Likuvannya rhinitis in grown-ups: a change of drugs. Good for the undead

Updated: 06/20/2018 18:46:20

* Look at the editorial site's thoughts. About the criteria for the selection. Danish material is sub-active in nature, does not є advertise and not serve as a credit before the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult a Fakhivite.

On the current pharmaceutical market, there are even more abundant medicinal preparations for the treatment of undead, vicious due to heat, allergies and other reasons. Riznomanittya droplet for the nose is even larger. Є Sudosuzhuvalny drugs, saline, such as washing nis, antiseptics and antibiotics, drugs for muscular immunity, and against allergies. There are rich nasal drops and sprays on a roslinny basis, the preparations are often rich in components. Please, go to a wide range of business opportunities, and Danish applications have a rating of the best sprays and drops for use in small children and grown-ups.

Rating of the best nasal drops

nomination misce Naymenuvannya goods price
Brush dots in nis with undead 1 349 ₽
2 241 ₽
3 135 ₽
Brush dots in nis with allergies 1 690 ₽
2 754 ₽
3 517 ₽
4 141 ₽
5 408 ₽
Brush the ship-sounding dots in the nis with the undead 1 30 ₽
2 83 ₽
3 237 ₽
Brush dots in nis for children 1 289 ₽
2 210 ₽
3 294 ₽

Brush dots in nis with undead

Dots of isofra to avenge the antibiotic framycetin from a group of aminoglycosides, and indications before stasis in case of nasopharyngitis, which is a common cold to the undead. Packing in viglyadі nasal spray, and can be bactericidal, reducing the harmless microbes. There are a lot of types of banal undead, as well as those who are tied up with a cold, with a sore throat, with unsuccessful ones. In the first place, in case of gross rhinitis, aboronopharyngitis, it is shown that there is a lack of disease. For the skin, it should be injected at one dose from 4 to 6 times a day, and for children not more than 3 times. The course of treatment of the undead is not more than 10 days, further away it is guilty that it is only for the signs of the drug. Add 15 ml of the drug in the viglyadi nasal spray for a price of 270 rubles. Viroblya izofra French pharmaceutical company "Laboratory of Bouchard Recordati".

Advantages and shortcomings

Before overloading, the speck can bring an universally bactericidal effect, and up to a short time - the condition of making it feel normal to the microflora of the mucous membrane of the nose in case of trivial stagnation. It is also not recommended to be stashed in the first days if you are sick with the flu, with aches in the slopes, with severe symptoms of intoxication, in this case, rhinitis, and rhinopharyngitis mat In such vipadkas, the izofra goes through a few days, since the nose is a mucous-nasal vision, amalgamated with the development of a supportive bacterial infection.

Sialor is a universal bactericidal and hygienic agent, which can take revenge on the coloidal range of the medium (proteinate), which is bound with bottles. Proteinate of the medium can knit the effect, overshoot the development of microbial and virus infections and preserve the slime. Particularly versatile, Sialor viroblya is known for staphylococcus, streptococcus and young fungi. On the mucous nasal emptying, I’ll get a drink.

It has been shown to be effective in children with rhinitis, including in allergies, in chronic cases of nasal emptying, in rotations of dryness of mucous nose, and undead. We can get help for prophylaxis in the epidemic season, for the removal of the emptying of the nose and preparation before prompt engagement... For the preparation of the dose, it is necessary to prepare the rozchin by adding one tablet of diyuchoy speech in 10 ml of the finished roschinnik. A sprinkler is poured into the bottle from a sprinkle, then a tablet is delivered, and a pill is added to the bottle. Apply the drug to the mucus of the nasal emptying one at a time 3 times and then pull it out. Viroblya drug Sialor vіtchiznyana company "Renovlennya", and add one tablet with a 10 ml bottle holder for a price of 210 rubles.

Advantages and shortcomings

Before re-preparation, the drug should be given the opportunity to use it for prophylaxis, when increased dryness wandering in the primitives and with the manifestation of the shrewd minds of the pratsi. Sialor does not suffer from overdose symptoms, it is deprived of a small number of symptoms in any case and itching in the nose in case of individual intolerance. Slid vrahovuvati, it’s not recommended to use the ship-sounding drops on the tlі stasosuvannya Sialor, but to take revenge on Adrenaline.

Drops Nazivin are released in different concentrations (0.05% - for older adults, 0.025% for children, 0.01% for newborns), and may also be included in the rating for other groups: for older adults and for the liking of allergies. Such versatility and allowed its support in the turn of the most beautiful features for the treatment of the undead. By way of speech є oxymetazoline, which should be added to alpha-adrenergic drugs. Tsey zasib with the sound of the sudin, changing the swelling of the mucous membrane, and not dragging.

Nasivin indications are not only in case of advanced forms of rhinitis and in undead, but also in sinusitis, for example, sinusitis, as well as in case of a fired auditory tube (Evstakhіity). Apply the drug in 1-2 drops into the skin, up to 3 times a day. In order to get rid of the dose, the skin bottle of Nazivin will be graduated with a drop. It is possible to use a nasal spray in a viglyadі nasal spray, or to blot the nasosі go to babies with cotton swab, nasal nasal sprays. The course is not more than 5 days.

Viroblyaє kraplі nіmetska pharmaceutical company "Merck". Pridbati Nazivin for any vik in general, 5-10 ml is possible, in the middle, for 130 rubles.

Advantages and shortcomings

Before the preparation is used, the preparation should be as quick as possible and the width of the display is not high, the price is not high, and the possibility of receiving drops in vaginal and old mothers, ale only for the signs of the drug. To the negative side, it is possible to bring the diagnosis and appearance of dry mucous nose, channya. In the case of a severe overdose of Nazivin, there may be a systemic effect of adrenomimetics, - an increase in the frequency and pulse arterial vise... According to the possibility of a uniquely trivial course of treatment of Nazivin, some of the malignant sufferers of the atrophy of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, and of the reactive medication rhinitis.

Brush dots in nis with allergies

Allergic rhinitis is infused duzhe shvidko, great people for a little chilli. Allergic undead nastіlki porushu nasal dichannya, scho to bring to sleep, a dramatic decrease in parentage, psychological discomfort. As a rule, the symptoms of allergic rhinitis are often chkhannya, itching in the nose, a decrease in the health of the nose, as well as a clear nasal clearance or a clear vision of the nasal passages. Important vipadam allergic rhinitis go to the bed of Kvinke, kropivyanka or navit bronchospasm. In such a type, it is necessary to turn the term into a lykar. The rating has gone down a few of the most popular ones, like є "good help" in case of allergic undead.

Drops of Nasonex can be used as an "important artillery" among anti-allergic drugs, and some of them can take revenge on the anti-allergic hormone - glucocorticosteroid hormone mometasone. In one dose of a nasal spray, 50 mcg of the whole of speech with a rotated antiapal and antiallergic effect is dispensed. In a bottle of NAZONEX, you can poke a lack of confusion, and a suspension. When applied to the mucous membrane, the preparation rapidly changes the vivification of the mediators, which leads to the normalization of the function of the mucous membrane and the reduction of exudation.

In addition to allergic rhinitis, polynose, Nasonex can be used to prevent allergies, for example, 2 months before the ear of herbs is transferred, and you can use a file in the morning. Nazonex testimony in complex therapy for treatment of zagostrenia sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis. Stagnate drinks by the way of inglyatsiya dose in the skin nizdryu, or not more than 2 times a day. Bazhana pіdtrimuyucha dose - not more than one ingalyation in the skin nizdryu. Drops of Nazonex are issued by the Belgian pharmaceutical company "Shering-Plow", and add one bottle, which is 60 doses, in average, insurance for 1 month of optimal therapy, you can get it for 400 rubles.

Advantages and shortcomings

Before crossing NAZONEKS, the activity and appearance of the atrophy of the mucous membrane of the nose is observed in the course of the development of the nasal congestion. Before the negative moments of stagnation, it is possible to bring about minor effects, such as light nasal bleeding, headache, or pain in the nose. However, the frequency of development of side effects was not considered as a dose, and when the recommended dose was reached, the stench was practically not recognized.

Flixonase є in one more case hormonal drug for allergic vasomotor rhinitis... Win revenge on fluticasone propionate, in a dose of 50 micrograms per dose of powder. Mechanism for drug use for glucocorticosteroid hormones. Winnig the bugs in the middle of the fired, and overwhelm the allergic reaction. Flixonase with a change in the sverbinnya in the nose, liquidity of the stuffiness of the nose and the undead, the heaviness in the area of ​​the nose and the pinching of the chkhannya.

Already after 2 - 3 years, after the first injection, it was inferred to lighten, and after a single injection of 2 doses into the skin, a persistent effect is easy to finish. Zastosovuvati Flixonase is recommended for grown-up children and children who have been fixing for 12 years. Fix the drug, you need to inject 2 doses into the skin nizdrya, once a day, more beautiful than a lie... To change the dose, change the dose. But in any case, it is not possible to store a drug more than 4 injected into the skin by pulling it out. Viroblya dots Flixonase English pharmaceutical company "GlaxoSmithKline", and a nasal spray, insurance for the month of delivery, and 60 doses can be offered for 415 rubles.

Advantages and shortcomings

Before overdose, the drug is given its activity, efficiency of overdose, and the appearance of symptoms of overdose. Before the side effects, dryness and nasal twitching and nasal dryness and nasal congestion are rarely observed. There is a slight odor of special guardians entering with a spinal stagnation with anti-tinnitus and anti-fungal infections, a bit of stench can change the concentration of the hormone in the blood plasma.

Allergy droplets have been borrowed one of the first places in the rating on anti-allergic efficiency. By way of speech є azelastine in the form of hydrochloride, the dermal dose should be taken away from 140 micrograms of food. Azelastine blocks the histamine receptor, stabilizes the membrane of the mucous membrane membrane, reduces the penetration of capillaries. In case of muscular stagnation of allergies, it was very hard to know all the symptoms of an allergy - nasal congestion changes, hesitations, chkhannya. The nose stops seeing allergic symptoms of mucus projection.

Kraplі dіє shvidko, even after 15 khviliiny, for a one-time stasis, it was inferior to lodging, which is more than 12 years old. It is shown not only for allergic rhinitis, but for conjunctivitis (in viglyadi nasal drops), as well as for vasomotor lesions in the mucous membranes of the nose. Allergy patients become stagnant, fixing from the sixth century and older, at one dose to the skin, two to two. To be released with the name of the company "Medu Pharma". A nasal spray can be added for 490 rubles.

Advantages and shortcomings

The price is quite affordable, the possibility of using the complex therapy with the other muscular preparations for injection into the skin, the presence of symptoms of overdose is evidently available. On the negative side, the mucous nose is slightly teased, which is a bitter defect, or even worse, it is malnourished and weak, as well as the drug has a contraindication to stagnation in children up to 6 years old, with vaginosis and lactation.

Drops of cromohexal, a common speech like cromoglytsic acid, have long been widely used in small forms for the treatment of atopic bronchial asthma, I form for muscular stasis is also requested in the treatment of allergic rhinitis. For the start of an allergic cycle in the mucous membrane of the nasal emptying, albeit the most beautiful Cromohexal vicoristovuvati for prevention, it seems to me that the polyphenia was insisted not through chilia or even a few years, but through a few days tse unique power Ridko to be seen at the drop for the nose, to that Kromogeksal has earned its place in the rating.

In case of polyosis, allergic rhinitis, it is possible to become vicious in spite of the disease. In older adults and children over 5 years old, it is necessary to dose it with one injection spray into the skin 4 times a day, and up to 6 times a day if necessary, for example, with trivial contact. Likuvannya course - month. Vipuskak Kromohexal pharmaceutical company "Sandoz", Switzerland. One bottle of spray with a volume of 15 ml can be bought for 150 rubles.

