Biseptol 480 mg Instructions for the use of tablets. Likarskiy dovidnik GEOTAR

Biseptol 480: Instructions from Proceedings and Reviews

Latin name: Biseptol 480

ATX code: J01EE01

Diyucha speech: co-trimoxazole (sulfamethoxazole + trimethoprim)

Virobnik: AT "Warsaw Pharmaceutical Plant Polfa" (Poland)

Description and photo: 22.10.2018

Biseptol 480 is an antibacterial sulfanilamide drug.

Form vipusk and warehouse

Lykarska form Biseptolu 480 is a concentrate for preparing a bottle for infusions: prozora, without barn or light-gasoline with a characteristic smell of ethanol (5 ml in ampoules, in a carton pack 2 contour packages or 10 ampoules without packaging).

Concentrate warehouse for 1 ml / 1 ampoule:

  • active components: sulfamethoxazole - 80/400 mg; trimethoprim - 16/80 mg;
  • additional speeches: sodium hydroxide, sodium metabisulfite, propylene glycol, benzyl alcohol, ethanol, water for ін'єкцій.

Pharmacological authorities


Biseptol 480 - antibacterial combination Active components in the warehouse: sulfamethoxazole is an effective antibacterial agent of the middle triviality, inhibiting synthesis folate acid by way of competitive antagonism with para-aminobenzoic acid; trimethoprim is a bacteriostatic antibiotic, which is a bacterial reductase of dihydrofolic acid. Once again, there is the synergy of antibacterial action, in connection with the effectiveness of such a complex, it is significant in terms of the number of other drugs.

Biseptol 480 - antibiotic of a wide range of diy; manifest its activity in relation to such microorganisms: Streptococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae), Neisseria gonorrhoeae (enterotoxogenic strains included), Neisseria meningitidis, Staphylococcus, Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, (Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi inclusive), Vibrio cholerae, Bacillus anthracis, Listeria spp., Nocardia asteroides, Bordetella pertussis, Enterococcus faecalis, Pasteurella spp., Brucella spp., Mycobacterium spp. (Mycobacterium leprae inclusive), Enterobacter spp., Citrobacter, Legionella pneumonia, Providencia, okremi vidi Pseudomonas (P. aeruginosa), Serratia marcescens, Morganella spp., Yersinia spp., Chlamydia spp. (Chlamydia trachomatis and Chlamydia psittaci included), Actinomyces israelii, Shigella, Toxoplasma gondii, Plasmodium spp., Pneumocystis carinii, Histoplasma capsulatum, Coccidioides immitis, Leishmania spp.

Microorganisms that show potency up to biseptol 480: Corynebacterium spp., Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Leptospira spp., Troponema spp. and viruses.

The drug is active life intestinal stick, To induce to a decrease in the intestine the synthesis of riboflavin, thiamin, nicotinic acid, The largest vitamins of the group B. Triviality therapeutic activities- 7 years old.


Biseptol 480 at the tissue of the body and its biological age penetrates quickly and grows good in them. The drug penetrates through the hematoencephalic bar (HEB), the gistogematic bar, and is seen in breast milk. Yogo concentration in the section and lungs signifies a change in plasma. In vaginal visions, bronchial secretions, cysts, slips, tissues and secretions of the front of the throat, breast milk, middling, spinal cord, Watery eyes, interstitial sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim accumulate in the small world. The offense of the active components is raised in a different way: sulfamethoxazole is only in the pozaklitinny space, and trimethoprim is like a pose with cells, so it is in the middle of them. Plasma proteins involve 66% sulfamethoxazole and 45% trimethoprim.

The metabolism of the offense of the drug is fed into the oven. In a larger world, sulfamethoxazole is metabolized, allowing acetylated metabolism, but not antimicrobial activity.

Excreted Biseptol 480 nirkami yak glomerular filtration, so for the additional active tubular secretion. Up to 80% of the drug is injected for 72 years in viglyadі metabolites; in uncontested viglyadі 20% sulfamethoxazole and 50% trimethoprim are given. In this indicator the concentration of active speech is higher, lower in the blood plasma. Through the intestine, the drug is seen in a small amount. The period of time (T1 / 2) for sulfamethoxazole is 9-11 years, for trimethoprim - 10-12 years. For children, the indicator is less and less than the age of a child: in the first time of life, it is 7-8 years old, from 1 to 10 years - 5-6 hours.

Shown to sucking

  • intestinal tract infections: paratyphoid fever, typhoid fever, cholera, salmonella, dysentery, cholangitis, cholecystitis, intestinal bacillus (Escherichia coli) gastroenteritis;
  • Infections of organs of the reproductive and secular systems in the state of health and chronic interruption: pyelitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis, epididymitis, prostatitis, myachy chancre, gonorrhea, pachychranuloma, veniferous lymphoma;
  • Infectious diseases of ENT organs: angina, otitis media, Laryngitis, sinusitis, scarlet fever;
  • Infectious diseases of the upper and lower mental nobles: bronchitis in hospitals and chronic interruptions, large pneumonia, Bronchiectatic ailments, Pneumocystis pneumonia, Bronchopneumonia, abscesses of the legacy, pleural tempo;
  • іnfections of children and soft tissues: pioderma, acne, furunculosis, early infections and abscesses, іnfіkuvannya pіslja surgіrgіchnykh trickle;
  • іnshі Infectious diseases: Sepsis, toxoplasmosis, gostry brucellosis, osteoarticular infections, osteomyelitis, malaria (Plasmodium falciparum), American blastomycosis, whooping cough (at the warehouse of complex drugs).


Absolute counter-indications:

  • pechinkova lack;
  • nirkova lack of creatine (CC) clearance less than 15 ml / min;
  • megaloblastic anemia due to vitamin B 9 deficiency (folic acid), aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis, B12 deficiency anemia, leukopenia;
  • deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • hypertension in children;
  • vnutr_shnyom'yazov introduced to the drug for children up to 6 years;
  • the period of new pregnancy and up to 2 months;
  • period of vaginosti and lactation;
  • Individual hypersensitivity to sulfanilamide preparations, trimethoprim and (or) other components in Biseptol 480.

The drug stagnates in case of deficiency of vitamin B 9, bronchial asthma, impaired function of the liver / nirok, discomfort thyroid gland.

Instructions on the preparation of Biseptol 480: how and how to achieve

Rozchin, preparations with the concentrate Biseptol 480, it is necessary to inject internally (i / v) in drops. It is not possible to take the drug from the viglyadi shvidkoy in / in the ін'єкції.

For the dilution of the Biseptol 480 concentrate, it is allowed to use the following infusion rates: 5 - 10% glucose; 0.9% range of NaCl; 0.45% range of NaCl with 2.5% range of glucose; Ringer's solution.

  • children up to 12 years: an additional dose should be administered at a dose of 36 mg per kg of mass and last by 2 injections in regular quantities;
  • children over 12 years of age and older children: 960 mg (10 ml or 2 ampoules) 1 time in 12 hours; if necessary, an increase in a single dose of up to 1440 mg (15 ml or 3 ampoules) is allowed, 2-3 times per dose.
  • 5 ml (1 ampoule) drug - 125 ml infusion;
  • 10 ml (2 ampoules) to the drug - 250 ml of infusion solution;
  • 15 ml (3 ampoules) to the drug - 500 ml of infusion solution.

With infusions, those that are caused drugs preparation of solutions to Biseptol 480 zmishuvati did not follow.

paciєntam s nirk deficiency with CC from 15 to 30 ml / xv the dose of the drug should be changed by 1/2 of the average therapeutic.

Pobichna diya

In case of stasis for the prescribed dosage regimen, Biseptol 480 will be tolerated by the ailing, if such side effects are possible:

  • central nervous system: Head b_l, spoiled; in some cases - apathy, depression, tremor, aseptic meningitis, peripheral neuritis;
  • Slunko-intestinal tract: nudity, bloating, diarrhea, anorexia, abdominal pain, gastritis, glositis, stomatitis, altered activity of liver enzymes, cholestasis, hepatitis, pseudomembranous enterocolitis, liver necrosis;
  • dyshal system: bronchospasm, infiltration of the lung tissue;
  • organ of hematopoiesis: rare - leukopenia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, megaloblastic anemia, hypoprothrombinemia;
  • sevid_lnaya system: impaired function nirok, interstitial nephritis, Polyuria, hematuria, crystalluria, hypocreatynemia, adjustment of the sechovina, toxic nephropathy from the decrease in deiurez to oliguria and anuria;
  • kistkovo-m'yazov system: b_l at the m'yaz, b_l at the slopes;
  • hypersensitivity reactions: visip, sverbіzh, polymorphic erythema, exfoliative dermatitis, photosensitivity, allergic myocarditis, hyperthermia, sclera pox, Kvinke's nabryak;
  • reactions in the introduction: ailment, thrombophlebitis;
  • іnshi: hypoglycemia.


Symptoms of an overdose of Biseptol 480 є intestinal colka, nudota, blues, head bill, Zapamorochennya, depression, obscenity, drowsiness, confusion of evidence, feverishness, ruptured zoru, crystalluria, hematuria; in the case of a trivial overdose of possible leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, zhovtyanitsya, megaloblastic anemia.

For therapy I will need:

  • promiti to the patient the shlunnu;
  • to prevent the use of the preparation, scho viklikayut to acidification, to make the vivedennya trimethoprim more powerful;
  • zbіlshiti priyom rіdini in the middle;
  • for usunennya diya trimethoprim on the cystic brain, inject internal calcium folinate at a dose of 5-15 mg / dobu;
  • for stimulation of eritropoiesis when blood-forming functions of the cystic marrow are driven by trimethoprim, inject an internal preparation of folic acid in a dose of 3-6 mg / day, a course of 5-7 days;
  • if necessary, carry out hemodialysis.

special requests

In case of stagnation of Biseptol 480 in patients with the syndrome of swollen immune deficiency (SNID), co-trimoxazole for the treatment of pneumocystis pneumonia is often indicated as neobzanyefekti, Yak hyperthermia, shkirni visipannya, leukopenia.

