Birch wood is prepared in home minds. Pharmacy birch diogot: storing, instructions, prototype

Birch tar vigotovlyayut from birch bark (upper part of birch measles). Zasib dark, mayzhe black color. Volodya with an oily consistency and a pungent odor. Prior to this warehouse there are such rechovinys, yak: phenols, smikati, as well as guaiacol, creosol, cresol and xylene. Approximately 10-40% of the measles store is betulin, which can also be entered before the drug store. Official medicine is vicariously viciously for the most recent zasosuvannya. In folk medicine, natural medicine is widely used.

It is rich in hepatoprotective power, it is anti-fiery, antiseptic, antioxidant, sold in a pharmacy. Diogot to enter the warehouse bagatioch drugs, cosmetic tasks... Zokrem, wine is a component of the popular Vishnevsky ointment, Wilkinson's and Konkov's ointments. Yogo turn on until the warehouse is nice, shampoos and gels for the soul.

This year we will talk about the pharmacy birch diogot, storing, prototyping and storing it, but also about the new "write" instructions. And yet again, as a vicarist folk medicine and a clear way of prescribing a drug.

It is important to understand that the text is not written in a critical manner to the point of being lukuvannya, but rather in writing for specific purposes. Before you, as a vicarist, read the self-help instructions beforehand.

Is it possible for the preparation "Birch Diogot" to be shown until it is consumed?

Stagnate when complex treatment psoriasis, eczema, crust, dermatomycosis and neurodermatitis. Effectively vikoristovuvati for disinfection of nasty, foul wounds, virazok shkiri, bedsores.

What about the birch diogot? How to speak instructions?

Allowed three ways of annihilation of the given by means of:

With a thin ball, apply the rіdina to the shkіra, for which a bandage is applied. The procedure should be carried out 1-2 times a day.

It is necessary to apply yak aplication to the ear of the shkira once a day. Repair from 10 minutes, step by step for an hour, pouring up to 30 minutes. If you want to wrap the shkіra with warm water and a childish cute or neutral gel. Dried shkіru cover with a cream or a cream recommended by the drug.

Take 100 ml of the preparation napil with a bit of alcohol. Rozchin vikoristovuyt for lіkuvalnyh dіgtyarnym baths.

Yak at the "Birch Diogot" licks?

With trivial zasosuvannі mozhlivna teasing shkіri.

Does the preparation "Birch Diogot" have a counter-indication before it is consumed?

The drug "Birch Diogot" is an instruction on how to get rid of the fence. Prototype demonstration є with increased sensitivity to new.

Yak folk medicine vikoristovu birch diogot? Stagnation in folk medicine

Pharmacy birch diogot in folk medicine vikoristovuyut nabagato shirshe. Ale basically yogo zasosuvannya, also zovnіshnє. On the other hand, it is effective to remove scabs, scabs, lichen and scrofula. Stagnate in case of seborrhea, eczema, psoriasis and other illnesses of shkiri.

Vikoristovuyut yak antiseptic for ginny wounds, twists and turns. The drug will accelerate the regeneration process, renew the skin curl, reduce the blood circulation.

Find positive messages about effective treatment Diethezu Tar sweet and іnshih zasoba on the basis of dоogtyu. Zastosovyut yogo also for the treatment of fungal diseases.

Moreover, in folk medicine and complex therapy sickness of the throat, organs of dichannya. For example, in the form of prescriptions for the treatment of such ailments, such as cough, bronchitis. It is used to treat bronchial asthma and tuberculosis of the lungs. It is also vicious with catarrhal cystitis, mastopathy, burning loam and nausea with hemorrhoids.

People lykuvannya psoriasis:

Take away the pharmacy wood from the birch glades (3 x 1). Equip the cim with a warehouse for a sickly shkіra. You can change the amount of food, oil or purified oil. Dodati bjoliniy visk, honey, unrefined sonyashnikov oliyu. Still need to pour trocha otstovoї esentsії and honey vitriol. Mix everything up, pick up the call.