Advantages and shortcomings

In KromoHEXAL®, as well as in other drugs, there is one special feature: it’s necessary to take one step at a time, so you don’t need to discard a nutty effect, it’s not invisible. Let’s start with “dovogoguyuchim”, and write the right way to get the best out of the day. Cough, nasal bleeding, in some cases, headache, can be brought to the side effects. The price has been shown to the reception of women and mothers, as well as in children up to 5 years old. On a positive note, there is a unique possibility of nadіyu "prikrivat" slizu on the smallest zasosuvannya іnіh zoobіv, and the price is available with the Swiss quality.

Prevalin is a preparation of the bar'ernogo diya. This means that no hormones, words are transferred to the new one, they are injected into the mechanism of ignition and an allergic cascade of reactions. Just when applied to the mucous membrane of the nose, it will mechanically screw it up from the allergens. In the bottle of Prevalin, it’s ridky, and after drinking on a mucus membrane, it turns into a gel, and the gel bar’s can not be a little allergenic. It’s better to go for prophylaxis, as long as the allergens didn’t go to the slime, but it’s better for the Prevalin to go on a little less. Bentonite, or clay, glucerin stearate, peppermint and sesame oil, as well as inorganic phosphates can be included in the warehouse.

Zastosovuvat tsei zazyb bazhano abo in a complex treatment, if the patient is taking antihistamines medication all the way, and the stench is given to the systemic action, for the prevention of allergic rhinitis and synonymous fever. The standard dose is 2 drops in the skin, but three for dob. Nadіyny zakist mucous іslya introduced trivia up to 6 years. Viroblya Prevalin is a pharmaceutical company "Inkyupharm", and one bottle - raspilyuvach in 20 ml is possible in the middle for 390 rubles.

Advantages and shortcomings

In Prevalina, there are synthetic chemical speeches, there are no signs of overdosing and side effects. Prevalin is a practical, ideal way to get rid of mucus, and if it is shown that the allergic rhinitis develops on the way. To the negative side of the reception, it is possible to make it ineffective even in the case of other severe allergic symptoms. Tsey spray is guilty of being in the pharmacy for skin allergies and stasis before a trip to nature, before a warning about allergens, but not for stopping symptoms.

Brush the ship-sounding dots in the nis with the undead

Undead whether etiology is about to produce mucus nasal empties to the expansion of the vessels. As a result, there is an increase in slipping and mortgage. Seduction drops are poured into adrenergic receptors, nasal spasms, and spasms. As a result, the area changes, the embankment goes through, and it does not fix it quickly. While the preparations are still popular, some of the stench lodged is still wicked through a sprinkle of quiline.

It is necessary to remember that it is necessary to have a memory, but it is necessary to fix it. Most ENT - likars are not recommended to be victorious, but more beautifully - to shrink in one or two days, the sound grows faster and faster, and it is necessary to increase the dose, overstay the trial. But that's not the whole problem. The walls of the judges gradually grow thin, the mucus of the nasal emptyings atrophy, the addiction to droplets, and the unobtrusive patient appears, it is necessary to continually drip into the nas of Naphthyzin, no pawns. As a result, chronic, atrophic rhinitis, parts of nasal bleeding and ailments of mucous nasal emptying from these preparations is a result.

Zvychayno, there will not be anything terrible, if the preparations have gone up to the rating, vicoristovuvati in short courses, or occasionally, in any kind of stench they can help.

Mabut, the simplest, the most rude, the less expensive and the more effective way, the popular and the favorite among the broad folk masses є Naphtizin. Win revenge on naphazoline. Drops are an alpha-adrenergic blocking stimulant, and everything that has been said at the beginning of the rating is included in the world.

Indications for rinitis rhinitis, for nasal congestion, for sinusitis, for clotting mucous developmental ethology... Naphthyzin is dispensed in a child's dose, - 0.05 m Zakapuvati naphthyzin is not needed often, at least 3 drops 4 times for dobu, more beautifully - one speck of three for dobu. It is necessary to remember, after 5 days of receiving the call and reduction of the effect, it is necessary to interrupt for several days, and more beautifully, to go to the most important things. Naftizin is carried out by a great number of vicarious pharmaceutical companies, and for a low rate, win b'є records. So, 10 ml of the drug in growth of adolescents you can buy for a price of 9 rubles.

Advantages and shortcomings

Until the shortage of naphthyzine, there is a sound and a decrease in efficiency, as well as a miscellaneous and negative effect. The mucous membrane of the nose can be dragged, and swell with trivial stasis, with overdose, the arterial grip and frequent pulse can develop, and there is boredom and headache. The whole drug cannot be used at once with monoamine oxidase ingibitors, antidepressants, and that bazhano, naphthyzin schob signifying a drug. On the positive side, it is possible to name the drug on the ear of the ear and its superb cheapness and universal availability.

Galazolin in the capacity of an active one can take revenge on xylometazoline. Vіn weak, nіzh naphazoline, before entering the storehouse naphthyzine. Naphthyzin - superficially strong drug, All of them are not so hard, but more safe. Galazolin vyklikannya і development of atrophic rhinitis vdvіchі rіdshe, nіzh consumption of naphthyzin. Xylometazoline for myakshe, ale zakopuvati Galazolin is required three for doba, oskilki win for about 6 years since the introduction. It is important that Galazolin should not only be used in nasal splinters, but in a nasal gel, a standard dose of 0.1%, and 0.05% (for children). The blobs can be repaired for the next 5 hours.

We will grow up with a regimen of supplementation and in children 2-3 drops in the skin nizdryu 2-3 times for dob. If you want to go to the gel, then I will add a single drop of three to the skin. The maximum triviality is not to blame for the change of 2 triviality. Nasal drops can be bought for 34 rubles, and nasal gel is more expensive - about 110 rubles. for a bottle of 10 ml. Viroblya with the company "Polfa", Poland.

Advantages and shortcomings

Prior to the conversion of galazolin, it is sold more m'yaku, cheapness and more development of the drug, less naphthyzin, but then the drug is not used to be used for drinking, for those people whose professions are associated with respect. It is not possible to pay more often, not 3 times for more. The side effects can lead to dryness of mucus and headache, in case of overdose - tachycardia and arterial grip. Galazolin is contraindicated to people with glaucoma, arterial hypertension, thyrotoxicosis, diabetic diabetes, and for the treatment of inflammatory monoaminoxidases. Quite, most beautifully, as soon as I recognize the license for all-purpose assessment, I will become.

Nazol to take revenge on the onset of the generation of an active adrenergic agonist - oxymetazoline. The family is simple: Nazol, Nazol Advance, Aqua, Baby, Kids. All drugs are adapted to different dosages, and signs for older adults and children Riznogo viku- from small children to children. Oxymetazoline indications for advanced forms of undeath, for hospitals and chronic sinusitis, and also for the treatment of hospitals and infections of the upper dikhalnyh nobles... Drops are given to adrenergic agonists, repairing in 10 hours, and the effect is taken for 12 years.

Let us say that we grow up and children need two or three dots in the skin, two dots per day, and children - 1 dots per day, as it’s just about the drug Nazol. Pridbati Nazol in the form of a spray in 10 ml is available for a price of 130 rubles. Carrying out the drops of the famous concern Bayer.

Advantages and shortcomings

Before the crossing, a great amount of meat is introduced, in some cases it is naphthyzine and galazoline, the ability to take a dose is needed, but in case of a tricky nasal congestion, the symptoms may become difficult, and the symptoms may become difficult. For more than 7 days, it is not recommended to stockpile dots without a sign of a license. Nazol is not possible for children under 6 years of age, for babies є special doses - Nazol Baby. It is not shown before admission in vaginal and one-year-old mothers, in patients with ailments heart-vascular system... Tom bazhana before the front consultation of the doctor.

Brush dots in nis for children

Children are not so kindly adapted to the minds of the new middle class, as they are old enough to be brought to life more importantly. The dickheads are still in them, but as a child of the breast, then maybe it is just that I can’t take dichati with my mouth. To that, the undead for the little ones will have a bigger camp, not for the grown-ups. However, a childish organism is more vigorous to lively speeches, and it is often not possible to sign dots in nis, as it grows up for grown-ups. The rating of the most popular drops in the case of undead in children has gone out of the range of drugs, represented by your respect.

The first of these preparations is the price of Aquamaris Baby, which reveals the natural sea water. By the way, it’s just pure sea water without any houses, and it’s designed for growing up and emptying the child’s nose. Any chemical additives and preservatives cannot be avenged on the drug. Seemingly, in the sea water there is a small concentration of salt (in the middle, 33 ‰), and the range of salt, applied to the mucous membranes, will be called from them, I will take the ridina, change the quagmire. The price of changing the increased infection, lowering the stuffiness of the nose and teasing the mucus, additional help with the undead.

In a child, it is shown that it is promiscuous with sea water in case of rinitis and sinusitis, in undeath, in atrophic rhinitis, as well as in complex treatment of respiratory infections. With the help of prophylaxis, the skin is washed out in the middle 3 times a day, and for the treatment, the number of growths is up to 6 times. Drops are released in balloons. It is necessary to fix the small head, insert the tip of the balloon into the upper nasal head, and stretch out the decal seconds to empty the nasal emptying. If you want to ask the child to hang, then turn your head. Pridbati spray with a volume of a balloon of 50 ml is possible for 255 rubles. Viroblya, to be exact, filled the sea water by the pharmaceutical company "Yadran", and the virobnik vkazu that the sea water is taken from the Adriatic Sea, in ecologically clean areas.

Advantages and shortcomings

Prior to the overdose of the drug, it is possible to carry out its prophylactic directness and safety, the appearance of side effects, counter-indications, as well as the possibility of overdosing. The drug can be stagnant in case of sickness and in small children, including in healthy children. Until a short time, it is possible to bring the discomfort of one’s stagnation in the quality of monotherapy in case of serious nasal congestion in a child, and nevertheless, on the negative side є obviously the price is 250 rubles for a quarter of a glass of sea water in a whisker.

Pinosol should be used for a drop, for a nasal spray, and for a nasal ointment, and after taking a drug in the rating, some should be used before a growing walk, which is effective in any occasion, but often to find on the slime. Pinosol to take revenge on Evkaliptova and pine oil, Vitamin A, peppermint olia, and other components. Zasib can be antiseptic and anti-firing. Shown zastosovuvati Pinosol in children with gostrich and chronic rhinitis, children fiery ills mucous membranes in children, as well as performing operations on ENT organs.

For children, bury 3 times for dob, one or two dots in the skin nizdryu, or vikoristoyut for a whole cotton swab. The term for the undead is not more than that. Drops of Pinosol viroblyaє cheska of the company "Zeniva", a spray of 10 ml can be used for 200 rubles, Drops with the same amount - for 125 rubles, And nasal ointment of the same ossyagu - for 215 rubles.

Advantages and shortcomings

Before re-vag pіnosol, it is tolerable, instead of natural components, and forms for nasal administration. Zastosovuvati yogo is possible for prophylaxis in the epidemic season. Up to a short time, it is possible to see its ineffectiveness in case of allergic rhinitis in a child, and in case of allergy to allergies, it is not necessary to antiseptic and antibacterial action.

Vibrocil is used to complex preparations. Win to avenge the anti-allergic histamine receptor blocker, and the supersonic alpha-adrenergic agent. Tse, for example, dimetindene maleate and phenylephrine. Let go of the gel, drip and spray. Vіn nadaє a court-sounding and anti-allergic action, miraculously fighting against the undead. Vibrocyl indications for persistent and chronic nasal rhinitis, including allergic nasal congestion in a child.

Dots may appear small, repaired during the period of neonatal disease - one dots 3-4 times per dose to the skin. For older children, it is time to step up, and children over 6 years old are assigned three drops in the skin 3-4 times a day. Nasal gel and spray are used only for children over 6 years old. Viroblya Vibrocil Pharmaceutical Company "Novartis", and a 15 ml bottle of drops can be bought for 250 rubles.

