the little girls quickly spend their addiction and only grow their appetite for new gifts.
Give them new games one at a time, not all at once. Not obov'yazkovo kupuvati igrashki. Ditina from the satisfaction of seeing pictures from old magazines, robbing the albums of newspaper virazok, shaving from the wood, I will be for the help of paper and glue. I’m sure the child should lie down for a long time, if he sees it for himself, don’t hesitate to take care of him on a school program regularly for a skin day.
Children, like and skinny people, it is necessary for some support of these people. Play with him or read youmu. Ale, as soon as there is more and more respect, do not join him in the list and super-links. Establish a singing year, if it is possible to rozrahovuvati on your suspension, and in the knowledge that in the last year you will take your right. Since the ailment is not contagious and the drug allows you to see it, ask the other children to let them go to your child, let them talk to them. All come in to allow the child to lead the most possible normal way of life. Do not allow the nasty behavior of the child and inaccuracy in relation to the other members of the family. Unique sturbed glances, thoughts, phrases.

* Yaksho little child will get to go to the lykarnya *

589. Yak to help you.

It’s even more important to be happy, as the child thinks about the need to go to the hospital. Zzvychay perebuvannya in nіy tied with ailments or lіkuvannyam, scho turbu batkіv. With rock and three children, it is especially important to endure the separation with fathers. You must be built, you can't beat any more At the likarna, I see it for myself. If the daddy comes to see them, everybody seeks to see the old man's dock and see how to see them with them.
In the last day of the 3 births of a child, the prospect of moving to a child is especially liable and those who must be transferred there. Yogo lyakє thought about bіl і tіlesnі ear. As soon as the daddy will fight, it will be good in the doctor, but when it becomes unacceptable there, then the darling will be sucked into the daddy's. Ale, from the other side, as if the daddy tell you about everything that you check in the lіkarnі, there will be more suffering in the cleansing, less than an hour spent there.
Even more importantly, the daddy showed the maximum calmness and singing, on how the stench was just good, but it didn’t sound fake. As a child, I haven’t gotten into a drug before, but I’m afraid of getting hurt, as if it’s life there, I’m sure, it’s ready to go. Daddy will sooner soothe yo with descriptions of life in lіkarnі vzagalі, nіzh disputes, whether it’s even worse or worse. Wake up the child, like a sister, wake him up early and go straight to the lid, so that he can bring him to the lodge in the afternoon and win, since you can be grateful in your childhood, when you are in the toilet, you will not be able to feel , how about you, you must know. Say, how you will see you at the time of the day and bring you transmissions. Tell the child that there will be children in the same room with him. You can at once look at games and books, as you are with you. Maybe, you have a small radio receiver, for you can position it with the know, so you can give the child with you to the hospital. Youmu will be awarded an electric call for a wiklik sister.
In such a rank, timidly the main emphasis is on the general, I will take a part of the transfer in the likarn, if you tell the child only the truth, so that you can spend a part of an hour in the likarna in your life, think about what to do. Obviously, you need a lot of information and about medical procedures, ale, let the stench take up only a small part of your life.

590. Let me tell you about your turbo.

It’s more important than all that, in order to tell the child about the drug, give you the opportunity to feed you about those who are sick, and tell about those who are aware of the drug. Little children have such speeches, as little children do not come to mind. For example, children often think that they should put them in a lykarny or go to operuvat, they didn’t know the smell, they didn’t hear, for example, they didn’t put on galoshes, for they didn’t want to lie on the cage for an hour of ailment, or be rude to anyone. ... Children can get sick, so in order to get rid of mydalini, to cut my throat, or in order to get to adenoids, I get nis. Lie down for the child's ability to ask for food, be ready to find a fight and try to reconcile and comfort him.

591. Be affectionate, see you zdalegіd.

You already know how your child should be put in a lykarnya, feeding: if you see me about it? I think that I don’t know about it myself, I think, you need to spare the rest of the time before the hospitalization. It's good, as the child will be perebuvati in the cleaned out with a stretch of decilkoh tizhniv. Ale from the side, maybe, if you honestly tell the truth to the fearless seven-world child, it’s a long time ago, especially if it’s late. Zrozumіlo, nіkoli do not go wrong with a deceitful way to lead to the lіkarnya, saying that he should be taken in the іnshe misce.

592. Godinnik vіdvіduvan.

This is an important hour for little children. The kind of batkіv nagaduє child, as it is strongly guilty for them the sumє. There can be no self-posters, if it is an hour to come, or to visit for an hour afterwards. The fathers have hostility, which is awful for the whole hour. As a matter of fact, small children quickly become self-conscious to a morbid life, unaffected by bastard self-respect and inappropriate medical procedures. Smell get tired only, if you bang dad. I don’t want to say that the dads don’t come and see the child. Children get a sense of the goodness and safety in seeing their fathers, wanting and getting tired. Naybilshe, how can you kill the daddy - trimatisya yakomoga nevimusheno і zhvavo. It’s hard and restless written on the faces of the fathers, the child will get more troubled.

593. Harchuvannya before the hour of ailment.

Harchuvannya before the hour of the shlunkovogo razlade to be discussed in the section 276. 593. Harchuvannya before the hour of the common cold.
Kozhen times, if your child is ailing, lykar is reportable, yakim yogo kharchuvannya, beruch to respect the character of the ailment and relish the child.
Harchuvannya for an hour chill without fever can be very snazzy. However, the child's appetite can change with a light cold, that is not a fault, it is less likely to collapse, that is, it’s a nasty feeling for myself, and that it’s a slime. Do not mess with the little child, more, not just want. Yaksho vin є less, nizvichey, proclaim yomu pitvo mіzh godvannymi. Come on, whatever you want. Deyakі dad think that for an hour it’s necessary to chill even more. For the sake of overwhelming life, bring no more corista, less peace.

594. Harchuvannya at increased temperature.

Even if the child has a temperature of 39 ° C for a cold, flu, angina or an infectious illness, the stench may savor your appetite, especially until it is hard. On the first day, for two vzagal, do not proclaim the solid child, but let us be skinny for a while, if we are awake. Call sick children more willingly to drink orange juice and juices and water. Don't forget about water. At niy nemaє living talk Ale, in Danish hour, is not important. Even for the hour, children are especially eager to drink water. If you feel like drinking, then you won't be able to lie in the savor of the child and the nature of his ailment.
Milk is very important to say. Sick little children drink more milk. They don't have a lot of puking, meaning milk - as if they are needed. An older child can be brought up from milk or milk. Every time, proponate the milk youmu. At temperatures down to 39 °, milk is more beautiful to start (anger the top ball). Fat is the most important part of milk.
If the temperature does not go down, it does not matter on the price, after 2 days the child may feel hunger. Give it a simple light їzhu, for example, dry baked goods, grinki, porridge, sirna masu, frosty, jelly, apple puree, egg, zvarene in a bear.
Such products, such as vegetables (boiled and siri), meat, riba, poultry, fats (butter, margarine, tops), will become foul-mouthed at high temperatures and children are introduced to them. However, the experiments of Dr. Clary Devis have shown that in the period when the temperature drops, the children are thirsty and eat meat and vegetables and are good.
The most important rule is: don’t mess around є those who don’t want to, because there are only a few special children from the doctor. If you zmusite, then you can viklicati blues.

595. Yaksho has a blues of the child.

The blues supravodzhuyutsya even more zhvoryuvan, especially from the spot, leave the temperature. Harchuvannya in the whole hour is due to the fact that there are some factors and it can be installed only with a car. However, as long as you have a lot of opportunities to be happy with the liquor, follow the propositions of the drink. Bluvota is a sign of the fact that a sickness is a disease of a slunk, which does not appear in a snake.
Good to give the shlunk the opportunity to increase the child's satisfaction for 2 years after receiving the reception. Then, if you ask the child, give him some water, I’ll take no more than 10-15 m If the water is flooded into the slurry and ask the child, give him some water after 15-20 minutes. As long as the child still wants to drink, let him step by step more and more drive, or not more than less pivsklyanka. On the first day, do not give more, less drinks in one go. As long as you can't get new water and blues, try giving a troch of orange juice and a fizzy drink. As soon as the puking has passed, a few years have passed and the child has to ask for it, give him something light, for example, a table of pastries, a tablespoon of porridge or apple puree. Yakshcho vin wants milk, know from ny tops, persh nizh date child.
As soon as the blues are renewed, be unaffected. Do not give anything for 2 years, but drink from a teaspoon of water and crumbled ice. After 20 minutes, give the child 2 teaspoons of water. Take some water and keep it safe. Yakshcho child, at what bull blues, do not want to drink a little bit of years because, do not proclaim it, nothing - it’s melodiously becoming angry. Such protection is explained by the fact that the child's skin vomiting consumes more, lower vin vipiv.
Bluvota, yak bull wiklikana with a sickle with a high temperature, but more often on the first day, and then you will not be repeated anymore, unimpressed on those with a high temperature. Sometimes in the blues there may be small beaches or veins of blood, as the child is pushing hard. It’s not safe by itself.

596. Do not exaggerate the little child in the little sickness.

As the child has a stretch of decilkoh days, the temperature is not bad, but it’s naturally thin. If the child’s chain goes ahead, the mother’s anxious. If the temperature drops and the car allows you to step-by-step to normal food, the mother can not wait to blow the child down. Ale often saw ailments in a few ways. Yakshho mother kozen once, day after day, sleepy, the appetite until the child may not turn around.
Tsia child has not forgotten, since it was in the past, I didn’t get weak, I won’t be in the snake є. At that hour, if the temperature drops, the body will be filled with more infections, which are the enemy's slunk and intestines. Yak tilka ditina kicked her, her shlunk and intestines immediately overtake him, but the stink is not ready to take.
As soon as you crammed the child with a child and sniff yogo є at that hour, as he saw a slight annoyance through the ailment, it seemed to grow up to a new shvid, not a great child. For a few days you can improve your appetite.
Yak only a slunk and the intestines become sick from ailments, and again you can over-manage the child, before the child turns more strongly in the face of hunger. For the first time, two days of ailments are rich and thirsty, and you will not be able to compensate for them. Inodі win can zaphikav, asking for a visit in 2 years or after a sieve obed. A three-dimensional child will require a variety of singular types of life, which are especially needed by the attached body.
At the period of time, the fathers should give their children only that much and drink, as they want, without any watering and patience, and even if they are happy, it is a sign of readiness before typing food. Yakshcho through a tizden the appetite until the child does not turn around, rejoice with the liquor.

* Colds sick *

597. Viruses of colds get sick and bacteria, so they get quicker.

Ymovirno, your child will be cold 10 times more often, not all other ailments at once. We do not call the nature of colds ailments. The chill is vicious with filter viruses. The microbial is so small that it is easy to pass (filter) through the unglazed porcelain; You can't see it through a tiny microscope. Vvazhaєt, scho tsі viruses wikklikayut a little cold s see through the visions from the nose and a slight sore throat. The ailment will not slow down, the illness will end in three days. Ale is often seen offensively. Viruses reduce the health of the body based on infections and repair a few more insecure bacteria - streptococci, pneumococci and influenza bacteria. Tse called "secondary intrusions". Particular bacteria often live in the nasopharynx of healthy people in the winter and spring months, and it’s even easier to get back to the body. Only in order to reduce the virus, the bacteria can perceive the possibility of multiplying and expanding, flashing legends, infections and sinusitis. That should take care of the child who has a chill.
The best way to avoid colds is sick - trimatis has given away quietly, who are already sick.

598. Definition of colds.

Bagato hto thinks that people are especially sick to the point of chills, if they feel like they are cold. Ale tse nikoli is not finished. Lyudin, yak sounded until cold, wait, viroblyaє health to fix the opir colds. The axis of the child, be it a charge or a charge, and a little guilt to spend on the street for a few years and a couple of years in a cool room. Besides, it’s not going to be warmly wrapped up for a walk, but it’s warmly wrapped up at night.
At booths and apartments, as it is too hot to be scorched, people have a dry nasopharynx, which reduces the definition of infections. Drinking in a room at a temperature of 23-24 ° is dry. It’s a lot of fun to make the room feel better by putting the casters with water on the batteries. The ale tsei method may not be effective. The best way to ensure sufficient food intake is to take a room temperature between 20-21 ° C. Todi you will not get to hear about vologosti. Bathe a superb room thermometer (change its correctness). Make your own rule to be amazed at the thermometer once a day. As soon as the temperature rises to 20 °, set the opaluvale system. You should be given a chance to enjoy your home turbo, if you have lived through a stretch of decimals at a temperature of 20 ° C, you will feel shitty in your room, de hot.
What kind of inflow of food on the health of the body to fix the opyr of colds? Zrozumіlo, dermal child is guilty of butti for health problems. Alas, it was not brought up, but a child, I will still take away some useful food, if I get older, as in this race I will change a little of one product and a little bit of something else. Well, and what about vitamini? True, it’s a Lyudin, who can be more grateful to Vitamin A, who’s more schilny to chills and who’s ill. Ale to the children, who will be treated according to the garnets, should not be accepted, so it will be replaced in milk, oils, eggs, vegetables.
To get involved, scho child, yak awful on rickets (through the failure of vitamina D), more schilny before such colds get sick, like bronchitis. Ale, if the child doesn’t have enough rachita and I’ll take away enough vitamin D, it’s unlikely that it will take a long time to get cold, as if it’s a bigger date. The kharchuvanna child also has an abundance of Vitamin S (div. Rozdil 401).

599. The child will start getting cold earlier.

From 2 to 6 years of age, children are more likely to get sick, better and worse (in the middle 7 times to the market in the US baby cage and school). After 6 years of colds, sickness will grow older and in a lighter form. In 9 rocks, the child is 2 times less, less than 6 rocks, and in 12 rocks - 2 times less, less than 9 rocks. The figures are guilty of soothing the fathers, who are to be built, but the little one is permanently ill.

600. Psychological factor in colds.

Pediatricians are absolutely overwhelmed, so that the children are old enough to get sick to the chills in the camp of nervous tension, as if the stench of torture. I will guess the sixth boy who came to school for reading. She has a cough in the wound. You may think that you are coughing now. Everything was buoyant. Tse buv is not a dry strained cough, but a spontaneous chest cough with phlegm. In the beginning of the day, coughing step by step, and until Friday, the child of the Bula is absolutely healthy, for that in the week in the evening, or on Monday, I will start to cough hoarsely. There is a lot of mysterious stuff. We know that some people have a problem with groaning and curling up their hands, an athlete can carry it in front of a man. To that, it’s even more important that the nerves can be inserted into the depth of the nasopharynx in such a rank that it’s possible to break the mind for the propagation of bacteria.

