If the body is cleansed due to anesthesia during the operation. How did you go for anesthesia? How to give anesthesia to the body during the operation shvidshe

Absolutely everything is nasty when anesthesia is underway, I want not to get rid of any efiriv at once.

Zagalnovіdomo, when the sick people stopped working for them, the ailments stopped working.

Zagalny anesthesia shkidliviy abo ce myf? Chi pouring anesthesia on the triviality of life, healthy people?

modern drugs for anesthesia a little toxic to human organs.

If the dose is correct for you, the preparation of the injections is correct, there is little to be afraid of.

But I am afraid of anesthesia, pain, I want a reasonably inevitable operation and a need.

Infection of something new: equipment, drugs, new technologies, but all one battle, perhaps not known, what is anesthesia? What kind of check?

Anastasia is good at being safe from the hour of the operation and from her.

The camp of an ailing person for anesthesia, which is in a good class:

  • Visibility of tediousness and blues for prompt engagement.
  • Feeling chills, tremors (in some cases without symptoms during the operation, it is unwise to get around).
  • Periodic monitoring of the dichotomy and blood circulation is carried out for the duration of the operation.
  • monitoring electrical activity brain, control of myazovoi providnost, temperature regime.
  • For a sick person, when they are sick, they are sick, as it is not enough for a patient to try to get on their own by pressing on a button.

    For many, special attachments have appeared, such as ailments to wear constantly with themselves.

    Doctors then control, after having developed ailments by pressing a button, behind the criminals, they begin to step on the sick.

    The staff members, the hour spent during the operation is comfortable.

    Before taking a zagalny anesthesia, use:

    • Your vaga abo index of oil.
    • Vivchaєtsya history of ailments, analysis, permission from fahіvtsіv to carry out anesthesia.
    • Vіk sickly.
    • Continuous accepted feeds and allergic reactions to them.
    • We have a problem with alcohol or drugs.
    • Dentistry examination, as well as empty mouth, dickheads.

    Zagalny anesthesia, also:

    Anesthesia, Komi camp, sleep with any ailments do not see pain. Youmu doesn’t hurt, there’s no reaction. Lyudina nibi without evidence.

    Introduce internal anesthesia internally or inhale.

    Likas are administered by an anesthesiologist, fachivist, who control life, necessary signs of the patient, the response from the hour of the operation.

    Є chotiri stadii:

    Induction abo persha stage:

    It is characterized by a cob of introduction and second sensitivity (svidomosty).

    The stage of destruction is another stage:

    Winikak to the divine, zbudzhenoi activity. Heart is fast and crazy.

    It may become a nuisance, expanding the space.

    Beware of smell. Suchasn_ preparations will run for an hour at two stages.

    Surgical anesthesia or the third stage:

    When everything is set, all the emotions are relaxed, the spirit is driven. Rukh of the eyes to cope, then to lean back. Sickness ready to be operatively involved.

    The stage of overdosing, if you received the wrong dose of anesthesia:

    To lead to a dizzy lack.

    Yak vi rozumієte, the fourth stage - the victory of the rules;

    Why should he be intimidated by anesthesia itself, and not the zestyoluvannya only the necessary dilenka til.

    What kind of surroundings do you want to recognize?

    • It takes an hour for the operation.
    • Rizik of great blood loss.
    • For the svidchennyi self-esteem of the sick.

    Suchasne hirurgicne lіkuvannya є absolutely bakeless entrusted.

    While you are undergoing anesthesia, you can see:

    • Difficult in the passed section.
    • Sints, ailments on the ruts - for the drip pits before the hour of the operation.
    • Post_yna nudota, bloody fluff.
    • Tremtyachi and seeing the cold, you will be shaken, it will be problematic at first pores.
    • Beat in the throat (tied with a dichotomy tube before the hour of the operation).
    • You will not be aware of it, you will be a nurse constantly robbing you of love.

