In the afternoon, subfebrilety at night is the norm. Subfebrilety of unclear ethology: what are the causes of the ailment? Ridko diagnose infections

In contact with


There are three types of medicine that are characterized by an increased temperature of the body:

  • Hyperthermia (temperature adjustment).

Hyperthermia winyck at maximum pressure physiological mechanisms thermoregulation (due to the increase in the size of the shkinny vessels and in.) and, as long as they do not hang on to the cause, they progress unhealthily, they end up at temperatures close to 41-42 ° C with heatstroke. Hyperthermis of supravodzhuyutsya for changes and losses of speech, second water and salts, impaired blood circulation and delivery of sourness to the brain, as well as wickedness, occasional judgment and obscurity.

Viral hepatitis B and C

Plid, shvidshe for everything, die, since the infection of the vine in the first trimester, or in the other trim the placenta is taken away. Protest, the placenta cannot be taken away from all negative factors, it can simply be the cause of them. Repairing from the 30th time, the low-temperature fever may not be safe. Name the price cannot be embedded in the development of the child on the whole stage of vaginosti, or else you can get rid of the placenta or lead to the next generation. In addition, the placenta cannot seize the child, and also in the early terms of vaginosti, the oskil at the new є vitality to "vik" or "affection" with the skin tenderness, that is why the given functions are interchangeable for an hour.

  • Lichomaniac.

Likari call the feverishly increased temperature of an unclear proclamation. At the same time, people have no few symptoms, be it ill, except for a high temperature. With a feisty unclear etiology (walking), the temperature of the people is 38.5 degrees, and it is even better to trim out with a stretch of two. It's a pity, far from expecting the drug workers to give in to reliably establish the cause of the illness.

Regardless of the reason for the increased temperature, it is necessary to virishuvati, inaksha, as they have blighted the eye, which can lead to the erection of the placenta. All methods can be distributed on the go, based on lines and lines. The way your body is struggling with ailments, there is no need to get involved. Perekonayte, well at your room to check out. Drink warm drinks like tea or fruit infusion. Do not wipe it off with a bit of hot water, while struggling with temperature adjustments, so it’s not safe to do so.

The main causes of low-grade fever

You can take your clothes and wash yourself with warm water, as long as you feel comfortable. Do not put ganchirka on the forehead, leaked cold water, So, as there can be more temperature changes, you can bring up to one more temperature adjustment. Visokuvischennya temperature per hour of vaginosti is possible for additional help. The most safe and effective is paracetamol. Cross over, so you get the right dose.

The subfebrile temperature is called such a body to the human body, at any temperature of the body it takes a trivial hour to trim in the boundaries of 37, 5 - 38 degrees. In other words, the temperature level is higher than the physiological norms, and even lower than the feverish fever.

Reasons why I will have a subfebrile temperature

Zrozumіlo, subfebrile temperature is not indicative of nіvіdki, on an empty mіsci. There is a number of illnesses, as in the protest to finish the trivial hour they give the nobility a deprivation of subfebrile temperature. However, early on, there is no doubt about the signs of the nobility, for which the likars will find it easier to correctly diagnose those ill, as it served as the first reason for the blame for the subfebrile temperature of the room.

Taste of the common ailment

Low-grade fever є a widening symptom in patients with chronic autonomic syndrome, ale mechanizm, їdpovidalny for ї development, nasty vivcheni. Vona regularly resumed her groin temperature and found that she was especially high, if she saw the stress on the robot. Interv'yu stress fell in the fact that it was difficult to talk about stressful events. Navpaki, by the hour the temperature of my finger dropped.

The frequency of the heart is very fast, the systolic and diastolic grip of blood and noradrenaline and adrenaline in the plasma began to move for an hour during the interval; not a lot of extreme changes, nor in the periodical, nor in the heat-lowering cytokines for an hour, but for an interv'yu. Negative emotional activation, tied to emotions, and not the virality of the direct cytokine, increased the temperature, the vicious stress response.

Likar see two main groups of illness, which may be the reason for the diagnosis of subfebrile temperature:

  • Zapalnі zhvoryuvannya. And zapalnі zhvoryuvannya, in his own devil, go on infectious and noninfectious.

subfebrile temperature wait for a wiklikє at a dose Infectious disease.