Advantages and shortcomings

Dots nadaє complex diyu and indications for a wide range of indications; I have a lot of hand-made forms for storing. Until a proof, it is possible to show the manifestation of atrophic rhinitis, which, however, children develop even more rarely and with the use of monoaminoxidases, as children do not take too often. Some of the vibrocylles start to develop rather seldom - in the main, in order to see the burning and dryness in the nose, as they pass quickly. To fight against side effects, you can choose Aquamaris Baby.

The food has grown out of the main popular preparations for muscular stagnation in case of undead development of etiology in children and adults: drops, sprays, nasal gels and ointments. Rating of storehouses on the premises of sales offices in different regions Russian Federation for 2016 - 17 rubles. Ale yaki b active i complex preparations they were not used in pharmacies for a rescuer, a head fakhivtsem, who can save all the cinnamon and I can skoda from the stasis, є the most popular drug. To that in the first place, it is necessary to take out the consultation of the fahivtsya, and if you do not have to fix it again.

Pharmacological rinok with all kinds of specks in nas and nasal sprays. Immediately, go to the general development of not for the power of people, distant from medicine. We will help you to help you - develop the appearance of drops / spray for the nose, in the presence of the following signs:

  • sound of judgment when undead;
  • salts for nasal rinsing;
  • antiseptic, how to wick the bend of infections;
  • antibiotic-containing for the treatment of neglected rhinitis, otitis, sinusitis, adenoidin;
  • polishyut immunity, fight against the GRZ and become stagnant for their prevention;
  • direct against allergies, cleverly add to hormonal and non-hormonal problems;
  • on a Russian basis, for children who see the unique "chemistry";
  • folding, as there are two or more components at the warehouse.
  • vіdguki koristuvachіv;
  • expert thinkers;
  • Part and efficacy of the drug.

Є contraindication. Have fun with the liquor.

Brush dots in nis with undead

The undead є ignited the mucous membrane of the nose, yaku supervised visions, as well as changnyam. One of the first visits to the support of a large number of coristas in the name of the dots in nis. The presented below can be used for drinking, and the efficiency of the drug and pharmaceutical industry.

5 Pinosol

Natural warehouse, cinnamon roslinnykh components
Country: Slovakia
Average price: 144 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Pinosol - a tse roslinniy zasіb see the undead, zapobіgannya sinusitis and іnshih zhvoryuvan. Dots are dispensed from the dark side of the bottle with a manual dispenser, adapted for nasal injection. Ridini has a strong specific smell, pine, eucalyptus, mint can be seen. Virobnik adding oil, as an antibacterial and anti-burning effect. The preparation shvidko is known for the mucous membrane filling. On the basis of analogies, Pinosol seeks the problem, and does not clean up the symptoms. It’s good to go to a child, and to a grown-up.

It is obvious that the drug does not dry out the nasal mucus, it doesn’t dry out the nasal mucus. I will be glad to introduce you to the school, which is especially good for children. The vision is steadily growing smaller, and it is moving more and more. Virobnik proponates drops and spray. The stench is equally effective, but the result needs to be checked every day. Through the great number of natural olii, allergies cannot be met.

4 Galazolin

Sami budget product
Land of Russia
Average price: 32 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Galazolin is one of the most budget-friendly in the rating, but it is not less effective. Yogo priznachayut children from 6 rocks and grow up to a few drops. The stench may turn the court-sounding action, the results are seen at once. To pass a load of slimy for a couple of khilin. The drug is dispensed in a 10 ml bottle with a crying cry. It is easy to get more expensive with it, it is easy to buy it. Drops are recommended to be taken before bedtime, effective for the whole night.

In vidgukakh praise shvidkodiya, ale poperezhayut about inappropriate views... Dots are aggressive, they may suffer dryness and irritation. The effect is to pass for a glass of hilin. The drug is allowed to vicoristovuvati for a few days, in the capacity of the main drug, it is not suitable. The child needs a small dose, the drops have no side effects. The main of them is zvikannya. Having zupinivshi vicoristannya, you get stuck in your nose. Vona disappeared through a few days.

3 Sialor Protargol

A tart effect with a turn and antiseptic effect
Land of Russia
Average price: 230 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Spray for nasal suction Sialor Protargol is indicated for undead, rhinitis and otitis, oskilka volodya anti-firing, antiseptic and viscous effect. The specialness of the preparation is dependent on the inclusion of proteinate sredbla (protargol) before the warehouse, which will prevent a large amount of food in the course of treatment and prevention of malaise.

The nasal spray is not recommended for the hour of vaginosity and lactation, as well as for the manifestation of individual intolerance to the components. The great minus, well-known with the help of corystuvachіv, at the same time the need for an independent preparation of the distribution by way of distribution of pills. However, there is nothing folding in the case, and in the instructions for reporting descriptions of the process of storing the antiseptic warehouse.

2 Nazivin

Drops from nasal congestion in older adults
Country: Nimechchina
Average price: 146 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Drops Nazivin take the knowledge of the nasal emptying, change the mucous vision and renew the spirit. Shown up to їх registration є GRZ, allergic reactions, rhinitis і otiti. Koristuvachi viddaut perevaga danim krylya at the first signs of the undead. Pislya vikorystannya shvidko insisted on lulling, but it won't take long for a nasal stuffiness to turn.

The patients in the guides call the pipette by hand, and the price - acceptable. 10-ml vials vystachaє to finish a trivial period, so as the course of treatment becomes only 3-5 days. It is not recommended for children before the rock, if there is a special form for vipusku - 0.01%. In the case of 1 rock to 6 rock, add 1-2 drops 3-4 times for dobu (0.025%).

1 isofra

Antibiotic nasal spray
Country: France
Average price: 286 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The most popular spray of the undead-antibiotic - tse isofra. The process is possible with the experience of stverdzhuvati, through the experience of koristuvachi. danish prescription drug Signs for children from 1 to 1 rock and old. Zasib maє yaskravo is a bactericidal effect. The spray is indicated at the warehouse of combined therapy for otitis media, sinusitis, undead and other diseases of the upper secondary paths - rhinitis, sinusitis, rhinopharyngitis, etc. In contrast, the blame for children of the first fate of life is indicated by the sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Dozuvannya maє na uvazi 7-day course of 1 injection of koshti. Children have enough 2-3 times for doba, grow up - 3-4 days. The students will guess about the local infusion on the bacterium, the great help in case of stuck, undead and naval with the advanced sinusitis. Mozhlivo zvikannya, that without a sign of the liquor, the spray is not permissible.

Brush dots in nis with allergies

The allergy is seasonal, and you can find it famous. In case of rhinitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose develops, and it grows bulky and clear vision... In such a way, it is ineffective. Hormonal and non-hormonal nasal drugs are available for help.

5 Ksimelin

Budgetary way to stick to symptoms
Country: Dania
Average price: 60 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Ksimelin є we twist the vibrator for quick relief of symptoms. The drug is indicative for accelerated dichanna, for the reduction of nasal congestion. Formula є subo-sonic, usuvaє nabryk. Vona vvazhaєtsya vіdminnimy vibor with rhinitis. Drops do not puff up the slime, it is easy to get hold of. The result is to come for a couple of khilin and go to waste for 10-12 years. Buyers are overpowered, it is easy to overdo it, the policy is ill-conceived. Kovpachok is required mintly to twist, win counter. Drops are not handy to take with you.

The drug is permissive for a child and an older one. In the case of the guides, they write that they do not help the main conversation, but they do not replace it. It is possible to take up to 7 days of sleep without overdosing and sounding. The formula has no side effects, including development and writing. The result is not as trivial and versatile as in more expensive analogs. Then we will shrink in the quality of the budgetary assistance.

4 organelles

Normalizing the functions of organisms, making natural components in the warehouse
Land of Russia
Average price: 300 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Organelles-drops of stems from bioactive components of natural activity, as they give a complex effect on organism. To cope with symptoms and to delayed symptoms. The formula cleans the shelter and lymph, accelerating the oduzhannya. I will increase blood circulation, tone and elasticity of the skin. Additional help for allergic cough and undead. Yak of the common side bonuses decrease in the jam, pains, spasms of the sudins. Drops prevent asthmatic damage.

The drug is put into a small glass dance with clamps and a spray nozzle. To dozuvannyam folding overboard, from overheads only individual intolerance. It is a joy to neutralize toxins in case of allergies. The formula smells strongly of smerekovy oil, vikoristovuvati is unbearable. However, I can see how I can penetrate my temples, I can quickly get used to organism. The head minus є risik zvikannya.

3 Afrin Clean sea

Brush obsyag. Chi does not fight sensitively slim, universal straightness
Country: USA
Average price: 225 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Spray Afrin vypuskatsya at the great obsyazi 75 ml. danish lykarskiy zasib ma universalnu straightened - to go for a quick glance behind the empty nose, vikoristovuyutsya before the hour of the old and bacterial ailments, Polegshuє dikhannya. Likars recommend a natural salvation in case of undeath and mortality, allergies and otitis.

Koristuvachi pidtverdzhuyut, when the victorian dihati becomes lighter. I will cleanly cleanse the slime, relieve the vision, see allergies, viruses and bacteria. Also, the drug is taken from colds and allergic diseases, with a prophylactic visit. The strained stream of deco does not need to be built long enough, while the absolute majority of patients meant that the spray was safe. I must go to see me, but not a little bit of knowledge of sensitive mucous membranes.

2 Tizin Alerji

Excellent performance in the fight against seasonal and urban development
Land of Russia
Average price: 366 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Lykarskiy drug Tizin Alergy, as it has become known in the same name, signs for the knowledge of symptoms of allergy. As a matter of fact, the data of nasal drops, in addition to reactions, are also highly effective for undead and otitis. The stench vvazhayutsya like a world in borotbawith seasonal and tsilorichny rhinitis, which may cause allergic etiology - to change the vision from the nose emptying, relieve from the channea, signify sverbіzh.

In the number of counter-indications, the period of vaginosity, the child's age is up to six years, and also the sensitivity to the components of the drug is adjusted. Koristuvachі to plusіv to accept over-the-counter, quickness of vicariousness, quickness of self-esteem. In vidguakhs, the party is called envious. Deyakі skarzhі on nontriviality of the result.

1 Vibrocil

Myaky pouring in. Improving the speed of the symptoms of allergies
Land of Russia
Average price: 270 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Dots in nis Vibrocil for children and older adults - very effective antihistamines. The managers of the ship-sounding effect of the stench knew that they were stinking in the struggle with allergies, undead and otiti. Prototype indications є individual intolerance, vaginism, and also a period less than two times from the moment of completion of the reception іngіbіtorіv monoaminoxidase (antidepressants).

Koristuvachi in vidgukah among the perevag will infuse the pulp, the viscousness of the nobility of the unacceptable allergic symptoms, Acceptable smell, as well as visibility of side effects. Bottle of oil, 15 ml. Zruchna pіpetka lower vitrate, additional help just by the amount of supplementation.Lykarі recommend to clean nasal empty before filling.

Brush the ship-sounding dots in nis

Dots in nis, as they produce a ship-sounding effect, highly effective when stuck. Pislya їkh stasosuvannya is more likely to change the increase and decrease in mucous vision. Likari will change, but the victor is innocent for 5-7 days. It’s just an hour of polishing in self-awareness on the day, and then it’s innocently turned up to fakhivtsya.

5 Glauprost

I lower the grip
Country: Rumunia
Average price: 632 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Glauprost is an effective way to reduce the internal vise, indications for glaucoma. The effect is infused after a few years and until it is finished in the fallow because of the gravity of the situation. The formula for goodness penetrates into the line. Drops need to be stored in the refrigerator, for higher prices, the stench should not be used. Є Non-specific side effects: change to the color of the eyes, to improve the growth of all. Shkira vіk can darken, or later turn back to normal. The color of the eyes zmіnyuєtsya at every trivial victorian.

In the case of vidguakhs, the organism reacts in a different way to the drug, the list of side effects is significant. If you are uncomfortable and straining, you are probably aware of the inappropriate symptoms. Wono is shown for a trivial victorian, not a viclikє zvikannya, with a dose of folding overdoes. Through the grip of misconceptions, the grip will cease to be a problem. However, in case of glaucoma, it is more common, but dots are expensive.