Recipe for tuberculosis of legends:

The pharmacy goggle is used in the following order: 1 drop for 1 quarter of a bottle of milk. The skin day increased by 1 speck, increasing the number to 20. For whom to take in a ringing order. For tuberculosis, cymus can help to eliminate cancer of the legs, throat, and shlunk. The recipe is effective for catarrhal cystitis, thrombophlebitis and insults. However, the dosage in the skin specific vipad is developed. So, the experts of folk medicine admit a dose of 40 caps.

In any case, the Danish recipe can be victorious independently. Lіkuvannya guilty is carried out under the suvor control of the fahіvtsya.

Recipe for lіkuvannya hemorrhoids:

For relief of hemorrhoidal pain, reduction of heat, it is necessary to roast it on a hot plate or a plate of chervona tsegla. Then, put on a pair of gloves, put it in a metal frame. Drop 2-3 drops of wood. Then wrap the side of the bucket with a towel, do not get around, sit on top, warm it up. Perform the procedure before bedtime.

Before tim yak vikoristovuvati be-yaky Narodny zasib, Obov'yazkovo disclaim the joy from your elite licor. Good luck!

Not so many people know about the power of the birch tree, but rather trivial. Daniy zasib Volodya has unique characteristics that allow you to linger on the life of the people.

per zovnishnim viglyadom lykarskiy zakadu dark oily mass, but Volodya is not called with a sharp aroma. The substance comes as a result of the distillation of birch bark, as it is laid in a vat of great size with an airtight shutter. It is necessary to warm up for a trivial hour, and as a result, resin is set for the collection.

A few dozen years ago, there were no spheres of storage for ever:

  • mastic material;
  • lykuvannya wounds;
  • processing of opikiv.

On this day natural material the most victorious unconventional ways lykuvannya and folk medicine. Stagnation is not only as outward as it is on the inside.

The presence of a great number of indispensable components allows the resin to be uniquely infused in the offensive drops:

  • positive infusion on the blood circulation system;
  • stimulation of the process of renewal at the clinic;
  • reflex infusion on the receptor of the shkіrnyh curves;
  • spriyannya purified organism from toxic words;
  • normalized robotic heart and herbal systems.

It is indicated that it is friendly to infusion of energy on the body in the case of other intoxications. For example, in case of alcoholic withdrawal or during chemotherapeutic visits, as well as in this case, aggressive medications were used in the treatment of vicarians.

Dermatology can be widely used in its own purposes, for example, vikoristovuchi for lіkuvannya:

Cosmetologists use a magnifying glass, a second hair, teased, shimmery and vugrovy visipans.

Scho Liku Birch Diogot

Volodya diogot is a high therapeutic effect in case of onset health problems:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • vispa;
  • opika;
  • frostbite;
  • angina;
  • atherosclerosis and a lot of them.

Resin one of the warehouses for a personal and pre-eminent character.

Stacked to natural components, built by nature itself, it is practically not a good idea to nourish human organisms. And the axis of the middle corny authorities you can see offensive:

  1. Spriy to a shy start of wounds, turns, additional help to see shkіrnyh curves.
  2. It will help to improve blood circulation in the same way that it is applied. It is positively infused into the skin, ointment, loam and cartilage tissue. It is possible to know the helpless ones about the different masks, to the warehouse of which one can enter.
  3. The resin is volodya іnsecticidal and antiseptic power, knowing the ignition processes and filling, additionally helping to vitiate gnіy.
  4. Ideal for oily hair hairs, when applied overnight.
  5. As soon as vikoristovuyutsya internal zasosuvannya, then the spirit is positively infused into the heart, arterial vise, Zagoyuє slunkovі paths.
  6. You can fix it, if you є problems with the top swagger... The resin drives in viruses, additional assistance in the fight against ignition processes.

Chi can nashkoditi diogot

Uninvolved on those who are natural zizb to be built so brown, through a high vm_st of carcinogens, as they are established at virobnistvі, they can be even shkidlivy.