Chronic syndrome of hyperthermia Patients with chronic autologous syndrome often appear of low-grade fever, ale mechanizm, vidpovidalny for a price, nasty vivcheni. Mi visuvaєmo hypothesis, as well as psychological stress in the development of or sharpening of low-grade fever in cich patients.

Heads of skargi: low-grade feverish, zagalnaya vtoma, arthralgia, mialgia, fear of fear and difficult concentration. Minula history of ailments: Necrotizing lymphadenitis in the last 20 years. Endometriosis was diagnosed in 20 years of oral contraceptives in that hour.

For the first time, it’s obvious that the patient is guilty of a lactic acid disease, who suffers from low-grade fever for two or more times is tuberculosis. Unfortunately, often tuberculosis can be asymptomatic, not showing any symptoms, except for low-grade fever. Likar, having provided a number of necessary dosages, or confirm, or simply the manifestation of tuberculosis in a sick person.

Necrotizing lymphadenitis is diagnosed in her case and it is common. I want a lykar to respect, I want a sickness, I am a low-grade fever, and because of this, I get sick, and I’m stronger, especially post-extraneous, I think about it. The country has been acting on the basis of antidepressants for help. Oskilki її also increased to 1-2 points for the numerical rating scale, with 10 of them representing the best in their own way, and 0 - visibility alone, I wondered one more program to look at.

Vona finished 26 years of age and became a nurse at an advanced intensive therapy, but after 4 months, she started to work on the robot through the aggravation of the low-grade fever women. Symptoms were detected, they were not disturbed for 2 months, and they were sent to our office again, and she was hospitalized. At the right time, she skarzhilas on the stile and the feverish woman.

Chronic infection... Before chronic inflammation of the disease, there are chronic ignition processes that are localized in that organ. Before them, it is possible to bring such ailments, such as sinusitis, tonsillitis, prostatitis, inflammation of the uterine appendages. A large number of people who have become ill with a slight temperature increase, protest against that, as the immune system of people will weaken, when a subfebrile temperature may appear.

Vona rated the severity of her own at 6-8 and demonstrated her throat; the lack of a presence in the right part of the lymph universities. On the 8th day of the hospitalization, we spent one hour of stress-interv'yu, assessment, such as psychological stress, having infiltrated the temperature of the body, and may have a mechanism of effect. Tsya kіmnata bula їy know, besides, there’s already a little bit of development for psychotherapy. An electronic pressure cuff is installed on the left upper shoulder of the bullet, and temperature sensors are installed in the left upper arm of the bullet.

Chronic infections. Deyakі chronic ailment, yakі mayut infectious nature Probably, for example, such as toxoplasmosis, Lyme ailment, brucellosis, often also supravodzhuyutsya the appearance of low-grade fever. 90% of patients have subfebrile temperature є post-day familiar to chronic toxoplasmosis. Even more often subfebrile temperature is often so and it becomes a single manifestation of subfebrile illness.

Vimіryuvali її the temperature of the groin, systolic arterial vise, The distal arterial grip and the frequency of the heart are very fast with fixed hour intervals. For an hour we asked to tell us about the difficult things in life. They also saw that they were zupinimo interv'yu at any moment, as if that was not the case.

In addition, since the conversation has been completed, they asked me to leave the room for 30 minutes, a total of 90 minutes for an ear of money. Then she turned to her room. The tympanic membrane and the temperature of the fingers were monitored for the skin chilin before the hour was transferred to the room for the interview. Blood samples were taken on the cob until after 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 120 minutes and 180 minutes. Blood samples were taken at -80 ° C until quiet periods, while catecholamines and cytokines were not examined.

Reactive arthritis (Reiter's syndrome)- group igniter get sick, Scho is characterized by urazhennyam suglobіv, sechіvnik i eyes. It is also possible to enmity the skin and the muffled shell of the body. It is possible that there is a risk of transferring infections, vicious trash, bacteria from the genus Campylobacter, Salmonella, gonococcus abo eersinіy.

Signs of low-grade fever in children

Below is a transcript of nutrition and responses to stress. Doctor: Couldn't they have picked me up, as if you had sensed it, if you were told to leave my sister's school? I became my father's Skoda. Dr.: Couldn't we have told me more about those who have smelled for their fathers?