    Ale є group riziku seryoznіshe for inherits:

    People who are abducted during trivial operations for an hour were sick to the risk of serious inheritance.

    For anesthesia, the stench can reject heart attacks, amnesia (loss of memory), stroke and pneumonia.

    It’s very good, it’s possible to make an operation at a time, viduhati, if not a trace of her. Stink є.

    Hercules are early, and are growing.

    Early patches can be seen immediately, people do not go through anesthesia, infusion of a coma.

    There are legacies through the chain of days, for example:

    • Severe headache, it is important to take analgesics. Often brought to the knowledge of drug addiction.
    • Sleep apnea - people stop growing a little for an hour.
    • There is an arterial vice.
    • , You can trivati ​​to finish.
    • There are panic attacks, fear, which leads to normal life. Lyudin is not smart, the stars are taken, but robiti.
    • Judge your feet, litkah nіg, scho to bring neymovіrnі countrymen to a sick person through frequent appearances.
    • Guardian of the heart, there are slaughters in the robot and the pulse is becoming more frequent with.
    • Guard nirku and stove - the organ of purification of our body. Yakim if drugs for anesthesia wouldn’t have been given, ale, he wouldn’t have seen anything, the dose required wouldn’t be very great. Naturally, all clean the health of the organisation's needs.
    • Alcoholism sometimes develops.
    • tila.

    Help yourself during the operation :

    Do even better drink the courses:

    • Piracetam, cavinton (to reduce blood circulation and vitality to the brain). It will be easier to renew your memory, go through the headaches.
    • Go through the EKG (electrocardiogram) again, wonder if your heart goes through the operation.
    • Give shelter, go to the therapist with some tests. Don't miss the hour.
    • Unique anesthesia everywhere and everywhere. Enjoy the teeth for the sickly sick.

    In some life, health zmushuyut us to go to the extreme in the methods of health improvement - work the operation, endure anesthesia and take anesthesia for anesthesia, get rid of the legacy of anesthesia.

    Tse life in everybody. Fewer such episodes in your life. Healthy and happy!

    I will check you on my site.

    Marvel at video, allergy and anesthesia:

    Anesthesia is not a state of being people, wiklican by a piece of shyah in order to turn on the function of the body for a given moment. Ale nsvіdomy stan only one part for anesthesia. Іnsha yogo zavdannya - do not allow automatic reactions of the body to the majority of responses. For them, the autonomic nervous system is suspected, and you won’t be able to control the evidence and practice when you are on the go.

    I rest meta anesthesia - roslabiti m'yazov fabrics To ensure that you have secure access to the problematic mission and set up the surgeon with a friendly mind for the robot. Conducting anesthesia is a foldable robot, so a drug can not be transferred, as a reaction of a particular organism, to those words, cannot be transferred. Alle the way out of anesthesia from outside is not a less important moment. Wine is not safe for health, and innocent and life of the patient.

    I absolutely respect that the term "anesthesia" is transferring the knowledge of a patient to an unknown country, so that he only takes him to anesthesia. As soon as it is possible to reach a certain amount of time, if a patient has a good health, then the term “muscle anesthesia” is not correct, the anesthesia is not correct.

    Yaka buvak anesthesia

    Anesthesia is characterized by the following parameters: according to Vikoristov, it is highly diyuchy speech and the way it gets into the body, according to triviality and glybin, for the program goals of the victorian. The skin groups have their own specialties, their own specialties and passages, as well as their own problems, also:

    miscene anesthesia- Designed for sensitivity sensitivity on specific dilyankas to organism. I reach for the rakhunok of the medication injected onto the singing nerves, so that the sensitiveness of the nerves inside them will not be lost. At the same time, the patient gains clear evidence, as well as dyshal activity. This kind of zeniebolyuvannya stagnates for ailments with an important concomitant pathology, or in quiet cases, if the patient is guilty of being overwhelmed by svidomosty. Win is not an overwhelming infusion on the body, which makes it difficult and the inheritance of it is minimal. The main minus of this kind of anesthesia is that the technology is flexible enough to be completed for the first time.

