Hto a clever little cat or a dog. Who is the smartest kit or a dog? Yak dresiru kishok Kuklachov

Who is clever - kishka or a dog? Whose intellect is more apologetic, what is the reason for good health? For the rest of the rocky bulo, there was held a free dose of food. How long did it come to visit?

Most of the cats in the family of kitties intelligent dogs... About the process of reducing the visibility in the cerebral cortex: in the cells of neurons it is two times more, not in psi. I’m brought to the attention gradually follow the ruler, it’s been given that the endorsement is given, so that the little ones may be self-sufficient.

The representatives of the family of kittens have more beautiful sensorimotor and intellectual health. This means that the stench is perceived to be more sensitive and precise in the rucks, if necessary, such creatures can fall in love with the great individuals as well as the powerful ones.

Successful love is the whole life of such vikhovants. It is the very thing to visit home-grown creatures, to live in choter stins, to train constantly: the race for the little toys, the grailive attack on the people - all the time to tell about the instinctive wins of misleading.

Rational Intellect - one whole characteristic of rice fluffy vikhovanets. Cats can be seen as smart in quiet speeches, as they are efficiently corny, and they are not tired in quiet meals, as they do not cite. Vibrantness to talk about creative intelligence (so the titles of reproductive intelligence are in dogs, which just mechanically create information earlier).

Features of the intellect in cats

For the sparing and respectfulness of the cat, there are practically no competitors. You can simply perekonatisya just spostering for the tim, as a fluffy lover to be carried out in an unknown situation: the creature is now in front of the retailer, it’s new for itself, the space and look around all the kuti. Whenever you open it, you will be busy. The cat is very good at knowing a safe food for itself and a warmer place for sleep and sleep. In this situation, the dog will be less careful and protect.

For whom is the civility manifested? Having pummeled a previously unknown object, the whale will sneak up to the new one, sniffing and only when it’s pawing with its paw against the booming paws. Having crossed over at a non-special speech, the vikhovanets will return from her and hardly get caught up in a year. The very same way to protect the quality of the day in a dog, at the same time not to destroy the creature, but rather to see in unknowable minds.

Both cats and dogs are easy to remember and remember, and if you can, you can get away with a few simple, reliable commands (for example, go to the toilet in one and the same place). Would the representatives of the family of kittens vikoristovuvati be removed from the information from the authorities' interests? Even more rocky in that respect, with such goodies they will be deprived of mavpies, as for their intellect they are as close to people as possible. It’s unbroken bulo, so good for cats. Smell you can get your living in places inaccessible from a human point of view;

Visibility in social intelligence

And the axis of social and intellectual health is more beautiful than the development of psіv. The creatures see the way to love the game, and it is important to keep in touch with yourself for the successful management. At the same time, in the process of loving the roles, the members of the game clearly develop.

Dogs are more beautiful than people’s mind, and even people are more social than people. The very same creatures, especially, as the stench is specially created, I can visit up to hundreds of different teams.

Who's got the memory?

Who is the smartest - kishki or dogs and what? Deyaki vvazhayut, scho the memory is more beautifully rooted at the cat's memory, even the stink of the building itself will turn on the lude, and also show your dissatisfaction with the image in different ways. However, here the lovers of the food are always ready for the pardon.

Canadian victories held a tsikave until the end: in front of two representatives of the creatures, they smelled savory food in one of the boxes (boxes of bulo chotiri). The dog forgot to remember it, because it’s easy to know and navigate through a sprinkle of chilin, so as these creatures were forgotten practically all at once. Visnovok will ask for it by itself.

On the other hand, the memory of the cich domestic vikhovants is good, it does not expand on all situations. Інshі prelіdniki conducted not less than a tsіkavіy experiment, in which creatures proponuvalu to know caress in to finish the great labyrinthі. It appeared, that the kids and the worms are in the open space, it is more beautiful, and this means that the possibilities of the dogs are still not indiscriminate. Here, there is only one respected: as only a chotirine friend, I beat the task, as a gentleman, I am singing the task as a member of the rank, but I can remember the algorithm and fit in from the behests independently.

Who has the secret of the geniality of dogs?

The secret of such a rosum in psіv is in their building, in general, in their interaction with people. At the sight of some of the animals, the stench can definitely smell and vgaduvati the tin of people. Kozhen vlasnik of such a creature wants one time to help him know who he is in love with, just saying directly, which one he should be in.

So whose rosum is greater than apology? As soon as you spiral around on your eyes, the results are up to the last minute, you can make a whip, so the dogs turn over the cats for the intellect. Protest, such a visnovka is not invariably, even a skin-like look of domestic vikhovanets is used to grow in this region. Those who cannot boast of one species, are easily given to those who are alive.