601. Infection to pass from one child to the first.

Another factor is injected into the number of colds in children: the number of children who spend an hour in the suspension of such wines, especially in primitives. Children who live on self-contained farms are less likely to get sick in the middle of the day, so there’s no one to get infected. Children who see children in kindergartens and schools, often end up with sickness in the middle of the day, wanting a skin child with cold symptoms to safely isolate. Mabut, infection is transmitted the day before symptoms of illness appear. Inodi Lyudin is a carrier of bacteria, it can be passed on to them, but not ailing himself. Є Happy children, as they are even more likely to become infected, but the people around them would not be sick.

602. It is possible to expand the infection in the family.

Call me, if you have a cold in your homeland, small children may be sick, if you want to be in a light form, especially if you are small and all the temptations to be transferred to the same room. In general, infectious diseases are transmitted at great doses, not only in case of cough and cough, but just in case of dysfunction. Until then, they showed that the gauze bandage would overwrite even an insignificant part of microbes. To that, mothers are unlikely to be rich enough, wearing a gauze mask and re-enveloping children one in one. Children of the breast are more stiff before colds. So as not to transfer the child to a great number of microbes at once, mothers, especially if she has a sore throat, followed by a unique chhati, coughing and dichati right in the guise of a child. You also slid my hands together with a dear in front of him, like giving a child an object, like a spoon, a nipple, a toothbrush), or, like, like a wine, you are trimming in your hands. V in particular little sense is a little child, who is even weak, who is especially sick to catch colds and who is in the booth because of the room, where you can help me, and I can’t help you, I have grown up well. It is important, who are very old, who are the middle of the sick members of the family and, also, we are carrying bacteria, not sleeping in the same room with the child and not getting lost there, if there is no need.
It is not allowed to visonuvati to the child of those who fell ill for a cold or ailments. Be firm - do not let them into the booths and do not allow the child to go on walks to the nearest half a meter. Say, that the lykar will strictly fence you to let the child of sick people go.
Scho feel chronic undead for sinusitis, then, if a person had an ailment stretching for 2 types or more, it could be more difficult to isolate them from a child. Ale іnshі zapobіzhni come in zalishayutsya: wipe your hands and turn on the person, timidly for the child.

603. Radiological dosage for everyone who suffers from chronic cough.

Be a member of the family, who suffers from a chronic cough, is guilty of turning to a doctor and making an X-ray breast cancer, Schhob became ill with tuberculosis. Tse is especially important, when in the booth є ditina or check yogo appear. Hire a nanny, ask for a radiological advancement of the breast, first to settle at your house.

604. Colds in the Newborns.

At the first risk of life, colds get sick in children, they are very sick and grow up in a light form. A child may have developed a chunk of ailment on the cob, but it may be small, or thickly visible from the nose, or it may not be clogged. Ditin could cough up a trocha. It is unlikely that the temperature rises. If the child has a gurgle of mucus in her nose, you shkoduute, you can't hang yomu nis. Ale the undead are not called a turbulent yogo. I can’t go to the extreme irritation (close your mouth and get angry, you can’t get mad). It’s especially turbulent for a child for an hour, moreover, the flooring, which can be seen in the morning.
The problem in the room has been adjusted for the blockage of the nose with mucus. As the undead are even stronger, you can prescribe nasal drops for implantation before bathing. Yak rule, appetite dumb at all times do not change. Let the ailment pass through the day. Ale inno vona can be more trivial, even if I want it in a light form.
Obviously, a dumb country can go down, a cold can go into bronchitis and it can turn into a bronchitis and it can turn into a cold, a little more quickly, but a little more senior. I’m a child who is coughing, show him, take it at normal temperature. Show yogh lykar, as in new ailments viglyad. Ditina can be seriously ill at normal temperatures.

605. Colds and fever have been increased in time.

For young children, they are sick with colds, and they are earlier in a mild form. But for most children, the nature of colds falls ill. Axis of type history. Dvorichna ditina vrantsi feeling okay, in obedin viglyadav gaze and їv less than a snake. The dream of a day's sleep was vereduvav and mother brutalized respect, which is hot. Mati vimiru temperature і viyavly, scho at new 39 °. Before the arrival of the liquor, the temperature rises to 40 °. The child's cheeks burn and the eyes are dark, but in our own mind we are not even sick. I can see it from the beginning, but more and more good things. The lykar did not show any singing, except for a small ear in the throat. On the coming day, the temperature will drop, the undead are less likely to be repaired, and a slight cough. Dalі vіdіvanya protіkє in mild form and trivial from 2 days to 2 days.
In some cases, a child has to fix a blues at high temperatures. Tse zvvychay boo, if the mother is unreasonably sniffing of your life more, you don't want to (start the child, if you see it from the day). In some cases, the temperature is trimmed for a prolonged period of time, and there are no symptoms of colds. The visibility of the undead on the cob of ailment will be explained by the fact that the temperature is hanging mucus. Sometimes the temperature is trimmed for a day or two, and then it decreases without any other symptoms. This type of drug can be called influenza or influenza. Tsi two terms get used to the name of infection, but there are not symptoms (such as undead or infestation), but zagalny (temporal temperature and distant nezduzhannya). When the temperature is low, the temperature is adjusted for one day. chills, Zupinene on the very cob. At the beginning of 2 days, when the temperature changes, the child feels absolutely normal, and if he goes out for walks in cold weather, the undead are unsuccessful.
If the temperature does not change all at once, but because of colds, then it means that the ailment has broadened to organisms. Tse not obov'yazkovo buvaє serious illnesses, Ale Likar is guilty of once again looking around the child.

606. Viklik lykarya.

Viklichte the lykarya, if your child gets cold. It’s crazy, it’s necessary to get sick, as there are non-frequent symptoms, if the temperature has moved up to 38 °, for more or to the wound, as if the child does not have some non-wicked symptoms).

* Yak to look after the chilled child *

607. Trim your yogo in warm weather.

The cold often stings the cold. To that, all people are recommended to leave the child at home and take care of all the stretches, as long as they are not awake. Tse rule is not obov'yazkovo dotrimuvatisya in warm weather, ale all the same bazhano, as the ditina is small. Winter cold one part of the room is bigger, lower than the cold one, and the price is unevenly cold.
Mother would like to see a walk with a child, and to the children who want to go for a walk with a child. b_l u wuhah ". If you are cold, you can tell me about those who are cold with cold soreness.
Even worse, children do not trim at home for an hour they have a cold that they have not gotten slower. Do not wait for Ale so buva. Likar can be right with more serious vypadki. Maybe buti, that is the fault of such protection. Carelessly treat a little child, sick to the point of chills, awake, stretching it out for 1 or 2 days for the last sign of ailment. Let's get a yogi on the street in a stolen from the morning for 20-30 minutes. As soon as the cold is not renewed, on the coming day, you can go for a walk, as a call. For an older child, come and visit.
How much is the child's need for a bedtime regimen? Tse lay down all the temperature, viku, self-esteem, that the power of food can only be your favorite license. Zvychay, if the temperature is not adjusted, the postal mode is obovyskovy. It’s for me to be built, more beautifully to touch the little child in a bed for 2 days, especially since it’s important to endure colds. Even after 2 days the ailment has not gone down and the temperature has not changed, it is possible to let it go down without a fight. However, the deyakі little children do not blame the lying in the lіzhka, in the years of freedom and freedom. Yakshho child stribaє on a slicker, throwing off a carpet, more beautifully than pulling it warmer and lowering it on a pidlog. As the child has a dull temperature, it’s more beautiful not to trim in a lazy, ala, slyly, not to let go on the street and start looking for him with quiet busyness. Children are 5 years old and older, even though they have a dumb temperature, the postal regime is insane, not required.
It is even more important that you dress the child before you chill for an hour. Wrap up, you will be warm. As soon as you sit on your bed, put on a new light, the upper part of the tulub will be warm as well as the lower one. Chi do not wedge your legs but it is warm. At a warm room, one person will be able to finish it. The same principle of equal warmth needs to be taken into account, if the child is not in the lid: his legs and breasts are guilty of being protected by the same warmth (the statues are colder by the time and the stretching). More beautiful than anything childish dovgy panchohi or tights.
The temperature in the room of a sick child is 22-23 ° (20 ° is the ideal temperature for a healthy child). At night it can be warm in the room. Tse means, scho vіkno maє buti zakryte; you don't need to be afraid to stretch out and cool, as the child will cry out. It’s colder because of the healthiness of a healthy child; If you want to be built, it’s stuffy in the room, fill the doors to the corridor with an open one, or check the room, you’ll see it for 2 minutes.
Inspection is necessary, right from the temperature in the country, in which there is a child. Open the windows and the transom will be charged and drawn. Quatirka nikoli is not guilty of being closed. It is necessary to deprive it of the quilting, so that the strum is not straightened without the middle on the child. As long as there is a strong frost, the quatir can be tightened with two balls of gauze or іnshoї easy fabric... Before the cob, instill the warmth in the baby (like for sleeping on an open povitri); More beautifully before you sleep. As long as the child does not sleep, and even if she permits her camp, it is possible for an hour to check her wine in my room. Put the child in the first place through a sprinkle of quilts, so that the cooking is finished, then when the room is finished, it warms up to normal temperature.

608. Yak zbіlshiti vologist in the hot room.

Likari often recommend a nightmare for an hour to get cold. Vologism of a calm, inflamed membrane of the nasopharynx. Especially cinnamon vologue when drinking dry cough or cereals. Worrying is not easy in warm weather, if you do not clean the opalescent systems.
There are a few ways to make a room meal. You can buy an electric powerhouse of a great size, a steamy minimum for a drink in a year (a little bit of a drawback for a whole family; you need to sit with them and breathe a hot steam, but don’t let the little child sit on it.
You can't buy an electric food, boil water in a casserole on a small stove. The casserole is guilty of being too wide, but the bottom has covered the entire surface of the tile, so that all the heat goes to the steam, and not to the heating of the room. Be respectful! Put the tiles with boiling water in the same place, where the little child cannot get by, and she doesn’t throw it over herself. As a child in my vilazity from a lick, it is not possible to leave one in the room, dey such zvolozhuvach. Do not overwhelm the electric tiles with anything else. In some cases, I recommend adding a drink to the water as well as steam.
The first method of allowing the poles to turn out is that the battery of the central scorching is wetted by the water with a great terry towel. The towel needs to be wetted from the water of the skin 20 chilines. You can leave the room, hanging in the middle of it on a motorcycle, the wet spread, ale, you will be brought to you and water from it will be slipped onto the podlog.

609. Nose drops.

Likar can prescribe nasal drops for you. Nose drops can be divided into two types. Є weak antiseptics, scho drive in bacteria. The brownness of the cich dots is surrounded, so the stench can drive the bacterium on the surface. The first type of nasal specks are those that snarl at the speed of the nasal tissue. Tse vіdkrivaє vikhіd lick and pus. The head shortage of cich is that, when fast fabrics are used, the reaction and stench expands even more. As a result, it will not clog up more shilnіshe, less earlier. As soon as it happens, it is often possible to break up the lower nasal septa. In 3 types of nasal specks, the type of nasal specks produce cinnamon. First of all, if the child gets quiet and falls into fierceness, it is impossible to see it and often go out at night. In a different way, in the beginning it is important to get cold for sinusitis, if the noses pass thickly zhovtoy mucus, Yaka itself cannot be seen. On-tert, if the lykarya needed to be seen asleep vstakhіvu pipe (yaka z'єdnu vukho with the throat) when they were ill.
The nasal drops add more color to the nose, as the stench is consumed in the lower, and in the upper nasal passages. Lay the child on his back and throw his head well. Dip the liquor and try to treat the child in such a position, while the liquor is roasted along the entire nasal passage.
Nasal specks are only observed for the signs of the drug and not often for the skin for 4 years. Do not blame them for more than one tenth day, because the car will not make you happy. One short of all nasal specks is the one that most of the little children can personally repair the operative if they want to introduce the specks. The child's stance is not often very important, but the brownness in the specks made up for the need for it to stir up.

610. Causes cough.

The stench does not force a cold soreness into the sensitization of bacteria. The stench can only change slightly in the throat, and the cough is not so frequent, or the seemingly slimy stench. As soon as the throat is in the dyhal, or in the bronchi, the infection has been consumed, it is necessary to cough up the throat in order to vivify from the mucus and pus. Likar will prescribe for coughing, when it comes to parts, so that people stupidly, make you sleepy or dragging your throat. The skin of a child is a little too big, like a cough, I can get it over with a visual likar.

* Vushnі zvoryuvannya *

611. Lungs ill.

In most children, with cutaneous colds, it is even less inflamed for one or both. If the cold ends, the price is hot quickly.

612. Bil in vusi.

Fired up the power to live through a few days of chilling a cob and start to make a child. Pislya 2 rocky child can say what a turbo. Ditya of the chest vіku trevushko or just shriekingly screaming for many years. The temperature may change, or the temperature may not. Lykar, ymovirno, you know, the child has a small firing of the upper part of the drum cross. Tse is not an abscess. Make sure to also pass through a few days right out of the way, as the child lies in a warm room. However, inodi, if there is no lіkuvannya, zapalennya vuha can go into an abscess.

613. Your child will show up at your place, and be brutalized before the liquor on the same day.

It is especially necessary, since the child's temperature is increased. Lіkuvannya dіє shvidshe and more beautiful in the early stage of becoming ill. Grilki or an electric heating pillow should be laid down before the doctor arrives.
Inodi, in the very cob, the sound of the drum is bursting and it is seen a wild gn_y. You can see the zhovta of the beach on the pillow, if you want the baby nikoli without skarzhivat on the ball in the woo. Ale, as a rule, the tympanic overflow burst through the spike for days on the cob to an abscess with fever and pain. Yaksho viyavite, what a child's festering vuho, most, how you can grow, - tse viterti gniy with a cotton swab, vimiti in the sink with water and sweet and turn to lykar. Yaksho gn_y all one vaping and teasing the school, snake g_y and make vuho glucerin ointment.
Children often become deaf for an hour at the middle stage. Deafness is a practical matter to pass, if you can get in trouble and come in correctly.

* Bronchitis and pneumonia *

614. Bronchitis.

Win against the step-by-step. The shape of the yogi is even more light, with a normal temperature, and even more important. Bronchitis - then there is a cold, which has expanded to the bronchi. Zzvychay ditina has a strong coughє. Inodi, the child can slightly wheeze the dichanna і, pushing his hand to his breasts, see the slice vibrate.
As a child, she smells bad for herself, for she often coughs, for she has a temperature of 38 ° C, it is necessary to turn up to a lick on the same day, for that, the lucky ones in quiet vapors, if the stench is really necessary, to bring a great amount of acridity.
If a child's chest coughs badly, if there is a mild temperature change, it is necessary to show it to a doctor, for that in a breast a child may not be safe and without fever. Do not be afraid, because your appetite and zalny viglyad zadovilny.