4 Adrianol

Pressurized drug concentration
Country: Serbia
Average price: 128 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Adrianol is one of the most aggressive ship-sounding factors in the rating. Vin to repair the shvidku protynabryakov diyu on the mucus of the nose. It is practical to come at once, to see the normalization of the behavior. Rozchin makes a knitting consistency, not a boil. Wien testimony in case of hospitality and chronic ailments, go for extra admissions for an hour more serious manipulations. Wyrobnik talk about the low quality of side effects, but rather about the pale and dryness of mucus.

In vidguakhs write about the inaccuracy of lodging dikhannya. However, before the vikorystannya dribble, it is necessary to advance it with the help of it. Buyers are sure that swelling goes for 10-15 minutes. The formula shvidko knows a lot, but the problem is not a sight. Vikoristannya krapel is unacceptable. The stench may start to accumulate, after 3-4 days I will turn very quickly and the effect will be lost.

3 Snoop

Spray for nasal relief
Country: Nimechchina
Average price: 130 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Snoop Nasal Spray is one of the most effective sound-to-mouth sprays. The drug assimilates swelling, fights hyperexia, and renews the deterioration. Corystuvachi mean a high degree of efficiency of the endowment of the nasal environment, as well as the triviality of life. In the case of vіdgukakh vіdduyut іvisheniya obsyag vial - 15 ml.

Spray of recommendations for GRZ, undead, allergic rhinitis, otitis, sinusitis and other ENT diseases. Vagomy nedolik - a great list of prototypes, middles, children up to six years, atherosclerosis, glaucoma, tachycardia. With the protection of the drug, you can allow it to be consumed during the hour of lactation in case of sugar diabetes.

2 Sanorin with Eucalyptus oil

Chi does not dry slime. comfort vikoristannya
Country: Izrail
Average price: 146 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Sudosuzhuvalnі nasal dots Sanorin quickly know the symptoms of undead and nasal congestion. Lying down with rhinitis, laryngitis, sinusitis and in. - in one word, it is highly demanded in ENT practice. It’s a trivial practice to reduce efficiency, and that through the tenth of a week, in a general order, hesitated to interrupt. Precisely, the dosage of the visa should be started with a drug and can become 1 to 3 dots in the skin, but two or three to dob.

The number of contraindications is individual intolerance to components, damage in robots thyroid gland, Tsukroviy diabet and in. If you take the drug, you can get sick with bloating and spoilage. For reasons not recommended to go into the new posture of consultation with a doctor. In general, corystuvachi is positively informed about the drug, by the way, the drops do not dry the mucus. The bottle must be screwed. The addition of Evkalipta oil, for the thought of buyers, with a greater efficiency of treatment.

1 Naphtizin

Trivial effect. zruchna p_petka
Land of Russia
Average price: 61 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Drops in nis Naphtizin appear to be low in price, as I will explain the popularity of them. Play on the mucous membranes, because of the operative, fast bending and trivial sounding effect. Dієvo with otitis and undead.In vіdgukakh it seems about a 15 ml volume - most of these preparations are supplied with nasal drops in 10 ml vials. To the souls of buyers is also brought a little dirochka in the nose-pint.

Serious lack of stench vvazayut high ymovіrnіst zvikannya, as pіdtverzhuyut fakhіvtsі. It is not advisable for him to go to bed for the nasal drops for an hour, and it is not recommended to go to them without a guest's need.The stench is indicative for children to rock, not for vaginal and year-old women. A further change in the contraindication is indicated in the instructions, as it was followed by a retrospective check before the purchase. Dosing is individual.

Brush dots in nis for children

Far from all the drops presented in the pharmacy are suitable for children. Deyakі for them zaboronenі zovsіm, іnsі may vіkovі obmezhennya, the third - admissible from the people. Respect the instruction and consultation of the doctor - your guarantor of efficiency and safety.

5 Fornos

Effectively assimilated symptoms, additional help to the main treatment
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 75 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.4

For the nose, the blood-bearing judges of the mucus sound shyly, effectively assimilating the nabrya, lodging in the ecstasy. The drug is indicative for rhinitis, wines do not tease the skin, do not wickle hyperaemia. Virobnik stverdzhu, so the day is infused after 2-3 hilini and will be left for 10 years. The drug is to take revenge on synthetic ingredinti, the fathers are happy to rely on stitches for dozuvannyam. In the quality of the side effects, there is a growth, dryness and sound. Їx recommend in small wipes, to help the child fall asleep.

A bottle of equipment with a special nozzle without pods, a number of dribbles are easy to control. The effect is nastasvidko, ale when folding drops are trivial. Bagat didn’t blow up the whole night, it was easy to pass for a few years. Daddy praise a small pet with a round tip, it is safe for small children. The risk of allergic reactions is minimal through the appearance of natural Ingredients.

4 xylt

Nadovgo tidying up mortgages, lіku undead
Land of Russia
Average price: 27 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Ksilen recommended by daddy for quick relief of symptoms of nasal congestion. Dytina immediately started to fix the dichati, with a lot of blobs, they didn’t pick up the letters and sverbіzh. Efectu vistachaє for 10-12 years, one course is not more difficult. The result is abundant in what lies in the main drug. Dots are shown for children from 6 rocks, but rather a weak version for the little ones. The drug is dispensed in a soft bottle, filling up against the onslaught. Dose control is foldable.

Among the guides, they call them short for their part. When you get dry, you see dryness, but rather quickly pass. At the same time, the dikhati is started, the damn thing disappears. However, the dad seems to be unable to reach 10 years of age. In the middle of the show, at the party. If it’s not hammered, it’s worth adding to the drops for a few years. Їх to recommend to help the main person, if the situation has already changed and it is necessary to reduce the symptoms.

3 Rinostop

Shvidke usunennya nasal congestion
Land of Russia
Average price: 27 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Nasal drops Rinstop with speech xylometazoline is required in case of undead, otitis, allergies and in the process of preparation before diagnostics of the nasal passages. In the instructions, it is meant that it has a meaning for children and grown-ups. However, the beast is especially respectful, but an admissible wіk is from 2 rockіv. Adding dots in the price plan produce a musculoskeletal effect, grow into swelling, and develop symptoms of nasal congestion and undead.

Over-sensitivity to active speech is not the only contraindication. Retrievely vivchit change before buying. Dose - 1-2 drops of two for doba. Coristors in children are confident in their ability to improve their behavior in children and to a high degree of triviality.

2 Grippferon

Brush anti-reddish dots for children
Land of Russia
Average price: 244 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Nasal drops Grippferon freezes in case of viral illnesses, chills and flu. Go for treatment and prophylaxis in children and older adults. The managers of the interferon give interferon immunomodulatory і anti-firing effect. Koristuvachi voted unanimously for Dani Krapli, yak krashchy zіb anti-Russian straightforwardness for children of the first three rocks of life. In the case of guides, it means in the capacity of a leading eminence that the drug can be taken from the people, as well as the visibility of the drug.

It is recommended for children at a time to roku to zapuvati at the first signs of illness, 1 speck 5 times per dob, from 1 to 3 rokiv - 2 specks 5 times per day. The purchase price is acceptable, and the vitrate axis is adjusted. When packing five times a week for a non-trivial period. One contraindication - individual intolerance to the components.

1 Aqua Mars for children

Brush dots in nis with vaginosti and for children from the people
Country: Croatia
Average price: 127 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Aqua Mars is the most popular salt drops, used for making the nose of the little ones from the people. Hygienic procedures for new-born women include the clearing of empties as a minimum of two for doba. Lіkarі pіdkreslyuyut, so pledging can become the cause of nasty sleep, dying of appetite and failure of nesduzhan. And that one does not want to avoid such manipulation.

A non-baked warehouse - the main transfer: sea water, natural microelements, purified water. Zavdyaki zakapuvannya vdaєa Snake drank, vidality allergeni, substitute inflamed. Get stuck in case of otitis, undead, flu, cold and preventive maintenance. Prototype indications є individual intolerance.

Undead is a symptom, which is a sign of those who have a mucus membrane of the nose magnetized, talk about a microbe, an allergen, outside body For a saw, having taken it out of the nose empty. Nasal congestion to indicate about the blockage of the whole shell.

In both cases, additional help is needed from the viglyad miscellaneous- krapel abo spray. The main thing is to get rid of the problems, whether it is a spray in nis or dots - it helped the mucous membrane of the nose in solving problems, and not just learned the mortality of the nose.

The lower groups of drugs are induced, as they become vicious in the form of nasal congestion and undead, shown to the point of stagnation, the triviality of the day and the price. Tell me, which type of liquor is needed, it is more beautiful than an ENT doctor, which I will look around after the results, I cannot.

important rules

If it helped the undead, it really helped, use the following rules:

  1. Pick up dots for children up to 6 years old, and spray for older ones. It is tied together, so that children have a hearing tube, so that it is obtained between the throat and the sound, is short. As soon as a little sprinkle a spray, then a wine, and also particles of microbes from the nasopharynx, with great energy, should be consumed at the internal vuho. There is a stench, shvidshe for everything, otitis media - allergic or infectious.
  2. Vikoristovuchi dots, lie down (put a child), drip 1-2 dots of the drug in the right nizdryu and turn your head to the right, throwing three dots up the hill. Dripping in liv nizdryu, turn your head to the left and uphill. At the same time, it is necessary to lie on the skin side of 7-10 quills, which could have been consumed not only on the nasal mucosa, but also in the area of ​​the nasal cavity with the sinuses. This rule is especially important for ship-sounding drops: Vykonuyuchi correctly zakopuvannya, if you shvidshchie nasal dikhannya, and also get ahead of the sinusitis (bulging in the area of ​​the sinus and the nasal decline - instead of the sinus will not stagnate, but will be called).
  3. With a vicious spray, navpaki, the head is guilty vertically і s nahil to the opposite nіzdrі side. So the drug will flood into the nose, and not break into the auditory tube.
  4. Before filling in the sprays of the undead, wash them with salt drops. The price can be obtained with the help of ready-made drops and sprays, about which we will talk below, or the solutions, which can be used to prepare (Dolphin, Aqua-Maris powders with a system for washing the nose). Promivati ​​nіs can also be bought in a pharmacy with 0.9% solution of sodium chloride in a dance of 200 or 400 ml, and also in a warehouse, we will prepare it ourselves (for 200 ml of boiled warm water, 1 teaspoon of salt is taken).

See the drop from the undead

What dots in nis from the undead can you get stuck? Use the following groups of drugs:

  1. Preparations based on salt solutions.
  2. Sudosuzhuvalny drops and sprays.
  3. Hormonal sprays.
  4. Spray for the development of thick vision from the nose.
  5. Dots and sprays with antibiotics or antiseptics (including on the basis of the medium).
  6. Anti-tartar preparations.
  7. Combined drugs, including those for the use of drugs, as well as the essential oils.
  8. Dots, as there will be thickening of the riddles of the nozzles.
  9. Homeopathic preparations.
  10. Dots and spray with immunomodulatory effect.
  11. Dots in nіs from the allergic undead.

Preparations based on salt solutions

Likas on the basis of oceanic, sea water and any other solutions prepared in the pharmacy, mineral speech... The stench is indicated for undead (allergic, viral, bacterial, fungal) walking, for any sinusitis (sinusitis), inflamed adenoids. Їх дія is curtailed to:

  • vimivaniya microbes from nasal emptying;
  • razrіzhennya thick slime;
  • vimivannya speeches, which are seen when ignited, and ready to use;
  • quickening of slime;
  • pidvischennya tone of the mucous nose;
  • Depletion of microbes (as water is to take revenge on iodine).

