Enzyme preparations and consumption. Enzyme preparations Enzyme preparations їх classification pharmacological characteristics

enzyme preparations

ferments - highly specific bibliography, which guarantee the role of biological catalysts.

enzyme preparations - tse likarski zasobi, A single ear of yak є ferment.

1900 - persha - the clue about enzymes (pepsin + HCl).

immobilized enzymes - have become aware of immobilization.

immobilization - physical or chemical linking of enzymes to the matrix - nose.

pochay zastosovuvati native enzymes .

Їх shortcomings:

    collapse in case of zberihanna;

    are inactivated in tissues;

    flaunt antigenic authorities;

Transfer of immobilized enzymes:

    greater stability of lykarskoy speech;

    seize the form of inactivated infusion (thermo-, pH stable, less sensitive to ingibitoriv);

    prolonged diy;

    cheaper lykuvannya;

    decrease in antigenicity.

methods of immobilization

physical :

    adsorption on the nose;

    included in the gel;


хімічні : 1) from the establishment of covalent links (streptodecase links polyglucin);

2) Sewing on the enzyme before carrying it out from the middle of the middle.

In the quality of the matrix, it is possible to store inorganic speech (silica gel) and organic speech (5., polysaccharides).

matrices There can be: 1) biodegradable - ruin in early (collagen). Perevagi: do not stick to the wound, which may be consumed in physical vision.

Incomplete: to run and function, to practice in a wound in a native form.

2) Nerozchinnі - do not ruin in early (cellulose).

Perevagi: you can vikoristovuvati yak dressing material.

Nedolik: a transition to a shrewd growth of the land of Rani.


For walks

    Preparations for breeding

Pepsin, trypsin, pancreatin

2) Roslinnogo walk

Papain, carinazim (for papa), bromelain (for pineapple)

3) microbiological walking

- terrilithin, clostridiopeptidase, subtimuin - for the treatment of the wound process (protease); soma (lipase, stiyka to HCl).

For the key stash

    Preparations that stagnate very importantly during necrotic-necrotic processes - trypsin, chymotrypsin, chemopsin, pancipsn, terrilithin, collagenase, profuim, Karipazim, fibrogan, geruksol, lizosorb - combined .

      Preparations that break down nucleic acids

- ribonuclease, deoxyribonuclease.

    Preparations depolymerizing hyaluronic acid

Lidaza, ronidase.

3) Preparations for polishing the etching processes

Pepsin, acidin - pepsin, natural sik shlunkovy, abomin

3.2) Oraza and enzyme preparations for revealing pancreatin





festal N







3.5) Combined enzyme preparations with antibacterial drug


3.6) What is the level of political activity


Somilase (som + amilase)

4) Fibrinolytic methods

Fibrinomezim, streptokinase and drugs, urokinase, reptilase, Arvin

5) Rіzni enzyme preparations

Penicylinase, asparaginase, cytochrome C.

Preparations polish etching processes

Types of therapy with enzyme preparations:

    misceva - early process, scleroderma treatment, inhalation in bronchitis.

    resorptive - parenteral administration in case of adhesions, sinusitis, ENT - ailments.

    Zamisna - with a lack of herbal enzymes.

Preparations for revealing the fermentation of the shlunk juice

pepsin - splitting of bilks, removing from the mucous membrane of pigs, optimal pH = 1.5 - 4.0 (HCl requirement).

Acidin pepsin - place 1 part of pepsin and 4 parts of ACIDIN (beta hydrochloride, hydrolysis into the slurry in HCl in a small amount of age).

Natural sludge juice - to revenge all the ferments of the slunk.

Obamin - the sum of proteases, taken from the mucous membranes of calves and lambs.

Shown: gastritis with secretory deficiency, achilia, with dyspepsia.

Enzyme preparations for revealing pancreatin and Oraza.