    іngalyatsіyny anesthesia- Reach for the inhalation of anesthetic drugs, for an additional special mask. For new vikoristovuyutsya special "flying" kind of speech, before the warehouse of which include anesthetics of the ingestion nature and gas-like narcotic speech. Among them, nitrous oxide, fluorothane, methoxyflurane, cyclopropane.

    A pure vigilante has a method of stagnating only in pediatrics, and for older patients, it is more important than one of the warehouse complex anesthesia. Win to finish the simple at zasosuvanny, not serious side-by-side, Inactivate in the liver and it is easy to vivod in the body. The very same one is given a challenge in pediatric practice.

    An even more significant moment can be called those that the surgeon is able to visually control the anesthesia during the operation period. It is especially important to do it, since the sick presence of the pathology of the organs in the blood circulation and dichotomous systems.

    Non-inhalation anesthesia- you can use anesthesia drugs in one parenteral methods(Vnutrіshnyom'yazovo, vnutrіshnyovno, rectally). Yogo perevagami є those who are technically simple, pass without a period of excitement, there is a good relaxed effect, quickly insistently. In a short time, the method of pain can be used for those who do it for a short time, but it doesn’t give the opportunity to be victorious during trivial operations. The area of ​​its stasis is rich in diagnostic procedures, or rather small surgical procedures. The answer to anesthesia of a certain type is awkward and not more than one or two years.

    combinations of anesthesiaє anesthesia of one type, which can be administered by different methods, last or at once. Naybіlsh demanded by this type of neuroleptanalgesia, if at once it turns into a sum of nitrous oxide and acidity, fentanil, droperidol and myazov relaxant. With a wide range of medications, the preparations are injected internally, and for the continuation of the patient's efficacy, I will take away the inhalation mask. A similar method is characterized by the greatest safety, with the smallest number of lethal symptoms in the operation due to anesthesia.

    go to anesthesia, On the basis of the combined type, it is characterized by the stagnation of different types of anesthesia (home + misceva). It is possible to be widely victorious in seasonal surgery, especially in quiet cases, it is planned to be more efficiently handled, and it is essential that the medical anesthesia appears to be deficient.

    endotracheal anesthesia- to vikonua for help, the introduction of a special tube into the patient's trachea, yak will conduct a narcotic speech. The whole method allows you to preserve the dull heights of the ailing one to see in the minds of the unrepentant camp, so that you can reduce the risk happy, And also, if necessary, to see about the education of the respiratory system and the blood and blood.

    Poetapne for anesthesia

    Drinking into human organism, pouring narcotic speech into the robot of all systems and organs. On the skin with chotiroh stages of anesthesia, it is necessary to grow up.

    1. Analgesia - if anesthetic speech is consumed in the body
    2. Destruction - characterized by short-hour activation of all systems, which is trivial to weakness.
    3. Surgery - an hour of the operation, if the robot internal organs to adapt to the necessary stable level.
    4. Awakening - if witness turns, and sensitivity is renewed.

    Yak lyudin I will go to anesthesia

    The moment a patient is given an anesthesia after anesthesia should be as long as possible, if the anesthesiologist is guilty of taking over the patient. How long will it be? At the moment when the anesthetic is supplied, the patient should be repaired with anesthesia. Yak dovgo vin trivatime lay down as decilkoh factors:

    • triviality surgical engagement(The surgery went ahead, the one who brought the anesthesia out of the way)
    • The dose of the anesthetic that was removed (except for the triviality of the operation on the patient's body and sensitivity to the drug)
    • I'm healthy. Hanging with ailments, people with adolescent pathologies are more important than innovating.
    • Vіk sickly. V to a young person zagalnaya anesthesia is easier to carry, lower in lithium.