Relevant concentrations in sodium chloride are seen in a few types of salt solutions:

hypotonic solutions

The hypotonic solution is released only from one drug - Aquamayter, de sodium chloride to become 0.65%.
The concentration of NaCl is lower, lower in the blood (less than 0.9%), so there is no reason to get wet with the mucous membrane of the nose, thinning of viscous mucus, and dry blotches in the nose.
Price - 190-210 rubles.

izotonic solutions

Look at the sight of great quantities of drugs, the price of such prices. tse:

  • Aqua-Mars. Price 220-290 r.
  • Humer 150 Wartist 580-700 rub.
  • Physiomer. Price 320-400 RUB
  • Aqualor. Price 250-300 RUB
  • Marimer. The price of a drop is 240 rubles, a spray is close to 400 rubles.
  • Otrivin More. Price 350-500 r
  • Morenazal. The price of a spray with chamomile is 280 rubles, a spray of Imuno - 500 rubles.
  • Dolphin. Price 300-430 r.

This preparation can be used for a newborn with undead, vaginal and one-year-old women.

Hypertonic salt solutions

Їх zavdannya - "vityagayuchi" from the nasal mucosa "zavu" ridin, zmenshuvati nabryak, and also the development of thick nozzles and "take away" instead of the fiery epididymal sinuses. The drugs may cause discomfort when instilled ("scorching", "bake"), or even more effective.

Zastosovuvati not more than 3 days. Prototypes are for children up to 3 months old, but they may not be suitable.

sudinozuzuvalny drugs

Drops and sprays freeze like an allergic undead, as well as with a cold. The stench is the sound of the judgment of the nasopharynx; In case of infectious undead, it is grounded: with knowledge of the nasopharynx, a low grip does not melt into the empty drum, for this it will ignite and again the microbes of the ridin will not diffuse into the structure of the middle air.

Corinth decongestants (the so-called sudinozuvuvalny drugs for the nose) and for prophylaxis, and for the treatment of sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis). At the end of the stench, you know the bump from the joint (povidomlennya) between the nasal emptying and sinus, as a result instead of the sinus, so that you do not stagnate, having created something in the plan to develop slowly, but go into the nis.

Decongestants allow people to feel lighter with their nose, especially when they receive it, more beautifully (to feel better when otitis is evident), normalize sleep and voice. With a lot of stench, the rud process is galmut (viyok), which will mold the mucous membrane of the nose. When stasis is more than 5 days in vії I increase "paralizu" (a time-consuming effect), then more than stasovuvati podbnі dots are not varied. Crumbs can be saved by stagnating decongestants at the same time with a salt solution (Rinomaris, Rinotaiss).

Decongestant "pratsyuyut" through the receptor to adrenaline, which is found on the cells of the mucous membrane of the nose. The stench gives a "command", similar to this, but "vidyak" adrenaline - the sound of the judge. The blood ceases to resemble the sudini - for an hour of recession, the bulge, the nasal mucus wiggle down. Qiu is also special for nasal bleeding.

Adrenal receptor є not only on the vessels of the empty nose - the stench є on the bagatokh cells, including the cells of the heart, bronchial tubes, before the throat, sectional mikhura and vaginal uterus. Z cym of tying of possible side effects in case of overdose of any drug: heart rhythm, Vrata svidomostі, lowering the temperature. Due to the speed of sensation, the decongestant uterus does not become stagnant during vaginosis.

Є in decongestants and such a special feature: as the speech is constantly circulating in the blood, the receptor stops on a new reactivity, і to reach the effective dose, it must be brought to the level of the symptom, which will inevitably be brought to the development of the nebazhany. To that, the vessel-sounding drops do not become stagnant for more than 5, in extreme cases, 7 dB. If necessary, an ENT drug can be prescribed for an effective ENT drug with a basic dialectical speech.

Drops from the undead and nasal congestion spread deeply from the dull speech. One basis for a day of all 3-4 years, only for 8-10 years, and for 12 years. Since it is not indicated in the first place, short-acting drugs are more beautiful than vicoristovuvati during the day, todіk dots and sprays prolonged dії are in need of nіch.

Nazol Baby, Nazol Kids (diaucha speech - fenilephrin)

Tse Nazol Baby, stasis for children 2 weeks-2 years, and Nazol Kids, which is vikorizovatsya for children from 2 years. Price - the most beautiful spray of the undead for children.
effect: Through 3-5khilin, triviality - up to 6 years.
take a bite: Zastosovuvati more than 3 dB.
Vagitnim, year-old: Not possible.
Prototype: Allergy, important forms of hypertension, atherosclerosis, impaired rhythm, tachycardia, nirkoval deficiency, thyrotoxicosis, decompensation of heart failure, hepatitis, impaired heart disease, anterior

  • Nazol-Baby: from 2 months to rock - 1 spot 3 r / day, 1-2 rock - 1-2 drops 3-4 r / day, 2-6 rock - 2-3 drops up to 4 r / day ...
  • Nazol-Children: children 2-6 doses - 1-2 doses, 6-12 doses - 2-3 doses not often, less after 4 years.

Price: Nazol-Baby 180-230 rubles, Nazol-Kids 130-220 rubles.

Naphtizin, Sanorin (diyucha rechovina - naphazoline)

Naphthyzin 0.05% і 0.1%, Sanorin, Sanorin-anallergin (rest - price of naphazoline and antazolin).
effect: Trivaє up to 4 years.
to be hardened: zastosovuvati is more than 3 dB.
Vagitnim, year-old: Not possible.
Prototype indications: children up to 1 fate, hypertension, tachycardia, hyperthyroidism, atherosclerosis, hypertension.
sucking Doroslim - 2-3 drops each, 0.1%, 2-3 times for dobu, for children from 1 rock - 1-2 drops of 0.05%, 2-3 times for dobu.
Price: Naphtizin - 20-60 rubles, Sanorin - 120-270 rubles.

Xylometazoline-Solopharm, xylit, Galazolin, Rinonorm, Rinostop, Dlyanos, Ximelin, Tizin-Xylo, Otrivin, Snoop (dyucha speech - xylometazoline)

effect: Infusion after 3-5 years, trivia up to 5 years old, ale spasm of the sudins takes up to 8-12 years.
to be hardened: vikoristovuvatisya more than 7 dB.
Vagitnim, year-old: not possible.
Prototype indications: hypersensitivity, glaucoma, brain surgery.

  • children from 4 months to 2 years - 1 drop each 0.05% skin size 8-12 years old;
  • children 2-12 years old - 2-3 drops each 0.05% skin size 8-10 years old;
  • for children from 12 years and we will grow dots and sprays 0.1% - 2-3 dots of skin 8-10 years old.

Price: Xylometazoline-Solopharma - 15 rubles, xylit 30 rubles, Galazolin 35 rubles, Rinostop 35 rubles, Sanorin-Xylo 80 rubles, Rinonorm 70 rubles, Dlinos - 95 rubles.

Rinomaris, Rinoteiss (sea water + Xylometazoline)

tse combined preparations... Їх the main word for speech is the decongestant Xylometazoline, and it was kept in the purified sea water. Virobniks are prone to avoid paralysis when the drug is consumed, and the processes of self-cleansing of the nose are not affected.

Price: Rinomaris 110-135 rubles, Rinomaris 220 rubles.

Sialor Rino, Nazivin, Knoxprey, Nazol, Afrin, Nesopin, Vix AKTV (diaucha rechovina - oxymetazoline)

effect: after 1-2 hvili, triviality - up to 10 years.
to be hardened: The amount of money is more than 10 dB.
Vagitnim, year-old: Not possible.
Prototype indications: hypersensitivity, atrophic rhinitis, zakrytokutovaya glaucoma, children under 1 fate cannot receive 0.025 and 0.05% drugs, up to 6 years - for drugs 0.05%.


  • for children from the population up to 1 month - 1-st spot 0.01%, 2-3 times for dobu;
  • from 1 month to 1 rock - 1-2 drops each 0.01%, 2-3 times for dobu;
  • from 1 to 6 rocks, 1-2 drops are required 0.025%: 2-3 times per additional.

Price: Sialor Rino 75-160r, Nazivin 140r, Noxprey 180r, Nazol 150r, Afrin 270r, Nesopin 70r,

Tizin (diyucha speech - Tetrizolin)

effect: after 1-2 hvili, not less than 6 years.
take a bite: More than 5 dB.
Vagitnim, year-old: not possible.
Prototype indications: hypersensitivity, glaucoma, children up to 6 years. Vidnosni contraindications (it is possible, like cinnamon to rhiziku): ІХС, pheochromocytoma, hypertension, diabetic diabetes, heart ailments and sudin.
sucking: for children 2-6 years old - 2-3 specks each, children 6 years old and older, and also grow up - 2-4 specks, not often 4 rubles / day.

Price: 80 RUR

Lazolvan Rino (diaucha rechovina - tramazolin)

Diya: Sudden sound, as a result of which there is a change in the mucous membrane of the nose and a new effect in the nose. Efect of infusion by stretching the first 5 min. The triviality of the show: 8-10 hours
Prototype: Children up to 6 years of age, atrophic rhinitis, zakrytokutovaya glaucoma, hypersensitivity to tramazoline, benzalkonium or other components of the drug, surgery on the skull, viscous through the opening of the nose.
With arterial hypertension, heart ailments, development of the function of the thyroid gland, prostate adenoma, pheochromocytomy, antidepressant medication, drugs for the development or reduction of the pressure - fixation of the disease.
Vigor and lactation: You can have a consultation with a doctor, only in the II trimester of vaginosity.
sundown: Children from 6 years old and grow up - 1 injection at least 4 rubles / day. Course: not more than 5-7 dB.
Analogs: mute.

Price: 270-310 r

Beast to respect: child dots in the middle of the undead are 0.025-0.5%, for older adults the concentration of 0.5% (in the form of oxymetazoline), 0.1% (for the youngest children). For children up to rock, and more beautiful - up to 6 rocky vikoristovuvati only form at viglyadi droplets.

Cheaper drops in nіs from undead - tse:

  • Xylometazoline-Solofarm;
  • xylene;
  • galazolin;
  • Rinostop;
  • naphthyzine;
  • Unassigned

hormonal sprays

These drugs are based on glucocorticoids - hormones, analogs of which are circulated in the nipples of people - they can rotate anti-fist, anti-bacterial and anti-allergic activity. The stench is not є with preparations of "shvidkoy supplementary aid", which can be repaired in 3-4 years after being poured into it. The maximum activity is to be repaired through doba.

Tidying up the nodule, dots with glucocorticoids, paint the nasal dyhannya, alternate the development of sinusitis, or, if it is already growing, change its manifestation. Through those who smell muscular immunity, the mucous membrane of the nose grows thin, it can lead to an increase in the internal vise, the whole type of drug is indicated only by an ENT-larynx.

Regularly from the main everyday speech, there are such hormonal sprays (the stench is presented in the order of the decrease in its muscle activity):

Avamis (diyucha rechovina - fluticasone furoat)

Prototype: Hypersensitivity, children up to 2 years.
Viability and year
dosage regimen:

  • children 2-11 years: 1 roasting 1 time for additional, maximum - 2 rooting, or in a short course;
  • For ages and children over 12 years old - 2 sawing 1 time for extra, with a further transition to 1 sawing in the skin for extra.

Price: Avamis 530 rub

Nazarel, Flixonase (diaucha speech - fluticasone propionate)

Prototype: Children up to 4 years old, hypersensitivity. For protection - in case of herpes, infection of nasal discharge and non-allergic sinusitis, if necessary, use of Ritonavir, Ketoconazole or glucocorticoid drugs.
Viability and year: Tilki yakshcho ochіkuvana cinnamon perevischuє rizik.
dosage regimen:

  • children 4-12 years - 1 dose 1 time for doba, maximum - 2 doses for doba;
  • For adults and children over 12 years old - 2 doses 1 time, more beautiful than a lie, after a polish, go to 1 dose for doba.

Price: Nazarel 340 r, Flixonase 710 r

Momat Rino Advance, Nazonex, Dezrinit (speech speech - mometasone furoat)

Prototype: Hypersensitivity, tuberculosis in the active stage, non-fungal, bacterial, systemic viral infection, Herpetic lesion of the eyes.
Viability and year: Tilki yakshcho ochіkuvana cinnamon perevischuє rizik. For this kind of behavior, it is necessary to rewrite the function of the supra-nirkovy zalozi in the child.
dosage regimen:

  • children 2-11 years - 1 uprising 1 time for doba;
  • from 12 years and we will grow up - 2 injection 1 time for doba. Maximum - 2 vporskuvannya 2 times.

