Disruption of the water-electrolyte balance and the method of yogo correction. Electrolytic balance in the body of people

Ale through the wrong harachuvannya, creepy or lack of pitt and other officials, the balance can be ruined. As the salt grows more, then there is anger, the grip and thick roofs will move, and if this failure is spared, then a nirk deficiency develops, the grip falls, the organism quickly drains the age. How to change the water-salt balance to the body and to correct it? For information on food prices and recommendations, read the statistics.

Improving salt balance

Independently, it is easy to destroy the warehouse by organism, so it is necessary to turn up to the doctor at the age, if there is no such power, then I respect the symptoms of an attack:

  • back to the toilet;
  • horse racing grip;
  • post_yne seeing sprague;
  • concentrated section of the thick-chewed colora;
  • zhovtuvatiy іdtіnok shkіri і nіgtіv;
  • dryness epidermisu, hair loss.

If symptoms are present, then the water-salt balance can be damaged, so it is necessary to be aware of it. There are several ways to improve the price:

The detailed information about the skin is presented below, and the most beautifully on the bottom of the chain for achieving the optimal result.


The essence of the method of polarization is in accepting vitamins-mineral or simply mineral complexes, such as replacing calcium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, silicon - metals, leading to the water-salt balance of the middle organisms.

Most likely to see a drug, which is the correct choice of a complex in the presence of a demand for the body, or you can also go to a pharmacist in a pharmacy. Often, for this purpose, the water-salt balance is adopted:

  • "Duovit", which includes 8 necessary minerals and 12 vitamins;
  • "Vitrum", in every presence there are more than 10 mines;
  • "Biotech Vitabolik"

It is also necessary to consult with the doctor before implantation, and also to create the necessary analyzes for the organization of the needs of the organism. The complex will need to drink a month, and then I will break the triviality in a few days.


It’s a cool way to get out of a medication, so that you don’t need coloration, but a special way. The leather pharmacy sells special packages, which are available in a variety of different salts. A handful of podobnі vikoristovuvalis for an hour such ailments, such as cholera, dysentery, otruunnya, and even that lyudin shvidko draws in a day with a carry and blues, and salt roschin to help organizmuvat water in.

Before the victorious packages of such packages, it is necessary to consult a doctor for a certain amount of time, as well as this method is not possible when:

  • nirkova lack;
  • reddish diabetics;
  • ochoryuvannyah pechinki;
  • Infections of the sechostatic system.

For renewal, drink a heavy course of packages. Accept їх varto in a year I’ll be hurt, and offensive pryom I was guilty but not earlier than in the past year. For the hour of drinking, it is necessary to change the amount of salt added to the diet, so that there is no excess.


To establish a water-salt balance, it is necessary to take advantage of different liquids. Without a shkodi for the body, it is possible to create the correct diet with a salt solution. Today, Lyudin is guilty of living close to 7 grams of speech (for a vignette of ailments, which is shown in a small part or outside of the turn of the day).

Enjoy the taste of the salt in the food. In a 3 liter casserole soup, add 1-1.5 tablespoons of salt (tse is close to 10 grams). It seems that in 300 ml of the product there is 1 gram of chemical speech. And the axis in one portion of fast food or napivnas can be fought up to 12 grams of salt!

Ensure that you are happy with the chemistry of speech and do not go beyond 5-8 grams per day, so that the water-salt balance will be saved.

  1. replace the wicked kitchen salt, Vikoristovyte morska, even in nіy there are more necessary mines.
  2. I don't have a lot of opportunities to live seafood Then give the iodovan the kitchen.
  3. Do not salt "on the eye", but pick spoons. At the tea tray there are 5 grams, and in the bottom without a weight 7 grams.

It is also impossible to forget, the balance of water-salt, and, therefore, the great value of the water. It is necessary to live it in the fallowness of the mass. On a skin kilogram, a mass of seizure is 30 grams of water, and it is innocent to change 3 liters per day.


Hospitalization through the deterioration of the water-salt balance is recognized as a little bit, ale and a bit too much. In this kind of ailment, it’s obvious that we take special mineral preparations and salt roschini. A strict regime of pitta is also indicated, and the whole thing is prepared for the consumption of the patient. In extremes, the droplets are recognized with physiological differences.

To update the water-salt balance today, please use the following recommendations.

  1. Drink extra water, even juices, bouillon or jelly did not soothe the needs of the body.
  2. A schodenny obsyag of rіdini is easy for yourself: for 1 kg of vagi - 30 g of salt.
  3. For a liter of vipito water and need 2-2.3 grams of salt.
  4. Follow the color of your slash - you are guilty of the light of the same, mayzhe glimpse.
  5. at dear ones For any reason, please consult a doctor before any action to restore the salt balance.

The water-salt balance in the middle of the body can be updated in the home minds, but before the cym it is necessary to update the drug and create an analysis. It is not a matter of self-determination to recognize any kind of vitamin-mineral complexes, or salt packets, which are more beautifully intertwined with a series of recommendations.

Why does a wine break down the water-salt balance?

How can the deterioration of the water-salt balance in the body, and the inheritance of the imbalance be possible?

Two appearances - one problem

Water-electrolyte (water-salt) balance can be broken in two steps:

  1. Hypergidration - overwhelming purchase of birth in the body, trust in the survival of the rest. Vona accumulate in the small space, all the growth in the middle of the cells, the growth will remain. When done in the process nerve cells zhudzhuyutsya nerves centri i find out by judgment;
  2. Degidratation - a manifestation, opposite to the anterior one. The blood is repaired, the blood clots are increased, the blood circulation in the tissues and organs is disrupted. If the deficiency is more than 20%, death occurs.

The deterioration of the water-salt balance is manifested by the second vagina, dry skin and horn. With a strong deficiency in the pediatric patient's fatty cells, the consistency of the blood is bad, eyes fall, and the volume of circulating blood speeds up.

Dehydration of supernatant exaggerated rice, cyanosis of the lips and nigtiv, low grip, weak and frequent pulse, hypofunction of nirok, increased concentration of nitrogenous bases through the destruction of bilky metabolism. Also, people are freezing upper and lower kintzivki.

This diagnosis, such as isotonic dehydration, is the loss of water and sodium in an equal amount. You can also be seen in the presence of a hospitable otrunny, if the electricity and obsyag of the savage middle age are consumed in the case of a disease and blues.

Chomu vinikak nestacha or surplus in organizmі vodi

The main causes of the pathology are the outburst of birth and overgrowth in the body. Rivn calcium in the blood to decrease with pathologies thyroid gland for the message is vivid; if the preparation of radioactive iodine is stagnant (for lykuvannya); with pseudohypoparathyroidism.

Natriy to decrease in case of pregostrokovo current incapacitation, to supervise the decrease in vision of the battle; v during the operational period; in case of self-cultivation and uncontrolled intake of sequential preparations.

Kaliy decrease as a result of internal changes; with alkalosis; aldosteronism; corticosteroid therapy; alcoholism; liver pathologies; taking operations on the small intestine; with ін'єкція інсуліну; hypofunction of the thyroid. The reason for the increase in the number of catatons and for the reception of that for the day, the reason for the increase in the number of clients and the return of the calories from them.

Symptoms and signs of a deterioration in the water-salt balance

The first troublesome signals to lie down in order to enter the body - hyperhydration or dehydration. Suddenly, there is swelling, bloating, diarrhea, spraga is strong. Often the acid-water balance changes, decreases arterial vise, Prevents arrhythmic heart rate. It is not possible to ignore the symptoms, as a progressive pathology can be brought to the heart and death.

Calcium deficiency due to sudom and smooth muscles. Especially not uncomfortable spasm of the great sudins and larynx. If there is an excess of a certain element of wine, there is a strong spraga, blues, acceleration of sevipuskannya, rotting blood circulation.

Calcium deficiency is supervised by alkalosis, atony, CNI, intestinal imperfections, pathologies of the brain, fibrillation of the slums in the heart, and by the changes in the rhythm.

With an incremental concentration in the organism, the cerebral palsy, nudota, bloating. The tsey stan is not safe, so as the fibrillation of the heart slings develops more quickly, so that the temporality of the zupinka is in front of the heart.

Excessive magnesium in the case of malignant antacids and dysfunction nirok. Denmark's camp is super-bored, adjustable temperature, trusting heart rhythm.

The role of nirok and sesovidial systems in the regulation of water-salt balance

The function of the paired organ is focused on the adjustment of the steel of the developmental processes. The stench is caused by an exchange, when it is seen on the sides of the tubular membrane, causing an excess of cations in the body and an adequate reabsorption and reabsorption of water, sodium. The role of nirok to finish is great, since its functions allow you to save a stable exchange of a small age and an optimal level of speech, which is distributed in it.

In order to improve the health of people, it is necessary to have close to 2.5 liters of birth. Approximately 2 liters of wine will be taken away through a drink and a drink, 1/2 liter will be established in the body itself as a result of exchange processes. One liter per liter vivodyat nirki, 100 ml - intestines, 900 ml - shkіra і legenі.

A little bit of birth, yaku vivodyat nirki, to lay down to become and the needs of the body itself. With maximum diuresis, the organ of the sevidial system can carry up to 15 liters of ridini, and with antidiuresis - up to 250 ml.

Risky number of cich indicators to lie down due to the intensity and the nature of tubular reabsorption.

Diagnostics of water-salt balance breakdown

at to the first to put a way of laying, for a more therapy to lay down due to the reaction of the sick person to the introduction of antishock forces and electrolytes.

Likar to put a diagnosis, primed on the scars of a sick person, anamnesis, the results and the following:

  1. Anamnesis. If there is ailment in the disease, it is necessary to carry out a medical examination, to clarify information about the deterioration of the water-electrolyte balance (diarrhea, ascites, vortexing of the shlunk, sounding of the collar, the importance of intestinal colitis, short-term diseases ;
  2. Installation of the step of overcoming pathology, carrying out visits to usunenia and overcoming acceleration;
  3. Zagalny, bacteriological and serological analysis of blood, to identify the cause of the disease. There may be signs of additional laboratory and instrumental information.

The current diagnostic methods allow you to establish the cause of the pathology, the steps, and also quickly start before the symptoms disappear and the health of the people is renewed.

You can change the water-salt balance in the body

Transmission therapy come in:

  1. I will be bought, as I can become a threat to life;
  2. Bleeding and blood loss;
  3. Lіkvіduєt gіpovolemіya;
  4. Usuvaєtsya giper- or giperkalієmiya;
  5. You need to check in for the regulation of normal water-electrolyte exchange. Most often it is recognized as glucose, polyionic solutions (Hartman, lactasol, Ringer-Locke), erythrocytic mass, polyglyukin, soda;
  6. It is also necessary to cross the branch happy- epilepsy, heart failure, spice during therapy with sodium preparations;
  7. It is necessary to control hemodynamics, function of nirok, rivn KOS, VSO for additional internal introduction of salt solutions.

Preparations that will freeze to restore the water-salt balance

Calcium and magnesium asparaginate is required for myocardial infarction, heart failure, Artim, hypokalies and hypomagnes. The drug is good to get wet during oral ingestion, vivoditsya with nirkami, transferring magnesium and calories, and when necessary, into the small space.

Sodium hydrocarbonate - often stagnates when swirling ailments, Gastritis with acidity, acidosis (with intoxication, infection, sugar diabetes), as well as with stones in nirkas, fired organs of energy and mouth waste.

Sodium chloride - stagnates in case of non-malignant birth or a large amount of waste, for example, in case of toxic dyspepsia, cholera, diarrhea, nontrimous vomiting, and severe opikas. The drug is nadaє Regenerating and disintoxicating effect, allowing the renewal of water-electric exchange in case of developmental pathologies.