Skin licks have their own counter-indications, they did not mention the stench and the nail:

  1. In a pure viglyad, the resin is made by shkodi shkirnyh curves, as it does not hesitate with other components (the vignatum is to fight against the fungus of nigtyovyh plates). The substance is not diluted hanging from the hair, through the chain it is not recommended until victorious by persons with sensitive and dry curls. In such people, it is possible to accelerate the process of aging, the epidermis of the repair is dry, the winery is husked.
  2. In case of vaginosis and breastfeeding, it is necessary to think about it as a result of the pregnancy, but it is not a malukovy malukov, having penetrated to the embryo, or through breast milk. It is also not recommended to vikoristovuvati the national zizb yak call until the triple vik, and as the inner one - up to the twelve-ric one.
  3. There are also allergic reactions at the warehouse of the leaks, for the presence of individual intolerances.
  4. Nirkovi illnesses are also contraindicated for vikorystannya resin.
  5. Overwhelmingly living in a way can not only nourish people with internal stasis, or altogether when they are called.

With the presence of sverblyachki, printing or hanging from the doorway, it is necessary to see it.

Yak get the birch wood on your own, you can check out the next video:

Dilution of the fungus

buy korisne zіb it is possible at any pharmacy point. Zdijsnyuchi pribannya, it is recommended to get acquainted with the label, denoted additional components. The product is more expensive, as well as ingredity to be sold in a small amount.

The recipes for preparing the young ointments will be given in the next tables:

Namecomponentsyak zastosovuvati

Diogot with soda

Birch tar - 1 teaspoon;

Pitna soda - 1 teaspoon;

Warm water - 2 tablespoons.

All warehouses should be mixed and applied to the urazhennuyu plate for additional help cotton sticks... The ointment is applied on 30-40 quilins, then snake, vikoristovuyu and warm water, along the way you can see the rosem'yakshiti shmatochki nigty plate and naughty growths.

simple recipe

Birch tar - 5 grams;

Baby cream - 1 tube;

Internal fat - for bazhannyam.

Zmіshati components, to apply on the exercises nіgoot, pіdushiti and pull up clean scarpets. You can save for a day. Meals for a meal to vikoristovuvat warm water. Manikurniy knives saw the rose and saw parts of the plate.

Sirchana ointment

Birch diogot - 3 teaspoons;

Rinse powder - 2 teaspoons;

Baby cream - 1 tube.

Resin maє rіzkiy unacceptable smell I feel uncontrollably uncontrollable and uncontrollable nudity and blues, that savor the quality of the bastard. Until the most popular recipes, take the offensive.

Apple juice and diogot

Then, with a stretch of the offensive pressure, it is possible to reach the skin day after the last dots. For 14 dobu lіkuvalnyh visits one tablespoon is reduced to ½ teaspoon of a natural component.

Also, it will take 30 days to reach the end of the day. We can wait for a 90-day break, and a second course, 5 dB of insurance. For prophylaxis, you can start eating for 6 months in leather from the 1st to the 3rd day.

Honey and birch tar

For cooking lykarsky zasobu More beautifully buy fresh honey with a thin consistency. For one teaspoon, there is one speck of resin, live before bedtime. Uvaga: if you can’t drink water, you’ll live for 4-5 years.

On the step, I will add to such a small amount of honey - 2 specks of honey, it is necessary to step up to 8 specks. Insurance course for 12 dB.

Dilution of psoriasis

There are two ways to fight against illnesses: internal control of natural conditions and calls. For the first option, water is boiled in a quantity of 4 liters and 0.5 liters of birch resin. Components change, shriek and put in the dark place on the doorstep.

Before taking a drink, take 100 grams of water before taking it for 15 minutes.

Yak zovnishniy zasit dyogot stagnate at the games dilyankas. To be applied once to doba, it is innocent for an hour to become more than 15 khvili, ale term, in a step-by-step manner, to 30 khvili.

