The magical power of herbs. The magical meaning of herbs: the secrets of the ancestors of the Central and the magical powers of the Roslin

Everything will drain us, pouring into us. Let us close our eyes at the same time, we will pour in all the same light on us. So why not make friends with navkolishnіm svіt and not vikoristovuvaty tse pouring soі for the good? At the end of the statute, I will give you information about quiet roslin, in which you can vikoristovuvati for the good. Knowing the power, you can harmonize the energy in your little house, as well as cleanse your midst and your close ones from the busy ones. You don’t have to go to the booth, everything. You can vibrate those roses that are close to you and whose magical powers you know are specific for your life.

Otzhe, 10 magic roses, like a varto to start at home:

Scarlet Faith(Stolitnik, Sabur, Chervonoi, rannik)

At the center of the Roslin, a month and a Marsian nature is manifested.

Tse is more beautiful room roslina, in view of its own dominant powers, and even more valuable by magical powers. Vono to seize from the rotten inflows and safe from the unhappy vipadks. For good reason, put the capitalist in the child's room, or in the maistern, especially if the mother will be brought to the right with the necessary tools. Put Aloe in the room, get out of the household, and if you receive guests, so the growth will harmonize the space. You can put a bill at the entrance, you can screw up your luck and see evil spirits.

The capitalist is to love straight sleepyards, open windows, not to love rich vologues. Yogo should be watered 1-2 times a day. During the summer period there will be a radium of life on the open balcony, or in the garden.

saintpaulia(Uzambarskaya fіalka, Fіalka room)

Volodya's nature.

You can help create a spiritual atmosphere in the booth. For the sake of putting it in that room, because you have to go to the whole homeland, so that in this place, it is important to trim the camp of spirituality, harmony and closeness to the Divine. Vaughn bring peace and harmony to your room. And yet, to amuse yogo from murah and targanov. Well, it may be good, because moving to the booth of the targains of the household, and moving to the booth of the morah of the annoyance and discomfort to the household. J

Before that, "Saintpaulia" had no power. She showed, and saw negative energy and thresholds from the booth, and you can put them on the windows, especially on those that go to the front of the booth. And also in front.
To love strong, systematic watering and vologism, not to love straight exchanges of sleep. Fialka saintpaulia kindly sensed on the old and winter windows.

Krassula(Fat tree, Fat woman, Lucky tree, Jade tree, Friendship tree)

Tse tree with mixed nature. The new rice, the power of the roslin and Jupiter - tovsty stovbur, the article and the mint, and the Misyatsya - rounded leaves, "meatiness" and wateriness.

Crassula will attract penny luck and wealth. For all goodness, put an order with a workmanship. And so it itself helps to preserve the world and peace in the homeland. For all, put Krasul in the kitchen, near the bathroom. For good luck, you can put a stamp on the facade of your living room, or at the entrance.

To love shaving water, not to love a saw. Watering її in the world of hanging earth in the landlord. Good growth in the early and early days.

Zamioculcas, Dolarov tree

Tsіkavo those who, yogo nature seeks out of the nature Krasul. In tsyu quitku yaskravo, the deprivation of the Jupiterian nature is manifested.

Yogo magіchnі power - priceless luck and wealth, status. Such a roslina is kindly put on the table at the workman's house, and on the table in the office.

To love light, but not direct exchange, not vibrant, to love watering.

Kislitsa fioletova(Quitka-metelik, Kislitsya rozheva)

Roslina herself Kislitsa is called so by Kislitsya room, Kukushkin konyushina, Sour Clover. Visiting the stables is not only because of the sight, relish and according to the news of growth, but also according to the magical powers.

Rozhev sour of mixed nature. View of Jupiter and the appearance of the barn, as of Venus, the view and smell of apartments.

Rozheva acid is so itself, as and in the first sight of acidic supplementation in health and wellness. You can put in the room to loved ones, as you will sooner viduzhati. And also until quietly, if you want to become healthy. In addition, you can help you to know your place in life, like to put it in the bedroom or at the work table.

To love the hallowed cooler place, to be kindly set before the light and before the evening. To love bright watering and shaving.


Volodya is a beautiful Venusian nature.

All kinds of pelargoniums may be registered in power, especially with the quotes of the red color. Please put її bіlya at the entrance to the apartment or bіlyа at the entrance at the doors (in the summer period), as well as on the window at the side of the street. It is good to have geraniums with horny quotes in order to get them out. Put її zі skidny or pivdenny side. If you want to be productive, put Geranium with big squares in your bedroom.

Vaughn not to love obscenities, to love warmth and good growth on natural and dry ground. Good growth on the new side.


Roslin with the beautiful Venusian nature.

Goodness in the bedroom, for that with the magical powers of the growth є fertility, fleshly addiction і zakist dlyachi. Also, Happiness attracts Cyclamen, so Cyclamen is kind enough to move into a child's room, and so in the room itself, for all intents and purposes, spend an hour.
In addition, Cyclamen has a strong power of power, it has a strong hold of evil spells and a ruin of evil spells. You can put it in the foreground and in the central room of your donkey.

Cyclamen love watering 1-2 times a day, and it is important to pour water into the poddon, and not into the housekeeper himself with a bottle. Good luck on winter and old wines. It's light to love, but not direct exchange.


Roslina Venerian nature.

You can put it in the bedroom or in the central room, if it is important for you to treat or attract love. Orhideya is so powerfully powerful to awaken mental and magical health, to clean up the line and apathy, to know your Shlyakh. For the sake of it, put a request note with the assistant, your workmanship, or in that room, you’ll spend more than an hour.

Won’t love the sleepyheads, it’s warmer and better, and the timeless watering with clean water.


Volodya by Jupiterian nature.

As soon as you put it in your room, if you have to wait for meditation practice, then it is necessary to strengthen your wisdom, your connection with the Divine, and so your very good health before meditation. Volodya is also guilty of magical power, which bestows fertility. For a good idea, put a taste in the bedroom. Yogo nature is such that evil spirits cannot be blamed for this "company". Win the house of your booth in your presence in the new, for that kindness put Ficus in the central room of your booth or your apartment.

To love the sun, or not to love the direct exchange. Watering pomirniy without dry and flooding.

Decembrist cactus(Zigokaktus)

The cactus has a very strong manifestation of the millennial nature - the meatiness of the stovbur and the Marsian nature - the golki.

The Decembrist will be a wonderful active occupant of your booth. Put it in the entrance, and take you away from the wrong side of the door and quietly, so that you can ruin the quiet and incomplete connection of your family's headquarters. Until then, Decembrist, like a cactus, you can take in the negative. As long as you have a robot at home є it was negative, put a cactus in that room, de most often buvaє taka lyudin.

Kindly feel on winter windows, and on winter ones, as long as sleepy exchanges do not fall on a new one. To love baking and watering, ale not overwhelming.

awakening ritual

Varto pam'yatati, all kits can show their goodness, if the stench is healthy. To that, we should respectfully put ourselves to that, as if to keep an eye on Tim chi іnshim quote. Until then, the magical power of the card will manifest itself more clearly, as if to purify it, and then to sanctify it (by ourselves having mastered the need for magic). The price can be revived by the offensive rank:

Stati rіvno, put in front of you a note to the housekeeper, to inhale and see. See your feet, as from them come the roots, and see the whole land from the earth. Let the root grow more and more into the ground. Become a part of nature, become a continuation. Put one hand on the note, bring the landlord to the ground and say:

Mother Earth, Mother Progenitor of all that exists, I ask you to cleanse the dewdrop.

Poach and see, as through you the flow of energy and the dewdrop will be cleansed.

I ask you, Great Mati Vsiy, to remind the growth of your strength, wake up in the new one (say the need for something and how it is guilty to manifest, for example, I will seize the power, do not take away our house and our seven ruins from all the nasty things. Let it be so.

Dyakuyu tobi, Great Mother Earth.

Pobachte, like a roselin reminiscent of energy and strength and is ready to help you. To grow a great vidih ​​and vidih. Draw in the "root". To grow a big breath, see and see your eyes. Put a roselin on that place, it’s a matter of guilt to stand and vikonuvati your "robot".

More articles on the topic:

10 magic roses, how to start a house - part 2 - continued statty, in which there are about 10 bedroom roses.

Charіvnі Bobi - part 1 - article about the preparation of amulets in the magical practice of making amulets.