The concentration of sulfamethoxazole in the plasma is taken at the beginning of the skin 2-3 days without the middle before the infusion; If the value is> 150 μg / ml, then the therapy should be interrupted, until the plasma indicator does not drop to 120 μg / ml.

Trivial testing needs to be carried out with systematic monitoring of the liver's functional stan- dard and nirok, as well as indicators of peripheral blood.

In order to prevent crystalluria in ailments, it is necessary to take a large amount of vision in sufficient quantity.

In addition, the deterioration of the filtration function is significantly reduced to the decrease in the number of allergic and toxic acceleration in the presence of sulfanilamides.

On a small scale, it is not enough to live in products that can substitute para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) in great quantities, - tomato, carrot and green parts of vegetables (colorado cabbage, spinach, beans).

Through imaging adjustment of photosensitivity in case of stagnation of Biseptol, 480 slides of a unique overworldly sleepy and piece ultraviolet optimization.

Inflow to the building of keruvati by motor transport and folding mechanisms

I am glad to see the visibility of the visitor, that in the high concentration of respect and quick reaction, the drug cannot be repaired.

Stagnation in vaginosis and lactation

From the instructions, Biseptol 480 contraindications for vaginal and one-year-old women.

Stuck in a childish vіtsі

Prototype is shown for Biseptol 480 preterm babies, new-born babies and non-babies up to the 2nd month of life.

In case of deterioration of the functions of nirok

  • nirkova lack of QC< 15 мл/мин – противопоказано применение Бисептола 480;
  • nirkova lack of CC 15-30 ml / hv - it is recommended to use 1/2 of the average therapeutic dose.

In case of deterioration of the function of the liver

The sign of cotrimoxazole in liver failure has been shown to be prototype.

Stuck in the kidnapped vice

Patients who are sick, if they treat the drug with Biseptol 480, are recommended to prescribe folic acid at a dose of 3-6 mg / day; anti-microbial activity of the drug, such a combination will not damage. Particular care in the therapy of young patients with adolescence for an emergency folate deficiency.

likarska vzaєmodiya

Concentrate Biseptol 480 pharmaceutical sums with advances: 5 - 10% glucose (glucose); 0.9% range of NaCl; 0.45% range of NaCl with 2.5% range of dextrose (glucose); Ringer's solution.

may likarskі vzaєmodії Biseptolu 480 with other words / preparations:

  • phenytoin, oral hypoglycemic problems, lost to warfarin: if this happens, the prothrombin hour and the triviality of bleeding are prolonged;
  • Secoginny zasobi (including thiazide diuretics): increase thrombocytopenia rhizome in young patients;
  • cyclosporine: decrease in blood concentration;
  • drugs and drugs, such as bicarbonate replacement: one hour intravenous injection of co-trimoxazole is taken;
  • indirect coagulants: increase in anticoagulant activity;
  • hypoglikemichnizasobi and methotrexate: adapt to its effectiveness;
  • rifampicin: fast T1 / 2 trimethoprim;
  • phenytoin and warfarin: decrease in the intensity of liver metabolism and adapt to it; T1 / 2 phenytoinu will increase by 39%;
  • pyrimethamine (in doses> 25 mg per day): increasing the development of megaloblasticanemia;
  • diuretics (also thiazides): to increase the risk of thrombocytopenia development;
  • procaine, procainamid, benzocaine, іnshі politicians, as a result of hydrolysis of which PABA is approved: reduce the effectiveness of comoxazole;
  • barbiturati, phenytoin, para-aminosalicylic acid (PASK): to show non-stable folic acid;
  • hexamethylenetetramine, ascorbic acid, іnshі lіkarskі words, it is acidified:
  • salicylates: increase the effectiveness of the drug;
  • colestiramin: ingibu absorption of co-moxazole, which must be taken after 1 year, or maybe 4-6 years before the intake of Biseptol 480;
  • oral contraceptives: decrease in hope due to changes in intestinal microflora and changes in intestinal-hepatic circulation of hormonal spores.

Mіzh diuretics (furosemide, thiazidi and іn.) And hypoglycemic drugs for oral administration (identical sulfonylsecovine) from one side and sulfanilamides from the most advanced allergic reactions.


Analogues of Biseptol 480 є Co-trimoxazole, Bactrim, Brifeseptol, Bi-septin, Dvaseptol, Metosulfabol i in.

Terms and conditions

Take in dry food at temperatures up to 30 ° C. Take care of all children.

Term of attachment - 5 years.

One of the pharmacological forms of liquor is a concentrate for the preparation of solutions for infusions, yak is a hole, without a color, or Zheltova ...

"Biseptol 480" in tablets

from Masterweb

01.06.2018 14:00

Medical with "Biseptol 480" є combined with an anti-microbial sulfanilamide drug

One of the pharmacological forms of liquor is a concentrate for the preparation of rinses for infusions, which is a hole, without a color or a zhivtuaty ridinoy with a specific smell of ethanol, poured into 5 ml ampoules in flasks. Ampoules are packed in carton packs of two contour lines, or without them - 10 ampoules in a box.

Warehouse for concentrate in one ampoule: active elements sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim, as well as additional substances - sodium hydroxide, sodium metabisulfite, ethyl alcohol, propylene glycol, benzyl alcohol, water for іn'єktsі.


Tablets "Biseptol 480" flat shape, Rizik and engraving "Bs". Prior to this warehouse, trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole are included (in the capacity of other rivers), as well as additional speech sources: starch starch, polyvinyl alcohol, magnesium stearate, talc, prophydroxybenzoate,. The scent is packaged in red blisters in 14 pieces (2 blisters in a carton box) or 20 pieces each (1 blister in a package).

Read about the tablets "Biseptol 480" in the main positive. The drug is becoming popular among survivors.

Pharmacological diya

Medicne zasib "Biseptol 480" - antibacterial combinations for In the warehouse in the presence of sulfamethoxazole, a highly effective anti-microbial chemical speech of the middle triviality, which drives folic acid by the method of antagonism with para-aminobenzoic acid. In addition, the drug may contain the second active speech - trimethoprim, which is a bacteriostatic antibiotic that induces bacterial reductase of acid and dihydrofolic acid.

In addition to the synergy of the antibacterial action, in connection with which the therapeutic effect of such a complex is quite important, it will be necessary to use the appropriate medicines from the other medications.

It is known from the instruction, "Biseptol 480 mg" is an antibiotic of a wide spectrum of activity, and shows activity in the following types of pathological microorganisms:

  • Neisseria gonorrhoeae (including enterotoxogenic strains);
  • Streptococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae);
  • Neisseria meningitides;
  • Klebsiella;
  • Staphylococcus;
  • Escherichia coli;
  • Enterobacter;
  • Haemophilus influenza;
  • Proteus spp .;
  • Salmonella spp. (Including Salmonella paratyphi and Salmonella typhi);
  • Proteus mirabilis;
  • Bacillus anthracis;
  • Vibrio cholera;
  • Listeria spp .;
  • Bordetella pertussis;
  • Nocardia asteroids;
  • Enterococcus faecalis;
  • Pasteurella spp .;
  • Mycobacterium spp. (Including Mycobacterium leprae);
  • Legionella pneumonia;
  • deyaki pseudomonas (except P. aeruginosa);
  • Providencia;
  • Morganella spp .;
  • Serratia marcescens;
  • Yersinia spp .;
  • Actinomyces israelii;
  • Chlamydia spp. (Including Chlamydia psittaci and Chlamydia trachomatis);
  • Shigella;
  • Plasmodium spp .;
  • Pneumocystis carinii;
  • Histoplasma capsulatum;
  • Leishmania spp.

Lykarskiy zasіb drives the life of intestinal sticks, lowering in the intestine the level of synthesis of nicotinic acid, thiamin, riboflavin, some vitamins of group B.

Tse pidtverzhu instructions to "Biseptol 480".


Medical it penetrates quickly into the tissues and systems and organisms, as well as into the biological age. It is very good to penetrate through the histological and hematoencephalic barriers and see with breast milk. The concentration of active elements in the legends and the whole of it changes the plasma. In visions of symptoms, bronchial secretions, slugs, cysts, tissues, diseases of the anterior mucus and middle ear, breast milk, beetles, hairs of the eye, spinal and interstitial accumulation of trimethoxymethyroidism.

As for us, we usually look at the instructions from the intake to the tablets "Biseptol 480" and the size, the offense of the active components is different in a different way: trimethoprim is the posture of the cell structures in the middle of them, and sulfamethoxazole is only in the prostate. Plasma proteins involve 43% trimethoprim and 68% sulfamethoxazole. The offense of the head elements is subject to active metabolism in the liver tissues. Sulfamethoxazole is the most important metabolism in the world;

According to the instructions before "Biseptol 480", the Daniy Likarsky drug is administered by the method of filtration, as well as for additional tubular secretions. Up to 85% of the total concentration of active speech is produced approximately in 72 years by metabolites. In the primary viglyad, approximately 18% sulfamethoxazole and 51% trimethoprim are produced. Indicator of the concentration of active elements in the blood, lower in the blood.

For the help of the intestines, medication is seen in the absence of a lot. For sulfamethoxazole, the period is approximately 9-11 years, for speech trimethoprim - 11-13 years. V childish a detailed indicator is significantly less and without an average stay at the age of a patient: at the first time of life it is 7-9 years old, from 1 to 10 years - 5-7 hours.

What kind of vipados have the "Biseptolu 480"?