The water is warm and sweet for a drink. After the end of the procedure, it is recommended to apply a neutral cream. The triviality of treatment becomes from 14 to 42 days.

Cinnamon for hair

We are widely used in the production of cosmetics for hair. On the policemen of the shops, you can have a great deal of versatility in shampoos, up to the warehouse which contains birch resin. However, behind the words of the co-workers, the best effect is spontaneous to fall into the same place as cosmetics are prepared in home minds. Until the most popular recipes, you can make the offensive.

Zm_tsnyuchiy shampoo. It is nice for the child to rub it on a large rubbish and take the same part of the dog. All the changes were added to the polyethylene package. For Mitty's heads, get vikoristovutsya every other day, ale before the tsim masa to add wine in a ruble, to get ahead of the vipadannya hair.

Get some digestion water (how to prepare it, it is described in Psoriasis Likuvanny) in a 50 ml bottle, 2 chicken eggsі kefir - 250 ml. All components change. Freeze 2 times in 7 days for a stretch of 2 months for a stretch.

There are no simple recipes, as you can’t be self-prepared.

Ale, do not vitrachati hour, you can apply on problemnі dіlyanka the very birch resin, ale only to the point, the schob is not naughty shkіrі.

Another way is to add natural milk to an individual in a quantity of 1 teaspoon. The cream should be applied up to two times on the doba, it is important not to forget the strife before the onset.

Instructions for storing


It is important to quest for an hour vikoristannya, schob uniknuti otrimannya op_ku.

in the middle

Resin volodin is also a good effect in case of bagatokh illnesses, they are already covered in the statistics. It is possible to zastosovuvaty dogot in the middle, it is possible to pick up the dosage, which is indicated in that recipe. And even more beautifully, take a consultation from a fahivtsa for a food supply.

Yak visnovok varto zgadati about those who, when victorian natural preoccupations in health improvement, are importantly attentive to all other invitations and memory about the prototype.

Proponate your respect for video, in which rose you can see the corny of birch wood and the correct way of implantation:

A birch is a valuable tree, not only for that, but for that I have a good tree, but for a sweet, cinnamon birch sack, even in the bark of the tree there will be some wood.

Tar to get rid of birch trees - іm'ya birch bark. Wine is a black oily kind of specific, shvidshe for an unacceptable smell. In the bagatokh інshih krainakh vіdomy yak "Russian oil".

Birch tar I can achieve wider stasis in the booth, in the state, in the promiscuity, and in the madness you can get the cinnamon from the point of view of the vision, so how can you get it yourself and vikoristovuvat in the substitution zvichnykh zasob_v You may not be on hand when there is an emergency, etc.

Put on the suction dogtyu

The axis of the deyakі spheres, it is possible to fix the birch wood:

For the installation of loose parts, kol_s;
- Let us drain the sleepers tree, for hydro-isolation;
- Yak zakist of the same tree is ruined by bark beetles and coma;
- For water leakage;
- we can hijack the shkiryan virobi;
- Yak frost leaked amunitsії, zbruї (the schob did not turn brown in the frost);
- To take over the city from shkidniks
- Yak sirovin for a small recycling, and victorian for industrial purposes;
- Yak combustible ridina, for firing or preparing a candle, torches and kindling;
- Birch tar good thank you to take away from the vile;
- Yak component in medicinal preparations such as Vishnevsky ointment, etc.
- We will birch with a dog to blot out the hoard of horses.

Zovnishnє zasosuvannya birch wood

You can make birch wood by yourself (about the bottom), or you can buy a ready-made one in the pharmacy. In the pharmacy, diogot is sold in a purely not diluted viglyad, so for storing it in for drinking purposes breeding required. One vinyat is tse if vikoristovute birch wood from a fungus on nails. In such a case, it is necessary to take not the dilution of the nail and the damage to the fungus by the nigty fungus.