615. Flavoring legends.

Call me to fix it during the decile days of a cold ailment, but it can be done and unsupported. You can see if the child has burned legends, when the temperature rises to 39.5-40 °, the dichotomy is part of the child's cough. Often on the cob of ailment there will be a bloom, and in a little child you can find a surprise. Yaksho likuvannya rozpochato vchasno, succumbing to the licks to produce a shimmery oduzhannya. Zrozumіlo, zavzhid slіd viclikati lіkarya, if the child has a cough and fever.

* Croup *

616. Croup with normal temperature.

Croup is called the iznі form of the fiery mucous membrane of the dychial throat (laryngitis) in children. Call the child a hoarse, barking cough and little difficulty in dying.
Zvychaynіsіnka i easy form cereals with a normal temperature of the wine Throughout the day, the child could be absolutely healthy, because the new bull had a cold cold without coughing, a little bit of a chill in the attack of a hoarse croupous cough and it’s very important. Win to destroy the soul of the soul, to kill it. Qia picture of a lyakє in order to bach її forward. If you want to put it not so seriously, like you see it, you need to get rid of it in case of any form of cereal.
First help with cereals, if you do not come, the doctor is a specialist in food. In a small room, you can do more. As soon as you have hot water in the booth, bring the child to the bathtub and turn on the hot water, the bathtub looks like steam (and not in order to bathe the child). Even more beautiful to start up a hot shower. If the water is not hot enough, pick up the electric power or boil the water on the electric stove. As long as you don't have an electric gas stove, no electric stove, no hot water from the water supply, boil water on a gas stove and trim the child over a pair. You can put a parasol on the head of a child and a boiling casserole, and utrimate it to the child.
From the vologo povitrya the child's camp shvidko polіpshuєtsya. For an hour, it is necessary to live in the room, for the child to sleep. If a grown-up person is guilty of getting lost with a child all the nights, aside from the symptoms of croup. Sleep in the child's room for 3 nights, while you sleep and go for 2-3 years, you’ll be overwhelmed, you’re okay. A spasmodic croup with a normal temperature should turn to the start of the night. For a unique experience, please visit your room for 3 nights. The form of cereals is a combination of colds, sensitiveness of the larynx of a child and dry food.

617. The shape of the croup is important with an increased temperature.

Croupy cough and breath can be detected step by step or unsupported at any hour of the day or night. Dikhannya over a pair of only a small part will lie down the camp of the ailing one. As soon as your child has hoarseness with her temperature, or it is important for the dichotomy and when the temperature rises, it is guilty because of the unabated eye of the lykar. As long as you have a lot of opportunities to wipe out your own elite likar, wiklit be a likar. Yakshcho the lykar cannot come to you, take the child to the lykarnya.

618. Diphtheria of the larynx.

Tse form of croup, with a step-by-step growth of hoarseness, cough, difficulty in dikhannya (temperature is okay). Yakshho children crushed splinters against diphtheria, I won't block the ailment.

619. In case of any form of croup, it is necessary to safely turn up to the likar.

It is especially not safe, as hoarseness and breath can be felt in a weak form and if the temperature is 38 °.

* Sinusitis, angina and the formation of lymphatic universities *

620. Sinusitis.

Gaymorovi empties z'adnuyutsya behind the empty nasal small canals. With an important or trivial undead infection, you can expand into the maxillary empties. The ailments of the highmorian empty ones beckon to reach even more, lower the deadly undead, the more empty ones close, the lower the empty nose, in the event that the licks and pus are more important than the way to go. Sinusitis can occur in an even milder form and appear in a chronic vigilance with pus from the back of the nose into the throat. It’s a chronic cough, if the child’s frog is in any case, if it’s because it’s gotten up. Sinusitis can be contracted in important forms with increased temperature and pain.
Yaka would not bulo lіkuvannya, spelled out as a lykar, remember, scho a gallant look after the child is more important. Sinusitis - tse in the end of the rakhunka chills, a little more accelerated and forcibly given to the form. Yak and in case of a cold, more beautifully trim the child at home in the room for more and more warm and healthy meals. Ditina is to blame for the warmth of the treatment.

621. Angina.

Angina wins with bacteria. Call at the child when there is a big increase in temperature and in the back of the house. Headaches and blues are often spared. Migdalini is very red and swollen. In a day, or two, they are biley. An older child can have a booty taka strong beat in the throat, it’s important for you. Little children, as the price is not wonderful, the throat is often not turbulent.
Obov'yazkovo vyklichte lykarya - it is even more important to look at the lykuvannya yakomog earlier. Every day you get sick and start getting faster (if you need to take 10 days). Oduzhannya is often insistent. As soon as she swells up, the temperature does not go down, and she progresses to the back of the house, the child is guilty of taking the post-regime out of the picture.

622. Іnshі sore throat.

There is a great number of people who suffer from throat problems, because of other reasons (pharyngitis). Some people have a sore throat on the cob of skin disease. Often a lykar, before a child is ill with an altered temperature, it is easy to know the throat is a single symptom of illness. Little child may or may not see a throat. At most of the problems, it is very quick to pass. Ditina is guilty of being in the house, so long as she hasn't been able to go through the rest of her life. It is necessary to get sick, if the child has a fever, if we are sick, or if he has a strong heart condition in his throat (at normal temperature). If the drug is susceptible to streptococcal infection, it is possible to take mucus from the throat for analysis, or just prescribe one from the prescription for preventing young people from slowing down.

623. Nabrekannya shiynykh lіmphatic universities.

Zalozi, roztashovani on offending sides of the shia, ino swelling, as on them the infection expands for an hour ailments of the throat just because of the one that is opposed in a light or severe form. Most often it becomes swollen for an hour to tonsillitis, or after 1-2 days. If you got very sick, it’s so nice, or if the temperature changes 38 °, you need to get sick. For some people, there can be a liking, which is more effective than before.
When the throat is sore, it can get lost in the throat, or it’s going to be missed. The stench may swell for other reasons. You slid turn to lykar. Ale yakscho lykar know, that the child is in the main health, do not suffer through slightly zbіlshenikh zaloz.

* Migdalini and adenoids *

624. Migdalini and adenoids cannot be seen, as there is no stench.

Ale tse nourishment, there is still a bit of virishity likar, for a child you can see it by sight. It is also necessary to show the child of an otolaryngologist. Inodi adenoids, growing up, grow so great back part of the nose and the normal appearance and vision of the mucus.

625. Migdalini.

In healthy children, the distance gradually increases up to 7, 8 or 9 times, and then gradually changes. Earlier, they respected, how much stronger the miracles were - they saw a sickly phenomenon. At our hour, the size of migdalin itself does not get involved in a viral factor.
Headache - how to clean the dangers and often smell like a painful process. In any case, it’s a drug to ruin a story about their size for an hour, or immediately after a sore throat, that at all hours the stench may be getting better. It’s just like the dales and the nascent fabrics, and they get fired up, the price is too high. inodi chronically inflamed migdalin є the cause of zagalny nezushannya, chronic temperature fluctuations, swollen vines and other inappropriateness. About the camp of migdalin can only be judged by likar.
With frequent symptoms of tonsillitis in state formі gnіynym tonsilitis vinik nourishment about the visibility of migdalin. Migdalini are sometimes seen for other reasons: through frequent colds and ailments, rheumatism and chorea, it is caused by the fact that the dangers are healthy. There is no need to see mydalene, as the stench is strong, Aledeena is absolutely healthy and has a lot of cold.

626. Adenoid.

Tse a thunder of lymph fabric and behind the soft child, de noses, go through the throat. Nadmіrno zbіlshuychis, the stench blockade the passage from the nose to the throat. As a result of this lyudin's dichotomy and chrope uvі snі. The improvement of adenoids can cause the vision of a lick and pus from the nose, and the possibility of a permanent recurrence of colds and sinusitis. Zbіlshenі adenoids can also block the passage, go from the nose to the vuho, and to drink in the ears.
Otzhe, adenoids, as a rule, are seen through the dichotomy of the mouth, chronic undead and sinusitis, frequent non-transient abscesses. However, it is not necessary to do it, so that the child's adenoids will be seen through nis. Deyakі kids dyhayut through the mouth for a zvichkoyu (the stench of nіbi popuzhuyutsya with a tsієyu zvichkoyu). Vividness of adenoids changes ymovіrnіst appear in people who are ill, but not a guarantor of them.
As soon as you see miracles, it is practical to see adenoids (the rest is easier). Ale often see adenoids, as if the stench is blocking the nasal passages, and the dangers are shedding, as if the stench may seem to be a normal viewer and not turbulent. Adeno, go to grow up to the singing rises. It does not mean that the operation of the ball is incomplete and is guilty but repeated. It’s not worth talking about those who, in the whole microorganism, needs a lymph tissue and energy to get out of it. As a result, the adenoids have grown a lot, and now they block the nasal passages, the operation, perhaps, will happen to be repeated. I know they have grown adenoids rarely require secondary vision.
Although there are no special needs, you are encouraged to revert to the power of the operation to see adenoids and migdalin up to the seventh century. At the same time, there are reasons. In the first place, when the 7 rocky days of adenoids and migrations of the distance may change the tendency to change, and the size of the larynx grows. In other words, we have close to 7 rocky tissues of adenoids and migdalin to renew more energy. In a third, and in a smut, the operation can heavily crush a little child, and we’ll be nervous. However, if the term is needed in the operation, it is guilty but it is broken.
It’s especially special term news, it’s dumb, it’s more robust than the operation in winter spring, because it’s awake, if the ailments in the throat are getting worse. As soon as the child has recently had an angina, if she is cold, then because of the fear of repeated infection, the operation is brought to a number of problems. The operation is also carried out, as in the environs of the epidemic poliomyulitis, that in the first place, the child of the Bula would be sick to the point of being ill in the most recent form.

* Rizni form of allergy *

627. Alergic blue undead.

Perhaps, you have є know, at whom the undead should be repaired; Yogo organism is even more sensitive to the file of cich kits, as it is not a turbulent people. For some people, there is a bit of a fever for the shed, for that the stench is sensitive to the sawing of singing trees, and for those of them it is an infusion of singing grasses. As soon as your child has a little shyorok at one and the same hour, the undead will obey with a sverblyachkoy, which are triple, rejoice with a likar. per zovnishnim viglyadom nasal and after the results of screen tests on pre-examination, you can see a file of a drug, which can be significant for a sick woman.

628. Allergic vasomotor undead.

Deyakі people are sensitive to a pillow, a dog's wool, a room saw, or some kind of speech. Ditina is awed on such an allergy of round rіk, and not seasonally. The new one has a strong undead, he wins through his mouth, so he gets an expanded infection on the highmor's empty. Likar try to know the reason. Lіkuvannya in a razorny way in the skin vipad і lie in the cause of the ailment. The reason is in the feast, the pillow is stuffed with it. you will have a chance to change your pillow. For the reason є the dog's fur, you will happen to give someone a dog and substitute for some creatures. For those who are even more important to identify, for example, a room drank, a car can be a sign of abuse and please everyone from a room, especially if I drank, for example, kilims and depending, I especially wipe the symptoms. early lie. For mattresses and pillows, special pilone-proof chokhli can be added. You can buy a canvas box, for which a pillow is not needed.

629. Asthma is bronchial.

Another type of allergy. In general, with a sensitive organ є the bronchi, the mucous membrane of which swells and vidіlyaє thick mucus, if I eat the speech in the bronchi. Walk, for the yaky to pass by, turn into voskie plots, how the little ones are very dyhati, win to chill, with a whistle from their breasts. Ditina's coughє.
An older child has chronic asthma, mostly with speech, being known in every day, for example, with a magnifying glass, dog hair, different types of flowers, etc.
In case of moderate and important forms of asthma, the child continues to linger, on the other hand, different words are heard, and because of the reason, they seem to be happy. It’s not possible to carry out a treatment, some of the asthma attacks can lead to the development of high pressure on the development of legends and breast cells. Lіkuvannya viznachatsya the cause of illness. All products, up to those who are sensitive children, are free to eat. As the reason for є speech, as the child is vdikhaє, it is necessary to accept also come in, if there is a cyclonic allergy (div. Rozdil 628).
Asthma attacks often occur at night. In the case of growing sensitivity to singing rhetoric, in the emergence of a fall, the role is rock, climate, temperature, the child's rottenness, her mood. Often an asthma attack is accompanied by a cold. For some children, asthma attacks (for some of the types of allergies) are vicious, if the stench is unnerving; the child's stand is meaningful, if one encounters ill-fated problems (one for the help of psychiatra). In other words, the whole body of the child as a whole will be required in lіkuvanniya.
For a skin attack of asthma, I will help to lay down a grave attack and because of that, on the thought of a doctor, more beautifully given individual... I mean the lines that are taken in the middle, for it’s in the middle, that is, to bring lulling, if the child gets quiet.
As soon as the child has an asthma attack at that hour, if you do not have the ability to immediately turn up to the lykar, do not kick. As a child, it is important to dichati, to put him in a lid. On the right, I will be charged and scorched. Let it be warm in your room and let it be warm there (Div. Razdil 608). Yaksho at the ditini severe cough If you have had a history of coughing, given the last time, give it one dose. Take him with a quiet thunder or readings. You will be schokhviliya over him from the dead, so you can pour a child and destroy your camp.
Asthmi is important to be stewed. Zvychay, if asthma is repaired in early vіtsі, Vona pass through a small rock, and having rocked in a bigger senior, trim more. In people with asthma symptoms, go through the first hour of the statutory dosage, and once they turn into a feverish person.

630. Asthmatic bronchitis.

About tsyu ailment slid zgadati especially. Newborn babies and little children are attacked by a difficult dilemma with a whistling sound, albeit not at any hour, as with typical chronic asthma, but only todi, if the stench is severely chilled. Chvoroba often grows up in children from up to 3 years. It is squeamish, unbearable, since it is so important for a child to endure a skin cold, ale Zvorotniy bik medals more attractive: the tendency to bronchial asthma will appear in two. Zrozumіlo, with a lot of sickness, they went to death to a lykar. The cold itself, the cough, the asthma itself, require treatment. As soon as the little ones get scorched, let me eat in the room of the sick child (div. Rozdil 608). Ін'єкції і lines, which expand the bronchi, often help with acute asthma, but may not give an effect in case of bronchial asthma.

631. Kropiv'yanka.

Vvazhaєtsya, scho kropiv'yanka wiklikєtsya shkіrnoy allergієyu, at least in deyaky vipadki. With a snake type of crotch, on the shkiri there are zduttya, similar to a scar. Often, a part of the white color is blown out, which is why the plump is rich in shelter. It is unbearable to heal the cicatrix. For some people, kropiv'yanka will be even more often, or may be more likely, but for most people, there will be only 1-2 times for the whole life. Inodi kropiv'yanka wikikatsya sensitive organism to some kind of uzhi. Crops can be read for the introduction of young children and in children who are ill. At bagatokh vypadkah vzagalі do not protrude into the cause of the sprinkling.
Homemade zasib against itching sprinklers - a hot bath, add soda to the yak. Distribute a cup of drinking soda to one basin of water or two bath cups. Likari ask for prescribing likas or ін'єкції, do not let the sick man fall.