Our ancestors gave the herbs a great value. Bagatovy Dosvid Victory of the gifts of nature is more helpful and in the modern world. For the help of the magical powers of the skin, you can shake off evil and get into your life of prosperity.

Skin dermal growth is especially powerful. The stench absorbs all the forces of the elements, additionally helping people to cope with life's difficulties, ailments, ailments and misfortunes. Victorize the bioenergetic power of herbs and roslin, so that you change your life in the opposite direction.

The magic power of the Roslin

animal Volodya is a unique and hard-working energy that will stand up to the charms. Yogo vikoristovuyut for the capture of any kind of evil, including the pritut and psuvannya. Dry roslin, put it on the side of the booth or fastened over the door, do not allow to penetrate into the new negative energetics. Cleanse yourself out of the negative, in addition to the sound of a sound, as you perebuva with you permanently.

artiche additional help fighting with fear, will clarify the witness and the evil spirits. Yogo vikoristovuyut for smoked primish, in which splashes of negative energy, welding and conflict are spared.

Defeat the grass For latatta, additional help to cope with everyday and everyday difficulties, turned into a booth during the year. The root of the white latatta is screwed up with love.

Linden additional help to know the harmony of everybody. Tea made from linden trees is a great help to charm a kohan, ale їm you cannot koristuvatya for ruinuvannya other people's families, you don’t catch yourself inappropriately.

fern oberіga in the form of negative influx and manipulation with evidence. Winning power to cleanse wounds and shrink tissue regeneration

Pauline you can help yourself out of any evil. Vaughn will help mandrels to reach their goals and get stumbled.

shavlya win good luck and prosperity, cleanse the attraction and circulation of positive flows in the vastness of your booth.

хміль lіku sleeplessness and relief from vile dreams. For a whole bump of hops, put a handrail with a pillow.

cedar turn the spirit of the spirit, take the right decisions and help you to get along with the nasty little animals and nahilas.

oak symbolization of wisdom and loyalty. Our ancestors carried with them mice, reminiscent of the bark of an oak tree. The stench helped him to accept the true decision, to lay down the best things and to see the truth in the form of nonsense.

Divosil vikorystovutsya in cіlitelstvі, zhisnoy and love magic. Yogo warehouses will help you to cope with minor ailments and illnesses internal organs etching.

cleanliness for a long time, having symbolized the victory. Win more help in court practice, Renovated justice and amid the thoughts imposed by the mischief-makers.

Competent vikorystannya herbs can help to turn the strength of the spirit and health. The practice of sucking herbs shows how you can substitute for lіkuvalny drugs... However, before you get rid of it, do not forget to consult with your doctor in order to prevent allergic reactions. Good luck to you and good health, and do not forget to push the buttons and

From all the zberigachs of the local knowledge, mabut, none more jealously and anxiously not to refer to their professional secrets, not the herbalists. For a long time, expensive books about magical and political power of kits and roslin have been passed down from generation to generation. Bagato mothers and grandmothers sleepily passed on the secrets of Chaklun's dreams to their daughters and onuks.

Magicians, chakluni, sorcerers, shamans, friends knew the power of the dermal growth and the ways of rejecting the strength of the growth. In the magical gardens, there were growing nairoznomanitnіshі herbs - spun and lykuvalny, as magicians vmіlo vikoristovuyut for their purposes. They drank the stench from herbs, rubbed ointments into a pile of ointments, made them from the growing parts of roslin, vykorystovuvali herbs for smoking. Roslinnі amulets stole from evil misfortunes, and talismani gave strength.

In a few hours, when collecting herbs, the following rules were applied: one day was taken, an hour was added, a phase of Misyatsya. Some of the growers were taken only for the next month or only for the most recent months. They saw them with only knives, so as they respected, when they were locked out of the stench, they could draw in magical qualities. They went to the deads of the roslin from the singing side, saw only the speeches in front of the front, or they were encouraged to praise, to coax them.

Some of them melt the vague backs of a distant child, as our children, when they light a candle, grumble the old side of old books-herbalists in worn-out schoolchildren, touching the science of magic and herbal power. The ancient knowledge of the power of the roslin gave power, vlada, povaga and instilled fear. Our children knew the secrets of herbs. One of them, on the basis of the sinister cold m'yat and the beast, growing in the garden, robbing the mittuviy stovidsotkovy love spell. The cholovik, having siphoned the lovable herbs of the evil, had consumed the fallowness of the children’s clientele in the povnu, having poured away, saying, “You can’t see it, you cannot see it, you cannot see it, you don’t want to work.”

In Danish hour it is not enough to sort out in herbs in a fair way. From one grassy lykarskiy podradnik in the first authorization to rewrite one or the other, moreover, with pardons. We know about bagatma herbalists. The rules for picking herbs at a time to touch only one thing: the place was clear and clean, but not less than a hundred kilometers from the great places. All herbalists are mostly self-taught. Behind the books, the stench touches the grass wisdom. Most of the herbalists at a time vazhaє for more beautiful not to likuvati, but simply to sell herbs, which is called a clientele. Look at it. To make the right choice of herbs for a magical girl, it is even more necessary for the nobility, who read it well, not being afraid of experimenting or volodying oversight (Yasnov-yum).

All herbalists can be cleverly divided into three groups:

1. Who will volodiyut academic (book) knowledge.
All life stinks to collect information about the power of herbs, read books, go in. Oh great. Having dedicated his life to the respectable vyvchennya of herbs, in an hour people will deny the ability to correctly vicarious power for achieving the necessary result.

2. Who will volodyuyut to the intuitive knowledge.
Herbalists, who have minimal basic knowledge about the power of herbs, at the necessary moment turn on their oversight from reading information and as if they can say that the herb itself, at any hour, in which I will add abo.) Such fakhivtsi vvazayutsya most strong, so as they come up to the last problem and are more individual. The stench is podbnі to the Kravets, as the dress is sewn exactly according to the figure of the client. At that hour, like the herbalists of the first group, a sewing factory.

3. Unique herbalists, who have great knowledge about the power of herbs, and can read information.
Once before us, they go wild with the hassle of picking grass for a drink. As long as we have no need for herbs at this time, we propose to the customer to buy the herb in small towns (in pharmacies, from herbalists). Inodі to us to bring up to 50 appearances. First of all, from the energy of herbs and people, it is important, which is the most important for the solution of this particular problem.

Not only grass, ale i blacite clay, Zіbrana in іznih mіstyah, maє absolutely wіth іnі power.

Likuvalny and magical powers of the deyakie roslin:

Gorobina is the most magical growth. The tree has a unique quality - to extinguish the energy, so that it doesn’t work the handles with a sledgehammer. The tree itself has superbly strong energy, control over the entire forest. For a long time, ailments have been wine-growing from the mountain, as the astral energy of the tree is strong from all ailments. The berries of the gorbe are scattered through the fumes. Їх give zhuvati to a sick person, so like a gorobin p_dvishchu stiykist to sour hunger. Dumplings from the mountain beetle calm the nerves, and the bark of the tree to lick the liver. The fruits of toil gorobini krovospinnu, protimіkrobnu, protizaplіdnim, sechogіnnu, pronosnu dіyu, zmenshuyut vmіst zhirіv in pechіntsі, normalіzuyut obmіn rechovin, lіkvіduyut defіtsit vіtamіnіv, dopomagayut at nedokrіv'ї that visnazhennі organіzmu, znizhuyut vmіst cholesterol krovі i arterіalny vise, Serdce pokraschuyut robot, to promote the blood-bearing vessels. Gorobina is douzhe korysna in case of sugar diabetes, obesity and ailments thyroid gland... Masks from the fruits of the mountain beetle assimilate the snarls, give a shine of freshness and an acceptable matte rhyme color.

At the magician, the gorse is victorious for the capture of the house of magic attacks and evil spirits. To plant a bile gank or bilya vorit for a chink. And a little bit of a gorobin with fruits has long been attached over the entrance doors. Tse krashy zhisny amulet.

As soon as the people of the region are covered with gorobini (leaves and berries on the gilkah are guilty but they are obov'yazkovo), give the drink pivlitra infusion on the berries of the gorobin (hot), then in three years people will be aware of the middle gravity. Gilki pislya tsієї procedures - vikinuti.