Yak ointment from psoriasis is used to prepare a liquefied sum of oil, honey vitriol and alcohol. All components are warm and boil on a weak fire of quiline. Pislya cooling can be victorious.

You can independently prepare a little bit cute, good for a head and body. To get enough shampoo for you, a shampoo for a shower and add to a new three-quarters of a day (for example, 1 tenth part). Before victorious, do not forget to perekonatisya, but you do not have any allergies to the removal of the product. Please remember, that the spirit can not even smell sooner, which is far from all to the soul.

For the cosmetic purposes of birch, the birch has a vicious effect in the storage part. sebaceous vines, Allowing for the increased fat content, for cleansing the skins of the vineyard genus visipan, shampoo for good fight with a magnifying glass.

Internal storage of birch wood

Cinnamon birch tar when implanted in the middle. Ale obov'yazkovo for clever understanding of the instructions and recommendations of the doctor.

When organisms become ill, they must be stored in one spoonful of milk per liter of water and milk. P'yut qiu sumish before bedtime in a quantity of 1 tablespoon per day.

Birch wood from worms. We wish to finish the day and it’s great to know. You can drink it like this: on the first day, drip 1 teaspoon of honey for 1 teaspoon of honey and drink a small amount of warm water. At the beginning of the day, a number of drops are increased by 1, and so the course is 12 days (on the whole day you need 12 drops of honey with honey. Take a night before going to bed.

It is also simpler to prepare water for drinking water, by helping you:

change the heart, normalize the exchange of words, take the lick of fever, bring slags and toxins to the body, with the treatment of cough and dropsy, normalize the arterial grip, normalize the system of herbalism.

The recipe for cooking is even simpler: for 1 liter of water - 120 grams of diogtyu. Rozchin insist on holding out two dibs, process and distribute in a closed container.

Diogot in home minds

Preparation of birch wood

For the cob, you need to pick up and prepare the birch bark. For a birch birch birch measles ball, do not penetrate the tree, do not injure the tree.
chim more measles Take it, it’s more than a birch tree, but do not shave off a bunch of measles from one tree. The birch bark is necessary for my brothers, the birch bark is overdried, it burns down quickly and the crust of the ash is too much for everything not to be lost in the bank. Foldly to say the birch bark is necessary, but you can definitely say it, but for a meaningful amount of money it will be necessary to burn it off. Then, instead of burnt birch bark in the metal, there is a jar, for example, from canned food or kavi, with a small opening in the center of the bottom. It is also possible to put another metal mesh on the bottom (the mesh is guilty of being even worse than others) so that the ash from the green birch bark is not consumed in the lower jar.
Dal it is necessary to bury it in the sand, or the earth is also in a jar, even in smaller sizes. The bottom is guilty, but there is no need to open the opening! Qia friend to the jar i will be a container for the collection birch wood... A jar of birch bark should be placed on top. birch tar

All in the fire it is necessary to fence off the stones, far from the birch bark to be located at the upper bank. If the birch bark is burned out, it is possible to extinguish the fire, or if the container itself is burned out, it can be buried or buried in the ground. Having settled on a birch tree, you will grip from the upper jar through the holes and open it to the lower one.

(Photo) Birch tar

dyogot ready until victoriannya.

The term of taking birch wood from not encircling Saving all over the place of food products and in specially packaged containers, the smell of food can leak through all the products and speeches.

Without natural components, folk medicine vikoristov for lykuvannya young people... One of these is birch wood. Tsya rechovina has its own pungent unacceptable smell. Chi know vi, yak take birch wood in the middle? Learn about the instructions below, and learn more about storing the speech.