Oraza - a whole complex of chinniks (amylase, maltose, protease, lipase), from Aspergillum fungi. Chi is not ruffled with slunk juice. Robbing a spasmolytic action on the muscles. Vipuskayut in granules, take 1 tsp. pіd hour їzhі.

pancreatin - a complex of factors that can be wobbled under the slurry zone. Reveal trypsin, lipase, amylase. Recognize all kinds of creatures. Activate into the slurry pipe. Active in the middle of the intestine. Prescribe for 15 - 20 quilins before eating, wash down with 100 - 200 ml of rіdini. Enzyme preparations tvarin active. Pancreatin is guilty of buty obolonkoy.

mezim - get stuck to go. Rashta - from hour to hour, especially creon, lycrease, pancitrate - all microcapsules / microtablets with acidic membrane. Їx pack in a zvichynu capsule, the yak falls into a slunker. Microtablets are mixed with grub breasts and consumed in the 12th intestine. FP, which reveals pancreatin and is in the slurry for 1.5 - 2 years and consumes up to 30% of the enzyme activity.

Indicated to the designated enzyme preparations with low lipase

Harchovy ekssesi, dyspepsia, gastroduodenitis and enterocolitis. Mill for the resection of the shlunks, pidtrimka of the intestine to diagnostic dosage, cystic fibrosis, chronic pakreatitis - at high doses (3-5 tablets. For 1 dose).

Shown before the designated drug with high lipase

Chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic pancreatitis. In chronic pancreatitis of AF, it can be used for different therapy and treatment of pain syndrome, because when enzymes get into the duodenum, the secretion of the flesh is reduced (functional calm).

Creon, pancreon revenge dimethicone (adsorb gases).

Preparations for revealing pancreatin:

    components of zhovchi. Revenge pancreatin, gum components and enzyme

hemicellulose. The components of the gut will get rid of the gut effect, the emulsification of fat, activate lipase and stimulate the vision, sprinkle the moisture of fatty speech, activate intestinal peristalsis, reduce the development of the process. Hemicellulose - degrades cellulite, which reduces the processes of gasification and fermentation.

showing - the destruction of etching due to the stagnation of zhovchi, chronic obturation of zhovch's nobles.

Prototype showing - pancreatitis (stimulating secretion),

Obturats_yna zhovtyanytsya.

Preparations for revealing the enzyme in the sludge juice, pancreatin and the components of the gum

- panzinorm, 2 balls: 1) call - to avenge highly active proteases (pepsin, cathepsin) and a / c, stimulating the secretory activity of the slunk. Shell coatings (acid-unstable).

    internal - acidity of the nucleus. Coating with acidity shell. Revenge pancreatin and extracts.

showing - destructive etching in the slunker і DPK.

Prototype - div. whish.


Lycraza, 3 balls: 1) call - bromelain (acidity of protease, pratsyє at pH = 3 - 8); 2) middle - to revenge pancreatin + folic acid(Zhovchogіnnі); 3) internal - enteroseptol, older chinol (antibacterial component). There are no side effects for everyone, except for mexaz: headache, tediousness, heart disease, peripheral neuritis and lesion of the healthy nerve *.

Mexase stasis in intestinal infections.

Preparations with lipolytic activity - stagnate with steatorrhea. The activity is low, stike to the sour middle.

Vimogi to herbal AF:


    good portability

    visibility of side effects

    optimum dії at pH = 4 - 7

    trivial terms zberigannya

Preparations that can become stagnant during necrotic-necrotic processes


    necrolytic - viclikal lysis of coagulated bacteria. Live. the fabrics are not good, that is why it is іngіbіtori.

    razrіjuyut gіy - more active vіdtіk wounds vmіstu.

    antiapalny - to run the bar'єr fibrin near the fire, to take the penetration of antibiotics and phagocytes.

    take a penetrating activity in the fire of antibacterial diseases.

showing :

    wounds, diagnoses, bedsores, trophies;

    falling ill of the bronchogenic system (bronchitis, lung abscess, pleurisy, bronchiectasis);

    ENT - zhvoryuvannya (otiti, sinusiti);


    gynecological illnesses.

Prototype indications:

    individual intolerance;

    collapse of blood loss;

    it is not possible to inject at the burned-out place, to bleed when empty, to stagnate on the surface of the chubby.