Verbena - universal for all weakness, headache(Put your pillow on the floor). To wear a verbena wiggle in front of you. Verbena love the empowerment. Often the yak is highly effective as a love spell. Having vip the love spell with the addition of verbena, you will awaken more passionately for sex, you will see the accumulation of sperm. If the cholovik is nastiy from the verbena, then it’s the fault of becoming strong in sexual relationship. To make the spirits victorious, put a verbeni bottle on the vivtar. Sriyaє vorozhinnya, clairvoyance. For a long time, verbena has become a miracle. The Greeks warriors, how the verbena is robbed, is unmoved, and the enemies are spontaneous until later. In the middle of the day, the verbena was taken once a day in a thousand-year-old, with the planets of Venus and Mercury. Friends were afraid in front of the verbena and respected all the ailments. In this hour, verbena most often stagnates with ailments of the liver, spleen, anti rheumatic pains, with hanging or lack of strength, as well as with low and non-trivial menstruation. Nastia verbena cleans the roof, dyes the warehouse and increases the amount of blood in case of anemia. The bloodstream itself, the protisperium, the vascular dilatation, the wounds and the wounds of the verbena to prevent the panacea from all the ailments.

Kropiva - grows in people of Mars (bicycles) rice (courage, manhood, creativity, honesty, etc.) Stuffed with a drop of sprinkle, it will be primed. Bathing at the bathtub with a sprinkle of water is known for the easy vision of the bath. Especially korisna sprinkler for people over 35 years old. If you can put the shelter of the sacrificed creature on the freshly sprinkled sprinkle, or your own, and then read the singing image in the debris from the bastard effect, and then the Okur of the sacrificed sack, then you can try to weld , happiness and wealth.

Sprinkling liku zir, nirki, pechinka, will reduce blood circulation, burn fat. As soon as you grasp it with some sprinkles, then the skin will become smooth and velvety.

M'yata is a miracle love spell. One of the most effective. Vidvar m'yati pidvischuє sexual urge (where the rush of blood to the body organs and it’s natural to be sexually bazhannya). Drops of blood in a love spell. The regularity of the consumption of mint love spells in vіdvaru pіdsilіuє in progam in people. We know people who sounded like that until mint tea, so you can't live without a new day. There is fallowness. Without peppermint tea, such people already in two days become frantic, nervous and not ready for sex. As a result, drink the people for a long time for a love spell, or for a magic attack.

M'yatu stagnate when acidity is altered shlunk juice, Colitis, tediousness, sleeplessness, lack of strength, pectoral toad, hypertension. I will paint the exchange of words, expand the judgment of the brain, internal organs, and give bad growth, knowledge of the second, I will move forward. Antiseptic. Effective stimulator and controller of the robot heart. Vidvar m'yati calming nerves, tonic organism, wife zhovch, usuvat vіdrizhku, nadaє individuals of health, badorii viglyad.

Zvirobiy (ailment) - strong against magic. Yogo namagayutsya prepare for an hour of summer songstations on Kupala (21-24 chervnya) or on the day of Perun (2 sickles). To gilku zvіroboyu over the door like a guardian amulet, to wear it when you see it. Dim zombuyuyut booths for expelling evil spirits and neutralizing negative energy. On the basis of the beastly beast, go strong lovemaking evil. Wine is a good honey plant. Quite a bit of the upper part of the old wine was taken for the preparation of the tincture "Erofeich" and hot gorіlok.

Zvirobiy - naygolovnisha likarska roslina from all kinds of houses.І fresh, і hanging wіn is reliably effective. Don't call yogo "There are 99 ailments from the grass"... Win stagnant with diabetes, shlunkovo-intestinal ailments, Boughs of stove, chaff, heart, grasses of slunk, extra acidity, regulates processes in the body, because of viraztsi slunk, hypertension, impotency, neurasthenia, increased sleepiness, sleeplessness, like rinsing with a foul smell from the mouth. Nastya herb increased the vision of the slaughter by 40%, stimulating the amplitude of the very heart and uterus. It changes the stasis of the young woman in the mallow, the spasm of the small intestine, the increased filtration of the slaughter in the nirkas, the change of the capillaries, reduces the blood circulation and the richness of the blood.

Lishchina (lisovy gorіkh, lіshchina) is a magical roslin, a guide and redefinition of energy. They use a magic wand, so that it is good to spend and re-transform the energy of the people into more subtle energy. With the help of a wand, it is possible to apply information on dewline, stones, water. All ob'єkti waste their energy and repair the operation of other people's energy. The axis of that in magic rituals zastosovuєtsya lіshchina, as a guide of human will. Information, how to pass through the leaf, to take off as a native, and not to repair the description of such information. When preparing a love spell, use a stick from the leaf.

Lіschina is a universal zest, yo vikoristovuyt yak in positive, as well as in negative magic. In magical rituals, lischina vikoristovuyat yak for the renewal of the sechostat spheres, and for the ruinuvannya її. Beyond the help of the lischina, you can find yourself free of charge. As soon as the program of aggression is applied to the leaf, then in the beginning of the program of aggression. Lyudin will transform himself into a tyrant, a despot with inheritance, how to boil yak for both new and all kind. Behind the help of the lischini, you can open your mind to show the cursed family with programs.

Lishina p'yut yak sechoginnyy tea nerves, Nontrimanny slaughter, foreign and state of weakness, in case of burning in front of the throat, seized ailments, undercuts, illnesses lymphatic universities, Pechinki. For an hour the color of the lischini (quyten-grass) you can pick up the files. Tse cholovichiy bіlok, strong biostimulant. Put on the polyethylene bag and shake it. When you go to the house, add the files of the lishchini to honey. Lischina - one of the shortening roslin for the elimination of the potential, prostatitis and atherosclerosis.

Air zvychainy - they call it angelic grass, Tatar zilli, sabelnik. I increase the tone of the adjusted nervous system. I will paint the etching. Lіku twisting the slunk. Pіdvischuє tonus organizmu, rejuvenation, yesє bad'orіst. To navit the stove itself, to crumple, as on the tip of the knife, a spike has developed for a day, take the powder from the root of ayiru. Take a little powder (0.5 tablespoons per bottle of water), you will be good and happy for a day. The root of the air can be used for improving the memory, for advancing the statistic function (with the opportunity), for the stove, for toothache, for the improvement of teeth and is clear. For an additional aire it is possible once and for all to get out of the house!

At magic aire vicoristovuyt yak lovemaking zasib. The roots are used to speak and add to cream, biscuits, liquor, meat and ribbons.

Yalivets - guarding the housewives, grabbing from the psyche and the first magical attacks, from the unclean force. Good afternoon, sit down the booth, or for the windows. Obkuruvaty gilkoy yalivtsyu house and sick people (for the purification of energy). Schodenne obkuruvannya priduzhannya. Yalivets is strong phytonic power. It is well noted that in quiet places, in growth, purer than in the morning, there are ailments of the creature, who are coming forth, to bring their strength into being. At Pivnichniy American Indians for the treatment of tuberculosis, shkiri, cysts and loafs helped the ailments in the overgrowth of yalivtsyu, because of the thickening of high-flowing oils. Vergiliy wrote, that before the hour of strong epidemias, it is necessary to smother the gilts of yalivts.

V for drinking purposes berries yalivtsyu zastosovovyat yak strong sechoginny and zhovchoginny, disinfigurable sechovydnі zasіb. It is recommended to use it in case of ailments of nirok and liver disease, cystitis, gout, rheumatism, for polishing the blood warehouse, purifying the organisms from slags, viraztsi slag. Zhuvannya yagid deinfiku zhovchny ducts. Nastiy yagid stagnate when filling the heart, with a whole body not only water, but ale and salt. I will add needles to normalize blood circulation, reduce the metabolic processes that calm the central nervous system, especially by wiping all the body or taking baths.

Shavlya - enter to the warehouse of bagatokh zilla. Turned the strength and joy of the people, having tried on their magic attacks.

For the purposes of nastya shavlya, I will change the nervous system, I will reduce the exchange of words, normalize the state of the function, and know the tremors of the hands. Yogo vikoristovuyuyu with parallichі, rotten memory as zagalnozmіtsnyuyu і sudinorozdyshlyuvalny zasіb. For the treatment of radiculitis and polyarthritis, aromatic baths with shavlієyu. Nastya herb p'yut at embellishments and elite non-trivial slaughter. Vidvar cleans the slurry, good for the nirki and the stove, for the sake of the internal secretions. Build your head for a change of hair.