When you go out of the way, you can start off the steps:

  1. psi see a good memory;
  2. in dogs, it is more beautiful to interact with people;
  3. Cats are more accurate in ruffs and shorter healthily until they are glorified in one piece and until they are seen as a whole.

There are a lot of shanuvalniks of animals, such as kitties, kudi, intelligent dogs. The stench is to bring the tset, which in the cerebral cortex the cat is twofold more neurons... Dogs are inaccessible to follow the ruler, kudi bin not pishov, at that hour, yak kishki are completely self-sufficient. Moreover, it’s an hour to build up, so that the little ones take over as the righteous kings of nature, the lords of the whole planet, to see the simple-minded dogs.

However, the last few years showed the results, spiraling on yaks, it is possible to grow the dogs, but the dogs and the volodiut with their geniality. Dogs are built up close to hundreds of all kinds of teams, as they associate with them with different activities or objects. Such are the health and wellness of the volodya and іnshі creatures, for example, papugas, dolphins, as well as deyakі vidi mavp. But the main idea of ​​the dogs from the polyagus creatures is that the very stink of memorizing the words.

A rather small experiment: like a little child to show the red and blue cubes, and then ask him to give a cube of a black color, and not a red one, win, shvidshe for everything, give blue. A child to rob a garment, which is bright, by all appearances, means a kind of blue, oskil you ask for a cube of a colorah, not a chervonia.

Juliana Kaminskiy - from the University of Portsmouth, Great Britain, conducted a similar experiment with the dog Riko in 2004. The dog knew the names of hundreds of different speeches. 8 new projects, 7 of which are already known by their names, have been proponated. The presenters asked Riko to bring that little game, the name of which she did not know. If the dog wanted a new word, it was robbing it, it’s just about a new little girl, it’s not backed up to it. The experiment was repeated with other dogs. On the basis of tsikh doslіdzhen bula srobleno vosnovok: only dogs may tsiu tsіkava, "human" especial.

Tim is not mensh, people do vvazhayut, but a kitty's memory is more beautiful, less in dogs, so as a kitty should turn to their masters, and also actively demonstrate their dissatisfaction with something. Ale here, lovers of creatures will have mercy again.

Canadian preachers from the Moncton University conducted a science experiment: right in front of the eyes of the dogs and kishok they hoisted caress in one of the boxes. The dogs forgot to remember, because there was a lot, and they could know him to navigate through the chotiri hvili, at that hour, as the kishkas forgot about the same through the hvili.

However, the memory of dogs is good for not all areas. The presenters from the University of Zakhidny Ontario conducted an introduction, the essence of what a field is in the fact that the dogs need to see the lassos in the labyrinths. A similar dosage was also carried out with the pike, and they overturned the dogs. Navi vovki, as vvazayutsya the closest genetic relatives of dogs, are more beautiful. But here is one amendment: how did the Ugorsk preachers remember them, how to beat the dogs, how did Lyudin see this task, how they forgot and could fit in with such enthusiasts. In such a rank, the secret of dog geniality is the power of interaction with people.

For example, the ci "social" dog tips are manifested in the cleverness of the dogs and the human toughness. Kozhen Gospodar wants once to help his vikhovantsev to know the game, just by saying it directly, you can deny it. A creature is no longer so clear in our tin's mind.

Well go, who is clever - cats or dogs? Strictly seeming, spiraling on the vischevikladenі facts, it is possible to say that the dog will turn the cat in the mind. However, you will not be able to finish the rude visnovok, oskіlki the skin type of living is from the stem, we will grow in absolutely different areas. Those who do not succeed in one kind, with ease and inviolability can be viconati... But it’s okay, it’s possible, it’s a good idea to manifest itself even in the fact that the stench ignores bad igry and simply doesn’t give the drive to be aware of its drive.

People are cleverly able to adapt to "cats" and "dogs". Tsi two taboris are in the camp of post-"cold vіyny". I’ll try to virishity їkhnyu superechku, having made out, who nevertheless abused the people’s friend: kishka or a dog.

Service to the people

One of the main arguments of the "dog lovers" is the long-standing friendship between the dog and the people. The first bully dogs are tamed more than 30 yew. Fortunately, only 10 thousand people became companions of people. Fatal to that.