    At the moment, before the patient, the sensitiveness and testimony are turned around. At the first stage, the tone of the muses and their reflex reactions is renewed, because the nervous system comes into the mindset, it’s worthwhile for the unconnected movement and the presence of anxiety. Just as soon as possible, witness turns, so the patient awakens. At the first moment of blasphemy and gagging, one cannot live in space, forcibly speak and bend emotsii.

    At the same time, the anesthesiologist will carry out a series of tests, which will allow the correct assessment of the level of improvement. Only after having crossed over with a stable positive result, the ailing one is allowed to extubate and transport to the ward.

    How can Lyudin be seen when entering from anesthesia

    So far, no narcotic drugs have been found in the patient's body, he will be able to see it on his own. In the middle, the process of borrowing is close to chotiroh years. If anesthetics are involved in the body - to turn sensitiveness to pain, then the first time I need to go through the operation, and then two (in the absence of the degree of folding of surgical involvement) the patient needs to inject a strong dose of pain in the graph. Zvychay, in the whole hour, it is difficult to infuse the introduction of medications.

    First years of the day after the end of the operation, a sick person will be fenced in to drink, it is possible to deprive the mouth of a feeling of feeling or rinse his mouth. After 3-6-10 years, the water is allowed to be drunk, repaired from the decal kovtkiv, the dose is increased by doing it through the dob-two reach of the worm.

    Pershu will add ailments to the following:

    1. On the spoiled i head b_l... Vona is tied with a variety of anesthetic drugs for central viddil nervous system... Besides, to get stuck to stifle pain lykarsky rechovinys zdatnі reduce arterial grip, how to manifest of the risky step intensity. Another reason for the pain in the head is the stagnation of epidural anesthesia, but it’s just a few days to go through.
    2. on ill-feeling in the throat with a dichotomy. Cyclic events can cause injury to mucous throat injuries before the hour of intubation. As a rule, it takes two or three days for the update.
    3. For nudity and blues. The price of the most common scarg in case of anesthesia, the stench can be found in a type of vicious drug. In order not to allow a similar camp, it is necessary not to have time to drink water, but if it has already begun, then it will be lіkuvalny drugs, Scho allow you to fit in with the problem. You just need to ask the nurse to make a ukolchik.
    4. For chills. It is even more often ailment when I come to myself to skarge on the tremor, at the price of the inheritance of thermoregulation. For normalization, I will add warmth to the sick person, the area around him with warm grains.

    How to give anesthesia to the body during the operation shvidshe?

    For a whole lot of possibilities. For the first time, toxic speech is more likely to occur, as vicoristovuvati drugs accelerate metabolism. On the other hand, when a patient starts to lead an active way of life, he knows how to get familiar with the inheritance of anesthetics. In the third, it is rich in pity, more beautiful than vіtamіnne (like shipworms, oblіpihi, compotes), and more often than not, it is tasted with a quick update. On a quarterly basis, anesthesia is seen as a result of alcohol and alcohol. So as the stench viklikayut spasm of sudin, through scho all communication processes co-ordinate. In addition, alcohol is ruinously sent to the stove, and for the re-introduction of surplus strong speech, the function of the organ is not guilty of being ruined. For reasons of postponing a serious operation to carry out a prophylactic course drug therapy hepatoprotective action and improvement of the function of nirok.

    Men at 13 years old robbed a planned operation on both eyes in the Moscow Morozovsky clinic, as for those children who were lying there, under anesthesia ... But for me, too, the same anesthesia was given by all dozens of ophthalmologists. there are lads in the ward of the school bully, however, the big men are younger than I am ...