Chortistolokh (chamber, tartar) - one of the most powerful means for driving unclean spirits from the house. Yakshcho thistle trimati in the booth, win additional help from pritut and psuvannya. Zakhischak to poltergeist (viganjak yogo). Yes, the nudguyuyuch are calm about those close relatives who have passed into the afterlife. Deliveries to uzgolіv'ya lіzhka, seizure from nіchnyh nightmares. As soon as the thistle thistle was trimmed, the cholovik stopped walking for a walk from the house to the kokhanka (the garnet was at the door, as the squad was mirin zalnitsya from the walking cholovik).

For the dietary purposes of nastya kvitkovyh cats budyakovyt in case of sudom, epilepsy, sleeplessness, for normalization heart rhythm and sliding the grip. Vidvar herb miraculously regulates the activity of the central nervous system, in small doses of wine, and in great doses - calm. Children can visit the bathtubs in front of the bathtub. Vidvar root p'yut with intestinal, nyrcovy, pechinkovy colitis, for vivedennya with the organism of ridin at the embryos of a growing pacing.

Sleep-grass - supplementary help To dry and put a pillow on top of it. Enter to the warehouse of evil, which will relieve you from sleeplessness.

Barvinok - additional help to preserve love from the family, to rob shlyub mitsnym. Tsia Roslina Veneri. Barvinok slid to plant bilya gank or bilya hvirtki. When leafing a barvinka, a yak is stronger than a love affair. For the dietary purposes of nastya leafing, the bar is used for improving the memory and cerebral circulation (cleansing the brain). Brown for hypertension and for insult.

Thyme (thyme, herb tim'yan) - additional help from psuvannya. Quiet the Budinkov. Viganjak is a poltergeist (if a violent spirit makes a noise at night, fall on sleepy households and choke them).

In the case of nastya herbal remedies, there is a foul etching, nyrcological ailments, like a blood supply and a slurry. Tea with thyme p'yut yak zaspokiliviy is good for sleeplessness, stressful work, nervous system disorders, headache, alcoholism, and absolutely non-limiting chapters.

Cypress - stronger zasіb zіd prіrіtu. In the bagatokh people, cypress is a tree of confusion, sorrow, death. Its popularity is not only due to its exotic zest, ale and fragrant woods, from which it is a good time to shy away from chots, images, whips, rosters, and ikonnі dots. Until now, they have been making amulets. At Ancient Rome, the cypress was visadzhuvali one hour from the people of the children, especially the girls.

Pauline - vidganyaє evil force, zhishchaє zhitlo, Yakshcho hang a little over the entrance doors, or put it in a vase. Polin vikoristovuyut for a smoked life of a sick household, and Pauline's splinters perfectly neutralize negative energy. I will add Polina to the water, which is a pidlog for the development of high-class microbes in the countryside.

At the political goals, the half-wider blood-bearing judges are widened, the arterial grip is reduced, and the embankments are changed. Anastasia Polina p'yut with sleeplessness, sudomas, diabetic diabetes, obesity, rheumatism.

Brothers - good to see. Settled in the city, seize the houses of magic.

A hair is a magic roselin. Vikoristovuyut in ritual magic for a sound with a sweat light (put on vivtar). Yak component, go into the black zilla for the guidance of magic. Helps you in conjunction with spirits and evil spirits.
For the drinking purposes of nastya hairs dobre din on cardiovascular system, Knowing the heart, calming the nervous system (with nervous discomforts), cinnamon with the use of chicken slime (destruction of the nightmare). At the same time, hairs bathe children at the time of development, eczema.

Osika is a magic tree that takes away energy. Behind the folk perekazy, they beat the vampires with an ossicle hammer. On the graves of the chakluns and every once in a while to put an ossicular cross. If the spirit of the deceased relative is turbulent at night, then an osikovy kolok or chrest will be inserted into his grave. Osik vikoristovuyu to work in the magic of sacrifice and negative magic.

Burkun - additional help to navigate from strong psuvannya. Tse otrut, to that the burkun is pyut carefully, in small doses. Vikoristovuyut burkun also for smoked zipsovanny people. Anastasia burkunu p'yut when the organs are ignited, chronic bronchitis, Hypertension, infarction, flatulence, disruption of menstruation, climax, pain in secular malnutrition and nirkah. It’s narcotic and sleepy because it’s stagnant in case of neurasthenia, sleeplessness, headaches, anxiety disorders of the nervous system.

Chasnik - vikoristovuyt for the preparation of amulets (a quote or a clove). Behind the pillars, the chaplain has taken over the vampires, inverted and іnshoi unclean force. Oskilki channik activates the persh chakra, podsilu the etheric field of the people, so that he will be victorious in the capacity of being attached and as a whole in magic. It’s a little bit of a bit of a hunter for the computer’s b_lya, which can be brought to a lot of pratsyuvati (the dopomagaє vir_vnyati perechis in power engineering). Sіk chasnik is effective for cleansing the body quickly. It stimulates the vision of shlunk juice, reduces the intestinal motility and secular appearance, cleans the lungs and bronchi from the purchased mucus, and removes the vision through the pores of the shkiri. Juice for the chaplain to grow warts and іznі beaches on skіrі, zmіtsnyuut hair. Deliver a chill of chilin a clove to the huckster, then again clean the empty company from the weaker bacteria. Shove the odor to the chapel, є a simple method is to chew the trochas of fresh parsley, as chlorophyll of the herb replaces the throat deodorant and natural rinsing of the company.

Plakun-grass - viganjak from the house of unclean spirits.

Rose-herb - for food, supplementary help to pritut and psuvannya. They were victorious for the preparation of amulets and the knowledge of belongings. The grass was known as a protective oath.


Over the last ten years, the whole world of the sutta has lost the health of all groups of the population. knowledge grasping authorities Roslin will help you not only to get healthier on the singing rivn, but to get out of the bagatokh zhvoryuvan. Information, how to take place in the middle of the growing line, pouring into the wells of the structure of people, lowering the aggression, pouring into thoughts and, perhaps, a share. If Lyudin pratsyuє over himself, then the growths give a high likuvalny effect... Roslini divided into groups. Axis of them:

1. Roslin, who promotes health and wellness for ailments. The solution to any health problem needs to be fixed with the help of immunity. Particularly effective: ginseng, golden root, leuzea, lemongrass, polin, rye, black currant, horsetail, shipshina, carrot, animal, melisa, swamp marsh, echinacea vuzkolista, trees, thyme, chaga, chasnik

2. Roslin is clearly swirling with a dull, psycho-emotional stabilizing effect: hop cones, cyanosis, poultry, peppermint, melisa, pivonia, fruit kminu, aire, valerian, mother, kipistvit, , chamomile, krіp, shavlya, tsikorіy, purity and іnshi.

3. Roslini, which bring and perceive the development of chubby clines: cleanliness, hemlock, aconit, mistletoe bila, badan, wild fireweed, trees, sprinkling, fly agaric, leaves of the region, birch trees, meadows, meadows, bird knotweed, pepper knotweed, calendula, stables, burdock, tansy, gorobina, licorice, chasnik, shipshina, tsikory, eleutherocock, peas and іnshі.

4. Toning roslin: air, aloe, watch, budra, highlander birds, Oman, ginseng, nick, Kalanchoe, levzea, lemongrass, crane, mint, kulbaba, licorice, currant, horse, low and low.

5. Roslin, which regulates the activity of internal secretions: zombies, honey, melis, carrots, parsley, poultry, licorice, shavlya, shipshina.

6. Roslini! hormonal zalozi: Elderberry, pomegranate, ginseng, animal, carrot, melis, licorice.

7. Roslini. know bil, sverbinnya, tediousness, zamorochennya, intoxication: chamomile, tricolorphin, shavlya, eucalyptus, badan, wheat flour, cornmeal, bratwort, willow bark, blackberry leaf, blackberry leaf Roslini of the Tsієї groups actively display the lymphatic drainage function.

8. Roslin, yaki make an anti-firing diy: air, aloe, marshmallow, badan, cowberry, carnation, highlander bird, Oman, motherboard, ozhina, animal, sunflower, calendula, fireweed, galangal, stables, sprinkler, linden, calendula th stepmother, lisovy gorіkh, gritsyki, yalіvets, pіvonіya, parsley, tansy, polin, chamomile, beet, licorice, thyme, trees, horsetail, willow sprinkler and іnshі.