May symptoms of tuberculosis

Vona said for ironic share: chronic in volume? Surely, won’t be a nurse. Dr.: We didn’t see you as a nurse and went to your school, okay? What was your friend's school life and medicine, de vie pratsyuvali? Dr.: Yake bulo navazhche hour with your life? Couldn't you have picked me up if you thought about ailments?

Increased temperature after the transferred infectious disease. Likariv isnu also has a value, as it is called "temperature hvist". It’s a manifestation of a polyag in an offensive: a person who has suffered, be it infectious, can live at a subfebrile temperature when it’s tired. You can take a stretch to reach a trivial hour - a few hours, and an hour - a few months. In some cases, low-grade fever is not required.

Let's talk about those, how important it is, the camp. In the world of that, as it was trivial, she felt it, she saw herself hot, but I didn’t see the cold. Equivalent catecholamine plasmas were tested for additional highly effective standard chromatography.

Changes in temperature and temperature at the same time

The temperature of the drum overflow also increased, but the value of the increase was less than at the groin temperature. Serpentine temperature for additional stress-interv'yu. Changes in the temperature of the groin and drum membranes and the temperature of the fingers per hour and during the 60-hour stress interval.

Here it is necessary to show special safety and not to confuse the "temperature tail" with the recurrence of ailments, which is a vimag of a non-guilty addiction.

  • Chi does not ignite sickness.

The appearance of subfebrile temperature can be supravodzhuvati and deyakі deyakіvanyya, as not to ignite the nature of pacing. Until such a disease, endocrine and immune disease, and also disease, tied to the damaged normal robots circulatory system and without ailments of blood.

Changes in the heart-vascular parameters, peripheral cytokines and catecholamines

The patient has lost his time to sit for an hour on the interv'yu. Preventing the increase in the temperature of the groin and drum membranes before the first hour, but this is not due to the changes in the temperature of the additional heat, but rather to the changes in activity. Equivalent norepinephrine and adrenaline in the plasma moved before an hour of stressful interv'yu after 30 mins and 60 mins, and turned to the values ​​that were removed before the ear of sleep, after 1 year of the intermission. Nawpaki, ni temporary, ni fever cytokines did not show significant changes from hour to hour.

The trivial subfebrile temperature of a non-infectious nature can be overwhelmed by somatic pathology, but more often it can be explained by physiological reasons, or the obvious psychovegetative disorders.

With somatic pathology varto, I have a lot of respect for hypersensitivity anemia, which can be associated with low-grade fever, and thyrotoxicosis.

Laboratory methods of thoroughness include

Changes in the heart-vascular parameters, cytokines and catecholamines from hour to hour and after 60 minutes of stress. Before the hour of the hospitalization, the patient was taking combined biomedical and psychosocial therapy. Vona Bula is displaced in a quiet stationary situation, for self-analysis. They asked to take an hour for the period of post-social life, they would be respectful, I would like to taste the food and relax, some birds, try to get behind the trees and quotes and see the windows. Meta didn’t think that it was possible to improve the interoceptive knowledge, it was previously driven by extreme Zusillas, and it was too much to be poured.

Fatal deficiency anemia. Decreases in blood hemoglobin. As a rule, in the same way, as people are weakened immune system, Dane getting sick can cause subfebrile temperature to be diagnosed.

Thyrotoxicosis. Subfebrile temperature є may be the rule in times of excess in the blood of thyroid hormones. The temperature of subfebrile temperature in thyrotoxicosis is most often attributed to nervousness and emotional labiality, drinkability and heart rate, increased dizziness and weakness, loss of strength in the absence of normal apathy. For the diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis, the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone in the blood should be reached. Reducing the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone є the first manifestation of excess hormones thyroid gland in the body.

We also wanted to replace the podolannya with mechanizm, which called for the fire to start. The treatment also included pharmacotherapy, including hochukekito, mirtazapin and mecobalamin; cognitive and behavioral involvement with an emphasis on the detection of boundary values, such as bursting and changing the robot's sounds and behavior models when doing it; relaxation of knowledge, including groups of employment from autogenous preparation, and also self-help; Emotional development for an hour of psychotherapy; graduated physical culture; renewal of the news from the mother; and during your visits to protect the midst of the day at the work of the day.