    Also, for getting to the power operation, even lying in the surgical ward, I was able to do it from the side, as all those who were already undergoing anesthesia were undergoing anesthesia. So the axis, the ZOVNISHNO didn’t seem to be awkward, and didn’t look quiet, you can often read about them all at once on the Internet!: (((

    Also, for the operation, the patient was brought to the cattle without evidence, with bandaged eyes and a humic pipe in the mouth, - albeit not this old and thin, as if I could insert it into the trachea, it’s very short to reach, won "povitroprovid" to be called, in my opinion. At these openings of the straight-sided peretin, and her mouth sighed only when she went to the hospital to go to the ward from the operative. There, a canoe sick person was placed without a pillow from a wheelchair on a lazy, fastened to her by the hands, and the tube was turned on ... Silently steal and break into a lick, a little trick of all the chilli, and not a year or I will do it! They didn’t wake anyone up, they didn’t beat anyone on their cheeks, and if one kid was better than those who didn’t go to anesthesia, they didn’t get stink in any special calls, but simply checked, if there were three years of arrival, all the time early ... they came in clear witness without any side effects. І НІХТО at all I didn’t marry, I didn’t glitch, I didn’t shout, I don’t read, I didn’t bark, I didn’t shake, I don’t boom, I didn’t bother with my dad, I don’t click, I don’t cluck, I don’t bark, I don’t bark. I’m not shitty (about the tse, however, the nurse kicked in a long time ago;

    Zzalom, zzovny all looked at it peacefully, well, I, before the terrible anesthesia, is more, in the operation itself, mayzhe wondered: I didn’t feel like it, it’s dumb, - that I’m the most unacceptable when I’m not going to see it. .. First of all describe my VIKHID with anesthesia, you need to tell about the response when introduced into the new one, because the stench of boules is interconnected. Zagalny anesthesia was robbed internally, і - as I know from the licensed documents already richly rocked by the fact that being already grown up for a long time - ketamine, who still curse for wickedness and "glitches" and nightmares. And then they were injected with droperidol and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which neutralized the glitchiness of the drug, so my perception of a bullet was far from being so scary, as it is a lot to describe! True, those who didn’t see them and the “mean” seemed to me a lot ...

    Also, if on the operating table they put a droplet in my hand, they didn’t ask me to respect me and didn’t say if I was guilty of falling asleep: all the flywheels were just busy with their preparations before the operation. Timing an hour, my sister began to inject the drug into a vein at the very same hour ... I was already lying on the table in fear, lying on the table for fear of being unprepared at the same hour. Anointing after a few anesthesia, the motor became less well-groomed, the weakness was boring: it was just like a cotton, my head started spinning, it was chilled in front of my eyes, and it was nebuvalo nasty. Qia is terrible tediousness all grew, about what I wanted to tell the drug, but my mova wasn’t heard anymore ... That’s why I just felt sorry for stopping, and then later I’d shyly zomliv. Moreover, my organisms were sensitively connected asynchronously, and in the singing afterward, I found my ear. Through the whole world zanurennya in anesthesia, the whipstocks dwelt to me like nibi from the side ... Remaining, I thought before that, like zovsim nobility, Bula thought: "MABUT, I'm dying!" ..: (((

    Then I fell into the dark, even without thinking, feeling and not seeing. However, all the while under anesthesia, I was in a dream, not a nightmare or a Kazkovian one, like it often buvak, chuv, see ketamine, but quite simple and banal. - They didn’t get enough of the operation at the last moment they chewed it up: it’s melodious to the one that was told to my nobles :) True, it’s important to tell me, why didn’t I get away with an hour of the operation, for it’s not awakened before the start! However, in whatever kind of nightmares, glitches, pipe runs, labyrinths and tunnels, I didn’t see it! ..