For all the rockets, carrying out the assignment with the people, the dogs became overwhelmed by the helpless corysty professions. They repaired the stench, zychano, yak mislivtsi. Pershі, still napіvdikі, psi helped people to hunt game, and і trimmed their part for the price. Guard dogs guarded the camps of the first people. The herding dogs kept an eye on the herd. Formerly, Lyudin appeared to be victorious dogs in the capacity of draft power: there are good dogs, the ancestors of ninish huskies.

Progress presented the dogs with a number of new professions. In our days, people come to the aid of police dogs, dog-dogs, guide dogs. For the hour of the Other Holy War, the dogs whispered bombs, passed on the messenger, the tanks ripped off their life at the cost of their lives.

Well, and the little ones ... "The little ones are dumb creatures!" - the axis was extinguished by the large "dog lovers". Ale chi so tse? Kishka Bula is tamed in Egypt - the most popular village center of the ancient world. Egypt is trading in grain, in its comoros majestic reserves have been gathered. Moreover, in the comoros lived Mischies and Shchuri, who lived in the price of grain. Fighting against a common misfortune, Lyudin tamed a cat: a small hijak, apparently attached to be loved on grisons. In our days of the kitty we are very familiar with their direct connections. More often than not, people start to have companions (that is, the companion dog was introduced not so long ago). "We don't need special reasons, why should we love a kitty!" - seem to be "cat lovers".

Talk about ... dogs

For domestic creatures, building is even more important before communal services. To that lyudin (svіdomo chi nі) having tamed us in front of the herd of any herd creatures, such as the sound of interaction with their fellow tribesmen for the help of mimics or voice. The win is taken to vvvazati kishok. Movlyav, kishka is an individual, she is tied to the house, and not to the ruler. Chi is a fair price?

We are surprised at the dog: she has a senseless way of seeing people about those who see. Simplest signs of a dog's community to know children: wagging the tail - "you are like me", clicks and grunt - "do not walk more beautifully!" Dosvіdchenі dogsіvniki miraculously rozumіut dog "mov".

And if the masters of the kishok are rightly shut out, then among their vikhovantsy I also have even more communal nauties, and do not be astonished at those who smell of wild steppe kishokas, like to live alone, once more than once

Suchasnі kіshki vіdmіnіnіyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyut their esteem for the additional mіmіki, look, ruhіv. The stench of the building even more accurately recognizes the іntonatsії people, and, moreover, you can see them! Until then, there was a stench, mabut, in the process of domestication, not the inclinations of the herd creature.

Isnu, however, another explanation of the superbly rooted system of communes home kitchen... If the creatures are relieved by the gentlemen and relied on the streets, the stench will end up being wild. See it one at a time for them to finish smoothly, and the little ones are scattered in the game. In cich zgrayah іsnu suvor іnrarchіya and broadened obov'yazkіv. Deyakі prelіdniki vvazhayuyu a little bit of familiarity with the secondary development, so as to turn into a wild country. Does it mean that the wild ancestors of the kishok bully were collective creatures?

Critters, you breshut

Austrian doctrine Konrad Lorenz won the Nobel Prize for advances in ethology (science about the behavior of creatures). Nutrition for one of the most common people - the cat and the dog - Lorenz looks in the book "Lyudin to know a friend".

The main manifestation of intellect in his pedagogical doctrines vvazhav vvvazh vminnya brehati. I will describe a number of comic vipadks to demonstrate the divine intelligence of dogs. The hero of one of the tsikh histories is the old Bulldog Bully. Since then, the dog has become nasty bachiti and, trawling, they did not recognize its ruler. The dog with the barking went to the stranger, how did the people go to the world, having learned in the world of closeness, who barked at "svogo." Todi vin, as it was not in any way, having run through the ruler to the parkan, behind the one the dog is alive, and pushing in, he barks at himself. Roskrito tsei "deception" will be leaked if the deaf parkan has appeared behind the back of the ruler. The dog broke through and after a moment's hesitation barking at the absolutely empty kut yard.

Lorenz vvazhaє, that kishka has become a victim of stereotypes. She is often called an open deceit. Ale rockies didn’t give the wicked butt of the cheat if the kitties were cheating or cunning. Navpaki, vin vvazhaє kishku are some of the best homemade creatures. “However, I don’t vvyazyu nezdatnist deceit, I am aware of the perevagi kishka tse vminnya, in power to the dogs, in my sight, to bring that the stench in the whole of the healthy is mentally worthless,” writes Lorenz.

Meals about those who are smart - cats and dogs, є items of the current super-list of dogs and cat owners, as well as a drive for the number of biologists.

Intelligent health

Taste of a high intelligence kishok inodi buvak

In cats in the big world, lower in dogs, the development of sensorimotor health is in the intellect. Tobto the hijacks are more sensitive and accurate in the rucks, so it is obvious to fall in love from the fall.