9. Narcotic roselin: dope, hemp, poppy, paslin.

10. Roslin-antiseptics: lingonberry, elderberry, carnation, Oman, animal, sunit, mint, tansy, parsley, krip, chamomile, thyme, string, chasnik, shipshina and іnshі.

11. Roslin, which changes memory and good health: apricot, air, birch, bitter, ginseng, ozhina, golden root, crane, leuzea, melisa, polin, ochrok, chamomile, beetroot, chapel, shavlya, apple, spinach.

12. Roslin, yak zmіtsnyuut hair: aloe, air, birch, highlander bird, animal, mother, sprinkler, crane, fox, burdock, lovage, mother-and-machuha, melisa, ochrok, parsley, tree, chamomile, chamomile, horsetail, hm_l, tsikor_y, chasnik, eleutherococcus.

13. Roslin, yak zmitsnyut teeth: aire, geranium lugova, animal, sunflower, calendula, linden, tsibulya, lemon, kulbaba, ogirok, ripa, chasnik, spinach.

14. Roslin, which leads to the birth of organism: arachis, lingonberry, animal, kavun, carrot, radish, yalivets, harbuz, leaf, leaven.

15. Roslin from the oven: air, birch, animal, angelica, cartopean, crane, mint, polin, licorice, thyme, blackberry.

16. Roslin, which additionally helps with the attached nervous system: initial letter, heather, highlander bird, angelica, ozhina, ginseng, fox, nutmeg, Selera, kmin, flour, tree, hmil, shavlya.

17. Roslin, which normalizes exchange processes: orange, birch, highlander bird, cherry, Oman, hairy mountain, ozhina, animal, calendula, zucchini, stable, burnet, mint, oats, kulbaba, licorice, radish , flour, tree, horsetail, khmіl, tsikorіy, cleanliness, chernitsya, chasnik, thorn, spinach, apple, hawk.

18. Roslin, which will help you with great pink and physical options: glid, hairy mountain, levzea, lemongrass, carrot, mint, oats, chamomile, celera, thyme, shipshina, fistashka, spinach, eleutherococcus.

19. Roslin, rejuvenating organisms: birch, elderberry, grapefruit, ginseng, cedar, licorice, pine, chalk.

20. Roslin, scho to increase the stiffness to extreme situations: eleutherococcus, ginseng, kulbabi root.

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Universalny due to any weakness, headache (like putting on a pillow). To wear a verbena wiggle in front of you. Verbena love the empowerment. Often the yak is highly effective as a love spell. Vip the love illusion ... For viklikannya spirits, put a verbena bottle on vivtar. Sriyaє vorozhinnya, clairvoyance. For a long time, verbena has become a miracle. The Greeks warriors, how the verbena is robbed, is unmoved, and the enemies are spontaneous until later. In the middle of the day, the verbena was taken once a day in a thousand-year-old, with the planets of Venus and Mercury. Friends were afraid in front of the verbena and respected all the ailments. In this hour, verbena most often stagnates with ailments of the liver, spleen, anti rheumatic pains, with hanging or lack of strength, as well as with low and non-trivial menstruation. Nastia verbena cleans the roof, dyes the warehouse and increases the amount of blood in case of anemia. The bloodstream itself, the protisperium, the vascular dilatation, the wounds and the wounds of the verbena to prevent the panacea from all the ailments.


Pidsilu in people of Mars (bіytsіvskі) rice (courage, manhood, creativity, honesty and in.). Kropivu vicoristovuyut, if you need a lot of change in your own. Stuffed with a drop of sprinkle, it will be primed. Bathing at the bathtub with a sprinkle of water is known for the easy vision of the bath. Especially korisna sprinkler for people over 35 years old. If you can put the shelter of the sacrificed creature on the freshly sprinkled sprinkles, or if you read your own, and then read the singing message in the depletion, as well as the Okur of the sacrificed sack, then you can try to weld , happiness and wealth. Nettle liku zir, nirki, stove, will reduce blood circulation, burn fat. As soon as you grasp it with some sprinkles, then the skin will become smooth and velvety.


Wonderful love spell. One of the most effective. Vidvar m'yati pidvischuє sexual urge (where the rush of blood to the body organs and it’s natural to be sexually bazhannya). Drops of blood in a love spell. The regularity of the consumption of mint love spells in vіdvaru pіdsilіuє in progam in people. We know people who sounded like that until mint tea, so you can't live without a new day. There is fallowness. Without peppermint tea, such people already in two days become frantic, nervous and not ready for sex. As a result, drink the people for a long time for a love spell, or for a magic attack. I’m stagnant when the acidity of the slurry juice, colitis, boredom, sleepiness, lack of strength, pectoral toad, hypertension. I will paint the exchange of words, expand the judgment of the brain, internal organs, and give bad growth, knowledge of the second, I will move forward. Antiseptic. Effective stimulator and controller of the robot heart. Vidvar m'yati calming nerves, tonic organism, wife zhovch, usuvat vіdrizhku, nadaє individuals of health, badorii viglyad.


Strong zasіb against be-like magic. Yogo namagayutsya prepare for an hour of summer songstations on Kupala (21-24 chervnya) or on the day of Perun (2 sickles). To gilku zvіroboyu over the door like a guardian amulet, to wear it when you see it. Dim zombuyuyut booths for expelling evil spirits and neutralizing negative energy. On the basis of the beastly beast, go strong lovemaking evil. Wine is a good honey plant. Quite a bit of the upper part of the old wine was taken for the preparation of the tincture "Erofeich" and hot gorіlok. Zvirobiy - naygolovnisha likarska roslina from all kinds of houses. І fresh, і hanging wіn is reliably effective. It is not a gift of yogo called "grass from 99 ailments". Vіn zastosovuєtsya at dіabetі, shlunkovo-kishkovih zahvoryuvannyah, hvorobah pechіnki, sechovogo mіhura, sericite, pіdsilyuє sekretsіyu shlunka, m'yako pіdvischuyuchi kislotnіst, regulyuє obmіnnі Process in organіzmі, posilyuє poglinannya ultrafіoletovih promenіv shkіroyu (tіlki the alcohol vityazhka grass), bunt znіmaє bіl, heaviness in the slunk, additional aid in case of non-trivial slaughter, viraztsi of the slunk, hypertension, impotence, neurasthenia, increased sleepiness, sleeplessness, like rinsing with a foul smell from the mouth. Nastya herb increased the vision of the slaughter by 40%, stimulating the amplitude of the very heart and uterus. It changes the stasis of the young woman in the mallow, the spasm of the small intestine, the increased filtration of the slaughter in the nirkas, the change of the capillary walls, the reduction of the blood circulation and the richness of blood.

Air is zvychainy.

Yogo is called angelic grass, Tatar zilli, saber. I increase the tone of the adjusted nervous system. I will paint the etching. Lіku twisting the slunk. Pіdvischu tonus organіzmu, rejuvenation, yesє bad'orіst. To navit the stove itself, to crumple, as on the tip of the knife, a spike has developed for a day, take the powder from the root of ayiru. Take a little powder (0.5 tablespoons per bottle of water), you will be good and happy for a day. The root of the air can be used for improving the memory, for advancing the statistic function (with the opportunity), for the stove, for toothache, for the improvement of teeth and is clear. For an additional aire it is possible once and for all to get out of the house! At magic aire vikoristovuyt yak love spellbound. The roots are used to speak and add to cream, biscuits, liquor, meat and ribbons.


Protecting the housekeepers, burying them in the form of psychotherapy and their magical attacks, bringing in evil spirits. Good afternoon, sit down the booth, or for the windows. Obkuruvaty gilkoy yalivtsyu house and sick people (for the purification of energy). Schodenne obkuruvannya priduzhannya. Yalivets is strong phytonic power. It is well noted that in quiet places, in growth, cleanliness, there are ailments of the creature, like, come forth, bring forth your strength. At Pivnichniy American Indians for the treatment of tuberculosis, shkiri, cysts and loafs helped the ailments in the overgrowth of yalivtsyu, because of the thickening of high-flowing oils. Vergiliy wrote, that before the hour of strong epidemias, it is necessary to smother the gilts of yalivts. For the purpose of the fruit, the berries are stagnant, as a strong sechogenic and zhovchoginny, disinfigurative sechavividnі way. It is recommended to use it in case of ailments of nirok and liver disease, cystitis, gout, rheumatism, for polishing the blood warehouse, purifying the organisms from slags, viraztsi slag. Zhuvannya yagid deinfiku zhovchny ducts. Nastiy yagid stagnate when filling the heart, with a whole body not only water, but ale and salt. I will add needles to normalize blood circulation, reduce the metabolic processes that calm the central nervous system, especially by wiping all the body or taking baths.


