Walking on mіsci for skinny - home fitness for women. Easy way to get thin - walking, like the method of getting thin: perevagi, ways and joy Evening walking

This kind of activity, like walking, is the result of robotic groups of children. Їх activizatsiyya spriyє pіdtrimtsі in the tone of the whole body. For an hour to walk, it’s not just muses and cues, but neurophysiological processes are activated, as well as biological processes, which give a positive integrated flow to the body.

Change of nig for an hour of walking to be found at vertical, transverse, lateral areas. From the growing pace, the amplitude of vertical shifts, the activity of the robot and the ringing device, the intensity of vitra energy are changing.

The preparation of the blood flow is to be produced before the activation of the blood flow. The process of greater intensive recovery of acidic internal organs and accelerated growth in the body of communication processes.

Involvement of regular walking walks on a fresh occasion to improve health, and a positive inflow is coming:

  • zmіtsnyu heart-sudinnu, myazovu, dikhalnu system;
  • spriy vivedennyu slag;
  • more fat deposits: with an average weight, about 1.5 km, it will burn up to 100 kcal in a quarter of a year;
  • є prevention of hypoxia (hypoodynamics), somatic diseases, varicose veins veins, ailment of the musculoskeletal apparatus;
  • relieving sleep problems;
  • beneficially infused into the psyche;
  • Advancing immunity and vitality.

The corrosiveness of the walking walks for the people of the field in the history of the processes in the small basin. Price in the meaning of the world reduces the risk of development of prostatitis and other ailments.

Race walking abo big - scho korisnishe?

First walks, and big may be practically the same effect. In both types of active activity, the backing is analogous to and from the supporting rotor apparatus. The difference is that in order to occupy a lot, mother needs more stages of physical training and vitality.

Fix your big time just by taking walks on a regular basis. It is recommended to take care of it for people who do not suffer from the overworldly vagi. In addition, we can offer you our hearts and minds.

Walking is not good physical training. An intense year-long walk, for hard liquor, maybe not only replace a year-old run, or more healthy for health.

What are the contraindications and are shown before walking?

On walks, may be meta - healthy, go to both men and women, right away. The pace and the triviality, the route and the hour are selected individually. Orієntir to serve vasne self-respect. Walking, unimpressed on its versatility, can be shown and tested.

  • lowered immunity;
  • impressed - mlyaviy stanі;
  • lack of strength;
  • Sign of weakness.

Walking is recommended for people who suffer:

  • arterial high vise;
  • chronic illnesses of nirok;
  • diabet;
  • arrhythmias and heart-vascular disorders;
  • glaucoma;
  • to the destructions of the eye, if there is a threat from the beginning;
  • cold and іnshim hospitality sick.

You can take up walking with an infarction and an insult.

Three principles of walking

Corinth of those who walked in the field in accordance with three clear principles:

  1. pomirnist

The vibration of the level of intensity and triviality of strolls is guilty of basing on self-feeling and becoming to the body. Niyakikh overstretching.

  1. behavior

The triviality and the pace of the walkers are guilty of being guilty without any small strips and transitions.

  1. regularity

Zd_ysnyuvati walks are necessary skin day. As well as opportunities for walking, it is permissible to walk for a minimum of 30 minutes per day.

What time is it for walking?

In a daily walk, it is necessary to turn on the road to the robot and back. As soon as the robot is far away, it is necessary to get used to it and it is necessary to educate yourself about a few zupinok. Ranking walks are bad, and evenings are good and good sleep.

Have a special day for a walk more beautiful than a lie for in the evenings. The weather is frosty in the winter time of rock, for some reason it is extreme low temperatures, I stimulate to the growth of a fast pace and a good introduction to the body.

Yak and skilki do you need to go?

To lay down from individual physical features to the body. A good exercise for an untrained person is allowed to regain low-intensity walking, at a fast pace of 4 km per year, the pulse at a distance of 80 strokes per chilin.

The triviality of a walk is the first hour to be blamed for 20 khvili. V give an hour walk up to 30-40 minutes. Falls from individual specialties, at the same time from decilkoh holidays to months.

The triviality of strolls with the goal of reaching a healthier effect is to blame for not less than 35 khvili, for the speed of 7 km / year, and the frequency of the pulse is 65-80 strokes in the chilin. Accelerated healthier walking is beneficially infused into health, yake to manifest:

  • to reduce the risk of development of heart and death diseases;
  • change of vagi;
  • normalization of the arterial grip;
  • polypsy of physical vitality;
  • to adjustments of aerobic productivity to the organism.

The triviality of the "training" with a quick walk to become from a few months to the rock, leave the walk at a distance of 6-10 km to pinch. If the meta is stretched out, the physical form can be adapted to the fittings, without taking regular walks at an accelerated pace.

Walking on one mіsci

Nadag naukantazhennya on all basic systems and organisms, changes and advances in vitality. The appearance of the fast walking of the field during the daytime, but the efficiency is similar.

Walking on gatherings

Effectively self-esteem. Fix pidnimatisya on gatherings of slid from vidmov and koristuvannya elevator. As the physical camp is permissible, it is possible not to be interconnected with the needs on top of the needs, but to come to the rest. If the vertical ruk ceases to bring more visibility into litkovy meazah, Go through the zadishka and accelerate the heart rate, go through the speed up, stand up on your toes, step on the skin, and then step over one.

Going through the gatherings, it’s growing and changing, stabilizing the grip, sleeping in a little more calories, less when big. It is possible to aspire to a positive effect during the gatherings, if the triviality of walking becomes at least 20-35 hviliin. The hour of reaching the triviality is individual for the skin.

The corridor of walking along horizontal and vertical areas is rich for the human body. You can walk and you can absolutely at any hour. The head, the mind, is driven by the elevator and the transport, getting to the robot and the house, when it is allowed to eat.

Scandinavian walking - go to health Yak burn fat vikoristovuchi cardio trenuvannya

From the statistics of the knowledge, which type of activity is the most effective for the reception of that person, how many calories are consumed, how to sleep, which for a trivial walk is guilty. And also it will be posted on smut nourishmentChi spriyaє walking skinny.

The effect of getting thinner is to reach for the fat splitting during an hour of a walk and a quick exchange of words when you train. Ale the schob tsey process, the triviality of walking is to blame for becoming more than a year.

Krim skudnennya, walking virishu and іnshі zavdannya:

growing cardiovascular system;
I stimulate myazovu activity, form correctly and beautifully handicap nig;
nadaє tilu springiness and tone.

More beautiful: walking abo big for skinny

It didn’t sound like a big deal, it’s a bit less clear, but walking is correct and giving approximately the same results. Buv carrying out an offensive experiment: with a stretch of decilkoh months one group of women engaged in walking, іnsha - bіgom. As a result, the group, yaka was engaged in a quiet pace, threw off the vagu in the second time more, less "bigunks".