Addison's ailment- endocrinological discomfort, which is characterized by a decrease in the hormone viral growth of measles supra-nasal vulvais, supravodzhutsya subfebrile temperature.

Systemic vovchak. When a systemic vovchak becomes ill (chronic autoimmune disease), Subfebrile temperature є in the first bunch of tiznіv dinim zvnіshnyu familiar. The game of the people is meant to be the battle internal organsі systems of people, slopes and shkіri.

She is a low-grade feverish woman, and because of that, she took a step, and she turned to face the robot. At the same time, it was estimated from the vicories of the scale of numerical assessments from 10 to the lowest one, and 0 - without it. The offense to the temperature began to rise for 30 minutes before the ear of sleep; It can be viciously in viperzhuvalny stress, as it is shown on tvarin models. The course of the follow-up also demonstrates that the hypothermic and fever-lowering cytokines are not injected into hyperthermia, undergoing stress.

I will look at how the temperature of the groin and drum membranes increases and the temperature of the fingers is lowered because of the increase in catecholamines in the blood, a nice activation can be seen as an important role in the temperatures. Psychothermal response, psychological stress, not only at the patient, but at healthy people.

Subfebrile fever is often spasmodic in females during the climax period. In addition, a woman's temperature could be increased through quiet hormonal changes in the body, which are linked to menstrual cycle... Yak rule, nibilsh temporal temperature a woman's menstrual cycle is between the 17th and 25th day. An hour can reach 38.8 degrees.

Such factors, such as severe emotional stress and non-physical stress, can lead to an increased temperature. Tse in the same fair world one must be old and grown up, and children. So, for example, the temperature can rise due to stress, vicious problems in family life or robots, through physical stress. In children, temperature adjustments can be trivialized by crying or overwhelmingly active physical games.

Diagnostics of the causes of low-grade fever

Although it is a singular form of diagnostics, it is not mild, in conjunction with it, the subfebrile temperature can be dear ones... Often, the rigidity does not give any good results. І in some types of sentiment diagnostics is the primary hyperthermia.

In any case, in order to find out the cause of the illness, the lyudin is guilty of turning to the doctor - the therapist.

Likar to identify a number of necessary additional information - a foreign and biochemical analysis of blood, analysis of blood, ultrasound dosage all internal organs, blood analysis for hormones, x-ray legends. And on the basis of the results of the previous years, it is necessary to recognize that people are ill.

Temperature control method:

  1. Vimіryuvannya temperature in the mouth empty- a good way to change the temperature, however, the frequency of the reaction, the recent intake of a hot or cold birth, the reaction through the mouth, etc. When the temperature in an empty company is not enough, it is necessary to settle down to the reception of the country, and also from the city, 1 year before the date.
  2. Vimіryuvannya temperature in the rectum- as a rule, the temperature in the rectum is 0.3-0.6 degrees above the temperature in the empty company. Slid vrahovuvati and the fact that the message is great physical navantazhennya For a hot bath, the rectal temperature can move 2 degrees or more.
  3. Vimіryuvannya temperature in the air channel, At a given moment, by the method of measuring the temperature of the tila (for washing a special thermometer). However, the lack of control of the rules for changing the temperature, (which often occurs when the temperature is lowered in the minds of the home) can lead to grave results.
  4. Vimіryuvannya temperature in the groin depressions is used by the most accurate method. The shkira of people is the head organ of thermoregulation, and in the groin depressions even more deeply sweaty, therefore, the temperature on the surface of the shkiri in the groin depressions does not expect an accurate result.

Yak lіkuvati low-grade fever?

Until quietly, the reason for the subfebrile temperature is not homely, not about ethological abuse (to say about the abuse directed at usunenia to cause ailments) cannot but move, but maybe only symptomatic lykuvannya fever with feverish grubs. However, symptomatic treatment of subfebrile temperature is not recommended, since, in the first place, the temperature itself is not safe, but in a different way, using fever-lowering fever can only speed up the diagnostic process.

- the price index is from 37 to 37.9 degrees per Celsius. As soon as the temperature rises to 38 degrees, it will also take into account those bacteria that have penetrated into the body or viruses that can provoke those who are ill. If the temperature is subfebrile for an insignificant hour, then I don't see any problems with the health of children. Ale triva subfebrile temperature is often є for one reason, like the snake of the father to show the child to the medical fahivts and give an analysis.