Sodium citrate - allow for innovation normal indicators blood. Daniy zasib increased concentration of sodium.

Hydroxyethylcrochmal (ReoHES) surgical procedures, Gostrich in blood losses, diagnoses, infections in the form of prevention of shock and hypovolemia. It also stagnates when microcirculation is growing, so it’s more widespread in terms of organism, which introduces capillary stems.

Dotrimannya natural water-salt balance

The Danish parameter can be damaged not only when serious pathologies, Ale і with clear sweat, overgrowth, uncontrolled implantation of sechoginnyh, trivial salt of the child.

Dotrimannya regime pitta - the mind of prevention is important. It is necessary to control the apparent disease, chronic pathology, do not take any medications without the recognition of a drug.


Yak Vi vvazhaєte, you can know the spіlnogo mіzh products from the list below:

sauerkraut in Russian style,

kvass in tomatoes,

pomidori and salted oats? One very high instead of a microelement calium, life necessary for a high-powered robot and nervous myazovoi systems- in contrast to tissue and blood plasma, it drops sharply on the basis of alcoholic excesses.

At the classic picture of Russian intoxication sauerkraut(With lodkom), dobovі shі and і rosіl z-pіd ogіrkіv in the presence not vipadkovo. Among the people, it is noted that the very products themselves do not know the tightness of the hangover - depression, weakness, heart interruptions and inshe.

For example, if there is an electrolyte warehouse for the organisms of good health (it’s possible to supply enough energy for the body to supply magnesium, calcium, sodium chlorine and inorganic phosphate). At the clientele, it’s worth keeping so called “blood plasmas”, instead of the main electrolytes and for special formulas to insure the deficit of whatever they are.

Isn't there a problem in the minds of the beat, if laboratory analysis is inaccessible, and the camp of the "sick" is not wicked to particular optimism? Chi maє sense is straightforward to use the electrolyte?

Surely, maє - especial, as in the most likely maybutnyy you try to turn to active intellectual or physical activity. Storing up the consumption of magnesium and calories (in the abstinence state, the lack of microelements itself is due to the severity of the hangover), allowing the normalization of the robot's heart, the central nervous system- mi maєmo on respect to the turn of the building of reading, thinking, talking, thinking, writing, and letting go of the emotional stress.

Our practitioner has more than once brought sticks to the inappropriate views I am in pain in the area of ​​the heart, so that I am diagnosed with an alcoholic process. Dear, for great people, I do not have any problems with my heart, it’s more important to move a little more - whether it’s cardialgia (it’s just like “beating in the heart”). Feel the fear and ruin.

It's a small professional secret: a lot of quiet, hto be victorious for expensive drug addiction help at home (a number of suggestions without any advertizing), stumped by the very camp of their hearts and often by the righteous overflowing. Naturally, such sufferers in the first place will remember the deficiency of calories and magnesium - Panangin, the drug, to take revenge on the offense of electrolyte from the eyes of asparagine salts and actively vikorize in cardiology. It is necessary to achieve a quick normalization of the processes of stimulation and conduction of electrical impulses in the myocardium, and magnesium, moreover, makes a positive impact on communication processes in the heart muscle. Before the speech, Magnia has a number of other important authorities: guilt is relieved because of a feeling of depression, I am aware of my motivation and my protisnom action.

Let's see the awkward wiki.

Dobova needs the organism in calories (well, for people with an average weight of 70 kg) to become 1.0 mmol / kg mass: 1.0 mmol / kg x 70 kg x 16.0 gram / mol (molar mass) = 1.12 grams per add. For an alcoholic process, we will help to increase the energy intake from the blood plasma and from the cell to the body, the need for a whole electrolyte will be reduced by 50%.

In addition, there is a great number of births and drugs-diuretics behind our scheme (div. Dal), so that I actively see it: there is a singular number of calories to go through the cross at once; The preparations are indicated for the viglyadі tablets "through the mouth", in conjunction with which the quantity of calories can be reduced by 50%.

At once: 1.12 g + 0.56 g + 0.56 g = 2.24 g cal / dobu.

How can you memorize a pretense of deficiency?

Practically in the skin pharmacy for sale є two popular and inexpensive drugs - Asparkam and Panangin, which are constantly getting used to ailments-cores. In one pill of a miracle-working method, you can find: asparkam - 40.3 mg of calories, panangin - 36.2 mg of calories.

Vikoristovuyut preparations in the following way: a sprinkle of tablets, fine-tune and take, in front of the front razhinivshi in 0.5 flasks of warm water. The effect is to be judged by the offensive rank - if there is no idea in the area of ​​heart, then it takes a day to take two 1 tablet of asparkam or panangin and send a message about them. In practice, it seems that the beneficial effect of the infusion is not earlier, not in 1-1.5 years after taking the first dose of the drug.

Detailed information about the availability of asparkam and panangin You can know in the next sections of our book. It’s great, but not all recommendations can be victorious with ailments with chronic heart disease, heart rhythm damage and chronic nirk deficiency, - I want to know the calamity and the wicked sily, the sinister nature of them is far from innocent.

Reasonable nourishment: if you do not get enough calories, you need to get 2.24 grams, and if you get a panangin, or aslarkam, you do not get more calories. Is it a reshta? On the right there is a glade in the fact that the number of microelements is an absolutely natural path to come at once with drink and drink. So, for example, in 100 grams of extravagant cartoplas, there is approximately 500 mg of calories; yalovitch, low-fat pork, or riba, put calories in a quantity of 250 to 400 mg per 100 grams of the true part of the product feces... The surplus of electrolytes is automatically transferred to the organism from the section for an additional number of hormones.

Zagalom, the idea of ​​the method is as follows: for sub-active polishing of electrolytes, it is very fast to speed up - the organism itself is developed by itself. Ale is insanely one (and it is a very good practice): positive "electric" mailing, straightening on the renewal of the lost balance, friendly in the first years of abstinence, pouring in Not only on cardiovascular system And on the extravagant tone of the body - calium and magnesium take on more than 300 subtle biochemical reactions.

What kind of problem is it, if the drugs are inaccessible, and the painful abstainers are in pain, disrupting the rhythm and inappropriate thinking in the area of ​​the heart? Here it is necessary to go into the popular practice: a dish of greased cartoplas with yalovichin, kvass in tomatoes, peas of peas, rose or sauerkraut.

Bagato rocky in that, on the Distant Descent, the fakhivtsi of alcoholic beverages have raised our respect for the food product, which borrowed a modest place in the middle of the exotic. Vikoristovuvavsya wine in a single lubricated cybula, which is a bit of seafood (such as squid, trumpeter, combing or just ribs), successfully suppressed the Russian growth. The product is not a good one, yak SEA KABUSTA.

Having zapped, we turned up to the next stage of literature and went out, but sea cabbage cannot get enough food and magnesium from the average food products, which we see in our region (it’s close, we know).

On the right, in the fact that sea cabbage is toning on human organisms, it’s not just one thousand years old, who’s more victorious and victorious in Japanese, Korean and Chinese medicine. One of the last innovations is the health of sea cabbage to increase the strength of the body up to the infusion of agile stressors right up to the ionizing radioactivity (which seems to be a medical product, high adaptogenic seafood). Before we talk, we will talk about the adaptation of adaptogens with you at the general distribution of our reader - the whole tsikava theme!

At the end, it is significant that the grams of canned sea cabbage will replace all that amount of calories, as we have boosted. Alone, but three times to meet the situation, - no less accept the savor of the product, I want everything to be in your hands here. Inodi add a good tomato sauce.

Water-salt balance in the body: deterioration, renewal, adaptation

Water-salt balance of people

Due to the water-salt balance of people, there is a growth in the processes of growth, development and development of water and mineral salts. Lyudin is well stocked with water. So, in the body of a newly born baby, it is close to 75%, in older people it is close to 60%, and in females - 55%. With the plinth of life, an indicator of step-by-step change.

The importance of the balance of salts and water in the body

Water-salt exchange includes in itself the process of proper water and salt intake into the organism, its absorption, growth and development of tissues, organs and births, and formation of the organism. Winning is one of the most important mechanisms for improving the life of people.

Water takes care of the fate practically in all communication processes. Vona take revenge on all tissues, cells and organs. The importance of birth for the body is easy to reevaluate.

Salt exchange is necessary for the identification of such functions, such as the risk of rіdinya along the vessels, increasing metabolism, consuming blood, preserving the normal level of sugar in the blood, reducing toxins and іnshe. The main electrolytes are used: calcium, magnesium, sodium, chlorine and calcium.

regulation mechanism

Regulation of the water-salt balance is carried out with decilcom systems. Special receptors give signals to the brain when there is a change in electrolytes, ions and water. The idea is to improve the life, growth and growth of the organism of children and salts.

Vivennya vodi and electrolitiv vіdbuvаtіv through nirki under the control of the central nervous system. Mechanism of regulation of water-salt exchange of a field in the offensive. The central nervous system receives a signal about the breakdown of the normal balance of the number of salts. Tse vyroblennya singing hormones or physiologically active words. The stench, in your own cherga, is poured into the vivedennya of salts from the body.

Features of water-salt exchange

To get involved, it’s guilty of trimming about 30 ml of water per skin kilogram of her vagi. The goal of cleaning for the organism's production with minerals, the necessary origin in the fabric, the clergy and the organization, the distribution and production of the names of the products of living. Zvychayna lyudina is rarely alive in a day for more than 2.5 liters of water, from which it is close to a liter to be brought to the road, to take revenge in the city, and another 1.5 liters - to pour water into a vipita.

The balance of life is to be accumulated in the course of performance and vision in one hour. Vivedennya vodi is carried out through the sectional system, together with feces, through food, as well as at once with turns to see.

Loss of water-salt balance

There are two paths to the breakdown of the water-salt balance: hyperhydration and dehydration. The first of them is a pivot of the purchase of water in the body. Ridin can be accumulated in fabrics, in the middle of the space, or in the middle of the room. Degidratatsiya - lack of water. Bring up to thickening of blood, setting of blood clots, destruction of normal blood flow. As soon as the water deficit becomes 20%, the people are dying.

cause the appearances

The reason for the deterioration of the water-salt balance has become overgrowth in the body and waste. So, the hyperhydration of the vine in the case of water in the tissues and twisting of the vivedenny, for example, in the pathology of nirok. Dehydration does not develop very quickly when intestinal infections If there is a strong blowing and bloating.

A decrease in the level of salts can be due to the following reasons:


Symptoms of damage to water exchange lie in its form. With hyperhydration, it is obvious that there is a bump, tedium, weakness. When there is a lack of birth in the body, the spraga appears to be strong, the skin and the thinness become dry, it also helps to increase the brightness and coldness of the colors, and the decrease in the number of the skin and the decrease in the elasticity of the skin. With such camps, an obovyazkova is required for medical assistance.

Insufficient and surplus of mineral resources in terms of the amount will be folded. If there is a lack of calcium in the body, it can be judged, most not safe to become spasms of the sudin and larynx. Allow the addition of salts to the mineral to produce bloom, spraga, and more power to see the slaughter and pain in the slurry.

Symptoms of a deficiency of calories: atony, pathology to the brain, alkalosis, intestinal imperfection, Snake the rhythm of the heart. With overwhelming jogging in the body, there can be a spasm and boredom. Tsei stan can lead to the development of the fibrillation of the slings of the heart and the zupinka of the robotic front of the heart.

An excess of magnesium in the blood can be produced before the appearance of boredom and blues, under the temperature and confidence of the robot's heart.