632. Eczema.

When an eczema appears, so it’s like a sinister fever and asthma, who are tied with an allergy. When a fever is sick, the mucous membrane of the nose appears sensitive to any food products. If you talk, you can take revenge in your life, take it to your shelter and reach your shkiri, you will be ignited. Inodі shkіra vyavlyayetsya sensitive to the appearance of the outside, to the shawl, to the fur of a rabbit, or to small chapters, scho to drink on the shkіra, for example, the powder from the violet root. If in the homeland there are boules of asthma, sleepy fever, sprinkling or eczema, then a little child, nyimovirnishe, bude eczema.
If the main reason for eczema is sensitivity to any product, two additional factors play a role. The first one is the price of the razdratuvannya shkiri. Some children have eczema only in cold weather, while others - only in hot weather, when the weather is very hot. The children of the eczema appear in quiet places of the shkiri, where they eat the slaughter. Iakshcho ekzema vinikak on dilyankas of shkiri, since there is no middle contact with the outside, then the wool itself may be the cause of the allergy. It can serve as a reason for being sensitive to the product, and wool is a supplementary factor.
Another factor is the increase in the child and the quickness of the increase in the vase. Among the newest children of the eczema, they grow up more often, lower than the middle of middle-aged children. Thin children have an eczema buvak in the edge of the country.
You, madly, need the help of a doctor for diagnosing and diagnosing an eczema. Ekzema maє viglyad shortsky, hardened, red flaky beaches. As soon as the eczema is repaired, it’s not easy to fix it, and it’s like white-horny and beige-colored colors. With an important form, the eczema melts into dark worm-colored beaches, itching, the child is three and the same, the shkir, which makes the eczema get wet. Let's hang out with the beaches and pretend to be little skorinochki. If the beaches are ecstatic, the shkіra becomes shorny and coarse to the dots, to navigate in order to change the way.
Zvvychay eczema to repair on your cheeks and foreheads, you can go out and widen yourself on your cheeks and foreheads. Hulling on a viglyad is similar to dried silt, especially on vukhs. You can get close to the rock of eczema in a good way: on the shoulders, on the shoulders, on the hands and on the breasts. Mіzh 1 і 3 rocky eczema zvychay buvaє on lіktyovy and colony zgins. Eczema in important forms is even more painful ailment. It’s not self-conscious to itch Ditin, mothers to wake up and take them out of the way of thinking. And it can drag on in months.

633. Likuvannya includes a number of entries.

The price of storing up some of the factors, such as a child, a sense of finding that character of a visip, an increase in a child and a speed of improvement in a vase, new products, such as a bully included in the harvest before, as a reaction to a hanging With a light form of eczemi, you can add only ointments. As far as the eczema does not pass, hesitate and try to get up, to which the child is sensitive. In many young children, eczema is often vinified through cow's milk. At the end of the day, it helps to switch from fresh to dry milk, so that it is better to boil it, it is less allergic. If dry cows' milk does not help, you can help dry cows milk. It should be brought up to change from normal milk and go to piece milk, cooked from soy beans. Often the cause of allergies is orange juice.
With a strong eczema in children, who will receive a versatile person, a license one at a time ізні products s race. Since the eczema is not vilikovu and contrary to important forms, the car can be a substitute for other types of young people. It’s like a prick to ignite, it means tsya їzha є a teaser. Iakshcho child is douzhe povny or zanadto shvidko dodaє in vase, eczema can be changed with a high speed of liquor in ratsioni.
Slid to brutal respect and to the calling party. Wool slicker more dry Yakshcho ekzema zoserezhena on quiet dilyankas of shkiri, kudi eat a slash, then take it in, like if you ask for it (div. Rozdil 278). Innocent mockers є water і cute. In general, for cleaning shkiri children can be cured with mineral oil. Yakshcho eczema to go down in cold, windy weather, know for a walk in a place, stolen from outside.
Yakshcho you have found themselves in a mice, de not a likar, and your little child has a strong itch for eczema, you can’t screw it up, but maybe you’ll bring a cinnamon transition from fresh to dry milk. You can also pinch the tsukor into milk and mix the porridge, the baby's soup without adding it to the vase. As soon as we found ourselves in the same situation with an older child, who felt a strong eczema because of the fact that they were given an egg for the first time, turn the egg from the menu until quietly, unless you consult a doctor. Polishing can come only in two weeks. Bulo with pardon from the side of the fathers of the victories from the menu of the child all at once the number of products. If you can enjoy yourself with a doctor, then you won’t be self-consciously victorious about the child’s race. On the right, in order for the eczema to either accept or change to navigate with one and the same harchuvanny. As soon as you eat your child, you will eat one or the other product. Ale kozhen times, if the eczema do your best, you will come and be more confident. It is not safe to use the method in the way that you can fix the child's eating, through the harmed organism. Yakshcho ekzema is not a turbulent child, do not have any change in yogh harchuvanny until quiet feast, as long as you do not please with a likarem.
Slid pam'yatati, scho eczema is NOT infectious. Most people have to be satisfied with their policies. As a rule, ekzema, who rested in the child, knew it’s either way to pass a part of it through a river or two.

* Ailments shkiri *

634. Rizni vidi visipu.

I will not perelіdu meti navchit you correctly diagnose. As soon as your child has a visip, it is necessary to turn up to the lykar. Visipu, viklikanі by only and by those who got sick, on the young people, Go to fakhivtsyam shkirnykh zhvoryuvan It is important to make a diagnosis. It is easier for people to let people know that it is easier for them to have mercy. Meta tsyogo razdilu - give you backyard about the most extended vidi visipu.
Cyr. Visip appears in 3-4 days after an increase in temperature and symptoms of cold. The visip is built up from flat horny beaches, from where it appears to the bottom, and then expands downward along the whole floor. On the day of the visipa, the temperature is visible (div. Rozdil 643).
Rubella. Flat horns, often blurred, as they quickly expand throughout the entire space. The temperature is low or normal, and there are some symptoms of cold, less swelling on the skin (Div. Rozdil 644).
Vitryana vispa. Okremі vistupayuchі pryshchі. On the actions of them, they pretend to be creepy puffs. Pooh, bursting through a few years and filling up little bits. Prischiki appear on the edge of the door immediately on the face, on the face or on the head. For the establishment of diagnostics, the likar shukak is in the middle of the crust of fresh puffs (div. Rozdil 646).
Scarlet fever. The day before the child has a visipa, she has a fever, a sore throat, a headache, and a bluetongue. The worms appear in the warm, in the green parts of the body: at the groin depressions, in the groin and on the back (div. Rozdil 649).
Pitnytsya. Vona winikak at children with a special wait. To repair at the shoulder and on the shoulders of the viglyad, the purchase of small beige and horny clothes; on the actions of them there are krykhіtnі pukhirі (div. razdіl 280).
Acceptance. Vona appears only on quiet dilyankas of shkiri, kudi eating slaughter. In appearance, the popularity is a rozevi and chervoni for small diamonds or shorts for chervons (div. Rozdil 278).
Eczema. Chervoni shorstkі beaches on skіrі, whichever happens to know, then to know. When the form is important, peel, twist and curl up in beaches. For children of the breast, eczema get ready to repair on the cheeks, in the first rock - on children, and for the rock - on the colony and the little ones (Div. Rozdil 632).
Kropiv'yanka. Tse pukhiri, finish it evenly cover tilo viklikayut sverbinnya(Div. Rozdil 631).

635. A bite in coma.

The stench is raging: from the great swollen puffs to a small little ball of dried blood without any pudding. There are a lot of bites є one type of rice: in the center there is a crunchy hole or a hump in that mice, where a sting is detected. If you bite, wait until you see them.
It’s a bit of a bite (for example, mosquitoes) itching and hurting, sometimes you can use a paste, prepared from a teaspoon of drinking soda, pour a drop of water into the yaku. In case of big bites, use a sting with a pincer, as it can be seen, and brush the bite with a paste of soda. When bitten by flies and hornets, the oset is more beautiful. Rub a duster into the bite.

636. Scab.

Purchase of prizes, covered with crusts, and without a trace of unbearable sternness. Vinikak on quiet dilyankas of shkiri, as they often chisp with their hands: on the til sides of the hands, on the wrists, on the body member, on the stomach. Especially often, the scab is hostile to the folds of the shkіri between the fingers of the hands. Nicoli is not buva on the back. The scab is infectious and requires a drink.

637. Ringworm.

Round beaches with shortsy shkiri, zazvychay with a size for a copy. The edges are fun to cover with small humps. Ringworm on the head - mushroom disease; it is contagious and the need for alcohol.

638. Impetigo

In a child, a scho viyshov from a child's vіku, impetigo is a scorch with a part of brown, a part of a chewy color. Seemingly skorinki on their faces, as a rule, represent impetigo. Zhavoryuvannya to repent for the appearance of the priest with zhovtuvati or bilim krykhitnym pukhiri, like a child nezbar rozchisu. Puhir is bursting on the yogo mistsi winikak skorinka. Priishchiki appear on the face and on quiet dilenki tila, kudi hands to raise the infection. Іmpetigo quickly expand, as long as there is no treatment, and it is infectious for people who feel sick. Negayna need additional help from a doctor.

639. The newcomers have gotten sick against the innakshe.

A small chunk of fluff appears from a spate to take revenge on a zhovtu rіdin abo bіliy gnіy. Near the chubby shkira chervonin. Win shydko bursting and pretending to bleed tsyatka, not skorinka, like in an older child. Іmpetigo beckon to fix up on vologic dilyankas of the shkiri: in the groin, in the groin depressions, in mice, kudi eat it. Іmpetigo can be expanded in all sizes. Negative additional help from the doctor is required. As there is no opportunity to show the child to a lykar, it was retaliatory to show the chubby with a cotton swab (the infection was not spread on the adjoining shkiri); If you happen to be able to stretch the baby, heat the room (if necessary). Leave the child is not awkward, the day is boiling of yogh pelushki, she stretched out, bottom bile, no shirts, towels that ganchirku or a sponge, like in yogo miute.

640. You.

It is easier to know the lice (nits) in the volossi, below the lice themselves. nits white color, May the shape of a creepy egg and mintly fastened to the hair. At the same time, de hairs end in shia, there can be sverblyachi creepers.

641. Old beaches.

At the back of a large number of new-born women, there are red chicks. The stench can also be found between the eyebrows and on the upper tables. Smell the stench step by step to know and not to demand alcoholism. Often, there are also dark red "winnies" in the skies, as the description is made, a little more for the size. The smell of stench on the other little children’s shkіri and do not go through. Deyakі from them to wander in an hour, especially, as a sprinkle of stench bulged in a random way. Oh, not just vilikuvati. See the native beaches. Iaksho smells like a child, you can see it.

642. Warts.

The stench of different species is on your hands, on your feet, on your faces. Warts slid lіkuvati, the stench did not widen.

* Cyr, rubella, roseola *

643. Cyr.

Visip will appear in 3-4 days after earning a corn on the cob. A couple of kir counterparts, as a cold at an important form, as a fit. Eyes of chervonyut and crumble. As soon as you get the hang of it, then shake it off, in the middle of the intensely red color. The child has a strong dry and frequent cough. The temperature rises to shift with the skin day. On the 4th day, there are unimaginable mugs behind the air, the temperature is even lower. Plami widen on the face and thin, flock more and darker. The day before the visit to internal parties The area of ​​the lower root teeth is considered to be a bit of a heart, because it is important to know, since none of them have ever been bothered in the past.
If the hang-up will appear again, it will take 1-2 days, the temperature will become high, the child is coughing badly, do not marvel at the faces, and see that it’s bad for yourself. Let the child's stand shyly polishutsya.
As soon as the temperature does not go down after 2 days, if you see it, it’s like it’s going to go down, and in a day or two, I’ll know again, when you think about a slower ailment. The bark often produces abscesses, bronchitis, and lesions. If the child has a cough and fever, it is necessary to get sick. It is inadvisable to wick the lykar or to bring the child to the lykarnya, as the temperature does not drop, or it will come back in 1-2 days after the visipa appears. The folded bark can be even more serious, or it is more successful to grow up with the occasional taste.
As soon as the temperature is high, the child may have no appetite. Win can prokovnuti deprived of a ridin, yaku to proponuvati this part. It is necessary to gently cleanse the child's mouth 3 times a day. Earlier, I respected, that there was a light shkidlivy child, ailments on the child, but now it seems that there are no special needs. Darken the room, as the light of the child. It’s warm at the room, but the child’s not cold. You can be allowed to get up after 2 days normal temperature... All in all, infinitely allow children to walk and grate with children through the day, if you give a call to your mind, cough and other symptoms of a cold are coming up.
The first symptoms of the cortex are manifested between the 9th and 16th days when we contact with ailing. Cyr is contagious at the moment, if there is a sign of a cold. Do not let children, illnesses on the cyr, people with signs of chill get sick, for that very microbial is the most frequent reason for the acceleration. Spravzhnyu kir, as a rule, ailment only once.
Cyr can be easily damaged or damaged if you enter gamma globulin immediately. It is especially necessary for children up to 3-4 years, for that, in the whole process, it is especially necessary to have parts and systems. Gamma globulin should be administered for larger children, as it is necessary. Diya gamma globulin is close to 2 types, in some cases more. In the case of the deyaky vipadkah bazhano pom'yakshiti perebіg ailments for the additional gamma globulin.

644. Rubella.

Visip with redness is similar to a cow visip. Even with redness, there are no symptoms of cold (undead and cough). Maybe there’s a little bit of hair in my throat. The temperature will not peter out 39 °. Ditina can see herself as normal. Visip is a flat horn, which will cover everything on the very first day. On the coming day, I’m getting angry with the beaches, so everything is just fired up, and not fired up. itself characteristic of rice rubella - swollen ailing lymph nodes behind the wards and in the back of the school. The stench can swell up to the appearance of the viscous, and the fluff can be wiped out for ten hours when the viscous is detected.
Rubella is inviting to manifest itself between the 12th and 21st days, when it comes into contact with ailing people. The diagnosis can only be made with a lycar, which is why visip in case of redness is easily lost with visip in case of bark and scarlet fever.
Rubella is not safe for women in the first 3 months of pregnancy shk_dlivy injection on the plate. As soon as a woman comes into contact with ailing people in the whole period, she should discuss the nutrition about the introduction of gamma globulin.

645. Roseola.

The price is less in the case of infectious disease, as you become inclined to develop in the 1-3 rock and even more rarely in the 3rd rock. The child has a stiyko trimming of the temporal temperature for 3-4 days without a sign of cold. In the presence of a child, please do not look out for a sickness (inodі on the first day, you will be sudomi). The temperature of the raptor drops to normal and there is a crustal head, similar to the bark of a crust. Until the end of the hour, the child is not a sight to behold, we are sick, or maybe we’ll be whimsical. After 1-2 days, the visip is clear. Possibility of acceleration is enabled.