Itself by its own human organizm vvazhaєtsya warm-blooded, so we powerfully pidtrimuvati, stretching out our life, a stable temperature. Inspection from the norms stimulates weakness, breakage in slopes, etc. With stress, nerve splashes, sleep for an hour, and when you take it, the indicators can vary between 2 degrees. It also means that the skin organism is individual, so it is impossible for all without a vinatka to have a thermometer indicator that is responsible for 36.6 ° C. Deyakis can smell great at 36 ° C, and at 37.5 ° С. ignition process... Children up to 1 rock life normal indicator vvazhaєtsya 37.0 - 37.3 ° C. The reason for this is the lack of thermoregulation system.
In order to correctly adjust the temperature of the floor, follow the rules, which we will talk about below.

Yak correctly set the temperature

In order to adjust the temperature correctly, empty mouth or the rectum. It is not possible to carry out the tsyu procedure of painting, trivial perebuvannya before the sun, as the child is crying or stretching in warm clothes.

Normal indicators of temperature:

Mouth emptying - 35.5 - 37.5 ° С;
groin depression - 34.7 - 37.0 ° С;
rectum - 36.6 - 38.0 ° C.

The main reasons for subfebrile:
1.Infectious disease,
2. Ailments of an autoimmune nature,
3. Psychogenic reasons.
4. Traces of virus infections,
5. Endocrine discomfort,
6. Pukhlini.

Naybilsh is often the cause of low-grade fever є infection. For example, GDVI is suspicious of a headache, pain in joints, coughing, undead and low-grade fever. V childish especially often children carry the rubella and rubella, which are supervised by an insignificant temperature drop. All perakhovani vische vypadki may have their own symptoms.

As soon as the fire burned for a trivial hour, then it is old for the body, with a single acquaintance being ill with low-grade fever. In such situations, the infection is not immediately apparent.
Trivial for the temperature, the most frequent victories for the onset of infections:

ENT disease,
getting sick of the shlunkovo-intestinal tract,
Enlightenment of the secular system,
Enlightenment of statues of organs (for choloviks and women),
Non-malignant virazki in people with abducted disease and with diabetic diabetics,
Abscesses in pricks.

In case of infection, it means:
1. Inspection of the high schools,
2. Zagalny analiz slash and blood,
3. dodatkov_ come in: X-ray, ultrasound, CT.

If it means that chronic infections are more important than getting involved, the process can be trivial.

Ridko diagnose infections


Brucellosis is the same as those who become ill, about which they are often forgotten when they cause subfebrileness. Naybils are often diagnosed in people who are often in contact with silky-gifted creatures. Tse zhvoryuvannya mayzhe is not diagnosed in children, with the main symptoms of skin nobility:
feverish woman,
Bil at m'yazah, slopes,
Reduced vision and hearing,
Head bill.
confusion of property

Likuvannya is carried out by antibiotics and does not imply a lot of problems for life.


Clinically, manifest toxoplasmosis is rarely susceptible to infection, and when an infection is given, it is often tolerated. In the main, there are enemies of kishok lovers.

Mlyaviy igniting process protested in organisms when infected with helminthes. The only symptom of getting sick is subfebrile. For її viyavlennya I mean:

Zagalny blood analysis,
analysis of feces.

Likuvannya is carried out with medications.


All the dummies of tuberculosis are a disease of grown-up people, who are overwhelmed in times of liberation of will, and current tuberculosis is increasingly being developed in small children. Riziku factors:

Wrong eating,
ailing mental systems chronic nature,
dormitory accommodation from the nose of the infection,
tuberculosis in the past.

The mantoux test allows you to develop an illness at the early stages.

Up to 5 years of life, the papule of Mantoux is not guilty of going beyond the limits - from 5mm to 15mm. If the reaction is negative, then we will apply to those who have children who are incapable of becoming ill. Dodatkova needs to be worn out in a quiet place, so that it can be overlapped by 15 mm.
If Mantoux has grown up very much in the context of the forward reaction, then it is better for all organisms of children to diagnose microbial tuberculosis.