In an hour, I was in love with the cat's bad dogs through the lesser vagi of the brain. However, through the rocky they brought it that home kitties have twice as many neuronal cells, which is why they are more active. Moreover, kittens have a short-hour memory that is more beautiful.

Kitty іntelekt not yet vivcheniy, yak dog. It should be explained that dogs are more social creatures, and therefore represent more interest from the point of view of their practical vicariousness.

Good dogs

Deyaki vcheni vvazhayut, so the intellect of the dog will be brought to the house of the dvorichnu child

Dogs are more responsive to communal health. The ancestors of the domesticated bobiks fell in love with the game, and that means that they brought the interaction and "homely" among themselves, correctly developed the roles. People are lighter than dogs, so the stench intellectually is more similar to us, not kishki.

Psi shvidshe і more beautiful than cats vikonuyut zavdannya in the minds of the experiment. The very trivial hour was honored, but the stench of reason was for. In the inheritance, the little ones are motivated by the proper rank, they can cope with the staff, they are not better, they are not supernatural.

hto clever

Dogs are biologically anchored to more foldable rosum processes, nіzh kіshki ",

Unambiguously, the food price is not clear. Operating with the standard intelligences of the intellect, one cannot forget about the special features that govern the skin. Riznitsya in the rosy health of cats and dogs does not mean that they are bad, but it is not necessary to talk about those who stink of rizni.

Kishki and dogs are smart creatures. It smells like a garbage of intuition, it seems to be attached to the minds of the middle-class, to analyze and victorious information, to come up, only to shy away the price in its own way.

People often confront each other, who is smart: kishka or a dog? The creatures are the most common home vikhovants. Ridko it is possible to make a human being, as it is not a mistake to make a friend of your own. Miska's apartment will become quiet as soon as the city is alive. And give the little tails of joy to their masters! The stench is to get rid of the tightness, to help you get rid of the inappropriateness. Positive emotions from them, madly, more, less negative moments. About kishok and dogs written most of the creations. In such books, beckon to wiggle their non-inversions of the mind, the statement and the mind of the ruler from the words. So who is more beautiful to see a perevagu?

As soon as the intelligence went on, it could not be unambiguous. Here it is necessary to listen to your fucking heart, to find out your motives. First and foremost creatures appear to be highly intelligent. Smells of good fortune to talk about gentlemen, show signs of respect to them. Itself so vikhovantsi hang on to its own subtlety. Due to specific circumstances, people zupinyayut sv_y vibir on that chi іnshomu vikhovantsya. What about the slid of memory?


Be healthy, the creature shows interest until the next day. About kishok and dogs have already been said more than once, how the stench is superbly active and supple. To be built, as soon as you are ready to enjoy the space close to the emotional entusiasm. Kishki show quality to the utmost, so they want to, do not miss the most important details. If you bring a new ric into the apartment, then the stench is innocently repaired її sniff. Representatives of the family of kitties will want to learn about the new object. Kishki love to climb into boxes and sit there for a long time, sparingly for new light. It’s busy to bring їm satisfaction.

The nature of dogs is inherent in the nature. The axis of what kind of prigolomshlivi creatures so love to grate on nature. It befits me, if the Lord has given the opportunity to learn new things. The dog demonstrates its intelligence in hearing. Vona intuitively sees that people are strong and wise, it is easy to grow up to that.

Memories of memory

Household creatures can easily take their nickname. Inodі buvaє to finish vimoviti її in a voice only kіlka razіv, as vikhovanets already acquire vimov's singing sounds. Why is there a glimpse of the creatures? All the same dogs are trocha shvidshe will remember the nickname and run up to the master at once, if only they start calling. With the little boxes on the right, there are trochi inakshe. And the creatures finish to the independent and proud. For the reason of the stench, do not depend on the need to be innocently vidgukuvatisya on the poklik of people, but, in a snazzy way, does not change their intellectual health. Razumovі pozadіlivі at the cat to complete the great. Nutrition is only in the one that you need to show for yourself at a particular moment.


Fakhіvtsі all svіtu converge on the Duma, but home-grown creatures can be found out to see awkward tricks. To master the elements of command for the strength of the vikhovanta breed. It is easier for the dog to be trained, in a whole lot of dumb summaries. Moreover, the dog is more enthusiastic about people and does not want to be rocked by anyone. For her, vivchiti new commands are simple on the right. For a whole lot of things, repeat in a voice. A spirited friend of a shyly zrazumіє, scho from a nyogo vimagatsya.