* Vitryana vispa, whooping cough, mumps *

646. Vіtryana vispa.

The first symptom of sickness is a number of characteristic features on the face of the person, similar to the type of person, but on the other side it is the crying of the watery fluff. The shop assistant and school about pochervonili. Puffy burst, dry up and make a crust. When the diagnosis is established, the drug shuka is in the middle of the dried up fluffy ones, in those the head is not. New fluffy lasts 3-4 days.
An older child and an older child can have a headache and a bedside house the day before the visip appears. Ale little child does not mean such symptoms. In some cases, the temperature is even more normal, or it can move in the beginning of 2 days. Some children see themselves unencumberedly with a stretch of sickness and the temperature does not rise to 38 °. Інші children see themselves nasty and they have a temperature. Prishchiki call to twirl.
The need for a doctor to diagnose and diagnose, because the child has a fever and a temperature, if you feel bad for yourself (you can easily get sick with sick children). Call the little girl to trim in the lid, as long as all the new ones appear. The sverblyachka can be tucked into a warm bath in small parts, in which soda can be cut or starch (one cup for a small bath and two cups for a large one). Crisp only with pink starch. Put the child in a bath for 10 quilins 2-3 times a day. Do not see the skorinki from the dried puffs. Razchіsuyuchi pukhirі, a child to enter in them infection, through scho winnavi. That slid miti hands of the child with a cute 3 times a day and a short haircut yomu nigti.
Vitryana vispa appears between the 11th and 21st days of infection. Call you a friend to go to the street and go to school through a day to send a cob of ailments, or after 2 days, to return to the visit of new fluff. Dried skorinki are not contagious, and through them do not vitrimuvate quarantine. However, in some schools they are swimming, and the child has become homeless, as long as all the skorinki do not fall.
An ailing one should be isolated at home until the 5th day, and will be able to get away with it. Children up to 7 years of age, who did not get sick on the week of the week, and did not contact with the sick, dissociate from the inevitable contact from the 11th to the 21st day, and are very important at the moment of contact.

647. Cough.

The first generation of sickness does not have a whooping cough. The child just has a cold with a small undead and a dry cough. Until the end of the day, the mother must be built, but the cold may have passed, and I’ll have once again forced him to go to school ("I had a little dry cough"). Tilki with a stretch of the 2nd brew of vinikє persha for pertussis. Mati pomichak, scho the child appeared to have a cough at night. Vin convulsively coughing 8-10 times per dichanna. One night, when the decile trivial attacks attacked the child's cough and the new wine was bloody. If you wince to inhale, if you attack a cough, you can virvate from your throat. It’s our hour to stop the whooping cough, to loosen up the chips, like the floor to loosen up the ailments, until curling, and in some cases, the blues on the right do not reach. In general, the diagnosis is based on the character of a cough stretching out the 2nd pressure from the ear of the disease (attack the cough on one dichanna) and on the fact of the presence of ailments on the cough in the surroundings.
Do not sleep in the morning, because your child is sick with coughs, if you cough badly for the first time, when you get sick on the cob. Moreover, a strong cough on the cob will help reduce whooping cough. Whooping cough is trivial: in the middle it is 4 months, and in important cases it is 2-3 months. Iakshcho dry cough is more than a month, but a drug is susceptible to whooping cough.
Yakshcho lykar to be hesitant and even more important to put correct diagnosis, Take two laboratory analyzes to help you get sick.
At the first analysis, the child is perturbed by coughing on a plate, covered with special gelatin, in which good whooping cough bacterium multiplies. It’s a likar to know the bacteria on the plate, the winnings, the child is sick for the cough. Ale, it’s a likar not to know the bacteria on the plate, and not to bring it, that the child doesn’t have whooping cough. This method is especially overwhelming in the first two years from the ear of the ear. Another way is blood analysis, which only gives results, especially extending the 3rd and 4th appearance to the ear of the disease. Ale often analysis of blood can not be said about it.
Kashlyuk can be a serious ailment, especially up to 2 rocks. Yakshcho in the booth є a child of a breast, beware of whooping cough, yak of a plague. The head is not safe for whooping cough in the whole business - the home of the growing and burning of legends, as well as the damage of the nervous system. Most children who are sick with coughs feel more beautiful, as it is on the streets and in the countryside it is cold, both during the day and at night. Ale the child is madly going to oberigati from the cold. Mickey children are allowed to walk with a stretch of sickness, as their temperature is normal. Ale the stench, zerous, not guilty of the gratitude of the children. For some children, attack coughs grow older in a post-bed regime. As the child has frequent blues, it is only in small portions and more often. Safely, take the child right away and if a strong attack is coughing with blues, then a strong attack will come, but it won't be soon. Schob help the torment of the abdomen, you can tightly bandage yogo.
Oskilki whooping cough є for serious illnesses, even more importantly, it is important to diagnose and diagnose correct lіkuvannya... Children of the breast need more treatment, as they appear even more effective.
Mind the quarantine rіznі in the rіznih lands. Allow you to let you get busy in school when you finish 5 days from the ear of the ear, as if you had a blues. Whooping cough never ceases to be an infectious rapt, when the singing hour ends. How infectiousness is changed in deeds and in less time than a disease is lighter than a disease. You can vvvazati child without baking for the sick, as with a stretch of 2 types of coughing less. Whooping cough appears in 5-14 days after infection. I'm sick for cough buv at contact nemovlya, Do not splinter against whooping cough, youmu inject sirovatka, schob zapobіgti ailments or pom'yakshiti її interrupts.

648. Pig.

Tse zhvoryuvannya slynnikh, zvvushnyh zalozov, as are found in the depressions yakraz behind the lobes of the wuh. A sprinkle of hair will fill a depression, and then a swelling of the entire side of an individual. Pukhlina is grasping the lobe of the vuha up. Run your fingers along the bottom edge of the slit, and see the hard fluff, as it will overflow the line.
If the child of an adult zrostayuchogo zazi from the sides of the shia, fasting food, why the sickness of the piggy, or at the ny one of the best rіdkіsnykh zhvoryuvan Priushnoї zalozi (as there can be repeated kilka razіv), as well as zvychane fired up lymph universities. Lymphatic universities, which are sometimes ignited by angina, are located below, below the ground, and the fluff does not melt the cracks.
For a child who is sick with a piggy, it’s a bit of a piggy for everything. An older child can be skarzhititsya on a b_l near vukh or in the throat, especially when kovtannі and zhuvannі the day before the poohlini appears. Maybe bootie і nezduzhannya zagalne. The temperature is not too high, but you can move on the 2nd or 3rd day. Most children have swelling on one side of the sheath, and after 1-2 days, the swelling appears from the other side. One of the other side is swollen only after a few days, and one and only one side is not swollen.
Krim the priest salivating... The pig is one who expands and on them (pidgelepni, pid'yazikov zalozi).
With a mild form of mumps, the fluff will pass after 3-4 days;
Lads in the period of statistic diagnosis of infection can affect one of the cells. Ale, navit, as soon as the offense of a young woman is ignited, it will come to an end without a hitch.
Mumps is a contagious ailment, as it does a number of diseases, and I can get sick or not. To that, make a unique contact with a piggy ailment. The fact that before the hour the pigs swelled up to the side of the individual, not of a small significance, all one she can get infected suddenly.
Obov'yazkovo viklichte lykarya, if you see the mumps. It is even more important to accurately establish the diagnosis. It is a great passion for lymphatic universities in the city of absolutely the best likuvannya.
Zazvychay child trim in a lid, as long as the pukhlin does not decline. The sick piggy cannot be sour, or gostru (a type of lemon juice or pickled ogirkiv), which is why it’s fired up. Ale іnshі prodovzhuyut іf satisfaction є such products.
Mumps will appear in 11-23 days after being infected.

* Scarlet fever, diphtheria, poliomyulit *

649. Scarlet Fever.

Call me to take action from the onset of symptoms: burning throat, bloating, temporal fever, headache.
Visip beckon to come back in 1-2 days, sprinkle on warm, vology dilyankas of shkiri: in the groin, in the groin depressions, on the back, as the child was lying in this position. From the deyakoi vіdstanі visip viglyadaє, as one-time pochvonіnnya, ale if you are surprised, then you can pachiti, as soon as you come from the red beaches on the hot shkіrі. Visip can be widened in all til, according to the guise, ale dilyanka shkiri navkolo company zalishaєtsya blidim. The throat is a little more chervone, and after a dozen hour, a ruble will be repaired from the edges. It’s insanely necessary to have a doctor’s term, because the child has a temperature in the throat and in the eye.
In our days, scarlet fever does not take on such important forms as before. Won’t be vicious, not with special bacteria, like kir, but with those streptococci, as in some people you can get sick with angina, picking up hairs, and abscesses. Scarlet fever - one s possible forms zvoryuvan, scho wiklikayutsya zvychaymi streptococcus. Call on her ailments for children from 2 to 8 years. In the old days, if it didn’t look like it was scarlet fever, it’s not like getting sick, because it’s afraid to get caught up in streptococci, because we were afraid, because it’s slept in the old days, seen one time in one moment, and through great advances an hour. Thinking that infection was transmitted only from a sick person to scarlet fever, people could blame the blame for the little one, for example, the grave child, the ailment for scarlet fever. In our days, a child, a child, she fell ill with scarlet fever, perhaps, having eliminated the infection from people who are sick into angina, for example, from people who have streptococci.
Scarlet fever should be neglected and safe. Happy to speed up the triviality of the ailment and reduce the speed of the disease. The painting of scarletini can be quicker: getting sick of vuh, shinny zalozi and nirk bowls. When the temperature returns to normal, if the child is very healthy, be it an hour or so. Dytina is guilty of perebuvati pіd іdіlnіm visual lіkar until quiet pіr, as long as vіn is still not visible. Be sure to inform the doctor about all the new symptoms, such as bile on wuhah, chubby on the shih, a ruble cut, or a cut on a slash, more and high temperature.
Scarlet fever can be broadly widespread in a childish collective, but in a very special day of school, it is not even greater. That you do not want to be reimagined when you are sick, but in school you fall for scarlet fever. Maloimovirno, how the child can get infected with it. Ale, as it will nevertheless become, scarlet fever will manifest itself through a period of infection. Quarantine rules for an hour of scarlet fever

650. Diphtheria.

Tse duzhe not uncomfortably ill, Yake can get ahead. Yaksho little child took away three іn'єktsії against diphtheria in the first rik of life, additional splinters in one rіk and because of the skin 3 rocks, wіn practically warranties іn thе disease. Diphtheria is repaired from zalous nezduzhannya, earliness in the throat and high temperature. On the migdalens, they are set in brude-and-white, as they can widen all over the throat. Inodi diphtheria is repaired from the larynx. There is a hoarseness and a barking cough, the dichotomy will become more difficult. In any case, if a child has a sore throat, a temperature rises, or if a child has symptoms of croup, then it is inadvertently vicious. When a child is susceptible to diphtheria, it is innocuous to inject syvate and іnshі lіki. The ailment is manifested by a stretch of pressure from the infection.

651. Polіomієlіt.

The Epidemic of the Child Paralych is the head of the autumn. I’ll get sick at the end of the hour, my daddy will think about the little parallichi for everything. I should be able to fix it, as there is a greater number of infectious diseases due to ill health, high temperature and headache. Possibly bootie blues, constipation or a slight carry. Ale, navit, if your child has all the symptoms before the pain in his legs, it would be a pity for the sleepers. Shvidshe for everything is just flu abo angina.
Svychayno, lіkarya slіd poklikati in any kind of vipadka.
As soon as in the outskirts of the child's paralysis, the daddy is in restless power, as soon as possible to take care of the children. Your elusive liquor, like the knowledge of the martyrdom, give you the most joyful one. Do not try to panic and let your children of the suspension of their children go. As in the surroundings, it is a childish paralysis, it is reasonable not to let the child into the world of the great purchase of the people, especially in closed theaters of the type of cinema and shops. Do not let the child into the pool, as there is a great number of people to repent. Ale nadmіrno zaboronyati children bachitsya s comrades. Yakby we wanted to be on the edge of the guardhouse with it to the end of life, bringing all life to the trimmate by the castle. Likari look, how cold and trying to curb people who are sick to the point of sickness. A lot of kids can swim a lot; zalishayuchis in the water zanadto dovgo, the stench pereoholodzhuvatisya. Do not allow the child to cross by the water until it turns blue in the cold and before it starts to chatter teeth.
The Salk vaccine is prepared for the virus poliomyelitis, supplementing the organisms with the viral power of the power, and anticipating the parallel stage of illness. Ale for ts'go needs a kilka tizhn_v. The vaccine is not useful, as the child is already in contact with the ailment. Chastkov will receive gamma globulin. Ale vin din tilki with a stretch of decilkoh tizhniv, for that the organism of the child doesn’t cut itself off (gamma globulin will be removed from the blood of grown-up people, so that they will be able to go to the deyakiy world by the power of opposing).
Let us not see the ways of getting sick. Ale, on the other side, in the majority of children who are ill on poliomyelitis, there is no parallel to it. As soon as it is win, then it’s timeless and I don’t let it go. Alle in quietly ridkish weather, if it’s parallel to chewing, the child’s stance is meaningful when there’s a general liking.
It’s just as important to try to find an insignificant parallel to the end of an important stage of getting sick, even more importantly, the child was overwhelmed by the regular eye of a competent doctor. Come in, as the drug is stagnant for a more general treatment of ailments, because there are many factors. Lykar virishu, as a help to the ailment on the skin stage of the ailment; zagalnye rules for tsey rakhunok are not іsnu. Hirurgi are able to work without any cunning tricky operations, such as to prevent a victim from getting a bigger cinnamon and to prevent deformation.