Scho Liku Birch Diogot

The name of the speech is similar to the dark line of an oily consistency. Otrimuyut її by a special method - dry distillation. The bark of young birch trees is vikorized in the yakosti of the syruvina, moreover, the upper light of the part. Dignified vikoristovuvalysya for the treatment of helpless illness among people and creatures in ancient times. The current trend of speech and official medicine was introduced, as it began to include it to the warehouse of drug-related drugs, for example, Vishnevsky's ointment. The natural "drug" has the following power:

For lіkuvannya dyogot take all the middle, or vikoristovuyut zvnіshno. In the last drop, the component should be applied to the curvatures of the curvature in the case of severe ignition processes... In the middle of getting sick, as you are elated with diogtous preparations, you see:

  • lichen;
  • fungus;
  • scrofula;
  • psoriasis;
  • bedsores;
  • do not go to harm the wound;
  • eczema;
  • visip;
  • scab;
  • trophіchnі virazki;
  • hit;
  • dry calluses.

All the middle will be taken for the treatment of ailments of the children, and chronic stage... Among such pathologies are seen:

  • puffs of good or malignant promenade (fibromoma, adenoma, brush);
  • prostatitis;
  • zboi robots of the shlunkovo-intestinal tract;
  • sickness, scho to catch the empty company and larynx (purulent migdalin, angina, laryngitis);
  • Infectious disease nirok;
  • ailing mental systems(Cough, bronchial asthma, tracheitis, inflamed legends, bronchitis, tracheitis);
  • atherosclerosis sudin;
  • ailment of myocardium and heart;
  • ukam'yana ailment.

Lіkuvannya psorіasu birch dyogtem

Mainly folk psoriasis is being conducted for additional lotions, baths, shampoos and mila. The remaining 2 are represented by a wide assortment at a reasonable price and warehouse. We will try to upgrade to such a therapy in the form of a reception of speech in the middle. Birch wood with psoriasis to rob a beneficial infusion to the entire body. Get ready for the offensive rank:

  • ascariasis;
  • diphyllobothriasis;
  • giardiasis;
  • teniarinhoses;
  • enterobiasis.
  1. First day - 3 times to live on 1 tablespoon of fresh apple juice with a razchinenoy in a new 1 dot dogtyu.
  2. Then with a stretch of tea - prodovzhuvati in the same rank, take it for a day, add up to a dose of 1 drop each day.
  3. After 7 days before the month's term - take already 0.5 teaspoon of juice per 1 tablespoon of juice.
  4. Repeat the course twice in 3 or 6 months, depending on point 3.
  5. Drink for 3 first days in the skin month with a stretch of bread.

Stagnation of birch wood in folk medicine for women ill

Widespread use of the disease in the therapy against the disease sectional system at women. In front of them I see;

  • pislyapologic mastitis;
  • catarrhal cystitis;
  • candidiasis;
  • mastopathy.

Lіkuvannya dyogtem in the middle with such ailments is not є the main, but at the same time it is more effective against the kind of infectious diseases. Axis for recipes for specific female ailments:

  1. Cystitis. Pour 5-10 drops of the main speech into the bottle, pour over it with warm milk, stir. Lead the reception of a lykuvalny zasob in the middle of 0.5 tbsp. Approximately 20 minutes before їzhі, repeating the procedure with three stretches of skin for 5 days.
  2. Mastopathy. Take a cube of tsukru, drip it onto a speck of milk and put it in your mouth. Rozsmoktuvati until re-razchinennya, for whom to drink a bottle of water. Take a drop from larger doses for 1 speck - up to 20 or more back. Repeat the cycle in 2-3 months for close to 2 rock.
  3. Candidiasis. For 50 ml of milk, take 3 drops of diogtyu, vipiti. After 3 days, the concentration of up to 5 drops, after 6 - up to 7, and then change again to 3.

Price for a child

Among the merits of such a speech for the reception in all the middle it is possible in the sense of its price, and it is also inexpensive. Dіgtyarnі drugs are on sale in any pharmacy - in bottles of 100 or 200 ml, canisters of 5 liters. The price of the smallest of them is in the range of 30 to 150 rubles in fallow from the virobnik. There will be more money in the future, but in general, all will be brought to the budget. Krim pharmacies, you can add some money on virobniks' sites.