In the course of the experiments, the bulo was set up to burn about 550 calories and 50% of fat for an hour in a year, while walking for a whole hour, it would consume close to 350 calories, or 65% fat.

Zvidsi visnovok: walking to help you hudnuti shvidshe, nizh big. Prospect of simplicity: it is necessary to train regularly and in the correct mode. Ideal in the whole plan - walking with moderate intensity.

You can easily walk 20 km if you have a little physical training. Try to get rid of the power for some people.

Walking on a walk from a big city is not a proof (except for a shvidkoi and uphill). On the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bLikarіv, the very kind of cardio-training is generally safe for health and the most efficient in the plan of deterioration.

Walking on the floor is not shown:

in case of heart problems;
with dichally insufficiency;
when getting sick nirok;
with red diabetes.

Skilki need to walk, go thin

The minimum minimum is 10 thousand crocs, and the cost is 5-7 kilometers. Less - maybe good, if you start the process of burning fat, you need to walk without interruption and not less than a year.

There is one more important moment on the skudnenya: walks and is required in the "fat burning" zone of the pulse- tse 60-70% of the maximum (MP). If I want to work out the zone, it will be necessary to calculate the maximum threshold for the pulse. For example, if you are 30 rocky: 220 - 25 = 195 - the maximum heart rate (MP) for you.

Pulse in the correct frequency and a higher result - walking in the "fat burning" zone allows the pulse to burn up to two times more fat.

Varto rosumiti, a one-time walk will not bring results. Schob emaciates, walks and is required regularly, I would like every other day, step by step accustom myself to everyday walks.

Because of the fact that you will be walking, it is not just a short-line result of thinning that lies. Below we presented the most important things about those who walk correctly and are 100% thinner.

The triviality of your walking for thinness is guilty of being at least 1 year old

Fat reserves are not repaired at once. Some of the body's energy will be removed from glucose, which will be the result of over-etching in carbohydrates. Then the energy is taken to the glucogen (dzherelo glucose, which is saved in the oven). And only todi, if all reserves of energy are harvested, the body takes on fat. The moment is now approximately eating 45 quilins of uninterrupted walking.
go shit.

Take care of the more beautiful lies, only not on the heart, but on the lightweight. Too fat reserves to be remembered earlier. More than one perevaga of walking at a rank hour - a quick exchange of conversations for the whole day. With this rank, you will be more calories during the day, less a day without occupation.

Zvidsy visnovok: rankovі walks take a short burned fat.
Pidbury zruchny odyag i blotted out.

Surely, as you practice walking for thinning only on the road to the robot and back to the house, to finish up with the air. As walking has become a common practice for trenuvannya, but do not be overwhelmed by vibrating handy clothes and sneakers with good shock absorption.
think over the route.

Walking has brought the maximum amount of cinnamon, go to the park, or in a few moments you have to go to the road with a car crash. In the ideal, lay out your route along the crossroads, so that you can consistently follow the path and descents.
Do not forget about the warm-up.

Especially, when you walk in the interval mode or are engaged in walking on gatherings. The fast pace and power of the engagement on the NOT rocket can lead to injury. To that, start walking at a regular pace, and before that, as you climb up the gatherings, bazhano vikonati serіyu right to workouts, know from the lessons of physical culture. Those are the very end of the trenuvannya: go through 5 chilines at a calm pace, let the sertsebitta calm down.
Style for technology.

For an hour of walking, land on your toe, with the force of power for the offensive crocus. Zbіlshuyuchi shvidkіst, stitch by crocus - guilt is not guilty but zanadto dovgim, more beautifully oversaturated for a rakhunok of short frequent crocs. Hands can not be guilty of bovtatya without dil - obov'yazkovo actively they work. Keep your hands in leggings and do them right up to your breasts.
drink water.

With any physical activity, the organism involves a lot of ridini. That і before, і drink a bottle of water, and if walking becomes more than half a year, then for an hour you need to train a couple of pots, so that the organism will be uniqueness.

Without hitting the correct balanced food, nothing can be found. It is not a matter of feeling thin for an aid to walking during trivial and everyday walks, if you will change the calorific value. Likewise, there is a slid of vidmoviti from be-like children, like є butt of unbalanced food. The stench gives lease a short-term effect of skinny - the vaga is shy to turn around.

You will need to get the right food, drink the food from fatty food, drinks, drinks, gas water, sauces and malts. If you don’t have a life without liquorice - substitute milk chocolate for hot chocolate, zukerki and baking for hot and frosty.

They talked about the correct harchuvannya for the thinning and the principles in the tsy statty.

It is also important to think about it: in less time, we need to go to the folding menu. Forward, yaksho dobova norm calories to become 1500 calories, and the triviality of walking is 60 calories (200-300 calories are burned off), or 2000 calories to get used to, then you will have to take an hour of walking for a year, or to speed up a few calories for 300 units.

You can burn calories when walking

You can walk quickly, along the gatherings, with a stroll, and navigate to the place. The skin burns calories, including fat, if it will be small. It is clear, as the energy changes at a different level of activity.

There is a whole kind of walking recommendation to absolutely everyone, including people with a low level of training and time, for those who are the only kind of physical activity of counter-indications. The oversaturation rate is low - 4-5 km / year. For a year of walking, you can vitrate up to 200 calories. Also, I will improve my health, I will develop a tonus of myaziv nig, as well as thinning.

In general, in the process, all groups of music are received, so like race walking on uvaz I am active with my hands. Technique is offensive: the foot for an hour of walking changes its position from n'yat to the toe, at the last point we move with force. Kroki finish short, ale parts. Hands are bent in licks and collapse right from the waist up to the breasts. The speed is not less than 6-7 km / year. At this rate, it is possible to burn up to 350 calories and more in the willowness of the worm.

There is a whole type of activity in insurance on the athletes who have slipped in and in the increase of contraindications to people with health problems. The number of vitrified calories to be stored in a vagi, in the middle of a year, during descents and descents along the descents, can be consumed up to 500 kcal. Accurate vitrate of energy, when converging by gatherings with a frequency of 60-70 descents in khilina, become 0.14 kcal per kilogram of vagi. When descending, a number of vitrified calories will change. The development of ways to descend allows you to reach your goals. For skinny it is more beautiful to walk uphill and down at an accelerated pace. At a cool pace, there is a lot of music nig and a day.

4. Scandinavian walking with clubs... This view cannot be used as a contraindication and be suitable for people, be it for a lifetime. For an hour of walking with clubs in the robot, up to 90% of the energy is consumed. Apparently, calories burn more quickly in a casual walk. For a year, training can burn up to 400 calories.

Nagadaєmo Scandinavian walking technique:>

Stop for an hour to walk with your feet on your toes;
one arm is tied forward and slightly bent in a line; -
the other's hand is folded on the івні stegon and pulled back;
repetitive position, hand positioning and nigging.