* Quarantine *

652. Isolation of infectious ailments.

Try to isolate the child from the infectious diseases of the family members (grown-ups and children), who have not yet suffered from a disease. Go after the child only one little man. As soon as we got sick before, as we knew, we got sick, smelly, they got infected, but they could be more beautiful than they are, so as not to rage on the rabid ripple. Besides, when we are sick, the stench will carry the bacterium at home. Obviously, with such ailments, such as kir, whooping cough and vitriana vispa, not without a transfer of infection healthy people insignificant, wanting and powerful. In case of scarlet fever it is especially important that access to the room of a sick child mav is only one person, for that streptococks, who wick scarlet fever, can last a long hour of life in the face of people. chim fewer people sprinkle streptococci from ailing children, less the possibility of widening scarlet fever in the surrounding area. The main reason for the isolation of a child, ailment for scarlet fever, is that, you can remove new bacteria, which can lead to an acceleration of scarlet fever.
How can you ask for a quarantine? Take the ailing child in the vicinity of the room, wherever only that member of the family comes in, as if to look after the child. Tsia lyudin, entering, is guilty of putting on a dressing gown, which is supposed to hang the door for the whole family, i, vikhodyachi, znimati yogo. With such a rank, I won’t be able to transfer bacteria to clothes. When you walk out of the sick room, you need to move your hands right away. The dishes of the ailing wine are taken from the room in the basin, and it is safe to boil.
Let’s grow up not to get involved in the house і pratsyuvati, as in this case there is an infectious ailment. The win is to become a winners, winners and people, who can think of a relationship to food products. However, it’s possible to see the children, in some children, schiln before Infectious diseases, Walk from the mirkuvan healthy glozdu. As long as you are trying to travel to all children, it is practical that the transmission of infections is practically zero. Ale vi is unlikely to be a bazhany guest, especially, if you are talking about such ailments, yak a pig, for a cholovik, whooping cough - for a newly born or scarlet fever. They call you, navit, if there is something from the homeland of ailment through the river. Ale, from your side, do not be afraid to move your knowledges, as your child is ill, is not safe infectious disease, - on kir, vіtryana vіspu that rubella, as you yourself have already suffered її, but know, do not be afraid, ask you to spend the evening with them, especially, if you will not be with them.
Even though one of the children in the seven ailments is not an uncomfortable ailment, those children may be allowed to go to school. In case of scarlet fever, diphtheria, meningitis, poliomyulitis and other serious illnesses, the rules of just brothers and sisters can be more suvorim. The rules for young children in families who have not yet been ill with these diseases, developed in children and in small schools. If you happen to be on the street with a sick child, please your children and bring peace to your conscience, do not let them go to your little children.

* Tuberculosis *

653. Tuberculosis is counterintuitive in newborns, in children and adults.

A lot of people detect their own tuberculosis in the same viglyad, as in the case of grown-ups. The lungs develop "plama" or a defect, which give such symptoms, such as stomachache, loss of appetite, thinning, fever, cough with phlegm.
In children, tuberculosis is prone to accept іnshі form. In the first place of life, the depth of the disease is not so great, as in the older age, and infection can easily be expanded throughout the entire body. The axis of what cannot be given to a child or the least infected with tuberculosis. It is not allowed to vikonuvati children to people who are ill for tuberculosis. Perevirt, chi pidtverzhu lykarske and roentgenologicheskie doslіdzhennya, so tsya lyudin is still visible. As a matter of fact, if some of the members of the family have a chronic cough, it is necessary to stay in an anti-tuberculosis dispensary, or at therapists.
In older children, tuberculosis tends to endure often; This does not mean that one can easily put oneself to such a disease, or give a child a rizik, transferring people with ailments to tuberculosis. The perevirka showed that in some places, 50% of all children suffered from mild tuberculosis up to 10 years. In most children, the ailment passed through uncommon. Radiologic before long, there was a small "scar" in the lungs, or in lymphatic universities, for the basis of the legends, de infection "healed". Alle іnodі tuberculosis іt іn children in іt thе strong form аnd і wickedness іt іs fever, foul appetite, foulness, urgency, stompidness, cough with phlegm (phlegm is not enough, but that, very much, in the main). Tuberculosis can be hostile to the cyst of any lymphatic university, but more often it is the enemy of the legends and the lymphatic universities, for the basis of the legends. The majority of people with active tuberculosis have a tendency to see it for about 2 years, as well as a good look for a child of illnesses. It is more correct to use and specialize in addition to help in education and to help improve the infection.
Pidlets are more sick until they become ill with a severe form of tuberculosis in this form, as it is in grown-ups. About the price of memory, as long as a child or a child is involved in a vase, disgustingly, we see weary and tortured just because of the fact that we are coughing in chi ni.

654. Tuberculin test.

Through a small group of people, in order to treat tuberculous bacteria into the body, win becomes sensitive to them. As soon as I used to drink a whole drug to kill tuberculosis (a speech prepared from dead tuberculosis bacteria), then on a whole lot of pochervon shkira. The price is called a positive reaction (a sensible way, when you put a bandage on your hand, in any case, it is not necessary). It will show you how in the body there are already tuberculous bacteria, and the wine reacts to them. It’s not like the beaches of red, it means that there are no tuberculous bacteria in the organisms of the nicoli. As well as in the organism of people there is tuberculous infection, until the end of life, I will react positively to tuberculosis, if the ailment has passed long ago.
Tuberculosis test should be put on, if the child first comes to the lykar, if the child is disgusting in growth, or if he has a chronic cough, if someone else has tuberculosis.
Even if your child will have a positive reaction (well, maybe, and there will be many children), do not worry. There are a lot of reasons for the sickness, for that, in the middle of a large number of diseases, the ailment has already passed by itself in the childhood for the auxiliary tuberculosis; And yet, all the same, it slid to live all the entrances of the guard.
Persh for all the kids go to show the lykary. Even more important is the radiological dosage of the legends, as it is possible to help the active process of starting the cicatrix. Likar can take into account the necessary and іnshі: X-ray examination of the organs, the preparation of the slunk, to convert some tuberculous bacteria into sputum, regularly adjusting the temperature for a long time. Likewise, it’s a lykar of singing, it’s an infection, it’s a mistake, it’s a mistake, to allow the child to lead a normal way of life, or to please regularly educate the child. Win also pleases the child to protect the child by stretching out decal rocky out to the bark and whooping cough, as well as ailments and sprites a recently pricked tuberculosis.
Yaksho є Dose for an active tuberculous process or even a positive reaction is found in a child younger than 2 years old, a doctor can be considered by special meansі prodvzhuvati yogo stretching out to rock.
In addition, the likar is changing all the members of the family (and all the grown-ups, with which children are regularly spliced), schob z'yasuvati. as soon as it was possible to give in, there was a tuberculous infection, and also who didn’t get sick in any of the seven children. All children in their homeland also need to be treated with tuberculosis. at positive reaction children have to go through the examination of the doctor and the radiological report of the legends. All this is necessary for the Viconati, to visit all the members of the family, they can smell and impress themselves perfectly, but no one needs this kind of metushna. In the bagatokh vipadkah, the reversal shows that all the members of this health, and, again, the child was infected from someone else's position at home. However, an active tuberculous process occurs in that member of the family, whom the least can be treated. Tsiy people have spared them, but they got sick in the early stages; It also spared all the families, so that there is a lot of security. Lyudin, with an active form of tuberculosis, is not guilty of falling into a booth, for children. It’s not safe to go to the sanatorium, because it has a maximum chance of getting sick and minimum chances of infecting others.

* Rheumatism *

655. Rheumatism in a contrary way.

The center of the ailment of the loam, the heart and the other organs of the body. Fatigue to the point of being ill is often transmitted in recessions. Likari vvazhayut, but rheumatism is a reaction to streptococcal infection in the throat. As it is not carried out in a safe and correct manner, the attack of rheumatism can be trivial or in months. Moreover, the ailment tends to turn around again and again on the skin once, if a new streptococcal angina is repaired by the child.
In some cases, it is difficult for important forms with a high temperature, and in some drops it is ice-cold and the temperature is slightly adjusted. In some droplets, the slopes swell, the worms and become sickly painful, in others - the slopes of the appendage may be insignificant, but in one or the other slopes.
If a rheumatic process is feared in the heart, the child is clearly tortured, and she’s bored and has a bad luck. Rheumatic changes in the heart in some cases appear less, less symptoms of rheumatism, as there may be so little swelling that an ear of sickness will pass uncomfortably.
In other words, rheumatism in children is counterintuitive. You, madly, wait for the vicious lykar, as if the child will have symptoms of rheumatism in important forms. Ale, however, it is important to show the child a lykar, when the symptoms are not clear - the temperature is slightly increased, the pain in the slopes is small.
At our hour, we have an hour streptococcal infections in the throat, which lies at the base of the disease with rheumatism, and to accelerate the disease from the sickness. As a result, the rate of deformation of the heart valves decreases for the first attack. Even more importantly and completely possible to save the child from the attacks that have been given, and even those who have given changes to the heart. It is absolutely necessary to regularly take leaks, in the middle, for at the sight of injections, lasting an hour, you will get new streptococcal infections.

656. Nyuchy bill in the slopes.

At a number of older children, they did not give the value of skarg to children bad b_l in hands or feet, vvazayuchi tse natural. Ale at once arose, but rheumatic pain could be light. That, if children skarzhayutsya on pains in kintsevkah, likari beforehand allow rheumatism. Ale rheumatism is not the only reason for the pain in the children, as I think the deyaki dad.
Feet may have ailments with flat feet and weak lingering apparatus, especially until the end of the day, if the child is tired. Buvah, scho a child goes from 2 to 5 rockets in a rapt, screaming, screaming for a beat in a colony or a wrist. It can only happen once in the evening, or it can be repeated with a stretch of decal. When it is delayed, you will be able to appear, but not rheumatic pains, but spasms of muscle spasms, as I think it is a lot of problems.
Otzhe, you are guilty, but it’s clear that there’s no reason why there’s no reason for a diagnosis to be established.

657. Noise in the heart.

Tsi words lyakayut batkiv. Even more important is the intelligence, but the greatness of the noises does not mean anything. There are three types of basic types of noise: nabut, natural and functional (or not too long).
There is a lot of noise in the first type of wine in the child as a result of rheumatism, when the heart valve is affected. Later, they will become scarred, as a result of which deformation of the valves is observed, which leads to the wrong blood loss. As soon as the lykar felt in the heart of the child, a noise, which had not been heard before, could mean that there was a very active rheumatic process. In general, in the manifestation and in the symptoms of illness: increased temperature, frequent pulse, accelerated POE (reaction of the formation of erythrocytes).
Likar will prescribe such childlike and strict bedtime regimen until quiet time, as long as you don’t know the last signs of rheumatic heat, you’ll find it in the middle of a lot of months. Ale, as if it is not a sign of an active process, the noise may cause the old people to heal with scars, and they have lost their way of attack (heart defect).
We have a lot of rocky babies with heart noises as a result of the old people changing the valves by taking part in the conversation. Youmu brothers fenced their lot in games, going in for sports, as if they didn’t have any signs of an active rheumatic process. Infections of sick children, allowing children, who have absolutely clung to the active process, step by step to the most normal way of life (including sports and crumpling games, as they do not even stop), as the change of valves does not entangle the robot's heart. Such a pidhid is dictated by two mirkuvannyas. M'yazi heart, as long as the stench is not fired up, change from all over the place. A little more important than peace is the camp of the spirit of a child. Take care of your share in the growing activity of our people, if you don’t feel pity for yourself, you respect yourself “children” by people, not like that. However, such a child needs to regularly take liquids to prevent streptococcal infections.
Noise, wickedness to heartfelt ailments, you want to appear all at once from the people, or through a little bit of mischief (star - only through a little rock). Tsi noises, zychayno, mean the ignition process, and the first thing for everything is the wrong heart. The noise itself is not of great significance; importantly, the heart of the buddy is wrong. It’s as if it’s a serious transition, the child can start getting blue or a difficult dichotomy, or maybe it’s more likely to grow.
Dytin, with a vrodzhena heart noise, is guilty of constantly perebuvati before a visual fakhivtsiv. Deyakі serioznі vodzhenі vadіtsevі vadіvuyutsya operatsіu.
Yaksho ditina with vrodzhenny heart noises can vikonuvati physical design If it’s not naughty or blue, і develop normally, it’s even more important for your spiritual development, they didn’t respect you іnvalidom, і they didn’t put them in a special way, but allowed them to lead a normal way of life. Yogo, madly, to protect from ailment and to look carefully at him before the hour of ailment, but it is necessary for healthy children.
The term "functional" or "not shkidlivi", the noise is not accurate viraz, which means that the noise in the heart is not rheumatism, nor is it a kind of vadam. Tse noises are even typical for early rock life. Smells step by step know up to old age. Likar will tell you about the "not awkward" heart noises, more quietly, if you smell a new liquor, you could tell you, what the stench of boules and the heart of a child and earlier.

658. Chorea.

tse nervous, When you say є the ruins of the ruins at the viglyadi posmikuvan. There can be a lot of miscellaneous misses. Sapannya can be obvious or ice-cold. Fast m'yazіv exposing wiklikє grimaces. You can sipatysya shoulder in one, then in іnshomu straight. The speedy m'yazіv tuluba zmushu child robiti uncoordinated hands. Hands and fingers twist and twist. Ditina can be nasty to write and throw objects. Rukh yogo mimovilny, then one muscle speed, then the other. Ale zhodne rukh is not a mess. Children who suffer from attacks from a sickness, immediately suffer from clear signs of rheumatism in their hearts and joints. Tse led the bagatokh likariv to the thought, but chorea is one of the forms of rheumatism. Ale at the doyakyh children, one or two will attack a sickness when they are out, whether it is a sign of rheumatism. The axis is vvazhayut, so chorea can be dvіznі form: rheumatic and non-rheumatic.
Most of the time, it’s easy to learn from children from 7 years before adolescence. For a whole cycle, it is characteristic to show nervousness, such as tick and imperturbability, which is often taken for chorea. Tik tse the same rucks, such as the moment, seemingly, lowering the shoulder (div. Rozdil 523), at that hour, as a child, ailing as a chorea, rob the helpless and wait for the development of the rucks. When I’m unsettled, I’m so tough on uvazi, if the child is constantly bumping into the stilettos with her feet, I have to twist it in my hands all the time, and so on.
Before the hour of the attack, the chorus of the child shows signs of mental instability. It is easy for a new one to win an attack, sometimes crying, sometimes laughing, trying to fight for the smallest drive. Blame the child's mind and make peace with his behavior, that is not the fault of his control. Ditina, who is suffering from chorea, is guilty of perebuvati pіd visual lykar. Zakvoryuvannya tse, madly, in an hour pass, see if the child has a bullet of attacks, it is necessary to regularly show the license.