Enter to the warehouse of the bagatokh zilla. Turned the strength and joy of the people, having tried on their magic attacks. For the purposes of nastya shavlya, I will change the nervous system, I will reduce the exchange of words, normalize the state of the function, and know the tremors of the hands. Yogo vikoristovuyuyu with parallichі, rotten memory as zagalnozmіtsnyuyu і sudinorozdyshlyuvalny zasіb. For the treatment of radiculitis and polyarthritis, aromatic baths with shavlієyu. Nastya herb p'yut at embellishments and elite non-trivial slaughter. Vidvar cleans the slurry, good for the nirki and the stove, for the sake of the internal secretions. Build your head for a change of hair.

Thistle (thistle).

One of the most powerful means for driving unclean spirits from the house. Yakshcho thistle trimati in the booth, win additional help from pritut and psuvannya. Zakhischak to poltergeist (viganjak yogo). Yes, the nudguyuyuch are calm about those close relatives who have passed into the afterlife. Deliveries to uzgolіv'ya lіzhka, seizure from nіchnyh nightmares. As soon as the thistle thistle was trimmed, the cholovik stopped walking for a walk from the house to the kokhanka (the garnet was at the door, as the squad was mirin zalnitsya from the walking cholovik). For the dietary goals of nastya kitty cats, they are vicious in case of sudom, epilepsy, sleeplessness, for normalization of the heart rhythm and for the tension of the grip. Vidvar herb miraculously regulates the activity of the central nervous system, in small doses of wine, and in great doses - calm. Children can visit the bathtubs in front of the bathtub. Vidvar root p'yut with intestinal, nyrcovy, pechinkovy colitis, for vivedennya with the organism of ridin at the embryos of a growing pacing.

Dream herb.

Dopomagaє bachiti vishchі ni. To dry and put a pillow on top of it. Enter to the warehouse of evil, which will relieve you from sleeplessness.


Dopomagaє to save love from family, to rob shlyub mіtsnym. Tsia Roslina Veneri. Barvinok slid to plant bilya gank or bilya hvirtki. When leafing a barvinka, a yak is stronger than a love affair. For the dietary purposes of nastya leafing, the bar is used for improving the memory and cerebral circulation (cleansing the brain). Brown for hypertension and for insult.

Thyme (thyme, tim'yan herb).

Dopomagaє vid psuvannya. Quiet the Budinkov. Viganjak is a poltergeist (if a violent spirit makes a noise at night, fall on sleepy households and choke them). In the case of nastya herbal remedies, there is a foul etching, nyrcological ailments, like a blood supply and a slurry. Tea with thyme p'yut yak zaspokiliviy is good for sleeplessness, stressful work, nervous system disorders, headache, alcoholism, and absolutely non-limiting chapters.


Vidganiaє unclean force, seizure of life, like hanging a throat over the entrance doors, or put it in a vase. Polin vikoristovuyut for a smoked life of a sick household, and Pauline's splinters perfectly neutralize negative energy. I will let Pauline into the water, like a miyut for the development of high-growth microbes in the premises. Anastasia Polina p'yut with sleeplessness, sudomas, diabetic diabetes, obesity, rheumatism.

Garni will be attached. Settled in the city, seize the houses of magic.

A hair is a magic roselin.

Vikoristovuyut in ritual magic for a sound with a sweat light (put on vivtar). Yak component, go into the black zilla for the guidance of magic. Supplementing in spirits with spirits and unclean strength. At the same time, hairs bathe children at the time of development, eczema.


Additional help to find a strong psychopath. Tse otrut, to that the burkun is pyut carefully, in small doses. Vikoristovuyut burkun also for smoked zipsovanny people. Nastya burkunu p'yut in case of inflamed organs of the disease, chronic bronchitis, hypertension, infarction, flatulence, menstrual disorders, climaxes, pain in the secular malnutrition and nirkah. It’s narcotic and sleepy because it’s stagnant in case of neurasthenia, sleeplessness, headaches, anxiety disorders of the nervous system.

Vikoristovuyt for the preparation of amulets (a quote or a clove). Behind the pillars, the chaplain has taken over the vampires, inverted and іnshoi unclean force. Oskilki channik activates the persh chakra, podsilu the etheric field of the people, so that he will be victorious in the capacity of being attached and as a whole in magic. It’s a bit of a part of the chanteller for the computer’s b_lya, which can be brought to a lot of pratsyuvati); Sіk chasnik is effective for cleansing the body quickly. It stimulates the vision of shlunk juice, reduces the intestinal motility and secular appearance, cleans the lungs and bronchi from the purchased mucus, and removes the vision through the pores of the shkiri. Juice for the chaplain to grow warts and іznі beaches on skіrі, zmіtsnyuut hair. Deliver a chill of chilin a clove to the huckster, then again clean the empty company from the weaker bacteria. Shove the odor to the hunter, є a simple method is to chew the trochas of fresh, parsley, as chlorophyll of the herb replaces the throat deodorant and natural rinsing of the company.

Plakun grass.

Slozi mother and sorrow of the earth
Plakun-kvіtkoyu from the earth zіyshli.
Movements slyozi llє in-nad іllu
Over the dashing battle over the vchorashnya.

The people get involved in the fact that the growth has grown from the tears of the Mother of God, a complaint about synovia. The staff of the whole zhir'yam will eat the grass with volodya power from the unclean. Vigotovleniy z її root chrest, scho to be worn on the breasts, to introduce people and damage that vroki. In addition, such a pendant is used to protect people from other types of feverish women.
Growing up bilya richok and lakes, growing in hemp, kolіr Bagrov ...
Kviti yogo like a torch, but crying with light tears.
Plakun to all the herbs of mother, - it seems about a new wild hair, і oak trees, і coastal, і blood, і willow-grass.
Vіdkriva win access to the sworn treasure, rewrite the unclean force, sniffing the placards of the evil spirits.
Take plakun-grass for the wedding day on Ivanov day. Yak you will be digging, know everything for yourself, otherwise you will not get the root in your hands, or you will not be able to mate. And when you start digging, say: "Plakun! Plakun! Cry long and rich, but cry a little, why don't go your way across the clear field, don't spread your voy across the blue sea. . and not let you subdue, drown them in slots, but flow into your ganbi, lock you in baking holes. Be my word with you mintly and firmly.
Trim the weeping grass in cleanliness, let's go thin, which is spinning, but whoever lads do not sleep, load in their heads.
Yak go to the swamp, take the weeping grass with you, you won't let the unclean vidzhene and shake into the shake.
Viganjak is from the house of unclean spirits.


For meals, additional help to build and psychopathology. They were victorious for the preparation of amulets and the knowledge of belongings. The grass was known as a protective oath. It was overwhelming, nibi a quest to open-grass the building with a magical path through the locks. However by enchanting power Mav is not a skin card, but only the kind of bugs for the help of the offensive ritual. First, it was necessary to know the hollow, causing a woodpecker's nest, and the little birds in the new one were not unmistakably. Then the bird's mother flew from the nest - and when the hollow was plugged up, the bird was guilty of the bully, turning with the stem of the grass in the dzhobi, dropping to the hollow. Then the blame is due to the bulky cotton - and the name of the villal is called. At the tsei moment of sposterigachev, they shouted shouted. Out of fear, the bird dropped the rose-grass. The same stalk (as if lifting it from the earth with a red or white ganchirka) and being a talisman, which opened all the locks. Moreover: the volodinnya with a dewline nibito can make you invisible; and if you will carry it in the kisheni, you will not be hurt by any cool, or lead. Rose-grass blooms on Ivanov day (24 worms) and trimmings are not better, it is necessary to read "Our Father", "Theotokos" and "Viruyu". If you shave-grass in the forge toss, then the forge cannot be pratsyuvati.

The symbol of immortality. Three kinds of acacia robbed crayfish for the capture of the relics of the saints. For deyakie vіdomosti, thorny wreath of Christ will be the same s acacia. Carry wisdom in you, tying a man with mystical light.

Bamboo yak material for amulets appeared in Russia recently, since the current philosophical events have gone into fashion. Symbolization of stiffness, dovholittya; Happiness, spiritually enlightenment and wisdom.