It is possible to gain 10-15% of vitrate calories with the help of an interval system - walking at a fast pace and walking at a normal pace. The essence of the field is that a group of people can be found at a fast pace with a speed of 6-8 km / year, instead of switching to walking with a slow crochet at a speed of 4-5 km / year. An hour of triviality of the skin interval is taken individually, for example, 1 chilin at a fast pace and 2-3 chilin in a calm one. Such an interval system does not only increase the vitrate of calories for an hour of walking, but rather start-up the fat burning for the whole day, but rather more rapid skin loss.

6. Walking in a wheelhouse or with a quick hitch on a big road... It is possible to make a vitrate of calories, if you take a walk along the crossroads. Similar minds can be found on the big road, having grown up kut nahila. Walking uphill on a one-off basis in two ways - cardio and power, that is not effective only for thinning, but for changing the minds of people and children.

7. Walking on mіsci... I don't have much mobility, because you can go to the street, you can go to the house. The effectiveness of such a training is disproportionately lower, more beautiful, not lying on the sofa. Walking on a mіsci є rukh stegon with a vertical height for a while, ale without oversubstantiation along a horizontal line. So yak vitrat caloriy is usually not great, for an hour of such walking you actively ruffle your hands.

Walking for skinny: seeing and results

It’s a matter of good quality, because training alone will not bring results. Yak to show vidguki, ti hto walk, to lose weight in the middle by 5 kg per month.

As long as you eat your food and walk, you can lose 2 kg for a day, and you can lose up to 8 kg in a month!

For a bagatech, walking is a way of solving problems. First of all, you don't need to go to the gym, in a different way, you don't need to buy sports clothes, in a third way - you can go to the gym with a walk with your friends or go shopping. It is simply necessary to collapse more, even if activity is more beautiful than inactivity.

Naybilsh affordable ways for thinning є walking and big. We can boast to those who love the health and the strings, the tense body, that they love walking and robbing the whole day. All the inadequacies of our mind in the view of flat children, show the cellulite and the inert mutilations as a whole - as if the inheritance of a sedentary way of life, as it is easy to put down, turning to the natural rukhoy activity. You can see the pictures of the treasure that go around the day on the week of the day.

Who has the corysty of walking on the mіsci? Do you need a lot of walks and vrants, or is it possible in the evening?

It is even more important to guess the fact that walking on a muscle is allowed absolutely to the skin of us, and practically there is no contraindication - in general, madly, overwhelming the given activity. We can only serve the triviality of walking - for those who are quiet, who, through injuries, or sickness, are tricky to get back on their feet.

At the complex correct food walking on a muscle can help you to get a ton of muscle tone (especially in the lower part of the body). Takozh qiu right zmіtsnyuє dizzy system and I see a healthy body - aje navit is insignificant physical activity korisn_she lying on the sofa.

Would you like to be sure to get involved? It is possible to take a walk in food as a matter of fact, so in the evening, in the main vibir hour, add to occupy yourself with the peculiarities of your body and your daily routine.

In the process of walking on the mission, it is normal to exchange words for a heat vision and energy. Yak bagatom vіdomo, accelerating metabolism is the best help for thinning.

Technique for walking

Walking on mice є ruh stegon with the maximum amount of colin, as much as possible, allows the level of physical preparation of your m'yaziv.

  1. Take the wrong position: feet on the width of the shoulders, the back is straight, the shoulders are brought back and down, the chest is open.
  2. For some reason, walking with the right leg, having moved the bent one in the colony along the edge of 90 degrees.
  3. Turning around in the wicked position, I attacked my leg to the bottom, turning it in the same kut.
  4. Prodovzhuєmo walking for an hour.

At a reasonable pace of walking on the track for an effective burning of fat, at least 40 crocs with a skin foot can be inserted into the fat. In the middle, it is necessary to go to the center of 20-25 minutes a day.

When the dermal legs are guilty of seeing it, it is possible to start cleaning the stegon and to be included in the robot press.

Namagaєmosya torknut with a colin breast cancer without nagilu body forward - start remembering about the ideally straight back before the hour vikonannya to the right.

Stretching out to walk, it is important to stitch after the action - it’s innocently beaten, it’s skinny to breathe on one and the same leg, see them being carried out on a friend.

Shvidka walking on the ice with obvazhnyuvachami for thinning

Such an option to walk on a mission is more foldable at the plan physical navantazhennya... It’s possible to go to it, as soon as an hour of trivial walking on the track without additional vagueness, they began to think, but the vaga didn’t miss you, and just like it was until such a boost. If it is necessary to continue the process of losing the vagi - for help, you can come to the dumbbells, which you can just pick up, the special linings you need, to tighten on your feet, or be a kind of additional spinning on the shoulders.

In the world of the ringing of music to the Chergovy vaz, one can make a visit for the help of those who have been dug in.

The technique of walking on a mission with obvazhnyuvachami de nebud (in the hands, on the shoulders, back or legs) becomes unimportant, we just switch on the dodatkova vagi. Alone, you can change here, so it’s an hour to walk on the first few days. Shvidshe for everything, you will smoothly take the first hour to take the same hour of walking, as you passed without obvazhnyuvachіv, so it is recommended to hilin for 5-10 changes to the triviality of one walk.

How much do you need to go and eat a day in order to get thin?

If there is a way to walk, wait for the vitrach to sing the amount of our energy, to bring it into the bag until it’s lost. The food of a few calories should be stored as a cob and a quick walk.

Yak shvidko and skіlka treba go and go to the house to get thin? Below is a table for an intelligent corysty in a spilled calorie, depending on whether it is walking or walking.

Masa tila in kilograms and vitrat energy, kcal / hv
Speed, km / year 50-55 kg 60-65 kg 70-75 kg 80-85 kg 90-95 kg 100 Kg
2 1,3 2,2 2,6 2,8 3 4
3 2 2,7 3,2 3,5 3,8 4,5
4 3 3,3 3,8 4,2 4,5 5
5 4 4,7 4,8 5,3 5,7 6,7
6 4,5 5,2 5,6 6,4 7 7,7

For an hour of walking, it is important to use your hands to help maximize the number of mucus, and to bring up to a large amount of vitreous calories in the process of robotics.

It is not necessary to have the right spirit, technical robots of hands, and not to allow the poor man to covet. At the first time, it is important to show the stitches behind the skin with cich parameters, at the same time the correctness of the message will be displayed in the zvichka.

Our hour is a sedentary way of life, if it is more to spend an hour in offices at computers, it is even more important today to want to come to walk on the mission. Utterly, you can allow yourself not to sit in front of the TV set, but to walk, for example, if you like the music, or for the peep of the movie, and your body will tell you just "thank you".

Taking walks is the simplest and most accessible type of physical activity. Walking is to bring majesty cinnamon to the human body. Bagato lіkarіv vvazhayut, so pіshі strolls are right. The beauty of unappreciated pouring into health, walking superbly and pleasantly pouring into the psycho-emotional camp of the people.