Go to the update of the water-salt balance


For the restoration of the water-salt balance, drugs can be stored, which can be used to regulate the change in the body of salts and ridini. Prior to such inputs, the following should be reported:

  1. Magnesium and calcium asparaginate. Yogo priznachayut in case of infarctions, robotic heart failure, heart failure, as well as in case of lack of calories or magnesium.
  2. Hydrocarbonate sodium. The whole drug can be prescribed for gastritis with altered acidity, flares, acidosis, intoxications, infections and in other types. Volodya antacid dyu, promotes gastrin viroblast.
  3. Sodium chloride. Yogo stasis at the expense of birth and lack of goodness as a result of non-bleuvannya, hospitality, extensive descriptions. This drug is also used in cases of chlorine and sodium deficiency, which can be detected on the basis of cold water.
  4. Sodium citrate. Lykarskiy zasіb vicoristovuyut for the normalization of the warehouse of blood. Vono tied calcium, podvischu sate and induce hemocoagulation.
  5. Hydroxyethylcrochmal. It is used in case of severe blood loss, great diagnoses, infections, as well as during operations and in the period of operation.

Preparations for updating the water balance:


Chimіchnі rozchini stagnate to fight against dehydrated organisms with such ailments, such as dysentery, cholera, gostre otruєunnya and other pathologies, which are supervised by blues and diarrhea. It is not recommended to be vikoristovuvati for lіkuvannya takі razchini with tsukrovy diabetі, nirkovіy deficiencies, liver ailments and Infectious diseases sechostatus organs.

To restore the water-salt balance, after a stretch of 5-7 days, take a break. Robotizing is required in the middle of the hour, approximately in a year later. Stretching the offensive 1.5-2 years more beautifully utrimatya vіd їzhі. At the same time, during the period of taking a change, change or change the situation, so that you do not allow excess.

With a state-of-the-art, high-pressure organism, the solution is repaired at once. At the same time, with strong blues, it is necessary to drink 5-10 giblets, ale skin. Tse will help you to avoid repeated attacks of blues. Continue the treatment until all symptoms of the disease are detected.

Dodatkova information on solutions:

Likuvannya in the minds of the stationary

The hospitalization in case of damage to the water-salt exchange is carried out to finish the ridko. Vona is indicated for severe fever, signs of water deficiency in young children or old people, severe pathologies and in some other types of vines. Lіkuvannya in the minds of the stationary is carried out under the control of fakhіvtsіv. There are many ways in the specialization of the therapy of the main ailment, as well as in the reception of salt solutions and preparations, for revealing minerals. In addition, it is necessary to look at each other's food intake regime. In especially important vipadkas, it is prescribed dribbling into the vein of an isotonic rose.

Regulation by folk zasob

Vikoristovuvaty people are used to regulate the water-salt balance in the next step. Dobre will carry out the same procedure only under the control of the doctor. Main mass folk recipes It is focused on the inadmissibility of irritation to the body, as well as the fight against it.

At home minds, you can prepare a salt solution, similar for a day pharmacy supplies... For all, it is necessary to find out in clean water along one great lodge of tsukru and salt.

Feverishness, most often, is the result of diarrhea and bloating. You can also speed up to relieve them. folk zasob Such as mint tea infusions, potato starch razchin, pomegranate peel infusions, rice infusion and іnshі.

With the renewal and addition of a water-salt exchange, the likar, which is drugs, And in light vipadki, there is a new one, yes, recommendations for food.

The obov'yazkovoy factor є a generous amount of salt in їzhі, її maє but not more than 7 grams. A blame for ailments, which is spelled out on the basis of a chastkovo vidmova from her. Especially rich in salt can be found in store food and food stores, in which there can be a dog. It is recommended to substitute the seafood for seafood or iodine, as they have more minerals.

I respect the beasts and drive them for a day. It is normal to use 1.5-2.5 liters for extra. When there is a lot more drinking in the first half of the day, there is a lot of moss.

Disruption of the water-electrolyte balance - a price that is like a wine when there is no excess in the organisms of water and life of important electrolytes: calories, magnesium, sodium, calcium. The main types of pathology: dehydration (hydration) and hyperhydration (water intoxication).

The pathological camp develops, if the proper age and electrolysis do not meet the needs of the body, but the mechanisms of vision and regulation are destroyed.


Clinical manifestations of and their tendency to lie down due to the type of pathology, rapidity of development of changes, glibini debris.


Dehydration develops, if you lose the water and reinvent the hope. Symptoms of fever are manifested, as a shortage of ridin reaches 5% of body mass. It is practically a matter of supervising supervising an imbalance in sodium, in important cases and in those of them.

In case of feverishness, the viscosity of the blood increases, rhizic thrombosis increases.


Pathology develops, if it is more reliable, there is less vision. Ridin does not get clogged in the blood, but go to the middle of the space.

Main show:

Disorder and hyperactivity are supervised to suffer from small electrolyte injuries, skin symptoms.

Calcium and sodium imbalance

Kaliy is the head internal lithium ion. Win take a part in the synthesis of bilka, electrical activity cellini, glucose utilization. Natriy take place in the small space, take care of the fate of the robot's nervous, heart-vascular system, exchange in carbon dioxide.

Gіpokalієmіya and gіponatrієmіya

Symptoms of calcium and sodium deficiency are similar:


  • ridkisny pulse, in important cases, the heart may have a zupinka;
  • discomfort in the breasts;
  • zamorochennya;
  • weakness.


  • quilting;
  • p_advischennya arterial grip.

calcium imbalance

Calcium ionization take care of the fate of the robot heart, skeletal cells, Zgortannі blood.


  • sudomi;
  • paresthesia - feeling of feeling, getting goose bumps, poking hands, nig;
  • attack sercebitty (paroxysmal tachycardia).


  • p_dvischena stomatomy;
  • weakness of myaziv;
  • rіdkіsny pulse;
  • deterioration of robotic organs etching: nudity, constipation, intestinal swelling.

imbalance in magnesium

Magniy nadaє galmuє diyu on the nervous system, additional helpє to clitins to develop kissen.



  • weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • rіdkіsny pulse;
  • rіdkіsne dichannya (in case of deviated visibility from norms).

Methods for updating water-electrolyte homeostasis

The main reason for the improvement of the balance of the flow of electrolytes in the body is the assertion of the cause, which provoked the breakdown: the elimination of the background illness, the correction of the dose of the specific drugs, is adequate for the infusion therapy of the patients in the operative.

Regardless of the degree of turnover of symptoms and severity, the patient will be treated on an outpatient basis or in a hospital.

Likuvannya in home minds

at cob signs electrolyte imbalance is attributed to the tablet formulation, which can avenge microelements. Obov'yazkova umova - the visibility of the blues and diares.

With bloating and diarrhea. Meta її - renewal of the absorbed volume of birth, protection of the body with water, electrolytes.

Scho piti:

Electricity and salt-free solutions to lay down the road at the bottom of the line:

  • perevazhaє bloom - take salt and salt-free food in the ratio 1: 2;
  • blues and sweeping bends are the same - 1: 1;
  • perevazhaє diarrhea - 2: 1.

With the right cob and correct carrying out, the efficiency of treatment reaches 85%. Pookie didn’t feel nudota, drink 1–2 leather buckets of 10 khviliin. If you feel more self-conscious, increase the dose.

Likuvannya in the stationary

In case of failure, the hospitalization is shown. At the stationary, the ridin with electrolytes should be injected internally. For the choice of size, obsjagu, svidkosti and its introduction, there is a small amount of sodium, calories, magnesium, calcium in the blood. Assess the dobova number of slashes, pulse, arterial vise, EKG.

  • solution to sodium chloride and glucose of different concentration;
  • Acesol, Disol - to replace acetate and sodium chloride;
  • Ringer's roschin - to take revenge on sodium, calories, chlorine, sodium, calcium;
  • Lactosol - before the warehouse include sodium lactate, calcium chloride, calcium, magnesium.

In case of hyperhydration, diuretics are indicated internally: Manitol and Furosemide.


If you are suffering from some illnesses, if you will be supervised by the disturbed balance of driving and electrolytes, carry out preventive maintenance. Take the preparations of kaliyu and magnesium one hour from the second. In case of intestinal infections, promptly dispense oral rehydration. Get used to children and nutritional regimen when you are sick nirok, heart.


Gastrointestinal deterioration of the water-electrolyte balance є one of the most frequent complications of surgical pathology - peritonitis, intestinal laxity, pancreatitis, trauma, shock, ailment, and supravodzhuyutsya fever, blues.

9.1. The main causes of damage to the water-electrolyte balance

Prior to the main reasons, it is difficult to admit:

    lasting births and electrolytes and pathological changes in diseases through other diseases of the brain in cases of pathological activation of natural processes in the body - in case of polyuria, diarrhea, superficial sweat,

    internal displacement of a type of tissue in case of filling of traumatized and inflamed tissues (fractures, crushing syndrome); the purchase of births in pleural (pleurisy) and chareteous (peritonitis) empty;

    Changes in the osmolarity of the middle class and the transfer of excess water to the cell or from it.

Relocation and purchase of a line in the shlunkovo-intestinal tract, reach of decilcoch lithiasis (with intestinal obstruction, intestinal infarction, as well as with important paresis) due to the severity of the pathological process zovnishnim vrat birth, so as in both cases, a great deal of age is involved with a large amount of electrolytes and a big one. Not less significant is the loss of birth, identical plasma from the surface of the wounds and opikiv (in the emptying of the small pelvis), as well as in the great gynecological, proctological and thoracic (in the pleural emptying) operations.

The internal and the outbreak of the birth-day vyznachayut a clinical picture of the deficiency of the birth-day and the breakdown of the water-electrolyte balance: hemoconcentration, deficiency of plasmas, loss of blood and overwhelming degradation. In all cases, the deterioration of the water-electrolyte balance is corrected. Being unrepentant and unsettled, the stench will consume the results and abuse the ailments.

The entire water supply to the body is located in two spaces - intracellular (30-40% body mass) and posaklitinny (20-27% body mass).

post-meeting It is discharged between interstitial water (water of ligaments, cartilages, cysts, tissue, lymph, plasmas) and water, not taking an active part in metabolic processes (cerebrospinal, intestinal tract).

internal sector to waste water in three types (constitution, protoplasm and coloidal micelles) and distribution in none of the electrolytes. Klіtinnа water is not distributed in different tissues in a regular way, and more than a stench of hydrophilic ones, as it is infused with deterioration of water exchange. A part of the clerical drive is to establish itself in the result of exchange processes.

When you "burn" 100 g of alcohol, fat and carbohydrates become 200-300 ml.

Ossyag postaklitinnoy birth can be improved with trauma, hunger, sepsis, important infectious diseases, i.e. myazovoi masi... It’s worthwhile to get rid of it when you’re going to get rid of it (hearts, bezbіlkovі, igniters, nirkovі and іn.).

Osyag pozaklitinnoy birth changes with all forms of dehydration, especially with the ingestion of salts. Most of the damage is caused in critical cases of surgical ailments - peritonitis, pancreatitis, hemorrhagic shots, intestinal imperfections, blood loss, important injuries. kintsevoy metoyu regulation of the water-electrolyte balance in such ailments є susceptibility and normalization of the judiciary and the in-terrestrial communication, of the electrolyte and of the cell warehouse.

Preparation and normalization of the volume and storage of postclinical origin as the basis for the regulation of arterial and central venous vise, heart vicidus, organ blood flow, microcirculation and biochemical homeostasis.