Price: Momat Rino Advance 510 rubles, Nazoneks 480 rubles, Dezrinit 400 rubles

Tafen ® nasal, Budoster (speech speech - budesonid)

Prototype: Hypersensitivity, no fungal infection, bacterial or viral infection mental systems, Children up to 6 years, active phase of tuberculosis, subatrophic rhinitis.
Viability and year: Not possible
dosage regimen For older children and children over 6 years old, take 2 doses 2 times for a supplement with the transition to 2 doses 1 time for a supplement.
Price: Tafen ® nasal 360 rub, Budoster nasal spray 560 rub

Beconase, Beclomethasone nasal spray, Nasobek nasal spray, Rinoklenil, Alsedin (diaucha rechovina - beclomethasone)

Prototype: Hypersensitivity, tuberculosis, candidiasis, important attacks of bronchial asthma.
Viability and year: Tilki yakscho ochіkuvana cinnamon perevischuє risik for the fetus / baby. The first trimester has categorically contraindications.
dosage regimen: Tilki for grown-ups. Zastosovuvati either 2 vporskuvannya 2 times for doba, or 1 vporskuvannya into the skin nizdryu 3-4 times for doba. Maximum dose- 8 upskuvan.
Price: Nasobek 170-200 r, Beclomethasone nasal 120-135 r

Spray for the development of thick vision from the nose


І for older adults, і for children with undead, for supervising visions thick nozzles(Name the price on the 5th day of getting sick or worse), Rinofluimucil is indicated - a drug that reveals the "razridzhuvach" slime acetylcysteine ​​and is known to fill up tuaminoheptane sulfate.
showing: Rhinitis with clear mucous-nasal vision, chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, vasomotor rhinitis.

  • grow up - 2 doses of aerosol in the skin, 3-4 times a day;
  • children from 3 years - 1 dose 3-4 times a day.

Prototype: Hypersensitivity, zakrytokutovaya glaucoma, increased function of the thyroid gland, treatment with MAO antidepressants-ingibitors.
Yogo price - 230-300 rub.

Dots with antiseptics

It’s like the undead have a bacterial character, so that from the first day, it’s practical to see the nozzles from the nose, the ENT-likar signifies drops with antiseptics. Antiseptics are a chain of bacteria that can help reduce the health of fungi and viruses. The price is not antibiotics, up to which bacteria can develop the stiffness: to the warehouse of antiseptic enzymes, microbes are not prone to.

Some preparations are indicative of only ENT-lycar. See such drops with antiseptics:


Tse - very large drops, which go for filling in nis. Diyucha rechovina - miramistin, actively navigate through the relationship to the viruses.
Prototype: Hypersensitivity.
Selected Effects: Chi is not described

  • children from 12 years old and grow up - 1-2 drops 3-4 rubles / day;
  • for children up to 12 rocks - 1-2 drops 3 times a day.

Price: 140-200 r


Daniy rozchin zastosovuєtsya for nasal washing with nasal rhinitis, sinusitis. Separate in front with boiled water 1: 3
Prototype: Hypersensitivity.
Selected Effects: Chi is not described.
sundown: Nose washing 2-3 times for doba.
Price bottle 50 ml - 470-550 r

Protargol (Collargol)

You can buy in pharmacies with prescription viddil, you can also buy a set of tablets and a special distributor called Sialor (Protargol) 2% - 10 ml spray. Basically, it is proteinate. Do not frighten anti-Russian activity.
Prototype: Hypersensitivity.
Selected Effects: Allergic reactions: chkhannya, itching in the nose. In general, we should rinse out with salt solution.
sundown: For children from 3 rocks - 1 spot 2-3 times a day. Children up to 2 years Protargol 0.5-1% need to be replaced in pharmacies with prescription viddil. Nis is guilty before the zasosuvannya, but they are promising and reliably cleansing, and not to ruin the dots.
Price Sialor (protargol): 240-300 r


The drug is dispensed in ampoules, as it can be poured into a rosette in an undiluted viglyad - for nasal filling. Є shape with a droplet nozzle. Can be used for home cooking of "folding" drops (up to 2 ml of dioxidine add 1 ml of Mezaton from ampoules and 1 ml of Prednizolone from ampoules).
Prototype: Hypersensitivity.
Selected Effects: Allergic reactions.
sundown 1-2 drops 3 times a day.
Price rosette with a drip tray - 230-250 rubles, packing of 10 ampoules - 370-460

Anti-virus drugs

Sprays and drops on the basis of interferon-alpha 1 - anti-tart speech, how to vibrate the leukocytes of humans when a virus enters the body - for their bereavement.

Grippferon 5000 IU and 10 000 IU

Use a spray and droplet for the prevention and treatment of GDVI and influenza in older children.
analogs: Interferon leukocyte 1000 MO і 5000 MO, Ingaron 100 yew MO Intranasal, Genferon light 50 yew MO.
Prototype: Hypersensitivity, important allergic diseases.

  • from 0 to 1 rock for 1000 MO 5 rubles / day;
  • 1-3 rocky - 2,000 MO each 3 r / day;
  • 3-14 rocks - 2000 MO each 4-5 rubles / day;
  • we will grow up - 3000 MO each 5-6 rubles / day.

prices: Grippferon 240-340 r, Interferon leukocytic 1000 MO і 5000 MO - close to 100 r, Ingaron 100 yew MO Intranasal - 290 r, Genferon light 50 yew MO - 360 r

Dots with antibiotics

The stench is recognized during gn_ine processes, localized in the empty nose or in the nasal sinuses.


warehouse: Antibiotic framicetin.
Prototype Sensitivity is adjusted to aminoglycosides.
Pobichna diya: kropivyanka, itching in the nose.

  • grow up - 1 injection 4-6 times per day;
  • children - 1 injection 3 times a day.

Price: 260-310 RUR

Polydexa with phenylephrine

: Antibiotics neomycin sulfate and polymixin B, antiapalnu hormonal with dexamethasone, sudominal with fenilephrine.
Prototype: Up to 12 years, vaginism, lactation, hypersensitivity, herpes with localization in the nose, vitriana wasp, treatment with bromocriptine, guanethidine or MAO inhibitors (antidepressants).
Pobichna diya: Kropiv'yanka, itching in the nose. With a trivial victorian - sleeplessness, headache, piddling grip, tremor, accelerated heart rate, blidist.

  • grow up 1 injection 3-4 times / dobu;
  • For children over 12 years old, 1 injection 3 times for a dozen.

Price: 300-380 r


warehouse: Framicetin (antibiotic) і dexamethasone (hormonal anti-fatigue).
Prototype: Hypersensitivity, herpetic nasal infection, fungal or chlamydia nasal infection. Security for the traveling and the year old has not been established.
Pobichna diya: Feeling hot, burning, feeling pain, dermatitis.
sundown: Children from 7 rocks - 2-3 drops 3 times a day.
Price: 300-380 r

combined preparations

Drops and sprays of this type can compensate for the subozuzhuvalny drug in a combination of antihistamines, glucocorticoid, or antibacterial drugs.


warehouse: Sudosuvuvalny drug phenylephrine and antihistamines with dimetindene. Vypuskayutsya at viglyadі spray, drip and nasal gel.
Prototype: Atrophic rhinitis, patients, how to take the ingibitories of MAO, vaginism, lactation.
Pobichna diya: It can be short-time, weakly sweeping reactions, like the feeling of a liver or dryness in the nose.

  • dots: for children from 1 to 6 rocks - 1-2 dots 3-4 times for dobu; children from 6 years old and grow up - 3-4 drops 3-4 times a day;
  • spray - for children from 6 rocks and grow up - 1 injection each 3 times for extra.

Price: Krapli 230-270 r, spray - 300 r


warehouse: 2 sudinozuzhuvalny drug - fenilephrine and trimazolin.
Prototype: Hypersensitivity, hyperthyroidism, ІХС, arterial hypertension, Pheochromocytoma, glaucoma, vagina and lactation, severe liver damage and nirok.
Vicious Effects: Burning, itching, soreness, dryness in the nose, arrhythmia, panic attacks, weakness, tremor.

  • dots for older children will be stagnant for children from 6 rocks - 1-3 dots 4 r / day;
  • dots for children freeze for children up to 6 rocks - 1-3 dots 3 r / day

Price: 120-140 r


warehouse: Antihistamines naphazoline and vascular antazoline.
Prototype: Hypersensitivity, up to 2 years, arterial hypertension, hyperthyroidism.
Pobichna diya: Visip, gratitude, headache, boring.

  • children from 2 rocks - 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day;
  • grown up - 2-3 drops - 3-4 rubles / day

Price: 200-270 r


warehouse: Anti-microbial essential oils: pine, peppermint, eucalyptus; Vitamin E is an antioxidant that promotes the use of oils, accelerating tissue nutrition.
Prototype: Hypersensitivity, allergic rhinitis, up to 1 rock.
Vicious Effects Allergic reactions can rarely develop, which manifest themselves in the sight of sverblyachki, stool, twisting of the nasal disturbance.

  • for children 1-2 rocks, do not bury, but apply a dribble of the drug on a cotton turunda, and draw it along the inner surface of the nose;
  • children from 2 rocks - 1-2 drops 3-4 rubles / day;
  • We will grow up - 2-3 dots each time for a skin period, with an established effect - more. Adding dose - 3-4 times for doba

Price: Dots - 160 rubles, spray - 250 rubles


warehouse: Camphor, menthol, olia evkalipta.
Prototype: Children up to 5 years old, hypersensitivity.
Pobichna diya: Seeing dryness or burning.
sundown We grow older and children older than 5 years, it will be dispensed for every hour, 2-3 times, 3-4 times per day. The course is not more than 2 years.
Price: Spray 40-60 r

The remaining 2 preparation can also be brought to a group of lumpy specks (food items in the warehouse). The stench is recognized for prevention and complex treatment otitis media, scho vinik yak accelerated ГРВІ.

Dots, as there will be thickening of the riddles of the nozzles

As the nozzles become bright and bright, unimpressed on the etiotropic (to be direct on the basis of the cause) therapy, it can be recognized that the dots are tannins - the viscous speech of the dewy wandering. Such preparations are readily available in the prescription forms of pharmacies for prescriptions, vypisanii lіkarem. Warehouse krapel likar pidbiraє fallow in an individual situation.

homeopathic medicines

Euphorbium Compositum

A nasal spray, like nadaє protynabryakov, protizapalnu, anti-tier, immunomodulatory dіyu. There are good drops in nis, which are also guilty of being recognized as a doctor.
showing: Viruses, bacteria, allergic rhinitis of different species. Gostry abo chronic rhinitis.
Prototype: Hypersensitivity.
Pobichna diya: Not vidomo.

  • non-mates і up to 6 rocks - 1 injection 3-4 r / day;
  • For children from 6 years old and grow up - 1-2 times a day, 3-5 times a day.