Shown before recognition

Wherever additional help is given to the library, you can learn from the instructions on how to get it. Prior to the change of the main stanіv, with which there can be a medical support, include:

  • інфекції herbal organs: Chernivny typhus, paratyphoid fever, dysentery, salmonellosis, cholangitis, cholecystitis, as well as enterotoxic types of intestinal sticks, gastroenteritis, cholera;
  • Infectious organs of the secular and reproductive systems of gastrointestinal and chronic interruption: pyelitis, urethritis, venereal lymphogranuloma, pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis, gonorrhea, epididymis, granulomas
  • Infectious disease of ENT organs: otitis media, angina, vocal cords, scarlet fever, sinusitis;
  • Infections of dyshalal organs: bronchitis of a state-of-the-art and chronic interruption, abscess of a legacy, croupous pneumonia, pneumocystis pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, pleurisy, bronchiectatic ailment;
  • shkirni infections and lesions of soft tissues: acne, pyoderma, furunculosis, infection of wound surfaces and abscesses, infection of the operative involvement;
  • іnshi infectious pathologies: sepsis, brucellosis gobbled up, Toxoplasmosis, pertussis (at the warehouse of combined therapy), osteomyelitis, osteoarthritis infections, malaria, American blastomycosis.


For the intake of "Biseptolu" 480 mg is absolutely essential. In the case of absolute contraindications, the following are included:

  • pechinkova lack;
  • lack of nirk functions with creatine clearance less than 14 ml / min;
  • megaloblastic anemia, as a result of lack of folate acid;
  • agranulocytosis;
  • aplastic anemia;
  • anemia, tied with a short vitamins B 12;
  • lack of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • leukopenia;
  • hyperbylirubinemia in a child's life;
  • internal language lykarsky zasobu children, earlier than 6 years;
  • newborn and child's age up to 2 months;
  • vaginism, lactation;
  • visoka sensitivity to sulfanilamide medications, trimethoprimum and other elements of koshty "Biseptol 480".

Examples of indications for the recognition of tsikh lіkіv (victorian from protection) є:

  • Vitamin B9 deficiency;
  • bronchial asthma,
  • lack of functionality of the stove and nirok;
  • pathology of thyroid disease.

Dosing and instruction regimen

Rozchin, which is prepared from concentrate drug intake, Slide is introduced dropwise internally. It is not possible to lock the licks at the viglyadi shvidkoi ін'єкції. For dilution of the concentrate, it is allowed to pick up the onset of infusion breakdowns:

  • roschin glucose;
  • breakdown to sodium chloride (as well as offense in sukupnostі);
  • Ringer's solution.
  • for children up to 12 years: a dose of 35 mg per kilogram of vagina should be given at a dose of 35 mg per kilogram of a vagina and divided into two injections in a batch;
  • for children of 12 years of age and we grow up sick: 960 mg 2 times a day; in times of consumption, it is allowed to adjust the dosage up to 1440 mg.

It is recommended to prepare a concentrate of this Likarsky zasob in the following proportions: 1 ampoule to the preparation - 125 ml of a bottle for infusions; 2 ampoules for the medication - 250 ml; 3 ampoules - 500 ml retail.

With infusions of nimirozchinami, as it was not perakhovani vische, or with the other medicinal preparations "Biseptol 480", it is not possible to change. We are sick with the lack of nirok with CC from 14 to 35 ml / xv the dose of the drug should be reduced by half the therapeutic.

bitter appearances

When "Biseptolu 480" is consumed, according to the prescribed regimes, the patients should be transferred to a large extent, in good spirits, the development of such side symptoms:

  • Central nervous system: cephalgia, zapamorochennya, peripheral neuritis, apathy, tremor, depression, aseptic meningitis;
  • etching: anorexia, blues, diarrhea, nudota, abdominal pain, gastritis, stomatitis, glositis, improving the functions of liver enzymes, hepatitis, liver necrosis, pseudomembranous enterocolitis, cholestasis;
  • mental organisms: bronchospasm, infiltration of legeny tissues;
  • hematopoiesis: leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, agranulocytosis, hypoprothrombinemia, megaloblastic anemia;
  • severity: deterioration of normal functionality, interstitial nephritis, hematuria, polyuria, hypocreatininemia, crystalluria, improvement in the concentration of severity, toxic nephropathy, reduction of pre-malnutrition;
  • kistkova i'yazov system: arthralgia, mialgia;
  • hypersensitivity: visipotence on shkirі, sverbіzh, exfoliative dermatitis, polymorphic erythema, allergic myocarditis, photosensitivity, hyperthermia, Kvinke's embryo, hypodermic sclera;
  • reactions in the introduction: thrombophlebitis, ailment;
  • іnshі phenomena: hypoglycemia.

The price is given to the instructions and advice to the tablets "Biseptol 480", as well as to the retail.

overdose symptoms

Symptoms of an overdose of these medical problems may be: intestinal colka, blues, nudity, cephalgia, obstruction, obscurity, depression, confusion of symptoms, drowsiness, hematuria, snake, hot stun. As a result of a trivial overdose, there are more forms of leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia, zhovtyanitsa.

For the therapy of certain pathological conditions, it is necessary to wash the slurry and to prevent the reception of the lykar's problems, so that the acidification of the slaughter is provoked for the development of the trimethoprim. Krym tsyogo, then make sure that you receive an extra charge from a child. For the infusion of trimethoprim onto the cystic brain, it is necessary to inject calcium folinate internally at a dose of 5-15 mg / day.

For stimulation of eritropoiesis when the blood formation functions of the cystic marrow are suppressed by trimethoprim, it is necessary to inject folic acid internally. If necessary, it is recommended to carry out hemodialysis.

So it is said in the instructions for the preparation of tablets "Biseptol 480" for the grown-ups, as well as the difference.

In case of medical illness in ailments with immune deficiency syndrome, such as co-trimoxazole for the therapy of pneumocystis pneumonia, more often such negative effects are promoted, such as hypertension, leukemia.

The concentration of sulfamethoxazole in the blood is recommended for the start of the skin three days before the infusion. Even if the indicator is less than 150 mcg / ml, the amount of time taken as soon as it is pinched, as long as it is not up to the level of 120 mcg / ml. Trivial treatment with medication needs to be carried out under the control of the liver, and the power of the peripheral blood.

In order to prevent crystallurization in patients, it is necessary to take sufficient care of the vision of the battle. As a result, the decrease in the functions of the toxic and allergic acceleration with vicorian sulfanilamidiv.

On the other hand, it is not a good idea to live in such products as in great quantities para-aminobenzoic acid (beans, tomatoes, spinach, carrots, cabbage). Through the potential adjustment of photosensitivity in case of vicorian tablets "Biseptol 480", it is recommended to use a unique piece and sleepy ultraviolet optimization.

Medication vzaєmodiya

With one-hour therapy with a medicinal preparation with phenytoin, oral hypoglycemic medications, old warfarin, you will be able to take advantage of the infusion, helping to prolong the prothrombin hour and the triviality of bleeding. One hour, with the help of thrombocytopenia and thrombocytopenia in people with a kidney disease, thrombocytopenia is increased. With cyclosporine therapy, the plasma concentration decreases.

Vzaєmodiya "Biseptol 480" with preparations, which to avenge bicarbonate and co-trimoxazole, is hardened. With indirect coagulants - to improve the efficiency of anticoagulant activity, in the case of hypoglycemic diseases and methotrexate - to improve the efficiency, with rifampicin - to change the duration of the disease Perimetamin is developing the formation of megaloblasticanemia. Thrombocytopenia develops in the presence of diuretics. When vicorian, one hour with procaine, procainamide, benzocaine and other medicines, with hydrolysis, PABA is formed: the effect of co-moxazole decreases. With barbiturates, phenytoin, para-aminosalicylic acid, it is possible to show non-stable folic acid.

Instructions on the intake of "Biseptol" 480 mg is strictly guilty of taking out.

Price for medication

The average price of this drug for infusion is 420 rubles. The medication in the form of tablets is about 30 rubles.


Similar for a zmist of active elements and a therapeutic infusion with lykarsky methods є:

  • "Bactrim";
  • "Co-trimoxazole";
  • "Brifeseptol";
  • "Dvaseptol";
  • "Bi-septin";
  • "Metosulfabol" and іnshі.


Є antibiotic s a wide rangeдії. Effectively recognizable for the variety of bacterial strains. You can take the medication only after consulting with a doctor, only if you do not have any side effects.

The instructions for the registration of the report describe the methods of implantation and reconnection, as it is established according to the patient's appointment. Tsi attribution of slid dotrimuvatisya, schob minimizuvati negativnye appearances, viklikanі consumed in organism Lykarskiy rechovin in overwhelming concentration.

Indications for infections of sechostatus organs: urethritis, cystitis, pyelitis, polyonephritis, prostatitis, epididymitis, gonorrhea (cholovikov and female), myacoma chancre, venereal lymphogranuloma, groin; Infections dikhalnyh nobles: Bronchitis (state and chronic), bronchiectatic ailments, croupous pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, pneumocystis pneumonia; ENT infections: otitis media, sinusitis, laryngitis, angina, scarlet fever; Infections of the intestinal tract: cranial typhus, paratyphoid fever, salmonella, cholera, dysentery, cholecystitis, cholangitis, gastroenteritis, vicious enterotoxic strains of Escherichia coli; іnfections of shkіri and soft tissues: acne, furunculosis, pioderma, early infections; osteomієlіtі (state and chronic) and іn., osteoarticular infections; brucellosis (gostromu); pivdenoamerican blastomycosis; painter (Plasmodium falciparum); toxoplasmosis (in the warehouse of complex therapy).

"Bactrim Bactrim"

Anti-microbial for a wide range of activities. The drug is indicated for venereal lymphogranuloma, epididymitis, cystitis, pyelitis, pyelonephritis, gonorrhea, inguinal granuloma, chancre myacoma, urethritis, prostatitis; pathologies of ShKT: cholera, cranial typhus, dysentery, gastroenteritis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, paratyphoid fever, salmonellosis and salmonellosis; ailments of the sickly nobles: pneumocystis pneumonia, gastric and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia croupous, bronchiectatic ailments, bronchopneumonia; ENT organs: for angina, laryngitis, scarlet fever, otitis media, sinusitis; many tissues and shkiri: furunculosis, acne, pioderma, as well as early infections. In addition, "Bactrim" is effective for brucellosis, osteoarticular infections, malaria, toxoplasmosis and American blastomycosis.