* Rozladi sechovipuskannya *

659. Nichne non-trivial slaughter.

Vono can booty viclikano for different reasons. Zrіdka cause є sickness. In the whole vipad, the child is spontaneous to have a non-trivial slaughter and day. Ale at the majestic greatness of the vipadk is the reason for the need for shukati in the mental state of the child.
Deyakі situations pour on a little child in such a rank, as soon as he pdsvіdomo pragne turn into the period of childhood. For example, a trichna child prokidavshis with a dry broach pivrok, ale, having moved to the summer cottage, becoming a rapt again to urinate in the lodge. Navit, if we are to be built, we will completely satisfy with the new situation, in the souls of us it is clear that there is a lot for the house. If London children were sent from the place to the ear of war, they separated them from family, friends, and a vicious atmosphere, a lot of them, and to help children, they welcomed the strangers to the non-trivial slaughter. Those same sposterіgaєtsya in childish booths. Children often urinate in the midst of a buzzing type of celebration of the nation's day, seeing the circus, etc.
Often the reason for the non-triviality of the slaughter in the early child is the appearance of a new child in the family.
It’s even more important, but daddy rozumіli, scho in such situations a child to urinate in lіzhko not navmіlno. It’s a good idea to sleep at the same time. Sechovipuskannya is often seen at that hour, if the child is dreaming, it’s in the awkward, wobbly camp and at the very end of life. As much as the child has nothing to do with it, so as I’m a lot of money for the house, because in a day’s my brother’s wife, or a sister, who can’t see it, I’m blind, I’m guilty of a mother, as if I’m robbed about some kind of self-deprecating if you are small.
As a child, she has a lot of money for the house, the fathers went to the first few days to spend more days with them, but they didn’t feel self-conscious, and help him to fall in love with a new place of living. As soon as a new child appeared in his homeland, fathers need to sing the elder, how it stinks to love him and earlier, and there are no reasons for him to see himself as zechtuvanim (Div. Rozdili 463, 469). Do not bark the child over the wet bed - and so, just, it is unacceptable. You can help you more, having caught the singing, and soon it will be dry again.
As for a child who doesn’t turn dry until 3-4 or 5 rocky (more children stop wetting at night, if it’s 2 or 3 rocky), then, in some cases, the reason is that it’s back to the energy of the housekeeper during the day.
Ditina did her best, and the mother became more and more relaxed and impatient. It is reasonable to pin down the promiscuous wretches from the drive to the housekeeper and do not mess up the child for the wet pants. But don't wake up the child at night, if you have urinated in the housekeeper, so as if it was a bad thing, it’s a little one, and I don’t think it’s for myself. Yomu nagato, more needs to be kept by the fathers, so that he grows up and stops wetting himself.

660. In 80% of the non-triviality of the slaughter is spontaneous from the lads.

Psychiatrists, who have faced problems of non-triviality in children, are even more characteristic of the offensive type of lads: you don’t feel good about yourself, but it’s easy to come back to the news about your incompetence. You can, be afraid to be snuggled up with the lads, or be with them on a regular basis. Vin vvazhaє, who will strangle his mother's freedom. Mother, it is wickedly, to love yogo, ale for such people, yak, it’s hard to be impatient and possessive. Suvore vikhovannya does not allow the first person to repair the opir in hand, the one to fix the opir is passive: it is a mistake, to dig or just go for evil. Every mother is not satisfied with it. Often in such vipadki dad didn’t have enough lads moral support (div. Rozdili 440 і 457).
Come in, as daddy often get used to a different kind of non-trivial slaughter, they can lead to vicious results. If you want to put him on top of the housekeeper, even more overtake him in the one who is small. Yakshcho vi virishite the speed of living with him for 5 years. I have forgiven you, I’ll be afraid that your lads know about this mess. It’s wrong to pee in the wrong way. Whether the five-star lad saw everything in the world, it wouldn't be repeated anymore. It’s because it’s not in control of my own feelings, because it’s the reason for the non-triviality of the battle.
Such a lad does not stand up to the best in his own power, but rather to make the deeds happen for the help of those who feel good. The best way is to turn up to a child psychiatr, especially if a child has an experience. It’s a little bit uncomfortable, but daddy can easily grow in the fallowness of the surroundings. The stench can explain the children, how rich the lads saw them when it was difficult, but they did it in an hour. The stench can also savor the stench, how and if you can finish your folding camp.
I think it’s not going to interconnect the life of the day and wake up the child in the middle of the night, just put it on the housekeeper.
For lads 5-6-7 years old, you can be an incentive to stick golden stars on the same date of the calendar, if they are dry. You can go to the city - kovzani, bicycle, etc. It is more beautiful, if you want to be at all illogical, right away those who have been introduced to you through those who have to urinate in any way. A meta of chicks who come in to help the lads and who are more likely to see themselves as equal to the middle lads.
As long as my father, until the end of the hour, I’ll see the child, I’ll look after the child, I’m even more active in the life of the young woman, and as much as possible, knowing for myself, I’m living in my life. Yakshho mothers are kind of laid back for a while and for children when they are victorious at home, then try to stream your severity. Enjoy it as a reader. Spilnі spilnі over the lad to bring a great corrosiveness.

661. Nontrivial slaughter among the girls.

The typical picture of the non-adorable slaughter of the girls is absolutely visible from the typical picture of the boys. Do not slid to get sick, as a little child, having gotten sick, wet the pants. Ale, as soon as it is constantly evolving and everything is shown "at the potim", then call a sign, so that it’s suvoro, commanding and giving. At the new one, the stitches of the ringtone fix the opir, but it’s not just that, if it’s his daddy, but if it’s natural to say to him, it’s necessary to work. Tse is often called linnyu, albeit for the sake of such an opyr in the meaning of zusil. Such a child can be tied up with a car, a yak can be guided, having forgotten to let go of a galma.

662. Deyaki "podii".

For deyakim children, to visit the happy and time-consuming, it is important to take care of it, because the stench is ruined or overlaid, or it is unsuccessful to laugh. At such a moment, the stench does not exist, as it is seen sechovipuskannya. It’s not a sickness, and it’s not the same thing. Bagato tvarin will automatically urinate in a quilting lump. Ale the child needs to be calm, having told him that he hasn't killed anything ganeful.

663. Often sechovipuskannya.

Wono man kilka for any reason... It’s like a child’s rapt, but until quiet time everything was normal, which could mean infection of the sectal tract, or diabetics. Slid it is inaccurate to develop the analysis of the slaughter and show the child to the lykar.
In the case of the deacons, bring in even the dormant people sechovy mikhur not in the snarls of the middle part of the slaughter, i, imovirno, so the stink of nature was blown away. A lot of people see the need for frequent sevovanny, if the stench of stress or grasping. In some cases, it is due to the time-consuming pressure, and in some cases it has a chronic character. To guide a normal healthy athlete of the mind to go to the toilet of the skin 15 chilines in front of the men themselves. Zavdannya dad in tsyu vypadku - to know the reason for the tension of the child, if you won’t be lost. One reason can be criticized in your children’s failures or in children, or in children there can be disagreements in school. Most often, all three reasons are evident. The axis of the typical situation: the child is a bitter, and the teacher is busy with a suvor. The child's fear of the teacher does not allow the slaughter of the slaughter to endure the slackness, but to reduce the amount of slaughter. Ditina not get in trouble, ask to go. As the teacher cannot be put to such problems simply and naturally, then the growth will speed up even more. It is reasonable to take a note from the lykar about the passage of the child and the explanations of his character, as well as the peculiarities of the robot of his slaughter. As the vigilante is a lyudin, as if he would like to be naughty, fathers are tactful people, then more cinnamon will also be brought by a special zustrich.

664. Sechovipuskannya is not more difficult.

In small vipadas, a child (beckon boy) will be brought up with such a high-pitched sechin, whatever it is that it’s very hard to get it, I’ll whip it up, it’s oozing like a thin bird. It is necessary to be able to turn up to a licker, as it is very great for nirok and internal sečovyh nobles.
Sometimes, in hot weather, if the child is a little too hot and not enough, it’s impossible to urinate even more rarely, once every 12 years, or to come back. With a whole cut of a thick-chewed color, with a pungent smell, and you can get away with it. Those are the same at high temperatures. In speculative weather and at high temperatures, children often need to drink water, or nagaduvati about those who need to drink, especially, if it’s even small and you can’t tell yourself what you need.
To reach the reason for the sickly sechovies in females bottom part sechivnik. From all the girls, they constantly saw that it would be necessary to urinate, if you want, you can, not in the snake of growth, if you are streaming out of fear, you will be able to drink, or if you will see just a sprinkle of specks. It is necessary to check the analysis of the section and show the child of the doctor. Ale to a quiet feast of the girl's camp, you can lie down for an additional warm bath, add a cup of drinkable soda to the yak. A bath is taken once a day. Take a bath, carefully soak the water with a towel in the area of ​​the seeding plant and thickly make up the glycerin, boron and zinc ointment, Abo is an extraordinary cream. The ointment will soothe and cleanse the ignited shkіra.

665. Zapalennya head of the article member.

Inodi near the opening of the statutory member is ignited, like a viglyada, like a zderta shkira. It may also be a little swelling, as if the opening was closed and it would be difficult to make the cut. The price of passionate popularity is concentrated in one scene and viclikan amonim (the smell of what you can see in the lizka of a child). Amoniy is to be swirled by bacteria from the slash, so to get lost in peluches, not in clothes and in the presence. You should call the favor to the rock, if the mother ceases to boil the pellet and the bacteria accumulate in the pigs, the presence and repair of the monstrous babies, as only the child is soaked in a little. Golovniy zasіb against the prevalence - kip'yatinnya pelushok or vikorystannya antiseptic when rinsing (div. Rozdil 278), as long as the popularity is not knowing. The misconception can be cleaned up by rubbing and soothing zinc with parts, especially before going to bed. Yakshho child is seen bil, settling out of the severance for a long hour, to put him in a warm bath for pivgodini. You can’t urinate because you’re going to get wet.

666. Enthusiasm for the sečovyh gentry.

The destruction of the dyyalnosti of nirok or slash mikhura can viklicati burhlivy zhvoryuvannya with a high cold temperament. Ale, from the other side, the sickness often appears vaguely, during the analysis of the battle, the child would see herself completely normally. Elder child can live on parts of this With palinnyam, ale more often, the symptoms do not appear on the sečovy tract. Tsіvoryuvannya is often seen among the girls in the first two rocks of life. It is imperative that you be successful because you want to be successful.
As soon as the child's temperature rises without any obvious reason, the child's temperature rises. An analysis is also necessary, if the temperature is better for the child, less than a few days, if there are signs of getting cold, or if there are some signs of infection in any part of the child, the temperature can be increased.
I have a lot of pus in the slaughter, you can get it with a lot of plastics. If it’s not enough, it’s not visible with an inevitable eye. Ale, from the side, and in this great child, there can be plastic, especially if it is okolone. High quality mineral salts. To that, without an analysis of the sech, it is possible that there is a sign of ill health. As soon as the slaughter tract is affected, it is not enough to find it out, or to repeat it again, it is necessary to carry out a special monitoring of the entire slaughter system.

667. Gn_y in the village of a little girl does not mean a sickness to the sectional tract.

Gn_y in the village of little girls can eat there from p_khvi, to navigate, as if the eye looks like it should be normal. To that, it is not a matter of letting go, but of course, the knowledge in the chasm of the little girls in the case of a serpentine analysis, meaning the seizure of the chasm tract. Persh for all it is necessary to otrimat "clean" I cut for the analysis. For the whole, put out the folds of a slimy little twinkle, rinse it cleanly and carefully with a cotton swab, soaked in water, and wipe it dry with a towel or a dry cotton swab. Pislya tsiogo nhay dvchinka urinate for analysis. As soon as in this section I know to come back, the drug for a greater experience can be taken for analysis for an additional catheter (a small hum tube), which is injected directly into the section of the glass. In such a rank, I am cutting, not stuck with the shkіroyu.

* Vidіlennya at girls *

668. Be smart.

For girls, they often have little visions. In most cases, there are no baked bacterias and quick passages. thick, clear vision You can become a wicked person with a big serious infection and you can get a serious abuse. Navigate, if the vision is insignificant, or do not know the length of the decilkoh days, you also need to be happy with the doctor. It seems that the vision is half buried in pus, and half in the blood, the reason may be some object, like a little girl, she was shoved into her own pocket, and how it got over there, wickedly razdratuvannya. It’s so good, don’t change the girls, you won’t hurt herself, and don’t waggle in some guilt. This is not a manifestation of vice, but natural experience is experimentuvati and doslijuvati.
Masturbation can be the reason for the slight development of pіkhvi. As soon as the grown-ups appear, they are still at the drive of the statuary organs of the little girl, there you are. Pechinnya, like winkling with great visions from pikhvi, can be put without essence behind an additional bath, in yaku add nourishing soda. You can take a bath 2 times a day, so that you can get a little bit of glucerin or boron ointment. Smolder - tse sing the little girl, but she did not become anything serious with her.

* Abdominal pain *

For pickling lines, see Rozdili 275-277, for blunts - razdіli 265, 266 and 595.

669. Viklica lykar!

Don’t let it go nasty. It’s insanely necessary to get rid of the drug, as pain in the stomach has been worse for less than one year, just because the stench is strong or weak.
The causes of pain in the abdomen are even more abundant. Deyaki from them is even more serious. Likar in the form of development and to recognize the correct treatment.
Bulo, with mercy, let the child carry it through until I look around the lykar, to that I blow such pains, when they are carried it is not safe. In the cleansing of the doctor, check the child's temperature, because it is important for the nobility. Lay the child in a lick and do not give him any good, do not please with a doctor. If you torment the child with sprague, give it water in small portions.

670. Cause abdominal pain.

In a persistent life, pain is felt with non-etched gases (div. Rozdili 251, 252 and 267).
This is one of the most important causes of pain in the abdomen, cold, angina or flu, especially when the child has a temperature. This means that the infection has expanded to the intestines as it does, as it does to the organisms. Mayzhe be-like infection can suffer from bloating and constipation, especially from sputum. A little child can skarzhititsya for a beating in the belly, at that hour, for the sake of it, nag him. Often, after such a scarg, the child has to repair the blues.
isnu bezlich young people intestines, as they experience pain in the abdomen, sometimes with bloating, sometimes with discharge, sometimes with time, and with others. I call it "intestinal flu". Often the stench is at odds with all the members of the family, one by one. Deyakі epіdemii "intestinal flu" appear dysentery or paratyphoid. At the same time, the temperature can be shifted or normal.
Children with a nasty appetite often skary on stomach pains in front of a child, for that, because they are not a big fan. Fathers beg to be built, how the child sees, how to know the vision of being seen from the age. I think it’s more important that the whole body “squeeze” through the tension before the hour of the skin goes, and it’s really painful for a new person to live. It is possible to vilikuvati such a bile, only having made a pleasant atmosphere for the hedgehog, the child was able to confuse her with satisfaction (div. Rozdili 563-570).
Children have a good appetite, if they are worried about being unacceptable, there may be pain in their stomachs, especially not good ones. Guess about a child who is nervous on the cob of great rock: to replace the appetite in front of a child who is in pain. All kinds of emotions - out of fear to radic anxiety - can be inserted into the camp of the slurry and intestines and not only to waste the appetite and pain in the abdomen, but to bloat, and carry, and constipation.
Kharchov otruunnya. The stench is viciously unkind, infected with shkidlivy bacteria. Taste you can be invincible, ale boon and normal. Harchovies are rarely wicked, cooked in good quality before implantation, so that in the process of preparing microbiological foods. The most common reason for the rejection is a mixture of cream and fillings of game, bacterium splinters can easily multiply in products, which are often used incorrectly. The main reason is the improperly prepared homemade canned food.
Symptoms of a grub spit: bloating, carrying і pain in the abdomen, іnodі chills і temporal temperature. Everybody, whoever knows it, may immediately see it pouring into this world on the basis of "intestinal flu", which is an enemy of all members of the family for the last time.
More causes of pain in the abdomen, chronic non-poisoning with gas, intestinal allergy, inflammation of lymph nodes in the abdomen, rheumatic fever, Ailments nirok і ін. Yak bachite, it is necessary to go back to school, because the child has a pain in the abdomen, be it from a state of illness or chronic, strong or weak.