Kishka navchita chogos is much more important, albeit not that you are bad, not a dog. Dogs are more likely to lie down among people. Smell iz happy to vikonuyut his will. Kishki - to fill up the square and primitive. For a reason to build oneself, nothing is possible. However, for good reason. If you put it on until it takes three hours and patience, then the result is not to hesitate to check it out.

Daily regime

Regardless of the fact that you will become your chotirino friend (kishka or a dog), it is necessary to inform about those who feel comfortable and easy. The daily regimen is necessary, the discipline of the creature, the virobite of the new brown little signs. The dog will do better, if it’s the hour of the year, at any moment it’s time to go for a walk. All the time to talk about the visoky іntelekt.

Kishki are less likely to grow up to the image of the life of the gentlemen. Wonder at them, in some way the enemy will grow up, but the stench to live viciously behind your own rules. However, the kitties are good for the rules of moving into human donkeys. For example, it is easy for small huts to get used to them before they go to the tray, and not bother the quiet little quarters of the apartment. If you love, for example, if you want to be offended, then the little one is happy to power on the orders and will not be murky. This will become a free ritual for her.

Catch up to the lord

Light kittens and dogs of great talent, which amaze people with their riznomanittyam. Some people will love to show love from the side of the creatures. Vvazhaєtsya, scho dogs are more attached to people, nіzh kіshki. Chastkovo this idea is fair. The dog will always be pragmatic and entrusted with the ruler: according to the power of the supervisor, everywhere, penetrating into the eyes, to caress. As soon as you know it, you want to stand up for the dear thing. The admiration for the ruler of the bagatokh dogs is very strong, but the stench is sometimes seen to be accepted by the dog, being overburdened with the cholovik. Obviously, people do not think much about the inner experiences of their tailed friends, but at the same time they do not use their significance.

Kishki to be led out more squarely. The stench may not show your senses on the surface of the crust, or they may quilted to reach a strong cunningness to the people. It just stinks like loving flyworms, perebuyuchi troshki on vіdstanі. During the fall, if the creature had been in the new house, and even suffered from the tightness of the pristine rulers.


Kishki to fill the senses. Smell of the sentiments of the gentlemen, I know, if you go and golubiti, and at any moment people are more beautiful than chirp. To its murkanny stench, it’s good to get us in, efficiently transform us into a twisted slime, not in any way. One day to build, the little ones are welcome to see the physical nondueness of the gentlemen. Numerical vapors confirm that the energy of tsich tvarin is beneficially infused into the backyard of the self-esteem of the people. If you want to stroke your lover, take him in your arms, you will be absolutely unreasonable.

The mind of dogs is not at whom there is no wiklikє sumnіvіv. The creatures are starting to intuitively see how to see the Lord. The stench is imbued with all my heart and the greats are very worried about being separated from him. A dog can also be treated by a gentleman. As a rule, you come by yourself, lie bilya nig, wondering in your eyes. Laskavikh vikhovanets, as a rule, love and all navkolishny. About kishok and dogs said most of the praise. A lot of people are attracted by their most beautiful friends, as they do not hurt or cheat.


Nіkhto, melodiously, do not bother to clash with him, but home wickedness will be a great intellect. Their memory is miraculous. So, kishki can pam'yatati vchinok people, like zapod_yav Skoda. I have a thought about those who want to endure peacefully.

The memory of the dogs can reach the end of the garn. The creatures of the building will take over the numerical commanders, the viconuvati are the victors of the sovereign. If it’s so busy, then the result will not bother you.

іnshі facts

In school children, you can know the educational information about cats and dogs (2nd class). Pidruchnik on navkolishnogo light rozpovidє, nakіlki tse miracles creatures. Describes deyaki їkh breed, habits. Children in school are briefly told, as if to keep an eye on their home lover.

Kozhen vikhovanets is truly unique. Win is my own character, little characters, to be seen as bright and individual. We have more love for our creatures, we are more beautiful in our hearts. It has been reported that people who live in their homes have a cat, or a dog, see if they need it. The stench is more ailment and easier to endure if you are a citizen.

replace visnovka

It is impossible to say unequivocally, who is smart: kishka or a dog. There are a lot of creatures that react differently to those ideas in life. I want cats to turn the dogs over, but in those wipes, navpaki, I compromise. Call people intuitively to see who is closer to the spirit. Kishki and dogs - an addition to human life. We will comprehend and remind ourselves of the essence of our life. Pikluyuchitsya about their vikhovanets, people mold themselves brighten up character, brothers on themselves will be convinced of happiness and prosperity for a small part.