Preserving the body's water balance in the norm is to be guided by an adequate supply of water and by waste; the daily "turnover" becomes close to 6% of all water to the body. Ludina has grown up and lives to dob about 2500 ml of water, including 300 ml of water, which is the result of metabolic processes. With water, put close to 2500 ml / add, 1500 ml can be seen from the cross-section, 800 ml is distilled (400 ml through the hot spouts and 400 ml through the screen), 100 ml can be seen from then and 100 ml with feces. When carrying out corrective infusion-transfusion therapy and parenteral treatment, shunt mechanisms are used to regulate the proper and healthy life, sprag. In order to update and adapt to the normal state of hydration, it is necessary to monitor clinical and laboratory data, as well as to improve health. It is necessary to know that the physiological number of inputs can be significant. When the temperature is increased, the amount of endogenous water grows and the water grows through the screen when there is a change. Deterioration of energy, especially hyperventilation in case of low blood volume, increase the consumption of the body from water by 500-1000 ml. Spend a few days from great wounds on the surface, or in the course of trivial operative ones, engaging on the organs of the chest and chest empty for more than 3 hours to increase the demand in water up to 2500 ml / add.

Yaksho nadkhozhennya vodi vyvazhay over її vidіlennyam, vvazhayut water balance positive; on the other functional poles, from the side of the organs, the vision of the wine is supervised by the development of the embryo.

When changing the vision of the water over the proper balance, the balance is added negative- to serve as a signal of hot weather, almost spragi.

An unfortunate correction of dehydration can lead to collapse or dehydration shock.

The main organ, which regulates the water-electrolyte rivnovaga, is the nirka. A lot of speeches, which need to be taken from the body and the building, I will concentrate on cutting.

For the addition of the cross section, it is seen from 300 to 1500 mmol of endsex products in metabolism. In case of lack of water and electrolysis, oliguria and anuria of races

I look at the physiological reaction, tied to the stimulation of ADH and aldosterone. Correction of water-electric power supply before renewal of water-power supply.

In the norm of regulation of the water balance, there is a path of activation. ADH promotes reabsorption of water in the distal tubules and extra tubes nirok and changes in appearance. Navpaki, with a decrease in the secretion of ADH, a decrease in the appearance of a second, a decrease in the osmolarity of a second. Osvita ADH naturally grows with a decrease in the number of years in the interstitial and intravascular sectors. With the adduction of the BCC, the secretion of ADH changes.

In case of pathological camps, the values ​​of such factors, such as hypovolemia, bil, traumatic ear tissue, bloom, drug preparations, which are injected into the central mechanisms of the nervous regulation of the water-electrolyte balance.

There is a strong interconnection between the number of years in the adult sectors of the body, the body of the peripheral blood circulation, the penetration of the capillaries and the development of colo-osmotic and hygrostatic vice.

In the norm, there is a wide range of strict balances and interstitial space. In case of pathological processes that are tied in the first place with the second blood circulating in the plasma (gostra blood loss, pechinka deficiency), the plasma CODE decreases, as a result of which the age of the microcirculation systems and microcirculation to the excess is transferred to the excess. Blood thickened, rheological power collapsed.

9.2. electric exchange

The standard of water exchange in the norm and pathology is closely related to the exchange of electrolytes - Na +, K +, Ca 2+, Mg 2+, SG, HC0 3, H 2 P0 4 ~, SOf, as well as organic acids.

Concentration of electrolytes in the backcountry of the organism is not the same; Plasma and interstitial origin is displayed only behind the cell phone.

Instead of electrolysis in the posture and in the interior of the inner space, it is not the same: in the post-litine one, the head rank is Na +, SG, HCO ^; in internal - K +, Mg + and H 2 P0 4; visoka also concentration S0 4 2 і білків. As a result of the concentration of electric power workers, the bioelectric potential will be calm, so that they are overwhelmed with nerves, myazi and sectors of society.

Saving electrical potential close and latevastness Take care of the robot of the Na + -, K + -ATPase pump, the pumping of Na + is constantly “picking up” from the cells, and K + is “firing” in it against gradients of concentration.

When the robotic pump is damaged, the deficiency of acidity will result, or as a result of metabolic changes, the space becomes available for sodium and chlorine. Adopting the osmotic vice in the clitin pidsilyu relocating to the new water,

and in a small amount of damage to the integrity of the membrane, right up to lysis. Such a rank, dominant cation in the small space is sodium, and in klitts - kaliy.

9.2.1. exchange of sodium

sodium - the main post-clotting cation; the most important cation of the interstitial space by the head osmotically active speech plasma; Take care of your part in the generation of the potential of the action, pouring into the wide range of space and interior space.

With a change in the concentration of Na +, the osmotic pressure decreases with a one-hour change in the interstitial space. Increasing the concentration of sodium in the wickle is a rotary process. Sodium deficiency cannot be filled with any cation. Dobova need in the size of the growth of people to become 5-10 m

It is natural to see the organism as the head rank of nirkas; the part is insignificant - then. Yogo ryven in the blood to move with trivial use of corticosteroids, trivial IVL in the mode of hyperventilation, non-vascular diabetes, with hyperaldosteronism; decrease in the number of trivial vicious diuretics, at trivial heparin therapy, with the manifestation of chronic heart failure, hyperglycemia, liver cirrhosis. Instead of sodium in the section at a rate of 60 mmol / l. Hirurgic aggression, tied to the activation of anti-diuretic mechanisms, to produce sodium on the same level, so that it can be reduced in this situation.

hypernature(Sodium plasma more than 147 mmol / l) in case of increased sodium in the interstitial space, as a result of dehydration in case of water viscous, salt re-entanglement of the body, uncrowded diabetes. Hypernatrium supervises overgrowth of the line from the internal to the lateral sector, which leads to the dehydration of the client. In a clinical practice, such a country has a history of increased blood pressure, internal infusion of hypertonic growth with sodium chloride, and also in connection with the development of hospitality nirkovoia disadvantages.

hyponatremia(Plasma sodium less than 136 mmol / l) develops in case of overwhelming secretion of ADH in response to the pain factor, with pathological injections of birth through the intestinal tract, overwhelming intravenous injection of glucose-free supervise the hyperhydration clitin with an one-hour change in BCC.

Sodium deficiency starts with the formula:

Per deficiency (mmol) = (Na HOpMa - actual number) weight (kg) 0.2.

9.2.2. exchange of calories

kaliy - the main internal cation. Dobova need in calories to become 2.3-3.1 m. Kaliyu, as well as sodium, to lay down a provincial role in the formulated membrane potentials; wine infusion for pH and glucose utilization, which is necessary for the synthesis of the protein.

In the period of operation, with critical camps, the loss of calories can be reversed; The stench is characteristic for a trivial hunger, super-juvenile to the second blood of an organism - the head "depot" of calories. The main role in the reduction of calories in the metabolism of liver glucogen. In severely ill patients (without definite compensation), up to 300 mmol of calories are transferred from the room to the end of the day for 1 day. In the early post-traumatic period, there is a surplus of metabolic nitrogen in the cell at once, the excess of which is established as a result of cell blood catabolism (in the average 1 g of nitrogen, it "takes away" 5-6 meq of calories).

IInoka.theme(Calcium plasma less than 3.8 mmol / l) can develop with an excess of sodium, for a metabolic alkalosis, with hypoxia, severe catabolism of blood, diarrhea, trivial blues and in. In case of internal deficiency of calories, Na + and H + are more likely to come into the cell, so that the internal acidosis and hyperhydration on aphids of postaclastic metabolic alkalosis is increased. Klinicheskoy Daniyu stan manifested arrhythmia, arterial hypotension, decreased tone of skeletal muscles, intestinal paresis, impaired psyche. At the EKG there are characteristic changes: tachycardia, sounding the complex QRS, consolidation and inversion of teeth T, improvement of the amplitude of the teeth U. Lіkuvannya hіpokalієmiіya repair, assimilate the ethiological factor and іdshkodovuyu and deficiency of calories, coryza formula:

Calcium deficiency (mmol / l) = K + patient's plasma, mmol / l 0.2 mass, kg.

The introduction of a great amount of drugs in calories can be accelerated from the side of the heart, right up to the heart rate, which is not to blame for a dose of 3 mmol / kg / day, and the rate of infusion per year is not 10 mm.

Vikoristovuvani drugs should be diluted (up to 40 mmol per 1 liter, which should be injected); optimal є їх introduction in the viglyadі polarizing sumіshі (glucose + calium + insulin). Lіkuvannya drugs kalіyu viroblyayut under standard laboratory control.

hyperkalієmіya(Calcium plasma concentration 5.2 mmol / l) is most often insisted in case of impaired vision of calium from the body (state of the art nirkova deficiency), but in case of massive withdrawal of this condition from children, there are signs of healthy trauma, hemolysis, post-mortem syndrome In addition, hyperthermia is characteristic of hyperthermia, sudoma syndrome and supernatant disease in a number of lykarsky zasobiv- heparin, aminocaproic acid and in.

diagnostics hyperkalemia gruntuєtsya on nayavnostі etіologіchnih faktorіv (trauma, GOSTR nirkova nedostatnіst) poyavі Characteristic Change log sertsevoї dіyalnostі: sinusovoї bradikardії (already before zupinki sericite) in poєdnannі of shlunochkovoyu ekstrasistolієyu, virazhenim upovіlnennyam vnutrіshno-shlunochkovoї i atrіoventrikulyarnoїprovіdnostі i characteristic laboratory danih (kalіy plasma bіlshe 5 , 5 mmol / L). On the EKG, a high tooth tooth is restroyed T, expansion of the complex QRS, change in amplitude R.

lykuvannya hyperkalemia is repaired from the reduction of the ethological factor and the correction of acidosis. Consider calcium preparations; for transfer of excess plasma calories in the middle of the cell, intravenously inject glucose (10-15%) with insulin (1 OD per skin 3-4 g of glucose). It’s just given the methods not to bring any good effect, indications of hemodialis.

9.2.3. exchange of calcium

calcium get close 2 % masi tila, of which 99% are found in the knitted mill in the hands and with normal minds in the electrolytic exchange they do not take part. The form of calcium is ionized to take an active part in the nerve-mucous transmission of stimulation, the processes of laryngeal blood, the robotic heart meat, the study of the electrical potential of the cell membranes and viroblency to a number of enzymes. Dobova needs become 700-800 mg. Calcium enters the body through the gut, and is seen through the intestinal tract and through the cross-section. Exchanging calcium is closely related to the exchange of phosphorus, blood plasma and blood pH.

hypocalcemia(Calcium plasma less than 2.1 mmol / l) develops in case of hypoalbuminemia, pancreatitis, transfusion of large amounts of citrate blood, excessive gut fistula, deficiency in intestinal D, destruction in a thin It is clinically manifested in the development of nerve-mucous anxiety, paresthesias, paroxysmal tachycardia, tetany. Correction of hypocalculations should be carried out for laboratory testing of the second level in blood plasma to intravenous injections of drugs, in order to compensate for ionizations of calcium (gluconate, lactate, chloride and calcium carbonate). The effectiveness of corrective therapy for hypocalcemia is found in the normalization of albumin.

hypercalculus(Calcium plasmas more than 2.6 mmol / l) in all processes, to support the development of cysts rupture (swelling, osteomyelitis), parathyroid diseases (adenoma of calcification, injected into blood) Clinically, it is manifested by piddling stomachache, balm, meaty weakness. With an increase in hypercalcemia, symptoms of atony of the shlunkovo-intestinal tract adhere to: nudota, blues, constipation, flatulence. On the EKG, it is characteristic to speed up the interval (2-7; there may be a breakdown in the rhythm and conductivity, sinus bradykar-Diya, in the hope of antroventricular conductivity; the G wave may be negative, biphasic, diminished.

lykuvannya polyagaє in vplivі on the pathogenetic factor. In case of hypercalcemia (more than 3.75 mmol / l), it is necessary to use the correct correction - inject 2 g of ethylenediamintetraacetic acid disodium salt (EDTA), dosed in 500 ml glucose, 5% rose control instead of calcium in blood plasma.