    A dozen hour later I was awakening to sleep ... Then before me DIANA OSIPOVA and AVGEN ABRAMOV were asked, that if they went through such operations with a bandage on their eyes, they couldn’t start to grasp the scent, when they smelled like that. ", lying in the new temryavi, - the price of me to be able to navigate the motor! Ale, in my vipad of similar amnesia, for happiness, it wasn’t booming, - only when you come to your senses, I wish I had my eyes tied, I’m already at a loss, what a hell! .. Tobto recognized, hto I; scho the operation was skinchilas; But I still didn’t die - in spite of my overhaul when I was put into anesthesia, - and at once step-by-step from the new vision ... :) it’s not at all that I’ve got it, because it’s dzvenilo in wukh, but before the bandaged eyes, it’s sucking temryava, so I didn’t see it, because it was frozen. I didn’t see the hard times, I didn’t feel well, because my head is frozen, it’s okay from nowhere, to fly here in a dazzling empty space, dumb in the dark space vacuum... Until then, the very nasty people in the big big camp will be those, which I absolutely did not know, are so trivial !? I was deprived of it stupidly, passively check ... Dovgo chi, briefly, a little more deviously, I "froze": my feeling was renewed, I became a substitute for the ringing ringing in vukhs, and I saw the sound of my head, but not just my own. - I’m not just good at normal, clearer evidence, but I didn’t tear myself that bad bandages on my hands, which I didn’t, like to the others, were tied to a sled, if they brought me from the operation earlier humiliating! .. :) Zagalom, sklav the sound of her hands on her breasts, and if the ward first came into the ward (so that I was awakened) the Chergov nurse came in, suddenly without tears, I was completely off. - I remember, you won’t be able to take me away for the torn ties, but I interrupted them and supplied them for an hour: you won’t let me know, - it’s been here, about three in the afternoon ... 2, and it means that I didn’t get better than none of them!

    The axis, shorter, has been tested during anesthesia and when it comes to a special purpose. And I want the boys to be operative, I didn’t think it’s asleep just to think about their feelings, I think the stench from the inside smelled about the same. Tsei cheap ketamine anesthesia is not really tricky, but now it is not the best option. - I didn't get any nightmares or hallucinations at new times, I didn't fight in the courts, I didn't read, I didn't sleep, I didn't shout, I didn't scream, I didn't bother. All the letters lay in the middle of the operation even more quietly, like bears, they didn’t change them to others ... But it’s not the one who didn’t hear the language, but if they wanted to, they spoke clearly and differently! .. Navіt spragu, as I remember, and that is especially not for anyone who didn’t get anesthesia! And in some minor "side effects" of the type of failures in memory, drowsiness, headache, or panic fears, I did not see any in my carnivore, but now, I read it through normally ...

    Meals about those who come from anesthesia undergoing an operation, sick people who need surgery. Singingly, it’s not so afraid of the operation itself, yak side effects from anesthesia.

    Competently carrying out anesthesia will help you to get a quick start and with a minimum school for your health.

    Anesthesia: plus and minusi

    Anesthesia is a wiklican with a piece (medication) path of the nervous system, when it’s maltreated and does not respond to pain. At a time, there is an increase in the weakening of the mucus, the loss of some reflexes, the organism is thrown into a deep sleep.

    The introduction of special drug-anesthetics, which will prevent such an effect, is attainable. The anesthesiologist received a new dose of the drug that would help the body to get better with anesthesia. I navpaki, the best pardon in cich rosrakhunks can lead to tragic inheritances.

    Anesthesia poklikana to cleanse the organism of people from operational injuries. It’s not just the nobility most of the views, And y zakist organizmu. Unimportant to those who need anesthesia to help people transfer promptly involved It is often the reason for the acceleration of side effects. If the current medicine has come out of the list of highly toxic drugs, which have been consumed in the last, some of them are present.

    As a rule, before the operation, the doctor-anesthesiologist of goiter should tell the patient about those who are sick, about all side effects... The important role of visual presence fellow sickness and allergies. The very fact, before the operation, it is necessary to go through a further round-up.

    Turn around to see and type of anesthesia

    Anesthesia lasts for the following types:

    • zagalna;
    • regional;
    • misceva.

    General anesthesia is the most common type of anesthesia. It is a single type of anesthesia, if the patient has a testimony. For his sutta, there is still a deep sleep, wailing with special medicinal preparations. Vikoristovuyt this kind of zeniebolyuvannya during serious and trivial operations.