Svyatkov's cover for an hour can cause problems with slurry and intestines. Vazhka їzha shitty overtravels and wicks to oven, nudot and іnshi inappropriate views... In some cases, enzyme preparations for polishing etching are available for help. In addition, it is necessary to enter into the scheme of the treatment of malnutrition of the slunk and intestines in a generalized order.

In some cases, it is not necessary to consult a doctor for the administration of enzyme preparations. I do not have a schilnosty before re-eating, ferments get used to it one-time with ryasny cover.

Most often, to accelerate the process of etching, I recommend tablets, capsules or drops, before the warehouse of which includes pancreatin, hemicellulose, lipase, protease, amylase, Somilase, Oraza, Niedaz, gum and grass, robotics and extracts

Naybіlsh effective vvazhaєnuyu capsule form lіkarskogo zasobu. Such ferments for etching are more easily developed and more efficiently injected into the intestinal tract.

If fermentation is necessary

Є Deyaki factors, which can lead to problems in the robotic slunker and intestines, which are difficult to tie to them from etching:

  • Way of life. In pershu cherga, the organism of the patron saint shkіdlivyh ringtone, Destruction of the regime of the day, important work, stress. Become a robot shlunkovo-intestinal tract You may find yourself in the wrong way of life.
  • neyakisna uzha... Kharchuvannya can be balanced, and the products are fresh, properly processed and cooked properly. If you do not follow the rules of securing and preparing for your health, you may be able to identify problems with your health.
  • There is a great number of important and fatty ones... The savory hedgehog is far from hungry. The abundance of fat, smoked and greased grasses, good spices and great oats, so you can be negatively affected by the robotic slurry and intestines, sink into the pickling.
  • Snack on the go and dry... The great places, moving in a crazy rhythm, have no more than an hour for the people of Bagatio to receive a new welcome. Kozhen's third tasty snack with a hamburger or a sandwich in the bistrop.
  • Transfer to night... The little bell of people є is not very important for the great number of people, and at once play the spati, in the brink of being negatively signified on the robotic slunk-intestinal tract.
  • vіkovі zmіni in the robotic slurry.

In case of one-time breakdowns in the mode of harvesting, take ferment liquors for an hour or so (select a dosage of 10 or 20 thousand. One, in the presence of a few drops), drink water. Plus, there is a benefit in the fact that the stench can be combined with other pills and with alcohol.

if you accept

Be-as-like in the etching system, see at once. Organism tells us that I’ve been eating a yak in the intestinal tract; In some cases, it is necessary to take licenses in order to polish the etching.

Enzyme preparations are used for:

  • there is obvious discomfort in the abdomen: intestinal cramps, bad b_l, Burlinnya, zduttya;
  • it’s hard to talk about the transfer;
  • winery boredom and weakness for reception;
  • shut up and be guilty about non-etching;
  • if the appetite is gone, you can get on without bazhannya;
  • immediately before the hour of the meal, as you see fit to live fat and vigorous;
  • in case of ailments of the shlunkovo-intestinal tract: virazki, gastritis, pancreatitis, etc. (as one of the generalized viscous preparations in the treatment scheme).

If the symptoms are pererakhovani often recur, obov'yazkovo turn up to the doctor for consultation. Shvidshe for everything, being in the robot of the slunker or intestines. Likar to indicate diagnostics and treatment.

Warehouse for pickling

In order to correctly pick up the leaks, in order to polish the shlunkovo-intestinal tract, it is necessary to determine the cause of the problems. As a rule, in case of malfunctioning of the pancreatic slurry and the slurry fachivtsi, they are based on pancreatin.

Tsey will help you to improve the robot's shlunkovo-intestinal tract. To enter before the warehouse of any enzyme preparation, the extract of the gum of pigs, or the cores, allows them to grow rapidly and become absorbed by the body.

An important role in the development of the herbal system of grazing is important, as it may be the origin of fahivets. It is also because of the fact that the problem is specific to you, the turbine, the car pidbere, to indicate the graph and dose to the right.

For a one-time reception hour every hour, you can vibrate with a total of 10 thousand. One unit of pancreatin.