Stagnation of "Biseptolu 480" in tablets is shown for adults and children who have reached twelve rocks, in an additional dose:

  • in case of an acute interruption of ailments and chronic pathology - 960 mg, divided into two doses;
  • with an important message - 1 440 mg, and the multiplicity increases to three.

The minimum rate is to become chotiri days. In order to know the signs of ailment, continue drinking the pills for two more days. In case of chronic infections, the triviality of therapy starts with an eligible drug.

Lower induction of additional dose and course of "Biseptolu" in case of severe serious anomalies:

  • Gonorrhea - 1,920-2,880 mg. This dose is divided into three doses.
  • Pharyngitis gonorrhea - 4 320 mg. Take one time for another five days.
  • Pneumonia, the cause of which has become Pneumocystis carinii - the dose of virahovy is 120 mg per kilogram of the patient's vagina. Accept skin for six years or fourteen days after.
  • With prophylactic treatment in case of infections of secular nobles - 480 mg in one dose will grow up to children who have reached twelve years. Children up to the tsyo vіku - the dose should be started by the offensive rank: to multiply 12 mg on the wha of the baby. The triviality of going from three months to rock.
  • Gostriy cystitis in children from seven to sixteen rocky - 960 mg for two times per dob, take three days.

Sounds are taken inadequately information

It seems to be the foremost of all happy penicillins and a symbol of the ear of new medicine in medicine, becoming benzylpenicillin, which is seen by the fungus Penicillium notatum. Stretch out a bactericidal and bacteriostatic diet of products in the life of flower fungi that grow in a purely intuitive way (for example, applying to the wounds of blooming bread in Ancient Egypt). The science of priming such methods was given only on the cob of the last century, since Oleksandr Fleming made his revolutionary vision.

Having learned about the power of some microorganisms in knowledge of the world, in the whole world we thought of the power of the young bacteria and fungi. So, for example, in 1952, the last actinomycete Streptomyces erythreus called for the removal of the first macrolide (erithromycin), and two rocks earlier from the soil bacterium Streptomyces nourse saw a significant amount of polyuniform fungi, candidiasis of the systatic As a rule, the products of living of microorganisms were cleaned and stabilized, and then they were launched in the mass production (I will name it in the classification - nature).

Since then, experiments have been carried out for changes in chemical structures in the same period. Tse bulo viclikano not only add to the nourishment of the past, but the vital need: the pupils became mutuvati and formuvati resistance to the liking. As a result, a new generation of antibacterial contributors appeared with a wider range of diy and specific mechanisms of the podolannya zahistu, called semi-synthetic.

For example, broadly widening of golden staphylococcus (which is the reason for the strong internal infection) viroblya beta-lactamase, scho ruinu penicilin. The addition of beta-lactamic milk to the chemical formula allowed for the growth of more styles (oxacylin and іnshihіdni). Modifications for the current day have learned all the cob antibiotics, so as pathogenic microorganisms gradually appear and become attached.

Dovgiy hour itself is able to reject the use of the drug to antibiotics. Oskilki sulfanilamidi (yak і nіtrofurani) are more synthetic speech, until recently, they were used to feed chi є biseptol antibiotic, but strictly negative.

Already in our days of tired look, the boules looked at each other, and all the names that were previously called simply "anti-microbial" were protected until the decision of the ABP and added to the classification. And the oskіlki, when the science-popular articles have been put together, are rich in authors' reproach by the old times and unreconstructed information, still peppered the hibna dumka.

Tim is a more irrelevant principle for the method of virobniting, but a lot of modern "natural" preparations (for example, chloramphenicol) can be taken away with biosynthesis.

If there are indications biseptol

The range of the inflow of the representative of sulfanilamidiv is wide:

  • gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria;
  • toxoplasma;
  • streptococcus and staphylococcus;
  • simple microorganisms;
  • toxoplasma;
  • intestinal sticks;
  • pathogenic fungi.

The range of ailments will be wider, for which drugs you can prescribe biseptol:

  • ailment of organs of health: tonsillitis, pharyngitis, angina, bronchitis, sinusitis, tracheitis and іnshі;
  • Infectious diseases of the secular nobles;
  • falling ill of the intestinal tract (typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, diarrhea and іnshі).

It is not necessary to fully suspect that people become ill because they are not sensitive to antibacterial drugs.

And the axis in case of angina or accelerated bacterial nature of the disease in the upper respiratory tract and organs of the drug is not consumed by the drug. In cich and іnshih vypadki vinnikє nutrition, yak take biseptol and which will be the dose.

For children from 2 months to 5 years, the suspension is used - 240 mg 2 times a day. If you can take tablets, then it is recommended to take 2 tablets 2 times a day in a dose of 120 mg.

Children from 6 years can be given 2 tablets per day at doses of 480 mg. Children who are repaired for 12 years and grow up are recommended a dose of 960 mg 2 times per day. Lіkuvannya is guilty of triviality not less than 5 days and not more than 2 days. If you complete the therapy before the term indicated by the doctor, the risky vision of the most stable microorganisms and the treatment of chronic forms.

Generally, biseptolum is recognized in cystitis. A large number of people who become ill with intestinal sticks. However, be-yakі ill-feeling in the area of ​​the sechostatic system and vilikuvati by the same names. Most often, with cystitis, preparations of the fluoroquinolone series are recognized. The unjustified stagnation of Biseptol with cystitis can lead to the appearance of microorganisms, as a result of which the illness can turn into a chronic form.

Give a biseptol to children only if they need a visual one. Most of the fathers do not think of a clear statement about those who are also biseptol and what additional help. Yakshho lіkuvati їm malyukіv uncontrollably, you can only naughty. samiy early vik If you can give children biseptol, - from 6 days.

When accepting likiv, it is necessary not to forget about the rules:

  • it is necessary to take liquids strictly through the skin for 12 years;
  • live the drug pislya їdi;
  • vitrimuvati minimum course of treatment - 5 days.

Pharmacological authorities


Biseptol 480 is a substitute for sulfamethoxazole, which is a medium trivial and galmoy synthesis of folic acid for an additional competitive antagonism from PABA (paraaminobenzoic acid), a viral bacteriostatic effect. Another active component of the drug (trimethoprim) induces bacterial dihydrofolate reductase. Falsely from minds, it is bacteriostatic or bactericidal. In such a rank, offensive speech blocks two stages of purine biosynthesis and synthesis of nucleic acids, which is a necessary component for numerical pathogenic microorganisms.

Biseptol 480 is a broad spectrum of activity and bactericidal activity against attack bacteria: Staphylococcus spp., Salmonella spp. (Including Salmonella paratyphi and Salmonella typhi), Listeria spp., Bordetella pertussis, Pasteurella spp., Citrobacter, Streptococcus spp. (Including Streptococcus pneumoniae), Nocardia asteroides, Serratia marcescens, Pneumocystis carinii, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Neisseria meningitides, Enterococcus faecalis, Yersinia spp., Chlamydia spp. (Including Chlamydia psittaci and Chlamydia trachomatis), Escherichia coli (including enterotoxigenic strains), Klebsiella spp., Shigella spp., Vibrio cholerae, Francisella tularensis, Bactericus species Pseudomonse (Including Mycobacterium leprae), Brucella spp., Providencia, Haemophilus influenzae (including styki to ampicillin), Enterobacter spp., Morganella spp., Proteus spp., Legionella pneumophila.

In addition, before the preparation of sensitive deyaki naprostis (Toxoplasma gondii and Plasmodium spp.) And pathogenic fungi (Coccidioides immitis, Leishmania spp., Actinomyces israelii and Histoplasma capsulatum).

Up to biseptol 480 styki Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Treponema spp., Corynebacterium spp., Leptospira spp., Mycobacterium tuberculosis and viruses.


The maximum concentration of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole in the blood plasma, which was determined after 1 year after the drug was consumed, is more readily available and higher when administered internally with Biseptol 480

Trimethoprim is a weak meadow with lipophilic power. Yogo concentration in tissues, especially in nirkas and legends, food, low in blood plasma. The high concentration of speech is also indicated in the sputum, phlegm, tissues and roots in front of the throat, as well as in the eyes. Zmіst trimethoprim cerebrospinal rіdini, sinovіalnoї rіdini, sekretі serednogo Vuh, іnterstitsіalnoї rіdini i breast molotsі vіdpovіdaє kontsentratsіyam, SSMSC neobhіdnі for antibakterіalnih vlastivostey Bіseptolu 480. Trimethoprim pronikaє in tkanini fetus i navkoloplіdnі Vod at tsomu Yogo rіven blizky to zmіstu drug in sirovattsі materі.

Closely 50% of trimethoprim is linked to plasma beads. For patients with a normal nirk function, the period for which speech is given should be 8.6-17 years. In the case of lithium ailments, there is no sign of a significant outcome from the middle indicators. Approximately 50% of the trimethoprim is vivod in unchanged viglyadі nirkami (stretching 24 years). In this case, there are a few metabolites.

Sulfamethoxazole is a weak acid. In cerebrospinal, phlegm, interstitial birth, juvenile, synovial birth, secrets of the middle age and nasoplastic birth, the concentration of active sulfamethoxazole becomes 20-50% of the blood plasma concentration.

Plasma proteins are closely related to 66% sulfamethoxazole. The period of time (T 1/2) for children with normal nirk function becomes 9-11 years. In case of deterioration of the function of nirok (clearance to creatine less than 25 ml / h), the increase in T 1/2 of the head acetylated metabolite of sulfamethoxazole is prevented. Vivedennya zdіysnyutsya nirkami. From 15 to 30% of the administered dose, it is used in the section in the form of active sulfamethoxazole. In the lіtnіh ailments, the nirkovy clergy of speech decreases.