The corniness of walking and walking in the offensive:

  • When taking walks, the roof is intensively collapsing along the vessels and everything without a blame internal organizations a great number of sourness, which is pleasantly signified on all organism.
  • The walks will help you to get in touch with the ailments of the heart-vascular system, and the heart will shrink.
  • Walking takes to lower cholesterol levels.
  • Walking duzhe pleasantly pouring on the organi dikhannya.
  • Pishokhidnі strolls reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus.
  • Walking pleasantly into herbal tract, Zmushuє shvidshe і more beautifully overtravel їzhu, spryє vivedennyu slags to the body.
  • The walks are pleasantly injected onto the slopes, kistki and ridge.
  • Walking is an effective way to protect organism, to promote immunity, and to help protect against colds.
  • Dobre walks into the zir
  • Walking is a very old process.
  • Walking trips showcase the organism.
  • Walking є vіdminnim natural antidepressant. Walking is a sign of stress, training and energy.
  • Regular walks add to the organization and discipline.

Who should go for walks
Walking and walking to go to people, be it for a moment or not to show a proof. You can take care of pishy walks in any vіtsі. For people who are sick, walking is often the only available method to play sports, which helps to improve and preserve health.

Yak correctly go for a walk
The most common rule for walking walks is regularity, right in the future. For most people, it is important to take a walk on your walk. People who have gone through the whole period, walking delivers a lot of satisfaction and the stench does not even show their life without ruin and healthy walking.
Find out the rules of our walks, which are straightened to the maximum possible removal of cories of all types of physical activity:

  • Guilty walks are held at a fast pace, albeit at the same time it is not "mayzhe big", walking is guilty to bring satisfaction, most of the viewsі strong rebounds. Douzhe corny derzhuvannya shvidkostі rohu with pіrnuyu shvidka і navpaki.
  • Accept the principle of action, especially since you have not been involved in physical culture and sports for a long time. In order to improve the performance in a step-by-step manner, spend some of your walks at a normal pace, step-by-step to increase the speed and an hour of walking. To give the body power to stay alive
  • The head when walking is guilty but is taken off.
  • When walking, the shoulders are loose and lowered.
  • Feet during walking walks are guilty of dropping to the p'yata, and dropping with their toes.
  • When you choose a ride for a walk, take a hunchback ride.
  • After an hour of walking, enjoy yourself a little more.

Skіlki maє trivati ​​pisha walk
Pisha walk is to blame for a minimum of 30 - 40 hvili. If you haven't taken a long walk for a long time, and a 30-hour walk is problematic for you, then you can learn from more short walks, step by step more and more triviality.

The hour is brighter than the walk
Principle recommendations of the fahivts to drive the vibrator for an hour of walks. Evening walks are pleasant to start on a dream.

Walking and walking for thinning
Walking is one of the smallest friends in the fight from the busy wagon. Choose a number of routes for walking and for some walks to bring pleasure to the masses, to solder them with cyclists, to help you form a beautiful figure and to make you healthier.

Slightly burn off calories when walking
When walking at a normal pace, burn about ten calories per hilin. If you go for walks regularly and your body is already trained, then the calories will burn much more.

Walking and walking is the easiest and most accessible way to improve health! Ale needs to be remembered, well - it's not just, but y, i!
Take care of yourself and be healthy!

It can be said that the walking of a bird is very much intertwined with our daily life and the nature of activity, such as records in our genes stretching over a thousand thousand years. We need more, no more be it kind. Navіt cars with us do not grow up. In this context, it is not important to see intelligence, why walking is good for us.

Hippocrates, a walnut likar, which is the name of the father of modern medicine, in the 5th century BC. That is, saying: “Walking - nykrashі lіki people "- and the won is still topical.

Hippocrates would like to make his proclamation about walking for health 2400 riches, at the same time to bring the lack of scientific knowledge that walking is effective to bring cinnamon.

Chim korisna walking pishki?

1) Take walks to enjoy your health

Analyze decilkoh doslidzhen for the participation of 459 833 participants in general, having revealed that a simple act of walking is lowered heart-and-heart disease by 31% and risk of death by 32%.

The crossing is obvious for people who have to walk only 8 km for a distance and for quiet, who can walk at a low pace 3 km for a year. Ale people, who bachelled the best of them, came from ailments bully, who were on a large scale at a fast pace.

Walks zm_tsnyuyut kistki, turn the balance, regulate arterial vise, Reduce the level of cholesterol, tone up myazi and reduce sleep. Walking lowers risk of breast cancer, chronic pain across the body, and can help develop type 2 diabetes.

2) Walking pishki - a chain tezh sport

The walks give a low return for reaching the peace level of physical culture. Kozhen your croc vyklicaє vivilnennya energії, adjusting hormones and good self-esteem for the organizers of chimіchnyh speeches in the brain. Hit your heart to move from about 70 hits to 100 - 150 hits to the gill.

With a lot of more blood and sourness, it should go up to mucus. If you are walking, you can fix it, burn 5 calories in quilting (for example, it’s one calorie in quilting, if you’re sitting), and when you’re sitting, you’ll sleep until one year when you go for a walk, go for a walk.

More grown-ups, if they reach 20 rocky, gain about 1 kg of weight in a pack. For vivchennya in flux walking pishki on vіkovu zbіlshennya wagi, held a pre-session in 2009 rotsі. After watching for 4995 people and women, 15 rocky years long, it was revealed that the lovers of the walkers got a lot of insignificant vagu in the occasional with the other participants.

The number of burned calories is stored in the wagy people. Chim is more than a wag, it is more to sleep for a kilometer. For example, a 72 kg person will burn close to 105 calories per 1.5 km, and a 100 kg person will burn close to 135 calories per 1.5 km.

3) Walking prodovzhu term youth

The old and the old are well-blended, and they are very important, so we can do three things, or help the process of getting old (and become ill).

Whether it’s activity, I’ll speed up the frequency of the heart quickly and change the heat, it’s tied to the old.

Keeping an eye on the people and women of the middle age for 10 years, it showed that it’s that, who’s busy, now, 20 minutes with physical rights, today (or 2.5 years in a week) may be a lot of low prices during the day Timi, hto rіdko engage in walking.

To that, walking can podovzhit our triviality of life. It is well known to the American Cardiological Association that I will take a walk for two years before our trials of life.

4) Walking along the way

30 minutes of walking skinny day gives a positive effect on mood, energy improvement, stress relief and self-assessment, based on the data of the report published in 2015. In addition, regular walks may subtract from the function of reducing the filthy mood and start turning the symptoms of depression.

If I do not want to be smart, because of the physical activity of such a positive infusion on the emotional well-being, we know, that the adrenaline rush in the blood of the neurotransmitter and endorphin, as they sense us to see us.

We can recognize the possibility of easy splitting up with other people, we can see from our homes, find the opportunity and feel the objection. Walking in nature, and not in a place, will provide an even greater surge of mood.