9.2.4. exchange of magnesium

magnesium є internal cation; its concentration in plasma is 2.15 times less, below the middle of the erythrocytes. Microelement reduces the nervousness and myocardial speed, myocardial speed, depression of the central nervous system. Magniy is a great role in the cultivation of klitines for sourness, energy production and energy production. One must enter the body through the intestinal tract and through the cross-section.

hipomagniєmiya(Magnesium plasma less than 0.8 mmol / l) to prevent liver cirrhosis, chronic alcoholism, severe pancreatitis, polyuria stage of acute renal failure, intestinal fistulas, unbalanced infusion therapy... Clinically, hypomagnesemia manifests itself as nervous

m'yazovoy zbudlivistyu, hyperreflexia, convulsive fast-moving of the young meazovyh groups; moss of the appearance of spastic pains in the organs of the shlunkovo-intestinal tract, blues, diarrhea. lykuvannya polyaga in a straightforward way infused into the ethological factor and the sign of the laboratory control of magnesium salts.

hypermagniєmiya(Magnesium plasmi more than 1.2 mmol / l) develops in case of ketoacidosis, induced catabolism, and gOSTra nirkov deficiency. It is clinically manifested in sleepiness and malnutrition, hypotonia and bradycardia, the struggle of dullness with the appearance of signs of hypoventilation. lykuvannya- aiming at the etiological factor and the sign of the antagonist of magnesium - calcium salts.

9.2.5. exchange of chlorine

chlorine - the main anion pozaklitinny space; to be in the equivalent sports with natrієm. Into the organism comes sodium chloride at the viglyad, which is dissociated into the slurry Na + і C1 "

hypochloremia(Plasma chlorine less than 95 mmol / l) develops with trivial bloating, peritonitis, stenosis of the collar, high intestinal laxity, and increased perspiration. The growth of hypochloremia is superseded by the increase in the hydrocarbonate buffer and the appearance of alkalosis. It is clinically manifested in dehydration, deterioration of the spirit and heart. The diagnosis of a sudominal abnormality can be fatal. lykuvannya polyaga in a straight line injected on pathogenetic factorі carried out before laboratory control of infusion therapy with chlorides (the first for everything is sodium chloride preparations).

hyperchloremia(Plasma chlorine greater than mmol / l) to develop in case of degradation, the loss of life from the interstitial space (for example, the state of nationality lack), the transition of the country to the court of justice in the world chlorine. The growth of hyper-chloraemia will lead to changes in the buffering capacity of blood and the appearance of metabolic acidosis. Clinically, it is manifested by the development of embryos. basic principle lykuvannya- infusion on the pathogenetic factor in patients with syndromic therapy.

9.3. Main types of water-electrolyte exchange

dehydration isotonic(Sodium plasmi in the boundaries of the norms: 135- 145 mmol / l). So, as in the electrolyte warehouse, the interstitial ridina is close to blood plasma, then it will be considered equal to the infusion of ridin and sodium. Most often isotonic degradation develops with trivial blues and diarrhea, hypertension and chronic diseases of the intestinal tract, intestinal laxity, peritonitis, pancreatitis, great diagnoses, polymorphism Dehydration of supervising the second electrolytes without a significant change in osmolarity of plasmas, the same overgrowth of water and between sectors does not occur, but hypovolemia is formed. classically

the damage to the side of the central hemodynamics is indicated. Turgor of a shkiri decrease, a dry language, oliguria right up to anuria. lykuvannya pathogenetic; substitution of physiological therapy for sodium chloride (35-70 ml / kg / dob). Infusion therapy should be carried out under the control of CVP and weathering duresis. Also, the correction of hypotonic dehydration is carried out on the basis of metabolic acidosis, sodium should be injected at the viglyad hydrocarbonate; with metabolic alkalosis - in viglyadі chloride.

hypotonic dehydration(Sodium plasmi less than 130 mmol / l) develops in quiet drops, if the sodium is mixed with the water. It appears with massive losses of birth, so that a great number of electrolytes can be revenged - bagatorazovaya blues, profuse dripping, clear sweat from rosters, polyuria. The change in the amount of sodium in the plasma is accompanied by a decrease in the osmolarity, as a result of which the water from the plasmas starts to overgrow in the cells, and the increase in the amount of water (internal hypothermia) occurs.

classically This can be manifested by a decrease in the degree of turmoil in the skin and in the apples, in the damage of hemodynamics and in the volume, azotemia, in the damage in the function of the brain, in the brain, in hemoconcentration. lykuvannya polyaga in a targeted manner infused into the pathogenetic factor and carried out active rehydration with the help of soda, calcium, magnesium (ace-sil). In case of hyperkaliєmi, disol is indicated.

dehydration hypertonic(Sodium plasmi more than 150 mmol / l) due to the change in water over the second sodium. Vinikak at polyuric stage of acute renal failure, trivial forced duresis without fast storage of water deficiency, with feverishness, lack of injected water with parenteral feeding. The change in water over the sodium is the growth of the osmolarity of the plasmas, as a result of which the internal stage of initiation passes into the riverbed. Internal dehydration is formed (clinical dehydration, eksikosis).

clinical symptoms- spraga, weakness, apathy, drowsiness, and in case of important problems - psychosis, hallucinations, dry motions, increased temperature, oliguria with a high incidence of cutting, azotemia. Dehydration of the brain clitin of the wiklikє of the appearance of nonspecific neurological symptoms: psychomotor disturbance, confusion of symptoms, sudom, development of a coma.

lykuvannya polyaga in a targeted manner injected into the pathogenetic factor and the reduction of internal dehydration by means of the indication of the infusion range of glucose with insulin and calories. The introduction of hypertonic salts, glucose, albumin, and sechogenic salts has been prototyped. Necessary monitoring of sodium level in plasma and osmolarity.

hyperhydration isotonic(Sodium plasmi in the range of 135-145 mmol / l) is most common in aphids on aphids, accompanied by an overload syndrome (chronic heart failure, toxicosis of vaginosity), as a result of the overwhelming introduction of isotonic salt roses. viniknennya given to the syndrome Possibly and on aphid liver disease, nirok disease (nephrosis, glomerulonephritis). The main mechanism for the development of isotonic hyperhydration is an excess of water and salts with normal osmolarity of plasmas. Zatrimka rіdinі vіdbuvaєtsya the leading rank in the interstitial space.

classically a form of hyperhydration is given to be manifested by the appearance of arterial hypertension, quick changes in mastilla, development of the nabryak syndrome, anasarca, decreased concentration indicators in blood. At the same time, there is a deficiency of a certain age.

lykuvannya Polyaga in the stasis of diuretics, straightened to the change of the interstitial space. In addition, 10% albumin is injected internally with the addition of an oncotic clutch of plasmas, as a result of which the interstitial approach goes into the waterway. yaksho dane likuvannya doesn’t allow the proper effect to go into hemodialysis with ultrafiltration of blood.

hyperhydration hypotonic(Sodium plasma is less than 130 mmol / l), or "water withdrawal", it can be caused by simultaneous intake of even larger quantities of water, with trivial internal introduction of salt-free breakdowns, liver deficiencies, chronic heart disease Surge arrester, hyperproducts of ADH. The main mechanism is the decrease in the osmolarity of the plasmas and the transition from the line to the middle of the clitin.

key picture manifested by blues, often a thin watery style, polyuria. Accept the signs of a deterioration of the central nervous system: weakness, robustness, swelling of stomachache, sleep deprivation, delirium, dysfunctions, sudom, coma.

lykuvannya polyaga in yakomoga large amount of excess water from the body: it is necessary to determine the preparation with one-hour internal introduction of sodium chloride, vitamіnіv. It is necessary to have a high caloric date. If necessary, carry out hemodialysis with ultrafiltration of blood.

f hyperhydration hypertonic(Sodium plasmi more 150 mmol / l) wines with the introduction of great numbers of hypertonic changes into the body on the basis of the most preserving visual functions of any or isotonic differences - we have a problem with the deterioration of the visual functions of the organism. We will be supervising the improvement of osmolarity of the interstitial space with a greater degradation of the cline sector and we will make it possible by the way of the economy.

key picture characterized by sprago, pochvonіnnya shkіri, increased temperature thіl, arterial vise і CVD. With the progress of the process, the signs of the defeat of the central nervous system will come to mind: damage to the psyche, sudom, coma.

lykuvannya- infusion therapy with included 5 % the range of glucose and albumin for the stimulation of osmodiuretic and saluretic dyuresis. For witnesses - hemodialis.

9.4. Acid-lush mill

Acid-lush mill(CBS) є one of the most important components of the biochemical steel of the raw materials is the body, which is the basis of normal metabolic processes, the activity of which lies in the chemical reaction of electrolyte.

CBS is characterized by the concentration of ions in water and is signified by the pH symbol. Acid solutions may be pH from 1.0 to 7.0, basic - from 7.0 to 14.0. acidosis- the deterioration of the pH towards the sour side of the vine due to the accumulated acids, or a little more. alkalosis- the deterioration of the pH in the lusen side of the accumulation is too much for the decrease in the change of acids. The pH value is not the same as the mind of the people. pH to the final, total images of the equal concentration of water-water ions (H +) and buffer systems to the body. Saving Rivnovagi KOS

It works with two systems that change the pH of the blood. The buffer (physical and chemical) and physiological systems and regulation of the wastewater treatment plant are referred to them.

9.4.1. Physical and chemical buffer systems

In terms of physical and chemical buffer systems and organisms - bicarbonate, phosphate, buffer system of blood, hemoglobin.

Bicarbonate system, to become 10% of all the buffering capacity of blood, which is the reduction of bicarbonates (HC0 3) and carbon dioxide (H 2 C0 3). The norm is 20: 1. A chemical product of the interaction of bicarbonates and acids is carbon dioxide gas (C0 2), which can be seen. The bicarbonate system is very fast and efficient in plasma, as well as in post-production.

phosphate system Loans are small in buffer capacities (1%), more and more, and the mineral product - kalium sulphate - is produced by nirkas.

Plasma Bricks in the fallowness of the pH level, there can be actions of acid and water.

Hemoglobin buffer system Loans the main place in the acid-puddle plant (about 70% of the buffer capacity). Hemoglobin erythrocytes tied 20% of the blood, dioxide in carbon (C0 2), as well as water, which took place as a result of dissociation in carbon dioxide (H 2 C0 3).

Hydrocarbonate buffer is important in blood and in all types of children of the past; in plasma - hydrocarbonate, phosphate and protein buffers; in erythrocytes - hydrocarbonate, protein, phosphate, hemoglobin; in section - phosphate.

9.4.2. Physiological buffer systems

lungs regulate vm_st C0 2, which is the product of the drop in vugilnoy acid. The accumulation of C0 2 should be brought up to hyperventilation and bad performance, and such an excess in carbon dioxide is seen in such a rank. When an excess is evident, there is no more vivid process - the ventilation of the leg goes down, the winy is brady. The order of C0 2 is a strong anthropomorphic to the center є pH of blood and concentration of acidity. Deterioration of pH and changes in concentration should be produced to increase the legacy of ventilation. Let's take the rank of diet and salt, or even with a high concentration of K + in the blood plasma, the activity of chemoreceptors decreases and the ventilation rate decreases. The dichotomous regulation of the KOS is carried out to the system of quick response.

nirki accept KOS decilcom with shlyakh. For the infused carbonic acid enzyme, to take revenge from the great bites in the nirk fabric, to get the C0 2 and H 2 0 from the statements of high acid acid. Vugilna acid is dissociated into bicarbonate (HC0 3 ~) and H +, which is combined with a phosphate buffer and transferred through the section. Bicarbonates are reabsorbed in the tubules. However, if there is an excess, the reabsorption will decrease, and it will lead to a decrease in alkalosis. Skin millimol H +, excreted in the form of titrated acids or ionic ammonium, giving 1 mmol to the blood plasma

НС0 3. Thus, the excretion of Н + is linked with the synthesis of НС0 3. Nirkov regulation of the COS is opposite to everybody, and in general, it is time to find something else for more compensation.

pechinka regulate wastewater treatment plant, metabolize undeoxidized products, exchange, shlunkovo-intestinal tract, Confirming a sech of nitrogenous slags and vivodyach acid radicals.