Concentrate for the preparation of rosters for infusions

One ampoule of the drug "Biseptolu" contains trimethoprim in a bottle of 80 mg and sulfamethoxazole 400 mg. From additional speeches in niy є:

  • sodium hydroxide and disulfite;
  • benzyl and ethyl alcohol;
  • propylene glycol;
  • water for ін'єкцій.

The inaugural obsyag becomes five millenniums. Likki in this form is recommended, if taken through the mouth of the sick. More readily available, yak take "Biseptol" from the viglyadі concentrate. I will look at those who are to introduce them only internally, to raise them without a second before the stasis. Yak rozchinnik allowed vikoristovuvati such solutions for infusions: 0.9% sodium chloride, 5- and 10% dextrose, Ringer. Isnu kіlkka breeding schemes:

  • one ampoule of the drug is razchinyayut in 125 ml;
  • dvi - in 250 ml;
  • three - in 500 ml.

The preparation of the razchin is fenced off with the help of other medicines, or the vikoristovuvati vidminnii from the pererakhovannyh vishche, the razchinniki. Triviality introduced from sixty to ninety hilines. In vipads, since the introduction of a great number of births has been hardened for an individual, a higher concentration of "Biseptol" is allowed. The ampoule is razchinyayut in 75 ml of 5% glucose.

Yak accept "Biseptol" in case of gostrich infections? Before the introduction of the medication, it is described as described in the form and injecting the skin for two years for:

  • 2.5 ml - from three to five rocks;
  • 5 ml - from six to twelve rocks.
  • 10 ml - children over 12 years old and older.

In case of especially severe infections, it is allowed to increase the dosage in all groups for fifty vids. The minimum course of treatment will become five days.

Ridka likarska form

Dignified words in the tsy form of the release are also є sulfamethoxazole і trimethoprim. The effect is one of one, the stench stinks on pathogenic bacteria, blocking the ruinous infusion on the child's body. To add a relish and consistency of syrupy oil in liquors to the beginning of the Ingredients:

  • maltitop;
  • citric acid and monohydrate;
  • aluminum silicate magnesium;
  • sodium hydroxide dodecahydrate;
  • methyl i propyl hydroxybenzoate;
  • sodium carmellose and saccharin;
  • macrogol glitseryl hydroxystearate;
  • flavoring;
  • purified water.

  • polyonephritis;
  • sinusitis;
  • meningit;
  • tracheitis;
  • cystitis;
  • abscess of legacy;
  • bronchitis;
  • otitis;
  • furunculosis;
  • intestinal infections;
  • urethritis;
  • polyonephritis;
  • that іnshі.

Before vikorystannyam syrup obov'yazkovo slid vrahuvati all the proofs to yogo reception. Serious pathologies are recognized before them heart-vascular systemі hematopoiesis, liver, nirok, as well as individual intolerance.

specialties of lіkuvannya

In the period of therapeutic programs, it is recommended to use all kinds of products; in warehouses, there is a large quantity of PABA. In the first place, the greens are grown. For an hour, program a spinach, beans, and cabbage. We are sick against the indications of carrots, tomatoes. It is necessary for the possibility of minimizing the transfer of the ultraviolet exchanges.

The immovability of the wrong effects is quite growing on aphids of SNIDu.

Even the analyzes showed beta-hemolytic streptococcus, but it is not recommended to follow up to category A, diagnoses "tonsilitis", "pharyngitis" (viklikanі streptococcus group A), "Biseptol" vikoristovuvati is not recommended. For a whole type of microorganisms, there is an especially imperiously wide expansion of strong strains.

At the same time, it is possible to correct the analysis for a trimethoprim injection, so that it is possible to evaluate blood plasma instead of methotrexate, as well as to be organized according to an enzymatic method. If the choice is a radio-immunological method, the bags will be stable, the stench will not get stuck in the implantation of Biseptol tablets.

If i skіlki

To reveal the active ingredients in a quantity of 480 mg "Biseptol" indications for oral implantation. It is recommended to vikoristovuvati during the meal. Tablets should be taken with pure water without additives. Dose the doctor, who are interested in diagnostics, in and out of the patient, the manifestation of pre-existing illnesses and the acceleration of the peculiarities.

If pneumonia has been established, it is necessary to get rid of it, to assess the sick person: put 100 mg of sulfamethoxazole on the skin kilogram. It is necessary to show six-day pauses if necessary in the organism of the path. The triviality of the programs is two types.

In case of gonorrhea, it is necessary to take a couple of grams of sulfamethoxazole two per day. When using the drug to spoil the Dvadtsyatiyearniy interrupt.

For every child and for children older than twenty-five years, it is possible to vikoristovuvati with two days in a quantity of up to 960 mg. A triva therapeutic program is planned, two per day take 480 mg. Yak is indicated in the list of tablets "Biseptol" in the instructions for consumption, 480 mg of the drug can be given to children older than sixth century. For children in the group from three to five years, it is recommended to take 240 mg of liquor.

Biseptol 480

Biseptol 480 values ​​only for internal introduction. Dilute the concentrate bezposeredno before filling.

  • 5 ml concentrate (1 ampoule) - 125 ml bottle for infusions;
  • 10 ml concentrate (2 ampoules) - 250 ml bottle for infusions;
  • 15 ml concentrate (3 ampoules) - 500 ml bottle for infusion.

Yak razchinnik can be vikoristovuvati: 0,9% razchin to sodium chloride; 5% і 10% glucose range; 0.45% razchin sodium chloride with 2.5% razchin glucose; Ringer's solution.

For the introduction of Biseptol 480 into one of the pererahovannye vische, it is necessary to energetically scrutinize the sums, so as to seek further improvement. When crystals appear, or a siege until a change, or in the process of introducing the drug, the removal of the risk of loss and preparation.

The triviality of infusion is from 60 to 90 hvili. As soon as the patient is hardened, it is possible to inject a large amount of ridin, it is possible to add 5 ml of the preparation in 75 ml of 5% glucose. The hour, which is lost (nevikoristan) breeding is necessary for vitality.

  • children from 3-5 years of age: 2.5 ml of infusion skin for 12 years;
  • children in the age of 6-12 years: 5 ml of infusion skin growth 12 years old;
  • children over 12 years old and old age patients: 10 ml (2 ampoules) of skin 12 years old.

The prescribed dose of Biseptol 480 for children in the age of 3-12 years is carried out with a dose of 6 mg of trimethoprim and 30 mg of sulfamethoxazole per 1 kg of mass per dose, divided into 2 injections.

In case of important infections, an increase of the dose by 50% for all patients is possible, regardless of the size.

The course of treatment is to become a minimum of 5 days, or by stretching out the main illness for 2 days after all the symptoms are detected.

In patients with a nircum deficiency, the dose of Biseptol 480 is treated as a result of the creatine (CC):

  • CC visce 30 ml / hv - standard dose;
  • CC 15-30 ml / hv - 50% of a single dose;
  • CC less than 15 ml / min - drug intake is not recommended.

Skin 2-3 days in blood samples taken after 12 years for the infusion, it is necessary to start the concentration of sulfamethoxazole. At a value of 150 μg / ml, the liquid should be reduced until the concentration of speech is reduced to a value of less than 120 μg / ml.

A special dosage regimen is required for the treatment of pneumonia, Pneumocystis jirovecii (earlier P. carinii). Biseptol 480 prescribes 20 mg of trimethoprim and 100 mg of sulfamethoxazole per 1 kg of mass for dobos, for 2 or more doses. Yak only, it will be possible, the patient can be transferred to the oral form of the drug. The triviality of therapy is not to blame for 14 days. Meta lykuvannya - reaching the maximum plasma concentration of trimethoprim, which cost 5 mcg / ml or more (it is used in ailments, who take Biseptol 480 internally in droplets with a stretch of 60 quilines).

For the prevention of toxoplasmosis and pneumonia, Pneumocystis jiroveci, Biseptol 480 take at specific doses (all the way or internally in patients lykarsky forms) Stretching for an hour of schilnosti until rizik.

Vicious Effects

The drug Biseptol can cause the development of side manifestations in the body. striking internal organs to be blamed as a result of incorrect dosage, or if there is a contraindication. In the organizm, the robot of the offensive systems will collapse:

  1. Organi dihannya. Vidbuvayetsya strong suffocation, spasms in the bronchi, severe cough, Legeneviy іnfіltrat.
  2. Nervous system. The patient is experiencing severe headaches and confusion, apathy. In the body, meningitis develops, there is a tremor of the kidneys. Depressive camp can be spared by stretching for a trivial hour.
  3. Organism of the intestinal tract. The ailments have a decrease in appetite, a boredom and blotching, stomatitis, gastritis, diarrhea, hepatonecrosis, ailments in the stomach, and glositis develop. Patients are not often diagnosed with pancreatitis state form abo cholestasis, hepatitis, cholestatic zhovtyanitsya, pseudomembranous enterocolitis.
  4. The circulatory system. In case of improper stasis, leucopenia, eosinophilia, methemoglobinemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia can be the cause of the development of leukopenia.
  5. In the secular system, there is a reduction in internal organs, which can lead to polyuria, hyperproteinemia, interstitial nephritis, impairing the function of nirok. In a sick person, crystalluria is progressing, in the organism there is a growth and concentration of sechovina. A toxic form of nephropathy develops on the smallest pathologies, as it is superfluous to anxiety and oliguria.
  6. Supporting and rocking apparatus. In case of severe slopes, provoke a bile near the slopes and slopes.

Young children have a strong allergic reaction every hour of being treated with Biseptol. Vona supervodzhuetsya sverbinnya, visipom, lykarskoy feverish, kropiv'yanka. The sick person has a rapidly increasing temperature, progression of exfoliative dermatitis, hyperaemia of sclera, allergic myocarditis, angioedema.