Price: 500-640 r

Foodas-131 Rinitol

Get stuck for a drink gostry rinita.
Prototype: Вік up to 18 rockіv, hypersensitivity.
Vicious Effects: Not described.
sundown: 3 dots each 3 times for doba, although it is not recognized in a way.
Price: 100-120 r

Protisapalny, Locally irritating

Dots and sprays with immunomodulating effect


Viconano based on deoxyribonucleic acid salt.
Prototype: Hypersensitivity.
Pobichna diya: sverbіzh and writing in the nose.
add-on: 2 drops 2-4 rubles / day, course - 1 month.
Price: 300 r


The basis of this preparation is particles of bacteria.
Prototype indications: hypersensitivity, autoimmune ailments, vaginism, children in 3 months.
Pobichna diya: Kropivyanka, cough, abdominal pain, nudota, diarrhea, asthma attack.
sundown: 1 vporskuvannyu 2 times for doba.
Price: 450-500 r


Їх stagnation in case of rhinitis with a swelling allergic component

Cromohexal, Lekrolin (diaucha speech - cromoglycevic acid)

Prototype: Vіk up to 4 rockіv, allergy, vagіtnіst, lactation
Pobichna diya: Strengthening the undead, burning, dryness in the nose.
sundown: 1-2 drops 4 times for doba
Price: Cromohexal 90 r, Lekrolin 90 r

Tizin Allerdzhi (diyucha speech - levokabastin)

Prototype: Vіk up to 6 rockіv, allergy, vagіtnіst, nirkova dysfunction, lactation.
Pobichna diya: Dryness in the nose, zapamorochennya, headache, cough, sprinkling, nezuzhannya.
add-on: 2 raspilennya 2 times for doba.
Price: 360 r

Allergodil spray (diaucha rechovina - Azelastin hydrochloride)

Prototype: Вік up to 6 rockіv, allergy.
Pobichna diya: Pechinnya in the nose, chkhannya, nasal bleeding.
add-on: 1 rozporoshennya 2 times for doba, maximum - 2 rozpilennya 2 times for doba.
Price: 550 RUR

Shho zastosovuvati children

A list of dots in nіs from the undead for your child, write a pediatrician or a childish ENT-lykar - at the glance of that vlasnogo dosvіdu in all vіdnoshennі. Name wine includes:

  1. Promivannya salt roses, in the main, not hypertonic, but izotonic: Aqua-Maris, Humer 150 vartistiu, Fizomer, Aqualor, Marimer abo inshim.
  2. Sudosuzhuvalny zasobi: Nazol-baby, Nazol-Kids, Nazivin of all kinds of concentration.
  3. It is also a strong allergic component, after 2-3 days the preparations in front of the group change for Combination for(Vibrocil, Pinosol).
  4. In case of a swollen embryo, add Avamis or other hormonal sprays, in a short course.
  5. Bacterial rhinitis is treated with antiseptic (Okomistin, Protargol) and antibacterial (Izofra, Polydex).
  6. Infectious disease "Do not eat" the child, from the first add the virus to the undead, get Grippferon or other interferon preparations.
  7. Also, from the first, add ailments to the Euphorbium Compositum and the best homeopathic drops.
  8. Yaksho ditina is often ill, є senses zastosovuvati ІРС-19 or Derinat. The lycar is to blame for the sign of them.

If you like undead, then it will take 7 days. As the undead are not likuvati, they must pass for the day. Tse chuli all. Ale taka dumka pomilkova. Bagato let the situation on self-fuel, or the undead are needed to get it. Sleepless nights, lack of appetite, headache, chhannya, dryness and sensitivity of the mucous membrane of the nose are the best to show a hospitable rhinitis. With the appearance of the disease, there may be accelerated: otitis media, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and the transition of undead to a chronic form.

Most of the time, undead will appear with viruses, bacteria, overcooling. Sverblyachka in the nasopharynx, often chkhannya, head bile - when symptoms appear, it is necessary to fix the problem.

combined preparations

Have a few components in your warehouse. Dots may include an antibiotic. Smells are used for the treatment of bacterial rhinitis. The drug "Polydexa" reveals an antibiotic, which is a highly infectious disease. Є і anti-allergic component - dexamethasone. Win znimak the muck of the mucous membrane. Vibratingly krashchiy zіb out of the undead, vividly discern і tsі lіki.

Deyak_ drops, except for the vasoconstrictor component, to ave the antiallergic speech. The stench is supplemented with the Preparation "Vibrocil", "Sanorin-anallergin" well know nasal swelling in case of allergy. "Vibrocil" in drops can be used for children from the 1st rock. In addition, it is possible to vikoristovuvaty Daniyas from the undead during vaginosti.

Bagato dribbles to revenge ship-sounding speech and sea water. The stench will catch the dryness and know the bulge. The drug "Snoop" in the growth of that childish form vipusku good pom'yakshuє mucus and assimilates nasal congestion.

antibacterial drugs

Such preparations, such as "Bioparox", "Izofra", to revenge the straining antibiotics. Їх signifies a lykar. With sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and prolonged rhinitis - tse efficiently from the undead. When fixing an ailment, it is unjustifiable. Plus the tsikh koshtіv at the fact that the stench does not get wet in the roof. Tom pobichna diya, Power to antibiotics, I’m not in power.


Good team, we don’t have any side effects. The stink of the undead at the be-yak stage. The main rule of homeopathy is to say: "It is not possible to enter into instructions." If you miss an hour or so if you miss the multiplicity, homeopathy will not help. The preparations "Foods-131", "Delufen", "Euphorbium-compositum" will relieve the mucous nasal congestion, inflate the anti-firing effect, and increase immunity. Safe and efficient dots for growing up and children. In complex therapy, it is significant to accelerate oduzhannya. It is a trivial hour to enjoy homeopathy. Vona Volodya is accumulating an effect, and on the first day I have not liked it yet.

Nebulizer is a great solution for the treatment of undead

Vikoristovuvati nebulizer with the undead by hand. Tse ultrasound prisosuvannya, for the help of how to get involved.

Likuvannya of the undead behind the aid of the nebulizer, you can take from the vicarians of the drink and the pills, as you pass the trivial way along the body, until you get to the ailing organ. Some people, on the lookout for inhalators, often forget the unpleasant side in the form of agile side appearances.

People zasobi

Undead - tse nayposhirenіshe zahvoryuvannya. I'm sick enough. Undead can be found in a kilka developing on a pik. Tom i folk recipes invented a lot. Put the axis of the actions of them:

1. Fir and Eucaliptova olia. V roslinna olia(Approximately 25 ml) drip a drop of essential oil drops. Dripping in nіs vrance and nіch. Such sumіsh mittєvo lodged dikhannya, maє bactericidal dіyu, pom'yakshu slime і know nabryak.

2. Buryakovy sik is a sign of firing and embryo. Take a drop of one drop a day or tamponi (for 10 quilins). A slight difference in beetroot juice can be used by people who are not young from the undead.

3. Honey drops. Dilute honey with water in equal proportions. Trochi podіgrіvayut and drip up to 6 times a day. It is not possible to store a product with an allergy. Honey is highly antibacterial and antiapaline.

4. Sic scarlet advances immunity and knowledge. You can drop in a clean viglyadі. Can be diluted with rose oil.

5. Sik kalanchoe - tse I will help you... When it is buried, it is necessary to work intensively to see the lick, quickly go through the building and get to know the fire.

Nose cleaning in home minds

There is a special device for nasal washing at the clinic, in the ENT clinic. Win open the grip and wash nis lykarsky zasob, vimivayu gniy and slime. A suitable procedure can be carried out in the home mind. Nasal cleansing is to bring lulling to the sick and add help to the undead. Lykarskiy razchin gain in mind and inhale him with his nose, viplyovuyuy razchin with his mouth. The procedure is carried out at night.

Yak prigotuvati rozchin

  • Pour a teaspoon of eucalipta tincture or calenduli into one glass of trocha salt water. Rozchin is antiseptic, anti-firing and bactericidal.
  • 2 filter bags of chamomile or shavlyi brew a bottle of sprinkle. If the difference is warm, we wash it out. Rozchin has a strong anti-firing effect.
  • 3 drops of iodine for a bottle of warm water. Bactericidal and anti-fiery power of iodine is kind to the undead. Not recommended for sinus sinusitis.
  • It is possible to protivate n_s with a salt solution. Qia procedure for the development of mucus and congestion of the mucous membrane of the nose.

Pislya promivan all likarski zoobi will be more beautifully wet. The effect of court-sounding, combined and homeopathic drops grows in a few steps.

From the undead, add real herbs, which are in the middle. You can zm_shuvati fruit raspberries, mother grass, birch leaf and mother-and-machuha. Brew some money and drink once a day. Even better, when undead, add lipsticks, chamomile. Grass help the undead and cold. Ship and hump to promote immunity and accelerate weariness.

Likuvannya be-like ill-gotten, then fix it with a consultation with a fahivtsya. Not all sick people can get rid of the drops. Suddenosuzhuvalnі zobyat people protypodazanі. With sinusitis, therapy without antibiotics is most often ineffective. People with nasal septum disease may not be helped. All tsi nuances vrahovuє likar.

Trivial undead can give you a lot of serious acceleration. Inadequate therapy may cause chronic ailments. Undead - tse zhvoryuvannya, yake slid lіkuvati. We have presented you with many options for yogo therapy. Vibrate the most effective because of the undead to please only you, and more beautifully to write a consultation with a doctor.

In modern pharmaceuticals, there is a lack of licks, good problems with nasal congestion. A type of drug, a versatile price segment, and the wealth of households on the markets is not easy for customers. Chi does not collapse in a wide range of products and vibrates paint dots in nis, you can also use rating views.

Analyzes the market of the pharmaceutical industry, the number of buyers and the warehouse of drugs in the boulevards of the zrobleny visnovka and the rating has been added. When the goods were added to the TOP of the smallest goods, the following indicators were observed:

  • partiality;
  • efficiency;
  • warehouse;
  • The principle of dії;
  • Vicious Effects;
  • When we grow up, so for children;
  • Lykarska form the drug. Spray abo dots.

It is proponated to get rid of the largest drink, and the positive actions and recommendations are approved by doctors and pharmacists.

Brush dots in nis with undead

Nasal congestion and difficulty in dysfunction - inappropriate and serious symptoms chill. To shake off them, you need good drops in not from a wide range of diets, some chills carry not only a swelling of the nose, a little bit of a slime. The rating of buli has been given three names for the preparation, who have become leaders, for the rakhunok of their rich lykarsky warehouseі shvidkoї dії.

Krapli Derinat is an immunomodulator, based on natural components. The drug supplements the organism of antipyretic, fungal and bacterial causes of nasal congestion, copes with the appearance of mucus, assimilates the nasal congestion.

It’s quite smart, literally for a few seconds to take the symptoms to a grievous rhinitis, a volodya dovgostrokovy effect. Allowed for children and women (for consultation with a doctor), overdosing until now has not been spared. Lykarska form for the drug drops or spray.


  • bakeless;
  • Anti-tier immunity;
  • Shvidko znіmaє mortgage and embryo;
  • Absorbs instantly into fabrics.


  • Visoka price.

Koristuvachi mean a non-handy short term of exploitation with an open bottle (only two), and in a closed camp, Derinat can take 5 rockets.

Absolutely safe and easy to multiply viruses into the body through the nasal mucosa. Shvidko to get wet into the shelter, that is necessary not locally, but systemic action. Liks do not die quickly and do not witness any uncommon views.

Of course, it is clear that Grippferon is allowed to be stored in the warehouse of complex therapy, kindly in conjunction with anti-foreign drugs and antibiotics. Water-based wagons can be stored in vacancies proactive visit, If you are not safe infected with viral illnesses.


  • non-toxic;
  • Visibility of the counter-indication;
  • highly effective;
  • Vzaєmodі with інshih likami.


  • Chi does not know the manifestation of viral rhinitis.

Grippferon - drops in nіs for a healthy wіk. Patients will be sent to the most secure warehouse, middle of analogs.

Nadaє sudoznuzhuvalny effect і lowering the vision of the slime. Lіkvіduє hіperemіyu nasal passages and lodging dichanna. Koristuvachi vidznachayut trivial in pouring, one zasosuvannya to finish for 10-12 years. Get stuck in case of respiratory distress, sinusitis, rhinitis.

Ksilen is rightfully involved in a strong lykarskiy way, with which help is carried out therapy for pathologies and otitis. Diyucha rechovina - xylometazoline, enter the warehouse of vital drugs.


  • The triviality of the game;
  • Pidvischuє sudinniy tone;
  • Good portability;
  • Low price.


  • Evidence of side effects;
  • Possibility of sounding.

In case of trivial stagnation, it is possible for the organism to become susceptible to the drug and likarska depletion, so that xylitol should be taken no more than 7 days.