Pancreatin should be entered before the warehouse of all types for polishing etching. However, do not think about buying cheap drug, Vie zekonomili, aje deyucha speech one. It's not like that. Observe your respect for the number of one in the purchased leaks. Adzhe zm_st to pancreatin varies from 20 units to 25 thousand!

List of enzyme preparations

All that is necessary to paint the over-etching and to add to:

  • complex, de crim pancreatin revenge extracts of food, herbs, and іnshі microelements;
  • based on pancreatin and visualization of adaptable functions for fodder deposits and etching organs;
  • Reveal additional components, such as protease, amylase, Somilase and others before them.

Transfer of pharmacological enzyme preparations for normalization of etching processes:

  • Normoensim;
  • Gastenorm forte;
  • Panstal;
  • Wobenzim;
  • Yermіtal;
  • Alpha amylase;
  • Іpental;
  • Mikrazim;
  • Biofestal;
  • pepfiz;
  • Ferestal;
  • Enterosan;
  • Pancurman.

The most popular lines with descriptions and subdivisions on the group are presented below.

The classification of enzymatic preparations for etching allows us to more beautifully use the abundance of drugs that we can use in pharmacies. Tablets for polypshennya etching - tse shvidka additional help in case of rapta vinikli problems of the shlunkovo-intestinal tract.

It is necessary to remember, to take up some kind of advice for prophylaxis and to send a consultation with a doctor, having respectfully familiarized yourself with the instructions and the indications.

persha group


Given the enzyme is widely used, the fragments are often stagnant in the period of Christmas celebrations. Likars recommend Festal, if ryasna is fat or calories to get used to great numbers. Take the same i trail in svyatkov_ days, At the moment of the family celebrations, for a long time to the hour.

This drug is to take revenge on pancreatin, beet extract, microelement hemicellulase and sodium chloride. The producers will give the active ingredients, Festal spriy splitting of bіlkіv, fats and carbohydrates, reducing the absorption of іzhі and soaking of the products etched through the intestinal walls.


Analogue of Festal. Determinations of the presence of pancreatin and hemicellulases Daniy zasib dіє yak zhovchogіnniy, allowing їzhі more beautifully to take up, with a more yakіsnuyu mastery of lively speeches.

Enzistal to be recognized as a likarer in case of a filthy remixing of yizhi in vipadki zhvoryuvan mouthwash and teeth for more effective learning.


Another drug from the group. Ascribe it in case of lack of function of pidshlunkovaya zalozi, esophagitis and others ignition processes, Scho flow through the intestinal tract.

The price is available at the zasoby of the group, so the stink is especially popular in the middle of all the images of this characteristic. However, the therapeutic effect is lower than that of other groups.

friend's group


The price is mainly enzymatic, which is stagnant in case of damage to the slunk-intestinal tract and for polishing etching. Pancreatin may not be contraindicated. However, take care of the next step with the protection of the state of the fire in the soil.

It is used in cases of non-poisoning, repetition, in case of malfunctions in the robotic organs of poisoning. The basis of pancreatin is a secret extract, which can be seen as a slurry of creatures.


Diyucha Rechovina - Pancreatin. However Danium drug to be released in capsules, so that it is more effective for the organism to acquire an active speech.

In addition, Creon is allowed to go out with a small amount of speech. Є To fill up with expensive likami.


Pratsyu on the basis of the same to pancreatin. It is also available in capsules and in separate doses. For the price of trochas is cheaper than the analogue - Creon.

Some enzyme preparations for the disease of slurry and slurry are most often recognized as fahivts. In the period zagostrennya ailments, urge to prescribe a dose of 25 yew. One stretching 1-2 times three per day every hour. Then the dosage drops to 10 thousand. One, and it is close 2-3 times.

third group


The aim is to replace the active microelements with pancreatin, as when the capsule is opened, it gets wet at once from the intestinal lining of the intestine, and it takes a short and thin digestion.

Instead of capsules, it is possible to transport microelements, to enter the warehouse asap, along the entire shlunkovo-intestinal tract.


An even more popular drug, which is not a lot of any kind of cover. Mezim is to take revenge on a complex of enzymes, so that you can use a robotic herbal system. Yogo priznachayut at be-like viglyadі, passing, seeing hardness and at the ruin of harchuvannya.