Instructions for sucking Biseptol method and supplementing


The tablets are taken in the middle of the letter. They are washed down with a generous amount of ridini. Dozuvannya vstanovlyu lykar with urahuvannyam individualnyh show of the patient.

  • Children of 3-5 years are given 240 mg 2 times for doba. Children 6-12 years old - 480 mg each 2 times for a dobu.
  • In case of elimination of pneumonia I will add a dose Rise: 100 mg of sulfamethoxazole per 1 kg of oil. Take the drug slid through the skin for 6 years. The triviality of therapy - 2 types.
  • For the treatment of gonorrhea, use 2 g of sulfamethoxazole 2 times per dose with an interval of 12 years between priyomas.
  • For adults and children over 12 years old, take 960 mg 2 times per day. With a trivial course of lykuvannya - 480 mg 2 times for dobu.
  • The triviality of therapy - from 5 to 14 days. In case of severe interruption, or in case of chronic infections, a single dose can be reduced by 30-50%.
  • If the therapy is effective for more than 5 days, or if the patient receives an adjusted dose of the drug, the necessary control of peripheral blood is necessary. In times pathological changes it is necessary to take folic acid in a dose of 5-10 mg per dose.
  • If you skip an accepted dose, the drug should be taken earlier. It is necessary to take a sub-dose, and then skip the first dose. It is not possible to take a sub-dose to compensate for the missed dose.
  • In case of nirkovy deficiency (CC 15-30 ml / hv), it is recommended to change the dose by 2 times. When CC is less than 15 ml / hb, the drug is not recommended.


Biseptol in the form of a suspension will take all the middle, if you have a sufficient amount of birth.

  • For adults and children over 12 years old, take 960 mg of skin for 12 years. In case of severe interruption of infection, the dose is increased to 1440 mg of skin for 12 years.
  • The triviality of infection therapy sečovyh nobles become 10-14 days, sharpened chronic bronchitis- 2 days, types of mandarin and shigellosis - 5 days. The minimum dose is 480 mg of skin for 12 years. With a triviality of treatment for 14 days, the minimum dose is observed.
  • Children from 2 months VIL інфекцією) Up to 5 months, take 120 mg 2 times for additional. Children from 6 months to 5 years take 240 mg at intervals of 12 years. Children 6-12 years old are given 480 mg of skin for 12 years.
  • The triviality of the therapy for infections of the sečovyh nobles and for the severe otitis - 10 days, for the Shigellosis - 5 days. If there are important infections in children, the dose can be improved 2 times.
  • Minimal triviality of therapy gostrich інфекцій- 5 days. If the symptoms are known, the therapy will need to be continued for 2 days. Even after 2 days there is no polish, it will be necessary to refill it again.
  • Myakiy chancre - 960 mg through the skin for 12 years. Yaksho in 7 days; the shkirny element does not start up, it is possible to continue taking the drug for 7 days. The appearance of the effect may be indicative of the resistance of the plant.
  • In case of non-relentless infections of sečovyh nobles, the development rate for women should be 1920-2880 mg. It is recommended to take the drug in the evening, or before bedtime.
  • In case of pneumonia, Pneumocystis carinii wickedness, take 30 mg per 1 kg of oil 4 times per dose with an interval of 6 years. The triviality of therapy is 2-3 times.
  • For grown-ups and children over 12 years old, 960 mg for doba should be given. The sumarna dobova dose for children younger than 12 years is not guilty of changing 1920 mg. Welcome to stay for 3 days after sleep.
  • in the case of bacterial infections the dose is taken individually from the urinary tract, the mass, the function of the disease and the severity of the illness. In case of nocardia in adults, take 2880-3840 mg per dose for at least 3 months. The course of treatment for brucellosis is 3-4 days.

Warehouse i form vipusku

The Latin name for the drug is Biseptol. International non-patented name (INN) - sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim. The drug is vipuskayut in decilkoh forms, to which it will not only grow up, but for children.

The form of the appearance of additional components and concentration of active speech is being developed:

The tablets are dispensed in such a range of basic components: 100/200 and 400/80 mg. Likas are presented in a bilo-zhovty view. The shape of the tablets is round, the edge of the plate, є chamfer. The price of Biseptol in pharmacies varies from 300 to 600 rubles.

Biseptol antibiotic chi ni

Dumki in small dzherelah z tsy drive diametrically opposed, protest, correctly say "so".

Prior to the speech, on our site there is a practical, non-standardized service for converting any drug into antibiotics. In order to make it faster, click on the gear icon glued to the right on the screen:

Dіє Biseptol is bacteriostatic, to induce the multiplication and growth of microorganisms. To add a price for the preparation of a dietary speech (co-trimoxazole) in the cell and blocking the synthesis of vitamin B9 - folic acid.

Both antibiotics and antibiotics, the purpose of fighting only bacteria and inactively in relation to viruses. More broadly, the "antibacterial drug" directly casts on those who are victorious for influenza or GDVI without gaps and not without problems.

However, in order to show statistical data, nearly half of the people who live in Russia take antibiotic therapy to adequate treatment for the disease of virgin nature and independently "recognize" their pills. The result of such illiteracy is the emergence of helpless resistant strains, the importance of accelerating the development of superinfections, and foul therapy (unfortunately with a lethal result).

Biseptol 480 is a combination of antibacterial agents, which reveals two pharmacologically active components. Sulfamethoxazole volodin for medium triviality and transition to the process of making folic acid, is presented in the role of an antagonist for the reduction to para-aminobenzoic acid. Trimethoprim induces the activity of bacterial dihydrofolate reductase. A combination of two pharmacologically active components in the potential anti-microbial skin efficacy from them, in connection with which bacteria develop resistance to the drug earlier. Biseptol 480 with a wide therapeutic range. Sensitivity to manifest pneumonia streptococcus, meningococcus, gonococcus, staphylococcus, intestinal palichka, klebsiєli, enterobacterium, proteus, hemophilic palichka, salmoneli, cholera bacillus, bacterial anthrax, lactobacillus , Enterobacterium, Legionelli, Providency, Pseudomonadi, Serrato, Yersinia, Morganelli, Chlamidia, Shigeli, Plasmodia, Toxoplasma, Actinomyceti, Leishmania. Corynebacterium, pseudomonad, mycobacterium, tropemi, leptospiri, viruses are insensitive to lycars. The triviality of the Likarskiy's life is to become 7 years old. The drug is rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and is absorbed into the body. The offense of pharmacologically active components is aware of the metabolic transformation in the furnace.

The elimination of the organism goes together with the slaughter and in an insignificant amount - with the feces. Biseptol 480 is prescribed for infectious ignition chopsticks, nirkovo bowls, cups and parenchyma, sectional mikhura, Pre-mucous membranes, appendages, mucous bronchial tree, lungs, middle vuh, sinuses, pharynx, larynx, pyocytic migdalin, with gonorrhea, syphilis, gnar pleurisy, abscess pneumonia, hypersensitivity gum ailment, Angiocholitis, according to the fired mucus slunk і of the small intestine, ugrovaya visipa, staphyloderma, pyodermatosis, etc. As a rule, the lykarsky is kindly tolerated by the patients, albeit in the row of dyspepsia, the pain in the stomach, headache 'languages, allergic manifest. In case of trivial intake of the drug, it is necessary to regularly monitor the indicators of circulating in the vessel bed of the blood and the functional activity of the liver and nirok. Patients of a kidnapped person should prescribe folic acid, but in an insignificant world it is less important to recognize the antibacterial activity of a lykar disease. To improve salt development, it is recommended to use adequate discharge.


Combinations of an antibacterial drug, such as revealing sulfamethoxazole, which is a medium trivial action, which is the synthesis of follic acid and a competitive antagonism against para-aminobenzoic acid, as well as trimethologic-bacterial In addition, both drugs give an energetic effect of antibacterial action in conjunction with which bacterial strength is manifested more rapidly, in conjunction with other drugs.

Biseptol Volodya with a wide range of antibacterial action. Active wine is known: Streptococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae), Neisseria meningitidis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae (including enterotoxogenous strains), Staphylococcus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Proteus miрrabilis, Proteemus spp. (Includes Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi), Vibrio cholerae, Bacillus anthracis, Listeria spp., Nocardia asteroides, Bordclella pertussis, Enterococcus faecalis, Pasteurella spp., Brucella spp., Mycobacterium spp. (Including Mycobacterium leprae), Citrobacter, Enterobacter spp., Legionella pneumonia, Providencia, Pseudomonas species (except P. aerugenosa), Serratia marcescens, Yersinia spp., Morganella spp., Chlamydia spp. (Including Chlamydia trachomatis, Chlamydia psittaci), Shigella, Plasmodium spp., Toxoplasma gondii, Pneumocystis carini, Actinomyces israelii, Coccidioides immitis, Histoplasma capsulatum, Leishmania spp.

Stiyki to the preparation: Corynebacterium spp., Pseudomonas aerugenosa, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Troponema spp., Leptospira spp., Virus.

It brings the vitality of the intestinal stick, to reduce the synthesis of thiamin, riboflavin, nicotinic acid and other vitamins of the group B in the intestine. The triviality of the therapeutic effect becomes 7 years.


The drug quickly penetrates into tissues and biological organisms.

Good luck. Penetrates through the hematoencephalic bar, placental bar, and in breast milk. In the legends and in the cross, the concentration is transformed instead of the plasma. In men of the world, accumulate in bronchial secretions, vaginal images, secretions and tissues of anterior mucosa, middle ear, spinal cord, spinal cord, spinal cord, thin, watery hair, breast milk. Rozpodil of both drugs in the early stages: sulfamethoxazole is distributed in the pozaklitinny space, and trimethoprim - both in the middle clitin and in the pozaklitinny space. Zyazuvannya with blood plasmas - 66% for sulfamethoxazole, for trimethoprim - 45%. The offense of the drug is metabolized in the oven.