Shlunkovo-intestinal tract a more important place in the growing steel of wastewater treatment plants, the establishment of great intensity of processes, necessary and efficient development, products of food and electrolytes. The destruction of be-like Lanka the destruction of the wiklikє the destruction of the KOS.

Chemistry and physiological buffer systems є forced and efficient mechanisms of compensation of wastewater treatment plants. At the connection with the system, the most insignificant damages of CBS affect the importance of metabolic degradation and dictate the need to carry out prompt and straightforward correct therapy. Prior to the backward strains of the normalization of the CBS, the attribution of the ethological factor (pathology of the dichal and cardiovascular system, organs black emptyі ін.), normalization of hemodynamics - correction of hypovolemia, renewal of microcirculation, improvement of rheological power of blood, elimination of mental deficiencies, up to the transfer of sickness to health,

indicators of CBS Use the Astra-pa (with the interpolation PC0 2 interpolation micromethod) or methods with the direct oxidation of C0 2. The current microanalysts all the values ​​of the CBS and the partial pressure start automatically in the blood. The main indicators of KOS are presented in table. 9.1.

Table 9.1.Indicators of KOS in normі



indicator value

PaCO 2, mm Hg Art. Pa0 2, mm Hg. Art.

AB, m mol / l SB, mmol / l

BB, mmol / l BE, mmol / l

I characterize the active reaction of the razchin. To change in the fallowness from a variety of buffer systems to the body. Indicator of partial stress С0 2 in arterial blood Indicator of partial stress 0 2 in arterial blood. Imaging the functional standard of the system, true bicarbonate - indicator of the concentration of bicarbonate ion, standard bicarbonate - indicator of the concentration of bicarbonate ion in the standard mind;

Indicator of excess or deficiency of buffer subdivisions. Positive value - excess or acid deficiency. Negative meaning - a deficiency is present or a surplus of acids

For the assessment of the type of deterioration of the WWTP in the most practical robots, the indicators of pH, РС0 2, P0 2, BE.

9.4.3. See the deterioration of the acid-base camp

There are 4 main types of CBS: metabolic acidosis and alkalosis; respiratory acidosis and alkalosis; May and the next day.

a metabolic acidosis- the deficit is given, which should be brought to a decrease in pH. Reasons: GOSTra nirkov deficiency, noncompensation for diabetes (ketoacidosis), shock, heart deficiency (lactic acidosis), rejection (salicylate, ethylene glycol, methyl alcohol), small intestinal (duodenal, hypertension) Indicators of CBS: pH 7.4-7.29, PaCO 2 40-28 Hg. Art., BE 0-9 mmol / l.

Clinical symptoms- nudity, bloating, weakness, loss of evidence, tachypnea. Clinically moderate acidosis (BE up to -10 mmol / l) can be asymptomatic. When the pH is lowered to 7.2 (subcompensation stage, decompensation distant), the build-up is backward. With a further decrease in pH, the build-up is dyshal and heart deficiency, hypoxic encephalopathy develops right up to the Komi.

Treatment of metabolic acidosis:

Strengthening the hydrocarbonate buffer system - the introduction of 4.2% of the sodium bicarbonate (contraindicated- hypocalcium, metabolic alkalosis, hypernatrium) intravenously through the peripheral or central vein: undiluted, diluted with 5% glucose in the range of 1: 1. A quantity of sodium bicarbonate is required, it can be used according to the formula:

The amount of mmol of sodium bicarbonate = BE mass of til, kg 0.3.

Without laboratory control, the dose should not exceed 200 ml / day, in drops, by volume. Rozchin should not be introduced at once with the breakdown, but with calcium, magnesium, and not with the phosphate breakdown. The transfusion of lactasol by the mechanism of the action is similar to that of sodium bicarbonate.

a metabolic alkalosis- Deficiency of H + ions in the blood in the absence of too much surplus. Metabolic alkalosis is important to be treated, because it is the result of both recent losses of electrolytes, as well as changes in cells and later on. Adequate damage is characteristic of massive blood loss, refractory shock, sepsis, swelling of water and electrolytes with intestinal laxity, peritonitis, pancreatic necrosis, such as a trivial hour to function intestinal fistulas. To achieve often the most metabolic alkalosis as the end phase of metabolic damage, inadvertent lives in this category of ailments, becomes an unprecedented cause of a lethal result.

Principles of metabolic alkalosis correction. Metabolic alkalosis is easier to overcome, lower than lіkuvati. Before preventive visits Adequate intake of calories during blood transfusion therapy and intravenous deficiency of calories, free and rapid correction of vollemic and hemodynamic disorders should be provided. In case of alcoholic metabolic alkalosis, the highest value is

Usunennya of the main pathological factor of the given camp. Conduct a straightforward normalization of all types of exchange. The purchase of alkalosis is within the reach of intravenous injections of drugs in a bottle, a solution of glucose in a single dose of calcium chloride, a large amount of vitamins. Low-tonicity of sodium chloride vicorist for the reduction of osmolarity of the post-developmental birth and the reduction of clinical dehydration.

Respiratory (dichal) acidosis characterized by changes in the blood concentration of H + -ions (pH< 7,38), рС0 2 (>40 mmHg Art.), BE (= 3.5 + 12 mmol / L).

The causes of respiratory acidosis can be hypoventilation in cases of obstructive forms of emphysemia of the lungs, bronchial asthma, impaired ventilation of the lungs in weakened ailments, great atelectasis, pneumonia, the syndrome of a hospitable legged ear.

The main compensation for dichal acidosis is to work with the path of forced recovery of H + and CG, the promotion of reabsorption of HC0 3.

V classy paintings dichal acidosis overcame the symptoms of intracranial hypertension, which occur through cerebral vasodilatation, due to excessive C0 2. Progressive respiratory acidosis to produce brain enlargement, hypertension. It is not uncommon to develop stupor with the transition to a coma. The first signs of hypercapacity and growth of hypoxia є unrepentant sickness, rupture of anxiety, arterial hypertension, tachycardia with a further transition to hypotension and tachyarrhythmia.

Treatment of respiratory acidosis in the first place, there are polygauges in the polypsy of alveolar ventilation, atelectasis, pneumo-abdominal hydrothorax, sanation of tracheobronchial tree and ailment transferred to SHVL. The treatment must be carried out in a term-based order, before the development of hypoxia as a result of hypoventilation.

f Respiratory (dichny) alkalosis characterized by a decrease in the level of PC0 2 lower than 38 mm Hg. Art. і after the pH in food is 7.45-7.50 as a result of strengthening the ventilation of the lungs in terms of frequency, as well as in terms of glybin (alveolar hyperventilation).

Providing pathogenetic lanka of respiratory alkalosis є a decrease in the volume of cerebral blood flow as a result of an increase in the tone of cerebral vessels, as well as an inherited C0 2 deficiency in the blood. On the cob stages of a sick person there may be paresthesias of the school of children and near the company, myazov spasms in the children, mild or drowsiness, headache, some more lumps, and more damage to the house.

Prevention and treatment dichal alkalosis in front of directing to normalization of the outward reaction and infusion to the pathogenetic factor, which leads to hyperventilation and hypocapnia. It is indicated for the transfer of a sick person to the SHVL to serve as a result of spontaneous dichotomy, as well as backwardness and hyperventilation.

9.5. Infusion therapy of water-electrolytic damage and acid-puddle plant

infusion therapyє one of the main methods in the treatment and prevention of damage to the functions of life of important organs and systems in patients with a surgical profile. efficiency of infusion-

new therapy to lay down in the form of rimmed programs, characteristics of infusion centers, pharmacological authorities and pharmacokinetics to the drug.

for diagnostics vollemic breakdown and induce programs of infusion therapy in the pre-operative period, there may be a significant turgor of the skin, the volume of mucous membranes, similar to the pulse on the peripheral artery, heart rate and AT. Pid hour prompt engagement the most frequent assessment of the peripheral pulse rate, the temporal duresis, the dynamics of AT.

manifestations of hypervolemiaє tachycardia, sluggishness, wheezing in legends, cyanosis, sputum pimples. The stage of vollemic breakdowns is shown by laboratory data - hematocrit, pH of arterial blood, relative strength and osmolarity of the section, concentration of sodium and chlorine in the section, sodium in plasma.

Before laboratory signs dehydration The rate of increase in hematocritis, progressive metabolic acidosis, the tolerance of the cross section is more than 1010, the decrease in the concentration of Na + in the cross section is less than 20 meq / l, the hyperosmolarity of the cross section. Laboratory signs characteristic of hypervolemia are mute. Hypervolemia can be diagnosed by the data of X-ray of the lungs - the improvement of the vertebral malignancy, the interstitial and alveolar ridge of the lungs. The CVD is evaluated according to the current clinical situation. We will show you є test with bulk navantazhennyam. An insignificant increase (1-2 mm Hg) of the CVP due to a sharp infusion of crystalloid growth (250-300 ml) indicates a hypo-volume and the need for additional infusion therapy. I navpaki, when the test is carried out, the CVP will change 5 mm Hg. Art., it is necessary to reduce the rate of infusion therapy and obmezhiti її obsyag. Infusion therapy for the transmission of internally introduced colossal and crystalline wrinkles.

a crystal clear - Water solutions of low molecular weight ions (salts) quickly penetrate through the vertebral wall and grow in the space. Vibir difference lies in the nature of the vrat, yaku slid memorized. The waste of water in the form of hypotonic breaks, which are called breaks according to the type. Deficiency of water and electrolytes is replaced by izotonic electrolytic lines, which are called as alternatives to the type.

coloïdni razchini on the basis of gelatin, dextran, hydroxyethyl-starch and polyethylene glycol, they create a coloid osmotic grip of plasmas and circulate in the vessel's channel, producing volumic, hemodynamic and rheological processes.

In the perioperative period, after additional infusion therapy, the physiological consumption is stored in the patient (advanced therapy), the deficiency of the patient is injected through the operative wound. The vibration of the infusion gap lies in the warehouse and the nature of the infusion is involved - pit, instead of the slunk-intestinal tract. Intraoperative loss of power and electrolytes is poured into vaporization from the surface of the surgical wound with significant surgical difficulties and to lay down the area of ​​the surface of the wound and the triviality of the operation. Apparently, intraoperative infusion therapy includes storing basic physiological needs in the country, preoperative deficiency and operative costs.

Table 9.2. Vmist electrolytes in the middle of the shlunkovo-intestinal tract


obsyag, ml

Shlunkoviy sіk

pancreatic sic

intestinal juice

Vidіlennya through іleostomy

Vidіlennya with diarrhea

Seeing through a colostomy

Demand from water To begin on the basis of an accurate assessment, to establish a deficiency in the age of nirk and latency.

At the same time, we need to get rid of the amount of additional dehydration: V, - the correct value is 1 ml / kg / year; V 2 - in the middle of the bloom, the stylet and the shlunkovo-intestinal space; V 3 - drainage view; P - pass the perspiration path through the і legenі (10-15 ml / kg / dobu), beruch until you respect the constant T - pass in case of fever (when the temperature is adjusted by 1 ° C at 37 ° C, add 500 ml for dobu). In such a rank, the total additional deficiency can be counted according to the formula:

E = V, + V 2 + V 3 + P + T (ml).