5) Chi cinnamon walking and for brain function

If you wanted to improve your health, then walking on a skin day can be a feat. More beautifully, less training with tight-fitting and taking important objects, walking to increase the size of the hipocampus, a part of the brain, like pouring into memory and learning.

I will paint the structure of the brain and function, change the links between neural framing, I pour into the plan, the development of strategies and baggage tasks.

Walking to bring cinnamon is not only analogous to the type of alcoholic drink, but also a pass for creative workers. Regardless of that, go to the countryside or on the streets, you will come up with 60% more ideas, lower ones, to sit on the ice.

6) Walking is practical

In addition to the strength of the will and the bet of good crosses, walking for a skinny day will not be enough for you with a lot of speeches and pennies. There is no need to specialize in gym membership. As a matter of fact, if you have a daily walk in a bottle of hilin, you can spare pennies on expensive recipes and visit a liquor.

Yak zmusiti to itself walks and pіshki kozhin day?

Now, if we have grown up, what is the reason for the walking of the food, ask for food: how much is it necessary to walk the food?

It is important to note that 10,000 crocs per day (the equivalent is close to 8 km) is not a magical number, and there are a lot of people who are healthy, if only there are a lot of physical activity in the area of ​​your most important activity.

That is, a round number is not absolute and rigid. You can make 8000 crocs a day - it's a good idea! If you can take 18000 crocs - even more beautiful!

1) Invest in Crocomir

The first croc at the bottom of your hometown rukhiv polyagaє in the investment good quality pedometer or activity tracker. Wear the last few days, assess the score, go through the croquettes. For that, as you put me in front of you, the crocodile became a vidminny stimulus, giving you the exact information and stowing you pass and take the crocs.

2) Establish realistic goals

In the middle, a man has grown to pass 5117 crocs per day, which is characterized as a sedentary way of life. Increase the number of crocs in deeds and do not lose heart. A handful of 500 crocs more. If you fix walks with 5000 crocs per day, throw 500 crocs, soon you will go up to 10,000 crocs in 10 times.

3) Walking on a treasure right!

Regardless of your life, walking is the safest form of physical activity, as it still has a low risk of rejection of injuries. Tom, you are guilty but respectful.

The axis of the kylka is happy:

  • Trim your head and wonder forward as you walk parallel to the ground.
  • Strain the myako of the abdomen at once with a skin crocus.
  • Swinging your hands, trimming your arms slightly bent.
  • accept upright: The back is straight, ale not hunched forward or heeled back.
  • Robit rolling your legs from five to toe.
  • Try to loosen up your shoulders.

4) Break walking on a decal for a long day

So 10,000 crocs to become close to 8 km, and you can walk 1.5 km in about 20 minutes, which means that you will need to walk about 1 year and 40 minutes. Finish the triva walk in one go. Ale you can beat on 20-30 chilinny shmatochki.

For example, take a walk on the robot, take a walk for an hour of everyday interruption and talk about it.

5) How much more can you win from walking?

The axis of deyaki idei, as the formation of walks is more effective:

  • If you go to the gatherings to replace the lift.
  • Carry bags in in other hands, Ale, do not add too much to the packages, it is more beautiful to create the decal of the entry.
  • Take a walk in the park at the moment of your stay.
  • Why not be similar, if you think, if you see a problem?
  • When you look at the TV viewer, remove the batteries from the remote control panel, so you will get up and manually change the channel.
  • If you are going home, leave the bus one step earlier.
  • Walk around the house if you are talking on the phone.

6) take a walk with a buddy

A walk with one dog or a companion will give you an edge, a motivation, which is insanely possible to help you with a straight line of 10,000 crocs. You will grow up with a kohany people, and, you can, you can give a trocha of friendly zmagannya in everyday walks and more contentment.

7) Walking in the wilderness

Walking along the same route is even more tedious. Give them some fitness and remember the world of sport walking. Joke a new message, listen to it like that at the vlasny yard.

8) don't overdo it

Drink water. Bathe in the air with the nasty teddy bear and always wear yaskrava or svitlov_dbivayuchy ogyag, if you like to take a walk at night.

You do not necessarily need to walk in cold and plank weather. Try it out at the mall.

9) Throw a wiklik sob!

As soon as you sound before the normal walking mode, you see that it’s not so important, as it was before. You can do it in a step-by-step manner: walk along the humpbacked mice, zbіlshuvati shvidkist, walk around the piste or snig.

10) laugh yourself

If you want to walk theoretically in the city on your own, you can't get into a bit of trouble. Go far ahead and dismiss your satisfaction: marvel at the movie, drink a glass of good wine, take a salt bath or just get some sleep.

Zdavalosya used, the creepy walk of pishka has long been rosy by the drug users, and it has itself been recommended by the coaches. However, a large number of people like and earlier, straight to the store, joke about the minibus. They go to the stall for cigarettes and drive by car. І all while skarzhasya on the "beer" tummy, interruptions in the heart and weakness in the legs, as well as being brought to stand in the middle.

Thin without problems

In addition to the one who walks, it is the best place for walking. Zayvoi Vagi... About the health of people, call me up to fix problems, if problems are repaired with them, and the axis of attunement of their turbines is not enough for the moment the cob is lost. I want to see good: as soon as you walk, abi grow thin, the people are at the same time and make healthier.

The presenters got up, so that it’s a bit of a walk in order to get good strings, but not from a regular visit to the gym. walking effective performance and yes, a great result, as well, obviously, not supervise being nasty. When you are oversubscribed for a year, you can "vipalyut" styles of fat, skіlіk vі vitrachate in the fitness room for a year. At the same time, you will not be paid for such training. In addition, for an hour of walking, natural and economic growth. You will not be overwhelmed by "krepatura" for the re-entanglement of the surrounding groups of musicians. With a supplementary bonus, you can put a polish on it, so that at the earliest time you can accustom yourself to walk with a straight back. Mіzh іnshim, zrobiti tse awkward: to carry a backpack on both straps.

Let's say the elder "ni"

There is no limit to the acrimony of walking the piste, and for the quiet, who wants to be away from us, the old sickness has come. best common reason vіkovoі mortality - insult and infarct. And the stench winks at the weakness of the heart and heart meat. For їх change of static nurturing - picking up important subjects, being busy on simulators and іnshe - it’s not even something to go. And the axis is purer, rhythmic rucks and equalities of new options to cope with from the employees on the "vidminno". The vice of stabilization - the judge ceases to see the overwhelming action. The heart is to catch the rhythm that is needed and not to overwhelm, immediately zmitsnyuchi.

Struggling with apathy and depression

Another reason for the shimmering old age is stress, which our life cannot do without, it’s hard to see how unacceptable enemies and visions are. The acridity of walking is not healthy because you are fast and drug-free assimilating the traces of nerves.