Yak piti diogot birch

Having bought birch wood for a low price, you can prepare on this basis a dough of young supplies for the whole center. Perche - tse simple water... They have to breed a small number of trees in the fallow area for diseases, which are being treated against. The efficiency of such a birth of a pole in:

  • normalization of speech exchange;
  • change of heart meat;
  • stabilization of the arterial grip;
  • normalization of etching;
  • purified from slag and toxins.

It is even more effective to bring delicious cakes to milk. Among їh authorities are meant:

  • zupinka growth of crayfish fluff;
  • prevention and therapy against tuberculosis;
  • fight against atherosclerosis of Sudin.

Diogot with milk

Likuvannya diogtym all over the middle on the basis of milk is carried out at different rates in the fallowness of ailments. For example, in case of atherosclerosis of 45 db a day, it is necessary to drink 50 ml of milk with 10 drops of milk. Universalny power of Volodya nasty recipe:

  1. For 50 ml of milk, more beautiful than warm, take 1 speck of milk. Pete is very close to heart.
  2. For 7 days, repeat the same scheme, only add a dose of 2 drops of the main speech.
  3. For 3 tea drops in milk, 3 dots each, continue drinking until a dose of 10 dots is reached.
  4. Pislya tizhnevoy interrupt prodovzhiti priyom, change concentration in a vortex order, tobto from 10 to 3 drops.

Digtyarna water for internal storage

V classic recipe To prepare a healthy drinking water, 4 liters of cold water is required, if you can take a boiled room temperature. At the end of the day, take 0.5 kg of birch nail without any houses. The offense of the ingredinte is mixed, then poured into a jar and corked with a crush. It will take 2 days to prepare for preparation. Prior to the reception, it is necessary to take a picture and a process.

Scheme of receiving ready-made water and filling in the middle of the nature of the disease. Most of the infectious and viral pathologies follow the advancing instructions:

  1. Bezposedno before going to bed, vzhit 1 tablespoon of koshti.
  2. For the duration of the shrinking dose, the dose is equal to 2-3 tablespoons.
  3. When you get sick with mouth emptying, you should gargle the throat.

Zneboluyuyu, wowed with anti-fiery effect Volodya Birch Diogot. Zastosuvannya for therapeutic purposes is pummeled by the snake of pretentious words. It is actively vicarious to stimulate and accelerate the regeneration of epidermis, as well as to increase blood circulation in the tissues. Folk medicine widely zastosovu yogo for lykuvannya shkirnykh zhvoryuvan: beshikhovih fired up, Seborrheic dermatitis, vitiligo, psoriasis, foliculitis and eczemi. It is used for lucid lichen, fungal lesions, scabs, bedsores, pediculosis, trophic infestations and other pathologies. Don’t go to the strength of vilіkuvati opіk and rіznі wounds. To use the compressions, you should apply them to the zone. Maslyanista ridina live and zmitsnyu internal organizations, Mobilizu lost their power to the body in the struggle with ailments. For help, you can relieve dropsy of the abdomen, sechoam'yanu ailment, spread poisoning and urethritis. People's clerks recommend us for a taste bronchial asthma, Angini, GRZ, mastitis, bleeding and gangrene. Widely victorious in cosmetology at vugrovoy visipka, Problems of shkіrі, lupi and іnhih damages.

Vikoristannya in gynecology

It is also useful for the treatment of fibromyomas, brush of eggs, adenomas and good-natured ones, the miraculous birch spirit. Stagnation in the middle in the singing dosage gives effective results. Probably an old-fashioned reworking of the recipe for mastopathy: three days after adding 3 drops of koshti in 50 ml of warm milk, from the 4th to the 6th day - 5 drops, from the 7th to the 9th - 7 drops. Vipivati ​​lіki slіd three for a day. While taking the course of therapy to try a ten-day break, and once again repeat the experience, only in the last resort - for a change in the number of days.