To prevent hypo- or hyperhydration, it is necessary to control the amount of age in the body, sprout, which is located in the back space:

TVZh = mass tila, kg 0.2, coefficient of perrachuncture Hematocrit - Hematocrit

Deficiency = true superficial oil, kg Superficial hematocrit 5

Rozrakhunok deficiency of the main electrolytes(Up to +, Na +) vibrate from the urahuvannya obsyagiv їkh into the section, in the place of the shlunkovo-intestinal tract (ShKT) and drainage centers; The value of concentration indicators is based on the accepted biochemical methods. In case of unpleasantness of the value of calium, sodium, chlorine in the slurry chamber, it can be estimated that the number of concentration indicators in the onset of the boundary is Na + 75-90 mmol / l; Up to + 15-25 mmol / L, SG up to 130 mmol / L, external nitrogen 3-5.5 g / L.

In such a rank, it is a total waste of electrolytes for doing something to become:

E = V, C, + V 2 Z 2 + V 3 Z 3 g,

de V] - dobovy dyurez; V 2 - the volume of the view of the shlunkovo-intestinal tract with bloating, with the stylus, along the probe, as well as Svishchev vtrati; V 3 - vid_lennya on drainage from a black empty; С, С 2, С 3 - concentration indicators in cich middle oceans are obvious. When rozrahunku, you can turn up to the tribute to the table. 9.2.

When shifting the value of the input z mmol / l (system СІ) in gram, it is necessary to determine the onset of the transition:

Up to +, g = mmol / L 0.0391.

Na +, g = mmol / L 0.0223.

9.5.1. Characteristics of crystal breaks

Make sure you regulate water-electrolyte and acid-puddle homeostasis, including electrolytic solutions and osmodiuretics. electrical solutions stagnation for the correction of water exchange, electrolytic exchange, water-electrolyte exchange, acid-puddle (metabolic acidosis), water-electrolyte exchange and acid-base (metabolic acidosis). Warehouse of electrical connections for the purpose of power - osmolarity, izotonicity, ionicity, reserve capacity. One hundred percent of the osmolarity of electrolyte changes to the blood stench show a h-, hypo- or hyperosmolar effect.

    Isoosmolar effect - water, introduced from the isoosmolar solution (Ringer, Ringer-acetate), is dispensed between the inner vessels and the outside spaces, 25%: 75%. The solution is indicated for isotonic dehydration.

    Hypoosmolar effect - more than 75% of water, introduced with an electrolyte solution (disol, acesol, 5% glucose), go to the extravascular space. The solution is indicated for hypertensive dehydration.

    Hyperosmolar effect - the water from the post-ventral space will come into the vat channel until the hyperosmolarity is reduced to the osmolarity of the blood. The reduction is indicated for hypotonic dehydration (10% sodium chloride solution) and hyperhydration (10% and 20% mannitol).

Reciprocating in the form of electrolyte in the form of a stench can be isotonic (0.9% sodium chloride, 5% glucose levels), hypo-tonic (disol, acesol) and hypertonic (4% sodium chloride, 10% sodium chloride, 4.2% sodium chloride, 8.4% of the range of sodium hydrocarbonate). It remains to be called electrolyte concentrates and the additive is freeze up to infusion solutions (5% glucose solutions, Ringer's acetate solutions) without a median before injections.

Regardless of the number of ions in the range of mono-ions (sodium chloride solution) and polyonny (Ringer's and in.).

The introduction into the electrolytic solution of the noses of the reserve base (hydrocarbonate, acetate, lactate and fumarate) allows coriguvati and the destruction of CBS - metabolic acidosis.

Roschin sodium chloride 0.9 % injected vnutrіshnovenno through the peripheral or central vein. The rate of introduction is 180 drops / min, or about 550 ml / 70 kg / year. The average dose for a mature patient is 1000 mol / day.

show: hypotonic dehydration; food safety in Na + і О; hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis; hypercalculus.

Prototype indications: hypertonic dehydration; hypernatremia; hy-perchloremia; hypocalypse; hypoglycemia; hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis.

May be expedited:


    hyperchloremia (hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis);

    hyperhydration (stuffing of legends).

w Roschin Ringer-acetate- izotonic and izoionny razchin, to be administered internally. The fluidity of the introduction is 70-80 drops / min or 30 ml / kg / year;

if necessary, up to 35 ml / min. The average dose for a mature patient is 500-1000 ml / dobu; if necessary, up to 3000 ml / add.

show: waste water and electrolytes from the intestinal tract (bloom, penetration, fistula, drainage, intestinal laxity, peritonitis, pancreatitis, etc.); from the section (polyuria, isostenuria, forcing duresis);

Isotonic dehydration s metabolic acidosis- add-on correction of acidosis (blood loss, opikas).

Prototype indications:

    hypertonic hyperhydration;

  • hypernatremia;





  • hypernatremia;


a Yonosteril- Intra-intravenous intravenous injection of isotonic and ionic electrostatic pressure through the peripheral or central vein. The fluidity of the introduction is 3 ml / kg of oil or 60 drops / min or 210 ml / 70 kg / year; if necessary, up to 500 ml / 15 min. The average dose for a grown-up person is 500-1000 ml / add. In important and term_novyh vipadkah up to 500 ml for 15 minutes.


posaclitinna (isotonic) dehydration of the incapacitating movement (bloating, penetration, fistula, drainage, intestinal laxity, peritonitis, pancreatitis, etc.); polyuria, isostenuria, forcing duresis;

Primary substitution of plasmas for injections of plasmas and opics. Prototype indications: hypertonic hypertension; quilting; important

nirkova lack.

expedited: overhydration.

lactosol- Intra-intravenous intravenous administration of the isotonic and ionic electrolyte solution through the peripheral or central vein. The rate of introduction is 70-80 drops / min, or close to 210 ml / 70 kg / year; if necessary, up to 500 ml / 15 min. The average dose for a grown-up person is 500-1000 ml / dobu; if necessary up to 3000 ml / add.


    waste water and electrolytes from the intestinal tract (bloom, penetration, fistula, drainage, intestinal laxity, peritonitis, pancreatitis, etc.); from the section (polyuria, isostenuria, forcing duresis);

    isotonic dehydration with metabolic acidosis (rapidity and correction of acidosis) - blood loss, opiqueness.

Prototype indications: hypertonic hyperhydration; alkalosis; hypernatremia; hyperchloremia; hypercalculus; hyperlactatemia.

expedited: overhydration; alkalosis; hypernatremia; hyperchloremia; hyperlactatemia.

acesol- Hypo-osmolarity to avenge them Na +, C1 "and acetate. Introduce intravenously through the peripheral or central vein (struma

abo drip). Dobova dose for an over-grown expensive additional consumption from water and electrolytes plus "/ 2 water deficit plus continuing pathological consumption.

show: hypertonic dehydration in the presence of hypercritical and metabolic acidosis (accelerated correction of acidosis).

Prototype indications: hypotonic dehydration; hypocalypse; overhydration.

expedited: hyperkalієmiya.

a Roschin sodium bicarbonate 4.2% For fast metabolic acidosis. Introduce internally non-breeding or breeding 5 % The range of glucose in the ratio is 1: 1, after which it is necessary to lay down all of the given ionograms and CBS. For the duration of laboratory control, inject no more than 200 ml / day in drops. Roschin sodium bicarbonate 4.2% should not be injected at once with breaks, but with calcium, magnesium, and also not with phosphate breakdowns. The dose of the drug can be rosrahuvati according to the formula:

1 ml 4.2% solution (0.5 molar) = BE weight (kg) 0.6.

show - metabolic acidosis.

Prototype- hypocaline, metabolic alkalosis, hypernat-rimo.

osmodiuretics(Manitol). Introduce 75-100 ml of 20% manitol internally with a stretch of 5 minutes. If the number of sections is less than 50 ml / year, then internally inject 50 ml.

9.5.2. Basic directions of infusion therapy of hypothesis of hyperhydration

1.Infusion therapy for dehydration guilty of vrahovuvati її type (hypertonic, isotonic, hypotonic), as well as:

    obsyag "third space"; forcing duresis; hypertherm; hyperventilation, wounds; hypovolemia.

2.Infusion therapy for overhydration guilty of vrahovuvati її type (hypertonic, isotonic, hypotonic), as well as:

    physical need for water and electrolytes;

    alternate shortage of water and electricity;

    trivial pathological losses of origin with secrets;

    obsyag "third space"; forcing duresis; hyperthermia, hyperventilation; wounds; hypovolemia.


Yak Vi vvazhaєte, you can know the spіlnogo mіzh products from the list below:

the potatoes are greased,

sauerkraut in Russian style,

peas pee,

seaweed cabbage,

kvass in tomatoes,

pomidori and salted oats? It is one of the most important microelements of the caliber, which is vital for the general robotics of the nervous and muscular systems - instead of the tissues and in the blood plasma, there is a sharp decline in the alcoholic process.

In the classic picture of the Russian intoxication of sauerkraut, cabbage (with ice cream), added and grown in the presence of not vipadkovo. Among the people, it is noted that the very products themselves do not know the tightness of the hangover - depression, weakness, heart interruptions and inshe.

Syogodnі, if the electric warehouse for the organism of goodness (nagadaєmo, scho, crіm calia, before the electricity supplies magnesium, calcium, sodium chlorineі inorganic phosphates), It is possible, with sufficient accuracy, to estimate the needs of the body in the cich speech for anyone who will become soul and body. At the clientele, it’s worth keeping so called “blood plasmas”, instead of the main electrolytes and for special formulas to insure the deficit of whatever they are.

Isn't there a problem in the minds of the beat, if laboratory analysis is inaccessible, and the camp of the "sick" is not wicked to particular optimism? Chi maє sense is straightforward to use the electrolyte?

Surely, maє - especial, as in the most likely maybutnyy you try to turn to active intellectual or physical activity. reserve vrat Magnesium and Calcium(In the country of abstinence, the lack of microelements itself is due to the severity of the hangover), allowing the heart to normalize the robot, the central nervous system’s power, perhaps in respect of the turn of the building, reading, thinking

Our practitioner has more than once brought the stikatis to the point of misunderstanding and pain in the area of ​​the heart, which is the result of alcohol abuse. It’s great, for a healthy people, if you don’t have any problems with your heart, it’s even more important to move around - be it cardialgia (just like “beating in the heart”) Feel the fear and ruin.

It's a small professional secret: a lot of quiet, hto be victorious for expensive drug addiction help at home (a number of suggestions without any advertizing), stumped by the very camp of their hearts and often by the righteous overflowing. Naturally, such sufferers in the first place will remember the deficiency of calium and magnesium - an essential drug panangin To take revenge on the offense of electrolyte at the viglyadi of asparagine salt and actively vikoristovuyutsya in cardiology. It is necessary to achieve a quick normalization of the processes of stimulation and conduction of electrical impulses in the myocardium, and magnesium, moreover, makes a positive impact on communication processes in the heart muscle. Before the speech, Magnia has a number of other important authorities: guilt is relieved because of a feeling of depression, I am aware of my motivation and my protisnom action.

Let's see the awkward wiki.

Dobova needs the organism in calories (well, for people with an average weight of 70 kg) to become 1.0 mmol / kg mass: 1.0 mmol / kg x 70 kg x 16.0 gram / mol (molar mass) = 1.12 grams per add. For an alcoholic process, we will help to increase the energy intake from the blood plasma and from the cell to the body, the need for a whole electrolyte will be reduced by 50%.