European doctors carried out a large-scale advancement of the European group from 40 to 65 rockets. This was done in the past, and yielded stunning results: the hearty sickness falls down, as people are close for three years now, they just walk at a fast pace. Besides, the middle of lovers walk around and did not suffer from the old bewilderment, atherosclerosis and other ailments, which are frequent in the whole life.

Zapobіgaєmo not safe ailments

The list, nіzh walking, dovgy and perconvulsive. Yogo the most overconfused points are as follows:

  1. Decrease of "high" cholesterol in blood by natural rank to the minimum. And that means - zapobіgannya po'v'yazannyh with him sickness.
  2. Minimum to a third change in ymovіrnіst to have a reddish diabetes.
  3. In females, it is easy to reduce the rhizicum and oncology of the intestine.
  4. Without drugs (including medications), the robot normalizes the intestinal tract.
  5. Rizik the development of glaucoma drops to zero.
  6. The improvement of the skeleton and loops of the formation of osteoporosis, arthritis and rheumatism.
  7. In the geometric progress of growth, immunity: "walkers" do not admit the virus to fall into epidemics.

True, to achieve such results, walking is required. The corniness of one-time walks is lower.

How much do you need and eat?

The average statistical person is to go from home only by bus to service and by tram to the store, on a working day to drive no more than 3 yew. Krokiv. The price of the coating is small, but unacceptable inheritance for the body can be taken into account.

If Lyudin is more expensive and I will rise in price to a robot (it is not far from here) food, wine crocus here is 5 yew. Development More beautiful - ale, all one is not enough. For this purpose, the schob is not given by nature, it is necessary to have a minimum of 10 yew. Krokiv, from the warehouse is approximately 7.5 km away. With an average price, it will take about two years to get more expensive - and your health will not leave you.

De i yak is more beautiful to walk?

Bazhano competently pick up a meal for walks. Naturally, if you go walking with a hike on a robot, you will not see the route along the route. However, strolls at the hour of the day allow you to go to the "corisnu" traktorіyu ruch. It is more convenient for people to go to the parks: here it is not gassed, it is clean drinking, to fill up the roads, there are many places for walking, plus I want nature. As far as the park is near, select the route from the transport arteries. I would like to be near the courtyards of the Budinki.

In addition, the acrimony of walking is spasmodic only in the same way as people go energetically. If you go everywhere and in total, your body is working in the mode, it is not enough to be aware of the mode according to the mode.

Any special equipment for walking is not required. Єdine, uvagu uvagu on scho varto, - swelled. Shlyopantsi, for pidbori obviously doesn’t go for a walk and a badyor.

Just a little more!

As a matter of fact, walking on the streets cannot be substituted for walking on the road in a sports club, navigating in the most intensive mode. It is necessary to walk only on the streets: here you will take away your dose of sleep, as your body is vibrating vitamin D. Without a new health-improving effect, it will be better if you want to lose weight on that diet. I do not need to be seen with chmaras. Navigate a day of sleepy exchanges at the frown to stimulate the introduction of valuable vitamins in the consumer society.

Yak, give yourself a walk and pishki?

Lin, it seems, will progress. Ale vona є with a stop-crane for adjusting the physical form. I don’t want to take over the rucks, but the people will start to marry for an hour, or with the help of these objec- tive circumstances. However, you can unobtrusively zmusiti yourself to walk and eat. Ways awkward and healthy.

  1. As long as your office is located in two zones from the booth, go to the robot and backwards. As long as you can't go without a trip to the transport, go to the zupinka earlier when the price is on the metro or on two doors - if you go by minibus, tram or trolleybus.
  2. Do not take "brakes" with you on the robot, take a walk to the cafe. And not the closest.
  3. Forget about lift. Don't you live on 20 days - walk around. For the cob just down, turn around the exit at one o'clock and beforehand. In addition to being skinny and healthy, you will even know the development of the "dikhalka" until the spring of the day, so that you can not show yourself on the beach in a swimsuit with thongs.

Having appraised all the passages of the past, the skinned people are guilty of killing over themselves the persistence of the Zusilla and the pidtrimuvati of this life. Yakshho, zychayno, do not want to nagaduvati in the negligible old age himself to ruin and shkoduvati about the consumption of energy. I’m ready to go for a walk. If you can’t walk without a purpose, put yourself on a journey to the beach, a museum or a favorite café. For knowing the same thinker, when you’re going to talk tsykavo before an hour of walking. To get a dog.

Do you suffer from pain in the hills, heart problems, stress, depression or obesity? To that, it is worthwhile with the journal "Medicine and Science in Sport and Training", walking additionally helps to reduce the risk of all chronic ailments. On the day, there are a lot of people who are busy with their health, they can take a walk in a big way, so as the price is low-stress to the right, sparing the heart and the loam. Read the rest, and see 20 authorities like walking injected into your health, if you are busy with it every day - and forward, it is not respectful, 8 or 80 for you!

Chim korisna schodenna walking for health

1) 45 hvilyn walks can help you improve your health and tone your muscles myazovoi masi 2) 30 quills of everyday walking can help you to throw off your vagu, polish the exchange of words and get some dry meat 3) 30 quills of the interval cardio can help you to lower blood pressure and let you go out of the way

1. Make a healthy heart

Walking helps to improve the health of the heart. Irish days are coming, but a walk is more right for individuals, who lead a sedentary way of life, especially grow up, to reduce the risk of heart and death. In the last few days, published in the journal of the American Geriatric Suspension, it was confirmed that the people and women are 65 years old and older, but they went for at least 4 years for a week, and they were less sick before the courts. So, do not forget to go for a minimum of 4 years for a day, even if the insult and disagreement with your heart went around you.

2. Spriyaє thinning

Walking - douzhe garn to the right, throw off the vagu, the flooring is effective, it is easy to show. American scientists performed the experiment, in which the patient, who is hungry for obesity, walked one by one (the concept, which I called the "pishy bus"), then, wherever they went, they drove around the place with huge transport. After 8 days the boules were held freeze, and after that, 50% of the participants lost 5 pounds in the middle. You can, you can be given an unrepentant idea of ​​going somewhere, somewhere else and back, instead of getting into the car.

3. I regulate the grip of blood

Walking can also reduce blood pressure. Pre-adolescents from the medical university Wakayami, Japan, conducted an experiment, for the participation of individuals with a general hypertension, in a total of 83 patients with a stretch of 12 years, they spent 10,000 crocs every day. Until the end of 12 years, they had a reduction in blood pressure, as well as increased vitality. If you need 10,000 crocs to do it, you will not need strength, walk at least 60 chilins a day, and you will definitely bring some cinnamon to your vice.

Know more how to reduce the grip in your home minds without taking out pharmaceutical preparations.

4. Fight cancer

Cancer taking ponad milion lives. One of the reasons for cancer is a sedentary lifestyle, and here walking can help you. At the end of the day, every day you go out for a walk, you can lower your wagu tila and add a few kilograms of fat, which will change your risk of cancer to cancer. Z'yasuvalosya, scho sumnivatsya, chi korisna walking pishki tim, chto go through a trip to cancer, not varto, oskil vona pom'yakshu side effects chemotherapy. You can also reduce your risk of breast cancer.