    This is a kind of zebolyuvannya vimagaє the prodigality of dichal nobles. As soon as it is promptly involved, it is guilty of being a trivial, then aspirations can come - a camp, if instead of the slunk you have been drunk in the shorts. At any kind of anesthesia, a special tube is introduced to the patient for anesthesia. For the vikoristovutsya is a special mask, which I will call laryngeal. If people are still asleep, they will not suffer discomfort.

    Anesthesia buvaє:

    • venous (drugs are injected into a vein);
    • endotracheal (through a special tube);
    • maskovy (patsієnt dikhaє through a mask).

    You can also use one of these methods. Glybin anesthesia (that is, how to sleep a patient) is controlled by the drug, the dose of the drug is changed. If you are trivial and serious, you sleep too much. At the end of the operation, the lykar prypinyaє the presentation of the leaks, the patient himself prepares to go to sleep.

    Turn around to zm_stu Hour, for how to go under anesthesia

    The physician-anesthesiologist, through all the operations, to pursue the concentration of the drug in the patient's blood, control the heart rate, temperature of the patient, and the response for additional special attachments. During the operation, the patient's repair is included in the form of anesthesia. Turn the sensitiveness of the muses, reflexes, people come to you. Lykar-anesthesiologist ask to ask a sick person for a few simple power supply. So it’s okay to get over, so the ailment turns to you and you can normally go to anesthesia.

    The body needs a day or so to get some drugs to get stuck for zebra-smelling zest. For the whole hour, you will be in control of the body of the patient's systems, and the stench will change, and the stench will function normally. For some people, they should be given anesthesia quickly, they should be able to use special drugs, and they should neutralize narcotic speech.

    As a rule, with a correctly insured dose of anesthetic and a normal reaction to the body, the hour of going from the postal anesthesia is nearly 4 years after the end of the operative engagement. When a sick person comes out, hesitate to inject drugs that are sickly sick, and it will take about 12-18 years to stay in the country. Tse is absolutely normal phenomenon, as it is not guilty of turbuvati loved ones.

    Another hour, when I go out, I’ll see ailments coming out of my mind.

    The exact hour, for the organism, there will be vivedin preparations for zenoluvannya, to lay down the individual features of the organism, to become healthy.

    The skin of a lyudin, as it is necessary to undergo promptly entrusted with an anesthesia, is naturally uncomfortable and safe. Hvilyuvannya cі zrazuіlі, so as to navіtіyіyіnі advanced advances in medicine do not give the possibility of transferring to all 100% of the inheritance, both the operation itself, so і zagalny anesthesia. People have an individual tolerance for anesthesia, since it is not possible to transfer the perception of anesthesia to a patient.

    As it is possible to implant anesthesia on the body, and if it comes from it, it can be found in a number of officials:

    Lyudin's skin to tolerate zagalny anesthesia in a reasonable way

    There is a great step in the response of the anesthesiologist on the shoulders of the anesthesiologist, who is guilty of replacing the patient's medical card, making the correct vibration of the anesthetic drugs and the way they are administered. The doctor-anesthesiologist of the goiter should conduct a conversation with the patient about the correct preparation of the organism before the possible surgical engagement. For those who are sick about those, for the hour and for the hour itself, they will go for an anesthesia, and then later on, they will not be able to develop the development quickly.

    It is important to pamyatati, scho zanurennya into a drug sleep with an anesthesia - tse vypravdaniy risik. However, it has been brought to the fore, that if the patient is properly prepared by the patient before the operation, anesthesia should not be susceptible to severe symptoms.

    Plus and minus and extravagant anesthesia

    Moreover, I often don’t accept anesthesia because the procedure is necessary. Anesthesia is widely used in various fields of medicine. With a stretch of the operation, lyudin, you will sleep in the box of a piece sleep, do not feel pain and lie on the operating table nervously, without care for the doctor-surgeons ideally think for robots. The visibility of reflexes, the relaxation of communication and the mental calmness of a sick person, give people the ability to develop effectively and clearly to the most common manners.