For this purpose, it is effective in the preparation of bouvice, it is recommended to vibrate Mezim forte, to avenge about 10 yew. One unit of pancreatin. Take 1 tablet for an hour.


It is complex, like a building positively implanting organs on the robot black empty... As a rule, the enzyme preparation is recommended in period of operation for updating and polishing etching processes.

Somilaza spriy splitting of quiet words, as it is important to get used to it. Her mayzhe has no contraindication.


  • Aggravated pancreatitis - in this case of fermentation, it may not be easy to get rid of it, but rather naughty, that with chronic form fired pidshlunkovoy zalozi or, in case of a state of the art procuring process, it is necessary to turn up to fakhivtsya.
  • Damage to the function of the stove. With an important form of burning of the stove, it will grow out of the enzyme sources.
  • Allergy to foodstuff products, including "chervone" meat. Likewise for polishing pickling, as a rule, to take revenge on the extract of pigs or korіv, the stench can lead to an allergic reaction in people who are sensitive to meat products.
  • Diarrhea. During the period state form It is not recommended to take the enzyme preparations, the stench can ruin the process.
  • Colitis and іnshі forms of intestinal inflammation. In this case, with the help of others, they should be able to use the protection and visualization of the drug.

For an admission with any ailments or other spinal camps of health, it is necessary to revise the doctor's recommendation.

Acceptance rules

Preparations for polishing etching for a day are more effective, since the necessary rules are specified in the instructions for storing divers of licars:

  1. Slide down the tablets and capsules, and take revenge on the ferment with clean water. Nі tea, nі kava, nі, tim more, gazovani і alcoholic drinks do not fit for implantation with likarsky zasoba.
  2. As a rule, the normalization of ferment pickling takes place for an hour or so without prior writing.
  3. Number of tablets or capsules and a dose for a one-time administration in the instructions, as well as with a disposable drug.

Enzymatic drugs for children are recognized in the edge of the country in singular form. The traits of microbial pacing are taken for children only for the sake of visualization of the doctor in case of impaired function of the slurry, slaughter in the robotic intestinal tract and collapse of the style. These things, as they revenge the extract of the beetle, can be foully taken over by the child's organism, so, if possible, for the little ones such preparations, they can be replaced by herbal remedies.

Otrimannya enzyme preparations - to complete the folding technological process. Bagato virobniks in Russia will provide pharmacies with special means for polishing etching and accelerating the exchange of words.

The majestic turn of the younger ones, as it is necessary to pharmacology, do not allow an amateur to grow up and vibrate effective ways help your body. The recommendation of the doctor and the special provision will give the opportunity to gain the visibility, which is most necessary for that particular type of product.

We reduce the option, which allows us to eliminate problems from the shlunkovo-intestinal tract, to use prophylaxis. He is healthy, living in vitamins, physical rights and adjustments, the mode of work and correction - there are no companions of a healthy way of life.

ferment pickling- the biological-active speech, the main signs of such є additional help in the over-etched їzhі. The smell of good things to enter into chemical interaction with structures of bricks, fats and carbohydrates, breakable up to the day, are accessible to the skin. In the body of people, the stench vibrates practically at all stages of over-etching, albeit sometimes it’s lacking and it’s necessary to add it to the quality of the likars’s needs.

There is a small number of types of etching enzymes, leather from yakyh zatatnyy zdatnye zdnannya:

List of enzyme preparations

Enzyme preparations are also taken into groups, in the presence of the main diyuchy speechі store the drug:

  1. Pancreatin-smear preparations: pancreatin, mezim-forte, Penzital, Pangrol, Creon and іnshі.
  2. Complex enzyme preparations. To put pancreatin in warehouses there are zhovch, hemicellulase, pankran, benzistal and іnshі.
  3. lypolitical combined preparations: Somilaza, Solizim and іnshі.


Popular, affordable drug. The main feature is the splitting of the bilkovo їzhі. Shown before sucking є:


For pancreatin, the drug should contain enzymes and lipase. Діє більш м'яко, nіzh pancreatin, permission to navit children. The drug Mezim-forte 10000, є similar to pancreatin.