Type of infection

From candidiasis and vaginitis to help the onset folk recipe: Take it nicely for the child, rub it on the ground and take it with the dog (1: 1). Small bags are formed and dry out in a small amount. Razchinyaєmo will require a number of liquors in water to the consistency of thick ointment, obroblyaєmo genitalia. It is obvious that it’s sverbіzh, writing and firing (the course is close to the month). An analogous ointment vikoristovuyut at sudoma in kintsivka. Apply її with a thin ball on the ailments of the month, wrap it up with a woolen bush. Digtyarny bags are taken in a flask in the fridge.

Likuvannya dichnoy system

Frostbite, angina i colds zdatny vilykuvati birch dyogot. Zastosuvannya zvnіshno at viglyadі kompressіv yes chudoviy likuvalny effect... Apply Ridin on sterile gauze bandages, apply until breast cancer, Tie a scarf on top and fill it with 20-30 quilins. The compress is nadaє antiseptic і zіgrіvayuchu dіu. Shvidko, and at any time you can shake off a viscous cough: dilute a part of the wild dog in 8 parts of purified water, mix it with a wood spoon and insist 2 days. Take the water, which was established from the surface of the liquor, pour it into a clean container and put it in the refrigerator. Take birch wood in the middle of the great lodge before going to bed. The course is not guilty of overcoming ten dib. Practice will show that even if the first attack occurs, the cough will begin to change or change.

Z'єdnuєmo I dribble koshti with a dessert spoon of honey. Take the drug before bed. You can vipivati ​​birch diogot with milk or carrot juice. The triviality of therapy is 24 days. At pik it is allowed to conduct up to two courses.

With nasty ailments

Letting go of the crust: a little two large spoons of spicy powder with 5 grams of interior lard (you can substitute for borsuk or pig), a dessert spoon with a spoon and a dear sweet (5 g). Rub the ailments with a central warehouse with a stretch of five dib. In case of high viscosity, a cleansing lotion is also available: for 50 ml of 95% alcohol, 10 g of birch oil and two drops of salicylic alcohol will be needed. Before being applied to the shkіru, it is cleaned out of cosmetic means and zabrudnen. Apply twice a day. For the treatment of wounds, psoriasis, ekzemi, prepare an ointment: 50 grams of kosty z'udnati with one hundred grams of top oil and two chews. Zberigati zasib in the refrigerator.

Robimo is nice to see

It’s a long time ago, it’s cute to get involved in one with the best effective participation in the struggle with the problematic school. For a whole non-binding cupuvati, it is possible to choose independently from natural components and in a short term. Need to respect, it is also nice to go for all types of children and not allergies. Approximately two gram and a great spoonful for a cute child without cheeky warehouses. It’s nice to rub the roses on the water bath, then give the birch a little something and kindly mix it up. Masu is poured into special molds and dates and caught. All is ready!

Vikoristannya in cosmetology

If you torment a magnifying glass, you wipe your hair, prepare a homemade mask: take one hundred grams of hot water, 30 ml of castor (turnip) oil and a tablespoon of diogty. Apply with a dry ball on the hair roots and after two years, wash with shampoo. Dodati volume and speed up the growth of hair: for a liter of water, you need to take 50 g of it. Insist three days (skin day change). Likarskiy with massage rukhs rub into the head pouch three times a day.


Inexperienced by the positive power of the birch diogot overtones. Ale, unaffected by the colossal bitterness and a host of dignities, he still has a lot of dignity at Vikoristanna. It’s not a good idea to get stuck in groin depressions, folds of shkіri і on zginі kolіna. It is not possible for a trivial hour to viroblyat the use of the drug; more irritated and to make it possible to ekzematous process. If you virally vicoristovuvati you in the middle, then vicorize for cich tilki only natural cleansing preparation. Chi don't get stuck in the middle pharmacy stores, Oskіlki stench revenge carcinogenic speech. The vicoristan was buried in the period of acute pathology. Until contraindication lactation and vaginality. Remember, before applying the paint to the skin, carry out a test on the skin, so that you can detect the presence of an allergy.