    Zagalny anesthesia can be used for a number of perevag, after an uninterrupted hour of surgical engagement. Lyudin, who is in a badly calmed camp, will reject a painful shock, such as an inappropriate physical and mental health. The sight of panic and fear is beneficial for the patient himself and for the quiet one.

    Zagalny anesthesia will help the physicians to carry out the operation quickly

    Before a possible operation, it is necessary to talk to an anesthesiologist, who should tell you about all the fears in the world.

    In the recent past, high toxicity drugs were used to prevent drug-induced sleep. However, this year in the rozvinenih lands vikorystovyutsya only sparing for the body of anesthetics. The head of the patient's mind is not to know the information about the anesthesiologist, as it can be important when choosing an anesthetic drug. Merciful litter about the transfer in the recent past ailments, or about the reception of fenestrated preparations, to bring to the sum of the inheritance.

    Before the minus for a piece of sleep, those who are undergoing anesthesia can come to an inappropriate response:

    • hallucinations of health;
    • hallucinations of rumors;
    • nudota;
    • blues;
    • I have a pain in the shlunk;
    • headaches;
    • strong dryness in the mouth;
    • sore throat;
    • vidchuttya strong vtomy.

    In the skin, there are ways to reduce the risk of development inappropriate symptoms for anesthesia. For the whole it is important to honestly follow the recommendations of the anesthesiologist before the operation. On all food of the doctor, it is necessary to give a viciously truthful message. When the minds are dimmed and the right combination of drugs is chosen, the patient must be given anesthesia quickly and without delay.

    How can I go with anesthesia?

    During the operation, people undergo anesthetic anesthesia individually and not transferred. For an hour, it is a trivial period, for a skinny time to lie in a specific setting. Some of the patients go through a piece of sleep through a sprinkle of chilin when the operation is over. The stench still comes to the end of the year, and after a year, the first carp of water will be rocked. Some of the ailments come from anesthesia for years, and they are not susceptible to any kind of experience in life.

    People’s camp for anesthesia is based on a number of factors

    For an hour, the loan is taken from anesthesia during the operation, to be kept in the form of triviality. In case of awkward surgical entanglements, as if allowing the patient's body, the anesthesiologist "wake up" his operation right in the operation. In tsyom vipadku, even after 5 or 6 years old patients come to you. It’s a good old-fashioned bouillon, meeting with other people and getting over-satiated on your own.

    When you are under anesthesia, you are often supervised severe pain in the traumatized in the course of the surgical involvement of the region. We are sick after a while about all the painful symptoms that may occur at a time when I start. There is no need to endure and suffer. Increasingly about how to be carried over in view, allow doctors to quickly find out overwhelmingly and in addition to helping the development of anesthesia less important for the body.

    How can I work for an hour when I go to anesthesia?

    surgical operations conceal a planned nature. Lyudin, who is also designated to be involved, will get enough of an hour for self-catering training. Because of the quality of the preparation process, there is a lot of room for those who are both the patient and the patient who will need anesthesia.

    The majority of people who have been operated on for anesthesia for a trivial hour (from 3 years), come to them for a stretch of 1-3 dB at the moment of taking anesthetics. So, as one and the same anesthetics, in a rational way, it is possible to treat ailments with a similar anamnesis, the accuracy of the exact value for an hour is low;

    Leave the patient to go out of the wrong camp, come periodically to the house. At the chilin, the medical doctor asks the sick person about self-esteem, in which it is important to report without a litter. There is no need to endure pain, severe tediousness or blunt reflexes, as medicine in sufficient ways to correct problems.

    Before the operation and the message of her, the people saw an uncontrollable feeling of fear. However, we are not fighting for panic on our own. In the presence of intrusive experiences, the consultation of a psychologist is required before the ear of the operation. As the relatives of the sick person take part in their share, it may be necessary to talk to a psychologist. Pidtrimka of the elderly, with a competent supervisor, in addition to helping the patient get ready to go surgical treatmentі allow you to more easily transfer the inheritance of anesthesia.