It is practically the same for pancreatin to show up to the point of use. I will not be taken to drugs, but to prophylactic drugs, which are intended for prophylaxis and amelioration of the increased strength I will become with such ailments: chronic pancreatitis, Gastroduodenitis, cholecystitis. The main point of presentation is transferring functional layout etching.


The drug is an analogue of pancreatin, but rather to place more active enzymes in your warehouse. Recommended for gostrich stanіv lіkuvannya:

  • gostry pancreatitis і pancreatic necrosis;
  • the camp of the vision of the zhovchny mikhura;
  • mill for resection of the shlunk, intestines;
  • period of hot weather, like a trivial hour, etc.


Capsule lykarskiy zasib, which can be found on the intestines. Shlunkoviy sіk do not pour into the capsule, as it passes in transit in, before the intestinal juice is added to the vivilnennya of active speeches.

Vikoristovuat when:


The drug, the main target of which is a capsule, is partially vivilnyaє enzyme. The capsule goes into the slunker, the micro-granules scatter the intestinal-corrosive shell, which penetrates into the intestines in an invariable viglyade, the preparation and repairs its work, being permeated at once with the chyme of the dal.


  • mucoviscidosis, the best solution in a child's life;
  • pancreatic necrosis;
  • a visible part of the slurry burrow with a widespread enzymatic deficiency;
  • oncopathology of the intestinal tract;
  • ailment of Shvakhman-Diamond and іnshі.


Before the warehouse, the preparation contains two enzymes: lipolytic sol_zyme and alpha-amylase. All warehouses otrimanі z roslin. The indications of the drug are viklyuchno in case of damaged podshlunkovoy zalozi, tied with a lack of lypolysis. It can be victorious in the ruined mode of harvesting and the overworldly implantation of fatty food for the purpose of over-etching.

Frequently, there is a widespread response to allergic reactions through the presence of long-range components. On the first day of the first name, as it is taken from the patient, the drug must be taken into account.


Combination of the drug, in the warehouse to replace the components of the zhovch, which increases the activity of the moisture enzymes. Mostly zasosuvannya znayshov at chronic cholecystitis, Zhovchnokam'yanoy ailments, hepatitis, cholangitis and the appearance of a gum mikhur - with a lack of over-etching and deficiency of gum.

Pislya їzhі. You can get nauseated and bloated for a drug overdose.

In which vypadnyuyuyut enzyme?

Ferments of the slurry plant are far from innocent drugs. Їх sign of guilty buty is monitored by drugs home practice or a gastroenterologist. The main indications for which it is necessary are:

  • inadequacy of the slurry deposit in the amount of ignited ailments developmental ethology(Autoimmune, alcoholic, pancreatic necrosis, disease in children and so far), oncological processes and resection of the disease;
  • firing up slime slime and intestines for polishing overtraveling and getting wet;
  • if there is a lack of zhovchi fiery ills liver, її ducts, zhovchnyi michur, as well as the operation itself from the vision of the mihur and resection of the liver;
  • a one-time or a short-time pick-up in case of functional deterioration of etching (if a break in the day is a rare style, oven, boredom);


Ferments may have their own counter-indications, especially when there is a presence of long-standing or tvarin ingredintevs:

How much is it possible to find out how to use enzymes?

Enzyme preparations are to blame for being indicated. Overwhelmed by drugs given pharmacological group to produce a significant decrease in the function of the self-suckling slurry and to bring it up to atrophy of the muck and the clitin, which secret ferment for its unpopularity.

In case of a serious illness of a sick person, with a lack of over-etching and a nasty wetness, a change in therapy is necessary. If there is a lack of over-etching, cachexia may not only develop with normal appetite and good health, but the value of vitamin deficiency.

It is always a matter of pathology of a doctor's risk of receiving an increase in the number of patients who receive it. In the case of trivial stasis, it is recommended to proceed with administration of the drug for a long period of time. Pidshlunkova zalosa is activated for robots in standard mode when rooting.