671. Іnvagіnatsіya і duck gryzhі.

If I want to, rather, grow up, called intussusception, when the intestine collapses, like a telescope, in case of which there is a lack of failure. Through the child's chain, there are unsettled ailing spasms with gaps in a spud of chilin, if it feels good to yourself. May be a bloat one lily poured out. Through a sprinkle of years (with a stretch of some kind of a normal, or a bitter style), the child will vyporzhnyute with mucus and blood. Tsei stan zvichyay spostering between 4 months and 2 rocks, more or less and earlier and less. It’s not easy to see it in the edge, but it’s not necessary for a doctor to help you; The axis of what the whole camp is described here.
Рідкісні, ale not safe and іnshі type of intestinal imperfections. A part of the intestine can be bent and stuck, for example, with groin grids or other types of grids (div. Rozdil 674). When there are a lot of painful spasms and bloating.

672. Appendicitis.

Allow me from the very cob to increase the size of the ear for appendicitis. The temperature does not necessarily move. Do not wait for the pain. Change the pain to the bottom rightly belly for that, yak attack is a trive day. Not obov'yazkovo vinikє blues. Blood analysis should not be performed if abdominal pain is associated with appendicitis.
The appendix is ​​a small outgrowth of the small intestine with a size no larger than a short board worm. Be sure to be located in the center of the right lower part of the abdomen, even more and lower, and more, closer to the middle of the abdomen, or to move around the ribs. Filling the appendix - the whole process of steps, I will learn about it. The axis is not aligned sharp bile in the belly, like a trivial bit of hilin and because of it, once in a while, viclikana is not appendicitis. The head is not safe for appendicitis in the fact that a festering growth can burst, so it can itself, as it grows, and the infection expands along all empty stomachs. It is called peritonitis. With a rapidly ripening appendicitis, the gn_ynik can reach that level, if the wine is ready to break through in less than 24 years. The axis of why is so important to look around the lykar.
I know that the child has an appendicitis, it is not safe to carry out the operation.

673. Worms.

Sometimes pain in the abdomen becomes worms. Let the mother come to the zhakh, having seen it in the kali of the child. But for the most part, some people get tired and respectful, but the child will not be well looked after.
Nayposhirenіshі worms - gostriki. The stench is similar to the cut of large threads with a half-inch. The stink of living in the rectum and going out at night, while in the area of ​​the egg in the anus. Gostriki wiklikayut sverbinnya back aisle, so you can ruin the dream of a child. Earlier, I respected, that through the worms the child has with scratchy teeth, scarlet, by all appearances, is not so. Save a little fecal matter with worms, show it to a lykar. Worm ailment is susceptible to lykuvannya, ale lykuvannya is guilty of being carried out visually.
Ascaris are even more similar to the worms. Zazvychay stinks give symptoms, if їkh even more abundantly. Ascaridi appear in kalі, Lykar prescribe in vіdpovіdne lіkuvannya.

* Grizhi *

674. Groin's Grill.

Naybilsh is often seen as a type of grizzly ( umbilical grizzly) To be discussed in section 216.
Step by step - tse groin grill... At the myazovoy stinka belly people є a small canal, ranks of the inguinal canal, which are the signs for the passage of the synovial cord in cholovikiv and the round ligament of the uterus in females. Even the internal opening of the inguinal canal is larger than the average size, a part of the intestine can be pressed into it, if the child is forced to cry. If only a small part of the intestine is consumed in the inguinal canal, then the call in the groin is zduttya, if the intestine reaches the scrotum (in the boy), the rest of the viglyad is greatly increased. The groin's gryzha buva і at the girls. Vona is a lump in the groin.
Vipadannya is a priceless, alert term for the meaning of the same. If the gut progresses downward for an hour, the enemy flares up, and it breaks. Mati nadaromnatsya zapobigti cry baby. For the sake of nothing, do not be torn.
In most cases, the intestine turns on the mice, if the child is lying quietly. The intestine can descend into the inguinal canal schorazu, if the child gets up, it can come back only when the child is under great stress.
Inodі of the groin gryja is infringed, that is. E. Part of the intestine is stuck in the canal, moreover, the blood-bearing judgment, to liven up the intestine, squeezes. This is the order of the failure and bleeding of the intestine, as well as the pain in the abdomen and vomiting. necessary term surgical involvement(Div. Takozh razdil 671).
The groin grizzly is most common in the first 6 months of life. Name the price, because the grizzly was not mentioned. Mati, swaddling the little girl (to that, she's crying a lot), for the first time, the sound of the baby in the groin. Do not slide back with your fingers. However, in order to cleanse the child, on the way to the next place, put the pillow on the stegna of the child, give him a dance with milk, stop the posters, and put the ice on the ice or put ice in the cupboard. There are three procedures that can snake the gut on the muscle.
As soon as you see a gryzh from your child, you will intimately look at the doctor. At our hour of the groin gryzha we will go to the hirurgic path.

675. Dropsy box.

Tsey stan often wander around the grill, so there’s also a wicked scrotum. The skin in the scrotum is located in a thin mouse, in which there is a sprinkle of ridini's drops. Tsya ridina dodatkovo zagishaє yachka. It is often more common for new-born women to grow up to a trocha more, because the stench is seen with more wondrous growths. In some cases, the cell swells less. Dropsy yєchka is not a disease, it’s not to blame for you turbuvati. The number of days in a large number of types will change from time to time, and there is no need for any visits. Inodi, as the pukhlina does not subside, and the scrotum is too large, an operation is required. Don't worry about making a diagnosis yourself. Don't hate to break the license.

* Very sick *

676. Why is it so important to introduce a full-time doctor.

It is necessary to show the eyes of a child, whether it’s like a child who’s mowing her eyes to the nose, she’s poured into her sides, because it’s disgusting to go to school, if I’m going to get lost in my eyes, as I’m often burned out. read, trimming the book zanadto close to the nose, as soon as there is a head nabik, respectfully looking out, as if the change of eyes in school showed that in new frenzy zir. As a child you can read the table, it does not mean at all that he has an absolutely good zir. Yaksho є the symptoms of the fact that the eyes are stressed, the child is all one need to show a full-time doctor. For absolutely perfect performance, it is reasonable to show the childish persh ophthalmology, not to enroll him in school. Zir slid to be reconsidered with a full-time doctor once for 6 years.
Short-term - the most common ailment, as the child even takes an hour for schoolchildren to take, become eligible to be between 6 and 10 rocks. If you can develop more quickly, do not ignore the first signs of short growth (the child reads, trim the book close to the eyes, for it’s written on the back) to that deprivation, well, the child is kindly bachiv every little bit.
Filling of the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctivitis) may be due to the reasons. Con'junctivit get cold for an hour with the undead, ale, if it’s winnicky without getting cold, then it’s going to be serious. Anyone with a conjunctivitis will need to turn up to the lykar, especially if the eyes are red or the eyes fester.


Їх slide it is inaccurate to see. It is important that the liquor price is good. It is absolutely necessary to turn up to the liquor, as the smitinka was not buzzed through the first time, because it was drunk in the eye. Smitinka, how to get lost in the winter or the rainbow obolontsi with a stretch of decilkoh years, you can wicklikati seriously ill... As long as it is important for you to get to the doctor, you can try three ways to see the smiths. The first way: to draw the upper line for each. Tse give the power to sleep more beautifully than the eye. An offensive method: a child of lowering her eyes into a vascular bath, reminiscent of a sterile 2% solution of boric acid. Let's take the child's head together with the bath and the morgue, the little one has developed. The third way: look at the top, so that the smiths get stuck there too. Wrap a clean cotton ball on the sirnik. Tell the child to be astonished down for the whole hour, so that the one from the upper turn will relax. Trimming with your fingers upper vernacular, Apply a sirnik in the middle of the capital and wyvern. Yakshcho you whack the smitinka, carefully mark it with cotton wool, wrapped around the syrnik. Robot with good illumination. If you can't know the smithin, but it's trivial, if the smithin got stuck on intramural apple, Negatively lead the child to the oculist.

678. Yachmin.

The price of firing follicles is practically the same as for a friend in any kind of music. Yachmin wicked to be vicious, gnarly bacteria, which are used in povіku, if the child yogo tre. Call the barley ripe and burst. Likar will prescribe an ointment, which will speed up the progression and advance the widening of the infection. Too long, zazviayut vvazhayut for the beautifully apply something hotter to barley, to speed up its ripening, ale tsei zahid mayzhe do not give results. Such a method is not worthy of a child. The most important side of the disease is those who are one barley who is not behind themselves. It’s just like it’s like, if one barley breaks through, it infects the follicles. The axis of a child should be wiped out, if he wins to rub or to wrinkle his eyes in the period of ripening and ripening barley. As soon as the child has a spill of barley, he is guilty to look around the car. Some parts of barley mean that for some reason the child has a weakened sense of infection.
It’s the mother’s barley, she’s guilty of waving her hands in front of Tim, as it’s a work for a little child, especially if she’s got her own barley: it’s easy to pass bacteria from one person to the next. Yaksho yachmin at my brother, or daddy, it’s more beautiful than a child’s time.

* Sudomi *

679. Yak to behave in tsyom vipadku.

Judge at the child's quiet, hto їkh sposterіgaє, albeit in the great vipadkіv stinks themselves are not, by themselves, not safe. Zazvychay the stench to be attached right away from the one who was carried out the treatment. Call the lykary. Ale, as long as you have a lot of opportunities to immediately call with a lykar, do not be impatient. Call the court and get back on your own, and the child will be asleep at that hour, if the lykar arrives.
Follow the team, the child didn’t hurt herself. Yakshcho vin bite movu, raise yo cracks for the helper olivtsa.
It is not necessary to help the child in cool bath- tse mayzhe do not give anything.
Yaksho child's visoka temperature, grow youmu vologі wiping, Lower the temperature. Stretch the child, wet your hand by the water and rub a hand with one hand with a stretch of 2 chilines, then use your hand, lower your leg, chest and back. Soak your hand in the world of need. From rubbing the shelter of the dollar to the surface of the shkiri, and the vaporization of the water to cool it down. As soon as the temperature changes to 39.5 °, go ahead and wipe it off. If you want to lower the temperature of the baby, don't put carpet on it.
Call the child for an hour in court, the child takes in the witness, the eyes of that zakochuyutsya, the teeth are clenched mintly, or just about the other part of it. Dikhannya becomes important, on the lips can appear trochi pini. In the case of a whole child mimovolі to urinate and viporzhnyuєu.
Suddenly wicked in the tease of the brain, scho vidbuvayutsya for many reasons. The reasons for the development to a good business... In newborns, the cause of childbirth is brain injury.

680. Yaka naiposhirenisha the reason by the court in vіtsі from 1 rock to 5 rock.

tse rіzke pіdvischennya fever with cold, angina and flu. If the temperature rises quickly, the temperature rises quickly nervous system... At an early age, at high temperatures, many children have to fix themselves three times, as they don’t ever have to go to court. If a child has 2 or 3 times he can fix himself at high temperatures, which does not necessarily mean that there is a serious illness; tse also does not mean that the judgment will be repeated in the new nadal. Suddenly call it on the first day of high temperatures and even more early in the coming days.
Epilepsia. Tse repeated sudomi in the older child's viku, without high temperature, the pose with a ring of ill health. See the development of the epilepsy. Innocent child will take her witness before the hour is attacked by the court. With the іnshіy formі, the attack is short, but the child falls and does not lose control over himself, it can simply die for a second, or else the child is stuck looking.
Kozhna child, a yak, is awed at epilepsy, is guilty of being overwhelmed by a visual lykarya-fakhivtsya. The ailment is chronic. There are a number of leaps that you can start to attack or speed up the number.


04.09.2009, 00:46

The child began to lay down the spati. Hot head. I reconciled the temperature - 37.7. Some symptoms are dumb, the skin is clean, the throat is not red, the undead are dumb, viscous, etc. The last day we turned around, there they were sick with herpes sore throat, but only a few weeks ago they looked at our pediatrician and did not know how to bring them back to life. Monday morning we go to the garden for a walk with a group.
Offhand, how can you fix it?
PiSi: doctors wiklik, ale tomorrow.

04.09.2009, 01:06

All will be kind. We have a couple of times the temperature will jump so quickly, and on the coming day, symptoms appear.

04.09.2009, 01:07

Viruses of all infections. Ale, in principle, children and "just like that" can have a rolling temperature.


04.09.2009, 01:09

ГРВІ is the most frequent. If I want one time we have so much follicular angina, even there the temperature is just 39 boles.

04.09.2009, 01:09

Do not be impatient, if I’ll help you, I don’t want to help you, don’t be amazed, the stench is admitted, if you don’t get too arrogant to the wound. Sometimes the temperature on the nerve ground is just boom. Ale cannot be relaxed. Wonder, how to sleep, how to do it, sweats. Do not get sick! Huy to be happy.

04.09.2009, 01:20


04.09.2009, 01:21

Dyakuyu for pidtrimka, girls: flower:.
Honestly, it seems, I gave my daughter Nurofen before going to bed. the temperature dropped by sight.
Axis siju think. My little child's daughter is in a regime, this year she didn’t get involved in a quiet time. Virnishe, lay-lay for 1.5 years, Ale did not fall asleep. Zmushuvati did not - went for a walk. Axis I think the tse dzvіnochok unhealthy buv or the temperature - a history of sleep? hoch bi other option: 091:


04.09.2009, 01:24

Virusna of infection can be without symptoms - we have a couple of times like this - the temperature is 2-3 days at the top, then it went down - that's all. Lykar said the first time that she had a sprinkle of such boules on her day. Smut, do not boast.
we have a rotovirus fixing it like this: for a few days, the temperature just dropped, and then kaaaaak the ass burst. and we went to the Infectious Disease Department of the Children's hospital No.22: 010:

Honestly, it seems, I feel panicuvala. Our herpes sore throat regretted itself so: the first evening the temperature was 37.7, the other day - 39.5, the third - 37.5, and then the temperature in the throat dropped to normal.

Dasha \ Galya

04.09.2009, 01:33

Literally a day before 1 spring, my daughter was sick with a non-noisy disease. For three days we had a temperature of up to 39.0 until the evening. well, it didn’t appear, gave only fever-reducing. On the 4th day vrance 36.8 and all of the day more temperature not boo ... The doctor probably doesn’t know anything and sent us to school ... Well, it’s not clear. Maybe the virus goes like that .. I don’t know.
The doctor is more beautiful tomorrow all the wiklichte, why don't you miss anything serious.