Sulfamethoxazole is metabolized in a larger world (according to the statements of acetylated older ones), the metabolism is not antimicrobial.

To live with nirks, like a way of filtration, as well as a way of active secretion by tubules, in vigels of metabolites (80% lasting 72 years) and in an unchanged viglyad (20% sulfamethoxazole, 50% trimethoprim), the concentration of various types of blood The amount of the drug is insignificantly vivodit through the intestines. T 1/2 sulfamethoxazole - 9-11 years old, trimethoprim - 10-12 years old, in children - more often than not, and to lie down for a period: before the first rock - 7-8 hours, 1-10 years - 5-6 hours. destructions of the function of nirok T 1/2 will get worse.

Vipusku form

Concentrate for preparing a rosette for infusions in viglyadi prozoroi, barless or light-zhovtoy ridini with the smell of alcohol.

Additional words: propylene glycol, sodium hydroxide, ethanol, benzyl alcohol, sodium metabisulfite, water d / i.

5 ml - ampoules (10) - packs.
5 ml - ampoules (5) - packs of contour plastics (2) - packs of cardboard.


The drug should be injected intravenously in drops, for dilution (for example, 5% dextrose, 0.9% sodium chloride, Ringer's, or 0.45% sodium chloride, 2.5% glucose). The solution for infusion must be prepared immediately before the introduction, after mixing it up. Pislya razvedennya, otrimaniya razchin slid zastosovuvati for 6 hours.

Do not use the drug in viglyadi shvidkoy in / in the ін'єкції.

Dosage and children over 12 years old should be given 960 mg (2 ampoules of 5 ml, diluted in 250 ml) after 12 years. In especially important vipadkas should be prescribed for 1440 mg (3 ampoules) 2-3 times / dob.


Symptoms: nudity, bluing, intestinal colka, zamorochennya, headache, drowsiness, depression, obscurity, confusion of symptoms, ruptured zoru, fever, hematuria, crystalluria; with trivial overdose - thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, megaloblastic anemia, jaundice.

Likuvannya: slurry production, acidification of trimethoprimum, trimethoprimic acidification, intravenous administration, intramuscular injection - 5-15 mg / day, folate calcium (trimethoprinous acidification for the cystic brain), zasosovuyut preparations of folic acid and internal'yazovo (3-6 mg / day. The course of treatment - 5-7 days), if necessary - hemodialis.


Biseptol for phenytoin, oral hypoglycemic diseases, old warfarin (increased prothrombin hour, bleeding).

In ailments of a sick person in a combination with sechogenic diseases (zokrema, with thiazidnymidiuretics), thrombocytopenia rises.

Immediately the consumption of cyclosporine decreases the concentration in the blood.

Do not inject the drug internally in a combination of drugs and drugs, in order to revenge bicarbonate.

Pharmaceutical Biseptol with advanced drugs: dextrose for intravenous infusions 5%, sodium chloride for intravenous infusions 0.9%, sum 0.18% sodium chloride and 4% glucose for intravenous infusions, 6% / dextran 70 for intravenous fluids in 5% dextrosi or in physiological research, 10% dextran 40 for intravenous infusions in 5% dextrose or physiological solutions, Ringer's solutions for injections.

Increased anticoagulant activity of indirect coagulants, hypotension and methotrexate.

Decreases the intensity of liver metabolism to phenytoin (increases its T1 / 2 by 39%) and warfarin, when it fails.

Rifampicin is fast T 1/2 trimethoprim.

Perimethamine in doses of 25 mg / day, increased the development of megaloblastic anemia.

Diuretics (often thiazidi) increase the risk of thrombocytopenia development.

Reduce the effect of benzocaine, procaine, procaine and other drugs, as a result of hydrolysis of which PABK is established.

Mіzh diuretics (thiazidi, furosemide and іn.) І oral hypoglycemic drugs (similar sulfonylsecovines) from one side and anti-microbial sulfanilamides from the most advanced allergic reactions.

Feninoin, barbiturati, PASK will help to show deficiency of folic acid.

Acid salicylic acid

Ascorbic acid, hexamethylenetetramine and other liquors, it is acidified to cut, increase the development of crystalline growth.

Kolesteramin reduces absorption, so you take it after 1 year, or about 4-6 years before you take co-moxazole.

Reducing the reliability of oral contraception (reducing intestinal microflora and reducing intestinal-pechinkovy circulation of hormonal spoluk).

Pobichna diya

Biseptol zzvychay good to be tolerated by ailments. However, it can be recognized in the beginning of the effect:

On the side of the intestinal tract: anorexia, gastritis, abdominal pain, glositis, stomatitis, cholestasis, increased activity of hepatic transaminases, hepatitis, pseudomembranous enterocolitis, nudity, bloating, diarrhea, liver necrosis

On the side of the central nervous system: headache and jammed. In okremiy vipadkah - aseptic meningitis, depression, apathy, tremor, peripheral neuritis.

Three sides mental systems: Bronchospasm, inflamed lesions.

On the side of the blood-forming organs: rarely - neutropenia, agranulocytosis, megaloblastic anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, hyprothrombinemia.

On the side of the secular system: polyuria, interstitial nephritis, impaired function of nirok, crystalluria, hematuria, adduction in the place of secularis, hypocreatininemia, toxic nephropathy due to oliguria.

Three sides kistkovo-m'yazovoy system: Arthralgia, Mіalgia.

Allergic reactions: hypersensitivity and sensation, photosensitivity, visip, multiforme hyperthermia, exfoliative dermatitis, allergic myocarditis, increased temperature of the body, skin temperature

Miscellaneous reactions: thrombophlebitis (in case of venopuncture), more in case of injection.

Inshі: gіpoglіkemiya


  • state and chronic infections of sechostatic organs: urethritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, pyelitis, prostatitis, epididymitis, gonorrhea, chancre, venereal lymphogranuloma, inguinal granuloma;
  • Infectious diseases of the sick: bronchitis (hospitality and chronic) bronchiectatic ailments, large pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, pneumocystis pneumonia, pleurisy, abscess of the legacy;
  • ENT infections: otitis media, sinusitis, laryngitis, angina, scarlet fever;
  • intestinal tract infections: cranial typhus, paratyphoid fever, salmonella, cholera, dysentery, cholecystitis, cholangitis, gastroenteritis, enterotoxic strains of E. coli;
  • Infections of children and soft tissues: acne, furunculosis, pyoderma, abscesses and early infections, infections due to surgical intervention;
  • sepsis, gostry brucellosis, toxoplasmosis, osteomyelitis, osteoarthritis infections, American blastomycosis, malaria (Plasmodium falciparum), whooping cough (in warehouse complex therapy).


  • megaloblastic anemia due to follic acid deficiency, aplastic anemia, B12 deficiency anemia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia;
  • deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • hypertension in children;
  • pechinkova i / abo nirkova lack of clearance to creatine less than 15 ml / hv);
  • up to 6 rockets (only for i / m introduction);
  • vagіtnіst;
  • lactation period;
  • Individual sensitivity to sulfanilamides or trimethoprim has been adjusted.

To protect yourself from follicle acid deficiency, bronchial asthma, thyroid disease, liver failure and nirok.

special features

Stagnation during vaginosis and breastfeeding

Do not sign the drug before the hour of vaginosti and in the period thoracic treatment.

Stagnation in case of deterioration of the function of the liver


  • pechinkova lack.
  • Zasosuvannya in case of destructive functions of nirok


  • nirkova lack of clearance to creatine less than 15 ml / min.

We are sick with nirkovy deficiency (with a clearance of creatinit of 15-30 ml / hv), we assign 50% of the average therapeutic dose.

Zasosuvannya in children

Do not use the drug in prematurities, newborns and infants up to 2 months of age.

For children under 12 years of age, an additional dose should be prescribed with a dose of 36 mg / kg of mass in two doses.

Stagnation in lithuanian children

special requests

In patients with SNID, who were treated with cotrimoxazole, in conjunction with the infection of Pneumocystis carinii, often non-essential effects are referred to: shkirni visipanny, increased temperature, leukopenia.

It is necessary to start the concentration of sulfamethoxazole in the skin plasma for 2-3 days without a second before the infusion. If the concentration of sulfamethoxazole is changed to 150 μg / ml, it is guilty that it is interrupted until it is quiet, until it does not fall below 120 μg / ml.

In case of trivial lykuvanny slid systematically carry out additional peripheral blood, functional liver and nirok.

Lіtnіm patients are recommended to prescribe folic acid (3-6 mg / day), but at the same time does not impair the anti-microbial activity of the drug. Particularly safeguarding is guilty in cases of illicit illnesses due to age of follies.

The incidence of toxic and allergic acceleration of sulfanilamides significantly improves with accelerated filtration functions.

It is also not worthwhile to live on food products that can be used in large quantities of PABK-green parts of roslin (colorado cabbage, spinach, beans), carrots, pomidori.

Slid of a unique overwhelming sleepy and ultraviolet optimization.

Inflow to the building of keruvati by transport means and mechanisms

The drug is not infused into the health of the keruvati by transport means and the servicing mechanisms, which can collapse.

Biseptol 480 є is a wide range antibacterial drug. at in the worst cases Vono marno, ale neridko the flu is even slower in the eyes of the infection of the dysfunctional nobles or for the polyonephritis. For lіkuvannya lykar signifies attracting the power of ailing microbes in the cat. However, in case of relapses, the infectious diseases swell up to the size of them. Biseptol 480 can help, if ailment is rotten, it can be infused with other antibiotics.

Form vipusk and warehouse

The production of vials of tablets, ampoules and vials of flavored suspensions.


Great bіlі pіgulki with gravіyuvannya "Bs" and the distribution risk are realized in cardboard boxes of 20 (place 1 blister) or 28 pieces (2 blisters of 14 tablets). Includes two active ingredients: 400 mg sulfamethoxazole and 80 mg trimethoprim. Reveal napovnyuvachі and stabilizuyuchі speech: talc, starch, magnesium stearate, aseptini, alcohol.