Basic recommendations for enzymatic activity supplementation

  • Correct eating. The tse of the witness does not include only food products, Ale і rational mode (accept їzhі in strict regulations for an hour, not less than three times for doba, in the same portions).
  • Lumpy way of life. Sport will reduce intestinal motility, increase the tone of the gut ducts and the duct of the underflow, reducing the secretion.
  • The cost of living with clean water is up to 2-2.5 liters. Won with a short design spoluk and lie down wet, rose chyme and lie down on the intestinal tube.
  • Rezhovuvati everybody. In Ancient Japan, samurai chewed a portion of rice, and 40 zhuvalny rukhiv were cooked. It’s good mechanically broken down, it’s easier to overtake, the ferment is slung up, it’s more broken down, and I’ll lay down for the robot.

ENZYMEN PREPARATIONS(Latin fermentum fermenting, fermenting cob; synonyms of enzyme preparations) - lykarski zasobi, the main components of which are ferments.

Generally accepted classification of enzyme preparations in Germany. For the main straightforwardness of the type and clinical consumption of enzyme preparations, it is possible to distribute on the onset of the group: 1) preparations that become stagnant in case of necrotic-necrotic processes; 2) volodyut fibrinolytic authorities; 3) polishyut etching processes.

Before enzyme preparations, which can be vicious during necrotic-necrotic processes, trypsin (div.), Khimotpsin (div.), Khimopsin (div.), Terrilitin, amorphous ribonuclease (div. Ribonuclease), (div. .), elastolitin i in. A large number of enzyme preparations, behind a vignette of terrilitin, can be removed from the slurry of the slackening thinness.

Trypsin and chymotrypsin replace the same proteolytic enzyme. Chimopsin - sum of trypsin and chymotpsin. Cy enzyme preparations hydrolyze the protein to low molecular weight peptides (div. Peptide-hydrolase). Їх stasis as a head rank for the treatment of gnarine wounds, trophic wounds, bedsores, as well as for the development of viscous secretions in case of ailments dikhalnyh nobles(Pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchiectatic ailments and in.).

Terrіlіtіn is a product of the living color of the fungi Aspergillus terricola. For the authorities and the stasis of the formation of ferment drugs in the proteolytic process.

Ribonuclease is amorphous and deoxyribonuclease may be useful to deiolimerise RNA and DNA. Ribonuclease is amorphous to stagnate mainly by the same indicators, which are enzyme preparations of proteolytic diy (trypsin and in.). Deoxyribonuclease vikoristovuyu the head rank for the treatment of herpetic keratitis, adenoviral conjunctivitis and keratitis, as well as for reducing the viscosity of phlegm in cases of illnesses and mental diseases.

Collagenase is a proteolytic activity and breakdown of collagen fibers. In connection with cym, collagenase is stashed with a head for the acceleration of the destruction of necrotic tissues and scabs in the process of treatment of opiques, frostbite, trophic infections and wounds.

Before enzyme preparations with fibrinolytic powers, fibrinolizin (div.), Streptoliasis (div.), Urokinase and іn. Enzyme preparations detect blood clots and become vicious in the form of fibrinolytic diseases (div.) In case of advanced thromboembolic diseases. The fibrinolytic and anticoagulant powers of Volodya also include thrombolithin, which is a complex of trypsin and heparin (in relation to 6: 1). Thrombolitin is used for detecting fresh blood clots (if the disease is not more than 3-5 dB).

Before enzyme preparations, which are used for etching processes, to introduce preparations, to replace enzymes or complexes of enzymes in the intestinal tract. Such enzyme preparations є, for example, pepsin (div.) І to replace yogo preparations - natural slunk juice, natural slunk juice "Ekvin" (div. ... The preparation is indicated for the lack of secretory activity of the mucous membranes of the shlunk.

If there is a lack of secretory function of the pancreatic cavity and deacidification of the functions of the intestinal tract, pancreatin (div.) And a number of combined enzyme preparations, e.g. amylase, proteases and the main components of gum), digestal and Pancurmen.

In addition to being a group of enzyme preparations, in medical practice, vicorists are also used to extract ferments and volodynts. pharmacological authorities... Lidase, ronidase, penicylinase (div.), Asparaginase (div. L-asparaginase) are introduced to the number of such enzyme preparations.