Volodya is keen on, to seize power. In the mystical rituals of the shamans of the Bagatokh peoples, it is a cosmic tree, which is the earthly and spiritual light. In Asia, birch trees were used to prepare the central rail of round Asian designs, and that was a symbol of life, spiritual convergence of people, cosmic energy. Russia has a birch tree to see bilya budinks, to call good spirits. Є a symbol of spring, girls and young women. Birch trees, as a symbol of purity, are attributed to the building of evil spirits. As a result of the people who were inhabited by bees, they beat them with birch cuts.

The magical power of hunger to descend to the Greek god is the slut of Hymenei, who blessed the wine with the hunger. Oberig nosotlivist, zberigє shlyubnі ultrasound. However, it’s not possible to bring a lot to the house - the people of Bagatokh people felt death.

In Pivnichniy Evropi - a magical tree-oberig against evil spirits in Walpurgis nich. Visible gilochki or elderberries, people vibrate in front of a tree.

The old language symbol of the spring revival of nature. V middle Europe vikoristovuvalas in actions of necromantic rituals, for the help of which chakluni magalized to turn the life of the deceased.
With the expansion of Christianity it has become a symbol of the passions of the Lord and the Resurrection. It is not without reason that on Great Day there are a lot of people to put in their homes a bunch of decal spikes of willow with fluffy brunks.
The people ascribed to the willow to a special power, they give strength and health, as they became blessed for the consecration of the willow in the church. For the verses of the words, for the willows, it is possible to get a buzz, or I will burn, a storm, save me from the city of sow. Likewise, the willow boils and political power - the earrings of the willow can be boiled or carried with you, so that you can get away from a feverish woman. Nosinnya on the til chrests, virizan on the willow, also guarded the health of the people.

The symbol of the roguishness of the ancient peoples of the Bagatyokh. In Ancient Greece and Rome, the Bula vine is tied with Dionys and Bacchus, from one side, and with Apollo, the god of light and mystery, from the other. In Mitraizm, de Apollo associating with Mitra and Son, the grapes have become a symbol of the Son. Christianity has a spiritual symbol of revival.

The tree of samurai in Japan is attributed to the magical power, which overpowers the ruler with strength, will, strength. China has a symbol of good luck and spring. In Christianity, the apple is replaced by the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Spokiyne tree, transferring its power to people. Dopomagaє pozbutisya vіd essence, others hvilyuvan through drіbnitsі.

A tree that grows on a Distant Descent is not much in Russia. It is interesting to imagine this magical power - to get involved in the fact that amulets from this tree will take milk from women. And yet ginkgo is a symbol of immortality, or more and more.

Hairy mountain.
Spriyak roduciosti. Helping people to pragnut to wisdom or volodya for the gift of donation. Love amulets were made from the fruits and trees of the tree in China.

Amulets with pears are mainly used for women, as a pear is a symbol of motherhood and love.

Volodya with a magnificent energy - yes, they will, spryaє wounds, oduzhannya. Dubi symbolize wisdom, pleasure, and can. The cult of oak in the most widespread form throughout the whole territory of Europe.

One of the new and growing trees. The symbol of vіchno youth, mіtsnostі. Lyudin, to carry an amulet in a science in a yalin, for eating, I have no will.

It is a symbol of sexual love, which helps you to quickly take over your soul and physical strength, and more easily endure the separation from a cohana. For Buddhists, willow is the emblem of spirituality and longevity, patience. For bagatma perekazami, won a good health, light canopy. Ymovirno, tse yde of the fact that for measles they were preparing zest-sick liquors.

The zavdyaki bilym the sachet of their quotes, becoming the emblem of light, purification, goodness and a whore. It is also a symbol of spokynu power and finesse in one's own.

The master of the virobi from the cedar tree will take away the energy of the tree, the calm and the best from the tree. The cedar is sprinkled with slags and purified organisms.

A symbol of complaint, confusion over the death of people. In Yazychnitsky cults symbolized new life people in the afterlife.

For the sake of mental strength, oberiga of the energetic vampires.

Detached peremogi. Laurel wines were awarded to war and poetry. Dopomagaє in the trick of the local knowledge. Serve for the cleansing of all sin extravagant character... Before the hour of the epіdemіy of the laurel gilka or the virobi from the tree, you will additionally help to bring the ailment into the booth. If you are a mother with a little bit of a laurel tree for an hour, be a menace, you can clean up from bliskavok. In Christianity, it is a symbol of the eternal life.

Lіshchina (lіshchina).
Carries material safety and reliability. Yak and all the mountains, symbolizing the richness of harvest and a great addition to thinness.
Vazhalosya, for the preparation of the magician's wand, the best way to go is the lischina itself. Behind the help of a double stick from the lischini (vines), people were humming and humming under the ground water, lay the air and metal.

Oberig a friendship in vidkovyh welds, which can lead to welding. Additional help at conducted daily negotiations and spіvpratsі. Spriy light canopy and health of the newborn.

The staff of their firm village has become a symbol of immortality. Osoblyuє mіtsnіst (in a broad sense - from mіtsnostі to mіtsnі health). For the people of Siberia, it is a symbol of revival.


Dopomagaє in the jokes of a sprazhny kohannya, a visnovka of a happy slut. Align with sensitive love, love and harmony. Stagnate at the canopy for lodging and yes to the newly born strength and goodness.

Bring joy, prosperity, overcoming. Oberiga cleanliness and value. The Christian, Muslim, Jewish, ancient traditions have a blessed tree. Oberig named, additional help in shlyubi, lay down curtains.
Additional help to obtain inner peace, the impression of friendship and love.

Neutralizing the filth of the people’s emotion, calming him down, instilling in the new building solidly in the world and in the heart of the day.

A tree that is fenced off from evil forces, into the first place from the undead (vampiriv, upiriv, etc.). With a blow of an wasp stake in the heart, it is possible to drive the undead into the heart, change the copy of the stake, to rush into the Nauzen vіdlyakaє її, especially in conjunction with the watchman and the siblom.
Poglina bil, to bring people negative emotions.

Bring victory, success, popularity, happiness. Especially supplementary help to athletes, veterinarians, politicians. Christian tradition has a symbol of the Resurrection, overcoming death.
Palm wines, common with laurel and myrtle, having caught the heads of winters in wines and etc.

Peach tree shrimps may protect strength when they are friendly, additionally help to preserve youth, beauty, symbolize prosperity. The peach tree was vicorized to expel evil spirits and to capture them.

Strength, spirit and spirit.

The efficiency and productivity. Gilki gorobini with berries are embedded in winter fields as a symbol of goodness. A tree of merciful, thrifty people. To the insim, however, it is not volodya yakosti, їkh bring.
Tie the bunches of hearts from the berries of the gillocks of the gorobin at the viglyad of the cross with a red thread, to clean the doors and windows.


Beauty, writing, revival. The amulet from the tree of the buzku has a great number of names for the girls, for the women - happiness in their love. People who go to the authorities to take more thought over the decision, less quickly to catch their thoughts - it’s practical to use criminality in negotiations. Amalia, the heroine of one of the middle novels of the Middle Ages, adorned her hair with quilts, and the sewing quits were sewn into a pillow and a belt. The history of the happy kohannya with the face of Eliot often served as a butt for a friend.


The Buddha tree is a help to people when looking over, spiritually and deeply, meditation.

Oberiga woman in deputy. Wisdom, quirkiness, wisdom among the choloviks.

Yak and іnshi conifers, symbolizing the growth of a tree.
The gift of courage, fun and good luck. In Zakhidny Europe, I was in love with a pine tree, vikoristan in amulets, with a rich thorn, a high offspring of home thinness, I should go to the ancient yazychnitsy povir'yam.

The yew tree, behind the twigs, podtrimu sili vlashnik amulet, helping you in contact with the lasting forces.
In deyakie kraine, vikoristovuyut for vygotovlennya vines - іnstrument for pochuk vodi, vugіllа, metalіv.

Knowing the razdratuvannya, calm, nadaє singing in my own.

The tree of knowledge in the Christian tradition. Ymovіrno, in conjunction with the cim, the apple tree in the povіr'ah nabuv, the meaning of the amulet is from the focus, from the side, additional knowledge in the mystical jokes.
The apple blossom is a symbol of spring, renewal, and romance.

Objects, prepared from the tree, are clear, help the owner in spilkuvanni like with kind, and because of evil above nature, give physical and spiritual strength.