5. I will dye blood circulation

If you want to virtual, you want to, or if you can walk, you can make you smarter for getting rid of your brain with the necessary amount of acidity and glucose, which can help you with more beautiful functions. It also lowers the level of LPNSCH-cholesterol, which clogs up the arteries, prompting us to insult the risik. In such a rank, there is a circulation of blood, function of the brain and clitin.

6. Reducing the risk of diabetes

A sedentary way of life is brought to the exponential growth of one of the most common illnesses - diabetes. For people suffering from type 2 diabetes, we recommend that you pay 3,000 to 7,500 crocs per day, and also sit less and generally be more active. Walking can help to control the level of blood in the blood, and, in your own heart, prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.

7. Zmіtsnyu kistki

With the wick of the hand, there are more screams. However, there are good news: everyday walks can help you to make a difference. The price is low-stress to the right zapobіgaє vratі density knitted fabric, Reducing such a rank of risk of osteoporosis, fractures and injuries. So, as the handles are the foundation for the body, the greater strength and health of the hand mean the garnishing, vitrification and equilibrium. Walking is also good for arthritis and pain relief.

8. Zmіtsnyu m'yazi

In the wake of Lyudin, I didn’t only take part in the kistkov, but in the music. And here you can walk can help you, and you can also get a good amount of money, as well as overshoot into a weight loss. Regular walks can help keep your backs healthy.

9. I will paint the etching

Unclean poisoning can lead to uncomfortable symptoms in the intestines, abdominal distension, constipation, diarrhea and bowel cancer. With this rank it is also important to trim the grass system in order. For the whole, it is necessary not only to virobiti the health of gastronomy calls, to drink more water, but to go regularly. The walk is wonderful. Vaughn will help you to throw off the wag and also pospryaє digest the їzhі.

10. On the strength of immunity

The immune system is guilty of organism, depending on how well it functions, while fighting infections, ailments and death. Walking is an informal way of ukrіpiti immunity. Yaksho vi walks at least 30 quills a day, so you can help activate immune cells, Such, for example, yak B-klitini, T-klitini і natural kіleri. Tse stimulate more vyroblenya bіlі bloody children, so allowing the organism shvidshe oduzhuvati.

11. Zapobigay dementia

Dementia or dementia is a neurological camp, which is characterized by an incremental second memory and cognitive functions. By the end of the year, you can add some fun to the left side of the road and increase the number of fallen ones. Walking walks in the middle tempo can help you to learn dementia, learn more about the development of the young people, we will play more with you.

12. Zbіlshu about'єm legends

Walking is also possible for legends. On a walk, you breathe more sourness in a relaxed state of calm. The number of changes in the exchange of gas and carbon dioxide can be found in the community of legends, as well as the vitality and building properties of the physical right. Naykrashche in all - you do not need to navigate for a whole lot. It is easy to finish at an average pace of 60 khvili (with interruptions, zoosumіlo!).

13. Good old

Prior to the participation of 17,000 graduates from Harvard, it showed that students who walked at least 30 days for a skin day, lived better, less so, as they led a sedentary way of life. Walking is sometimes linked to the activating enzyme telomerase, which is due to the change in the integrity of DNA, and an important factor in the anti-aging, albeit a walk in some sort of organ is beneficially injecting problems into the background

14. Supplementary help to viroblennyu Vitamin D

Walking in the morning is a wonderful opportunity for the organism of virobiti Vitamin D. Win is even more important for the microcysts, for cancer, rosy sclerosis and type 1 diabetes. So wow short way Charge їm - go і walk 10-15 hilin on a rank sun, do not worry, so the body will be given a shkodi.

More lectures about those for whom vitamins are needed for a sufficient amount of money.

15. Knowledge of stress

Walking can help to reduce the stress of the road by polishing the circulation of blood, so, in your own heart, to make sure the little ones are sour and live rhymes... Vaughn also stimulates the receptor nervous systemі lowering stress hormone viroblast. It’s okay for you to take a walk after an hour of walking.

16. Pidnim settings

In some of the scientific preliminaries, they were caught up in the cinnamon dumka, but physical activity can help to prevent depression. Walking is strongly recommended by physicians and psychiatrists as a way to improve their mood. Otzhe, if you see yourself, we’ll try to do it, if we’re going to take a walk, chill our friends, mind you, if you’re too corny - and see yourself more beautifully.

17. I will paint my memory

The Japanese parties were set up, so the walks are beneficially infused into the camp of the memory of the letters of the children. Physics have the right to help improve the size of the hipocampus, which is a sedentary way of life changes, which leads to the loss of memory. Go for walks for a skin day, and just refill your memory.

18. Increased productivity

Regular walks can also make you more active and energetic. Tse, in its own accord, can improve your productivity. Walking is corny for everything, be it a school, a robot, memory, numbness, or reaction to different teasers - everything is going to change for the best.

19.Yesє creative shipping

Walking walks can help you in times of creative stagnation. The stench to calm the nerves і relax the brain. If you are walking, the term is not heavy over you and the need to wait for the ochikuvannya is not necessary. Tse dopomagaє pochati misliti strategically and dispose of everything on politsa. So, if you are stuck with a problem, take a walk!

20. Additional help to create new knowledge

Walking walks can help you to know new people, and, perhaps, new friends, as they will nudge you on those who walk on a skin day, even if you want to learn more about them. You can also go to the huge ones. Until the end of the day, you will be charged with positive energy and peace.

It’s clear from the list, what is the normal walking of the food, how can you improve your health without any methods, if you need to prepare it, you need to take a walk? Let us know how you can know.

What do you need to go?

Come on, go, you need a few of the main speeches. Axis list:

  • Tucked up for walking
  • Zruchny Odyag
  • Vodi dance and energy bar for tricky walks
  • If you decided to go to the office of a peshki, put on a pair of shoes and a pair of hand shoes, as you can change them to a robot.
  • woodman
  • Motivation is absolutely necessary for the minimum in the first 5 days.

Lower visibility, as a motivation to take walks on a high ryvn.

How do you get the motivation for walking?

  • Ask one to come to you at your new employer.
  • Viguluyte the dog in the evenings.
  • Take a walk with seven friends in the evening or in the evening.
  • Walk to the nearest store or cafe.
  • Think, you can spare a few pennies as you walk.
  • Pick a planner, find the best route for walks, get a hearty grip, bedroom calories, pick a crocodile, etc.
  • Follow up on the daily route.
  • Come to a group of people to go walking.
  • Walking.
  • Go to the huge come in.