Brush dots in nis with allergies

Seasonal allergy delivers a lot of non-hands - to identify the inheritance and to get sick it is necessary to correctly vibrate the droplets in them. Allergy most often leads to nasal congestion and undead, struggling with such reactions, it is not safe to avoid the transition from the easy stage of ailment to the chronic one. Drops against allergies in nis are not only due to the urgency of the price, the stench is also guilty of effectively exacerbating all the symptoms. Changes to the lower to produce higher quality.

MAK to finish with myakim dyu, the staff of the Eucalyptus enter the warehouse. Delicately pouring on the nasal rims, absorbing microbi. The signs of the symptom of seasonal allergy - chhannya, sverbinnya and sluggishness, swelling are noticeably relieved.

Before reloading, the efficiency of the operation, the quickness of the reaction and the amount of injection, besides, the drug has a weak odor, must be observed. Part of Sanorin with Eucalyptus oil is admittedly inconsequential.


  • Hand bottle;
  • I eat the nasal shell;
  • Znimak nabryak;
  • Zabezpechu vіlne dikhannya terminom up to 8 years;
  • Spriy will ignite the pooch.


  • Prototype indications for children up to two years;
  • Can wickle blotting and spoiled.

Patients remembered, if they took the drug to a higher level, they were diagnosed with a slower pace.

Dots in nis Rinofluimucil can be stashed with sinusitis in adults, pharyngitis, and other forms of GDVI and allergic forms undead. Liky rightfully took the leading position in the rating of the middle against the allergy.

Acetylcysteine ​​is in the warehouse, which is responsible for the release of mucus and for the release of toxins in the body, and tuaminoheptane sounds capillaries. In such a rank, the drug can be used for the preparation. Drops are dispensed in a package with a special dispenser, which is uniformly distributed throughout the mucous membrane of the nose. When tested, Rinofluimucil has shown good results.


  • Sustainability;
  • Good portability;
  • Razrіdzhu last vision;
  • Virazhenu protinabryakov diyu.


  • Chi is not infused with the cause of the undead, or with a symptomatic drug;
  • May viclicati a spasm of peripheral sudins.

The buyer is satisfied with the purchase of the drug. Even after the first stagnation of the stench came, the nose became lighter than the dichati.

Vibrocyl is a reference gigant of the middle of hypoallergenic people in the form of undead. It is necessary to be treated with the use of forensic drugs, so it is effective to fight against allergies, undead and otitis media. Vibrocyl - vіtchіznyanі lіki and onіdmіnu from foreign countries can not be contraindicated.

The sale can be found at the viglyadі krapel. Allowed for children to rock, the drug storehouse is absolutely bakeless. The kovpachok has the shape of a pipette, which allows for high precision and the amount of dosage. Before tim, yak zapati, it is necessary to clean the nasal emptying, and the scheme of reception is individually negotiated with the doctor.


  • bakeless;
  • Complex diya;
  • Mah, dovgotrivalyeffect;
  • Myako dіє;
  • The little effects are very rare.


  • Nayvischa price for the middle of analogs.

For babies, bury 1 drops 3-4 times a day. In addition, the intake of giblets is older, and for children from 6 years it is recommended to take a maximum of 3-4 drops 3-4 times throughout the day.

Brush the ship-sounding dots in nis

Sudosuzhuvalnі drugs to inhibit a strong inflow on the receptor of the nasal wash, stimulating the soreness. Diya lіkіv is aimed at the nobility of the embryo, the formation of the foundation and the reduction of the dichotomy. The main rule for storing such drugs is short-term - it is recommended to take no more than 7 days for the vessel sound, some more of them are to take away strong words, the triviality of which can be brought to a sound. To the food: "How can you be shy to see the undead?" Corystuvac іdpovіdaut what is required vikoristovuvati sparing cushions, lodged with additional components, schob to remove insecure inheritances.

Found available in its price segment, it is important to explain the popularity of the drug. Naftizin Bagatma is carried out by vіtchiznyany pharmaceutical companies. Stay with mucous membranes, dots give a blistering, fast bending and trivial sounding effect, relieving from inappropriate symptoms nasal congestion. However, as all the sudinozuzhuvalny drugs, Naphthyzin can cause staleness behind itself, then it is necessary to conduct it even more accurately.


  • You can koristuvatisya in the skin pharmacy;
  • Instant performance;
  • Naypotuzhny in his category;
  • Effective with the development of a developmental ethology;
  • Individual dosage.


  • Viklikaє zvikannya;
  • Great list of side effects.

Fakhivtsi zaboronyayut zastosovuvati Naphtizin is a trivial hour, if overdosed, you can get dryness of the mucous membrane of the nose, head b_l and arrhythmia.


Porіvyannі z naphtizin, Galazolin dіє nabagato m'yakshe and I want nastіlki strong yak Naftizin, its warehouse is more baked. Tse in your own heart is recognized on shvidkostі dії. The effect does not reach all at once, only after a small interval of an hour and takes up to 6 years.

Among the features of galazolin, it can also be shaped into a vial - not just dots, but nasal gels. On the vidminu there is a drip, the gel is injected more quickly, it is bloody mucus and does not get rid of xerosis. The blotches are often vicious in the presence of the same licks, the stench is evidently taken away from the polynose and rhinitis caused by the allergy.


  • I eat;
  • M'yako pouring inє;
  • cheap;
  • The immobility of the sound and development of atrophic rhinitis is two times lower than that of naphthyzine.


  • Small bottle;
  • You cannot pay more than 3 times a day.

Vipuskayut Galazolin in small tubes, volume 10 ml, to that patients often refer to the shy vitrata of the liquor. It is not necessary to be victorious to people whose robot is great zooserezhenosti.


Morska sil in the warehouse for emptying the nose. The drug is good for those who have a cold of the undead to catch up with those who are allergic, the splinters of Snoop Volodya are not only those who are sufferers, but who are anti-allergenic.

Seems to give a noticeable effect because the mucus is already thickened, or the malady has grown into a chronic form. This is because of the lack of frustration in the nasopharynx and the perception that the drug is not annoying. Vypuskayatsya in childish and grown-up options, with the young instead of actively engaging speech.


  • Zastosuєmo with important forms of rhinitis;
  • No nasopharyngeal discomfort;
  • Additional information about traffic;
  • Normalized tone of the sudin.


  • Great list of counter-indications.

Snoop is not tolerated in case of diabetic diabetes, tachycardia, arrhythmia. It can be accelerated from the side of the respiratory system and the central nervous system, as well as in the period of thoracic improvement.

Brush dots in nis with antibiotics

The most common cause of undead and infection is bacterial or viral. To eliminate the bacterial form, it is necessary to vibrate the drops in antibiotics; There are active antibiotics, as a rule, they have an immediate effect, and they start the development of rhinitis. Dots in nis with an antibiotic may be in a higher direction, which is unacceptable for allergic or chronic rhinitis.

Volodya at once two houses - sound and antibacterial. The drug is used to drive microbiology and bacteria in ignition processes in nasov_y empty, plus Polіdexa maє antihistamіnnі yakosti.

Likas can also be used for treatment of acute inflammatory diseases, for rhinoplasty and surgical operations in sinuses... Slid pam'yatati, which is a hormonal drug, and a number of contraindications.


  • bactericidal;
  • I will turn to the protizapalny diyu;
  • Lack of cookies;
  • A strained combination of the drug.


  • Buried up to the appointment for children up to 15 years;
  • Marnius with pneumococci and streptococcus infections.

Izofra, seen from Polidex, is a generous warehouse and the smallest number of proofs. The drug spriy lіkvіdatsії stafіlokokіv i intestinal sticks, Zavdyaki vm_stu three active components. Izofra is practically non-baking, it is kindly tolerated by patients and permissions to children in one month.

Tse di dots in nіs for new-born women, as revenge a mild-acting antibiotic. Liki can be a generalized movement, it is stagnant to navigate in case of rhinopharyngitis, if the disease is localized in the empty nasopharynx.


  • Nada bactericidal diyu;
  • Діє locally;
  • Easy to carry;
  • Zastosuєmo with folding zapalennyah.


  • Negative inflow into the microflora of the nasal mucosa in case of trivial stasis.

On the cob stage of getting sick with the flu, the nature of the undead is viral, so the isofra cannot be effective. In such a situation, capatie in nis is possible, after spending a couple of days, if from the nose there is mucous-nasal vision, the reason for such bacterial infection.

Brush dots in nis for children

The main criterion for the selection of childish specks is delicate. It is awkward for a child to get it right in the right way for a child; it is necessary to deprive it of the correct symptomatology and triviality. Childish organism requires a quick glance, the list includes high-quality ones, so as not to injure the mucus of the nose. Representatives of drops have well recommended themselves with the use of all kinds of rhinitis in children, so the daddy choose the very ones.

Zastosuєmo with undead, allergic visions of mucus and otitis. When the drug is used to transfer varto, see the dispenser's appearance - it is possible to vikoristovuvati not only in horizontal position, Ale і in the vertical, so it is easy to drip into the restless children.

Knowing the pockets of slime, Volodya's trivial day and spirits of preventing the undead. Rinstop is a good profile of safety, and practically no evidence of splinters.


  • Knowing the hypothesis;
  • Hand dispenser;
  • Trivial effect;
  • The price is available.


  • I can tease the slime if I am going to drink it.

Otrivin baby

Otrivin baby - tse tsіli complex on a glance behind the empty nose. Zastosuєmo for children up to the dvorіchny vіku, absolutely unbaked and including sterile, іzotonic salt solution. In a set of drops and a spray for emptying the nose, an aspirator and a set of new nozzles for a new nose.

Judge from vidgukiv tse one z using drugs, Delicate and highly effective. It is possible to add a lot of foldability to the uncomfortable sides of the line - the non-young people have to get a spout.


  • Absolutely bake-free;
  • Shvidko rozrіdzhu mucus;
  • Dopomagaє pіdtrimuvati normal rіven Рh mucous nasal;
  • Usuvaє teasers for allergenic rhinitis;
  • Increased resistance of mucous to microbial bacteria.


  • Complicated victoriannya.

In the case of the guides on Otrivin Baby, the fathers will be able to show that they are not happy - the procedure is delicate.

It is an antibacterial and anti-fiery look, which is optimal for unassuming childish noses. It is ideally one-to-one with one long component and a unique, highly efficient warehouse, not wikimedia Commons and permissions to children from two rocks.

Pinosol shvidko lodged dikhannya, stasis to navitis in chronic forms of rhinitis, increased blood circulation in the larynx and mucous membrane of the nose. I get rid of the dried out skorinki and drip out of it, for some reason, new approval is not allowed. The drug is dispensed at the eyes of the specks, oils and spray - for whatever the skin, you know the ideal form for yourself.


  • Reveal natural components;
  • Not wiklikaє zvikannya;
  • Do not take revenge on adrenergic agonists;
  • There is no contraindication.


  • Slightly severe dia with allergic rhinitis.

Yaki dots in nis brighter than vibrati

Picking up dots in nis is necessary for the fallowness of the disease, recommendations and direct action. Koristuvachi zvertayut respect for the price, fragments of import likas are worth much more dear than those of those who are, but at the same time, to revenge a practically identical warehouse. However, the medications of foreign virobniks are approved by the most recent assessment of quality and may have more positive results.

  • So, with colds of the undead and nasal congestion, xylit will be the most vigid option, but it is not necessary to forget, since the price is not low for all side effects;
  • Yakshcho turbulent allergic rhinitis and seasonally fired slime varto to pass Vibrotsil, win shvidko and without any inheritance of ailment;
  • If the sickness rizikuє go into the chronic phase, against the accelerated or started, the patients vibrate Snoop with the help of sea water;
  • Izofra is good for infectious diseases, and in complex therapy;
  • And in the big world, a safe and effective drug for children is Pinosol, which is a unique warehouse.

Slid pam'yatati, when you get lykarsky zasobu read the instructions carefully and read the instructions.