Find out the rules of behavior, which are guilty of the keruvatis of the children for the fragmentation of Mantoux. Іnuyu dummies:
1. For the size of the papules, pour in licorice їzha or implanting citrus fruits - it’s not true. Licorice and citrus fruits can be included in the races, but also a little bit of it, as the child doesn’t have allergies to the food.
2. Don't wet the injection - it's not true. Smelling mischief to an injection is not a wickedness to a papuli.
3. The Mantoux test may be susceptible to tuberculosis - it’s not true.

Viral hepatitis B and C

In some viral hepatitis B and C, the temperature develops rapidly - the temperature of the body rises rapidly, there is a sharpness of the skin cover, more in the edge. Ale innoid infection protested without severely recurrent symptoms, with a subfebrile temperature in the presence of malukov. Mlyaviy viral hepatitis may have signs of:

discomfort in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe oven,
bіl in m'yaz і slopes,
easy zhovtushn_st.

For reasons of this, a large number of viral hepatitis pass into chronic form Then, in case of a cutaneous aggravated subfebrile temperature, it can be present in children.

Ingestion of non-infectious character

Subfebrile fever in a child can take a trivial hour with blood poisoning and autoimmune damage. Inodi, the reason for the subfebrile condition is getting sickly pukhlina. V early vіtsі cancer to be created in the edge of a little, ale їm powerfully enmity і childish organism. In extreme cases, subfebrile fever may occur as a result of allergy, anemia and rheumatic fever.
For a childish person the mechanism of thermoregulation normal temperature tila. If the function of supra-nirkoval zalosis is impaired, children have a spasm of superficial vascular disease, which leads to the correct vision of heat. As a result of such a phenomenon, the child's baby will feel cold, and the temperature will rise.

Traces of Vyrusnyh zahvoryuvan

Children most often suffer for the cold that GDVI. The taste of such an affliction can be subfebrile, which is of a kind character. When you give an analysis of any changes, you do not want to be discouraged, but the child's self-esteem will return to normal for 2 months.

psychogenic problems

Subfebrile fever can be more severe in closed and maladaptive children. To that, before such children are required to be set dbaylvo. You cannot shout at them, vismiyuvati and ignore them. The head of the batkiv is to keep up with them to their children, and every day they spend with them. It is even easier to inflict mental trauma on such children, as it becomes the cause of low-grade fever. Besides, the cause of such a pathology to the body can be a mental experience, stress, nervous tension. Often subfebrile temperature is more common in children who are ready to eat. control robots, I will sleep before the whistup.

Signs of low-grade fever in children

Subfebrile temperature - the indicator is up to 38.3 ° C, with all of these symptoms, which were inflicted on those who became ill, during the day. With a trivial subfebrilety, children become weak, weak, their appetite decreases, the stench is higher than the stench, it is nasty to sleep, become nervous, and we will accelerate them. In children of breastfeeding, they are more likely to develop.

cleaning methods

In order for it to be correct for children who are subfebrile, it is necessary to start monitoring the temperature. For a whole skin 3 years, it is necessary to measure the temperature of the body and write it down on the archway of the paper. Nichny abnormal sleep is not the reason why one can miss a dream. With the same order of magnitude with an indicator of temperature for an hour to sleep, the procedure was carried out according to certain circumstances.

Remember, when I go to sleep, when I’m nervous, and when I’m crying for an hour, the indicator of the thermometer will show an increase in temperature by 1 degree.

Only in this way, the cause of low-grade fever in children, and the significance of the pathological organism of the child, is tied up closer to the eye. A more accurate diagnosis can be provided only for a comprehensive repair.

A collection of pediatricians assessing the zalny camp of children who live, lymphatic universities, Listening to the legends and the heart. Krym, look around the skirts, slopes, mucous membranes, ENT organs and milk frogs.

In order to carry out a long-term anamnesis and a number of laboratory problems, the results of which can help to improve the condition of the disease.

Give the kids a reason adjustable temperature tila, as it takes a trivial hour, I mean:
computer tomography.

For the purpose of causing low-grade fever in older children, a vicious aspirin test. The essence of the test polyagaє in the re-structure of the temperature of the fire was sent to the received aspirin according to the broken-down scheme in front of the front.

Please daddy

Subfebrile temperature is observed in children, as a result of which they were triggered. At the same time, the setting of the field is in the correct mode. It is recommended for such children to have more buwati on a new occasion and less to sit at the TV screen and computer monitor. Good efficiency to show garter procedures.