In addition, there is a great number of births and drugs-diuretics behind our scheme (div. Dal), so that I actively see it: there is a singular number of calories to go through the cross at once; The preparations are indicated for the viglyadі tablets "through the mouth", in conjunction with which the quantity of calories can be reduced by 50%.

At once: 1.12 g + 0.56 g + 0.56 g = 2.24 g cal / dobu.

How can you memorize a pretense of deficiency?

Practically in a skin pharmacy for sale є two popular and inexpensive drugs - asparkamі panangin, Yaki constantly get used to sick cores. In one pill of a miracle-working method, you can find: asparkam - 40.3 mg of calories, panangin - 36.2 mg of calories.

Vikoristovuyut preparations in the following way: a sprinkle of tablets, fine-tune and take, in front of the front razhinivshi in 0.5 flasks of warm water. The effect is to be judged by the offensive rank - if there is no idea in the area of ​​heart, then it takes a day to take two 1 tablet of asparkam or panangin and send a message about them. In practice, it seems that the beneficial effect of the infusion is not earlier, not in 1-1.5 years after taking the first dose of the drug.

Detailed information about the availability of asparkam and panangin You can know in the next sections of our book. It’s great, but not all recommendations can be victorious with ailments with chronic ailments of the heart, broken heart rhythm and chronically nirk deficiencies, - I want to know the calamity and the wicked evil of them, sinister.

Reasonable nutrition: if you need more calories, you need to get 2.24 grams of calories, and with vicorian panangin or aslarkam for doba, in a short amount, you should not get more than 500-600 mg of calories. Is it a reshta? On the right there is a glade in the fact that the number of microelements is an absolutely natural path to come at once with drink and drink. So, for example, in 100 grams of extravagant cartoplas, there is approximately 500 mg of calories; yalovitch, low-fat pork, or riba, put calories in a quantity of 250 to 400 mg per 100 grams of the original part of the product, if this part of the product is not consumed and is seen in the warehouses of feces. The surplus of electrolytes is automatically transferred to the organism from the section for an additional number of hormones.

Zagalom, the idea of ​​the method is as follows: for sub-active polishing of electrolytes, it is very fast to speed up - the organism itself is developed by itself. Ale is insanely one (and it is a very good practice): positive "electric" mailing, straightening on the renewal of the lost balance, friendly In the first years of abstinence, they are infused Not only on the heart-vascular system, but on the extraordinary tone of the body - calium and magnesium take on more than 300 subtle biochemical reactions.

What kind of problem is it, if the drugs are inaccessible, and the painful abstainers are in pain, disrupting the rhythm and inappropriate thinking in the area of ​​the heart? Here it is necessary to go into the popular practice: a dish of greased cartoplas with yalovichin, kvass in tomatoes, peas of peas, rose or sauerkraut.

Bagato rocky in that, on the Distant Descent, the fakhivtsi of alcoholic beverages have raised our respect for the food product, which borrowed a modest place in the middle of the exotic. Vikoristovuvavsya wine in a single lubricated cybula, which is a bit of seafood (such as squid, trumpeter, combing or just ribs), successfully suppressed the Russian growth. The product is not a good one, yak SEA KABUSTA.

Having zapped, we turned up to the next stage of literature and went out, but sea cabbage cannot get enough food and magnesium from the average food products, which we see in our region (it’s close, we know).

On the right, in the fact that sea cabbage is toning on human organisms, it’s not just one thousand years old, who’s more victorious and victorious in Japanese, Korean and Chinese medicine. One of the last innovations is the health of sea cabbage to increase the strength of the body up to the infusion of agile stressors right up to the ionizing radioactivity (which seems to be a medical product, high adaptogenic seafood). Before we talk, we will talk about the adaptation of adaptogens with you at the general distribution of our reader - the whole tsikava theme!

At the end, it is significant that 400-500 g of canned sea cabbage will replace all that amount of calories, as we have boosted it. Alone, but three times to meet the situation, - no less accept the savor of the product, I want everything to be in your hands here. Inodi add a good tomato sauce.

3 books Pathological Physiology the author

3 books Pathological Physiology the author Tetyana Dmitrivna Seleznyova

3 books Fundamentals of neurophysiology the author Valeriy V. Shulgovskiy

3 books of the Peculiarities of the National Hangover author A. Borovskiy

3 books of Khvorobi obminu rechovin. effective ways treatment and prevention the author Tetyana Vasylivna Gitun

3 books Pharmacy zdorov'ya according to Bolotov author Glib Pogozhev

Andriy Oleksandrovich Zatuv

3 books Yak zbalansuvati thyroid hormones, supra-nirkovy zalozi, pidshlunkovaya zalozi the author Galina Ivanivna Uncle

V's books are just not the same the author Mikhailo Oleksiyovich Gavrilov

3 books of the Corporation "Uzha". The whole truth about those who the author Mikhailo Gavrilov

3 Books for Health from Bregg to Bolotov. Great doer of a happy health improvement author Andriy Mokhovoy

Crystalline (polyionic roses) and osmotic diuretics are introduced before the preparations of the whole group:

crystal clear

Naybilsh often vikoristovyutsya onset:

Physiological (izotonic) rozchin

sodium chloride - 0.9% of the range

Ringer's roschin

sodium chloride - 8.0 g

calcium chloride - 0.075 g

calcium chloride - 0.1 g

sodium bicarbonate - 0.1 g

Roschin Ringer-Locke

sodium chloride - 9.0 g

calcium chloride - 0.2 g

calcium chloride - 0.2 g

sodium bicarbonate - 0.2 g

glucose - 1.0 g

distilled water - up to 1 l


sodium chloride - 6.2 g

calcium chloride - 0.3 g

calcium chloride - 0.16 g

magnesium chloride - 0.1 g

sodium lactate - 3.36 g

sodium bicarbonate - 0.3 g

distilled water - up to 1 l

In the classroom practice, it is important to get rid of it for the correction of water-salt ryvnovagi, the stench to replace the most adequate set of blood types. And in the case of the Ringer-Locke type and Lactosol to replace and anti-toxic components in viglyadi bicarbonate or sodium lactate. For the correction of acidosis, use an internal infusion 4-5% retail sodium bicarbonate (soda).

Polyonny answers may be low molecular weight and quickly penetrate through the wall of capillaries in the middle of the space, they also have a shortage of age in the interstitial space. The stench to finish the shvidko zalishayut the waterway. At the connection with the cymbals, there are no more crystalline and colossal differences.

Crystalline order with hemodynamic coloidal blood substitutes is included in the complex therapy of traumatic and hemorrhagic shock, in case of septic diseases, as well as stagnation for the prevention and correction of the water-salt balance of puddles and acid-and-acid conditions. At the same time, it is not only the deficiency of postural birth, the compensation of metabolic acidosis and detoxification, and the latter is rather hemodynamic, but a partial correction of hypovolemia hypovolemia.

Infiltration and Provider Anesthesia

Infiltration: Vona will be unanimous in her positive qualities of infiltrative and provincial anesthesia.

Anatomically, the method of training on the peculiarities of budov and fascial devices. The size of the anesthetic speech, which is introduced with a grip in the cases, expands into them and penetrates to the nerves and nerve ends. Tug novokainovі infoіnfіltratsії sip (pryzut) on the cases and get angry with yourself. A.A. Vishnevsky, calling his method of anesthesia the method of increasing infiltration.

Znebolyuvannya to carry out surgery in the process of operation, coryzing alternately with a syringe and a scalpel in the world of developing a ball of tissue.

Infiltration of the fabric is required before the opening of the case, so as if there is a loosening of the anesthetic speech, the rest of the anesthetic speech will wriggle into the wound, and it will be very intense and slow. Otzhe, the abundant zealous effect cannot reach the minds of the tsikh. Tug information of fabrics with a no-nonsense gap is good for hydraulic preparation of fabrics, in the information it is easy to get judges, nerves, allowing you to uniquely break down the bleeding. For infiltrating anesthesia, 0.25% dosage of novocaine with additional adrenaline (3 drops of adrenaline 1: 1000 per 100 ml of novocaine). For a case anesthesia, a large amount of rosette is required (up to 800 and 1000 ml), but a low concentration of anesthetics and incision into the wound is not possible when the cases are removed during the operation.

To carry out anesthesia, use two syringes (2- and 5 ml or 5- and 10 ml).

1. For the soreness of the shkiri, inject anesthesia with a thin bare under the shkiri, flashing just at the viglyad "lemon scorch" in the course of all the lines of development of the shkiri. A skin prick to shrug off at the edge of a woman, taken with a pre-prick.

2. Through the infiltrated shkіra, introduce novokain into the pedagogical school. Adequate information for pediatric cells should be provided at the top of the roller of the entire region.

3. Injecting noble wrinkles into deep-lying fabrics, infiltrating tissues, and in the middle - from the inside of the fire, to the bottom and to the sides.

In case of rosin 'myaz_v, weaken the additional infiltration with a light-colored tissue.

Providnikova: The development of such types of provincial anesthesia: anesthesia of nerve stubs, anesthesia of nerve plexuses, anesthesia of nerve nodes (paravertebral), spinal cord and epidural (epidural) anesthesia. The anesthetic should be administered peri - or endoneurally.

Providnikova finger anesthesia according to Lukashevich - Oberst zastosovuєtsya during operations on the fingers (with panarits, wounds). On the edge of the finger, apply a jug, distal to the surface of the main phalanx, distal to the surface of the main phalanx, anesthetize the skin, the child's skin, and then let the head go to the brush. To move the cyst to one side of the cyst phalanx and to introduce it into the nearer proximity of the nerves of the finger, as it passes along the cystic surface.

Anesthesia of brachial gossip according to Kulenkampf zasosovyat during operations on the surface of the picture. The patient is placed on his back, his head is turned into a protruding bik, his hand is hanging on the table. In the middle of the collarbone, along the upper edge, a projection of the clavicle artery begins. The shoulder of gossip is a project to be called from the clavicle artery. Dovgu golku without a syringe on the basis of information about the new age. The appearance of inappropriate ideas in the ruts, the appearance of the same or the appearance of the "striker" bіl vkazu on the sound of the head with one of the nerve strings of gossip. The vision of blood from the head is to indicate that it has got into the vessel. In such cases, the grip is pulled out and changed straight ahead. Having crossed over, you cannot see the roof of the head, inject 30-35 ml of 1% lidocaine. Anesthesia is infused after 10-15 minutes and three times for 2-6 years.

Retromammary blockade stagnate for the treatment of mastitis in serous and infiltrative stages. With a whole, 0.25% is injected into the retromammary cell rr novokainu in general 150-200 ml with antibiotic (enzyme preparation).

mіzhreberna anesthesia vikorystyutsya with fractures of the ribs. Having entered a circle of centimeters from the fracture of the rib right up to the ridge, anesthetize the skin with an internal pathway introduced into the syringe with a needle. Perpendicularly to the malformed rib in the anesthesia machine, the child should be pricked into the head, injecting the new one when the rib is pressed against the stop. Having pulled the head by 2-3 mm, m'yak_ fabric, Suck the golka to the lower edge of the rib, squeeze along the th surface, and inject 3-5 ml of 1-2% novokainu perineurally. Do not take out the heads, turn it to the top of the rib, blow it through the top edge of the same rib, and inject 2-3 ml of 1-2% novokain, in order to get the head up. If several ribs are broken, repeat the procedure.

Short penicilinu-novokainov block:

Shown: Vikoristovuyut during intermittent ignition processes (boil, igniter і і і ін.)

Technique: Around the firing point, having entered the visible cordon, from the small points inject new antibiotic into the child's cell, flashing the pillow under the fire. You should inject 40-60 ml of 0.25% novokain solution.