Roslin, Volodya's majestic lykarskoy and magical power. In Central and Pivdenniy America, chakluni were worn on the wider dried leaves, stems and roots of scarlet, and for an hour of drinking rituals, little ones with scarlet roots hung on the chest of the ailing one. This is also the іsnu іnshy way - the meaty leaves of aloe can be dribbled, I will cut the porridge into a small scarlet and go to the sick. Evil spirits of ailments think that there is only one victim, throw themselves at the little bear, and the magical power of the scarlet і serpent and chakluna їkh drives in.

Roslin with a strong aroma. One of the most important authorities is the health of the growing plant with its smell of vіdlyakuvati or temryavi - the smell of anisu is unacceptable. Live in a friend with the chapel marno - the chapel is stronger and interrupts the smell of anisu for lustful forces. In Frakia, get involved with the dew of evil, but through those who the evil magicians picked it up and infused their creation - evil monsters to the smell of anis. The root of the anisu, which can be worn on the breasts, helps people to take the firmness of their thoughts - in direct and figurative sensations. Ymovіrno, tse yde from the unseen sp'anіnnya from the anіsovoy gorіlka. Ladanka with the anisovy root will help people become too tough in necessary situations, not allowing them to say a loving one.

One climbs in the dark, bezmіsyachny nights, dry in temryavі, so that it’s necessary to go through the sun without falling on them. Three peels to grind powder, as if put into wine cohannes for a love spell, and to wear stems, leaves and corints on the neck in order for the mother to succeed in the protype state. See the summons, the frown of loving promptings, see the good fortune.

Yak and richly special, ordinary people call themselves demonic. Vikoristovuvavsya in alchemy and magic. Vazhaliya, how the basil attracts the spirits of food and man, and on the breasts there is an incense with the sum of basil and lavender, maybe keruvati. At the same time, it’s guilty that we’re able to finish the rich little ones with the basil. Vіdomy the magician of the early middle period Allobius hid in his castle, since the cook vicoristove the reserves of the basilіk for preparing the Christmas time. The spirits of the fortune came to the control of the magician and zruynuvali the castle. The castle was sprinkled with holy water, and tornadoes often circled over the castle.

Sonyachna symbolism. Corinthians of chornobrivts were victorious for the victories of the young exiled spirits. Respected, the spirits were gnawing sleepy energy through the sutsvittya, and hoalied in the roots, even without thinking, that the spirits could burn life in the earth.


Viraz "Ti scho, blekoti ob'yvsya?" viniklo not vipadkovo. Blackness і, it seems, has little drug power. The ancient enchanting people who were pale in singing proportions with herbs and fell into a trance. A bunch of fadedness, which can be worn around the country, grabbing people from God. Bleakness is also preoccupied with hypnotic infusion.


Narodne - belladona. The roslin is also not unbeatable. Yak and a lot of them from paslionovykh, I am a narcotic drug in retailer vivrenic doses and from the filler. Vikoristovuyutsya in lykarsky goals against spasms. Look, ymovirno, if you go, if someone who is sick in epilepsy carries a dried leaf of belladon with him, then the attack will not be so important, but in an hour you can go.

Drops of valerian vikoristovyat in modern medical as zaspokilivy zasib, until recently, our ancestors stashed the dried leaves and roots of the plant from the exactness to navpaki. Ladankas with valerian dried roots were worn on the breasts with a tightly tonic yak. People didn’t get tired of such amulets, they could do the great things. Valerian roots were tied up in the nauzi, they hung on the horses, the horses bully shvidki and nevtomni.

The chervona carnation has traditionally become a symbol of engagement and engagement, and even now it has become a symbol of the holy proletariat. In his first meaning won and vistupa in magical rituals. Carnations should be worn in order to preserve the love of their names, to awaken love, if the price is to be held in hand.


To deliver a little bit to see in the system magic symbols... Її power to lie down by grade. Put vuzki leaves of zapashnoy geraniums near the wuh, so that they linger in the wushu bіl. The managers of their own smell of geraniums innocently nagorodzhuvali zdatnistyu vіdganyati force evil- At the same hour, the riddles, geranium, yak kvitka, the most love with goats (the goat is a symbol of sin), the evil spirits. It is not recommended to go to the victorian without a lot of knowledge.

Argue. The people have a herb-ant. For the importance for the charmers won є for the heliotrope and the dormouse with the third grass. Hanging roots of the grass roots, accommodations in Nauzen, to be worn on the breasts, angry people... Zakokhanim in rozlutsi nauzi and argue we add help to preserve one to one, to unleash tightness. If you wear the root on your belly, then you’ll win over the psyche from shaking and God’s in troubled hours - political troubles, failures, etc.


Narodni name - zhovty eyes, heart grass. Vvazhaєtsya, how tsya roslina has nine forces, one of which is known to spoil that vrok, іnsha letting go of love spells. Pick up the grass before the sun goes off before the day Ivana Kupali. Pomischayut in the amulet, wear on the breasts. The love-mongers sweep with incense, wear it on their breasts for nine days, and then uncomfortably sew into the dress of their beloved woman. It is not recommended to live at once from the centaury (seven-thirds). Oh, we can come to the supernumerary.

Umbrella centaury.
national name- Semisilnyk - the imagery attributed to the growth of power. Lyudin, Volodya Nauzen s Semіsіlnіk, don’t get tired, I’ll be very happy. In a foreign country and in the way, such a ladanka is oberigay to a lyudin, the guarantor of his turn before. Entering the grassland for war and mandarin.


The symbol of the day of Ivan Kupala, from which and to go and his numerical mystical power and meaning. Meaning the unrepentant ring of the cholovic and zhynochnogo beginnings, it is widely victorious in love magic. It is also for the magicians of the past, having recognized the common elements of the earth and the earth, victorious for the victoriousness of the general elements (elements - the spirits of the ancient elements).


I will keep the purity, I will gain and at the same hour grief and sorrow. Bulba irisu treba vicopati, if the sun has just come, and the month has not yet appeared, vivarity is in a real zombie, hanging around with images. Such an oberig, scho to be worn on the shia, ryatuє people see the cold, viruses.

The national name is nigtiki. Sonyachna symbolism. Dovgozhitelstvo, on the Entry - a letter from Divi Mariya. Quote turns its head following the sun. Dried sutsvittya will help people to endure the cold easier. At the snowfall, the incense with nigtics does not allow the gentlemen to get lost, to bring it to the warmth.

For Christianity, it is a symbol of Triytsi. In Ireland, a leaf of the stable has become a symbol of Ireland, and it is called the Green Island. Tse go to the ancient Celtic legend about the good green island, kudi to indulge the souls of all the righteous. Clover is a symbol of vidrodzhennya, a herb-honey plant. Dried succulent stables protect from the dashing eye, add to the righteous on the right.

A symbol of prosperity and prosperity. Corinthians of midwives were victorious in warriors, ymovirno, through their weak narcotic powers. This is the reason to get involved in the midnight crunch, to be worn on the breasts, to gain magical health, to help the chakluvati.

One of the promislovy roslin for the Slov'yan. Hemp was robbed with tacks and laces. With such a rank, the Bula was tied without the middle to Nausen.

Yak is one of the first spring quotes, incorporating the new life and nature. From the roots of the crocus, even more amulets can be prepared - they can be wicked in the winter, dried all winter on the mountains close to the food pipe. Vvazhaєtsya, which is the root of the development of the zmorshki and the rejuvenation of the shkiru of being exposed. Stink you can turn the love around.

Latatta bile.
The folk name is overpower-grass. The name is laid down by the people of the uyavlenya about її pozdlivosti. With the grass of the ludin in the snake, podolati all the life of the indiscriminate, covet in the life of success. Perhaps, in the meantime, grass and podorozhnim are incense, reminiscent of overpowering grass, grabbing people because of difficulties in the road and when they reach a successful point of recognition.

Kupena is unburned.

Scorching, but does not burn the bush of the bush in the bible symbolism of the image of the fire angel, as if standing in front of Moisee. In the fire symbolic Vedic ancient Indian traditions, we know more motives. In the midst of Christian painting, the burning forest symbolizes the purity of Divi Mary. In the words of the word, there was a great povaga and shanuvannya to the roslin, as it slept to the blaky half-mongers, but they did not burn themselves. Vazhala, that if you take part in the house of a chain of dewline, then life does not burn.