As a newcomer in walking, it will be easy to pull up at once. Tom rozbeit walks on stage. Get skin clean for 10 days. Gradually increase the triviality up to 30 minutes. Then you can walk 30 minutes a day and 30 minutes of mutilation. It is also a step to step up to the speed of walking. If you ring, try to walk at least 10,000 crocs per day. It is very necessary to interrupt the process. І, lightly, do not forget to drink water. Here you see that you need some water and you need to drink it for health improvement.

Now, if we left you the task, having rediscovered yak cinnamon from your everyday walk and about all the trips for your health, everything you need to go for a walk, get some motivation: be alert, catch up on the virus. , not sitting at home and watching TV. Success!

Health is good, good for people. Pikluvatisya about new is necessary, not check, if there are problems. Found an available way to improve the health of the body - walking around. At the tsіy statty we have chosen the correctness, we see that the principle of being busy with walking.

Who has the grudge of walking pishki?

Perevagi of pisch walks is important to re-evaluate, the stench is great:

  • Make health and body healthier.

Dooslіdzhennya show, scho walking pishki Withdrawal of the loss of life on the heart and death in three times.

In addition, they are keen on an active way of life to change the brush, to regulate the blood grip, m'yazov fabrics induce tone, normalize the sleep mode.

Walking around a few years old, it is possible to reduce the risk of diagnostics of oncological new products in dairy vines and usunuti ill-feeling in the area across, as previously were chronic.

  • Chastkovo substitute sports and accept a change in the overworldly vagi.

Oversupply of food is more frequent heart rate, through which blood will be consumed and more sour life of myazov will be added. For an hour, the calorie burns 5 times more than when it’s known to be calm.

  • Promote youth.

The old ones are tied with a high level instead of special bricks in the body, which take the development of the heat and all the "old" ailments. If you go for a walk for a skin day, you can reduce the number of such glasses and save your youth as you can do it better. Badiora walking is a triviality of life of a people in a sport 1: 2, so that if you walk for 1 year, you can do it for 2 years.

  • Get your settings.

The corny of walking pishka, navit pіvgodinnoy, polyaga in the effect of self-assessment, positive action on the mood, visibility from negative thoughts and charges of energy. Vlashtovuyuchi strolls on a fresh turn, є all change of mind and get tired of depression. To see the price of the development of endorphic and neurotransmitters in the case of adrenal adrenal disease.

  • Advancing the functionality of the brain.

Razumovі zdіbnostі podpysuyutsya, oskіlki change neural signals. The acridity of walking is not only manifested in the first half of the year, as it seems to be an analytical robot, but there is still a wide field for the realization of creative potential. It has been experimentally brought to a 60% increase in the generation of the idea of ​​growth.

  • Have mercy.

Let's take a bonus up to all the pluses of walking in the pishkash camp. Krym zruchnogo vzuttya for a walk more than a few small ones, there is no financial contribution. It is not necessary to buy a subscription or pay for the services of a coach. Everything that is needed - three of us are harrying over myself, so I can reimagine walking in my hobby.

How can you see and walk?

There were very few types of walking. Among them:

  • walking on mіsci;
  • food;
  • Scandinavian;
  • sports;
  • energetic;
  • by gatherings.

Submit reports on deyaky types.


Lyudin walked around with all her life, such a physiology, as well as a lot of serious problems for health.

The head in a whole kind of oversupply can be called action and periodicity. The arrival of the field at the beginning of the day from more non-trivial and general walks with the progress of the hour interval and speed.

The book needs to work on the health and wellness camp. So young healthy people to blame for the work is the emphasis on the swiftness of the ruch, and the letters - on the triviality.

Because of the periodicity of the systemic walks, walking "hour by hour" will not bring an ochikuvanny result.

The main thing is the cinnamon walking pishka - improving the whole body as a whole. The staff for the strolls can often improve self-esteem and encouragement of life.

Scandinavian walking

Tsei raznovid polyagaє in Russia with support on two, similar to lizhny, palitsі. Krokuyuchi, followed by a slight glimpse of them.

Particularly in Scandinavian walking, there are a lot of sounds, only 10% are not included in the robot.

Corning walking of the Scandinavian type of fieldє in:

  • heart meat polishing robots;
  • more powerful ventilation of the legends;
  • change of yarn fabrics

It’s not a good thing to be healthy, if you pick a club correctly. Їх size is determined by the formula: R * K, de R - the growth of the athlete, and K - the constant efficiency, which is 0.68.

Sporty course

The whole style of walking is great. It is necessary to collapse in the maximum possible speed. At the same time, it is not possible to go to big, so that at any moment one hour of the goiters is tied to the surface of the earth.

cinnamon walking sports style to get overwhelmed by the sensation of organism, with such an oversupply of people, they get tired of it less, less when oversupplied big.

The girls are responsible for the especial respect for the sport walking, as well as for the beauty of the feminine outlines of the figuri.

Does the yak walk properly?

When walking, you need to do it correctly. Aj on the right is not only rearranged in space. Walking brought corystiness, importantly taking care of the deyak rules.

Chi needs a rozmina

Before a sprinkle of walks, as well as to take a sports or Scandinavian walking, then go to sleep until you get ready. For a whole slid, I would like to carry out a minimal workout. You can turn on the offensive groups to the right:

  • Pochatkova.
    • swing legs;
    • negligible presence;
    • mushrooms on mіsci.
  • Intense. Turn on the right to draw the muffs:
    • wide crochet with fixed tila;
    • springy presence.

Yaky trimati tempo

Healthier walking transmission

  1. Commander. Become no more than 3 km / year. The Danish type of recommendation to people with weakened health before stagnation, or during the period of ailments.
  2. Middle. The speed can be varied from 3 to 4 km / h. It is good in the quality of the cob stage for non-trained people, for whom I still do not know.
  3. Shvidky. The speed can move up to 5 km / year. Recommended for people who do not pose any health problems.
  4. Douzhe nimble. Lyudin will move 6 kilometers in 1 year. Go for healthy, physically developed and trained people.

chim finish

It is not possible to interrupt walking without training. So, as it is, before the ear of a stroll, go to the right of the gymnast. In this case, there will be no more walking and the right to relax the muscles, which will be overworked after an hour of walking.

Who can't walk?

Walking is very bad, however, I will become tired, if through ignorance it is possible to be healthy. Prior to the indication of the statement:

  • Recently postponed operations. Sustainable development of safety and improvement of pains in cases of increased physical growth.
  • Zagostrennya zahvoryuvan, scho be chronic in nature.
  • Evidence of pathologies in support-arm systems... Non-trivial walks are possible only with the permission of an eligible liquor.
  • Arterial vise adjustment.
  • Development of infectious processes.

How much need you walk and skin day?

To get healthy, you need to walk every day, and not hour by hour. For the ear is enough when you go to the robot, or before you go back, for the first time, it’s not necessary.

Until then, more beautifully, count the walk without walking by kilometers, and we’ll not get bogged down unjustifiably, but we’ll spend an hour in the road. Pivotinny or annual festivities in the middle tempo at new times are optimal and most effective.

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