Enzyme preparations are thermolabile, that is, they are taken at temperatures from 1 ° to 5-10-15 (in fallowness; according to the strength of the preparations).

Biblіogr.: Mashkovskiy M. D. Medicinal koshti, part 2, p. 48, M., 1984; Radbil O, S. Pharmacological bases of the treatment of organ ailments of etching, p. 78, M., 1976.

If the herbal system of viroblya is necessary for over-etching ferment in the lack of quantity, it is necessary to help fit in with the options. For cich purposes, numerical preparations are used to replace the components of enzymes in the slurry zone, gum and additives.

It is possible to take it not only in case of ailments, but in case of an absolutely healthy shlunk and drowned zoos in vipadkah, if it has appeared even more "important", for example, it is already fatty or over-greased. Enzyme preparations, especially last generation, Shvidko solve the problem, їх it is not necessary to take a course, the stench of great help і with one-time receptions.


Signals are indicated for the intake of enzyme preparations to serve the following conditions:

  • lack of slunk secretion;
  • the lack of durability of junior highways, or the duct of the submarine;
  • zapalnі zhvoryuvannya shlunkovo-intestinal tract;
  • resection abo oprominennya, scho called to the destruction of the etching;
  • ruinous children;
  • trivial postal mode;
  • ruined function of life.


It takes a lot of drugs for an hour or so, or just send it to a patient. Dozuvannya to accumulate as a specific type and sign of the drug, as well as being treated as an individual who is ill. Kovtati tablet (capsule) is required in whole, do not allow the shell.

Pobichna diya

Name enzyme preparations do not wipe side reactions... Alle the growth of boredom, discomfort in the area of ​​the shlunk, constipation or diarrhea, with an increase in individual sensitivity - an allergy, with a trivial delay and an increase in doses - hyperuricosuria.


Enzyme preparations are subdivided into categories.

1. Pancreatic enzymes in minimal dose

Warehouse of the same for all drugs in the group:

  • lipase 3500 MO (from fat to fatty acids and glucerin);
  • amylase 4200 MO (decomposed in carbohydrates to monosaccharides);
  • protease 250 MO (drops to amino acids).

Most popular and popular drugs in such a warehouse:

  • pancreatin No. 60 (Russia);
  • mezim forte No. 20 (Nimechchina);
  • Penzital No. 100 (India);
  • Gastinorm Forte No. 20 (India).

2. Preparations for bichacho zhovch

To the whole group, to lay down the preparations for pancreatin in the same minimum dosage of the supplemented extract of the scourge. I will paint over-etching if there is a lack of function of the grinder.


  • festival number 100 (India);
  • Benzistal No. 80 (India).

3. Preparations for pancreatin from higher doses

The warehouse is as follows:

  • lipase 10,000 MO (20,000 MO);
  • amylase 7500 MO (12000);
  • protease 375 MO (900).


  • mezim forte 10 t. (20 thousand units) - Nimechchina;
  • panzinorm 10 t. (20 thousand units) - Slovenia;

4. Preparations prepared for microencapsulation technology

Preparations from the whole group are most effective. The gelatin capsule contains lykarska rechovina at viglyadі microspheres with a bright shvidkіstya vivіlnennya. If the capsule falls into the slurry, the microsphere moves alongside the slurry and goes into small intestine, Deo fix the problem, or not all at once, but step-by-step, one earlier, the last one. So, prodovzhene in the hour of the decision, the triviality of the drug will be increased.

The group includes the following:

  • Creon 10 t. (25 thousand units, 40 thousand units);
  • mikrazim 10 t. units (25 units);
  • Pangrol 10 t. (25 units);
  • ermital 10 t. units (25 thousand units, 36 thousand units);

5.Inshi drugs

You can bring Yunienzim to them, to the warehouse where you can enter:

  • fungal disease (fungal enzyme);
  • papain (roselinny enzyme);
  • simethicone;
  • nikotinamid;
  • no assets;

The managers of such a warehouse Yunienzim additionally help to digest the "vazhka" їzhі, zapobіgє gas and zduttya intestines through the nasty digested їzhі.