A 5 ml ampoule contains 480 mg of liquor. Packing for 10 ampoules. At rozchin dodany metabisulfite and sodium hydroxide, alcohol, water for ін'єкцій.

Mechanism of Diya

The producers of the combination of two active components of the development of bacteriological resistance increase more and more, less with the introduction of these conditions.


Biseptol 480 mAb bacteriostatic dyu. There is a glimpse in the strangled growth of the already existing microbes and zupinki in the process of reproduction. The process of starting the process of blocking the synthesis of folic acid is observed, as it becomes vicious in the process of developing microorganisms. At the same time, sulfamethoxazole is prone to virality, and trimethoprim is not given.

The active components of the drug destroy two last stages in the synthesis of speech, necessary for the production of ailments microbes.


The period of the repeated wetting of the lykarsky zasob during the internal reception becomes 4 years. With an internal introduction, the maximum concentration is reached already after 1 year. Liky maє is a very high level of penetration into cells and tissues of bar'єri. The main part of both components is transported to the body through nirks. The hour of the day for the section is 9-11 years (with normal function).

What additional help Biseptol 480

Biseptol 480 is effective only in cases of infection, vicious bacteria, or inactively against viruses and fungi.

Sechostatev system

Vikoristovuuat in case of openings:

  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • prostatitis;
  • salpingitis.

Biseptol 480 promotes therapy of venereal disease:

  • gonorrhea;
  • soft chancre;
  • venereal lymphogranuloma.

Dichny system

Biseptol 480 showing good results in lykuvanny:

  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • lung abscess;
  • empієmi pleurisy.

lore organi

Vikoristovuyutsya with scarlet fever and angina. Purchase of bacteriological activities:

  • laryngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis media.

Herbal system

Biseptol 480 supplementary aid in borotbi z insecure infections:

  • cholera;
  • dysenter;
  • typhoid fever;
  • paratyphoid;
  • gastroenteritis, Wiclican strain of E-coli;
  • salmonellosis.

Shkirni pokrivi

If the form is important:

  • furunculosis;
  • pioderma;
  • abscesses, inflammatory wounds;
  • acne;
  • entered in the hour of the operation of the infection.

іnshі ailing

Biseptol 480 stagnates yak in the complex, so independently, as an ailment disease showing the strength to an earlier sign of antibacterial diseases. show:

  • painter;
  • whooping cough;
  • gostry brucellosis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • sepsis;
  • osteomyelitis.


Biseptol 480 cannot be accepted, as megaloblastic anemia is promoted through folate deficiency. Yogo is fenced in for children up to 3 years old, for babies and for years. Slid viklyuchiti vicoristannya with such camps, yak:

  • the importance of the thyroid disease;
  • individual intolerance;
  • allergy to the warehouse;
  • the turn of the disease in robots and liver;
  • ailments of the heart, of the court system.

Yak accept Biseptol 480

The corrosiveness of the medication lies in the fact that it is necessary to regularly take it and how to properly take it to the end. Yaksho lіkuvannya Byseptolom 480 triv monad 5 dib, it is necessary to provide a warehouse of blood. At the same time, add folic acid (5-10 mg per day). yaksho ailment infection Against importantly, for the ailments are not in the snake of the pigulka, they go up to the internal jar or drip infusion. In addition, the Danish way of introducing leaks is nada sparingly infused into the intestinal microflora.

Dose Biseptolu 480

Regardless of the method of administration, for children of 12 years and for growing up, 960 mg of the drug (2 ampoules of 5 ml or 2 tablets) is prescribed through the skin 12 years. Children from 3 to 5 years give ½ walks at the reception, from 6 to 12 years - 1 walk. Lіtnіm people one-time

You can take no more than 480 mg of liquor. A single dose will speed up if it takes more than 5 days.

Likar can make it easier for people with important illnesses, as the patient has shown good tolerance. With pneumonia, it is necessary to take skin 6 years.

In case of gonorrhea, a one-day course is prescribed: two for 5 rounds, with an interval of 12 years. One "shock dose" of 6 tablets can be assigned to women for the treatment of state-of-the-art cystitis, or fired up secular nobles.

skіlki piti

The minimum rate is 5 days, with pneumonia - 2 days. Outside of the sickness, the disease is very close: nocardiosis and typhoid fever - 3 months, brucellosis is close to the month.

Until you go

Biseptol 480 is used for drinking water, drinking 100-150 ml of water.

Pobichna diya

On the side of the secular system, you can try:

  • zbi in robotic nirok;
  • interstitial nephritis;
  • getting stronger for dyuresu;
  • oliguria;
  • anurya;
  • crystalluria.

Organi etching:

  • blues;
  • diarrhea;
  • cholestatic hepatitis;
  • improvement of the level of activity of liver transaminases (enzymes);
  • pancreatitis.

On the side of the central nervous system:

  • zamorochennya;
  • sudomi;
  • headaches;
  • noise in the vuha;
  • hallucinations.

dichny organi:

  • bronchospasm;
  • slander in the legends;
  • cough.

Blood-forming organisms:

  • bleeding;
  • leukopenia;
  • deyakі vidi anemії;
  • purpura;
  • agranulocytosis;
  • eosinophilia.

Seredinhih side-by-side mean:

  • allergic rhinitis;
  • medication visipka;
  • quay Kvinke;
  • damage to metabolism;
  • trivale zasosuvannya provoku development of candidiasis.


Visoka overdosage to cause damage to the cystic marrow. Lіkuvannya is built up to the maintenance of the line and the renewal of the electrolytic balance. In some cases, it is necessary to carry out hemodialysis.


When there are signs of illness, it should be noted that the drugs have taken ailments, and some of them showed insanity with Biseptol. Additional information about dofetilization heart rhythm, In the descriptions of the combination of these preparations, to make a counter-indication before the list.

With other drugs

Ridina for ін'єкцій cannot be combined with the introduced ones, but to avenge bicarbonate. For breeding, it is allowed to vikoristovuvati razchini NaCl, glucose, Ringer. We do not think we are sick, if we take cyclosporine for transplantation, some of this combination will lead to the deterioration of the function of the transplanted organ.

I increase the anticoagulant activity and prolong the prothrombin hour of the taken drugs, which will reduce the throat of the blood (Warfarin et al.). To avoid the development of anemia, it is not recommended to use it with pyrimethamine (against malaria).

Biseptol pereshkojaє zyazuvannyu methotrexate with blood plasma cells, increased at a wide concentration and more efficiently. In common with diuretics thiazidi, there can be a decrease in the number of thrombocytes and increased risk of allergic reactions. I am cutting preparations (including Vitamin C)

One-hour reception with procainamid and amantadine in addition to the concentration of medications in syrovattsi blood. Diya the drug will accept salicylic acid and old. Efficiency can be reduced with the use of procainamide, benzocaine and other medications, such as the use of vitamin B10 hydrolysis.

Consistency with alcohol

Biseptol 480 will increase insanely with alcohol. If there is a change, there may be a loose bloom, a drop in blood pressure, epileptic seizures, in some cases, a lethal result.

Special features of Biseptolu 480

For patients with allergy and bronchial asthma in the anamnesis there is a sign of vibrating repaired with a half dose. Regularly weakening the analysis with a high dose, trivial abuse and ailment, in some of them there was a deterioration in the electrolytic balance. When changing the storage of blood, it is necessary to additionally identify PABA (Vitamin B10). Even indicators are in the norm, before the hour of consumption is not followed by the consumption of products from great together given to Vitamin. It is necessary to prey on over-excess UV detection.

Slid vrahuvati, who had ailments on SNID, were taken over for the treatment of infections on the basis of this illness, which were becoming more frequent. They are referred to as hypercalcemia, hypoglycemia, anemia, leukopenia, anaphylactic reactions.

Antibiotic chi ni?

For the last hour, antibiotics were called depriving natural medicines, and synthesized were named antibacterial drugs... The infection of liquids is classified not by the way of rejection, but by the spectrum of the activity. In such classifications of sulfanilamides, before those introduced and Biseptol, are seen in the surrounding group of antibiotics.

With vaginosis and lactation

The drug is a folic acid antagonist. If it is not enough, anomalies are seen in the development of the fetus. Likuyuchі speech penetrate through the placenta and into milk, that is not possible for the vagina to signify, and it is possible to deprive oneself for a period of time during the period of time for breast enlargement.

Chi can be given to children

Children under 3 years of age cannot take pills. After 6 rocky at the stationary it is allowed to put drip trays. Suspension can be given to nemovlyats already from 3-month period.

In case of deterioration of the function of the liver

Necessary continuous monitoring of blood in pechinkal ailments. Yaksho win pohav zmіnyuvatisya, the sign of lіkіv slіd skasuvati.

In a quick way about leaks. Co-trimoxazole

In case of deterioration of the functions of nirok

Acceptance of Biseptol 480 potent only during continuous control of the function of the secular system and nirok.

Inflow to the building of keruvati by motor transport and folding mechanisms

When you see it, you can drink it with a wrap, you can feel nervousness, or even sleepiness. If I would like to show up one such symptom, it will be quickly seen from the control of motor vehicles and robots with folding aggregates.

Mind that term zberigannya

Tablets and ampoules for 5 years. Sberigati is required in packing boxes, at temperatures + 15 ... + 25 ° С.

Umovi vіdpustki Bіseptolu 480 s pharmacies

To add a touch, a prescription is required.

Chi sold without a prescription

Sales must be incurred without a sign. If the drug is transferred through the Internet and in the pharmacy pledge, the drug will be cheaper, but it will be necessary to present a prescription for Latin letters written by the doctor. With the mail order

Chi kur'єrskіy delivery zasіb kostu trokhi dear, ale yogo leave without a prescription.


Packing of tablets (28 pcs.) Cost 95-105 rubles., Part of 10 ampoules to become 418-454 rubles.